Interesting games are similar to the sea battle. Games sea battle. Requirements for maze

In our childhood there was a lot different games, most of them we just kept in my head, the rules were transferred to each other during the game. For many of these games, there was only a pair of pencils or pens and sheet of paper.

Games on paper can safely be called the smartest and developing. And now they are fairly undeservedly. Care to teach children to play these games, and they can always be taken in a long road or rainy weather at home and in the country.

1. Noliki cross

This is the most famous of such games. For her and paper, it is not always needed, sufficiently swamped window glass in a minibus or a pair of twigs and sand under the legs ...
A playing field is drawn 3 for 3 cells (only 9 cells). Players take turns make moves, putting in an empty cage cross or zolik. Purpose of the game: Build a line of 3 crosses or zolics horizontally, vertical or diagonal. In this game, it is extremely difficult to win, mostly the game comes down to a draw and not one party is played.
But still there are certain combinations of moves that lead to victory.))
When on a small field to play bored, you can increase the field or not limit at all. On such a field, players take turns take turns while someone cannot build a line of five signs horizontally, vertical or diagonal.

2. Sea Boy

This is one of the most favorite games of our childhood.))
Rules, I think, remember everything. And for those who do not remember, recall. This game is for two.
The goal of the game is to sink all the enemy ships. Ships are located on 2 square fields of 10 cells in size. At your field, you have ships and the opponent inflicts punches on them. And on another field, the enemy has its own ships. Each player has an equal number of ships - 10 pieces:
Single-alupine (size in 1 cell) 4 pieces
Two-layered (in size in 2 cells) 3 pieces
Three-positive (3 sizes) 2 pieces
Four-plane (4 cell size) 1 piece
When arranged ships on the field, it should be borne in mind that at least one empty cell should be between them, it is impossible to put ships.
During his stroke, the player chooses a cage on the enemy field and "shoots", calling its coordinates "A1", for example. At the same time, it marks its additional field. If you sank the enemy ship, then the opponent must say "killed" if you wound the ship (that is, you got into a ship that has more than one deck), then the opponent must say "wounded". In case of hitting the rival ship, you continue to "shoot".
The game ends when all ships of one of the players "sweeping".

3. Tanks

For the game requires A4 sheet, folded in half (you can take any notebook). Two players draw 10 tanks, each on their half of the sheet. Having finished the alignment of forces, players begin "shelling" each other in this way: the shot is drawn on its half of the field, then the sheet is folded in the middle and the shot, visible on the lumen, is marked in the second half of the field. If the shot hit the tank, then it is considered a "hit" and need another extra shot to destroy. If the player got straight into the tank, then just one shot.
Each successful shot gives the right to the player for the next shot. For complication of the game, you can enter a ban on the next shot in just a baked tank.

4. Ladoshki

This game can be played even with small children, which are already familiar with numbers.
It will help learn to quickly navigate in numbers and concentrate attention.
For the game you will need two sheets of paper into the cage, on each sheet, the player carries its palm. Now in space, limited to the pattern, the numbers from 1 to ... should be agreed in advance. Then the game begins. One player calls an arbitrary number, the other at this time is trying to find this number on his palm, and the first in the meantime quickly puts cross in cells on its sheet, starting with the upper left cell. One who fills all the cells of their field will be defeated by crosses.

5. Points and segments.

The conditions for this game on paper are simple: We put several points on a sheet of paper (at least 8, and better at least 15). Two play, alternately connecting two any points with a segment. Capture the 3rd point is impossible, and each point may be the end of only one segment. Segments should not intersect. Loses one who will not be able to make a move.

In the pictures you see the correct connection of the points.

and wrong

6. Points

We played this game at the Institute during boring lectures. It develops tactical and strategic thinking.
The game field serves a regular sheet of paper into the cell, if there is a lot of time and patience, you can play on the whole totoette reversal. The playing field can be covered with the line and prohibit the rules to put points at this border. Each player should have a handle or a pencil of its color. In turn, players put points in arbitrary places at the intersection of cells.
The goal of the game is to capture as many paper possessions as possible. The territory is considered captured if it is charged with points of its color. Points must be located apart from each other at a distance of one cell horizontally, vertical or diagonal. The captured area is painted by its color or around it is drawn a fortress wall (bold line). If you managed to attach points the territory or point of the enemy - they are yours. After such a seizure, the player is given the right of extraordinary stroke. In some options, you can capture only those territories where enemy fortifications already have. In others, any lands are available to you, including free. Choose what you like more. At the end of the game, the size of the captured lands is calculated and the winner is declared. Most often, nothing specifically read and no need - the result is obvious.
You can play with children younger age. In this case, the playing field should be done very small - a quarter of a notebook page or even less, and take the paper with large cells.

