Western limit. Infection in Sarny

(Often trails and passages in these region are collapsed or destroyed, and only the magician can restore them.)

In a western limit

The mission for your command of the command that you must execute to open this card. Send your scouts to the West Limit to find out where the Ventori suddenly began to actively appear.


Continuing the mission that has opened you this card. Descend out what the Ventoria is engaged in the Western limit.

Follow the path from your first camp to the southwest, while you do not hurt the remains of a destroyed caravan, near which two caves will be. Go to the western. To enter the abandoned mine, which is located there, your Magu needs to repair the wooden flooring at the entrance to the cave. Go through the tunnel and in the first cave you will find a letter on the table, where Ventoria is ordered to turn all their local operations and move to Empriz-du Lion. This will complete this quest.

On the trail of the church

In the Western limit, strange stones records are rascid. Find them all and find out where they lead. The quest begins when you find the first record, after which the location of the following will be marked on the map. The entries will lead you to the cave with the magic barrier of the Spirit. When you destroy the barrier and enter the cave, this will complete this quest.
In the cave you will find a piece of mosaic, randomy LUT and several records for the Code, which will be particularly interesting to those who read the book split.

Frederick quests:


The quest begins when you find stolen suppresses in a plundered caravan just south of the cave of a sandy stone or remove them from one of the white claw gangsters. Return the property to the owner - researcher-scientist Frederick from Sumlet, which is found a few steps from your southern camp.

Fredericovo live

Continuation of the previous quest. You need to find all five parts of the stolen explorer gear. Equipment drops from the members of the white claw gang, which in abundance roam the desert. Apparently, it falls pretty randomly - with luck, you can collect all the missing parts of everything from one group of bandits, but this happens not always. In any case, when you delay all five parts, report to Frederick.

How to lure a dragon

This quest gives you a scholar Frederick after you find his stolen gear in the previous quest. He wants to create a bait for the dragon, and for this he needs the insides of Izospin and the feather from the tail of the Phoenix. Get the right ingredients and bring them to Frederick.

Hunting chants

This quest gives you Frederick, if you ask him to tell about the dragons after the quest "Fredericovo Life" is completed. The scientist craves to learn the hunting chairs of dragons and asked you to explore the remains of Gurnov if you scour them. You will need to use the search function for this. After you learn all four corpses, come back to Frederick with a report.

Authoritative source

Frederick gives you this quest after completing the task "How to Primarize the Dragon". You need to find for a scientist an ancient Tevinister manuscript about dragons. The manuscript is in the windless ruins, in one of the side rooms from the hall, where Ventoria with Lutanosom were located (see details in Quest Mysterious gap). Take the Manuscript Frederick. He will be very happy, but, unfortunately, the manuscript is written on some ancient Tevinister adveria, which he does not know. This will give you a small subquest for your command to transfer the manuscript and at the same time will complete this task.

Translation of manuscript

Perform a mission to translate the Tevinter manuscript in your command betting (it will cost you 5 points of influence) and give it to Frederick.

Blind white claws

After the completion of the Quest of Hunting habits, Frederick complains you that the local gang is everywhere spreads the dragon trap and in general prevents him from researching. Find all five traps and destroy them. After that, the gangsters themselves headed with their Atamans themselves will be pounce. True, they will run away from afar, so you will be prepared for some time. Load them and return to Frederick.

Depth Higher Dragon

This quest is given to you Frederick only if you have fulfilled all of its above tasks. He will give you five bait for the highest draconic dweling in this area. When you put all five on the same territory, where you used to destroy the bait of white claws, you will have a battle with a deep dragon.
When, at the end of the battle, you are reporting Frederick about what happened, you will get the opportunity to recruit it as an Inquisition agent. It will complete his chain quests.

Mysterious break

Slovets: Hunting for the relic, heart of windless ruins

This quest you get automatically when you enter the windless ruins and approach the discontinuity in the main hall. Strange magic (although you can already be familiar with it if you entered into an alliance with the magicians) froze the inner parts of the windless ruins in time, including the gap and numerous demons. You need to destroy magic and return the time of time in the normal course.

Go further on a small hall-intersection, where there is a group of Ventoria led by their leader Lutanos. After you deal with them, remove the activating stone from the Lutanos body. Another same stone lies near the steps. You need to collect five such stones. All of them are scattered around the side rooms. Collect all five, open the north door. Do not hurry to take a staff in your hands - it will immediately return time to a normal flow, thereby defining all those less than the friendly creatures that you have seen on the road. Collect prey around, activate the rune for the staff (it gives you a prescription Runes of the Spirit), and when you are completely ready - take the staff.

Punch back to the rupture in the first room. Load the demons and close it. This will complete this quest and give you a mission for your desk of military operations "Explore the ancient laboratory" when you leave the ruins.

Storming the fortress "Griffins Wings"

Venteores settled in an abandoned fortress previously owned by gray guards. Select them from there and you can make the fortress property of the Inquisition.

The following three quests are given by the Knights-captain of Rylene after capturing the fortress of griffonov wings.

Funny taste of this water

The fortress is lack of fresh water, and the source in a single key settled the wargest, which has already crocheted several soldiers. Kill Vregest to provide your people drinking water.

