War Thunder Bock Tactics. Hyde on the weak points of ground vehicle in War Thunder. Technique also matters


Just registering in the game, the player still does not fully understand that it is not just a game, but a simulator of air combat where you need to follow certain tactics for a positive outcome. In fact, control the aircraft is not such a simple matter, so the newcomer needs to go through the so-called "course of a young fighter", about which we will tell in this article. We have collected all the important tips and tactics in one material so that you can learn all the necessary techniques here and now!

You must understand that the game is here - command, so it is important to follow not only behind enemy aircraft, but also next to your allies. After all, if you do not play a team, then whatever you "skill" did not have, in general the battle will be lost. In team combat, as a rule, there are several specific purposes:

1. Capture certain checkpoints;
2. The destruction of the opponent aircraft;
3. Protection of union units on Earth.

Well, our task with you is to master the correct tactics of the effective and correct battle. In our list, this goal number 2. In general, you can allocate two tactics of fighting: defensive and attacker. And if in some "tanks" you can play with one tactic, then in War Thunder. They are replaced, and very often. This causes difficulties from players.

We will analyze specifically the actions of the player in one or another tactics:

Attack - Mostly these are active actions on your part, whether it is a set of high speed, aiming, coming on a turn to destroy a certain enemy aircraft.

Defense. This tactic is used if, for example, you fell under the enemy's mushk after an unsuccessful virage or a sudden maneuver of an enemy aircraft. In this case, the pilot performs a sharp and maneuverable turn, a bias to try to reset the enemy from the tail and replay the entire situation. And believe me, there are thousands of such cases when you just were on the sight of the enemy, and after a moment you already shoot his plane.

Despite all the advice that we have gathered here for you, practice is needed. And only after a dozen, and even hundreds of hours of the game, you will feel the plane, its dynamics, you can predict tactics and adversary maneuvers, you will already analyze the situation instantly make decisions.
Basic techniques and tactics of fighting in game war Thunder.

Monitoring in airspace. As soon as the opportunity appeared - look in the sky, appreciate the alignment of forces, both allies and enemy players. Look, who occupies a dominant height, at what distance from you are enemy airplanes, what is their number. If you perform some combat missions, it is not worth winning in one case: the shooting of enemy aircraft or hold certain points. Try to combine tactics to prevent the enemy to "predict" your actions.

Be sure to look at the card and analyze which side opponents are approaching to assess the situation. For example, you decided to perform too steep and sharp maneuver, because of which part of the airspace will be broken out of sight. If there are opponents nearby, they will be used by this situation. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you always look at the card and before performing such aggregates to monitor.

Do not forget about the features of the control of high-speed aircraft. For example, the peak or turns are reduced by speed, and if the enemy turns out to be nearby, then you will not be able to dodge the bullets. Therefore, evaluate the real situation in airspace and do not try to play with the "Show".

We estimate each aircraft. In this game, it is important to know all the advantages and disadvantages of aircraft. And not as many of your, how many enemy! Therefore, try to study the characteristics of each aircraft in the hangar every time, see the videos, ask about the features of our allies or Soklanovs.
Knowing the subtleties of each aircraft, you can evaluate your chances in battle when the opponent is approaching. After all, each combat vehicle has its own characteristics that affect maneuverability, turns, speed. You must understand such characteristics as vertical and horizontal maneuverability.

Choose the best position. Remember, earlier, we told you about the choice of good time and place to make a flight? So, if you have taken a favorable position (height), you can look after the enemy aircraft that makes some kind of complicated maneuver, and attack it. A player will not have time to come to his senses, and after performing the viragee will lose speed. But do not forget about the opposite strikes from the enemy, because you can also look after you.

Take up into the sky. Yes, a set of high height in the game is an important thing that gives an advantage. But before tying the height and miserably as a bird into the sky, look at how many opponents and your allies there. If the number of opponents is large, then you should not make this maneuver, as 90% it will be failed for you. If mostly allies are the time to take off up up. There are situations where opponents and allies at a height of approximately equally. In this situation, we use monitoring tactics and approximately evaluate the complexity of the battle, after which make a decision.

We use the tactics of the patrol. Pursuing you, the enemy thinks that he decides the outcome of the battle. But it is not so! It is you who lead it, and you can literally urge the enemy, and what is even better, to start in the forest or mountain, where he simply may not notice the obstacles and split his plane. If the enemy flies after you, it is spoiled on the tail, press the combination q-E keys, A-D, so that your fighting machine is swaying there and here, like a ship on the waves. This is an enemy exhausted, and in some cases he simply spends the whole guest. At this point, you can make a steep maneuver and attack it when the opponent does not expect.