7. Tsiferki

Have you played school or institute in such a game on a notebook in a cell? We played the floor of the dormitory.))) I held out for a long time, but then I still plunged into it with my head, but an hour I flew home on the train unnoticed.
It was called in different ways: numbers, numbers, seeds, 19, but the meaning of this did not change. You write out in a row of numbers from 1 to 19, in the line up to 9, and then you start the next line, in each cell 1 digit. Then, cross the steam digits or giving in the amount of 10. One condition - the pairs must be near or through the curved numbers horizontally or vertically. And after all possible couples have crossed out - rewrite the remaining numbers at the end. The goal is to completely delete all the numbers.

8. Viselitsa

A little inhuman game, but still. As a child, we combined the yard game in the Cossacks-Robbers with "Hungal!.
The meaning of this game in guessing the word spelled for a certain number of moves.
One player thinks some word (first simple and short). It writes his first and last letters, and instead of the missing letters, we put the dash. The task of the second player is to guess the word of the word. He calls the letter. If this letter is in the word - fit it into place. If not, the letter we write aside, so as not to repeat, and begin to draw the "gallows" - a vertical line. At the next error - horizontal (something like the letters d) is obtained). Then the rope, loop, a man's head, torso, handles and legs is drawn. For these few attempts, the player must guess the word. If it did not work, lost. If I managed - his turn to make a word.

9. Balda

Another game with words. Here you can play together, threesome or even one.
A square playing field with 5x5 cells is drawn on the paper sheet, for example. In the middle row we write the word out of five letters. Players take turns make moves. In one course, the letter fits in a free cell in such a way that every time a new word is formed. Words can be read in any direction, except diagonal. For each word, the player gets so many points as the letters in the word. Words are recorded with side from the field so that other players do not repeat them. The game ends when all the cells are filled with letters or none of the players can come up with a new word. After that, the number of points is calculated. Wins the one who has them more.

10. Dots and squares

Game for two players. It will take a sheet of paper, better in a cage, and a pair of handles of different colors.
On a sheet of paper, the playing field is drawn by 3 * 3 square size, and more (up to 9 * 9), depending on the level of the players.
The essence of the game: Players take turns draw lines long in one cell, trying to create squares 1 to 1 squares inside the field. If your line has become final in the square, put your sign in it and get the right of additional stroke. The moves continue until you put a line that does not clic down any square. The game ends when the entire field is filled. After that, the number of squares is calculated, which the player closed and the winner is announced.
With all its simplicity, the game with a highlight. Here you can calculate the moves forward and try to put the opponent at a unprofitable position, forcing it to make it an inconvenient course.

And what games did you play? Share with us "paper" games of your childhood!

Sea battle game (Tidal Trek) for brave romantics

The theme of pirates awakens a lot of bright images, the adventures, irrepressible fun and, of course, fights. Piracy can not be called the noble, but the plots of films, books and computer games necessarily attract attention. And so that you yourself felt the whole charm of the life of a sea wolf, the game of the sea battle is gaining brave captains in his fleet.

You have to be in, immersed in the era of the development of the middle of the XVI century, when trading relationships were actively promoted, which contributed to the construction of ships more and more technically improved. Progress flourished in navigation business, countries exchanged knowledge, new lands were constantly opened. People felt freely, progressive. However, a peaceful life was not destined to exist long. The death of the emperor led to a split and war in which the eastern power of Oldrich and Western - Douglasov, deploying a battle in the Black Waters Bay. In addition, the rebels of the North revived, wanting to capture the southern ocean.

In order to participate in this historical event, you need a sea battle registration.

Your capabilities, rights and obligations

Do not doubt adventure on your captain's head praise with interest. Constantly will have to fight with pirates, other players, monsters ordinary and main. And so that there is always a reliable assistant nearby, get a pet as a real sailor calendar.

