Fallout 4 House Cute Passage. Settlements NUKA World. Side Quest "Once and Forever"

In the "nuclear world", near the "Nuclear Mobiles", after fulfilling the quest "Big Tour" we should talk with Shandcom.

Schnk is attached to the survival as an adviser. He had to help the colite in the implementation of his grand plan for enslaving the Commonwealth. And despite the fact that the coller changed his mind, Shack still continued to collect information - in the case, if this day still comes. He considers himself a valuable organizer and hopes to get a piece from the cake, which all - Commonwealth dream here. Our adviser explains in detail what needs to be done to secure on the other side of the mountains. How to capture the earth how to keep fighters in submission. He can also suggest which places you can attack, and which is not. To gain a foothold in the Commonwealth, you need three things: territory, supplies and devotion. First-invoor - territory. We need to capture the settlement - outpost for our gang. And you can get the territory in two ways - to convince residents to leave or kill them all. To begin with, we decide what a gang to send a shunk to help us when we capture the territory. When choosing a place for a new outpost, the most important thing is how much around settlements. After all, our people have someone to feed. If for some circumstances you can not attack the settlement, then you can see the PIP-Boy that it is preventing us. Choose a point for the first database of the "Nuclear World". So that they dumped from the territory, you can offer them lids or intimidate. In any case, the stronger they are scared, the easier it is to work with them - or cheaper to bribe. Before you go to the Commonwealth, you need to look into the Logov gang, they have "toys", with which you can run or destroy settlers. Lizzy Wayets from the operators, we get an interesting thing that helps manipulate the goal. Homemade potion, analogue of human fear pheromones. If you throw one of these grenades under the feet to a person - he will immediately become more susceptible to our arguments. This invention does not affect people in large cities - such as bankrupt Hill or Diamond City, as well as for caravantes. But in small settlements of the Commonwealth, such pieces should give a huge advantage. From Lizzy we get a drawing and grenade "manipulator".

Dixie from the adept gang will delight us the ideal means, with which you can force the settlers to break each other on the part. They do not act on robots or synthes of the first generations, but otherwise these grenades are very effective, throwing a couple to someone under the feet, you can enjoy the view! We get the drawing and grenade "rage".

The leader of the flocks - Mason to help evaluate the self-stamped tenants gives the drawing and grenade "Predator", the beast is just crazy from her. If you throw such a grenade to the ground, all sorts of creatures will be raided, which will break everything in the shreds that they will meet them on the way. But at the same time, the survival must be kept away from them.

It is time for us to acquire a bridgehead in the Commonwealth. The first step is to capture the outpost for one of the nuclear-world gang.


1. The peaceful version of the plot is to convince residents to leave the territory.

Customize PIP-battle and go to the selected settlement to convince local settlers to get them away from their land or bribed. For a peaceful solution, it should be used by the grenade "manipulator", throwing under the legs to the main settler - he marked the marker. Choose the desired version of the dialogue and convince the settlers to leave the territory.

Further, using the settlement workshop, we build a signal flag for our gang. To do this, we enter the menu of the workshop by pressing and holding the [V] key, and with the help of the arrows, select the "Raider" slot -\u003e "flags".

Now raiders from our gang will take this settlement.

Raiders will not suffer betrayal. If you destroy raiders on this or any other outpost, all the "Nuclear-World" raiders will become our enemies!

After talking with a detachment, we go to the shunk. He promises to take care that our share of covers from the outpost waiting for us in the boss chest, in the house on Mount Fiztop. With the first phase of the plan, we figured out, now the second is the supplies. It is necessary to make it so that the settlements in the neighborhood began to send supplies to the guys. The more settlement produces, the more Dani we can knock for them. We call the Shade one of the gang, which will look after the settlement when we force the inhabitants to obey and choose the goal. The only condition - it should be next to the new outpost of our gang. No settlement will pay tribute, if there is no one near anyone, who threatened them with a belling for disobedience. A pip-battle card shows which settlements are within the reach of the outpost.


Being intimidation was successful, now we are going to convince the inhabitants of the settlement we need, which will supply us with covers, food and supplies, and in return we undertake them not to touch them.

