Java games counter strike. Features of the mobile version of the Contra

Such a game as Counter Strike does not need any recommendations. It has long been a cult. World championships are held on it. And the whole army of her fans finally waited. Now it can be played on mobile devices with an android operating system. Well, download the counterstrike toy (counter strike) on the gadget from android is available free from our site.

Although it originally conceived as a kind of addition to "Half-Life", it grew into a whole separate world. Due to its peculiar dynamics, which does not give a minute to relax. The perfectly invented, almost endless arsenal of all sorts of weapons and carefully worked physics, gave her the opportunity to head the top by the number of downloads. The opportunity to fight commandtress, and with bots only brought a kind of highlight and only strengthened interest.

Small video To familiarize yourself with the gameplay of this game called "Counter Strike 1.6 Android Gameplay":

Download toy "Counter Strike" on your Android for free, you can see the link that is at the very bottom of this page.

What awaits us new and interesting in Counter Strike?

Basically, the new is almost nothing. The plot did not undergo any changes. Well, it may even be better. We have long been accustomed to this landscape. The meaning of the game also did not change its initial task. We also run and shoot. We throw grenades and a masham with a knife. Unless he cleaned his own bugs and something else was twisted. Too much on the screen of different control buttons. Not sin in them all and get confused. But this will not stop the real fans of the COP?

We run actively and apply all types of weapons. Mysterious and unthinkable. Cool skulls of enemies and do not leave anyone alive. Shodding, hiding and waiting for an opponent's ambush. Everything is like your favorite content on PC. Download, install and enjoy the game process of your favorite toy.

Counter Strike on Android OS. The similarity with the original on the PC is 95-100%, there is a multiplayer.

Game process

It is hardly necessary to explain what to do in Counter Strike. The only one, we note that for the game in Counter Strike on Android, you must have a steam account. However, this restriction is removed in hacked versions.

Graphics and management

The visual component of the port on mobile devices is not much different from the original on the PC. The same lowered textures, but stable optimization with smooth graphics, even in the most dynamic battles.

In conclusion, I want to say a few words about management. Users to play the consoles or computers to the users, until this point in the "Content" on consoles or computers.

Use the sensory onscreen buttons will be not easy to use the first time, but experienced gamers will quickly overcome this barrier and will distribute Hedshots from the first minutes. To control there is a whole block of keys. In the upper right corner there are key "Jump", "Sight", "Fire" and others. In the rightmost - "sit / stand", on the left - recharge, as well as the "invisible" virtual joystick to move in all directions.

There are also keys to go to the store, installation of the bomb, the connection "Communication", the display of statistics - and all this on a small screen of the mobile device!

On our site you can download the game Counter Strike 1.6 (Control Strike 1.6) for Android for free!

Counter-Strike 1.6 - The legendary online contra-strike shooter ported on android device. This is a team shooter, where the players crave to kill each other from various types of firearms.

What is Counter Strike

In essence, this opposition to terrorists and counter terrorists, and the teams try to win over the enemy at any cost.

At one time, the game was the most popular among gamers, but over time he warmed by the success of the COP, progress began in creating similar games, and Counter Strike 1.6 gradually went to the background. But the developers tried to save their works and were able to significantly improve the product - new versions were released: Counter Strike Source, Counter-Strike Global Offensive. Each new version retained all the best from the previous one and added many new "interests".

Despite the release of new releases, the old kind of pre-version 1.6 is still considered the most popular among lovers to run and shoot.

Well of course come home and relax at the computer, playing your favorite toy, but what if you are not at home now, but there is a lot of free time or just tired and want to distract? The developers tried and now you can download the counter strike on android for free and play anywhere!

It is important to remember that for the user audience there are age limits: the product is allowed to use from 16 years and older.

Features of the mobile version of the Contra

To set the game to the phone, I had to transfer it to the XASH3D engine. Managed to fully save graphics from the PC version. For processing, no gameplay element was not subjected, the voice was stored, that is, this is an exact copy of the sensational old woman.

This means that now every person can plunge into the world of epic battles, the drive atmosphere of the battle, being absolutely anywhere in the planet using its Android device. To do this, just download several archives with the game folders to your mobile phone or tablet, start the installation file and enter the grandiose battles within a few minutes!

COP installation process 1.6 on Android

1. Download the game CONFERNING A STRIEND on Android for a direct link.
2. Install the XASH3D on the phone.
The installation process of the COP 1.6 on the Android is completed. Run a toy through the label on the screen and enjoy!

Agree, the game is worthy of due attention, and every self-respecting gamer is simply obliged to evaluate the work of the developers for advantage, because now it is possible to do it with a compact smartphone or tablet! Install the game to the phone and spend time for your favorite passion where you want!

Description of the topic Counter Strike

Suggested below topic on phone with title Counter Strike. From the category "" You can download free. According to screenshots, you can get an idea of \u200b\u200bthe design of the topic "Counter Strike", its color scheme, icons.

Download all the proposed topics on the site can be made in several ways:
- Using the download button;
- Us using QR code, which will make the download of your chosen theme directly on the phone;

To do this, you need to run in your phone the application for disposal QR codes, Cut the camera to the code, go to the resulting link. The "Counter Strike" theme injection will begin immediately on your mobile device.

Topics on the site are suitable for all mobile devices running on the platform Symbian 6x / 7x / 8x / 9x. Such phones are mainly Nokia and Samsung. Downloading topics on mobile From the site you can be sure that they are tested and fully compatible with your phone model.

In case you did not find the right one you theme for phone - Use the search form or navigating the categories and genres of mobile topics located in the right block. We hope our site will allow you to find the right topic to the phone and make it unique and original.