But we will not get ahead of the waves, but let's start with the main thing - the creation of the character. Come up with a sonorous name, which will thunder on all the water space, select the floor and belong to one of the main leagues: the head of the sea forces or the league of pirates. In fact, you are four characters ready to become the captain of the flagship ship.

Captain characteristics:

  • Acquired skills.
  • Experience.
  • The title that is constantly increasing due to the accrual of points of honor during battles with other players. The title is higher, the greater the salary of gold coins and bonuses to combat parameters is accrued.
  • The title is assigned after the battle with the monsters and work in the quest.
  • Combat force - its level affects the fight with enemies and opens access to more severe opponents.
  • Spirit Hero.
  • Rating in the top ten, as the entire Legion, that and personal.

Such features are relevant for the ship:

  • Health
  • Move, i.e. step in the cell in the battle process
  • Fight - the number of movements in each round
  • Distance Attack
  • Attack Power
  • Stocks
  • Protection
  • Accuracy
  • Bias
  • Crete - probability of critical lesion
  • Counterattack
  • Fighting spirit
  • The speed of movement

Initially, you will have two types of ships: normal and improved, which are coping with attack and defense. After the tenth level, access to another four will open.

Gold and diamonds are used as a currency. If everything is simple with gold, then the diamonds can be extracted for real money and in stocks. But they allow without pumping to buy the necessary items and the level of the game VIP.

Each level of the sea battle of iPlayer opens unique artifacts and opportunities. For example, after a 50th level, you can put the "status of God", which significantly increases the combat qualities of your fleet and increases the skills in three times.

Briefly about features

  • Battles pass on water, over water (in the sky) under water
  • Many fascinating tasks
  • Accrual of bonuses for a daily visit with an increase in every new day
  • Colorful battles

Tidal Trek wishes you backway wind, brave sailors, exciting battles, heroic feats and crushing victories.

The sea battle shoe game has the opportunity to develop the fleet, captain and even islands. This browser strategy will give the opportunity to feel yourself as a pirate.

Play this step-by-step strategy - it means to feel at the place of the real pirate. Sea battle game will give you the control and development of an exotic island for creating military base, own fleet and team of unique Corsaars. You are expected endless battles in the sea, after which you can stay and restore on a personal island.

Features of the game

  • 2 battle modes
  • step-by-step battles not only in the sea, but also on the ship
  • the complexity of the game automatically adjusts to the level of your captain
  • unique helpers will make a fleet stronger
  • the possibility of developing his own island
  • improving personal flotilla
  • study of unique abilities for different captains
  • ability to install equipment on ships

The main tasks of the game

  • Creating and pumping a personal fleet
  • development and equipment of the island under the military base
  • duel battles, mass battles and battles in the special mode "Battle of Legions"
  • perform the tasks that are scattered along the large expanses of a variety of locality

Start game.

The adventure browser strategy offers at least now to feel this spirit of piracy and marine battles. It is enough to register and you can go into battle.

Present to your attention online game Sea battle genre browser strategies. Check out the overview of this game and start playing absolutely free right now.

At least now, gadget time, but there are always situations, when you will not have anything other than friends and leaf leaves. So remember or write!

Bulls and cows

The first player thinks a four-digit number so that all the numbers numbers are different. The purpose of the second player is to reduce this number. Each move, guessing calls the number, also four-digit and with different numbers. If the number from the named number is in the gappy number, then this situation is called a cow. If the number from the named number is in the gappy number and is in the same place, then this situation is called bull.
For example, the first player has conceived 6109, and the second player called 0123. The first player must say: one bull and one cow (1b, 1k).
Every partner thinks his word. Go in turn. Wins one whoever reigns the number of opponents.


"Palace" is another popular puzzle created specifically for two players. For this game you need clean paper and pen.
The first player thinks the word. It must be an existing word, and the player must be sure that another player knows this word and is familiar with his writing. He depicts a number empty seatsnecessary for writing a word. Then draws the following scheme, which depicts the gallows from the loop.
The game begins when the second player offers a letter that can enter this word. If he guess, the first player writes it in the desired unfilled place. If there is no such letter in the Word, he writes this letter aside and begins to draw a gallop, adding a circle depicting a head to the loop. The enemy continues to guess the letters until he gave all the word. For each incorrect answer, the first player adds one part of the body to the gallop.
If the torso is drawn earlier than the enemy can guess the word, the first player wins. If the enemy guess the word correctly before the body is drawn completely, he defeats, and then his turn arises to think about the word.

