Чит коды на лего star wars 2

Другие персонажи:
Отправиться в Mos Eisley Canteena и ввести (код - персонаж):
UCK868 Beach Trooper
BEN917 Ben Kenobi (Ghost)
VHY832 Bespin Guard
WTY721 Bib Fortuna
HLP221 Boba Fett
BNC332 Death Star Trooper
TTT289 Ewok
YZF999 Gamorrean Guard
NFX582 Gonk Droid
SMG219 Grand Moff Tarkin
NAH118 Greedo
YWM840 Han Solo (Hood)
NXL973 IG-88
MMM111 Imperial Guard
BBV889 Imperial Officer
VAP664 Imperial Shuttle Pilot
CVT125 Imperial Spy
JAW499 Jawa
UUB319 Lobot
SGE549 Palace Guard
CYG336 Rebel Pilot
EKU849 Rebel Trooper (Hoth)
YDV451 Sandtrooper
GBU888 Skiff Guard
NYU989 Snowtrooper
PTR345 Stormtrooper
HHY382 The Emperor
HDY739 Tie Fighter
NNZ316 Tie Fighter Pilot
QYA828 Tie Interceptor
PEJ821 Tusken Raider
UGN694 Ugnaught
CL4U5H Santa hat and clothes
TYH319 White beard
Slave1: собрать все миникиты.
Lego City: собрать 60 золотых слитков.
Characters form LSW1: купить Use Old Save.
Bounty Hunter Missions: выполнить все миссии за наемного убийцу.
Как получить очки Gamerscore:
Bespin - undefeated. (20 очков): пройти Bespin не умирая.
Bounty Hunter missions complete. (40 очков): пройти all of the
Bounty Hunter Missions.
Carkoon - undefeated. (20 очков): пройти Carkoon не умирая.
Cloud City Trap - undefeated. (20 очков): пройти Cloud City Trap не умирая.
Dagobah - undefeated. (20 очков): пройти Dagobah не умирая.
Death Star Escape - undefeated. (20 очков): пройти Death Star Escape не умирая.
Death Star II - undefeated. (20 очков): пройти Death Star II не умирая.
Echo Base - undefeated. (20 очков): пройти Echo Base не умирая.
Endor - undefeated. (20 очков): пройти Endor не умирая.
Episode IV complete. (50 очков): пройти все шесть уровней этого эпидода
в режиме Story..
Episode V complete. (50 очков): пройти все шесть уровней этого эпидода
в режиме Story..
Episode VI complete. (50 очков): пройти все шесть уровней этого эпидода
в режиме Story..
Facon Flight - undefeated. (20 очков): пройти Facon Flight не умирая.
Game 100% complete. (180 очков): пройти все в игре.
Game 20% complete. (20 очков): пройти 20% игры.
Game 40% complete. (50 очков): пройти 40% игры.
Game 60% complete. (60 очков): пройти 60% игры.
Game 80% complete. (80 очков): пройти 80% игры.
Hoth Battle - undefeated. (20 очков): пройти Hoth Battle не умирая.
Jabba"s Palace - undefeated. (20 очков): пройти Jabba"s Palace не умирая.
Jedi Destiny - undefeated. (20 очков): пройти Jedi Destiny не умирая.
Jundland Wastes - undefeated. (20 очков): пройти Jundland Wastes не умирая.
LEGO City complete. (50 очков): пройти уровень LEGO City.
Mos Eisley - undefeated. (20 очков): пройти Mos Eisley не умирая.
Rebel Attack - undefeated. (20 очков): пройти Rebel Attack не умирая.
Rescue the Princess - undefeated. (20 очков): пройти Rescue the Princess
не умирая.
Secret Plans - undefeated. (20 очков): пройти Secret Plans не умирая.
Secret Plans level complete. (20 очков): пройти первый уровень.
Speeder Showdown - undefeated. (20 очков): пройти Speeder Showdown не умирая.

Hottest Stuff On CheatCC!

Hottest Stuff On CheatCC!

