EVE Online. Miner's thoughts. From ventura to retriever. Universe EVE online What you need for a mining class

It should be noted that the process of ore mining in EVE Online will enrich even beginners. Moreover, all this is possible on empty space in the literal sense of the word. It is for this reason that newcomers are interested in questions regarding where to mine the ore.

About mining in EVE Online: how to mine ore?

It should be noted that the process of ore mining in EVE Online is quite enriching even for beginners. Moreover, all this is possible without the use of effort in the literal sense of the word. It is for this reason that beginners are interested in questions regarding where to mine the ore. In addition, an equally popular question is where you can simply and other items, making your life easier at times. In the presented guide you will find answers to your questions. If you have not yet created an account, then you should register on the website of the presented game. The whole procedure is free! Please note that it is important to think carefully about the password and come up with the most complex one, which has not been used anywhere before.

What do you need for a mining class?

In order to start mining ore, you need to purchase a ship that has a slot for a gun turret. It is thanks to this equipment that you can start mining ore after you have installed the appropriate module. However, for those who wish to deal more seriously with the presented process, it is much more effective to direct all efforts and attention to specialized drilling-type platforms, which have much more extensive opportunities for ore extraction than other ships. In order to become a miner, you will need a ship in conjunction with a module or initial mining skills. Moreover, in order to get all this, you do not need to put special efforts in the process. That is why every novice player is able to start the mining process in the game.

Types of ore and places of their extraction

There are many basic types ore in the game. However, each of them has several varieties. Each ore contains a specific mixture of eight basic minerals. As for the highsecs, there players can find only the most common and common types of asteroids and ores. Often it is Skordit or Veldstap. If we talk about more valuable and rare ore, then the player needs to move to zero systems and forget about the protection of COCORD for a while.

Where is the ore mined except for the asteroid belts?

Often, users wonder where they can, or what places are the most accessible for mining, other than asteroid belts. It is important to note that the latter is not the only place where players will be able to find ore and asteroids in particular. For example, when carrying out a mission.

Can you mine a lot of ore at once?

Almost every pilot who pursues a mining career in EVE Online knows that there are other options for improving speed and efficiency. Most miners use containers that are dumped into space. This is where they store all the ore. So, you can make time work for you. It will not go off for unloading and flight. However, it is important to be vigilant, because there are pilots who do not shine with honesty and can easily steal ore from a container, and subsequently destroy your ship.

Is it possible to mine the ore on your own?

It should be noted that the mining process in EVE Online can be performed without grouping. Anyone can work individually without difficulty, getting exactly what he needs. But it is important to consider that when combined into groups, speed and efficiency can significantly increase.

How can I transport a large supply of ore?

As a rule, ordinary miners unload at the station after the hold is full. More risky workers, in order to get high profits, carry out storage in dumped containers, transport them using special ships for cargo. It is thanks to this kind of transport that you can carry a large stock of cargo. Due to this technique, the miner can devote more time to mining the ore.

Helga Chelien wrote:

In principle, any profession is mastered in "one helmet", but there is a nuance:
Multi-sills are always "in priority". The game itself is made like that.
Or negotiate with other players about interaction. IMO after all.

1. Leveling - 1 account / 1 stream of skill leveling. Specializations can be divided into several windows. One swings for a miscoran, the second for a scan, a third for production, etc. The number of characters depends only on the "appetite" of the player.

2. Management. Even if you have 2 accounts, one of which is combat, and the second is a production worker, you can additionally pump bonuses to the fleet to the second. Thus, the second character will strengthen the first, although he will not directly participate in the battle. And such interaction options are a carriage and a small cart.

3. Acceleration in the development of a profession. Both characters begin to swing in a certain direction, and then each are divided into their own specialization. Thus, from the very beginning, an increased "exhaust" of claims will be provided.

For a beginner, I would suggest playing with one character first. As the leveling increases in a certain profession, you will understand how many characters you need specifically for a comfortable game. There is no single rule. For example, three are enough for me. Although I know people who are not even 16.

About the box: The trick is that such a box hangs in space for 2 hours and holds 27,500 m3. Only makinawa has a commensurate hold. Frigates have a much smaller hold. The essence of such "maneuvers" is that it is not necessary every time, when filling a hold, to sail to the station and waste time that can be spent on digging. It is more profitable to hammer in several boxes (they are called jet or conta) and then take it out by truck.
Cons of this method:
1. Risk. While you fly after the truck, they can steal.
2. Pumping time. In addition to the skills for the digging, you will have to immediately download the skills to the truck.
3. With the advent of the frigate Venture, this method has lost its relevance a little, since it has a cargo for ore of 5,000 m3. Which is a reasonable compromise between "warp every hour and a half behind the truck" and "go to the dock every 10-15 minutes". For this, he was invented.
In general, take Ventura and do not worry about containers yet. In reality, there is a need for them only when digging with a hulk.
It's very easy to make a cont. In space, open the hold and press RMB on any object in the hold. Next is the "throw out" button. The item will be thrown into space already in the container. It's completely free. But keep in mind that after 2 hours the container disappears with all its contents. If you don't want to lose the thing you need, keep an eye on the clock and sign the containers with the creation time.

