The harder way the way the sweeter is victory. Quotes from the movie Guy Richie 'Revolver'. Capital truths from Mr. Mac

  1. The greatest enemy hides where you will seek it least.
  2. His best layout was that he forced you to believe that he was you.
  3. Do you know what the charm of this game is? It is not known where the opponent does not know if he is. He in the head of everyone, he believed him, this is his second me.
  4. By changing the situation with those who control you, you will be able to change the situation in that they are controlling it yourself.
  5. Use someone you consider your enemy to destroy the true opponent.
  6. Over the past seven years, I firmly learned one thing: there are always an opponent in any game and there is always a victim. All the trick is to realize that you became the second, and become the first.
  7. What kind of winner thinks about defeat? But when you come across with what I encountered, the new merciless reality makes it clear to understand the simple fact that we all try to ignore: it is impossible to win. The only warranty you get, getting involved in this game - loss guarantee. The only question is when it happens.
  8. Communicating with specialists, I understood one thing: neither fuck these professionals do not choke. Any rule can be circumvented, any law can be broken. From now on, I intend to violate them all ... Because desperate people commit desperate actions
  9. - Now we will have big problems, Avia.
    There are no problems in the world., Mr. Green. There are only situations.
  10. There is something in each of us what we do not even suspect. The existence that we will deny until the same time, until it is too late, and this will lose any meaning for us. It is this that makes us climb in the morning from bed, tolerate when we are picked up a boss, to endure blood, sweat and tears. And all because we want to show the other, what are we really good, beautiful, generous, funny and smart. "You can be afraid of me or read, only please do not consider me the same as everything." We are united by this addiction. We are addicts sitting on an needle approval and recognition. We are ready for everything, if only we would lay on the shoulder and gave the golden clock. "High High-His His His Hooray!". See which smart boy won another medal, and now rubs my favorite cup to the brilliance. All this drives us crazy. We are no more than monkeys, caught the costumes and the suffering recognition of others. If we understood it, we would not do that. But someone specially hides the truth from us. If you had a chance to start all over again, you would certainly ask yourself ..: "Why?".
  11. The victim always doubts the opponent. In fact, she doubts himself in their capabilities. But this is not recognized. Even yourself.
  12. The only way Become smarter - play with a smarter opponent.

. "The greatest enemy hides where you will seek it least.", - Julius Caesar. 75th year BC.
. "The only way to become smarter is to play with a smarter opponent," the basis of Chess. 1883 year.
. "The first rule of business is to protect your investments," banker's etiquette. 1775 year.
. "Wars cannot be avoided, it can only be delayed to the benefit of your opponent," Makiavelli. 1502 year.
. Over the past seven years, I firmly learned one thing: there are always an opponent in any game, and there is always a victim. All the trick in time to realize that you became the second, and become the first.
. Wines and retribution.
. I do not like to feel in a cage. I did not like, and I will not like. And why should a person do what he does not like?
. There is always a choice.
. Not in vain say: the harder the battle, the fastest victory.
. The sage says that there is only one rule in the world. The tiny question from which our luck depends. The more often this question sounds, the stronger we will become. You understood what kind of question, Mr. Green: What does it give me?
. With a little brain you have too big mouth.
. Do not add problems more than your body can take.
. Seven years to eat the Balant is very disassemble.
. The farther, the minor speech.
. What kind of winner thinks about defeat?
. Communicating with specialists, I understood one thing: neither fuck these professionals do not choke. Any rule can be circumvented, any law can be broken.
. Desperate people make desperate actions.
. Cash still rule our world.
. I adore new bills, they are for me - a symbol of hope. Veins clean and rest. She and the smell of another. The smell of pride.
. Chess and wiring - a dangerous combination.
. To wisely, play with a smarter opponent.
. I always claimed that I just never surrender to anyone. What will be ruined with pieces soon than bent.
. Plug in me and see whether blood flows.
. Want to talk - go to your shoes.
. Do not believe these psam. They are mixed only to pull your gold teeth.
. I do not believe anyone.
. There are no problems in the world, Mr. Green. There are only situations.
. I have to feed you small pieces, forcing you to believe that you won them yourself, because you are a smart, and I, it became stupid. In each game there is always the one who leads the party, and the one who is bred. The more victim it seems that it leads the game, the less she actually controls it. So the sacrifice delays a loop on your neck.
. The only way to remember, play with a smarter opponent.
. Than a tempted game, the annuncia of the opponent.
. If the opponent is truly good, he will drive the victim into a situation that can manage.
. Throw a dog bone, find weakness His victim and give her some of what she wants.
. Playing a snake, you wonder faster.
. The larger than the ancient, the easier it is to turn it.
. When the victim begins to doubt that the opponent is equal to her, in fact she doubts his own intellectual abilities.
. You find the best opponent where the least you are looking for it.
. Nobody sees Gold, but Gold sees all of us.
. Bad people do not happen.
. Do not ask questions, you will not hear lies.
. Beauty Like an angel, carrying destruction. How can something be so beautiful to carry so much evil?
. There is no angel in the light, which would be so destructive as their greed. In the end, she will destroy them all. It seems to them that they can cope with it. But greed is the only snake that is impossible to rock.
. The victim should believe that you are her friend.
. They will protect their friend. In any way.
. Understand the causes of your pain, and you will win this game.
. By changing the situation with those who control you, you will be able to change the situation in that they are controlling it yourself.
. How far are you ready to go, Mr. Green?
. The more power, as you think, you appear in the world of Gold, the less power you remain in real world.
. You wanted to get answers, and they migrated new riddles.
. Do not allow you to quarrel with yourself.
. Use someone you consider your enemy to destroy the true opponent.
. Use any means to cause this pain and enter into battle with your enemy.
. You will find it where you will want to go.
. Unknown where the opponent. It is not known whether he is. He is in the head of everyone. He is believed. This is his second "I". If you try to destroy it to save people, they will destroy you to save him.
. You're right. Because the walls are already shifted.
. Dead not to kill.
. His best layout was that he forced you to believe that he was you.