Bonus characters

Enter one of the following codes at the Mos Eisley cantina to unlock the corresponding character for purchase in Free Play mode:

Character Password
Beach Trooper UCK868
Ben Kenobi"s ghost BEN917
Bespin Guard VHY832
Bib Fortuna WTY721
Boba Fett HLP221
Death Star Trooper BNC332
Ewok TTT289
Gamorean Guard YZF999
Gonk Droid NFX582
Grand Moff Tarkin SMG219
Greedo NAH118
Han Solo with hood YWM840
IG-88 NXL973
Imperial Guard MMM111
Imperial Officer BBV889
Imperial Shuttle Pilot VAP664
Imperial Spy CVT125
Jawa JAW499
Lobot UUB319
Palace Guard SGE549
Rebel Pilot CYG336
Rebel Trooper from Hoth EKU849
Skiff Guard GBU888
Sandtrooper YDV451
Snowtrooper NYU989
Stromtrooper PTR345
The Emperor HHY382
TIE Fighter HDY739
TIE Fighter Pilot NNZ316
TIE Interceptor QYA828
Tusken Raider PEJ821
Ugnaught UGN694

Enter one of the following codes at the Mos Eisley cantina to unlock the corresponding extra in Free Play mode:

Result Code
Santa hat and clothes CL4U5H
White beard TYH319
Play as Santa Claus

Enter the "CL4U5H " and "TYH319 " codes at the Mos Eisley cantina. Select the "Character Customizer" option, then choose a human head, the Santa hat, white beard, and red clothes. After choosing a red or green lightsaber, enter the "Extras" menu and activate "Disguise 3" for the glasses.

Play as hooded Anakin Skywalker from Star Wars: Episode 3 in Free Play mode

Start the game, then go to the two test tubes in the corner. Customize the first or second tube, then use these specific parts in order: black hood, Luke"s head without the hair, black Jedi body, black arms, black or white hands, black legs, black belt, black cape, and red or blue blade lightsaber.


In Episode IV: Chapter 5 - Death Star Escape in Free Play mode, use 3CPO to unlock the first door. Then, use someone who has force powers to put together the fridge in the room. The fridge will open and a Super Red Power Block will pop out, allowing you to buy Invincibility in the cantina for 900,000 Studs.

Characters from the original Lego Star Wars

Successfully complete the indicated chapter by collecting 10 Minikits within the time limit allowed in Challenge mode to unlock the corresponding character(s) from the original Lego Star Wars :

    R4-P17, PK Droid: Episode IV: Chapter 2 Battle Droid, B. D. (Security), B. D. (Geonosis), B. D. (Commander): Episode IV: Chapter 4 Chancellor Palpatine, General Grievous, Grievous" Bodyguard: Episode VI: Chapter 5 Clone (Episode III Pilot): Episode IV: Chapter 6 Clone (Episode III Swamp): Episode V: Chapter 4 Clone, Clone (Episode III), Commander Cody, Clone (Episode III Walker): Episode VI: Chapter 3 Disguised Clone, Boba Fett (Boy): Episode VI: Chapter 1 Droideka: Episode IV: Chapter 5 Geonosian: Episode V: Chapter 3 Jango Fett: Episode VI: Chapter 2 Luminara, Ki-Adi Mundi, Kit Fisto, Shaak Ti: Episode V: Chapter 1 Mace Windu, Mace Windu (Episode III): Episode VI: Chapter 6 Padme (Battle), Padme (Clawed), Padme (Geonosis): Episode V: Chapter 2 Padme, Anakin Skywalker (boy): Episode IV: Chapter 3 Queen Amidala, Royal Guard, Captain Panaka: Episode V: Chapter 6 Super Battle Droid: Episode V: Chapter 5 TC-14: Episode IV: Chapter 1 Wookie, Jar Jar Binks: Episode VI: Chapter 4
Bounty Hunter mode

Purchase all the bounty hunters (Boba Fett, Bossk, Dengar, Greedo, IG-88, and 4-LOM) to unlock the Bounty Hunter mini-game.

Gold Brick bonuses

Collect the indicated number of Gold Bricks after completing all chapters of the listed episode to unlock the corresponding bonus:

    Episode IV Character Bonus: 8 Gold Bricks Episode IV Minikit Bonus: 8 Gold Bricks Episode IV Super Story: 8 Gold Bricks Episode V Character Bonus: 16 Gold Bricks Episode V Minikit Bonus: 16 Gold Bricks Episode V Super Story: 16 Gold Bricks Episode VI Character Bonus: 32 Gold Bricks Episode VI Minikit Bonus: 32 Gold Bricks Episode VI Super Story: 32 Gold Bricks
Lego City

Get 60 Gold Bricks, then build the doorway outside.

Minikit Detector

In Episode V: Chapter 5, use the Force on the X-Wing. Then, start walking around the X-Wing. You will get a Red Brick, allowing you to purchase the the Minikit Detector for 500,000 Studs.

Slave 1

Collect all Minikits to unlock Boba Fett"s Slave 1 ship in the vehicle missions.

Stud Fountain

Get 99 Gold Bricks.