Chickens with Darkness

Look for traces of the species of darkness that began to appear around the fortress lately. When you pick up a quest label designated on the map, you will not be able to go further due to poisonous evaporation of sulfur. At the boundaries of evaporations you will find the "Open operation" marker and, if you activate it, then in Skyhold on your desk of military operations you can send soldiers to build a bridge to get into the previously unavailable part of the Western limit. It will cost you 5 points of influence.

After that, cross the built bridge, climb the stairs and go along the gorge, on the way, destroying the treasures of Darkness meet you (Blackwall will give partial approval every time you kill the harlock or Gowel). In the end you will find ancient teveventist ruins. Get down there.

In the southern end of the corridor, you will find a break from which the darkness of darkness climbs (along with the group of targets of darkness. Close the break with one of your magicians.
With this task, we committed, but the question remains - who is responsible for what happened? Obviously, someone spent excavations in ruins and accidentally opened this break, but who?

Continue to advance in the southern direction, along the way, painting with the remaining sealing of darkness. When you go to the courtyard, you will be waiting for the battle with a giant. After it, approximately in the middle of the courtyard you will find a letter from which it becomes clear that the Ventori, which spent the excavations here, led a certain service.

Go out through the southern gate, which will open you earlier inaccessible territory. Literally in a pair of steps from the door to the ruins, you will take place for the camp. Rest - if you need it - and go on. A service with several Ventori sits in a dilapided fort Echo a little south. After you figure it out with them, you will have a choice - to leave the service to die or take it in captivity. If you choose a second option, you can judge it in Skyhold and even recruit as an inquisition agent if you want.
Cleaning the Fort Echo completes this quest.

Fortress and its invaders

Knight-captain Rylene gives you this task only after you meet with Master Erimond in the course of the story quest there lies the abyss. Kill the robbers who settled in the abandoned fortress of gray guards. Rogues there quite a bit. Their destruction will complete this quest.

Rales in canyons

Close 2 gaps in canyons.

Rales near Posport

Close 2 gaps in the southern part of the map.

Rales in Eche

Close two ruptures from the Canyon Echo.

Regions of the Western limit

Visit all 25 regions of the Western limit

Landmarks in the western limit

Find all 15 landmarks in the western limit. You will need to complete the operation in the bid bet on the construction of the bridge through sulfur pits (it will cost you 5 points of influence) to complete this quest.

Shards in the western limit.

Find all 14 fragments in the western limit. Keep in mind that some of them are for destroyed bridges, for the fixing of which the magician needs.

Astrariums in the western limit

Sold out the puzzles of all three Astrariums and take the treasure in the cave, which is literally a few steps from one of your Western camps. In addition to the usual Lute in it there is an elf artifact of Solax, a piece of mosaic and an elven rune, which will give you a recipe for the workshop of the rune of fire.

This article will present the passage of side tasks in several locations of the role-playing game Dragon Age: Inquisition. These will mostly be high-level lands, where you can get after arrival in the Fortress Skyhold.

Western limit

This location is designed for players from the 10th to the 14th level. Upon arrival in the Skyhold fortress, we will have a quest "to the West Limit". It is necessary on a military table to perform the appropriate operation, and then go to the Western limit. As soon as you arrive there, the quest will immediately end.

This task will be issued to you after the first coming to location. To continue the mission to read the book lying in the starting camp. Then you need to go to the West and find damaged wagons. A little norther from them are two entrances to the cave. Open left left, not right. If you want to get there, then you need a magician, as it is only able to create the design you need. You kill spiders in the dungeon and read the book that will lie on one of the tables. On this quest will end.
Hunt for relic
To open this mission you need to take up the execution of the operation on the military table called "Transition through sulfur pits". Then we go to the West limit again and go to the fortress located in the north-west of the first camp. We go into the castle and find several Ventorians headed by Lukanus. We destroy the enemy and rejoice in the completion of the quest.
Heart of windless ruins

Passage of additional quests - whistling empty, Western limit and Empriz-du-Lyon

Passage of additional quests - whistling empty, Western limit and Empriz-du-Lyon

This task is activated immediately after the fulfillment of the above quest. At the same level, you need to find 5 keys in the form of stones. The map will be indicated by their approximate location. After opening the door with a reward.

Mysterious break
It will start automatically after we visit the windless ruins. First, it will be necessary to complete the quests described above. Next we can pick up a good staff. Then follow to the exit, killing along the path of all opponents, and close the gap.
Sturm "Griffon wings"
He is issued by a researcher, standing near the camp located in the aisle of the name. After taking the task, you need to go north to the place that will be indicated on the map. We destroy all the cultists headed by Macrinus, and after declare that the fortress belongs to the Inquisition by raising the relevant flag. You can first storm the fort, and already talk to Frederick. In this case, the quest will start and immediately end.

Passage of additional quests - whistling empty, Western limit and Empriz-du-Lyon

Passage of additional quests - whistling empty, Western limit and Empriz-du-Lyon

Starts on the machine after studying the damaged trolley and reading the note that is the south of the starting camp. The researcher who we need is standing near the camp located in the public aisle. To complete the task you need to just talk with scientists.

