Fallout 4 caravan emergency frequency is not working. Walkthrough DLC Automatron. Locations for research

22 March 2016 15:58

Locations for research:

  • Watts Electronics (neighborhood)

As soon as you enter the game after installing the Automatron add-on for Fallout 4, you immediately activate the first quest of the add-on "Mechanical enemy".

Hear the caravan distress signal

Your Pip-Boy has received a distress call. Listen to the message. To do this, you need to: select the "Radio" tab in your Pip-Boy, and then activate the "Emergency caravan frequency".

The report said the caravan was attacked by hostile robots just east of Watts Electronics. If you want to help them, then hurry up there.

Find a caravan

Watts Electronics is located north of the junction of the Cambridge and Charlestown districts. When you arrive at the site, there will already be a fierce battle.

Destroy hostile robots

Meet new types of robots: cybernetic robotic eyes, fly robots, scavengers and this is just the beginning.


Inspect killed robots for modifications and repair kits for robots... The former will add new mods to the robot workbench, and the latter is needed to repair robots that have been damaged in combat, much like stimulants for human companions.

Talk to the robot

Of the entire caravan, only one robot named Ada survived. You can ask her about the attack, about the hostile robots and their leader the Mechanist, she will tell everything she knows.

Ada asks you to join her in the fight against the Mechanist, and in return she will give you blueprints for a workbench for robots, which allows you to create a huge number of modifications for them. The last time Ada and her friends from the caravan saw the robots of the Mechanist at the General Atomics plant, perhaps there you can get information that will lead you to him. From this moment on, the next quest "New Threat" will become active.

Before setting off, collect what little remains of the caravan. Goodness should not be lost.

Do not be too lazy to look into "Watts Electronics", east of which you found a caravan. There you can get hold of some supplies, but beware of the radroach. The robots are not active, but if you accidentally turn on the demo mode in the basement terminal, then you will have to fight with them.

Classically, there is a first aid kit in the toilet. In the office on the second floor there is a chest with ammunition and weapons, as well as a safe that can be opened using the terminal. Climbing up another staircase to the second level, you will find a small storage (castle level - difficult) with a nuclear mini-charge in the safe for the "Fat Man" and a stealth fight on the rack.

Now go down to the basement, you can through the gap in the floor or by the stairs located behind one of the blue doors on the first floor. The door to the only room in the basement is opened with a terminal next to it. In the corner of this room you will find a floor safe (castle level is difficult). 13

By installing the DLC and starting Automatron walkthrough, you can not only learn how to design robots and get new equipment, but also learn interesting storyline this add-on. And even if the time it takes to complete it is not comparable to the main campaign in Fallout 4, but the story will still keep you on your toes from start to finish. Quests in Automatron are made as high quality as in the original and will not let you get bored. It all starts with a distress signal ...

The hero rushes to the rescue

  • You have caught someone's signal for help on the radio of your Pip-Boy, and after listening to it, the list of your tasks will be replenished with the quest "Mechanical enemy".
  • Well, don't waste a minute. Go to the Watts Electrics factory building. Here you will find hostile robots attacking the caravan.
  • Deal with the ill-wishers and talk to the only surviving caravan, a robot named Ada. In exchange for help in the fight against the villain named Mechanist, she will give you blueprints for a workbench for building robots.
  • After that you can proceed to the next quest - "New Threat".

We go to the factory

To complete the "New Threat" task, you must do the following:

  • Travel with Ada to the General Atomics plant and destroy the robots guarding it. Then you need to go inside, but be careful, there are even more enemies inside.
  • After clearing the location from opponents, open the door locked by the terminal. Behind it you will find a room locked by a grate. Enter it and face a huge robot face to face.
  • Your enemy, the Quantum Brain Brain, is incredibly dangerous. It is equipped with sufficiently strong armor, and its movement speed is very high for such dimensions. The problem is that it is he who has the Mechanist Device you need, so act carefully and be sure to win.
  • After killing Robot Brain, take the device you need from his body and go to your settlement.
  • Build a workbench (if you haven't already) and upgrade Hell with it. This will allow you to find out the location of other devices and will open access to the "Bounty Hunter" quest.

Lost head

The Bounty Hunter quest is to find devices:

  • The first of the devices you need is at the Fort Hagen gas station, and the second is next to the satellite tower in the same location. Naturally, both there and there enemies will be waiting for you, so do not relax.
  • Next, go to the hangar and go down to the basement. There you will find Jezebel, who, after a short dialogue, will ask you for help. Agree, but keep in mind that as soon as you take her head, a huge robot will turn on in the room and attack you. Fighting with him should not cause any difficulties, especially if you are armed with a rocket launcher.
  • Return to your settlement and use the workbench to make a body for Jezebel, then talk to her about the Mechanist. After the dialogue you will be able to proceed to the task "Putting things in order".

