XVM artillery focus experiment in World of Tanks. XVM Experiment of Artillery Focus in World of Tanks Boot Loading in World Of Tanks

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Enlightening game when starting on Mac OS X

To solve the problem, reinstall Codeweavers Mac Wrapper software.

Codeweavers Mac Wrapper Do not develop wargaming.net, and World of Tanks on Mac OS X is not supported. With any questions, you can always contact the developer:

The game does not start when switching to improved graphics

This happens if the computer configuration is below the necessary game when setting up "Improved Graphics". To solve the problem:

  1. Download the archive.
  2. Unpack it and run .Bat file - it automatically deletes the game settings.
  3. Run the game.

Screen Resolution Outside Range

Such a message appears if the game client was launched on the resolution above supported by a monitor or video card. To solve the problem, delete the client settings:

  1. Download the archive.
  2. Unpack it and run .Bat file - it automatically deletes the file settings files.
  3. Run the game.

Problems when updating

Problems when starting the game

When you start the client of the game, the following error may occur (the file name may differ from the specified in the screenshot):

  1. Open Game Center.
  2. Select World of Tanks at the top of the window.
  3. Click on the "Game Settings" button.
  4. In the settings, click "Restore the game".

To solve the problem, you need to check the integrity of the client. If you run the game through:

  1. Run the Loncher.
  2. Go to the settings (click the gear image in the upper right corner of the Loncher).
  3. Click the Support tab and click on the "Check" button.
  4. Wait for the process to complete and click on the "Play" button.

Read about solving other problems when you start the game

Olemerer (part of the XVM Fashion) is "Fucking Shit", which must be immediately banned in the game. I wish [bad life] to developers of this modification- So in the summer in EU started a wave of protest against using players of one very unpleasant part of the XVM fashion - mapping of statistics of players in battle. It can be seen, there in the West also realized the whole pain (it came to them), which many players of our cluster are experiencing.
Next, one player from America promised to spend a thorough investigation into this problem, and show whether it is not a fiction and a strained problem. In mid-August of this year, he published on Reddit to the topic with his results. The first of the Russian-speaking media to study the user under the Nick WardJumpForjesus drew the attention of G1Deon. Post, by the way, after discussed far outside the tank community, players pointed to similar cases in other games.

"It's not a secret that player statistics for xVM versions It is often angry with themselves in the form of increased attention from the enemy (and in the Alterakov, that to hide, sometimes breaks the roof). Of course, players with a weak or even average statistics are inclined to deny the excessive focus, but people with a high and even unique statment bite that the difference exists, and sometimes the focus is really unbearable!

Many write off this fact on a certain preconceived relationship and / or style of the game between statists and cancers, i.e. More skilled players are faster ranked running positions and are highlighted before others, taking on the main part of the focus of the enemy team. In such conditions it is difficult to estimate how much data xVM statistics may affect the final focus, so I decided to conduct an experiment to quantify the focus of art with two accounts WOT., radically different statistics.

As a methodology, it was decided to compare the amount of the mill from artillery hits, under which there was a player for 1000 battles on both accounts. I tried not to take into account the attacks from artillery to the emphasis, since such shots are only self-defense, and can not be any special focus of speech.

For a start, I spent 1000 battles on the main account, and this is ~ 2500 WN8, 59% of victories, technology levels - 8 ... 10.

Artillery distribution statistics in battles:

357 battles with three arts;
- 342 battle with two artams;
- 161 battle with one arta;
- 140 Battle without artillery (hello, Malinovka!).

Total: For 1000 battles on this account, I was 622 times.

The experiment clearly became interesting, and for maximum compliance, I continued the game only on medium tanks on the second account (~ 200 WN8, 42% of victories) belonging to my, Khe-Khe, younger brother. The level of battle was similar: 8 ... 10 levels.

Statistics on the number of artillery:

401 fight with three arts;
- 276 battle with two arts;
- 154 battle with one arteet;
- 169 battles without artillery.

Outcome: For 1000 battles on such an account, the Stan reached me 104 times!

I did not change the style of the game so that it could affect such a significant decrease in the focus of the art, and I was able to afford more coupiens, which would be uniquely suppressed by an enemy team. There were quite real situations when I drove on the tens on the cardboard tank, and when you lie, the enemy team shot exclusively on a level 8 tank next to me, but not for me. It can just be a confirmation of the aforementioned fact of a biased relationship, and this does not apply to the number of statistics. Both accounts did not consist in clans and both with the Na cluster.

Honestly, I never got such a pleasure from the game in the World of Tanks, especially when in the battles it was not necessary to postpone completely and drain well-drain rollers.
I know this is a unrealized dream, but XVM (or rather part of the fashion - approx. Wot Express) There should be no place in this game! - It only provokes toxicity and is, including those ragged for gaming trolls, when they are engaged in a favorite thing: spoil the statistics to other players.
Ohh, how I suffered from the art ...

So, and XVM (part of the fashion - approx. WOT EXPRESS), and art is big problems Games, but in the aggregate it is definitely a dream for playing trolls. In WG generally aware of this real problem? ".

With all this toxicity, this focus on the color of statistics on EN / NA is much less than here. Who risks repeat on RU?)
The author's study was drawn quite highly popularity and received 94% of approving evaluations. Some in the comments were recognized that they deliberately choose more skil players for their goal. WardJumpForjesus supported some western streamers.