Cross-tanks on an infinite field
Frequently from the predestination of the result in the cross-tag allows the expansion of the game field.
On an infinite field (a sheet of paper is quite suitable), playing in turns put their sign (cross or zolik). The game ends when one of the players wins or if the field ends.
Wins the one who manages to build five of his signs on one line, straight or diagonal.
If you play computer games, it can be easily assumed, the creators of which of them gave this advanced version of the nolikov's crosses a lot of time.

Sea Boy

The purpose of this game is to destroy the objects (ships) of the enemy. Two people play. The game events occur on 2 square fields of 10x10. One of the fields is yours, another opponent. On it, you set your own objects (ships) and strikes the opponent's blows. On another field, there is its own objects (ships) enemy.
Your armed forces, like the enemy forces, contain the following objects (ships):
1 deck (1 cell size) - 4 pieces
2 deck (2 cells size) - 3 pieces
3 deck (3 cells size) - 2 pieces
4 deck (4 cells size) - 1 piece.
Objects (ships) cannot be placed closely, that is, between two adjacent objects (ships) should be at least one free cell (taking into account the enemy also cannot position objects (ships) closely).
When all cookings are finished and objects (ships) are time to start the battle.
The first move has a player, objects (ships) of which are located on the left field. You choose an opponent's cell and "shoot" in this square. If you drove the enemy ship, then the opponent must say "killed" if you wound the ship (that is, you got into a ship having more than one deck), then the opponent must say "wounded". In case of hitting the rival ship, you continue to "shoot".
The game ending when one of its participants is losing all ships.


Points - a game on a smelling for two or four people. However, it is best to play only together. For this game you will need clean paper and as many handles as players. The goal of the game is to connect the drawn lines into squares, the player who will create the greatest number of squares, wins the game.
First, create a field on a clean sheet of paper, draw horizontal and vertical lines from small points at the same distance from each other. Highly quick game It would consist of ten along and ten points across. You wash your field as you like large or small, depending on the level of the game and the number of players.
As soon as the field is created, each player takes turns, drawing one line at once connecting two points. Points can be connected horizontally or vertically, but sometimes - diagonally. As soon as the player finishes the square, he puts his initials inside the square and gets the next move, and so on until he manages to create a square with one additional line.
In this game there are two strategies: first, you can interfere with opponents to create squares. Secondly, you can form a field so as to be able to create a large number of squares using one additional line.


The first player writes the letter, the next adds the letter in front or behind the written letter, etc. Loses the one as a result of the substitution of whom the whole word turned out. The letters need to be substituted not ababy how, adding another letter, you should keep in mind some particular word, in which you have written a combination of letters. If the one who needs to make another move cannot come up with a single word with a combination of letters, which has developed before his move, he must surrender. In this case, the player who wrote the last letter should say what word he meant, if he cannot name the word, he loses himself, if he called - he plays the one who surrendered. The one who loses the first time receives the letter B, the second time - a, etc., until it turns out the word of the ballad. The one who first becomes a bald, loses finally.
Naturally, you can play not only on paper, but also orally.


Two players draw 7-10? Tanks? or? starsoles?, each on his half double tetrad sheet (It is better not to the cell, but in a ruler or empty A4). Preparinging the army, players begin to fire each other as follows: the shot is drawn on its half of the field, then the sheet is folded exactly in the middle, and the shot, visible notes, is noted in the second half of the field. If he touched the tank, he fell down (second? Singing? Fatally), and if it got exactly in it, the tank is immediately destroyed.
Each successful shot gives the right to the next one; In some versions of the game, it is impossible to shoot the next shots in the same tank.
After pre-shooting, the game is very quickly moving into the stage? Blitz-Crag?, or rather, rapid junction. Naturally, one who first shot the opponent's army.