The final

  • Install a satellite module on Ada and go with her to the "RobCo" building. Inside, inspect the terminal and wait for your partner to break open the door.
  • After passing several rooms and passing traps, you will find yourself in a large hall with robots. There is another locked door here, followed by a passage leading to the lower levels.
  • After wandering a little through the dark corridors and having dealt with the crowd of ghouls, you will stumble upon an elevator. Sit in it and go down even lower. Here you again have to go through several rooms and kill another pack of enemies. As a result, you will finally find your main target - the Mechanist.
  • Of course, the main villain is well guarded, so get ready to repel numerous waves of various robots. At some point, you will even be attacked by a unique Dualebot of its kind, but it should not become a serious obstacle either.
  • After defeating all enemies, talk to the Mechanist. If your Charisma is well pumped, then you can learn a lot useful information... In any case, go upstairs and turn off the alarm.
  • Talk to Jezebel and Ada and, as a reward for your efforts, you will receive the Armor and Helmet of the Mechanist.

The first addition for Fallout 4, Automatron, brought several side quests to the game and the ability to create and customize cool robots for your partners. Together with the complete walkthrough posted on our website, detailed Automatron tips will make up the most complete Fallout 4 guide to date.

Mechanical enemy

To start playing Automatron, you need a character of at least level 15. In this case, you can immediately take the Mechanical Enemy quest. This quest is available in the pipboy menu. First of all, listen to the caravan's distress signal and go to the indicated place. The closest to this point is the Watts Electronics building. It was there that the caravan was attacked by robots, we will see the modification of individual representatives here for the first time. Deal with this problem on the spot. Alternatively, you can immediately upgrade the "Robotics Expert" ability and start using this skill. Use VATS and watch the beautiful destruction of aggressive pieces of iron.

Having dealt with the enemies, collect all the useful items and spare parts left during the battle at the place of the collision, after which in a quiet mode you can talk to the assaultron named Ada. She will offer the workbench blueprints for her help in the fight against the Mechanist. Agree and go to the General Atomics plant. The quest "Mechanical enemy" will be completed, and you will receive a new task.

In parallel with this, you can set up a workbench for robots and start with the modification of the same Ada.

New threat

On the outskirts of the General Atomics plant and directly on the spot, several aggressive opponents will await you. Use a powerful cannon or melee weapons.

In the factory, you will also encounter a large robot called Quantum Brain. Defeating him is not so easy, he moves quickly and skillfully resists attacks. It is necessary to remove the Mechanist device from this defeated enemy.

Head hunter

Now you need to go to the station of the Fort Hagen base, clean the area there and pick up the first direction finder. The second is located in the area where the satellite dish is located. In the hangar, you need to go down and turn right. Be careful, there are traps and ambushes along the way.

Now you need to find Jezebel, who will ask for help. Talk to her, but be careful. As soon as you take Jezebel's head, a huge robot will come to life and move behind her. Use the grenade launcher.

In the same premises you can find a Tesla rifle and power armor... You can get this by dealing with Ivy and his accomplices.

Putting things in order

Install the satellite module on Ada and go to RobCo's office. Go through the large hall with robots and go down to the level below. There, disable the turret using the terminal. Pass further, fighting off the robots, go out to the tunnel with trolleys. Turn right there and climb the stairs. Look for a platform and move on it to the other end of the hall. Don't miss the large ammo room.

After a short conversation with the Mechanist, his defenders will be set on you. Get ready, you have to repel several waves of robots in a row, and then confront the non-trivial Duellebot and deal with ordinary robots again. Eventually there will be an opportunity to speak with the Mechanist again. Well-pumped charisma can come in handy here. Once you get the password from the central control, you can go upstairs and turn off the alarm, and then get your hands on the Mechanist's armor and helmet.

As we noted in the previous article, the add-on is pretty short, but interesting. Yes, the plotline and ending are a little blurry, but due to several quests and the possibility of customizing robots, Automatron adds a certain charm to the passage of Fallout 4 and even the desire to replay individual episodes with a mechanical partner created according to its own scheme.

Complete Fallout walkthrough 4

As soon as you enter the game after installing the Automatron add-on for Fallout 4, you immediately activate the first quest of the add-on "Mechanical enemy".

Hear the caravan distress signal

Your Pip-Boy has received a distress call. Listen to the message. To do this, you need to: select the "Radio" tab in your Pip-Boy, and then activate the "Emergency caravan frequency".

The report said the caravan was attacked by hostile robots just east of Watts Electronics. If you want to help them, then hurry up there.