Choose tactics: attack or defend? It all depends on your current position. If you fly close to earth, then attack the enemy is useless, because Your position is more losing. In this case, you might think about the landing for rapid repair. If you are at the height, and you have a winning position, it is definitely attacking the enemy. At the same time, never stay aside. See that the ally needs help - help.

Do not go on the opponent. If you are haunting the goal, the player will try to a victorious end to lose you from the tail, approaching the ground. At the same time, in a few seconds, you can turn into extraction from the hunter if an enemy plane makes a sharp maneuver, wrinkling up and falling behind. In order not to fall into such situations, do not duplicate the player's actions. Try to lead it, but at the same time keep on the side. For example, if an enemy plane turned left and sharply down, you do not need to perform the same maneuver and rush behind it. Interrupt the attacks, analyze what the next turn will be and intercept the enemy.

Tactics "Scissors". In the War Thunder game, all actions and devices are performed exactly as in real pilots. A special maneuver "scissors" became popular in the years, and is now actively used in similar simulators. This is an effective reception, allowing you to reset an enemy plane from the tail. And his essence is as follows: If the opponent is pursued, sharply drop the speed and misses the enemy by itself. As a rule, it is better to brake like this: drop the cravings, and open all the combat flaps. Next, you need to smoothly lie down on the wing, and it does not matter, the right or left, and sharply bore into the half-speed, and in the opposite direction.

Perform a steep peak. Maneuver "Peak" - one of the most complex aging, during which your aircraft will significantly lose in speed and in the open space will be an excellent target for enemy machines. The angle of inclination to the ground usually ranges from 30 to 90 degrees. And so, the peak is one. But there is even more universal maneuver - a steep peak. Its essence in the following: Find a sacrifice, and dramatically tear to her in the peak. As soon as you are close to the opponent, attack the plane. At the same time, try to reduce the space in such a way as to smoothly dial the height and repeat the attack.

Find a "beaver". In the game "Bobors" is called bombers who can apply a colossal damage to a large number of aircraft. If you saw such a plane, you do not need to wait until he or your ally comes to the tail. As soon as they noticed "Beaver", immediately catch up with it and reduce the distance. You need to achieve such a height so that your aircraft is slightly above the bomber. It is advisable to a little ahead of the goal to fill the cockpit of the pilot. To smooth movement, we recommend dumping cravings and immediately activate the battle flaps.

These are not all tactics that are used in the game, but the main of them. Even Ishving these standard tactics And maneuvers, you will already confidently feel in the game, and with more probability will win a fight!

Hyde over air battles!

The popularization of niche and hardcore genres is good. It is unlikely that the fans of the IL 2 stormmail would still believe that thousands of people from the entire planet will participate in air battles. Many companies attempted to implement this idea. But the real scale turned out only with the company Gajjin and her game War Thunder. With this game, just incredible opportunities are open.

What, how, why - to these and many other questions, this guide is responsible. So let's get up!

First of all, it is necessary to understand that Var Tander is a project for everyone, and while veterans of airlimulators do not look into historical and realistic battles, newcomers learn to take off correctly and sit in arcade mode. It is about this mode first and talk. But you should not be deceived by the word Arcade - let it be full of amenities, but fully relies on the real light models and technical specifications of aviation: sampledness, time of varyge, maximum speed - all this is not just numbers, but important parameters that have a direct impact on the behavior of the aircraft.

The first mistake of newcomers, which is easy to notice a hung view of aviation veterans, this desire to immediately join the chaotic battle. Players are losing height, raise along the ground and spin with exactly the same enemies on small heels. Is it worth saying that they make these newcomers on completely any aircraft. Therefore, it is impossible to act in any case. An important deposit of victory is a stock in height and tactical advantage.

How to play a bomber


So, the main thing we understood - with the beginning of the round you need to immediately dial the height, assess the situation and notice the enemies that fought off from the flock.

Your goal is exclusively the ground. Unfortunately, not all understand this. Very often you can see how some hefty Henkel spins in the thick of the battle and tries to substitute enemies under the fire of onboard weapons. And this in turn causes a fair negative by teammates.

How to play the attack aircraft


The attack aircraft is already simpler, although there are prohibited techniques for them. Possessing powerful weapons, the aircraft of this class are absolutely not adapted to maneuverable battles.

If you want to reveal your combat potential, try to work with single aircraft using boom-zoom tactics. In other words, he spicked, shot and still retired at a safe distance and height.

Someone can notice that in this case you will not get all fun. But is there a fun to make all their planes in the first minutes of the battle?