And yes. Digging "meditative" lesson. Very suitable when reading a book or similar hobby at the same time. It is one of the most relevant professions when playing from work, as it allows you to be "distracted" for a couple of minutes every half hour and continue to work. And minerals are being dug at this time ...

In general, there is a kind of "aptitude test" on the main page. Go through. It will help determine the starting profession. And as you play, you yourself will figure out what is closer to you.
Link: http://www.eveonline.com/ru/sandbox/personality-analysis/

Still, I understand that a miner is not mine, I am interested in more active gaming. The test passed, it turned out that a researcher is suitable for me.

What can you suggest about this professional? How does it go, actively / passively, how is it in one window and how is the profitability?

In general, I was initially interested in this - the possibility of more or less peaceful earnings, without any extreme sorties and destruction of my ships, with non-passive gaming. Well, so are all kinds of craft. Those. do not fly or fight constantly in dangerous conditions, but also do not sit and drink tea while the ore is being mined.

Buonesera, ladies and gentlemen. Despite some monotony, I can recommend mining to everyone who is just starting to play EVE. And not only because it is a lucrative path.

The mining itself looks like this. You take a ship whose hold is more capacious (ideally there should be a special cargo hold for ore), one or two extractors (you can buy them in equipment for ships \ weapon complexes \ extractors) and you can start.

However, I will say that although I tried to read guides for miners, at this stage I brought out quite a bit of information. Since most of the advice concerns specifically the development of complex ore in the zeros, and the fitting of rather expensive ships. And now I'm not writing a guide either (where am I to guides in EVE), but rather personal impressions.

What can you say about mining in terms of pastime. If you are in the mood for a game that you need to sit down and play, you will quickly get bored of digging asteroids. It looks like this - we are looking for an asteroid field (a simple way is to right-click on space, there will be asteroid fields, select any and press "switch to warp mode"). If we arrive, but there are no asteroids, then everything has already been dug up. This happens. Most likely, in this system, all asteroid fields will be empty and it is better to fly somewhere else.

In one guide, I read one piece of advice that you never have to dig an asteroid clean, because then an asteroid with cheaper ore will be reborn instead. I don’t know if this is true or not, I didn’t personally check it.

The digging process itself is quite meditative. We fly up to the asteroid, capture it on target and use extractors on it. And we wait until the hold is full, or the asteroid collapses.
p.s. by the way, as I can tell, the starting ventura (Venture is a mining frigate, one of a kind - only barges go further, and so on) is one of the relatively new ships, since most of the articles that I read do not mention it in any way, hinting that it is best for a novice miner to take just a frigate with a large hold, for example, a tormentor.
Everything would be fine, but sometimes your digging meditation can be interrupted by enemy NPCs, and if you have the audacity to dig in low-secs or zeros, then hostile players can also.

And then I decided to attend to protection. Since my ventura had only two slots for the turret, I was faced with the question - which is better to take - two extractors and be completely defenseless, or one extractor and a cannon. At first I decided to try the second option, but then I realized that it was too easy to fight off the mobs and reasoned as follows - if a Nepys attacked me, then I would always have time to escape, and took two tractors.

And then I discovered such a miracle of science as drones. The Ventura was just enough to accommodate a couple of lungs, and I bought myself a couple of digging drones to help myself, and also generous myself with second-tier tractors, the cost of which is a million each. What I later regretted. But in total, I was digging 350 cubic meters of ore per minute.

But once I relaxed so much that I missed the moment when it was possible to escape from the NPC and a full hold of ore, expensive tractors, two drones and the ship went down. I was not very upset, because it taught me a valuable lesson - to come up with a more effective defense, and then I understood.

Combat drones. They are a thousand times more useful for a miner than mining drones, no matter how strange it sounds. The fact is that one mining drone extracts ores at a time about 10-20 cubic meters (25 drone mines t2, but this does not take into account skills, of course). At the same time, unlike the extractor, it still needs to fly up to the ship and transfer the ore, and then fly back, therefore, it is necessary to be as close as possible to the desired asteroid.

That is, in general, the increase in mined ore is insignificant, plus you can also forget about drones (and at first I did it all the time), but how do combat drones help? They guard you while you have gone somewhere, shut down the game, watch a movie, etc., while your hold is filled with ore. Even ordinary Warriors confidently knock down NPCs, and you will just get almost free 10-20 thousand just like that. Of course, they are unlikely to save you from the players, but here the guns will not save you, only a quick jump into the warp.