I noticed somehow that on my computer Maps in Wot are loaded for a very long time - more than a minute. You go, it happens, in battle, and it is already 30 seconds. And sometimes at all, we find your tank in the form of burning fragments. My computer, of course, is old and for a long time asks the upgrade, but at first you can try to do something programmate.

So, the first thing is to determine the cause of the brakes. List of suspects, in principle, not very large:

  • Cryruction of game developers
  • Barabash
Let's start operational search events with full-time. We take an excellent Process Monitor utility from SysInternals, run, add the WorldOfTanks.exe process monitoring to the filters and went. We start the game, start the battle, waiting for the card download and look at the monitoring results.

As can be seen from the screenshot, loading CPU, memory and network are far from the maximum. But the HDD loading schedule is very uneven, there are peaks and failures. Let's look more detailed. Click "Tools-\u003e File Summary ...". Bingo! Here we see a whole bunch of input operations \\ output (70 602 pieces, if you are accurate).

The total amount of data readable in approximately 450 MB, file operation time - more than 50 seconds. So, it is the file operations that take most of the time card loading time. It is no wonder - in WOT well-worked cards, tank models, all sorts of houses there \\ trees \\ stones. 450 MB of readable data looks an adequate price for all this. But how can we speed up the download time? After all, all this data is still needed to read. There is an old proven way to accelerate file operations - RAM disk. But what is the trouble - to apply it to the forehead. The game takes 11 GB, and on my car only 4 GB of RAM. That is, even by creating a RAM disk of 11 GB and placing the whole game on him, I do not deceive the laws of physics and operating system - The disc can be created, but the data on it will be swapped to the same hard disk, from the use of which we want to go away. Not an option.

Well, shop deeper - let's see, the appeals to which files takes the most time. Open the "By Folder" tab and see the following picture.

Most of the resources eats access to files in the% WORLD_OF_TANKS% \\ RES folder. Here you can select the following subfolders:

  • audio: 14.48 seconds - folder takes 200 MB
  • content: 9.93 seconds - folder takes 844 MB
  • spaces: 6.19 seconds - folder takes 419 MB
  • vehicles: 8.60 seconds - folder takes 1.7 GB
If we could put files from some of these folders in memory, then the download of the map would be much accelerated. For example, placing files from RAM files from folders Audio. And Spaces, we will win 21 seconds at the price of 619 MB of RAM - quite well. But in the forehead it will not make it - how do you explain the game that part of its resources is lying here, and part is there? In this place, I already wanted to hit hard hardcore in the Harkonnen spirit "A:
  1. Load the desired files in memory
  2. With any Microsoft detours or apihijack, hang hooks on the Createfile, readfile function (and maybe something else) in the WorldOfTanks.exe process.
  3. In hooks, we define what kind of file is trying to read WOT. If one of ours - give him data from the memory if the left is to throw the call to the real file entry functions \\ output.
But, unfortunately, it did not work out - the idea that allowed me to do everything easier and spoiled everything, and it ruined it :). The idea was that, they say, how cool in this place would be a user of * Nix-systems, where there is a beautiful Mount team, which allows you to attach anything anywhere. There is no such thing in Windows ... or is there? At the periphery of consciousness, he was Vitali, some vague memories and I climbed into my head and Google for information (when you already make a search from Google in the end, they will search in my head - they completely laid something!). So, that's what we have under Windows:
  • subst - makes exactly the opposite of what we need. Allows you to create a new virtual disk, the root of which will be the specified folder. And we need the contrary - to associate an existing disk with a "virtual" folder.
  • The project described in Microsoft KB is at first glance doing what we need. Allows the NTFS file system to create a connection between some folder and the disk root. A beautiful thing, but, unfortunately, I did not work with my RAM-Drive (even when I formatted it in NTFS).
  • Well, finally I decided to search there, from where such a search should be started - in the list of utilities from SysInternals. And, of course, there was something that I needed. The utility allows you to mount to a specific folder any path in our file system (there is one more similar - linkd).
Thus, the final algorithm looks like this:
  1. Take any RAM-DRIVE (for example, from this list). I took this one.
  2. We think how much RAM we can allocate under caching.
  3. Rewrite folders with game resources on RAM-DRIVE ( original folders We rename - they will need them).
  4. Using Junction, mount the folder on the RAMDRIVE to the game resource folder. Something like this:
    "Junction D: \\ Games \\ WORLD_OF_TANKS \\ RES \\ Audio R: \\ Audio"
  5. Run the game and enjoy.
By the way, all these items can be implemented in one batch service, and in the second - the rollback of everything back.

Of course, it is important not to overdo it in this matter that the volume of files on the RAM-DRIVE does not become so big that the OS decides to use Svetopping - then the whole idea flies to hell. But what happened to me:

Time to appeal to files in folders on the RAM-Drive fell almost to zero, the card began to boot much faster, I began to appear often before the start of the sample reference, so on to spread the pair of phrases with allies before the start of the battle. In general, what I wanted - achieved. It is a pity that I have not happened to dig deeper in the depths of the game and link hooks - but my way does not break license Agreement WOT, which is also important.