How to make guns in minecraft all sorts of different. How to build a TNT gun in Minecraft: types and properties. Secrets of fighting

Although it is powerful, it is more of an entertaining weapon. The fact is that, despite the power, the cannons are static, which means that they always shoot at the same place and in order to change the direction of the attack, you will have to rebuild the weapon. Nevertheless, the cannon is a very effective destructive tool, so many players are trying to learn how to make a cannon in Minecraft.

If you are an experienced player, then you probably have a few ideas. It is only important to understand the basic principle of the cannon. Often a container of water is used to make a cannon. This option is not too expensive and allows you to shoot not only dynamite, but also sand. There are also more powerful ways to create cannon guns - there are no restrictions in this regard. In addition, even this gun can be upgraded, for example, using one button to fire multiple guns.

So, how to make a cannon in Minecraft of a simple type:

We create a tank with dimensions of 7x3x1 block;

On one side, the tank must be filled with water;

From the side of the poured water, we place two blocks on the second level in the center so that one of them covers the block with a water source;

Place a button on the back of one of the blocks installed at the previous stage;

We lay a redstone wire on one side of the gun, from the button to the front of the gun, leaving one block intact;

Place the torch on the block with the button on the opposite side from the redstone;

We lay four repeaters from the torch;

After the repeater, install the block and attach a torch to it;

We put four blocks of dynamite in visible water and one block on the front of the cannon;

The gun is ready. In order to shoot, you just need to press a button.

How to use the cannon?

Now you know how to make a cannon in Minecraft. So you just have to figure out how you will use it. Alternatively, you can use the cannon to defend your fortifications on. But this will require installing a lot of guns, because dynamite has a very limited range. Another option is to use the cannon to mine the mines. Such a mine will be far from ideal, but you will not have to constantly descend into dark caves and crawl to the surface to deliver resources. You just need to shoot the required territory, and then go down to the formed quarry and pick up everything you need.

In the Minecraft game, guns are weapons that throw various things at a distance, for example, dynamite. By their principle of operation, the guns from the game are very similar to their real counterparts, but the external differences are cardinal. Most of the guns are stationary, that is, they cannot be moved - they are statically attached to the place where they are installed.

The Archimedes Ships modification allows you to install cannons on ships, so information on how to make a cannon in Minecraft on a ship will also be useful.

Simple cannon

A regular cannon shoots dynamite, and to create it you will need to collect red dust, a bucket of water, solid blocks (obsidian is ideal) and repeaters that will pause before the TNT explosion. You will need 4 repeaters.

This cannon is created without mods, and is stationary, that is, it cannot be moved. From this it follows that you need to choose the place to install it correctly. Having chosen a site, we construct from blocks a foundation in the shape of the letter "T", which must be hollow inside. After that, we take a bucket of water and pour it out, and cover the back of the foundation with a pair of blocks so that the water does not stop flowing at the time of TNT installation.

After that, repeaters are installed, connecting with red dust. The final touch to creating a simple cannon without mods is attaching a button that triggers the entire mechanism. You just have to put TNT in the hole, and put one block of dynamite as a projectile, having loaded the cannon.

Advanced cannon

If the creation of an ordinary cannon did not cause difficulties for you, and you want something more powerful, then it's time to start improving the weapon. From the resources you will need sand, pistons, as well as red dust to connect them. For a clearer understanding of the process, we recommend watching a video in which everything is well shown.

Alternative to the dynamite cannon

This model is built from obsidian, redstone torch, and of course dynamite itself.

A pillar of 5-10 blocks in height and only 1 in width is built from the blocks, after which a 5x5 platform is erected on it (more, but not less). We spread TNT in the amount of 8 pieces on the platform in the form of a 3x3 square. Made? Place a torch in the middle and that's it, the cannon is ready! The principle of operation is simple: 4 TNTs, upon contact with the torch, detonate, and as a result, the remaining 4 fly into the air.

Portable cannon

The creation of a portable cannon in the game is impossible without mods, in particular, you need the Balkon's Weapon modification. If the mod is installed, then you can check if you have everything you need to create a portable cannon. You must have 4 iron ingot, a stone for creating cannonballs, a wood and a lighter. Are there all the resources? We place them on the workbench, alternating correctly, and voila - the portable cannon is ready! The ammunition capacity of such a weapon is 4 cores, but in order to successfully shoot, you will need more gunpowder.