Find a caravan

Watts Electronics is located north of the junction of the Cambridge and Charlestown districts. When you arrive at the site, there will already be a fierce battle.

Destroy hostile robots

Meet new types of robots: cybernetic robotic eyes, fly robots and this is just the beginning.


Inspect killed robots for modifications and repair kits for robots... The former will add new mods to the robot workbench, and the latter is needed to repair robots that have been damaged in combat, much like stimulants for human companions.

Talk to the robot

Of the entire caravan, only one robot named Ada survived. You can ask her about the attack, about the hostile robots and their leader the Mechanist, she will tell everything she knows.

Ada asks you to join her in the fight against the Mechanist, and in return she will give you blueprints for a workbench for robots, which allows you to create a huge number of modifications for them. The last time Ada and her friends from the caravan saw the robots of the Mechanist at the General Atomics plant, perhaps there you can get information that will lead you to him. From this moment on, the next quest "New Threat" will become active.

Before setting off, collect what little remains of the caravan. Goodness should not be lost.

Do not be too lazy to look into "Watts Electronics", east of which you found a caravan. There you can get hold of some supplies, but beware of the radroach. The robots are not active, but if you accidentally turn on the demo mode in the basement terminal, then you will have to fight with them.

Classically, there is a first aid kit in the toilet. In the office on the second floor there is a chest with ammunition and weapons, as well as a safe that can be opened using the terminal. Climbing up another staircase to the second level, you will find a small storage (castle level - difficult) with a nuclear mini-charge in the safe for the "Fat Man" and a stealth fight on the rack.

Now go down to the basement, you can through the gap in the floor or along the stairs located behind one of the blue doors on the first floor. The door to the only room in the basement is opened with a terminal next to it. In the corner of this room you will find a floor safe (castle level is difficult).


In the basement, on the table near the terminal, you will find magazine "Total Hacking" Issue 2. It does not provide a magazine perk, but gives you a bonus as the source code of the program for hacking the Protectron. You can read about all the magazines.

Climb the stairs up and you can go in search of the Mechanist.

Locations for research:

  • General Atomics plant

Inspect the General Atomics plant

Ada said she saw the Mechanist robots at the General Atomics plant. Perhaps there you will find something that will lead you to the Mechanist.

Get to the General Atomics plant in South Boston. When you enter, do not relax, as you will be immediately greeted as an unwanted guest.

Take a look at the General Atomics Reception Toilets located on the right hand side. There you will find some medications and a Cherry Nuka-Cola in one of the booths. Then go up to the second floor. Hack the door to the director's office (lock level - hard) if you wish. Inside you will find a General Atomics director's certificate, which can be useful for completing the quest from the Miscellaneous section of the General Atomics Gallery.


Do not miss the office next to the director's office, as there is a Tesla Science magazine Issue 8. With it, you will unlock a new perk, in which energy weapons do 5% more critical damage, or, if this is not the first issue of this magazine, it will strengthen the existing perk. Full list see magazines and their perks.

Now you need to get to another wing of the second floor. It can be done:

  • Walking along the broken balcony from the director's office to the next door, but it's not so easy;
  • Hacking the terminal (level - easy) on the first floor in the workshop adjacent to the reception, and going to the stairs at the opposite wall;
  • Using a ladder in the same workshop. By the way, after climbing this ladder to the upper level, you can find some ammunition.

One way or another, a locked cell with hostile robots awaits you on the second floor. Unfortunately, you won't be able to kill them through the bars, so use the terminal to unlock the door.

After opening the door, rush into battle. The most dangerous and strongest robot is a robotic brain, but this is what you need. Destroy all robots.

Search Robot Brain

After the fight is over, search the robobrain for anything that will help you find the Mechanist. You will find a certain Mechanist device - for sure it will come in handy. Discuss it with Ada.

Talk to Ada

The Mechanist's device is a specially tuned direction finder with which he monitors robotic brains. Ada proposes to install this direction finder in her, use it in the opposite direction and thus determine the location of the Mechanist. But to install the direction finder, you need a workbench for robots and, of course, Ada. Therefore, it is in your best interest not to part with her yet.

Take a look around here to the end if you're interested. In the cell where the robots were locked, you will find a chest with ammunition and weapons. In a locked room on the second floor (castle level - medium), you can stock up on medicines from the first-aid kit on the rack and medicines from the bedside table, as well as get hold of a small amount of covers from the cache on the desk. And don't miss the wall safe (lock level - easy) between the nightstand and the desk.

Let's go the other way to the exit. Go down the stairs to the first floor and open the door to the QC department using the QC terminal.