How to play fighter


We smoothly turn to fighters. But do not hurry to happily shed hands - the aircraft even this class are not always suitable for the exhausting battle. It is here that the figures we mentioned earlier are important. We still have time to remember about them.

Screening height, the fighter is a terrible force. You are free to dispose of the aircraft as you think in a specific situation. Perhaps the best choice will be the hunt for bomber - if you are lucky with weapons. Very often the outcome of the battle is solved by the destroyed partner, and not shot down by airplanes. But if you get an excellent team, you can bring the number of aviation enemy in the air to zero.

Again, you should not fly thoughtlessly into porridge. Looking from the height on how the battle unfolds, you can become that saving force for the team that places the outcome of the battle.

Do not forget about the boom zoom. Moreover, fighters perform this maneuver is much easier. During a couple of minutes you can repeat it several times and deal with several enemies. A maneuverable battle is also the element of fighters, but it is important in it in time to get out of the heap and reset the tail. If you continue to spin from the earth itself, it is sooner or later with her and meet.


Finally return to the characteristics of airplanes. Remember speedwise? Try to evaluate it in comparison with the airplanes that you most often meet in battles. Fortunately, you can consider and fly on any of them without a purchase. Be sure to have those that will lose to you in dry numbers - with such opponents it will be possible to use the effectiveness of vertical maneuvers. It is enough to sympathize enough, to give the turn on the fuselage of the enemy and go to the vertical, and then watch how a damaged rival is affected in the effort to gain height after you .. Sometimes there is enough and one exact queue.

The same applies to the time of virage, even more. It is this parameter that determines how much space your plane needs to make a turn 180 degrees - the most important characteristic for a maneuverable battle. After all, if your enemy turns faster, then you will soon lose your advantage, and from the hunter will be sacrificed.

Specific goals may be the following:

  • Conquest of domination in the air, by destroying the maximum number of opponent aircraft (that is, destroy more enemy aircraft);
  • Protection of its ground objects and state border, by intercepting and destroying enemy bombers, intelligence officers, attack aircraft and other flying agents of objects in the friendly territory (that is, destroy the opponent's aircraft threatening friendly terrestrial targets);
  • And vice versa. Ensuring the integrity of shock groups of assault aircraft, bombers, scouts, by defending them from enemy interceptors (cover their shock aircraft from fighter attacks);
  • Preparation and training of combat composition, by carrying out training and training, without the use of means of destruction.

Air battles are divided into two main species, it is:

  • offensive,
  • defensive.

And the same for the two of their subspecies, it is:

  • active,
  • passive.

A striking example of an offensive battle is an opponent's attack at high dive speed, any other attack of the enemy with the ability to give a volley from the guns, forcing the enemy to maneuver, applying defensive tactics. Also, the offensive battle is the imposition of the opponent's conditions, using the advantage of aircraft, or higher characteristics.

The brighter example of a defensive combat is, for example, the fulfillment of the defensive circle attachment at low height. When, let's say, 8 attack aircraft fly each other in a circle, and the enemy begins to go on ahead of the flying attack aircraft behind, the attack aircraft who flies behind him, attacks the enemy with coursework (machine guns, guns). Even, to the defensive type of battle belongs to attack, entering the turn, dive, using high-speed advantages of your aircraft to fly away from the enemy.

  • Active fight is considered to be maneuvering with the ability to attack the enemy,
  • Passive - maneuvering is considered to be only an entry from under the attack of the enemy.

If you combine it, then it turns out that:

  • Passive defensive fight will be a departure in the aggravation, in order to avoid the attack of a high-speed enemy attacking with a dive,
  • Active defensive fight will be the execution of maneuvers evasion from the attack of the enemy, with the subsequent attack on it.

For example, it can be done by performing scissors on an airplane I-16, when the messerschmitt will be attempted behind you. You immediately laid a twist twist, Messer flies at speeds behind you, because it cannot create such a steep turn, and then you abruptly shifted into another turn on it, with the result that it turns out to be in the sight and you can open fire on it.

Types of air bonds

Types of air bonds are separated by the number of participants in the participants of the warring parties, and are divided into:

  • Single air fight against one air opponent. Simply - "Duel" (1 to 1);
  • Single air fight against several air opponents. 1 against 2, 3, 5 and indefinitely;
  • Air battle, couple, against one opponent or group of opponents. When you two, and enemies a lot either one;
  • Air battle - "Couple to a pair." When in battle, there are two opposing gear pairs;
  • Group air battle. When a certain number of aircraft of one side is found in air combat, with a certain number of aircraft of the other party.

How to achieve victory in air combat? Basic principles of air combat.