A little more about drones. Either two small ones or one medium one will fit into the same ventura. What's better? For me personally, two small ones. The average one is too slow, but the small warriors very briskly rush to your offender. Two small warriors still help me out, even on systems at the 0.6-0.5 level. There is one caveat - all the NPCs will still attack you, despite the fact that you stubbornly poke the asteroid, and drones are fighting for you. How not to die prematurely? Simple - do not stand in one place, start making circles (using the command "go into orbit") around the asteroid, preferably with an afterburner. So, the NPC will hit you much less, it will not distract you from mining the ore and will allow your drones to gut the impudent mob.

And inside
Therefore, I have developed an effective, for me, strategy of digging (I understand that my strategy is not new, but still) - we take drones, put on weapons and start digging with confidence. There is one more nuance - the ore in the asteroid may run out, what should I do so as not to change the location once again?
Just a few hours ago I found out about such an interesting thing Survey Scanner - it scans asteroids and shows how much ore they contain (here again a nuance, it shows not in cubic meters, but in units, and the unit of ore is not equal to one cubic meter, for example, Scordit is very bulky ore, and much more of it is placed in the hold than Plagioclas). It turned out to be a very indispensable piece of equipment, literally on the third digging run with it I could no longer imagine how I had done before?
You can also use two different tractors on different astreroids, which will reduce the likelihood of ore drying out in each of them.

By the way, it is convenient to drive the drones back with the Shift-R keyboard shortcut (by default)

Actually, thanks to this, mining becomes that profession when you seem to be playing, but it seems that you are not. Pros need to be said? The ability to read and watch thematic guides on the job, communicate with experienced players on the job, or just do any other business on the job.

Now a little about the sale. Everywhere and around it is advised to compare prices and already think what to sell - dirty ore or processed minerals. Let's not forget that the result of processing depends on skills and the relationship with the faction at the station of which you are going to grind ore. But nevertheless, for some reason I always sell minerals. Well, I'm not a mathematician, and for some reason I intuitively feel that it is better to sell minerals. However, maybe I'm losing lost profits, as they like to say at my institute. In general, trading here is a very capacious activity, about which you can write another article, and so far I am only at the tip of the iceberg.

And finally, about the retriever. When I joined the first corporation there I was quickly told - if you want to dig confidently - buy a retriever. I looked at the shop window - 29 million in the Federation, and in the Empire, and in general all 30. But as a machine - a retriever is a very convenient machine for digging ore. What can I say - a hold for 22 thousand cubic meters (at the ventura 5), ​​a compartment for 5 small drones (2 at the ventura). This is already ah and oh - to dig, not to dig. Of course, I decided to check and looked at the neighboring ships in the showcase - Procurer and Covetor. The covetor won only by the fact that it had three connectors for connectors with tractors, and an enlarged compartment for drones, but a very small compartment for ore (only 7 thousand), and the other indicators were not very good, and the price was the same. Marvelous. The prosecutor (?) Had a larger compartment, but there was only one connector for the tractor. But very, very decent indicators of hit points for shield and armor - three times more than that of a retriever. The retriever, on the other hand, was such a golden mean, which is probably why everyone took him.




However, already now, my retriever in a beautiful package is waiting for me at the station while I fly after him, and I hastily learn the Industry skill, so that I can finally understand the scribbles in the Mining Barge book, without which they can't drive a retriever. And this is still three or four days.

Well, as for profitability - an evening of digging (literally 4 hours) I received about 15 million. Practically no straining. And on the retriever they predict almost 20 million an hour. Oh how.

So, if you decided to drill the asteroids of the EvE universe, then this is what you need.

Since most likely beginners will read me, we will explain everything from the very beginning. As soon as we created the character, went in, got used to the infernal Eve interface and understood how to at least get out of the dock and take the quest, we go to the "Production" agent and go through the first two quests that he gives us. The bowls are light and even intuitive, so there is no point in describing how they were passed. Why two? Because after the second we are given the Drilling Frigate - Venture. We will earn our first capital on this handsome man. If you want, you can go all the way to have the money to fit the boat.

Accordingly, we have a ship, but what next? And then, my friends, are the skills we need. The main one is of course Mining for each level of which we get + 5% to the production of ore (I advise you to immediately, yes, at the very beginning, pump to the 3rd level, and better to the 4th), and of course it is needed for the rest of our equipment pebble eating machines.

First, let's see what skills we need for the Venture itself, firstly, these are Spaceship Command I (as far as I remember, pumped in right away) and Mining Frigate I, the book for which we are given together with Ventura herself.
Now let's see what we are going to shove into the ship.