Speaking with the settlers and choosing the desired dialogue branch, we go again to our adviser who brings to us alarming news - the outpost attracts the attention of our newly minted neighbors by the Commonwealth. Some gang decided that we aimed at its territory. Looks like they are going to destroy this settlement ... and our people with him. We can make an example of them so that others do not come down. The intelligence officer said that their leader is the sinner. We go to our outpost to push these beware, who is the main thing here. At the "Arrow" comes a whole detachment of raiders, several of them in the power armor. If the Harizma skill is high, then the sinner and his gang can be convinced to leave our land, if not, then enter the battle.

Having understood with the uncompressive guests, we go to the shunk again and go to the next item. Devotion of fighters. For the guys not rebelled, it is necessary to provide them with comfortable conditions. If you build a kiosk with drugs or put someone to the distiller, it will raise everything. And if there is a radio transmitter of the "Nuclear World" radio transmitter, you can attach an amplifier to it. To find out if they have food, you need to look into the PIP battle, there is a page where the needs of the outpost is indicated, including in food. If there is not enough food, it's time to arrange delivery from a new settlement, and you can always throw food directly to their workshop. It is also necessary to take care so that they have a good defense, grabbed beds and clean water. It all depends on what state was captured, and build the missing. And finally ... do not need to make them dig in the ground. Raiders are extremely not like when they themselves are forced to collect supplies. Now Shanka can be invited to move to our outpost, and the survival will not have to visit the "Nuclear World" every time before the next raid. Before expanding our influence in the Commonwealth, it is necessary to conquer the devotion of the first outpost. To do this, on the task it is necessary to ensure them all necessary by 100%.


By completing the task and building the ideal base for a bunch of bloodthirsty sociopaths, go to the next fragment of the puzzle. To strengthen our influence, you need to replenish our ranks. Schank says that we need to conquer two more outpost in the Commonwealth, creating them, we will become a real force. On the instructions, we need to create two more outpost, we do everything by analogy with the first, distributing gangs at their discretion.

After that the survival gets new level Abilities of "Vladyka Puffy"! This means that we can assign tax raiders on the outposts.

To access the chest with tribute (construction), you need to build only eight outposts.

2. The bloody version of the development of the plot is to kill residents.

Choosing a goal proposed by Shandcom to choose from, we go on the outskirts of the settlement to meet with the assault detachment to reoperate them at their discretion, you can capture with you additional trunks.

In this embodiment, the grenades "rage" or "predator" will be very powerful, minitmen get up for the defense of the settlers.

As soon as the survivor falls at least one outpost, Preston Garvey will not forgive it and leaves companions, but as the faithful minitman will continue to perform our orders ..

After the "big tour" you will complete and set control over all locations of the "nuclei of the world" park by giving them under the control of the invaders, you will need to make a decision for another very important task. The thing is that a partner and assistant Gage decided to capture all the Commonwealth. This proposal will need to be discussed not only with the porter, but also inform about the presence of such a slan plan. He is responsible for communicating with the world outside the "nuclei of the world". After the decision is made, you will need to go to the Commonwealth. One of the outposts located there should be controlled. Of all the villages you captured you need to expel people. During your conversation with Shandcom, he will advise you to ask for help with the gang of operators, namely to the inventor named Lizi Wyeth. It is she will throw ideas on the expense of what to do with the settlers and where to settle them. It will help to have fun even in the saddest days.

After that, it will be possible to go to the Commonwealth, in order to occupy the outpost and start the process of stripping the territories for the invaders. It will be necessary to achieve their goals with pretty hard methods and not to make one. Those who do not agree with your policy will need to kill or solve the issue of a peaceful way with the help of negotiations, leading weighty arguments. Sometimes you have to apply trick. For this you need good weapons and great protection. But to resolve issues a peaceful way except Charizma, a stuffed pocket is useful. After you capture the construction, you need to always make a solution that it will belong to, and raise the flag with the corresponding symbolism. But in order to build a flagpole, you will need to go to the workshop.

See also: 2054: The US government launched a refuge construction program

All this time you will communicate with Shandcom. He will tell that now the settlers will have to deliver products to the invaders. You have to decide who from the population will do this. It is best to choose from the most closest villages. In order to start to fulfill your orders, you will need to act either peacefully or apply force. But in any case, the target will be completed. On the captured outposts can be organized by radio. For this settlement, it is necessary to equip and put the generators.

Then another Consultation of Shanka will be required. During the conversation, he will give advice to deal with certain invaders using intimidation or just destroy. After that, you need to capture two more settlements and make outposts from them.