The most important thing in the sky, and even more so in air combat - this is a review and ability to detect not only the enemy, but also compatriots, because the friendly friend is first of all - a friend who will help in battle. When you two, the enemy will be distracted by two of you, that is, each of you will be focused two times less attacks than if you were alone. And this will allow you more likely to start counterattacks and increase the likelihood of victory.

Also, if you find an enemy in time, then his attack will never be sudden for you, you can perform a defensive maneuver in time, go to the offensive in time, and on time to warn comrade about the attack if the enemy tries to attack it.

If you find the enemy faster than he detects you, you will have a chance of faster to dial the height for the attack, or if you are lower, and he does not see you, go to it from under the bottom and attack the rear-bottom from the dead zone. Thereby putting it by surprise.

How to behave correctly?

We look more likely to the other side where the opponent may be likely. For example, if you know that the enemy airfield is right from you, then, most likely, it is worth expecting the enemy from there, and the review of the right side is to pay more attention and time than the review of other parties.

We often examine the places of the most likely enemy attacks on you. And this is the rear hemisphere, as it probabilities: beside the top, at the right and rear on the left, and also from behind below.

Always review the rear hemisphere in the complex. Ie, to inspect the lower and top of the hemisphere on the left side of your aircraft, enter the small left turn, and for the inspection of the same zones on the right, enter the right. It will speed up the inspection of the rear hemisphere, as a result it turns out that you will fly the snake and most carefully inspect that you are going on behind the tail, and above the tail and most importantly under the tail. From under the tail, experienced pilots are very often attacking, and as you know, they shoot aptive, if you don't look at what you are going on behind below, you can be shot down by one sudden queue of an experimental pilot.

Remember! Know where the enemy is the first step to victory! And always try as much as possible and more often inspect the airspace, especially in danger zones.

For example, I look forward to the sight, only when I shoot on the enemy, everything else time I am engaged in the inspection of my rear hemisphere and airspace around.

Another important principle ensuring success in air combat is the ability to feel the air situation, as well as memorize the location of enemies and friends around you, calculate the direction of their movement and track the most dangerous and secure for you.

If you saw one enemy, then somewhere can fly and second, finding the second, you must remember the location of the aircraft of the first, and in which case it is quick to find it in the sky. Moreover, you are during maneuvers and overloads, must approximately represent in which side and at what height your opponent is. The more opponents you can track at the same time, the better for you. The main track is not only the location of enemies, but also that each of them is going to do.

For example, you tried you, with a dive, at the speed to attack the enemy, but missed and at high speed began to go upstairs. Here you saw that the side of you began to unfold another enemy. If you pull up the first, then, having lost the speed, will become the target for another enemy, which will have time to complete the turn and attack you, and if you turn to the enemy who wants to turn around, you can tie with him a mawed battle on the devices, and, in all , Tracking the actions of the upper enemy, even twist it and knock it off if the skill will allow you to.

Then one constituent success is the knowledge of the possibilities of its aircraft, as well as an opponent aircraft. It should be understood that if you are flying on I-16, which is easy, maneuverable but slow, and behind you a heavy but high-speed Fockey-Wulf-190, then try to break away from it in speed - meaningless, it is better to go into a deep vioration, then Fockey -Vulfa misses you.

Another example, if you are at the Messerschmitte BF-109G-2, which has good sampledness and vertical maneuverance, and Lagg-3 flies against you with good manewing on horizontal bodies, then you'd better do more vertical maneuvers with leaving on top, then Lagg 3 simply hang under you without speed, and you attack it, falling on top. If you start trying to trust it in a horizontal blurder, then simply lose speed and retain the speed and leave him, therefore, he will catch you up and can attack.

In battle is very important be able to own Its plane is better than the enemy, then-there to feel your plane and be able to pilot.

Train to squeeze out of your aircraft all at the maximum, make sharp drives, take the aircraft to minimal speeds, accelerate to the maximum, see how your plane behaves, at what speeds it starts to shake in dive, at what speed it is quickly gaining height at what speeds And efforts on the control knob, your plane can fall into a corkscrew. If you will master your aircraft perfectly, in battle you can only focus on the search and destruction of the enemy, without spending time on the dumping to the corkscrew and other troubles related to the wrong piloting of the aircraft.

Another principle of success in the sky is height! As experienced virtual pilots say, and maybe the real - "height is a guarantee of health."

Try to climb the enemy before the fight. If you are above the enemy, you can resort to offensive active air combat tactics, and attack the enemy with a dive, typing a greater speed, and after the attack it is back up, thereby staying inaccessible for the enemy.

