License agreement on the game Klondike. Klondike Help on the game. Tips and secrets Klondike - Missing Expedition. Beautiful world of online farm

Have you ever dreamed of finding a real gold deposit? Then Klondike: The missing expedition will help you to fulfill the dream! There are many advantages here.

  • First, it is a browser, so you can play it without installing any customers.
  • Secondly, it is done very well: good graphics, atmospheric musical accompaniment, themed heroes.
  • Thirdly, there is a plot in the project, not inferior to most client games.

It seems that this should be enough so that you want to start playing the game Klondike? As soon as you install the application, you will start to lose a few hours a day (so if you have a session or grandilage now, we advise you to postpone get acquainted with the game until better times).

Klondike is a game that is suitable for gambling. In the course gameplay New tasks appear regularly, so you will always need to strive for something. Particularly interesting is the thematic tasks that the project prepares for holidays. It is commonly "festive" tasks are temporary, so they need to be performed first, otherwise it will not work the original and useful gift.

Surely, you thought that in Klondike: Missing Expedition Gold is the basis of the plot. But, having come to disappoint you (or to delight, decide for yourself!): In addition, you have to find the gold deposit, you (and it first) will need to find traces of your father. According to the plot, the main character is a boy, the dad whom a long time ago went to the expedition to the north. He regularly wrote the letters to his wife and son, but once the letters stopped coming. Everyone considers the father of the chief hero of those who died, but the boy does not believe in his death. Now, when the boy grew up, he is ready to repeat the path of his dad and learn about all secrets.

Klondike to play, where the quests for the main character begin with the place that the latter was described in the letters of the disappeared father. Here you with your ward meets a cute northernineal name of a dumb shadow. He will become your guide and assistant. Major shadow will give you Kirk Father and tell you where to look for hidden inheritance. The receipt of "transmission" from the Father, the hero will be able to start his journey. Communication with local residents will replace the training mode. A mute shadow will explain that it will be necessary to do, and pop-up tips will demonstrate how. Since the search for gold is a long-lasting process, you will have to set up near the mine.

Klondike: Missing Expedition will show you along the game, how to care for small garden and pets, improve your character and raise levels. Each of the next level opens the gamer the way to new tasks and artifacts. The project is interactive, that is, you can play with your friends. Walk to visit to each other, help the neighbors - it can bring additional prizes bonuses, sometimes virtue even allows you to get the most expensive currency - stones.

Klondike: Missing Expedition - game exactly for you, if you like adventures covered with mystery!

Recently, VKontakte began to gain momentum game "Klondike". More than 500,000 benefits play it.
We always pay attention to games with a lot of players, as it is popular. And now we will tell you all the interests of this game.

Description of the game Klondike

Immediately striking that the game is very quickly loading. Meets us a pleasant and bright interface. So we went to the toy.

Recently, VKontakte began to gain momentum game "Klondike". More than 500,000 benefits play it.

We always pay attention to games with a lot of players, as it is popular. And now we will tell you all the interests of this game.
Immediately striking that the game is very quickly loading. Meets us a pleasant and bright interface. So we went to the toy.

All adventures begins with the father of the Pazanchik, who dumped into a distant hike and lost there. And many years later, the boy went to look for him. After that story, interest in the game increases, it seems more interesting and mysterious, full adventure and mysteries.

Passage of the game Klondike

And now the long-awaited adventures begin. We hit the playing field, the game proposes to pick up the inheritance of the couch of the chest. Opening it, a lot of asterisks, money, pebbles of multi-colored all sorts of sprouts from it. Then we encounter a passerby, who tells us that it is necessary to work hard to survive. Next, we feed the chickens, do a cow, relieve the house, in short, the farm is fully developed. And here we understand that we build a farm.

It should be noted that the graphics in the game are very beautiful and professional. It seems that the creator specifically drawn all the pixels with a brush. If it is very boring, you can admire the landscapes surrounding and fascinating us.

As usual in such farms' games, you need energy for any action. As in all fermostroy and fertilizing games, the energy is restored very slowly, but for free, or very fast, but paid.

When you chop firewood, mining coal or collect eggs, you charge a certain amount of points, depending on the type of work done, and give a variety of gifts. And also if you have little energy to work, work workers will be done for you. At first there will be two Esquiests in your submission. One name is a deaf ear, the other is a dumb shadow.

In the process of the game, you will constantly offer small tasks, award for which there will be gifts. One of the first mini tasks will be invited friends to this application. With them you can compete in the speed and quality of passing toys. Other rivals, besides your friends in the game there will be no.