A simple tactical game, the essence of which in the positional struggle for the space. On the 8x8 field (i.e., the size of a chessboard), players one after another drawing small lines, which overlap 2 of any cells in a row: i.e. For example, player 1 holds a vertical line that occupies E2 and E3.
Player 2 does the same, but his line can not cross or touch the already existing? Brokes? .. As the field is filling out, there is still less free space, and at the end you need a sober calculation to finish the game. A player who can no longer put his feature, because Everything is already fallen, loses.


Simple and pretty cheerful game, built on the same principles as a parade of coins, but completely different.
On a small field (this can a square or a rectangle of arbitrary size, is not particularly important) the players are set up about 15-20 points in a variety of places, although more or less evenly.
Then the first player draws a rim round, but an arbitrary shape that passes at least 1 point. The maximum in the classic version is unlimited, although I would recommend to give a maximum of 4 points in the rim.
The next player draws his rim, the only limitation? He cannot intersect with already drawn. The rims can draw inside the rims, or, on the contrary, surround the existing, most importantly, so as not to cross. After a while there is quite a few space, and the one who draws the last bezel loses.
The variation of this game is the rule to draw rims, covering only 1 or 2 points, no more.

Digital Wars

In this game, the main acting person is an eraser. Wash you constantly, the same war, and the inevitable losses. Many tsiferki will die for your victory!
The game is very fast and variable, and, in general, very simple.
You write a number of numbers from 0 to 9, in any sequence, in any combinations. Length may be such what you want, I recommend starting from 20. For example, it can be a series of 5,3,6,9,0,8,4,6,1,3,6,9,0,8,9,6,1,3,2,4,7,0, 9.5? or any other.
With its move, the player can make one of the two possible in the game:
change to a smaller way one of the numbers, maximum to 0 (negative values \u200b\u200bin the game there is no);
Erase any zero and all the numbers to the right of it, thus reducing the length of the strip.
Loses the one who destroys the last zero.

Points and squares

The author of this game, a popularizer of mathematics and sciences Martin Garner, considered her? Pearl logical games? .. without sharing his opinions, however, it is quite possible to call the game one of the best tactical gamesinteresting at any age.
Game field? Rows of points from 3x3, up to 9x9. It is better to start with a small field, and feeling the taste, build size. The rules are very simple: the players connect two points of the line, and when the player can close the square, it puts his sign into it (for example, the first letter of his name).
The closure square, the player gets the right to an additional move, until it puts the line that does not closer. At the end of the game, it is counted who closed more squares, and the winner is determined.
With apparent simplicity, the game represents a good space for the combinatorial game, especially on the fields 5x5 and more. Essence winning tactics? Make a field with half-closed designs, donate, carried it is necessary, several squares in favor of the opponent, and then, when to put almost nowhere to force him to make a disadvantage (not closing)? And after you close most of the squares of one series.


Simplest verbal game, on the principle of nolikov cross, only with letters.
On the 3x3 field (then try both other sizes), two players put on one of any letter, and wins the one who by the end of the party (when all the fields are filled) will work out to be diagonally, vertical or horizontal more well-known words from 3 letters.
The game is useful for children who learn to write. For adults there is no pretty small competitive value in it, but players with humor will be waiting for a lot of fun. For children, you can play in the option? Who will create the first word, and not who will be more words.


More complicated I. long gamebuilt on the same principle as others paper Games To coordinate: the movement of the handle standing vertically, on the sheet of light click.
On a sheet (single or double), the racing track (RACE) is drawn, in the form of two bending, uneven circles that repeat each other's outlines, a width of 2-3-4 cells (depends on the number of participants). Then in an arbitrary location of the received rings, the start / finish line is conducted with which racing cars start.
Short neat strokes, riders move along the ring, overcoming bends and special obstacles, flying into a cuvette, again leaving the field, and as a result, one of them comes to the finish line first, and reaps the laurels.
Each time the rider line concerns the border of the track or crosses it, the cross is put in the place of intersection, and the racer misses the next move, turning his car to continue the check-in. There are such intersections for each machine in stock 5 pcs. (5 points of life), and the sixth collision becomes fatal.
In addition, on the track can be any other obstacles? For example, zones of increased danger: flew into such a zone, the machine gets more damage, and loses two points of life. Or special obstacles that appear from the edges, and make the passage narrowed, gooby, on the contrary, stand in the middle, and make cars squeeze into
It is also possible to enter the Touch Points of the point, or rather small mugs in which the machine must be hit by driving by (i.e., through which the line must be necessary). The figure shows all the listed complications of the track at once, and it can be seen that the race is still far from completion.
You can invent and enter your own rules, new obstacles, and if participants 4 and more, you can even arrange racing seriesBy making several tracks, and in the intervals between them allowing players to purchase equipment, the amount of points depending on the place. For example, buy additional lifesty glasses or attacking spikes, and shoot 1 point of life from a car that you overtake.