Remember! Even if you have a mocking plane, but you are higher - you are safe. Since the enemy needs the time to gain your height for the attack on you, and you can spend on it at any time and attack. Either use this height to waste your friends while the enemy will get to you.

Remember one very important rule for air combat, especially if there are many aircraft on it from one and the other side. Do not sit for a long six at the enemy!

When you fly behind the enemy and try to knock him down, you all look at the sight, and your attention is focused only on it, at that moment the enemy can easily go to you and calmly knock you down. If you were attached to the enemy, and there are still enemies around, look at the sides, find time for inspection while harassment and shooting. Especially look at the rear hemisphere. If you do not let him down now, you will still have the opportunity to knock him down, and if you keep you now, then you will not have anything.

A very important principle in battle - do not fly a bunch at one.

If you see the enemy, but your friends are already flying, it is better to dial heights and watch them and the sky around - from above. Perhaps there is still an enemy, which will try to save his compatriot, then you just take it.

And finally, one is not unimportant in combat Rule - perform maneuvers in different directions.

For example, if you are with a partner, together at the messerschmitts, pursue the I-16, which is more maneuverable. And here I-16 suddenly left for the left turn. That is not necessary to try to get away after him in the prience, he twisted you both and both will be in the tail. Do so. One of you may be held behind him in the prience, and the other lays the turn on the other side. As a result, the I-16 falls into the ticks, you will climb it on both sides. If he tries to attack you, then for some time he will have to fly in a straight line and your partner flying behind him in the prience, it will be able to attack him, and if I-16 will continue to turn a turn with your partner, when you complete the turn, it will be You have a sight.

War Thunder - Air Fight Tactics

Driving a virtual aircraft - the thing is extremely difficult. The user has to study with scratch the basics of managing battle birds. At the same time, he does not go anywhere from the basics of air combat. What is worth knowing a newcomer if his registration in War Thuder took place a month or another? We collect everything useful advice in one article.

Colcessing flights Let's start with a common library. The participant of the game should understand that the battle of WT is team fightin which at least several goals are being pursued. Priority are:

  • destruction of an opponent team aircraft, i.e. Creation of the benefits of his team in the sky;
  • capture checkpoints;
  • working out of terrestrial purposes or protection of union ground objects.

We will concentrate attention on the behavior of aircraft in the air. The player can apply an attacker or defensive tactics of fighting. Attack - implies active actions of the pilot, like: a set of high speed, height, coming on a turn in order to destroy the enemy. For these purposes, high-speed and maneuverable fighters are suitable.

War Thunder - Sunset

As for defense, it does not prevent any kind of aviation. The attackering fighter may well be on the fly, if his previous maneuver has not quite successfully completed. What remains pilot? Lay a wide vice to reset the enemy from your tail. Or, try to make a sharper and maneuverable slope. In the case of active defense there is a chance to replay the enemy and enter the position suitable for the response attack.

In order to competently attack, and even more so competently defend the N-number number of flight hours. The player must learn to feel his planes and approximately navigate the flight and combat characteristics of enemies. Otherwise, it is simply impossible to predict what the game in the salcale ends with a model of the aircraft is simply impossible!

The main provisions of air combat tactics in WT

Monitoring. This is a bourgeois word as it can not better reflect the main task of a virtual pilot. Motializing in the sky, first define: what is the alignment of the forces, who occupies the mainstream height. Performing combat missions should not be fascinated by an exceptionally retention of a point or the execution of terrestrial objects.

War Thunder - Maneuvers

Do not forget to look at the map to determine the most "dangerous" directions. This does not mean that the player is not worth sharing at the points located nearby the Baza Enemy. You just need to strengthen vigilance! And yes, the opponents prefer to sit on the tail or rush out of the flat side virage. Therefore, look back and on the parties as soon as there is such an opportunity!

By the way, do not forget about the difficulties of high-speed management. All sorts of overload, when tritely darkens in the eyes or comes a sharp loss of speed, they can play a bad joke with a pilot. So, deciding on a difficult turn or a peak, it is better to make sure that the trajectory of your FINTA lies away from the bloodthirsty enemies. And you will not get under the crossfire.

First of all - airplanes!It is them, the birthmarks should help players in the fight for victory. Learn the characteristics and behavior of birds living in your hangar. First of all, you must be aware of which each of the available aircraft is capable. You should not try to replay in the speed of Fok Fulf at the speed, it is better to lay a turn in which a heavy enemy is lost. Get your aircraft to work for you, and not against!

There are also a number of aircraft with different indicators of vertical and horizontal maneuverability. Enlighten the opponent such maneuvers in which he deliberately loses in the technique parameters. For example, Lagg-3 perfectly "removes" the messeris in horizontal virages. Examine your enemy, let him burn his energy on the side reversals.