  • 2x Miner I (Only Mining I is needed) - this is our digger, we will use it to crap stones and extract all sorts of delicious gold.
  • Survey Scanner I (I need CPU Managment I (I don’t remember whether to take a book or not)) - with this thing we scan asteroids for the amount of ore in them, otherwise it very often happens that you dig a half-empty stone, go out to drink tea and all this time your ship is idle and loses money!
  • Mining Laser Upgrade I (Mining III, Mining Upgrades I) - this pusya increases ore production by 5%
  • Afterburner I (Afterburner I-IV (depends on which one you want to install) and Navigation I) this module accelerates our ship so that we would "float" faster
  • And guys whom many do not recognize - 2x Mining Drone I (Mining II, Drones I (you need level 2 to use two at once), Mining Drone Operation I). Many instead use other drones, combat, to protect against non-writing, but since we are newbies and dig in high-sec, we do not need them, but they give a plus to the ore, in other words, income!
The essentials are listed here. You can also put Salvager, armor amps and so on, but now it is not so important for us.

Now let's take a look at the skills that can be useful to us.

  • Mining- Gives 5% increase in production for each level learned
  • Mining Upgrades- this skill allows you to use mining upgrades
  • Deep core mining- allows the use of "deep drilling lasers" designed for the extraction of mercocite (mercoxit). (Needed for zeros, so don't think about it yet)
  • Astrogeology- Just like the Mining skill, it increases ore production by 5% per skill level. (Needed for barges, Exhumers and other yummy ships that we will transfer to later)
  • Ice harvesting- allows the use of specialized lasers for ice extraction (Ice Harvesters) (see item 3)
  • Gas cloud harvesting- Allows the use of gas collection devices. (In high secs, it's a sad thing)
  • Mining Drone Operations- allow the use of mining drones. Due to them, it is possible to significantly increase the production of ore, especially at the initial stage of development, however, with active digging by a pumped miner, they are not very convenient.
  • Mining frigate- allows you to use a mining frigate (Ventura, Venture), and greatly affects its characteristics.
  • Mining barge- Allows the use of mining barges: Procurer, Retriever and Covetor. The characteristics of the listed ships directly depend on the level of this skill.
  • Exhumers- allows you to use T2 versions of mining barges - exhumers: Skiff, Mackinaw and Hulk. Has quite severe prerequisites for a beginner player.
We have finished with the skills, there are still a number of skills that will have to be learned for these skills, but you will see everything in the table in the game itself, it is written there what is needed for what :)

Ore types

High-sec ore:

