Images from the satellite in real time. Earth map online. Earth from space online real-time

Many users would like to enjoy satellite photos Native places, see their home, nearby River or Forest, while everything is something that is called "Malaya Motherland". The tool for implementing this desire can be satellite cartographic services that provide a unique feature of viewing in the detailed graphical mode of all required geolockations. After my attempts to look from the satellite to your home online, I found really high-quality services and in the article will share my workshops.

There is a huge variety of cartographic services that provide the user with access to satellite cards. high resolution. At the same time, the absolute majority of such services use the API from " Google Maps.", And only a few services (including domestic" Yandex.Maps ") can boast their own cartographic machines other than the dominant cards in this segment of Google.

At the same time, work with such cards is quite template. You go to one of them, if necessary, turn on satellite display, and then enter your address in the search string ( locality, Street, House number). After that, the service finds the required location, and you can enlarge or reduce the displayed display using the mouse. If the service for any reason does not find your home, I recommend entering the name of the city (village, village) and the street, and then find needed Home Alone with the mouse.

At the same time, some services allow not only to see their house from above, but also take a walk through the streets of the hometown, and close to enjoy the kind of buildings you need.

Let us turn to the list of services that will help us see our home from the satellite.

Google Cards - We look at your home from a real-time satellite

The most popular world cartographic resource is undoubtedly "Google Maps" (Google Cards). In addition to the cards presented in a schematic and satellite form, the service is also included with the possibility of 360 ° the streets of many cities of the world (Street View). Outdoor traffic and traffic jam information (Google Traffic), a route planner from point A to point B, 3D mapping of many geographic points, other useful features.

To view your home, you can use two main possibilities:

Yandex.Maps - will allow you to see the necessary object in Russia

Another cartographic service with which you can enjoy the view of your home is "Yandex.Maps." This service is most popular in Russia, since the level of reflection of the territory of Russia and the frequency of data renewal in the Russian Federation exceeds all existing analogues, including the generally accepted maps from Google.

As well as the Google MAPS service, Yandex.Maps can boast of both standard and satellite mapping of cards (as well as the hybrid regime, which assumes the application of various text and schematic marking on the satellite card). In addition, users are available for the street display mode ("Yandex.panorama"), the road congestion indicator (Yandex. Plots), as well as the Cardic System "Folk Card", available for editing any user.

To view your home using Yandex.Maps, go to the resource, take your address in the search bar from above, and press Enter. To go to street viewer, click at the bottom of the screen on the button with binoculars (panoramas of streets and photos). And then select one of the streets marked with a blue (you will go to the street viewing mode at this point, and you can enjoy the color of these places).

Bing.maps - Satellite map from Microsoft

"Bing.maps" is a network cartographic service from Microsoft, previously known under the names of Windows Live Maps and MSN Virtual Earth. Its capabilities include satellite map mapping, street view, displaying 3d for 60 cities in the world, gasket of the optimal route and other features, template for services of this type.

To watch your home with the help of "Bing.maps", go to the specified service, click on the road to the right, and select "Hybrid View". Then enter the address you need in the search string, and look at the view.

Mapquest - Popular American Cartographic Service

"Mapquest" (Translated "Card Search") - This is a free American cartographic service, the second most popular in the United States after "Google Maps". The resource can boast of a high degree of detail of the streets of many countries of the world, will help pave a convenient route, informs about the existing traffic and much more.

To work with it, you need to go to this resource, click on the image button globe right (satelite), which will allow switching to satellite mode Display. After that, in the search string on the left, enter the address you need (preferably, Latin), and enjoy the display of the desired location using the MapQuest service.

MAPQUEST service - the second most popular in the US


You can look from the satellite to your home using the services listed by me in this material. For the territory of Russia, I would recommend the Yandex.Maps service - the level of its detail and the frequency of updated data is inspired to consider cards from Yandex to the best cartographic service in the territory of the Russian Federation. On the global scale, the Google Maps service is an indisputable leader, therefore will be optimal to use the toolkit of this service to display maps of many countries of the world.

In contact with

Map of Russia from the satelliteHow much in this sentence!
And if you are interested view from a real-time satellite?
Larous long ago, we are accustomed to the process of globalization and the Internet.
We can communicate with any person through the worldwide cobweb.
But not so long ago, progress in this direction stepped forward.
In this article you will find map of Russia from a real-time satellite Online
(Also on the map you can find any cities, let's say) and the map of the webcam of Russia.

If you want to look at the planet Earth in real time as if from a satellite, use Google Earth provided below.
To increase the scale, use the mouse wheel. If you do not have Google Planet Earth - you will be offered to do it. If you have entered the Opera browser - viewing is impossible. It is best to do this in Firefox and Google Chrome browsers.

Enter any object you are interested in in the window and click "Forward!":

The dream of many fiction writers about "Vidofon", such as Strugatsky brothers, for example. Now Russia is real-time available to any person who has access to the Internet. We can communicate with each other not just sending messages to a blind person on the other side of the monitor, but also to see and hear it.