Arrow into the sky.A set of height is an extremely useful thing and no less ins. Looking around and decided to melt the candle into the sky? it a good option In the event that the upper layers of the atmosphere are busy with your allies. Otherwise be trouble, for enemy "birds" you will be a super-convenient goal.

P.S.: If in the sky of opponents and allies approximately equally, then it is worth assessing the situation. How complex the battle is tied. In an unnecessarily thick, fierce the wings can also have their own and other people's planes.

War Thunder - Height

Best position. A favorable point for an opponent's attack is undoubtedly the height or a favorable set of circumstances. If you managed to get to a decent height, then choose the most "weak" single sacrifice. Also well go to the hang of the gaseous pilots, which come under the overloads fighters or just inept players. Try to attack with the mind and in time to leave from under opposite aggressive maneuvers.

Beat or run? Practically Shakespearev's question torments newcomers in the world of War Thunder. The answer is such a definitely beat if you have an advantage on maneuverability, energy and height. If you go down close to the ground, then your car loses all of the above benefits. At low speed, it is good to go into a flat turn, hide taking into account the landscape features, sit down for express repairs. In short, if you are downstairs, then attack meaninglessly, only protection!

Air ballet.Or how from the hunter does not turn into game. Chasing behind the enemy machine, the player rapidly approaches the surface of the earth. The opponent maneuver the first, player second. In this situation, you can turn into a goal in a matter of seconds. How to prevent this? Do not duplicate the action of the "victim". The enemy will lead to the last to led to the ground, to swell into the sky. For a while, interrupt the attack and type the height, therefore, the advantage in the height will be saved for you. And you will always have time to go to repeat.

Nervomot.It is so necessary in the hearts to shout your opponents in unsuccessful attempts to narrow the goal. How to achieve this? Fly like a shoe, swinging wave. A maneuvering steering wheel in QE and AD combinations can be nice to use the opponent, make it waste all the guests. Under the skeins, you can try to lure a gambling chaser to the mountains, forests and other relief obstacles. Frequently, the hunter does not notice elementary dangers in the heat of chase.

Cool peak. The peak is a universal aerobatic figure, during which the plane rapidly loses the height, in order to turn it into speed. The angle of inclination to the ground of the picking aircraft may vary from 30 to 90 0. What is the essence? The most common and easy way to attack BOOM-ZOOM (boom-zoom) is based on a peak. How it works? The player from the height calculates the enemy and breaks down in a peak towards it. With sufficient convergence begins the attack of the target.

Special attention of the pilot should pay the altimeter. Reserve some space to exit peak. A cool slide should end with a smooth aging, which will allow again to dial height and repeat the attack.

Sometimes pilots use the peak to avoid attacks in the tail. In the case of the use of German LuftWaffe combat machines, this is a particularly successful way. The Germans have proven themselves in dive mode. A good speed gain will allow the pilot not only to avoid attack, but also to transform flight into the subsequent offensive.

War Thunder - Evasion

Barrel honey. "Barrel" is another glorious maneuver that allows pilots to attack and defend. The meaning of the figure is that at a speed of 350-400 km / h to start twist the plane horizontally through the left or right wing. It should be remembered that the rotation of the aircraft affects the self-being of the crew. If you do not want the pilot to plunge into a red fog, then twist the barrel of a limited time. And yes, the right barrel is harder than the left.

An experienced way is established that aircraft endowed with a wide wing will rotate less eagerly. Thus, the champion in the crash of the barrels are compact Fox-Wulf.

The practical value of the barrel rises due to several tricks. For example, a barrel, applied not only in the horizontal area, turns into a more valuable figure - "Pogue". For drawing a row, the pilot will have to cut the nose of the aircraft into the sky. Then the iron bird will be screwed into heaven like a corkscrew. To implement the maneuver, the player needs to drown the pitch regulator as close as possible or down. At the same time, start the turn of the aircraft to the left or right. Such a fint will avoid accurate guidance of enemy weapons.

And in order to turn into a muster striker to turn into a muster striker, it is necessary to supplement the barrel of slip maneuvers or braking. In order to skip the opponent under him the opponent, it is necessary to draw the following steps. Make sure the distance between your machines is not too big. Radically reset the speed, for consuming effect you can release the flaps. Then the plane should describe the row and get out of it in the "belly to the top" position. Thus, a more high-speed pursuer is breaking forward, and by this moment you hang over it and aim. We click the gay and go into the turn, depending on the results obtained.