  • Veldspar is the most common ore, found almost everywhere. Concentrated Veldspar has 5% more minerals and Dense Veldspar has 10% more minerals. Such 5% and 10% enriched options exist for all types of ores.
    In the beginning, I recommend mining exactly Veldspar
  • Scordite is almost as common as Veldspar and is the richest ore in Pyerite and quite high in tritanium. Because of this, at one time it was the most profitable ore, even more profitable than many "zero" ores.
    Enriched variants - Condensed Scordite (+ 5%) and Massive Scordite (+ 10%
  • Pyroxeres - This and subsequent ores are not found in systems with CCs greater than 0.8. Enriched versions - Solid Pyroxeres (+ 5%) and Viscous Pyroxeres (+ 10%)
  • Plagioclase is the richest ore in Mexallon. Varieties: Azure Plagioclase (+ 5%) and Rich Plagioclase (+ 10%)
  • Kernite - found in the highsec asteroid belts only in Amarria Varieties - Luminous Kernite (+ 5%) and Fiery Kernite (+ 10%)
  • Omber - The richest ore in Isogen, also contains some tritanium and pyrite. Silvery Omber (+ 5%) and Golden Omber (+ 10%). (Personally, in high secs, it is Silvery Omber that I brew)
Low-sec ore:
  • Hemorphite - Interesting in that during reprocessing it gives at least a little bit, but almost all the minerals (only megacite and morphite are missing). Variations - Vivid Hemorphite (+ 5%) and Radiant Hemorphite (+ 10%)
  • Hedbergite - similar to the previous ore, slightly different in composition (trit and mexalon are absent, but it contains much more isogen) Options: Vitric Hedbergite (+ 5%) and Glazed Hedbergite (+ 10%).
  • Jaspet - like the two previous low-cut ores, refines into a bunch of minerals (no Isogen, Megacyte and Morphite). Contains a lot of Nocxium. Options: Pure Jaspet (+ 5%) and Pristine Jaspet (+ 10%).
  • Dark Ocher - Contains a lot of Zydrine and Tritanium, some Nocxium. Options: Onyx Ocher (+ 5%) and Obsidian Ocher (+ 10%)
  • Gneiss is an ore rich in Mexallon (in drone regions it is the main source of this mineral), also contains Tritanium, Isogen and Zydrine. Options: Irisdescent Gneiss (+ 5%) and Prismatic Gneiss (+ 5%)
  • Spodumain was once the cheapest and most boring ore. Varieties: Bright Spodumain (+ 5%) and Gleaming Spodumain (+ 10%)
  • Crokite Like the previous ore, it can only be found in the asteroid belts of nullsecs, but in gravels it can be caught in both lowsec and VX (anything can be caught in VX in a gravel). Very rich in the mineral Zydrine, it also contains some Nocxium and a decent amount of Tritanium. Varieties: Sharp Crokite (+ 5%) and Crystalline Crokite (+ 10%)
  • Bistot. This is already a purely "zero" ore, it is impossible to see it in lowsecs. When refined, it yields a fairly large amount of Megacyte and Zydrine, as well as a certain amount of the mineral Pyerite (from zero ores, Bistot is the richest ore in this mineral). Varieties: Triclinic Bistot (+ 5%) and Monolinic Bistot (+ 10%)
  • Arconor. Like bistot, this ore is found only in "zeros". To see it in the asteroid belt, you need to fly to a system with a SS lower than -0.5, in gravels it can be found in any system with a SS lower than 0.0. True, there is one small exception: a small asteroid Arkonor hangs on one of the missions, which is given even in highsec. It contains the most of the Megacyte mineral of all ores, is also quite rich in the Zydrine mineral, and contains a small amount of the Tritanium mineral. Varieties: Crimson Arkonor (+ 5%) and Prime Arkonor (+ 10%)
  • Mercoxit (mercocyte)
    A specific type of ore found only in deep zeros and wormhalls. Only it contains the Morphite mineral. It differs from other ores in that it is mined not by ordinary mining lasers, but by the so-called "deep drilling lasers", which require pumping the corresponding skill (Deep core mining). In addition, during digging, the mercocyte can "explode", causing damage to everything that is nearby. Therefore, with insufficient character pumping, it is better to dig mercocyte at the maximum possible distance from it, at the limit of the lasers' reach. However, the extraction of mercocyte by a poorly pumped character is very unprofitable in itself - T1 versions of Deep Core strips do not exist, and T2 versions require T2 crystals for mercocite for normal operation. Like all other species, it has two enriched versions: Magma Mercoxit (+ 5%) and Vitreous Mercoxit (+ 10%).
  • Blue Ice (enriched version - Thick Blue Ice) is a source of Oxygen Isotopes (consumed by Gallente capitals / super capitals), respectively, in the empire it is located in the "Gallente" sector. Due to the popularity of Gallente capitals and supercapitals, it is in great demand on the market. In addition, it is precisely because of its popularity that it is most susceptible to all kinds of speculation. In addition to isotopes, it also contains a little Heavy Water and Liquid Ozone (in principle, the composition of all "isotopic" ices is the same: the corresponding isotope, and a little Heavy Water and Liquid Ozone)
  • Clear Icile (enriched version - Enriched Clear Icile) - Source of Helium Isotopes (consumed by Amarr capitals), located in the Amarr sector of the empire and zeros.
  • Glacial Mass (Smooth Glacial Mass) - Source of Hydrogen Isotopes, (Matarr ships, Matarr sector)
  • White Glaze (Pristine White Glaze) - Source of Nitrogen Isotopes - (Caldari ships, Caldari sector).
  • Dark Glitter - The richest Liquid Ozone, also contains quite a lot of Heavy Water and some Strontium
  • Glare Crust is similar to Dark Glitter, but richer in Heavy Water, and contains less Liquid Ozone and Strontium
  • Krystallos is the leader in the content of Strontium, also contains quite a lot of Heavy Water and Liquid Ozone
  • Gelidus is middling, not the leader in content, but rich enough in all three resources.

I hope I helped in your mining endeavors and you understand what needs to be done.
But that's not all my friends, soon I will copy-paste and write guides on barges and exhumers. By this time, you will have accumulated about 40-50 million. ISK (about the cost of a barge with a fit) and you will have new questions.

Do not be angry if you say something wrong or make a mistake: 3

I continue to collect materials from various sources on game issues. Today - an article about mining. It is a translation of several articles from off site, diluted with comments. This article is not for beginners, it will not tell you exactly how to dig. It is assumed that the reader is more or less versed in the game.

Mini dictionary:
Apocalypse, Apoc - Amarr BSh
Dominix, Domi, Lodge - Gallente BSh
Retrivier - Medium Barge
Covetor - large barge
Mackinaw - Exhumer, "second generation" barge, basic ice mining bonuses.
Hulk - Exhumer, "second generation" barge. Additional bonuses, serious resists.
Remine - mine is more efficient.
Belt - Asteroid Belt - Asteroid belt, where they usually mine.
Rep - Respawn in pirate NPC belts actively trying to stop you from digging.
Mining Upgrades - MU (Mining Laser Upgrades in the Market) - modules increase the efficiency of mining, and increase the CPU consumption of lasers.
Strip Miners - installed only on barges, provide higher digging efficiency compared to conventional mining lasers.
Yield - lane efficiency. The amount of ore you dig per cycle.

1) To use or not to use barges?
2) Mining Crystals
3) How to become the best miner ?!
4) Drones
5) Hulk. Should I buy or not?
6) Mining Ice
7) Bottom line

1) To use or not to use barges in eve online?