Fredericovo live
To take this quest, you need to talk to Frederick. We explore the level and destroy the members of the "White Claws" grouping. From their corpses can sometimes take the supplies necessary to the researcher. As soon as we collect the right amount go back to Frederick and hand them out. You can assemble these items before conversation with scientists. In this case, you immediately begin and complete the task.
Hunting chants
It gives Frederick after you complete the previous quest. You need to explore the place marked on the map and find the corpses of Gurnov. Their search is carried out by pressing the V key. After finding four corpses, we go back to the kestodel and inform him about my finds.
How to lure a dragon

Passage of additional quests - whistling empty, Western limit and Empriz-du-Lyon

Passage of additional quests - whistling empty, Western limit and Empriz-du-Lyon

You can get this task from Frederick after you follow the "Fredericovo Life" task. The researcher will instruct you to find the internal organs of Izospin and the pen from the tail of the Phoenix. The location of animals will be marked on the map. We destroy monsters and go back to the scientist. The quest will end after a short conversation with him.

Authoritative source
It will appear in your journal immediately after performing the above task. It is necessary to return to the Skyhold fortress and on the military table to take on the solution of the operation called "the translation of the text about the dragons". After moving to the location of the Western limit and talk with the researcher. Quest will end.
Blind "White Claws"
In your magazine, it is activated as soon as you finish the mission "Hunting habits". It is necessary to go to the south where the ruins are located, and neutralize five simple traps. These actions will attract the robbers and their leader. Killing thugs and go back to Frederick.
Deep Higher Draconian

Passage of additional quests - whistling empty, Western limit and Empriz-du-Lyon

Passage of additional quests - whistling empty, Western limit and Empriz-du-Lyon

After completing the above tasks, Frederick will be able to take the quest for the murder of the highest draconic. To do this, put the bait we created in the areas marked on the map. We kill the draconace and go back to the scientist to pass the quest. You can also offer a researcher to work in the Inquisition by making it in the way your agent.

On the trail of the church
The mission starts in the study of a low pedestal, which can be found near the first camp - you need to go a little to the west past a couple of damaged carts. It is necessary to "include" in turns of several similar pedestals, which will be marked on the map. They will lead you to the entrance to the dungeon. It will be closed with a magic barrier. Destroy it and enter inside. After that, the quest will end.
Chickens with Darkness
You can get this quest in the captain of the "Griffonons of Wings" in the captain of Rylelen. After taking the task on the map a marker will appear. We go to him and on the way, they pumped into the canyon, which is impossible to pass, since he is filled with the left gas to the departure. It is necessary to approach the bridge from which some ruins remained to open an operation on a military table.

Passage of additional quests - whistling empty, Western limit and Empriz-du-Lyon

Passage of additional quests - whistling empty, Western limit and Empriz-du-Lyon

We return to the Skyhold fortress, we convene the military council and carry out the task "find out where the darkness is taken from." After we go back to our location and find the once destroyed bridge, which was completely restored by the Inquisition by the forces. We go through it and get on the other side of the canyon. Go to Koraracavus. We study a new level and destroy along the path of all opponents. After a short period of time, two new quest are activated. One of them is performed in the same place where we were given it. It is necessary to approach the magician to a partially broken wall, followed by a fire, and click on the place where the icon is displayed in the form of a small arm.

After going on the created path. We approach the locked door and study the corpse lying nearby. We find the key, unscrew the door closed and move on. On the way, you will have to fight a strong enemy, so prepare in advance to a difficult battle. After entering out through the entrance, located in the south, and continue your way to the fortress, which will be marked on the map. There we will meet a group of enemies headed by Sirbius. After the murder of all the enemy, Sirbiius will be on the floor with a minimal health scale. You can either throw it to die, or judge (one of the options of the court will allow you to make it your agent).

Funny taste of this water
The task gives the captain of Rylene. It will be necessary to go to the canyon marked on the map, and kill one wargest. Everything, the quest is fulfilled.
Fortress and its invaders

Passage of additional quests - whistling empty, Western limit and Empriz-du-Lyon

Passage of additional quests - whistling empty, Western limit and Empriz-du-Lyon

This mission can be obtained from the Knight-captain of Rylelen, located in the Fort "Griffonov Wings". To perform it, you need to go to the location indicated on the map and kill all pirates. There is nothing hard in it.

Empriz-du Lyon

To get into this location you need to perform an operation on a military table called "Timely Intervention". Empriz-du Lion is designed for characters from the 16th to the 22nd level. Be prepared to meet with several higher dragons.

Infection in Sarny
This quest will be issued almost immediately after arrival in this location. It will be necessary to go to the destroyed village, and talk there with a woman named Polen. As you can see, the mission is not complicated.
Lyon's liberation

Passage of additional quests - whistling empty, Western limit and Empriz-du-Lyon

Passage of additional quests - whistling empty, Western limit and Empriz-du-Lyon

We get it when conversing with a polene. You need to take turns to cleanse several areas on the map from the temples, abusing the red lyrics. At these places it will be possible to break inquisition lags. As soon as they destroy the last group of villains, the quest will end.

Call me Uschel
If you want to get this task, then you need to talk with a guy named Michel, who will stand near the exit of the destroyed settlement. The implementation of this mission intersects with a quest associated with the assault of the Sulden Castle. During his capture, you are unlikely to miss the Demon of Halle. He will try to bargain with you. If you agree to its conditions, the boy will perish. If you fight for a wonderful, Michelle can become your agent. I note that Ushel is one of the "unauthorized" - a group of the most powerful and ancient demons in the shade. You can read more detailed information here.
Career things
In the south of Empriz-du Lion, the south of the pointer, showing the Quest "Salvation among Stones", you can find a hidden letter (press the V constantly key). After going to Mrs. Polen and talk to her souls. The quest will end. After you can judge her for all the prejudices.
Salvation among stones

Passage of additional quests - whistling empty, Western limit and Empriz-du-Lyon

Passage of additional quests - whistling empty, Western limit and Empriz-du-Lyon

This mission begins after the successful implementation of the tasks "Infection in the Sarny" and "Lyon's liberation". To complete it, you need to go through the places marked on the map, and release all slaves from the cells.