You don't need to give them to anyone, as they should only belong to you. After the amount of all captured outposts reaches eight, you can collect tribute by creating a chest.

But as well, you would not be ruled by groupings, one of them still raise the riot. Invaders will express their discontent about the separation of captured territories. For its part, Schnk will offer such things immediately. If you have already decided who the less than the gang is worthy of respect, then you just need to stop providing them with various privileges and pay attention to the rest of the groupings more. The riot will begin exactly and then there will be good reasons to deal with them on completely legal grounds.

Then you need to talk with the leaders of two other groups. It will be possible to find them at the power station. After the conversation with them, climb upstairs and destroy the leader of the third gang. You will need to remove the key. Using the remote, it is necessary to restore the power supply to the "nuclei - Tauna". Now you have the opportunity to finish the collection mission star kernels. They must be put into the computer in order to increase its power. So you can get unique armor. After that, you need to go to your assistant to Porter. On this purpose, called "House, Cute House" ends, and with it the entire storyline of the game. But what a note will end the game, you can only solve you.

See also: Where to find all the issues of the magazine "Amazingly stunning stories" in Fallout 4 (Hyde)

Options ending

The application has two ending options. They depend on the player actions. The first assumes the destruction of only one grouping. You need to choose a gang you need to destroy. As it was described above, you need to show a favor only to two other groupings. The third gang should not give the best lands already in the task called "Big Tour".

From your choice will depend not only the plot of the game, but also the mechanics of the very gameplay. Each of the three groupings gives you certain bonuses. For example, the leader of the flock will increase sustainability not only to physical influence, but also electric for twenty-five percent. The damage applied in the near battle will also rise to the same level. The bonus from the leader of the Adeptians will significantly restore the scale of OD, but only if you apply a toa of the melee. Bonus from operators for twenty-five percent will increase the damage caused by the enemy from weapons with the silencer, as well as ten percent will increase secrecy. Accordingly, the last bonus is the most profitable one of all.

Another ending assumes the murder of all leaders. After all three groupings are destroyed by you, you can free the villages and run the destroyed park. In order to end this way, it is necessary to find a girl on the market by the name of Macksi. After a conversation with it, it will be possible to take a task called "Season of Hunting". To successfully complete it will be necessary to attack one of the three leaders. The remaining gangs will consider you with their opponent, and all tasks in the magazine will respectively will be failed. But to Macksi, you can contact and after you complete the main plot of the game and go through this mission last.

Quest "House, Cute Home" - is the main quest in the passage of DLC NUKA-WORLD, last add-on To the game Fallout 4. In this quest, your character begins to capture the Commonwealth, organizing its forps on its territory and ensuring their protection and supply.

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Passage of Quest "House, Cute House"

In this quest the main character Together with the Gage, begins preparing for the seizure of the entire Commonwealth. These are very ambitious plans and to perform them, you need to be very painful and careful. Therefore, before starting active martialctionsIt is necessary to establish the supply of the future army and organize protected outposts, in the territory of the enemy, and the enemy in this case is the Commonwealth. To start performing all these tasks, you need to talk with a character named Schang.

Task # 1: Talk to Shandcom

Schnk will be very interesting CharacterHe does not consist in one of the gang, but is a personal adviser to the raider boss. Shanka was invited specifically for what he collected intelligence data about the Commonwealth, found a place that can be easily captured, knew where to strike, who to press, who would scare. Schank correctly says that the zones in the nuclei of the world is good, but the territory in the Commonwealth is even better. In order to start the capture of the Commonwealth, you need to first create a possetable gangs, where they will be able to spend their raids and for these purposes is one of the settlements, which can be captured in several ways.

Task # 2: Create outpost for one of the gang

According to Shanka, the settlement can be simply captured by killing all the settlers, but you can convince them to throw a settlement, the way to solve this issue is completely on you, as on the leader of the gang. After capturing the outpost, it will also need to pay one of the gangs, the diplomatic games continue.

The settlement that will be your loan must be chosen in PIP-Boy, it is impossible to choose any settlement, it must satisfy some infrastructure requirements, for example, should be near the farm, so that people can be contacted.

Optional: to drive settlers from the selected settlement

After selecting the settlement, a side quest will begin on his stripping, you will need to go to the settlement and either intimidate the settlers, or pay them that they are left. Also, Schank advises to contact operators for help, those can provide the main character, some "toys" that will help influence the settlers.