It seems that this question comes up very often. There is no definite answer to this question, but I will help you to do right choice... An Apocalypse or Dominix can mine as efficiently as an average barge. And Covetor, in turn, will "remine" all other ships. To swing to it, however, takes a long time (Astrogeology V, Mining Barge V) - it is about 40 days, with more or less pumped lerning or 30 days with well pumped lerning and +3 implants.
If you're serious about mining, you need Covetor.

I advise you to get Astrogeology IV and Mining IV as quickly as possible.

Let's start with the Retriever
Mediocre barge.

Skills you need Mining IV, Astrogeology IV, Mining Barge III

Using Strip Miners I, you get something like this:
847.58 ores per cycle (180 sec)
This means that for a minute you will receive 565.05 ore / minute

Continue with Apoc and Dominix
Who are they? If you are determined to mine like a serious pepper, then you probably want to join a corporation living 0.0.
Don't waste time in the Empire - real money is found in zeros. Apoc or Lodge are the best solo miners. If you have not stepped into zeros, then, having been there, you will understand what harmful NPC pirates in belts (not to mention real ones). You will need an assistant to deal with them if
you will be mining on a barge. What if no one agrees? Then the barge - not your choice - is dismantled and destroyed in no time. In such a situation, your BS will save you.

Personally, I prefer the Apok to the House, because you can shove a couple more Miners II into the Apok. Apoc can hold 8 mining lasers without sacrificing two low slots for coprocessors, which can be used to increase protection.
The house can also hold a rep in total (even 3x 1.5 million BShs with an escort of cruisers) without harming 6 mining lasers.
Let's now compare their performance using t2 mining-lasers

The skills you need: Mining IV, Astrogeology IV

Using Miners II, we get the following:
86.4 ores per mine laser / cycle (60sec)

This means that in a minute:
For Domi (86.4 * 6 minelasers) = 518.4 ore / minute (596.16 with Mining Upgrade)
For Apoc (86.4 * 8 minelasers) = 691.2 ore / minute (794.88 with Mining Upgrade)

If you mine in the empire, then there is no sense at all to tank on the BS, so you can insert 3 Mining Upgrades and get about a 15% increase in your efficiency. Comparing the results, it can be seen that the considered BSH and Retriever are approximately on the same level. But Apok can re-mine the Retriever with its eight t2 mine lasers.
If you have a tank in a corporation that can and wants to help you in mining, then download directly to Covetor. If it doesn't work out and you have to dig a lot alone, then your choice is the BShs discussed above.

Let's finish with Covetor.
Gentlemen, I can tell you that Covetor is a mega-monster of mining, a maniac, better than which there are only two Covetors. But in order to sit on it, you have to wait a long time for pumping the necessary skills.
Let me show you what he is capable of.

Skills you need: Mining V, Astrogeology V, Mining Barge V

The first time I wrote about Mining V. 6 days of leveling from 4 to 5 for an additional 5% is worth it, especially because the fifth level of this skill will come in handy when you are going to put t2 Strip miners. Teach, you will not regret it.

Using Strip I, we get the following:
1018.828 ores per Strip / cycle (180 sec)

So, per minute, (1018.828 * 3 strip miners) / 3 minutes = 1018.828 ore / minute

We get an increase in efficiency of 180% compared to Covetor and 128% compared to Apok (with eight miners and 3 MU). But this is just the beginning!

2) Mining Crystals in Eve online

If you've boarded Covetor, you might want to put yourself t2 Strip miners, which I use crystals for each type of ore to work with. Swinging for another 30 days, you can use them. Do not even hesitate - swing on them, they are effective!
What do we get?
T1 Crystal: (360 * 1.625) = 585
T2: Crystal: (360 * 1.75) = 630

Skills required for T2 Strips: Refining V, Advanced Refinery V, Metallurgy IV, Mining V, Mineral-Specific Processing up to III (T1 Crystals) or up to IV (T2 Crystals.)

Let's now calculate in our head how the Covetor will dig with our sexy T2 Strip miners and crystals.

Using Strip II along with T2 crystals, we get the following:
1118.63 ores per miner / cycle (180sec) (from 1 MU)

This means that per minute: 1118.63 ore / minute.

We get an additional 100 units. ore per minute.

3) How to become the best miner ?!

Do you want to know how to become an uber miner? Below are the modules and skills that will help you become as efficient as possible. (about drones later).

To be an uber solo miner, you need to have 2, or best of all, 3 accounts. Why?
1 account: mine
2 account: carries
3 account: BC or BSH who would help with the reproduction of pirates on belts

With two accounts, you can have a BC, like a tank, and a mine carrier in one person.

With new gang mining skills ALL gang members get mining bonuses. But a person with a pumped Foreman skill should be in the same system as you, moreover in open space and naturally with you in the gang.