Easy Studs

In Episode IV: Chapter 1 - A New Hope, destroy all of the little panels that a Force user can open. You can also go through the Bounty Hunter or Stormtrooper doors and use the Force on all of the little panels on the wall. Another way is to go through the door that can only be opened with a Sith (for example, as Darth Vader). Then, use the 2x Score Multiplier to your advantage.

Note: Auto save must not be enabled for this trick to work. Find all Studs possible at Mos Eisley. Then, save the game, press Start, select "Quit Game", then "Yes". Note: You must go to the start menu and quit the game. Turn off the system then turn it back on. Load the game and you will keep the Studs you had and can go to the places that you got your Studs the first time and get them again. Repeat this as many time as desired.

Play as a Bounty Hunter (Boba Fett, 4-LOM, Greedo, etc.) at the Mos Eisley cantina. Enter any mission. Character bonuses are recommended. Immediately when the mission loads, pause the game and return to the cantina. Once there, go to the outskirts of the cantina and destroy every trash can, ship piece, and platinum object you see with your bounty hunter"s blaster and/or thermal detonators. Collect all Studs possible. Repeat this process as many times as desired. This is a quick and easy way to get at least 20,000 to 30,000 Studs each time.

Go to a chapter that you have already completed and play it again in Free Play mode. The Secret Plans (Episode IV: Chapter 1) with Darth Maul as your main character is recommended, because he can open doors that Ben Kenobi cannot. This allows you to access areas full of wealth, minikits, etc. If you scour this stage from top to bottom you can get over 130,000 Studs. Repeat this as much desired. Note: Destroying containers of any sort and opening drawers using the Force will dramatically add to your Stud count.

When you go outside, get a bounty hunter and blow up everything. You will get 30,000 Studs each time. Repeat this as many times as desired.

Play Episode IV: Chapter 3 in Free Play mode. Make sure you have a Sith character and break everything.

Bounty Hunter locations

    R2D2 (Mission 1): Enter the Bounty Hunter area. Keep going forward, then stop when you get to a wall. Enter both holes at the side of the wall. Legos will fly out. Build it into a doorway. Inside is R2D2.

    Obi-Wan (Mission 2): Take 4-lom to the lift where the R2D2 control panel is located. Open it and go up the lift. Pull the levers after walking on the foot marks and enter the next room. Use the control panel again and go through to the last room. Obi-Wan is on the right. Smash through the boxes and he will be standing in the small doorway.

    Admiral Ackbar: Go to the panel to the left and open the door with IG-88. Then, use your thermal detonators to blow up the wall of junk. Next, build the thing next to the chamber. Ackbar is inside.

Special lightsaber moves

While playing with a character that uses a lightsaber, press Square to attack, but do not immediately press it again. Wait until the slash/attack stops, then quickly press Square as soon as it stops. If done correctly, the next slash/attack will feature a "sparkle" effect on the lightsaber blade. Do the same thing for a special finishing attack. Additionally, immediately after the first or second slash/attack, press Jump for a special jump that puts you behind your target. Press Square while in the air for a small area of effect attack.

Completing the Death Star Escape level in Free Play mode

In Episode IV: A New Hope - Death Star Escape, after you chase a Stormtrooper down the hallway, you will be bombarded with a large number of Stormtroopers. Use a bounty hunter to throw a Thermal Detonator. When it hits the ground, set it off. It should destroy a good majority of the Stormtroopers.

Completing the Secret Plans level in Free Play mode

When you reach the part where you have to pull the levers to place the bombs next to Darth Vader, after you place the bombs use a Bounty Hunter to throw a Thermal Detonator. When it reaches the bombs, set off the Detonator. It should set off the bombs with one shot.

Staying alive in a firefight

If you are vastly outnumbered with Stormtroopers shooting from left, right and center and you have R2-D2 in your party, use the following trick. First, make R2 your active character. Enemies will never shoot at a droid. Then, push the Stormtroopers closer to your friends and then zap them with R2"s electric prod type weapon. They will promptly stop shooting and rub their sore spot. Quickly switch to a member which has a piece that can do damage (for example, Han Solo or Luke Skywalker). Shoot the Stormtrooper while he is nursing his laser burn. After he is killed, make R2 your active character and repeat the process until you have defeated them.

Defeating Bosses

This trick requires R2-D2 and self destruct. When you must battle a Boss (for example, Darth Vader, Darth Sidious, etc.), change yourself and your second character to R2-D2. Walk right up to them and self destruct. It will take away a heart. Do this as many times as desired.

Defeating the Rancor at Jabba"s palace

Use R2-D2 on the pad under the pipe to let a pig guard out. The Rancor will grab it and sit in an alcove next to a bomb. Blow up the bomb to hurt it. Do this one more time then let another guard out. The Rancor will take his new snack into his cage, then use R2-D2 to close the gate.