Players start from two points next to each other at the bottom of the double leaf standing vertically (see drawing).
Each playing the handle of his color, and the task of everyone? For the minimum number of shots (lines from the handle, moving along the sheet), start the ball in the well. The well is at the opposite end of the field, i.e. top of the sheet. And a person with good coordination was required to maximize 4-5 beats to drive the line in the hole.
But in advanced versions of the golf, the path to it is not so simple, because from long straight lines protect the hills that perform the role of buffer and not allowing the player. If you get into the hill, the enemy performs the kickback. Bul over a line of violating in any direction, and one is forced to continue his series of blows from the place where this line came. Or, perhaps, 1 or 2 unnecessary strokes are attributed to the highway.

Look at what an interesting regular topic. And he voiced it for us again Anonymous, but I hope you just forgot to log in. But let's hear it:

Games on paper (using a leaf and pencil). For one, for two, for the company. It is interesting to read and learn (find out the secrets, if there are such games) to play them.

I am confident that at least now is a computerized and gadget time, but there are always situations, when you will not have anything to remember anything other than friends and paper leaves. Here will be like everyone else famous gamesSo I hope that for someone new. At one time, when as you understand computers and mobile phones I was not playing almost everything!

1. Bulls and cows

The first player thinks a four-digit number so that all the numbers numbers are different. The purpose of the second player is to reduce this number. Each move, guessing calls the number, also four-digit and with different numbers. If the number from the named number is in the gappy number, then this situation is called a cow. If the number from the named number is in the gappy number and is in the same place, then this situation is called bull.

For example, the first player has conceived 6109, and the second player called 0123. The first player must say: one bull and one cow (1b, 1k).

Every partner thinks his word. Go in turn. Wins one whoever reigns the number of opponents.

"Palace" is another popular puzzle created specifically for two players. For this game you need clean paper and pen.

The first player thinks the word. It must be an existing word, and the player must be sure that another player knows this word and is familiar with his writing. It depicts a number of empty places needed to write a word. Then draws the following scheme, which depicts the gallows from the loop.

The game begins when the second player offers a letter that can enter this word. If he guess, the first player writes it in the desired unfilled place. If there is no such letter in the Word, he writes this letter aside and begins to draw a gallop, adding a circle depicting a head to the loop. The enemy continues to guess the letters until he gave all the word. For each incorrect answer, the first player adds one part of the body to the gallop.

If the torso is drawn earlier than the enemy can guess the word, the first player wins. If the enemy guess the word correctly before the body is drawn completely, he defeats, and then his turn arises to think about the word.

3. Cross-zoliki on an infinite field

Frequently from the predestination of the result in the cross-tag allows the expansion of the game field.

On an infinite field (a sheet of paper is quite suitable), playing in turns put their sign (cross or zolik). The game ends when one of the players wins or if the field ends.

Wins the one who manages to build five of his signs on one line, straight or diagonal.

If you play computer games, it can be easily assumed, the creators of which of them gave this advanced version of the nolikov's crosses a lot of time.

4. Labyrinth

The field can be square or in the form of a pyramid. If desired, you can invent more bizarre forms.

On the playing field, the participants are in turn put racks long in one cell - vertically or horizontally.

That of the participants who closed the square (put the fourth component of his feature), puts his sign in this square (cross or zealik) and goes again.

The task of playing - to put as many of your signs as possible, wins the one who, after complete filling the field of these signs, turned out to be more.

The harder and more field, the more interesting and unpredictable game.