Red invaders
It will appear at you immediately after visiting the camp at the tower. This quest can be performed simultaneously with the above-described mission. We go to the places marked on the map, and destroy all the lieutenants of the temples taking red lyrics.
Storming the fortress Sulden
By completing the task associated with the liberation of Lyon, we go west from the last place of deployment of red temples. Do not forget before starting this quest to take a mission from Michel to the murder of Demon of Halle. I break into the fort and kill all theations of the enemies. Then raise the flag of the Inquisition.
The enemy will not pass!

Passage of additional quests - whistling empty, Western limit and Empriz-du-Lyon

Passage of additional quests - whistling empty, Western limit and Empriz-du-Lyon

Capturing the fortress of Sulled, talking with the Dejerdan and go to the place of the destroyed bridge located in the southeast of the camp at the tower. The operation for the military table is activated here. We move to Skyhold and perform the operation that has appeared.

Letter in Duples
When the slaves is released, you can communicate an infected girl (on the map it will be marked first the question, and then an exclamation mark). Catch with her a little, and then take a note in the hollow, the location of which will be shown on the map.
Mamino Ring
In the destroyed settlement in one of the horses, you can find a crying girl who tells us that I lost my mother's ring. Some report that at the PC version of the game, this mission is amaged, since the player cannot activate the casket with the mouse. If you happened the same thing, then try using the F key, being on the right side of the girl. After we go to the location marked on the map, and start searching the ring (key V). Then we go to the woman and return to her the jewel.

Passage of additional quests - whistling empty, Western limit and Empriz-du-Lyon

Passage of additional quests - whistling empty, Western limit and Empriz-du-Lyon
Exhausted recognition
During the fulfillment of the quest associated with the release of slaves, you can find a letter that activates the task "Exhausted Recognition". On the map it will be displayed as an exclamation mark. Having found a note, take it to Louis to complete the mission.
Tons of ore
We go west from the camp at the tower and pass the bridge. Starting near the place around which destroyed buildings are located. Click on the V key and start looking for a book to activate this quest. We can continue it only after the reconstruction of the bridge on the military table. After you need to go through the bridge, turn left and go down. Then press the V key again to find the object you need and complete the task.
The same coin
After passing a little west of the camp at the tower, you can see an exclamation mark on the map. We come to him and find a book near the trees. You need to read it to start a new quest. We go to the area marked on the map, and again looking for a book using the V key. We read it, thereby completing the mission.

Passage of additional quests - whistling empty, Western limit and Empriz-du-Lyon

Passage of additional quests - whistling empty, Western limit and Empriz-du-Lyon

This task can be taken from Dejerdan in Fort Sulden. He will give it only after repairing the bridge (carried out by choosing the appropriate operation on the military table). The essence of the quest lies in the destruction of the three higher dragons. Their location will be marked on the map.

Post Voleners
If you go east of the camp at the tower, the locked door icon will appear on the map. The key to it can be found on the corpse lying nearby. To do this, press the V key. Opens the door, and we find a couple of good items. The quest will end.
If you go to the north-west of the destroyed settlement, you can find the island located right to the survey of the lake covered with ice. An exclamation mark will appear on the map, indicating the location of the book. We read it, then go to the place marker marker, and we find a note. Mission Complete.
Safe Pass

Passage of additional quests - whistling empty, Western limit and Empriz-du-Lyon

Passage of additional quests - whistling empty, Western limit and Empriz-du-Lyon

It also gives dejardan after the reconstruction of the bridge. It will be necessary to visit three areas marked on the map, and kill all the temples abusing the red lyrics. After putting the inquisition banners to capture the towers.

Whistling empty

This location is designed for heroes from the 19th to the 23rd level. You can get into it after performing the assignment on a military table called "Letting the Ventor's activities in the West". It will cost you twenty points of influence.

Sand and ruins
The map will appear pointers showing where Ventor's camps are located. We destroy opponents, and then go to the camp, in which the leader of the cultists is. We kill it and take a note from the table from the masters of the empire, the TEVENTIR. It refers to the drawings of the gnomes hidden in the tomb (belong to the Quest of the Tomb of Firel).
Tomb of Firel
To open this tomb, you need to find five components of the mysterious key. Not far from the camp "Four Pillars" is the entrance to one of the tombs. Looking a face to her entrance, you need to light the lamps in a certain order: the far left, close to the right, the closest left and the far on the right. Inside there is an element of a mosaic and a chest, in which one of the parts of the key will lie.

Passage of additional quests - whistling empty, Western limit and Empriz-du-Lyon

Passage of additional quests - whistling empty, Western limit and Empriz-du-Lyon

Next to the grave in the canyon near the merchant will be the second tomb. Again we light the lamps in the following order: close to the left, close to the right, the far on the right and the distant left. Inside there is a chest with a part of the key.

We go to the burial grounds and find the third tomb. I get up to her face and light the lamps: first left, then we move out a little back, after the right, and at the end approach right to the entrance to the tomb. There we will find an element of a mosaic and a chest with a part of the key.