Bugs Games Klondike Vkkontakte

I will immediately say that the bugs in the game did not have been discovered.

Remember that we are responsible for those who have tamed. Taking part in exciting adventures, do not forget to take care of animals.

Plot and action in the game

The main hero of this game is a very brave young man. He went to the valley of blue vertices. His father is the gold descendant, and the guy intends to find it, by all means. However, this long path awaits many dangers and obstacles. Help the chief hero to overcome all the obstacles and find the Father.

The blue vertices are a very large territory that will not be so easy to explore how it may seem at first glance. Install the location of the expedition participants will be difficult. Perhaps she was lost in the most remote corners of this edge, so you must certainly explore it. The game captures literally with the first minutes of the gameplay and does not let go until you manage to find answers to all questions.

Waning out members of the expedition, you can not forget about the domestic skot. Clean your pets and do not forget to feed them. You will not have the right to make a mistake. Therefore, before making any actions, you will need to think about everything.


  • Fascinating gameplay.
  • Tangled plot.
  • Suitable for users of various ages.
  • Quality graphics.
  • Simple control.

You can download on android full version Games Klondike: Missing Expedition We are on the site absolutely free!

Today we want to talk to you about one of the most popular games Vkontakte from the genre "farm". Game Klondike B. social network - This is exactly what you need if you want to develop your own settlement, compete with friends and show your managerial abilities.

Plot games

Of course, we will not tell you the entire plot to preserve intrigue and interest in the game. We will tell only where the whole fad began, if you can express it. Klondike in the social network contact is a story about the young adventurerist, who came to the earth unknown for himself to find his dad, who works as a real gold descender! It is from the Valley of the Blue Mountains that he will start a search expedition. After all, my father disappeared! In addition to this mission, you will also have to develop a completely wretched station to a real metropolis of those times.

Our opinion

It is worth saying that the game developers constantly update the application and try to make the user who does not borrow, in the hundredth time the launch of the game Klondike in Social Internal Vontakte.

After starting the game, you have to watch the short intro, and then play. Immediately say about a good schedule, which, however, is far from ideal even for a browser game. As for sound, I did not understand at all, it is or not. Music, at least, personally, we were missing during the review. Although all the sound settings were turned on (yes, and the computer columns are also). Separately, I want to praise developers for the function of deploying the game on the whole screen. So it is much more convenient to play and more interesting.

The game surprises us from the first minutes. For some reason, Eskimo, wrapped in fur, is suitable for for some reason (although the hero itself is in summer clothes, and in general, judging by the picture, on the street Summer) and suggests that the Father left us a real treasure under the nearest stone. Ultimately, we slowly but rightly approach the essence of the game - building buildings, cultivation of chickens and pigs, harvesting. Let's just say, Klondike is very similar to the rest similar games This genre. Nothing particularly the original here, unfortunately, will not see.

Dake cows, feed chickens and look for their masonry with eggs. Get for this products and game points. Then you should build a sawmill, harvesting firewood, in general, non-piece rustic life is provided to you. And all this time will lead you all this time, the same incomprehensible Eskimo named "Mute Shadow". Although, judging by what he is talkative, he is not dumb.

As a result, I would like to say that the game is very entertaining, although not very original. At the time of writing the article in Shee plays a little less than five million users.

Community VKontakte

The social network also has a community that is dedicated to this game. It is at this address:

In it on this moment nine hundred thousand people. People exchange experience, follow the news of the game, publish screenshots with their achievements, receive assistance if necessary, watch videos on the topic. So, if you become a fan of this application, do not forget to join the community. So playing will be even more interesting!

  • "Let's talk" - this is a massive social multiplayer game in which you can evaluate photos of other participants, get acquainted with new interesting people And even make relationships. Let's, first, let's talk about the interface.
  • Long wanted to know who exactly from users of the social network attends your page most often? Today you will have such an opportunity! Application guests and fans in contact is designed specifically so that you can track people for free, which will visit you at all. In addition, my fans and my guests VK are an application that can build special ratings, showing you that one in the first place (the greatest visit to your page), who is on the second and so on. In general, it will be very fun and curious, you may not doubt!
  • In this game in contact, everyone is assigned its own role. If you are a knight, you have to fight rivals to the glory of beautiful ladies. If you are a lady, you have to take care of the estate. If you play this game with friends and loved ones, it will seem much more interesting for you. "Loyalty" is a fascinating social toy in Vkontakte, playing in which you do not have to miss.
  • You have a treasure map in your hands. Guess all the riddles on the way to put and you will find Treasures Henry Morgan! In the game Treasures of Pirates in Odnoklassnikhva, Young Corsair, your goal is to become a pirate. To achieve your dream, real treasures are needed, which can be found using vintage cards.