Nice bonus - machine gun

The machine gun is the most expensive type of small arms in terms of resources, and it's not even a cannon, but the barrel is still very interesting. To create it, you need a lever, a dispenser, seven redstones, four torches, and the same number of solid blocks. Arrows or bullets are used as cartridges.

Creation begins with the installation of two blocks - this is a stand for the future machine gun. A dispenser is installed on it, facing the future target. Next, we go to the back of the pedestal, take two steps back and set all the remaining blocks on the side.

After that, we attach torches to them, one at a time in front and back. The next step is the most difficult - installing redstone blocks. The rate of fire of the gun depends on how correctly you position them, so it's worth watching the video. The final touch is to set the lever at the end of the machine gun in the off state. The lever is a trigger that you can safely release as soon as you load ammunition into the dispenser hole.

This concludes the instruction. If you have any questions, write in the comments.

Greetings to all brave warriors of the minecraft world! The time has come for wars and great achievements! And in order to properly prepare, my gallant friends, we need to modernize our weapons. We will add new types of weapons, hitherto unknown and which, of course, the enemy does not have. One of the most formidable weapons in minecraft is the cannon. How to build it, what types of cannons are in minecraft: we want to talk about all this in detail, and most importantly show with an example.

How to create a regular cannon in Minecraft

So how to build a cannon in minecraft? I want to warn you right away, dear friends, this is a very difficult and painstaking work: you will have to be patient and strictly follow our advice. Attention, we are starting the construction of the century, I'm kidding, of course, but a little positive will not hurt us.

So, my friends, what do we need to create a TNT cannon: this is what they call a dynamite cannon in minecraft, in “common parlance”. And we need the following items:

  • for the muzzle: any solid blocks, if used with obsidian, will do just fine. How to make it, see our article (link)
  • A bucket of water: which will need to be poured into the charging chamber, that is, where we place our TNT sticks (be sure to read the article on how to make a bucket in minecraft!). This is so that the gun does not explode when fired.
  • Repeaters: they are necessary so that the TNT block, which we also use as a projectile, does not explode ahead of time.
  • Red dust, which is needed to connect repeaters into a single circuit and activate all TNTs in the gun.
  • The button, by pressing which we will make a shot from our cannon.

So let's get down to business, my friends.

To begin with, we choose a convenient place in terms of shelling: for example, close to the village, which we will subsequently subject to "merciless" shelling. Since, after construction, we will not be able to move the cannon or change the direction of the shot. It will firmly stand in the place where it was built.

So, in the selected area, you need to build a similar structure from obsidian blocks: this will be the best option. Other solid blocks can be used as well. We put nine blocks in length, It turns out something similar to the letter T: one side of the crossbar will be needed to put a repeater at the projectile, and we add the other side just for symmetry, you don't have to add:

After that, fill in water and put another block from the lower end, then we will remove it.

Next, add two more blocks and remove the back one. They are necessary in the role of a limiter when we begin to lay the charge: so as not to accidentally put the TNT block so that it will block the place from which water flows from us. Otherwise, at the first test of the weapon, it will simply explode from the explosion.

Now the most crucial moment: we add four repeaters to the design and connect everything with red dust, and put a button in the back. It will serve as a trigger. Here you need to do everything exactly as in the picture:

We set the repeaters as follows: two of them for the maximum and two for the minimum of the signal delay. I want to note that the number of repeaters and the position in which they are located affects the range of the projectile. Moreover, if they are put in more or less than the required amount: at best, there will simply be no shot. And after making your first test shots, you yourself will "poke" their exact position for your own version of the gun.

Now we put a projectile, as which we use a TNT checker, and you can also use other blocks, and even "poor" animals. And we load, again with checkers, our weapon. We fill the groove in the muzzle with a charge, where there is water and the weapon is ready for battle:

Here is the result of our shelling of the "poor" village:

How to upgrade a regular dynamite cannon?

If you have already managed to make a simple TNT gun and figured out the mechanism of its action, then you, my friends, can safely start improving it. You can make a self-loading cannon based on a conventional one by adding pistons and sand to the design, connecting all working parts except sand with red dust. And if you try to do everything as we will show, you will definitely succeed in building such a "beauty":

How do I create a cannon variant that fits in my inventory?