- Rule number two.

- Shah.

- That's right: playing with a snake, you wonder faster. The larger layout than it is an older, the easier it is to turn it out. For two reasons: It seems to people that the wiring cannot be so ancient and so large-scale - it could not be so many people. Finally, when the victim begins to doubt that the opponent is equal to her - in fact she doubts his own intellectual abilities. But no one is recognized in this, even to itself. Checkmate.

The first rule of the game is the only way to wisely - play with a smarter opponent. - Rule number two. - What is a tempted game - the annuncation of the opponent. - If the opponent is truly good - he will drive the victim into a situation that can manage. - And what it is closer to reality, the easier it is to manage it. (Throw the dog's bone. Find a weak place of your victim and give her a bit of what she so wants) - Shah. "Thus, the opponent distracts his sacrifice until she is writhing in his arms of his own greed." Shah. - The image of the snake comes to my mind. - That's right: playing with a snake, you wonder faster. The larger layout than it is an older, the easier it is to turn it out. For two reasons: It seems to people that the wiring cannot be so ancient and so large-scale - it could not be so many people. Finally, when the victim begins to doubt that the opponent is equal to her - in fact she doubts his own intellectual abilities. But no one is recognized in this, even to itself. Checkmate. © Revolver (Revolver) http: //www.Sype/quote/549/

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- The first rule of the game-wiring: the only way to wisely - play with a smarter opponent.
- Rule number two.
- What is a tempted game - the annuncation of the opponent.
- If the opponent is truly good - he will drive the victim into a situation that can manage.
- And what it is closer to reality, the easier it is to manage it.
(Throw a dog bone. Find a weak place of your victim and give her a little of what she so wants)
- Shah.
"Thus, the opponent distracts his sacrifice until she is writhing in his arms of his own greed." Shah.
- The image of the snake comes to my mind.
- That's right: playing with a snake, you wonder faster. The larger layout than it is an older, the easier it is to turn it out. For two reasons: It seems to people that the wiring cannot be so ancient and so large-scale - it could not be so many people. Finally, when the victim begins to doubt that the opponent is equal to her - in fact she doubts his own intellectual abilities. But no one is recognized in this, even to itself. Checkmate.

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The first rule of the game is the only way to wisely - play with a smarter opponent. - Rule number two. - What is a tempted game - the annuncation of the opponent. - If the opponent is truly good - he will drive the victim into a situation that can manage. - And what it is closer to reality, the easier it is to manage it. (Throw the dog's bone. Find a weak place of your victim and give her a bit of what she so wants) - Shah. "Thus, the opponent distracts his sacrifice until she is writhing in his arms of his own greed." Shah. - The image of the snake comes to my mind. - That's right: playing with a snake, you wonder faster. The larger layout than it is an older, the easier it is to turn it out. For two reasons: It seems to people that the wiring cannot be so ancient and so large-scale - it could not be so many people. Finally, when the victim begins to doubt that the opponent is equal to her - in fact she doubts his own intellectual abilities. But no one is recognized in this, even to itself. Checkmate. )