Who did not dream about the adventures of Indiana Jones? Mysterious searches, survival at any cost ... All this is fully present in the game "Klondike" VKontakte. The string plot is a note received from the relatives, which reported that they went east with a certain expedition. Well, you have to find them.

The essence of the game

All travelers live very rich life. It will be necessary to deal with the arrangement in the way, and the extraction of food. And of course, finding real treasures. How without them?! Food is only natural, no fastofuda as in the game. First of all, the meat of birds and animals.

Application creators took care so that you do not miss. For the day you have to:

Collect materials and resources for buildings;
- collect harvest - sow, dig, water;
- Search for treasures. They may be under any bush;
- engage in buying and selling;
- attend friends, in parallel, collecting all sorts of treasures from them;
- Hire utility workers for clearing the territory - Eskimos.

All you need will give you nature, and the rest you buy in a bench with such sections:

- decorative materials;
- different buildings;
- varied animals;
- greenhouses for plants;
- Energy;
- workers;
- extensions;
- Clothes.

In principle, the Klondike application is very similar to the "farm", but here you can travel.

The game has obvious advantages. It:

  • entertaining plot;
  • wonderful graphics;
  • short and convenient training.

And cons:

  • not selected floor of the character;
  • lack of voice acting.

Secrets and tricks "Klondike"

This application is very young, few people switched to higher levels, and therefore you can become a real discoverer, first of learning the secrets laid down in the game. For now, only a few tips:

A character can perform several actions specified in a specific sequence.

You can cancel the actions using the press of a red cross in the right corner of the window.

It is interesting to conceive the opportunity to start travel. To do this, you just need to find the card in some building.

The game has the ability to collect the collection of objects. This is necessary for the passage of various quests. If something from the subjects cannot be found in any way, add it to the wish list. Then there is a chance that you can help friends.

If you found a cache, do not postpone its collection for later. Know, not only you, but also your friends can see him, therefore, take you before you.

No hacks, bugs and cheats - only an honest game! Go to the page with the game:

GD Star Rating
a WordPress Rating System

Vkontakte game "Klondike", 4.6 Out of 5 Based on 55 Ratings

Question. Where did the name vizor interactive come from, to whom did the idea of \u200b\u200bthe company name come?
Answer. The name of the company, as well as the names of all its products, came up with the director of the company Sergey Brui. Usually it is a very painful long process, because it depends very much from this choice in the future.

Question. Which of your projects (games) do you like most? Which one do you think is the most promising.
Answer. Perhaps someone with a knife in the heart, but the most beloved at the moment is undoubtedly Klondike. Perhaps this is just because I work over him now, and perhaps if I worked on a zombie farm, she would be a beloved, as once before. Klondike I like the fact that it is more modern technologically and graphically, it is more serious and there are much more opportunities for expanding the game. The engine corrected many constructive errors, which were made in the zombie farm and because of which she is quite difficult to develop.

Question. How much do you have a working day?
Answer. I am an adult and now rarely stay at work. This is usually a standard 9-hour working day with a lunch break. At work, I, mostly, communicate a lot and make routine tasks. The main creative work still passes at home while I am doing homemade.

Question. Is there a chance to make a regular player to work?
Answer. Nezorchu, but there is little chances, although sometimes attempts happen. This is: engineering, programming, design, drawing, control ... All these works here we require very good technical training (even for artists). Among our audience there are few people with technical education, which will agree to make games or those who are looking for work. In the history of our industry there are isolated cases when players become developers, and successful such stories and at all on the fingers of one hand can be counted.

Question. Do you spend some charitable shares?
Answer. Not often, but we spend charity events. Mostly it passes without unnecessary publicity. Attempts to draw into the charity of our players, we were not crowned with great success, so we try to do it yourself and without a PR.

Question. Will the opportunity to remove to the warehouse auction, vodks, dog?
Answer. With this there is technical difficulty - it is difficult to remove to the warehouse what is a container for something. For example, an exchange can be appointed in the merchant, and the dog can be fed - all this complicates the structure of stored data and complicates the game, so we are not in a hurry to do this. But someday your hands will reach and we decide on this step.