5. Marine Boy

The purpose of this game is to destroy the objects (ships) of the enemy. Two people play. The game events occur on 2 square fields of 10x10. One of the fields is yours, another opponent. On it, you set your own objects (ships) and strikes the opponent's blows. On another field, there is its own objects (ships) enemy.
Your armed forces, like the enemy forces, contain the following objects (ships):

1 deck (1 cell size) - 4 pieces
2 deck (2 cells size) - 3 pieces
3 deck (3 cells size) - 2 pieces
4 deck (4 cells size) - 1 piece.

Objects (ships) cannot be placed closely, that is, between two adjacent objects (ships) should be at least one free cell (taking into account the enemy also cannot position objects (ships) closely).

When all cookings are finished and objects (ships) are time to start the battle.

The first move has a player, objects (ships) of which are located on the left field. You choose an opponent's cell and "shoot" in this square. If you drove the enemy ship, then the opponent must say "killed" if you wound the ship (that is, you got into a ship having more than one deck), then the opponent must say "wounded". In case of hitting the rival ship, you continue to "shoot".
The game ending when one of its participants is losing all ships.

6. Points

Points - a game on a smelling for two or four people. However, it is best to play only together. For this game you will need clean paper and as many handles as players. The goal of the game is to connect the drawn lines into squares, the player who will create the greatest number of squares, wins the game.

First, create a field on a clean sheet of paper, draw horizontal and vertical lines from small points at the same distance from each other. A very fast game would have consisted of ten along and ten points across. You wash your field as you like large or small, depending on the level of the game and the number of players.

As soon as the field is created, each player takes turns, drawing one line at once connecting two points. Points can be connected horizontally or vertically, but sometimes - diagonally. As soon as the player finishes the square, he puts his initials inside the square and gets the next move, and so on until he manages to create a square with one additional line.

In this game there are two strategies: first, you can interfere with opponents to create squares. Secondly, you can form a field so as to be able to create a large number of squares using one additional line.

7. Football

To play football, you need a sheet in a cage that will serve as a field. Two people play. Gate size in six cells. The game begins at the central point of the field (leaf). The first move is played by the lot.

The move is a broken consisting of three segments each of which is a diagonal or a cell side.

It is impossible to cross the lines and touch them. If a player cannot make another move, the opponent pierces the penalty area: a straight line of six cells (vertically, horizontally or diagonal).

If after the free ball stopped on the already spent line, or the player cannot make a move, then one more penalty is punished.

Play to the first goal.

8. Chain

The challenge is that for this pair of words to come up with a chain of the metagagram, which turns one of these words to another. Each, the next word is obtained from the previous replacement of exactly one letter. The winner is the one whose chain is shorter. Invented this game Lewis Carroll, author of the book "Alice in Wonderland." So, the goat turns into a wolf, fox, leopard and other animals.

For 17 moves, the night changes for the day.

For 11 moves of the river turns into the sea.

For 13 of the test you can cook a bunch.

Traveling over time will take 19 moves: the moment will turn an hour, then a year, then there will be a century and in the end it will turn out.

The first player writes the letter, the next adds the letter in front or behind the written letter, etc. Loses the one as a result of the substitution of whom the whole word turned out. The letters need to be substituted not ababy how, adding another letter, you should keep in mind some particular word, in which you have written a combination of letters. If the one who needs to make another move cannot come up with a single word with a combination of letters, which has developed before his move, he must surrender. In this case, the player who wrote the last letter should say what word he meant, if he cannot name the word, he loses himself, if he called - he plays the one who surrendered. The one who loses the first time receives the letter B, the second time - a, etc., until it turns out the word of the ballad. The one who first becomes a bald, loses finally.

Naturally, you can play not only on paper, but also orally.

10 . Football 8x12

A field of 12x8 cells is drawn. Points in the middle of the short sides is the gate. The first move is exactly from the center of the field. It go alternately by putting a dash on one cell (along line or diagonally). If the move ends on the sketching point (that is, through which there was already going - for example, the center of the field) is given the right to another dash and so on, while the move does not end on an empty point. The parties are considered druised points (that is, from the side the ball "fows off"). The goal is to score the ball into the gate.
An additional rule that we invented in the class is to enter the ball to the position from which it is impossible to exit is a prohibited stroke (for example, the move in the angle). If this is the only move that a player can make is his loss.

Each field is played for one goal (if desired and more, but practice has shown that one goal is better to play). The convenience of this game compared to standard football is that it takes a little space and you can use and partially written by a piece.