The fourth tomb is located at the nest of the Sun, but the main entrance to her will be littered. Therefore, you need to go upstairs along the path located on the left side of the entrance. Then we find the descent. We descend and find an excerpt from the Diary of the Gnome. Runa is located right in front of another descent on the wall. Do not miss it. At the bottom we will find an element of a mosaic in the room where the an artifact of the elves, which strengthens the veil and prevents the appearance of new faults. Again we light the lamps in the following order: the far on the right, the closest left, the close to the right and the distant left. Inside lies the chest with a part of the key and the mosaic element.

Passage of additional quests - whistling empty, Western limit and Empriz-du-Lyon

Passage of additional quests - whistling empty, Western limit and Empriz-du-Lyon

The Orelian Colossus (stands near the upper camp) is the fifth tomb. Again we light the lamps in the following order: the far left, the closest right, the far on the right and the closest left. Here we will find an element of a mosaic and a chest with the last part of the key.

Firel tomb can be found in the eastern unit of location. Noted its location on the map. Here is the new Dragon's Lair. You can kill her or bypass. She sleeps, and therefore there is a chance that the dragon will simply not be noticed. In the tomb will find a drawing of a powerful rune. Everything, the quest is fulfilled.

Bone fields
We go in the direction of Marker on the map. In the designated place we see a cell on the wheels. Near her there will be three corpses and many spiders. We kill crawling creatures and take treasures hidden in the chest. The quest will end.
Notes about wasteland
In terms of the level, eight diaries are scattered, which describe whistling empty. They are in the following places:

Passage of additional quests - whistling empty, Western limit and Empriz-du-Lyon

Passage of additional quests - whistling empty, Western limit and Empriz-du-Lyon Computer game in RPG genre, third part series Dragon Age.was developed by the Canadian company BioWare. The publisher performs Electronic Arts, the release took place on November 18, 2014 for the Microsoft Windows platforms, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, XBox One. After the events of the first part of the world Tedasa Immersed in the bunch of internecine wars and political intrigues. In addition, at different points of the world, unusual faults open, allowing demons to penetrate the tedas. The main character gets a label and after the closure of several faults in Temple of Sacred Praha. Gets the management of the Inquisition to eradicate the emerging chaos.


Fortress Skyhold becomes a new base for Inquisition, Bulletin for his merit receives the status of the Inquisitor. At this stage, the player will be available for research for a certain number of locations on the map, but there are several tasks in the fortress that require the attention of the main character.

Welcome to Skyhold

Need to examine the fortress, the Bulletin must visit kuznitsy And talk with the blacksmith (in the cave you can configure the appearance of some elements of the fortress). Next, the chief hero should be convened military Council.

Forgotten boy

While the main character was engaged in solving problems Cole disappeared and hiding in Skyhold. Near the mark of the goal of the main character, there is a conversation with other participants of the Order, Vivien again offers to get rid of an unusual companion (a player needs to make a decision). Solax expresses the suggestion of Cool's essence, allowing that the Inquisition deals with the Spirit.

In Skyhold, the Inquisition has created a new headquarters and is now ready to declare himself around the world. On the fortress wall of the messenger expects a meeting with HOUKOM, Kirkvol defender (protagonist of the second part of the game). The main character can get some information about his opponent, finding a member of the Order of Gray Guardians (Task There is a chance there).

After conversation with Varrik, the inquisitor should be accepted with Josephine (You can find the NPC in the lobby, next to the command bid). The ambassador asks to prevent Possaping to Empress Selina, the Bulletin will receive an invitation to Ball to personally meet a possible victim and warn about danger (Task Evil eyes and evil hearts).

In Skyhold prison there are prisonerswho are waiting for a court sentence. We are located in the hall on the throne of the Inquisitor and begin to consider the proposed affairs. For example, the first thing will be the crime of the leader of avvarov Movran SnodWhich sprinkled the goat's blood building inquisition. However, the leader unequivocally makes it clear about his arrogance towards his son, who was killed by the Inquisitor. The decision on the armament of avvarov and sending them to Tevinter will allow to obtain the approval of several comrades of the main character, also in the inquisition will be on one recruited agent more.

Further, the Bulletin will have to endure the verdict Knight by Temmer Denama. In this case, it will be more expedient to send Captain to the court to the Order, which he betrayed.

Secret passion

Cassandra got involved books of Warrica "Swords and shields", but Gnome did not finish the last book. It is necessary to convince your comrades to add a work for Cassandra. Warrick will agree to finish the book, only under the condition that it will prevent her personally in reconciliation (Gnome, in his time, hid the whereabouts of Hawk, when Cassandra was looking for him).


Calen commander, being a temple, like other representatives of this order, took Lyrium. After Calen joined the Inquisition, he was stopped by Lyrium, which in turn led to a "breaking". The chief hero will be solved whether Calen will continue to take Lurium.

Barris raising

After the death of the false Lord seeker, the temples remained without a commander. Barris has highly successfully spent several operations, carrying out guidance, the results allow us to conclude - a new leader was found for the Order of the Temples. In the throne hall, the inquisitor may declare his decision (the task can be performed when the throne becomes active, for example, when convicted).

Marsh throw: peak

Sir gives the chief hero next additional task, it is necessary to make the injury to the Inquisition to make a march in the area of \u200b\u200bthe peak to sculpt the local to know. After performing the appropriate task at the command rate, we call Siru and go to the crough. After a small fight, the task will be completed.