After moving to the settlement, you need to convince settlers to leave, for example, you can pay 1000 lids and they will leave, then in the workshop you need to build a signal flag to specify which gang will take outpost. Thereafter additional quest Upon stripping settlement will be completed.

After execution additional task, Preston Garvey will hate the main character.

Task # 3: Meet the detachment

After installing the tower with the flag, the members of the gang that you gave this settlement will come to the created outpost, you need to meet them.

Task # 4: Talk to Shandcom

After meeting the detachment, your character, it is necessary to go back the cores of the world, to talk to your assistant, it is necessary to clarify further plans. And then you need to make the settlements located nearby, start the supply of your outpost supplies, again you can or persuade them by force, or to pay them.

Task # 5: Make settlements, supply your gang supplies

Schank correctly remarks that the element of the reassembly of the settlements is very important, so he will give to help the fighters of one of the bands and will only have to choose which settlement should be brought to submission, that is, who scare that they began to supply outposts.

Optional: Subordinate the selected settlement

And the additional quest will begin again, according to the submission of the selected settlement, and as well as with the capture of the outpost, you can or shoot or pay. After this task is completed, you need to return to the shunk again and learn from him what to do next.

Task # 6: Talk with Shandcom

It seems everything is going according to the plan, but Schnk reports an alarming news, one of the Band of the Commonwealth raiders decided that the "newcomers" want to seize their territory and therefore plan to attack your outpost. You need to strongly answer them that their fate would have become for all examples.

Task # 7: Meet your detachment in the outpost

Finding into the outpost, you need to learn from any of the gang about the current situation, the chief hero will report that there is a large detachment detachment, which are clearly going to attack your outpost, you need to deal with them.

Task # 8: Clean settlement

To begin with, we'll just talk to the raider leader, he will threaten the violence, but your character can just convince the leader that he and his gang left, or just feed them with "lead".

Purpose. Talk to Shandcom.

Go to the Shianca, which stands near the "Nuclear Town" market. Talk to him about everything and agree to be found in the Commonwealth.

Purpose. Capture outpost for gang.

Decide how to do: try to ask the settlers to leave the territory of the outpost, or destroy them together with the raiders. The first option is selected.

ATTENTION! When Schnk asks, what a gang you give the territory, remember, anywhere at the disposal. Five different locations were captured. Two two got two gangs, one - the third. Or did you all gave one? Then the war will definitely flame! If you did reasonably, as described by suggestions earlier, then the outpost gives the gang that has one zone at the disposal.

Next, you will need to choose the outpost located near the settlements. Schank advises the following outposts - sweating, mansion of croups, boat house tafington and nursery "Grintop". The decision is the greenhouse "Grintop".

If the selected settlement belonged to you, you will lose control over it, after which it will have to capture it again. So it was in my case with the greenhouse "Grintop".

Schnk, Counselor Boss.

Scene quest "Grylitsa Grintop: Clean"

Purpose. Gryptop greenhouse: convince residents to leave the settlement.

Move to the settlement, talk to the main marker marked. Use charisma several times if you do not want to spend the covers. On the other hand, you can say that the inhabitants leave here immediately, then offer approximately 1000 covers.

Purpose. Build a signal flag for your gang in the workshop in the village "Grylitsa Grintop" (or the place that you chose).

Use the workshop, go to the latest section (new) - "Raiders". Choose the first point - flags. Depending on which gang you give the territory, set the signal flag.

Purpose. Meet the detachment.

Just talk to the marked member of the chosen gang, which in the group with his buddies will arrive in the newly seized settlement.

Purpose. Talk to Shandcom.

Communicate about everything with Shandcom, which will report that now need to ensure the forpost of the Rangers supplies.

Purpose. Make settlements supply your gang supplies.

There are two ways - either solve peacefully, or to get into the fight, as the last time. The first option is selected. So, now all gangs have the same number of zones - someone has two zones in the "nuclear world", and someone has one zone in the "nuclear world" and the outpost on the territory of the Commonwealth. Therefore, you can choose any gang that will look after the settlement that gives the supplies to the previously captured minutes. Make a choice (in our case - adepts).

Select Settlement from possible.

Scene Quest "Country Crossing: extortion"

Purpose (optional). Include a radio transmitter in the village of Grintop Teplitsa.