Here is a list of what will make you an uber miner:

Mining V - 25% yield bonus
Astrogeology V - 25% yield bonus
Mining Barge V - 15% yield bonus
Mining Foreman V - 10% yield bonus
Strips II with T2 Crystal - 75% yield bonus
Mining Upgrades - You can put 2 on Hulk (about him below) (10% bonus to yield), or 1 on Covetor (5% bonus to yield)
Mining Implant (slot 7) - Gives a 5% yield bonus, but is rare. Usually sold for 300-350 lam.
Mining Implant (slot 10) - Not as rare as the one in slot 7. Also gives 5% yield, usually sells for 150 million dead-pale Amarrs.
Exhumer V - 15% to yield (Exhumers only)
Mining Foreman Midlink (slot 10) Uberimplant. Leaves for about 500 lamas. Gives as much as 15% bonus to the digging efficiency to the owner. It also increases the efficiency of the Mining Foreman skill by 50% (it turns out that with the fifth Foreman level, the bonus will be 15% instead of the initial 10%). It also increases the efficiency of any foreman link module by 50%.
So: all these implants personally increase your efficiency by 25%, and the effectiveness of the gang by 10%. But you must have the skills cybernetic V, mining foreman V and mining director V, which is hard.

Keep in mind: you can only use one imp per slot, so the mining foreman mindlink and the usual mining implant, which sit on the tenth slot, you will not be able to insert. You have to choose.

Let's now see what we will get if we put all this on ourselves and learn.

Ship: Covetor.

Using Strip II with T2 crystals, we get the following:
1438.24 per miner / cycle (180 sec) (with 1 MU)

That means in a minute: 1438.24 ores / minute without mining drones, which is 254% more efficient than the Retriever we reviewed.

Great, isn't it? And that is not all!

4) Drones in Eve online

Some will say that the drones are not worth it, but don't believe them, they are wrong.

Three types of mining drones available to you:
T1 Mining Drones - Ignore Them
T2 Mining Drones (approximately 600K apiece)
Harvester Drones (approx. 6 lamas per piece)

Skills needed: Drones V, Mining Drone Operations V (25% bonus to yield), Drone Interfacing V (100% bonus to drone yield)

using T2 drones (base yield is 25):
62.5 ores / minute drone

using Harvesters (base yield is 30):
75 ore / minute drone

You cannot say that using 5 t2 drones you will get an additional 62.5 * 5 ore / minute. Because the SSR cleverly rounds up the results of the drone mine.

T2 Mine drones are faster than their T1 counterparts, as well as faster than Harvesters. Therefore, t2 drones, under certain circumstances, look better against the background of expensive Harvesters and can remine them.

For example:
Digging with the Bistot drones (trash ore in zeros after Mercoxit, 16m3) you will receive:
62.5 / 16 = 3.9 Drone Bistot per minute. Rounding always goes down, so you get 3 units. from a drone. Harvesters will mine 75/16 = 4.68 Bistot per minute, bring, respectively, 4 units. As a result, we get that Harvesters will bring 1 additional unit of ore per minute, i.e. 5 add. units from all. I'll explain later how important this is, for now, just remember these numbers.

Now comes the fun part.

5) Hulk ... Buy or not?

The million dollar question! Hulk costs a lot of money (somewhere between 300 and 500 million). Many people think that this is an unprofitable investment. I'll tell you: if you are serious, then you need it. I'll prove it now.

You will need approximately 25 days to research Exhumer V (15% yield bonus).
You can insert 2 MU into it instead of one, Hulk will bring you an additional 20% efficiency. Is 20% worth three hundred lamas? Naturally! You can buy imps for 500 lamas and get the same efficiency gain. But losing a ship is as annoying as an egg with a cloud of imps?

But, but, but ... The best that the Hulk can give you is that he can tank just like the Dominix! Previously, you used an alt or co-corpsman to cover you, now you can leave him alone and tank yourself, getting even more ISK hours.
The resists and tanking capabilities of this barge will pleasantly surprise you.

Let's estimate the fit.

3x Strips II

1x Gistii-A Small Shield Booster
1x T2 Cap Recharger
2x required Hardeners (depending on how much damage the NPC has)

2x Mining Upgrades

It all costs about 150 lamas.

Now, as usual, let's get down to demonstrative calculations.

Using Strip II with T2 crystals and all bonuses from skills and imps in the section "how to become the best miner" we get the following:
360 (Base yield) * 1.25 (Mining V) * 1.25 (AstroV) * 1.15 (Barge V) * 1.1 (Foreman V) * 1.75 (T2 Crystal) * 1.1 (2x Mining Upgrades) * 1.05 (Implant 1) * 1.05 ( Implant 2) * 1.15 (Exhumer V) = 1732.74 ore from mining laser / cycle (180sec)

This means that per minute you will receive 1732.74 ore / minute. This is 306% better than Retrivier and 254% better than Covetor discussed above.

Great, isn't it? Let's now see how much ISK we will receive.