Vow destruction

Cassandra asks to find the real Lord of the Seeker, in the command of the command we carry out the appropriate task. After receiving the report, we go to the new location of the Caer Osuin Castle. In the dungeon of the castle, enter the battle with the seedlings (sect, trying to configure the seekers) and we get the key. Go to the courtyard and we find a letter, from the content of which it follows that the seekers were transferred to the briefings of the cornea.

Further, the main characters are found by a member of the seekers named Daniel, who reports that Lucius betrayed the Order to the appearance of the Demon envy.

Finally, the Inquisitor meets Lord Seeker, who finally mad and did not hide his crimes. We clean the terrain and return to Skyhold. We talk with Cassandra, who managed to study the secret book of seekers.

Don't conquer his will

Cole, after the events in the ADAMANT Fortress, concerned about the possibility of binding spirits against their will (Cole, as you know, the Spirit of tortured to the death of a young man). At first, your companion asked Solax to tie to himself, but the elf refused to do this and suggested an alternative - to get for Cool Amulet, which will protect the spirit from external influence. In the command's bet, we carry out the appropriate task and transmit Coulus amulet. The charm does not help, since Cole too much "thought" (according to Warrica). The main characters are sent to the Redcliff, it is here who lives a person who is involved in the death of Cole. The player needs to decide whether Cole will be Cole or will remain a spirit.

Specialization for the Inquisitor

The main character must be mastered by new combat skills, in the command of the command, perform the appropriate task. Next, we talk with mentors in the courtyard of Skyhold, after which three more tasks on the branch of the Inquisitor will appear.

Way of mechanics

The quest appears after a conversation with a mentor named a three-chapter, the description of the relevant techniques was discovered in Val Ruayo at the bookseller (or in Warric's things in the throne room). To begin, it is necessary to mined the designated components (obsidian can be found on the inland lands, ISLOSPIN is worth searching on the Western limit in the area of \u200b\u200bthe public and canyon passage).

To complete the job, you must perform the appropriate order on the application table and talk to the mentor (the remaining tasks for specializations will not be able to perform).

Left Hand Supreme Priestess

Leliana received a suicide letter from Justinia, the main characters need to visit the temple in Valence. The Supreme Priestess left there something that Leliana should see. During the examination of the Church, the chief hero has to solve a small riddle, finding three hidden mechanisms (after the cat scene, the task will be completed).

Western limit

Scouts report the big influx of people in Western limitIt is necessary to accumulate influence and investigate the situation in the region. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe camp on the rocky ridge, you can find a large poisonous cloud, at this stage your squad will not be able to overcome the obstacle (you need to visit Skyhold).

Rales in canyons

After creating a camp in Western limitBulletin will have to close several breaks in the area. Do not forget about the possibility of exposure to the portal, after which all the demons are in the "camp" within a few seconds.

Rales in dust and sand

After the base of the camp on Stony Red., the chief hero must eliminate several breaks in various areas (dusty plain and the Giant Staircase).

Fortress Griffonov Wings

When studying location in the area of \u200b\u200bthe camp on the rocky ridge it is worth paying attention fortresswhich is captured by the Ventoria (besides the infantry and archers, on the top of the siege tower, the Bulletin will have to destroy the Ventorist Vienutor Macrinius caster). Clearing the fortification, the Inquisition receives a new transshipment base and outpost In the western limit (also the player will receive additional tasks from the captain of the advance payment).

Rales near Posport

In the area of \u200b\u200bthe camp in the public pass Active gaps were noticed, the Inquisitor and his detachment, it is necessary to suppress the resistance of demons and close the shadow portals.

On the trail of the church

In the desert, the Bulletin finds a small stone monument, church symbol Indicates a cache that needs to find the main characters. To complete the task, you must visit the cave in the area of \u200b\u200bthe camp in the public passage. Inside the cave you can detect drawings and rare items.

Fragments in the western limit

Bulletin continues to search for the artifact fragments, there are also several on the locations of the oasis Okularwhich will indicate the location of the components.

In red tones

On the location of the Western limit there are several deposits of the Red Lyrima (Peschanyov and forgotten mine), which asked to destroy Warrick. To get into the forgotten cave, the detachment will be able to use the skills of Solax's shadow ownership. Also, the deposits of the Red Lyrima can also be found in the flickering stone mine (the area is the passage of the name).


Robbers intercepted and destroyed caravanwho had to deliver material for scientists from Orleigh University. Judging by the records found, Frederick camp (goods were intended for him) is nearby. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe camp (passage of the name), we explore the terrain and discover the camp with a red tent. Chat S. Frederik And we transmit the following supplies to the scientist (we get the task of Fredericovo live and the specification of the Inquisition +1).

Fredericovo live

The main character should examine the designated areas for availability frederica tools. At this stage, the player needs to look for parking gangsters grouping "white claw", from the bodies of the dead you can choose the necessary supplies.

How to lure a dragon

Frederick almost made bait And now he lacks very specific ingredients (Fenix \u200b\u200bfeather and the insides of Impinus, animals can often be found in the wastelands, the search for labor ingredients will not be).

Hunting chants

Hunting chairs of the dragons were almost not studied, Frederick asks to find victims of the attack in the desert and deliver to it to study (to search for the remains of Izospins in these areas).