First return to the captured settlement, the outpost of the raiders. Enter the workbench menu, go to the Rider - Resources section and select the "Nuclear World" transmitter. Having created it, set to any location location. The task is done even without connecting to the power.

Purpose. Country crossing: to convince residents of the settlement supply your gang supplies.

Just talk to the settler and try to negotiate using covers or charisma.

Scene Quest "House, Cute House" (continued)

Purpose. Talk to Shandcom.

Return to the "Nuclear Town" and talk to Shandcom. It turns out that enemy raiders have gathered for your forepost in the Commonwealth. You decide, chat with them or kill. Because it is bad people, you can even go into battle without thinking.

Purpose. The greenhouse "Grintop" (or the outpost captured by you): Meet raiders with a detachment.

Return to the outpost captured by you, where one of three gangs is located. Talk to gang members to update the goal.

Purpose. Grynsteen greenhouse: Protect settlement.

You can use Harizm to drive raiders, or silently attack them.

Purpose. Talk to Shandcom.

Report Shiank, which completed the task. Schnk will complete the introductory part and will familiarize you with the content of the outpost.

Send Shanka to the outpost, or offer to carry out additional operations (by capturing other points).

Purpose (optional). Speak with Shandcom on new operations.

Purpose. Ensure the outpost with all necessary (N%).

If you have this task, then something is missing in the outpost. There should be no problems with food, so Markor will surely show the workshop. Make such a power, bed and protection. Be sure to add an amplifier to a transmitter, an increase in the signal from the radio wave of the "Nuclear World" and, for example, a kiosk with preparations. In general, what increases the mood in the settlement. It is necessary to achieve 100% of the result.

Purpose. Create raider outposts (1/3).

In total, you need three captured and well-functioning outpost. One is already there. Just communicate with Shandcom, choose operations, creating outpost. Click on the outpad that would like to capture. Shang will say, maybe this or not. If not, choose another place.

When you capture two outpost, and in total there will be three (when captures you need to either convince settlers to leave, or kill them, after which you will post the flag through the workshop), the task will be completed. But the new one will be available - "demonstration of power."

NOTE. If you want to access the chest with tribute, you will need to create five more, and a total of eight raider outposts.

Scene Quest "Demonstration of Power"

Purpose. Talk to Shandcom.

This happens if one of the gang does not like that others have more territories. Return to the specified location of the "Nuclear World" and talk to the leaders of gangs that await you.

There are two options:

- either look for previous preservation and take one of the solutions in favor of the gang (to give them the territory).
- either agree with these circumstances and go to the destruction of the gang and her leader.

In any case, one of the gang after the previous task will not like something. You will have to destroy it! You can just choose from which gang you want to get rid of - give the last two outposts from the previous quest to those gangs that you want to leave.

In our passage, the gang of adepts was destroyed.

After conversation with the leaders of the two other gang you will not have a choice - you need to agree with the harsh punishment of traitors.

Purpose. Find and kill niche (or that leader, whose gang you are destroying).

Climb the mountain along the track, kill gang members. Enter the inside of the Power Station "Nuclear World". You need to climb the very top of the power plant, on the way killing opponents. Next, get it on the roof and disperse with the latest enemies and the gang leader.

Power station "Nuclear World", where the enemy gang fell.

Purpose. Pick the key from the control center.

Name the body leader gang to pick up the key from the control center.

Purpose. Get to the control center.

Enter the blue roof building using the same key.

Purpose. Activate the main switch.

Interact with a noted remote control with the button. So you will return electricity to the "Nuclear World".

Purpose. Talk to the geydge.

Talking with a geechage, you will complete the passage of the storyline of the Fallout 4 post-apartment add-on RPG: Nula-World to the site

Fallout 4 endings: NUKA-WORLD

In the game, several endings are one bad and three good.

First you need to understand that you will not be able to leave all three gangs alive. The start of what exactly you will earn, takes off from the "Nuclear World". You choose gangs that will live in one territory or another.

First ending. Bad-good

Side Quest "Hunting Season". Good ending?

At the beginning of the "Nuclear World" there is a "Nuclear Town" market. Go to it, the door on the left. Here you can acquire useful items. One of the trafficking calls Mackenzie. Talk to her and get an offer. She will suggest you to kill all the leaders of the gang. What will happen from this? Check!

Purpose. Find and kill Mason.

Purpose. Find and kill William Blake.

Purpose. Find and kill Maggie Black.

Purpose. Find and kill niche.