And now, my friends, I will tell you how to make a gun that can fit in your backpack: a kind of cute pocket howitzer. To do this, dear friends, you need to download the B alkon's Weapon mod. Let's talk about this in more detail: how to install this mod correctly and how to make a gun with it.

1. So, when you already have this mod, you can start creating a "pocket howitzer" in minecraft. To do this, you need:

  • iron ingots
  • lighter
  • wood
  • stone for cores

Let's arrange everything on the workbench in a certain way and get a lightweight version of the gun for minecraft with ammunition.

If you have opened this article, then you want to know how to make a gun in minecraft without mods. And why do you need it? A cannon without mods can indeed be built, but this bulky unit does not carry any practical benefit. It cannot be carried, you need to build from durable materials, and spend precious dynamite for each shot, which you will not find in survival mode anyway. Do you want to build a fixed cannon that is guaranteed not to kill anyone, but every shot of which will cost you the Philippines' annual budget? Do you want that?

The Minecraft Cannon is a simple mechanism powered by dynamite thanks to red dust. What is a catapult built of?

Red dust
Solid blocks
Bucket with water

Build a U-shaped structure 7 blocks long from the blocks. Other lengths are possible. Build up the central line on one side for 6 blocks. The hollow part must be filled with water so that it flows from the letter "P" outward. Build up blocks above the water source. Close the structure so that water does not flow out. Now you need to install repeaters along the cannon. This is necessary so that the explosion does not occur immediately, but after launch. Install the button. It is needed for detonation. Now use the red dust to close the circle. That is, pass the dust from the button along the hollow of water through the repeaters and close it on the other side of the button. Install dynamite at the far end of the structure on the same valve, thanks to which water does not flow out. This TNT will be a projectile. And the very hollow with water also make dynamite. This one will already act as gunpowder. In total, you must fit 5 dynamite blocks. The more blocks there are, the further the projectile will fly away. So the range can be adjusted with less dynamite. The gun is ready.

To celebrate this, you can press a button and send a projectile to the distant lands. Congratulations! You spent a lot of time, red dust and dynamite to destroy several blocks near you! Was it really necessary? Think about it!

In fact, a cannon in survival mode is absolutely useless. The players quickly realized this and rushed to correct this injustice by building a whole galaxy of mods, mechanics that are built exclusively on cannons. For example, naval battles or the capture of the forts. But usually, the cannons are already installed there, so there is no need to build them from scratch. But knowing the technology, you can try to fix them in case of an accident. So knowledge can be valuable.

Yes Yes. This has already happened - you will say. I will not deny, but I will just a useful guide, which will be replenished with different designs (more on that below) as the author wishes, to make a new design.

Why exactly my tutorial? - you ask.

I "play", namely, I have been building for almost 2 years - I will answer.

The world of minecraft cannot get bored if you know redstone (red powder \ stone \ wire) well. You can build interesting things, for example, such a cannon which I will discuss below ...

If you are not at all familiar with red powder, then I recommend reading "lessons on red dust from the governor of this blog", well, and we begin.

List of guns at the moment:

    One-story simple cannon. Projectile flight 66 cubes

    Multi-storey cannon. Projectile flight 242 cubes

One-story simple cannon.

To create this design behind your back in a backpack you need to have:


    Bucket with water x1

    Red dust x14

    Repeaters x10

    Button x1

    Dynamite x7

    Any half-block x1




4. Repeaters to battle! We lay in the repeaters and set the maximum delay. We arrange everything as in the picture:

5. Button. We place it as in the picture:

6. Dynamite bookmark. You must leave one block of water for that (under the spoiler for the unenlightened).

Dynamite tends to inflict only damage in water without damaging nearby blocks.

I hope I have painted everything correctly. Video with this design:

Multi-storey cannon.

In order to erect this cannon, you will need:

Any material, preferably fused stone x78

Bucket with water x1

Red dust x39

Repeaters x10

Button x1

Dynamite x19

Any half-block x1

1. We arm ourselves with fused stone and build two parallel lines of 12 blocks each and we finish them, as in the picture below:

2. I hope you haven't removed the molten stone? We need 3 more blocks of stone, water and one half-block. We are trying to do everything in the same way as in the picture:

3. Here we need fourteen red dust. We arrange everything as in the picture:

4. At this stage, we will have to use the stone again. We lay in the repeaters and set the maximum delay. (optionally, you can put a half-block, which will prevent accidental placement of dynamite on the water source)