Broof "White Claws"

Frederick gives another additional task, you need to deal with a gang "White claws"To eliminate problems with the further stay of scientists in the desert. Your task is to eliminate in the designated area installed by bandits capps. Further, the head heroes attack the gang leader, eliminating it, the player will calm the gang for a while.

Funny taste of this water

The well in the fortress of griffonov wings is in poor condition, as the Venatory dared to him the bodies of killed people. It is necessary to find a new source of water, there is an oasis nearby Lonely keyBut this area is sisit of wargesti. After the destruction of animals, the task will be completed.

Lustry: Western Limit

The intennant asks to extract samples of ores from the Western limit (lusher and lapisy the main character will be able to detect on large stone boulders).

Application for fauna

The messenger will collect samples of the fabrics of various representatives of the local fauna (skins of Gien, Fenix \u200b\u200bFeather, etc., the material can be found on the bodies of the killed animals).

Frederick Detected manuscripts, the content of which is devoted to dragons. It is necessary to find the tevinter scientific work to lift the dragons. After completing the task Hunt for relic In one of the rooms in the area of \u200b\u200bViridis trails (courtyard Windless ruins, It is located behind the loss of silence) we find a large volume that Frederick should be attributed.

To complete the task, the ancient manuscript must be translated, it is possible to order this work on the table at the command of the command.

Hunt for relic

Ventori searched windless ruins in the Western limit, it is necessary to investigate the location for the availability of valuable things. The task will be completed when the Ventorist leader is liquidated - the Lukanus caster (Vyridis trail area).

Heart of windless ruins

After the elimination of the caster of Lukanus, from the body of the Ventori raise the keystone. The main characters need to find other components of the key to penetrate the laboratory (parts are scattered in different parts of Viridis trail).

Mysterious break

In the windless ruins, the main characters will discover a large number of battle demons and the Ventoria, which froze in time. It is necessary to remove the mysterious spell and eliminate the gap. After completing the task Heart of windless ruins We remove the staff and go back to the main hall, suppress the resistance of the demons and close the gap.

Deep Higher Draconian

After completing the task " Authoritative source", Frederick transmits the main hero of the bait to put out the dragon, which flies over the sky in the Western limit. Declaring the bait, the main characters will attract the dragon, after which it will have to defeat him in battle (dragon 15th level, has a vulnerability to cold and well protected from Fire). After the victory, a scientist join the Inquisition as an agent.


Venatery under the leadership Sirbisa I came across a tunnel with the span of darkness, the main character should examine the designated area for the presence of traces. At this stage, the task fails, since the passage is closed with a poisonous cloud, through which the player will not be able to pass. It is necessary to visit the Skyhold Fortress and find a way to overcome the obstacle (the impact is required).

It is worth noting until the Bulletin returns to the command of the command, he will not be able to go through Gate Andorala (You can only open them from the inside). One of the captains of the Inquisition proposes to build bridge, which will allow you to get into the old ruins (according to intelligence reports, it is from there that the darkness takes place). Overcoming the bridge, the main characters fall on the old prison road, which will bring a detachment into the ancient ruins.

Further, the Bulletin enters Koraracavus (the old prison, which was captured by Darkness). It is worth paying attention to the camera at the lower level, there are several boxes and runes in this room. Move through the Guardian and Close tunnel With Solus skills.

We continue to explore the ancient ruins, in the front corridor, we find the corpse of the Ventoria, on the body of which is key and note. The report contains information that Ventori was engaged in excavations under the direction of Sirbis, but after the tunnel detection, the caster ran. The protagonist must track down Sirbis in the Western limit.

In the southern pass, enter the battle with GiantAfter the victory we leave the ruins of prison and create a camp in the echo canyon. Outside the camp, the player will have to face another giant.

Moving B. Fort Echo And we clean the Ventorine camp, after the victory, the Bulletin can send Sirbis to the court to Skyhold, or leave to die in the desert. In case of a trial (task The court is coming), Sirbis can be used as an inquisition agent.

In memory of the guards

Blackwall is interested in gray guards artifacts that could stay on old camps. In the Western limit there are two destroyed Camps of the Order, the first artifact is on the tower in the rupture area in the old fort. The second artifact (architeon blood) is located in Fort Echo (Sirbisa Log).

Rales in Eche

In the Canyon of Echo, the inquisites of the Inquisition found the active gaps that need to be eliminated.

Unfinished cases

Cassandra asks the Inquisitor to deal with criminals whose crime seekers left without attention. One of the wanted Leo from Lucien Bay Located in the western limit (camp in the area of \u200b\u200bTota).

The service for the first sorcerer

Vivien asks the Inquisitor to help a circle of magicians and find looted books on the location of the Western limit. Documents are located in the district of the flickering stone mine in the north of location.

The article is part of the cycle passage Dragon Age: Inquisition

Keywords: Dragon Age Inquisition, Inquisition, Bulletin, Label, Flaws, Cassandra Pentagast, Solas, Warrick, Leliana, Skyhold, Welcome to Skyhold, Forgotten Boy, From the ash, the court goes, a secret passion, the western limit, breaks in canyons, Groxes in dust and in the sand, the fortress of Griffonov wings, breaks near the passage, along the trail of the church, fragments in the western limit, in red tones, dragonology, fredericovo live, how to make a dragon, hunting habits, break white claws, funny taste of this water, LUSTRIN: Western limit, request for fauna, authoritative source, hunting for the relic, heart of windless ruins, mysterious gap, deep high draconica, trouble with the spanness of darkness, intake of charges, gaps in echo, unfinished cases

Automatically activated upon arrival in Skyhold. On the table in the command bid, we carry out the appropriate mission and go to the location. As soon as we find yourself in place, the quest will automatically end.