In general, you will have to destroy the leaders of three (operators have two leaders), after which it returns to the market, clean it all and talk to McCenzi there. So you will free all the slaves and save the "nuclear world". But all the tasks associated with the plot line and the capture of the park will be failed. It seems and gangs are destroyed, but you will not get satisfaction.

Second / third / fourth ending

You have already received one of them. To take others, you need to pay less attention to operators or flock to destroy them.

ATTENTION! Depending on which gangs remain, you will get unique peppers - one for a gang.

Perk operators called "Professional". The level of secureness in the shade and the damage from weapons with the silencer increases.

Perk Steen is called "Leader's Leader" (in the ability section Look for "alpha-male flocks"). Significantly increases the resistance to the damage, as well as the damage applied damage in the hand-to-hand and from the melee weapon.

Perk adepts is called "Adept". When murdering enemies of melee weapons, you restores 25% of your action glasses.

Side Quest "Strict Discipline" (Repeating)

The task takes place in the lair of the Adepts at their leader Niche. Talk to her to learn about the goal.

Purpose. Hotel "Rexford": To put on the collar on the target (trashman).

Return to the Monorail "Nuclear World" and go to the Commonwealth. Move into place near the good neighborly. Go to the specified point and follow the good neighborliness.

Go around the building on the left side and enter the hotel Rexford. Move the goal that in the far room opposite the entrance. There are three options:

- Press the Ctrl key to enter the stealth mode, and then approach the grower and click on R to put on the collar (the appropriate inscription will appear). In this case, if you succeed, no one will raise anxiety.

- You can approach the garrist and during the dialogue to use Harizmu ( light level) to offer to wear a necklace. But in this case, Markovsky and his bandits will attack you, because the garbage will raise the alarm.

- The third option is to offer a garrower to go with you. Need charisma mid-level! If he agrees, go to the exit and through the blue door to the right. Go down. Here you can use the second option by offering the garbagecake through the Table Necklace dialog box. He will shout, but no one will attack you.

Purpose. Return to niche.

Return to the "Nuclear Express" in the Park "Nuclear World", where they report a niche about the fulfillment of the task.

Side quest "On guard of goods" (repeating)

Purpose. Meet the detachment.

This side quest takes everything at the same niche, the heads of adepts. Better condition - to fulfill its previous task called "Strict Discipline".

Move into the Commonwealth, select the nearest control point To marker - for example, the "garage of atomic cats".

If you go to this route, then on the way to meet several minitmen. The fact is that it is them in the future will attack the detachment of adepts. So far, do not touch them, go further to the specified building. The task should be updated.

Purpose. Keep all opponents.

Kill all minitmen who will attack you. Spicy inside the building, behind the remnants of the car near, to attack part of the opponents, and from others to hide.

Side Quest "You need to throw out the garbage"

Purpose. Kill the garbagers on the location of the "Bench Spare".

The task gives a niche, the leader of the Adepts. The prerequisite is to fulfill the previous mission "on guard of goods".

Talk to the niche and learn about the rank, who went to the operators. You need to eliminate the goal. Follow the Commonwealth, move to Diamond City. In the city go down and right. Find the entrance to the "Bench Spare" building. Inside the sofa will sit the garbagers. There are two options:

"Either you kill it in front of everyone and enter the fight with the other characters, among which there is an important NPC for the original Fallout 4.

- Either you offer the garbagers to go with you (if you have used this option in one of the previous quests, then charisma will not need). Take the garbagers to the long room and shoot accurate shot to the head.

Purpose. Return to niche.

Return to the quest to the adept camp and complete the task.

The side quest "was secret, will be clear

Purpose. Meet the detachment.

The task takes at Nici, the heads of adepts, after performing the quest "you need to throw out the garbage" (required!). Talk to the woman in the adept camp, on the top floor.

Move to the Commonwealth, to the station "Andrew". Move to the north where the squad is waiting for you.

Purpose. Kill guards near the cache.

Enemies will be everywhere - outside and in the place where the cache is. One opponent may be upstairs. When everyone breaks, then return to the "Nuclear World" and inform the work of the Nishe.

ATTENTION! After that, the task of Niche will continue to issue new ones, but similar to those already - to push the collar to another garbagers, eliminate it, etc.

Side Quest "Once and Forever"

This is the first task that can be taken from the leader of operators - Maggie Black. Just talk to her in Salon.