Читы вводятся в специальном меню. Если все сделано правильно, героя, указанного после кода, можно будет купить для игры в режиме Free Play.

PEJ821 - Тускен-наездник;

JAW499 - Джава;

YDV451 - Тускен-солдат;

NAH118 - Гридо;

UCK868 - имперский солдат (пляжный вариант);

BEN917 - призрак Оби-Ван Кеноби;

VHY832 - солдат Беспина;

WTY721 - Биб Фортуна;

HLP221 - Боба Фетт;

BNC332 - имперский солдат (охрана Звезды смерти);

TTT289 - эвок;

YZF999 - гаморреанец;

NFX582 - дроид GONK;

SMG219 - Гран Мофф Таркин;

YWM840 - Хан Соло в шапочке;

MMM111 - имперская охрана;

BBV889 - имперский офицер;

VAP664 - имперский пилот шатла;

CVT125 - имперский шпион;

UUB319 - лобот;

SGE549 - королевский охранник (Набу);

CYG336 - пилот повстанцев;

EKU849 - солдат повстанцев с планеты Хот;

GBU888 - охранник скиффа;

NYU989 - имперский солдат (зимний вариант);

PTR345 - штурмовик;

HHY382 - император Палпатин;

HDY739 - TIE Fighter;

NNZ316 - пилот TIE Fighter;

QYA828 - TIE Interceptor;

UGN694 - угнот.

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  • STAR TREK: ARMADA 2 в Списке пасхалок и кодов к играм:
    Во время игры нажмите Enter и в появившемся окне вводите следующие коды: showmethemoney - 2000 в местной валюте; kobayashimaru - …
  • LEGO STAR WARS в Списке пасхалок и кодов к играм:
    Начните новую игру, зайдите в раздел Dexter"s Diner , затем в Enter Code и уже там вводите коды: BEQ82H - …
  • COMMAND AND CONQUER 3: TIBERIUM WARS в Списке пасхалок и кодов к играм:
    Как получить внушительный стартовый капитал в режиме Skirmish? Легко. В папке Documents and Settings\ \Application Data\Command & Conquer 3 Tiberium …
  • SHERIDAN"S ORIGINAL в Словаре алкогольных напитков:
    (Шериданз ориджинал) - ирландский двойной ликёр, бутылка которого делится на две части. Одна из них содержит ванильный ликёр, крепостью 17%, …
  • WORDSWORTH в Литературной энциклопедии:
    1) CHRISTOPHER (1774-1846).-Biographer, etc., was a younger brother of the poet, _ed._ at Camb., took orders, and became Chaplain to …
  • TAYLOR в Литературной энциклопедии:
    1) BAYARD (1825-1878).-Poet, _b._ in Pennsylvania of Quaker descent, began to write by the time he was 12. Apprenticed to …
  • SHAKESPEARE в Литературной энциклопедии:
    WILLIAM (1564-1616).-Dramatist and poet, _b._ at Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire, on 22nd or 23rd, and baptised on 26th April, 1564. On his …
  • SCOTT в Литературной энциклопедии:
    1) ALEXANDER (1525?-1584?).-Scottish poet. Almost nothing is known of his life, but he is believed to have spent most of …
  • HUME в Литературной энциклопедии:
    1) ALEXANDER (1560-1609).-Poet, _s._ of Patrick, 5th Lord Polwarth, _ed._ at St. Andrews, and on the Continent, was originally destined …
  • BACON в Литературной энциклопедии:
    1) FRANCIS, LORD VERULAM, AND VISCOUNT ST. ALBAN"S (1561-1626).-Philosopher and statesman, was the youngest _s._ of Sir Nicholas B., Lord …
  • ИНДИЯ в Энциклопедии Брокгауза и Ефрона:
    Название. ? Так европейцы давно называли богатые страны Южной Азии, о которых имели лишь смутные понятия; об "Индеи богатой" …
  • WORLD OF WARCRAFT в Справочнике Секретов игр, программ, оборудования, кино, пасхальных яйцах:
    1. Эхо WarCraft III Локация: Dun Morgoh - Khranos В этой локации вы можете найти команду гномов-стрелков (Dwarven Mortar). Это …
  • SPACE QUEST 6 в Справочнике Секретов игр, программ, оборудования, кино, пасхальных яйцах.
  • MORTAL KOMBAT в Справочнике Секретов игр, программ, оборудования, кино, пасхальных яйцах:
    Noob Saibot - это имя создано на базе разработчиков Ed Boon & John Tobias (прочтите фамилии справа налево) Mortal Kombat …