Quest get when we arrive in the Western limit for the first time. To continue the quest, read the book located in the initial camp. Next we go to the West and find broken carts. A little north of them will be two entrances to the cave. We need left of them. To get there, you need a magician to create a ramp (activate a special icon). Inside there will be only spiders. Clearing the terrain, read the book on the table than and complete the quest.

Hunt for relic

Activated automatically after execution on the table the command of the command of the "Transition through sulfur" mission. We go to the castle of the North-west of the initial camp (windless ruins). We pass inside to the Ventoric group led by Lucanus. We kill them, and the quest will end.

Mysterious break

Activated when we enter the windless ruins. After the completion of the quests "Hunt for Reliquia" and the "heart of the windless ruins" take the staff. After that, with the battle, break back to the output and close the break.

Heart of windless ruins

The quest begins automatically after the completion of the quest "Hunt for Reliquia". In the same location, we are looking for five keys (approximate places are marked on the map). Then open the locked door, thereby completing the quest.

Sturm "Griffon wings"

The quest is taken from the researcher who stands just south of the camp in the passage of the name. We go to the north, in the specified location. Killing inside all Ventori under the leadership of Macrinus. Then raise the flag of the Inquisition. You can first capture the fortress, and then talk to the researcher. Then the task will automatically start and immediately end.


Starts after the study of the broken wagon and reading the letter south of the initial camp. The desired researcher is just south of the camp in the passage of the name. To complete the quest just just talk to him.

Hunting chants

It takes from the researcher after the completion of the quest "Fredericovo Life". We investigate marked locations for the presence of Gurrov's corpses. It is searched for both hidden items (we use the [v. ]). Finding four corpses, we return to Frederick and pass the quest.

How to lure a dragon

Similarly, the task of the "hunting chassis" is taken from the researcher after completing the quest "Fredericovo Life". You need to find the tail feather of the Phoenix and the insides of Izospin, for which we kill the appropriate animals and search for their corpses. After that, we return to Frederick and complete quest during the conversation.

Fredericovo live

To get a quest we talk to Frederick. We walk on the location and kill the representatives of the white claws gang. Periodically, on their corpses, we will find the supplies of the researcher. Having collected five supplies, we return to Frederick and hand over the quest. You can collect supplies before meeting with the researcher. Then in the conversation it will be possible immediately after receiving the quest.

On the trail of the church

Quest is activated when you explore the stone pedestal the height of the belt that can be found if we go to the West from the initial camp past two broken wagons. Then activate in turns marked on the map the same posts and you will come to the inlet of the cave closed by the magic barrier. As soon as they destroy, the quest will end.

Authoritative source

Automatically activated upon completion of the quest "How to Primarize the Dragon". Tevinter work can be found in windless ruins (the quest "Hunt for Reliquia" is also held here). When you enter them, a marker will appear, showing the location of the book. Go to Frederick. After a conversation with him, we return to Skyhold and on the table of command rates perform the operation "Translation of the text about the dragons". Then we speak again with Frederick and complete the quest.

Blind "White Claws"

Automatically activated after the completion of the quest "Hunting habits". We are south to the ruins and deactivate 5 traps similar to trap. After that, bandits will appear together with the leader to kill. After that, we return to the researcher and pass the quest.

Chickens with Darkness

We get a task from Knight-captain of Rilene in the fortress "Griffonov wings" after its capture. We leave the fortress and move towards the specified marker point. However, the path blocks the canyon filled with poisonous gas. Come to the destroyed bridge. Next to it will be highlighted space for opening an operation. We activate it, and then go to Skyhold and on the table of commands of the command, we perform a mission "find out where darkness come from." Then we return to the Western limit and on the already recovered bridge are moving to the other side of the canyon. We go inside the woven. Survey the terrain and on the way we kill the species of darkness. After some time, two tasks will be given: "cross the tunnel" and "Find those who proceeded the tunnel." The first task is solved in the same place where we were given it. For this, using the magician, approach the destroyed wall, behind which the fire, and activate the place with the icon in the form of a staff. Then we go further through the only possible path. Having reached the locked door, inspect the corpse lying nearby and take the key. Open the door and go further. The Giant will meet on the way, so get ready for a serious battle. We leave out through the southern outlet and go to the fortress specified by the marker on the map. There We understand with enemies led by Sirbis. When all enemies are overbring, and the sirbis will lie on the floor with a minimum of health, talk to him. It will give the opportunity to decide what to do with it is to throw it or conduct a court on which one of the options will be recruiting it as an agent.

Funny taste of this water

To activate the quest, you should talk to the knight-captain of Rylene in the fortress "Griffonov Wings" after its capture. We go to the canyon in the place specified on the map and kill the first wargest's first thing. This task will be completed.

Fortress and its invaders

The quest is taken at the Knightry-captain of Rilene in the fortress "Griffonov Wings" after its capture. We go to the specified area and kill pirates than and complete the quest.

Deep Higher Draconian

Frederic explorers after the completion of quests "Blind White Claws" and "Authoritative Source". In the specified places put the bait and waiting for the dragon. After his murder, we return to the researcher and pass the quest. Along the way, Frederick can be recruited as an agent.