With the opening of the doors you will hear the announcer, she took you for a robot model "Miss Nanny" and wants to check you on the quality of the services provided - this is a quest from the Miscellaneous section "Quality Assurance". How do you open a General Atomics safe that requires a terminal? It will only open after completing this mini-quest as a reward. Use the terminal again and open the door located next to the safe. Here you are at the exit, or rather, near the toilets in the reception area.

Build a robot workbench

One of your settlements will be marked on the Pip-Boy map, where you can build a workbench for robots using the workshop. You can see the basics of using the workshop.

The Robot Workbench is a very powerful tool for both creating your own robots and modifying them. With its help, even the most inexperienced "engineer" will be able to create the most complex robots.

To create a workbench for robots, you need to select the "Special" group in the workshop menu.


To build a workbench for robots you will need:

  • Gears: 6
  • Oil: 4
  • Bolt: 4
  • Plastic: 4
  • Aluminum: 12
  • Fiberglass: 6
  • Wiring: 3
  • Nuclear material: 4

Talk to Ada

Tell Ada that you are ready to install the direction finder.

Set direction finder to Ada

To install a direction finder on Ada you need:

  • Go to the workbench terminal and press [E] to use it;
  • Choose a robot that you will work with. In this case it is Ada;
  • Select "Special Modifications" in the "Categories" menu;
  • In the category "Special modifications" select "Direction finder" and click to create it.

After the deed is done, talk to Ada again.

Talk to Ada

The equipment has been successfully installed and Ada has been able to pick up the encrypted signal, but she is unable to trace the source. If you find two more direction finders, then Ada can decode the signal. Fortunately, she found the whereabouts of a couple more robotic brains. So the robobrain hunting season is open.

Locations for research:

  • Fort Hagen satellite dish

The first addition to Fallout 4, Automatron, brought several side quests to the game and the ability to create and customize cool robots for your partners. Together with the complete step-by-step posted on our website, the detailed Automatron tips make up the most complete guide to date. Fallout 4.

Mechanical enemy

To start playing Automatron, you need a character of at least level 15. In this case, you can immediately take the Mechanical Enemy quest. This quest is available in the pipboy menu. First of all, listen to the caravan's distress signal and go to the indicated place. The closest to this point is the Watts Electronics building. It was there that the caravan was attacked by robots, we will see the modification of individual representatives here for the first time. Deal with this problem on the spot. Alternatively, you can immediately upgrade the "Robotics Expert" ability and start using this skill. Use VATS and watch the beautiful destruction of aggressive pieces of iron.

Having dealt with the enemies, collect all the useful items and spare parts left during the battle at the place of the collision, after which, in a calm mode, you can talk to the assaultron by the name of Ada. She will offer the workbench blueprints for her help in the fight against the Mechanist. Agree and go to the General Atomics plant. The quest "Mechanical enemy" will be completed, and you will receive a new task. In parallel with this, you can set up a workbench for robots and start with the modification of the same Ada.

New threat

On the outskirts of the General Atomics plant and directly on the spot, several aggressive opponents will await you. Use a powerful cannon or melee weapons. At the factory, you will also encounter the large robot Quantum Brain. Defeating him is not so easy, he moves quickly and skillfully resists attacks. It is necessary to remove the Mechanist device from this defeated enemy.

Read also: Bobbleheads in Fallout 4 (guide)

Head hunter

Now you need to go to the station of the Fort Hagen base, clean the area there and pick up the first direction finder. The second is located in the area where the satellite dish is located. In the hangar, you need to go down and turn right. Be careful, there are traps and ambushes along the way.

Now you need to find Jezebel, who will ask for help. Talk to her, but be careful. As soon as you take Jezebel's head, a huge robot will come to life and move behind her. Use the grenade launcher.

In the same rooms, you can find a Tesla rifle and power armor. You can get this by dealing with Ivy and his accomplices. Next, return to the workbench, create a body for Jezebel and use the head you brought. When the robot is created, ask him about the Mechanist.

Putting things in order

Install the satellite module on Ada and go to RobCo's office. Go through the large hall with robots and go down to the level below. There, disable the turret using the terminal. Pass further, fighting off the robots, go out to the tunnel with trolleys. Turn right there and climb the stairs. Look for a platform and move on it to the other end of the hall. Don't miss the large ammo room.

After a short conversation with the Mechanist, his defenders will be set on you. Get ready, you have to repel several waves of robots in a row, and then confront the non-trivial Duellebot and deal with ordinary robots again. Eventually there will be an opportunity to speak with the Mechanist again. Well-pumped charisma can come in handy here. Once you get the password from the central control, you can go upstairs and turn off the alarm, and then get your hands on the Mechanist's armor and helmet.