Purpose. Kill the leader's leader on the location of "Dollazovyaznaya John" location.

Go to the specified location in the Commonwealth. Here will be great amount Supermutants, but your goal is marked with a red marker. It is enough to destroy this enemy, and from the rest to hide. You can use a missile to finish the enemy faster. Return to Maggie and hand over her quest.

Side Quest "Amoral Battle"

When you pass scene line, Leave the Commonwealth and return to it again, will hear a message from passerby: someone came to the test.

Purpose. Talk to Frittych.

Go inside the specified building "Nuclear Arcade" and talk with its owner - a raider named Fritc. There are three options for the development of events (a person appeared who did the same way as you):

1. You fight the poor things from the wasteland.

2. You declare that you will not fight. In this case, it will be littered in the maze.

3. You order Fritch to free a person. The task will be failed.

Purpose. Go to the Arena "Nuclear Mobiles".

If you agree to fight, this task will appear. Prepare for battle. The duel will be held in format 1 against 1.

One of the most unexpected possibilities of DLC NUKA World in Fallout 4, which developers were provided by players - this is an opportunity to transfer settlements to raiders, having proven from there peaceful settlers or other invaders (Guli, children of atoms, raiders and mutants). However, the most often players go to the nuclei of the world after they perform several minitmen quests and rebuild settlements for civilians.

Therefore, during the fulfillment of the story quest Nuka World "House, a cute house" to capture the settlements will have to have themselves (if, of course, you did not decide to choose the ending for merchants, who involves the complete destruction of all raiders), and this can lead to some surprises for the player and temporary complication of the game due to lost resources for construction.

Consider the features of NUKA World settlements.

In addition, there are two possibilities of interaction with settlements: the construction of outposts - the habitats of raiders and the capture of "Vassalov" - settlementsthat will grow food for them. As explained by one of the main characters NUKA World Schnk, people go to the raiders to be able to not pick up in the ground, therefore, forcing the gangsters to pick up in the ground, you will noticeably reduce their level of happiness. So, the creation of vassal settlements with farmers who will work on bandits, strictly necessarily. Although with an acute disadvantage of food, you can just throw in the workshop.

NUKA WORLD settlements: Fallout 4 Rider Forps

Forps and vassals differ from each other not only by appointment, but also opportunities. The outpost is no different from ordinary settlements: there can also be built, install exercises for protection and water treatment plants. After creating three outposts, it will be possible to open Rider stores in them.

All LUT, stored in the workshop before the transfer of settlement by raiders, will remain affordable, but the lines of supply with other locations will disappear. Therefore, when detuning the first outpost, be prepared for the fact that you will have to accumulate all the trash anew. After you rebuild a few outposts stored in them, LUT will be common. Creation of supply lines Rider settlements do not require.
The number of raiders on the outpost does not depend on the player's charisma, and sometimes there will be a crowd of 30-40 people.

Capturing Commonwealth: Vassala settlements

But the Vassaly settlements have a rather significant drawback: after taking a quest on their "Zavassalization", that is, the transfer of them to the power of the raiders, access to their workshop is lost together with the stored melt and covers. Building in these locations will also be impossible.

It makes sense to bypass all settlements before the "Zavassalivation" and pick up from there all those stored Lut. In addition, to get as much more sensitive from it, it is necessary to plant there as many vegetables and fruits as possible, so that it is how to feed raiders, and also to send there as many people and robots to work on the farm. By the way, robots are more profitable, since they do not need food and beds.

It is also worth building a bed in the settlement, an anti-radiation frame and a shell with drinking water (furniture -\u003e Miscellaneous). In this case, even if you can't build there, you will always be able to cleanse the radiation, sleep, drink water and fill the bottles it.

"Voltechsky" settlers management terminal (nutrition -\u003e Miscellaneous -\u003e White cabinet with a monitor) will work in the settlement and after it is done by vassal, but its capabilities will be noticeably limited.

By the way, the Vassaly settlements transmit tribute to all outpositions immediately, and not just to the one they have been appointed. However, it is possible to make a settlement by Vassal only in the coverage zone of outposts, so it is necessary to place Rider settlements so that you can cover the entire card.

Some locations are impossible to transfer to the raiders or make vassals. This is an alliance, the castle (apparently, minitmen is categorically opposed), 88th shelter, bankrupt-hil, the outpost of Zimda and settlements from Far Harbor add-on.