A covetor with a pilot who has fully pumped skills and imps inserted to the maximum will dig 1438.24 ore / minute. Digging Bistot, (after refining we get 1438.24 / 16 = 89 units per minute, which means 5349 units per hour) which goes for about 9000 ISK in the empire per unit, after selling about 48.000.000 ISK per hour.

If you dig with a Hulk, which digs (under the same conditions) 1732.74 ores / minute, which means 108 units. Bistot, thus receiving 6480 units per hour, we will receive an approximate income of 58,000,000 ISK per hour.

In short, with the Hulk you will dig about 10 more lamas in an hour than with the Covetor. The difference in cost between them is 280 lyamas (Hulk - 300, Covetor - 20). So you will pay off it in 28 hours (280 / 10mil hour = 2
But you still need to transport and sell what you have accumulated, so more real time payback - 60-80 hours. But if you sell ore right in the zeros, then the return on investment will naturally be faster.

Skills like mining, astrogeology, barge do not affect yield. The only thing that can affect is the Mackinaw bonus, which increases ice yield by 100%. If you dig on it, then you will dig 1000 for each cycle. The skills Ice Harvesting and Ice Harvesting Upgrades reduce the cycle time, therefore, with proper pumping, you can get more ice in an hour.

The basic cycle time with Harvesters I is 600 sec.
The basic cycle time with Harvesters II is 500 sec.

IMPORTANT: You must wait until the cycle is complete, or you will not receive a single unit of the mineral.

A Mackinaw with the Exhumer V skill will give you a 100% bonus to ice picking efficiency for each ice harvester, regardless of the Exhumers skill level. Each level of Exhumers grants a -5% bonus to the cycle time of each harvester. Since Mackinaw also has a negative bonus - 25% minutes to the digging speed, pumping up to level 5 of the Exhumers skill will nullify this negative moment, returning you to your previous 100%.

Cycle time with Ice Harvesters V and 2 Ice Mining upgrades (Harvesters I) = 405 sec.

Because you dig 2000 ore from each harv per cycle and can complete 8 complete cycles in an hour, your success in digging will be 36 units. ice per hour.

Cycle time with Ice Harvesters V and 2 Ice Mining upgrades (Harvesters II) = 337.5 sec.

Because you dig 2000 ore from each harv per cycle and you can complete 11 complete cycles in an hour, your success in digging will be 44 units. ice per hour.

Only 1 MU can be hung on it and it does not have the yield bonuses like Mackinaw, but you can put an additional strip on it.

Cycle time with Harvesters I - 427 sec.
Cycle time with Harvesters II - 356 sec.

Since you can only dig out 1000 per cycle, in total (for 3 harves) per cycle we get 3000, which means:

with Harvesters I: 9 cycles per hour, 27 units. ice

This means that Mackinaw can dig up an additional 11 units. ice for the same time. (hour)

Hulk's only merit in this aspect is that he can hold 2 Ice Harvester Upgrades against one on Covetor. The Hulk will have exactly the same cycle time as the Mackinaw, but will lose the 100% yield bonus.
Skill Exhumers does not give any bonuses to the amount of excavated.

From each harv we get 1000 per cycle, which means from 3x - 3000.
c Harvesters I: 9 cycles per hour, 27 units. ice
c Harvesters II: 11 cycles per hour, 33 units. ice

Much the same as Covetor. Hulk will dig that much just a few minutes faster than Covetor.

with Harvesters I: 9 cycles per hour, 36 units. ice
with Harvesters II: 11 cycles per hour, 44 units. ice.

with Harvesters I: 9 cycles per hour, 27 units. ice
with Harvesters II: 11 cycles per hour, 33 units. ice.

I think the comments are superfluous. Anyone who wants to effectively dig ice - sit on the Mackinaw.

Edit: There is a different opinion about Mackinaw. Below, from Mahmud.

7) Bottom line

So where did we come to?
Retrivier with weak skills will dig 565 ore / minute
Covetor with good skills - 1188 ores / minute
Hulk with great skills and full imps - 1732 ores / minute (one, no tank support).

In the money, selling Bistot (9000 ISK per unit)
Retrivier - 30 lems per hour
Covetor - 64 lems per hour
Hulk with great skills and full imps - 93 lems per hour.

Have you forgotten about the drones?
T2 drones: 15 extra units Bistot per minute (3 from each of 5 drones), which means 900 extra. units per hour - additional 8.1 lam per hour.

Harvester Drones: 20 extra units Bistot per minute (4 from each of 5 drones), which means 1200 extra. units per hour - additional 10.8 lems per hour.

Hulk is the bomb, the dream of any serious miner. Hulk will save you a lot of trouble and bring you great profits. Having 2 accounts, the second can be put on the transportation of the accumulated, increasing your efficiency. This is a big investment, I agree, but it's worth it and very soon you will become a billionaire.

Mining may seem boring to many, but TeamSpeak or some interesting movie will brighten up your gray days.