Scissors in the studio!Excellent reception in order to reset the enemy from its tail invented pilots of the time of World War II. He lies in the fact that the aircraft pursued sharply lost speed and missed the pursuer by himself. It is possible to slow down with the help of the maximum open "combat" flap and a dropped thrust. The next pilot step is to lie on the right or left wing and go to the half digger, then make a coup in the opposite side with a semi-rotator. Such pyruettes were called "Scissors". They perfectly help get rid of the enemy and get a perspective for counter-attack.

War Thunder - Rew

Flip flop.Drawing intricate figures in the sky, pilots strive to catch up to each other or sell their life more expensive. In this regard, various kinds of reversals are valued very high. One of the interesting maneuvers is the name of the pilot of Immelman. The essence of the figure is as follows: the car starts a sharp set of height, at the initial speed of about 400 km / h. Practically breathed to the vertical "hill" the plane returns to a horizontal position.

Immelman helps in the situation "Enemy on the tail" to get the position "face to face." The advantage of the pilot that fulfilled this turn is that his plane turns out to be higher than the enemy. You can attack or apply other pilot shapes.

Another necessary maneuver is called a "battle turn". It allows you to dial the height, change the direction of movement of the aircraft to the opposite, and at the same time not too losing in speed. How it's done? The initial position of the aircraft involves a decent speed, about 350 km / h. The car takes the roll on the right or left wing and sharply raises the nose up. Roll corner on the wing - up to 50 0. Dipping the height, gas, feel free to align the plane in the horizontal plane. At the exit we have about 250 km / h and the potential for attacking maneuvers.

Eyes to eyes.The frontal attack is an uncompromising duel, it turns around with a damage for both participants. The most reasonable tactic for the frontal attack is not to start it. However, it is not always possible to play on your rules. What do you need to know, imposing in the frontal assault? The ratio of firefire and maneuverability of aircraft play a big role.

So, the swimins, with the roar of motors rushing to each other must monitor the distance to the target. Virtual aircraft are starting to fall into each other after 1 km. Put on the gay is best with a distance of 900 and less meters.

War Thunder - Frontal Attack

Thought Second: Do not get carried away by a straight attack, your car is also under the blow! Firing combine with barrel. Thus, an aggressive pressure will continue and the task of the enemy will complicate.

Think about the end of the maneuver. At position 300 meters, the battle should be folded and go from the scene. If the opponent, by the time of dense rapproche, did not kill in the clubs of black smoke, then it's time to dive to it. In the course of the case, turn the car to 180 0 to protect the pilot cab. Then you need to lay the turn down and to the side. At the same time remember the last rule: Keep track of the altimeter. For complex maneuvers, heights should be enough!

Friend Bober. War Thunder calls are called formidable bombers. How to cute with these heavy birds? The main rule: do not expect while the beaper will sit on the tail! We looked at the bomber nearby, then quickly catch up with enemy. Boldly reduce the distance, be higher and ahead of the target. From such a position, it is excellent to fire a cabin of a pilot of a beaver or "tickle" wings.

By the way, to smooth out the movement of your own aircraft when entering the combat string, it is worth dumping and producing combat flaps. Smooth slip, after the enemy, helps lead aiming shelling.

Bullet-fool.In order not to be asked by an inconspicuous speed from aviation, the ammunition should be competent. What does it mean? First, carefully examine the marking for aiming. In the game, there is no wonder there is such a thing as the sight with the probe. Before giving out a gossip of lead, it is worth practicing in a sighting shooting.

Secondly, if you have learned to grasp the enemy at the progress, then the turn for the economical use of instances. The enemy, if he is not perfect Pinocchio, will try to get away from your queues. He can twist up and down, or cool to go away. In this case, the best solution will reduce the distance at least up to 300 meters. Then you can click on the gashchka. The correct hit from a larger distance is guaranteed only with a frontal convergence of opponents.

War Thunder - Tail

Goal! Pl! There are small nuances about aiming. As something: successfully carved the height, the pilot breaks down from heaven in chasing the opponent. By reducing the distance, it is worth a somewhat shifting the plane so that the sight watches not exactly in the tail plumage, and on the side. Why? Yes, because the "tail" area is inferior to side surfaces. To get a queue in the side "birds" - it is much more useful than to be drumged into a narrowing point of the tail.

Queen of beauty.Yes, yes, a lonely opponent is not a reason to break after him in the next crowd! It clearly does not deserve the title "Miss Universe", and therefore it is preferable to choose another object for attention. So that the wings did not shoot their own allies in the heat of the battle.