Question. Will there be improved sleeves for the capacity or added slots for improvements, or new sleighs with a large roomier?
Answer. Sanya will be with a greater capacity. They assumed earlier. Now these are harms with dogs, but we still have horses. The lifting capacity will be brought to some reasonable, but limit. Can't horses have 3 tons of cargo. Therefore, we are very much looking forward to the fact that a railway message will be arranged in the game, so that there are no such problems with the movement of goods on the territory of Klondiac.

Question. And bird feeders for more than 25 feedings?
Answer. Yes, such feeders will be. I forget about them all the time. For herbivores made large feeders, and for birds just forgotten.

Question. Will a collection with Malina?
Answer. There will be a collection with Malina. The main thing is that you need a raspberry.

Question. Will there be some kind of poultry farm in which you can grow birds without loading graphics?
Answer. We are preparing to leave the house for animals, in which you can put, say, cows, and then feed them and pick up milk. Obviously, the same will appear for birds.

Question. Will the opportunity put on the treasure warehouse?
Answer. At home, we would not want players to start storing brought treasures, although there are no economic and technical obstacles. I do not understand what kind of rational meaning in this.

Question. Will a part of the materials be returned while analyzing factories and plants?
Answer. Some buildings are returned by part building materialBut these are only those buildings, the presence of which in the game is already optional. This is done so that players with greater hunting get rid of all old blacksmiths and built a large metallurgical plant. When the game appears the opportunity to build something even more complex and modern than metallurgy, the ability to destroy these plants with a refund of the material will appear.

Question. Will there be in the official group or somewhere else the topic "promising ideas"?
Answer. Most probably not. This topic in the official group will quickly cease to make sense, it will need to moderate and process. All the best ideas inevitably reach us, passing natural selection. Good ideas are always expressed by several people, quickly get the support of other players and immediately become visible. All other, specific ideas, can be expressed in a personal. I do not always answer, but I always read. I am a strict critic and surprise me the idea is difficult, but all the ideas expressed inevitably affect what appears in the game. I still carefully hear you, hear many points of view and many ideas, so do not hesitate to speak.

Question. Will it be possible to sell decor from a warehouse?
Answer. Yes, such a need appeared, so such an opportunity will appear in one of the technical updates.

Question. Will there be a reduction in the load on the schedule?
Answer. I didn't quite understand what it is meant, but we constantly work on the game of the game so that the game worked faster and so that many graphics immediately loaded. But this provokes us to move on and make the game even more loaded graphics and effects.

Question. Will there be a button to "cast everyone" button? The price is still fixed.
Answer. We honestly tried to make this button, but decided to abandon the venture. Too many specific situations arise that will lead to errors.

Question. Will there be any new collections in the near future?
Answer. Of course, new collections will and will appear. The near future is an update to Halloween.

Question. What will the Father do?
Answer. Honestly, I still did not finally decide. I know that we will meet him, save, and then our adventure will continue, because and The main character And his father is great adventurers and the most real researchers, they love journeys and love adventures - therefore, will continue to make your own way further. But what exactly the father in the game will help us, I have not yet decided. He is still a father, he is older and most importantly. We can not hang on him the task of an assistant who can be ordered what to do. He will have to behave more independently and help us on his own initiative, he must introduce us to new people, show new interesting placesnot marked on the map of Klondiac. He should help build railway And to establish a business with a big land (USA and Canada).

Question. Will the stock exchange or manager?
Answer. Undoubtedly, the stock exchange and the governing game will be. They are part of a large economic plan, the players will not have to miss thinking "and where is all this accumulated wealth now?". Life will go to your woman and the whole community gaming should be closely linked by economic bonds.

Question. When will the jeweler appear and what functions?
Answer. The jeweler will appear very soon, but most likely after Halloween (everything is too tight). His task was determined even earlier than Oleg and it will process all our mined gold into products that will be in demand on Big land. Conditionally, he will make products from gold and precious stones For an important barter.

Running the project "Klondike: Missing Expedition" in the network "Victor t. act "took place on September 11 r b 2012. This day is sch and the birthday of the game. Very rapid pace of "Klondike" was gaining popularity. Already on September 25 of the same year, the application was installed 100,000 VK users, and on October 31, 2012, the number of installations in the following 1,000,000!


September 11, 2012 - Release in the VKontakte network.

09.11.2012 - Release in the "My World" network.

11/15/2012 - Release in the network "Odnoklassniki".

17.01. 2014 - Release on the Facebook network.

The game is available in 10 languages \u200b\u200b- besides listed, also in the networks "Our class", Draugiem, Plinga.