Live communication is difficult to overestimate. And it's great. Now, having bought a web chamber, anyone who wants a person can show itself to the whole world and compatriots in particular. All the same, much more pleasant to communicate in your native language than to try to transfer a foreign language online. This is no longer any given. Russia in real time - Miracle of science and technology.

Opening such a website as the next, for example, anyone can see another city, see what happens now for several thousand kilometers.
Now the distance is not a hindrance for communication. We can find all webcams of Russiawill connect to this broadcast and watch, listen, talk and transmit your emotions to the interlocutor. It seems that everyone agrees that webcams are great!

And one more way to see the view from the satellite live, this is a wonderful program to display the full three-dimensional model of our planet, even the relief of the terrain, the mountains are high, water in the seas pegs, and special cultural monuments are presented in Google Planet mode. If you do not have Google Planet Earth - you will be offered to do it. If you have entered the Opera browser - viewing is impossible. It is best to do this in Firefox and Google Chrome browsers.

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Nov 11, 2015 13:06


Public cadastral map displayed with the imposition of photographs from the satellite (as of 2015), is a all-Russian resource containing information about real estate facilities. In general, this is a huge photo of the country mounted from a variety of small photographs made from space in ESRI or ScanEx projects. The image is arranged taking into account the global coordinate system. The main purpose of the service is the provision of open (free) access to cadastral information to an unlimited number of users - simple citizens, realtors, lawyers, employees of land firms and other things. Since the project implementation in 2010, the procedure for obtaining cadastral information has been significantly simplified.

Resource informativeness

Cadastral public Card. From the satellite - there is a result of the work of a multitude of cadastral engineers who are in the service in Russia. With it, you can find the object on the ground and find out:

  • 1 - cadastral number;
  • 2 - address;
  • 3 - area;
  • 4 - the cadastral value that will be used in taxation;
  • 5 - form of ownership.

If necessary, you can:

  • 1 - get and printed the plan of the land plot and the corresponding cadastral quarter;
  • 2 - to clarify the category of lands, their borders and the target purpose;
  • 3 - determine the location and borderline lines of neighboring objects;
  • 4 - find out these divisions of the Rosreestra, which stores information about the object of interest;
  • 5 - get information about capital construction facilities. In addition to the above data, you can learn the floors of the building, including underground, material of the walls, the date of commissioning and the end of construction, the name of the contractor and its INN;
  • 6 - send a request to the GKN, the USRP, to obtain data on the object online.


Cadastral public card from the satellite is a unique tool that allows you to get an idea of \u200b\u200bwhere the property of the property is located, what is its borders, with what objects it is adjacent. The resource is necessary to determine the location and status of land plots. This is very important when resolving controversial issues: for heirs, notaries and honest citizens who defend their rights.

Can you find satellite photos for which you will be able to trace the stages of destroying the Donetsk airport as a result of artillery shelling?

To answer this question, three online applications for searching for historical satellite photographs will be considered in this article:, Terraserver and Digital Globe.

For different territories, satellites take pictures of the surface of the Earth with different frequency - depending on the population of the territory and interest of users. Therefore, large cities will have more photos than villages.

Before you begin searching for historical photos, you need to determine the geographic coordinates of the desired places - longitude (Longitude) and latitude (Latitude). One of the most simple ways - Use Google Maps.

For example, to get the coordinates of the Donetsk airport, first need find it on the map Using the Google Maps search engine (in the upper left corner). Next, right-click on the site of the card, which interests us (on the airport building) and in the list that appears, choose "What?".

Google Maps, "Shaoo here?"

In the upper left corner of the screen under the search string will appear short description and the geographic coordinates of the Donetsk Airport - 48.067663, 37.741608.

You can also use the convenient online service of (uses google maps) With an understandable interface.

You need to install the Google Earth program, that is, download the link. - and go through the installation procedure for 5-10 minutes.

In the upper left corner in the "Search" line you need to introduce either coordinates (48.067663, 37.741608), or the name of the object ("Donetsk Airport"). After the program will show the latest satellite image of the area. You can approach the object or extend using the navigation panel as in Google Maps in the right corner of the program.

Google Earth. Navigation

To get the opportunity to view historical photos, you need to select "View" - "Images in time" in the program menu.

In the upper left corner there will be a blue bar on a black background, where the valid temporary photo search range will be specified. Light blue vertical strips displays the dates of available photos. Using the slider or the "Back" / "forward" button, you can move through the timeline of historical satellite photos.

In our case, the last available image of the Donetsk airport from Space was made on September 3, 2014. Pressing the "Back" button, you can observe the process of destruction of the airport building. For example, in the photo of July 21, 2014, such damage is no longer visible.


If it does not work find satellite pictures A certain period in Google Earth, you can try to search for an American commercial site Terraserver. For high-quality photos will have to pay (from $ 25 to $ 225, depending on the size of the image). But can help free images.

On the main page you need to enter either the longitude / latitude of the object (coordinate), or specify the country / city / street (address) of the search area.