By the way, if you are in a pair with an ally chase one goal, then you should not hurt synchronous maneuvers. The enemy object went into the turn? Then it is better that one of the allies followed the victim, and the second committed a mirror maneuver. Thus, one shelters the enemy in the tail, and the other will go to his forehead, which is also very effective 😉

To not give up! Perhaps you are still far from all the rules mastered in practice, so let's say honestly: an active leading position in the sky is always winning. Even tell me the reason for this approval. If you are at all jumping on the enemy and could not harm him, it's not trouble. Do not slow down the pace, maneuver, dial height. First, you behave like a hunter, secondly, in this way it is possible to interfere with the enemy, but thirdly, you will get the potential for new attacks.

Even being an object of hunting, do not hang nose, make a flat drift, go into a turn, make unexpected reversals. Submired by the hands on the steering wheel, the pilot will not learn anything and does not know much!

It is unlikely that the fans of the IL 2 attack aircraft would be able to believe that thousands and thousands of people with a whole land will take part in the air battles. Almost all studios made an attempt to fulfill this idea in creating a similar one. However, the real scale was only a firm of Gaigin and her War Thunder.. With this game, just indescribable abilities are revealed. How, why? - On the data and almost all other questions gives the answer this article. Consequently, proceed!

First, it is necessary to understand that - the project is absolutely for everyone and everyone. Specifically, we will talk about arcade mode. Other online you can see our site in the submitted section. The War Thunder game is full of benefits, but almost completely directed to real aviation models and those. Data Aviation: Airplane Speed, Moment of Virat, Maximum Flight Speed \u200b\u200b- All this will not be at all as soon as possible, and the necessary characteristics that have a specific impact on the behavior of the aircraft.

The 1st passing of beginners who freely notice the experienced gaze of Gamelok-veterans of air simulators, this inexorable desire to quickly enter an anarchic battle. Players lose height, lay along the surface of the Earth and spinning literally the same enemies on small heels. It is necessary to say that these beginners are distinguished on very any airplanes. Act such is strictly prohibited. The fundamental asset of victory in the Boy is a margin in height and tactical superiority.

How to play War Thunder on a bombarder

So, we have mastered the main thing - with the source of the round it is necessary to collect the height, give an estimate of the situation and throw away the enemies fought off the jamatic.

Your target is only the ground. Unfortunately, not all this seems. It is quite often you can see that some healthy Henkel spinning in the most often fighting and tries to put opponents under the flame of onboard weapons. And this in its same place calls on the reality negative from the team of friends on the team.

How to play War Thunder on the attack aircraft

The attack aircraft is already easier, although there are prohibited techniques for them. Owning strong weapons, the aircraft of this class is at all uniforms are not adapted to moving fights.

If you wish to reveal your unique military potential, then attempt to work with single aircraft using a boom-zoom strategy. In other words, he spicked, slapped and on still the highest speed was removed to a non-dangerous distance and height.

How to play War Thunder on a fighter

Slowly step over to fighters. However, in no way hurry to rub the hands - aircraft, including this class, are not always suitable for the exhausting duel. Specifically, the values \u200b\u200bare significant.

Having gained the height, the fighter in the hands of craftsmen is terrible power. You have to rule the aircraft as you think necessary in a certain situation. Probably the best election will hunt for bombers - well, of course, if you are lucky with the arms of your bird. Completely, the final of the battle is solved by the ground destroyed in the dust, and not knocked down opponents aircraft. However, if you will meet an excellent team, it is allowed to bring the number of aviation of the enemy in the air to zero mark.

Again, it is not good to fly to porridge thoughtlessly. Looking from the height on how the battle occurs, you can become the same saving power for the team, which will solve the Final Fight.

No need to forget about the boom zoom. In addition, fighters make this maneuver even easier. During a pair of min. It is allowed to copy it for a number of times and deal with several enemies. Movable battle is also the fighter environment, but it is fundamentally important in it in time to get out of the heap and reset the tail. If you become continuing to spin from the earth itself, it is sooner or later with it and come across.


Finally, we will return to the data of the aircraft. Do not forget about sneakers! Take care to evaluate it in comparison with those airplanes that you most often meet in the fight. It is useful, see and eat on any of them without acquisition. We will certainly reflue those that will blow to you by dry numbers - with such rivals it will be possible to apply the effectiveness of vertical maneuvers. It is abused to famously decrease, to make a queue on the fuselage of the enemy and reach the vertical, and then monitor how a damaged competitor is affected in efforts to accumulate height. From time to time, there is a grabs of one accurate lead queue.

The same applies to the time of virage, even more. It is this parameter that describes how much the place will need your aircraft to make deployment 180 degrees - the most important feature for a maneuverable battle. After all, if your rival unfolds rather, then you will quickly lose your superiority, and you will try to sacrifice your hunter. Also we advise you to see