On 09/13/2017, in the network "VKontakte" c. tI 7,000,000 brave gold e. leough explore the lands of "Klondiyaka". Everything t. and "classmates" - almost 13,000,000. In the "My World" network - without a small 2,000,000. In Facebook - more than 6,500,000.

The application has the official community in each network.


* Project "Klondike: Missing Expedition" B s l recognized the best ig r oh on Flashgamm 2012

* On the 11th conference of 2013 game developers was recognized best game For social networks.

* In December 2013 e. cT "Klondike" received a reward in the nomination "Best Monetization" at the Devgamm 2013 conference in Kiev.


In 2017, the project "Klondike" turned 5 years old - the first anniversary. And on this occasion, our secret agent decided to interview developers and learn "5 reasons why" Klondike ". And then - finish the phrase "Klondike is ..." 1st noun; 2 verbs; 3 adjectives; 4 adverbs; phrase out of 5 words.

At the moment there are about 30 people. Every day, the guard of the Karaulil developers to set a few questions, chat and get acquainted with them closer. The first victim was

Eugene is an indispensable project tester. With it and let's start.

Zhenya went to the "missing expedition" 2.5 years ago. And for her "Klondike" is not only a favorite job, but "something new and colorful every week, a cool team, jokes-booms, rallies, metropolitan, yokes from vacations, cats, husky, bugs, fixes, thrash-avgar on Wednesdays". Zhenya is very positive and energetic. Loves travel, music and quotes.

Eugene said that the developers always try to delight players. And this time on the birthday of "Klondike" team prepared a very beautiful location with festive balls, steep arbor, many gift boxes and delicious cake.

Nadya - Project Manager.

Clever, beauty and responsive person. No update without it. Nadia leads the search for the father of the main character from the very release and draws inspiration in the gamedizer. "Klondike" is a favorite project that grows in front of the eyes, and she is along with him in the same time. The most important thing in life for Nadi is a family. She loves traveling, self-improvement and extreme (so that a bit of nerve is tickling).

And, by the way, it is our hope that clicks on Thursdays on the magic button "Update the game", after which ground Shar. Eh bumps such a desired word "USSSSS".

It works for almost a year on "Klondike". Very serious young man. Loves games, music, writing and your work. In his free time travels. To imagine the world of Anton, it is enough to remember the Location Locations, over which he actively worked.

Alena - Gamedizainer, works in a team of 3 years.

It has an unusually subtle feeling of black humor and the talent of a narrative screenwriter. Many know that Alyona loves LEGO, mint chocolate, Kyrgyz disco and fractals. Watching timelaps about how mushrooms grow. And with pleasure he listens to how roars the engine of the car during acceleration. "Klondike" for her is a project where you can practice before writing your own book.

Andrei - Gamedizainer on the Klondike project, an inexhaustible fountain of interesting ideas that he embodies in the game.

Works in the company for 2 years. A funny parenchy with a radiant smile, sociable, responsible, incredibly hardworking.

This young man, as if Figaro, he managed everywhere - "Pour Upgrades", issue instructions for updating, give advice to the moderators on the review of the review, become an active participant in the world conspiracy, and, of course, do not miss any events in the native team. He believes that "Klondike" is a common child. He grows, grows up, learn from us, and we have. "

The agent was glad to meet and chat with Nastya. Nastya - 2D-artist "Klondiyaka".

Very fun and positive, sociable and responsive. Works in a team of 1.5 years. Loves to draw, swim, travel, read, dance, sea, sun, mountains and bike. Nastya is very responsible approaches all cases, carefully draws every detail. She is the author of many icons for quests and pictures that players admire at the entrance to the location.


In the official community, "Klondike" employs 15 moderators. All of them are our assistants. Moderators communicate with players, support order in the group and arrange unexpected gifts for the developers annually. And this year it did not cost without surprises. With the help of a shaman and his tambourine to our office on the birthday of the game, a red cat arrived. Yes, not with empty hands, but with a real energy cake.

(A cat is one of the favorite characters from the players, and the inherited cake is a powerful energy of 50 units).

Miracles happen. But it was impossible to get a cake just like that, it had to be deserved. Moderators prepared several contests for the developers: first we answered questions on the game, then built the highest adhesive (the construction in which friends are knocking on the game), and then got a lot of letters, of which everyone together made up the phrase "Klondike - Life on Thursdays! " We coped and tried a delicious treat. The incredible energy was decorated with a roulette and some of the developers, as a habit, began immediately calculate the balance of this wheel of good luck. It was very tasty and fun. Thanks to your favorite players for inspiration and energy!