Terraserver will show the latest image available. To view historical photos from the satellite, you need to press the button on the iR button, after which the list will appear on which the date and time of the available satellite images will be indicated.

- Also an American company that daily photographs millions of square kilometers of earth surface, supplying images of NASA, Google, Terraserver.

To go to a section with satellite photos, you must click on Menu - ImageFinder.

On the ImageFinder page, as in similar services, you can search or by the name of the object, or by coordinates. To specify the coordinates, select the ENTER COORDINATES button in the POLYGON menu.

DigitalGlobe. Search by coordinates

On the new page in the CENTER POINT tab, you need to specify the coordinates of the Donetsk airport, and enter, for example, 1 (square kilometer), and press Continue. In the CORNER COODRS tab, you can specify the area search parameters by specifying the coordinates of the upper left and lower right angles.

The next step is to click on the SEARCH button on the right on the screen.

Russia is located in the northern part of the mainland of Eurasia. The country was washed by the Arctic and Pacific Oceans, Caspian, Black, Baltic and Azov Sea. Russia has overall boundaries with 18 countries. The area of \u200b\u200bthe territory is 17 098 246

Plains and lowlands make up more than 70% of the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe country. Western regions are located on the Eastern European Plain, where the lowlands alternate (Caspian and others) and the hill (Midneyskaya, Valdai, etc.). The Eastern European Plain from the West Siberian lowland is separated by the Ural Mining System.

Map of Russia from the satellite online

Map of Russia from the satellite. Cities of Russia from the satellite
(This map Allows you to study roads and individual cities in various viewing modes. For a detailed study, the card can be dragged in different directions and increase)

Russia is rich in huge stocks of fresh water. The largest rivers include: Lena, Angara, Yenisei, Amur, Volga, Ob, Pechora and others with their numerous tributaries. Baikal is the greatest freshwater lake.
Flora of Russia consists of 24,700 varieties of plants. Most of the plants in the Caucasus (6000) and the Far East (up to 2000). Forests belong to 40% of the territory.
Diverse animal world. It is represented by white bears, tigers, leopards, wolves and a huge variety of other animal representatives.
Petroleum reserves are explored almost throughout the country. The Siberian platform is rich in stone coal, potash and stone salts, gas and oil. Kursk magnetic anomaly includes the largest iron ore deposits, on the Kola Peninsula - the deposits of copper-nickel ore. On the Mountain Altai many iron ores, asbestos, talc, phosphorites, tungsten, molybdenum. Chukotka region is rich in gold, tin, mercury, tungsten.
Thanks geographical position Russia belongs to various climatic belts: arctic, subarctic, moderate and partially subtropical. The average January temperature (by different districts) is indicated from the plus 6 to minus 50 ° C, July - plus 1-25 ° C. In a year, precipitation drops 150-2000 mm. At 65% of the country's territory there is an eternal Merzlot (Siberia, the Far East).
The extreme south of the European part includes the mountains of the Greater Caucasus. South Si-Biri occupy Altai and Sayans. The north-eastern part of the Far East and Siberia is rich in the middle of the mountain ranges. On the peninsula of Kamchatka and the Kuril Islands - volcanic territories.
Russian population by 2013 amounted to 143 million people. Representatives of over 200 nationalities live in the country. Of these, the Russians make up about 80%. The rest are Tatars, Chuvashi, Bashkirs, Ukrainians, Chechens, Mordva, Belarusians, Yakuts and many others.
Russian peoples talk on 100 or more languages \u200b\u200brelating to Indo-European, Urals, Altai Language Families. The most common conversational languages: Russian (state), Belarusian, Ukrainian, Armenian, Tatar, German, Chuvash, Chechen and others.
The most numerous Orthodox population in the world lives in Russia - 75% of Russians. Other common confessions are: Islam, Buddhism, Judaism.

According to its state structure, Russia refers to the Federal Republic of Presidential Type. It consists of 83 subjects, including:
- regions - 46,
- republics - 21,
- edges - 9,
- cities of federal significance - 2,
autonomous districts — 4,
- Autonomous region - one.

Russia has a huge tourist potential. However, this sphere is still waiting for its development. At the moment, in addition to the usual to all resort tourism, a new directions are developing, for example rural tourism. Exist different kinds rural tourism: ethnographic, agricultural, environmental, educational, culinary (gastronomic), commercial, sports, adventure, cognitive, exotic, wellness and combined.

Rural tourism (agricultural tourism) is primarily surrounding from all sides nature, architectural monuments and historical places. Singing roosters in the morning and pair milk to dinner, natural food and tourist routes, replete with beautiful views, holy sources, monasteries, deposits, beauty of forests and fields, fishing on the shore of the lake, acquaintance with rural life, with traditional crafts, the opportunity to join the rustic environment and cultural heritage, make hiking, cycling and horseback riding. In addition, rural tourism raises the role of local history.

This type of tourism flourishes in Europe, in Russia he is still incomprehensible wonder, however, those who want to relax in the style of Country becomes more and more.

Such a rest away from the city fuss and noise gives a colossal energy charge.