11. Labyrinth with objects

Two play. Players draw two fields 10x10. For convenience, it is possible to assign the symptoms to the cells: a, b, in, ..., and, to - horizontally and 1, 2, 3, ..., 9, 10 - vertical. (Helps when communicating through the game). On one field, draw your labyrinth for which the opponent will go. The second, while empty, the field is a rival labyrinth, according to which the player himself goes. It is celebrated in the process of enemy labyrinth objects explored during the game. The goal is to make a treasure of someone else's labyrinth faster than the opponent will lead a treasure from yours.
Here it is possible to simultaneously show yourself and as an adventure bar and as a "dungeon owner".

Requirements for the labyrinth:

There may be walls between cells that, actually, the labyrinth and form. In addition, the entire perimeter labyrinth is also fenced with a wall, which is called the "wall of the labyrinth".

In the labyrinth should be:

1 Arbalet
1 crutch
1 trap
4 pit
4 exit from yam (each pit definitely corresponds to one output)
3 false treasures
1 Real Clad
4 exit from the labyrinth on each side.
In addition, each participant at the beginning of the game has 3 grenades.

Card example:

Game process.

Players tell each other the coordinates of the points from which they would like to start the game.
Players walk in turn. For the course of the player can move one cell to the right, to the left, up or down, if the cell in which it is and the one in which it wants to move, does not separate the wall. In case such a wall is still present, the player reports this and it remains on its cell until the next turn. If this wall is a labyrinth wall, it is reported separately. However, according to the prior agreement, it is possible not to make differences between the inner walls and the walls of the labyrinth and exclude the concept of the "wall of the labyrinth", but it can strongly tighten the game. Having spent one grenade, the player can eliminate any wall (incl. And the wall of the labyrinth) to the end of the game. To do this, you do not need to first detect it. Let's say Intuitively felt that the right wall, the player may not waste the move to go to the right and make it possible. He can immediately use a grenade, and then there will definitely not be the wall. But it may be that she was not there, then the pomegranate is still considered to be spent. Throw grenades is considered to be moved. Throw a grenade and move to the same move.

After the player moved to a new cell, the enemy reports that it is located on a new cell (and only one object can be on the same cell).
This may be (with examples of designation):

but) crossbow ("BUT"). After visiting this cell, the player begins to "chrome" and the opponent for his turn (already coming) can take a +1 action (moving, throw a grenade, stumble upon the wall). Crossbow works once, but its action lasts until the end of the game.

b) crutch ("Y"). A visit to this cell gives the player himself, starting with the following course, to make a turn for 1 action more. This is not a medicine from the action of the crossbow, but an independent object. The crutch works once, but its action lasts until the end of the game.

The actions of the crutch and the crossbow are folded. Those., A visit to both of these cells gives the same result as the inget of any of them. If you have found a crutch, and your opponent is crown, then for the move you can have already three actions (not four!).

in) trap ("K"). The pops of three moves. Those. While you are selected from the cappon (correctly - traps), the opponent commits four strokes, after which you can move again. The presence of an opponent of the crutch allows him to make eight moves. If you fell into the trap being in front of it injected with a crossbow, the enemy makes only four strokes (permanent passage of moves does not work, because you still do not move). The trap is triggered every time the player visits the cage with it.

d) You hit the pit № 1, 2, 3, or 4. ("1,2,3,4") - instant movement (in the same way) on the cell "Exit from Jam No. 1, 2, 3 or 4" ("I, II, III , IV "), respectively. The coordinates of the exit to the player are not communicated. It continues the game from a cell with a yam comes and determines its location by indirect features. If the player fell on the cell "Exit from the pit" without falling into the pit itself, but simply "came up", he was reported. Now, falling into a pit with this number, he will know where it will appear.

e) You found a brand. False ("O") or true ("x"), you can only find out from the labyrinth.
To exit the labyrinth, you can use any of the outputs that are available on one side or a new one, using a grenade. (However, it is possible that the walls of the labyrinth grenades do not take, although it is spent).

A player who came out of the labyrinth (randomly or deliberately) to his move, it was reported that he left the labyrinth. If at the same time he has treasure on his hands, and what kind of treasure is: false or real.

At the same time, you can carry only one treasure. At the same time, the actions of the crossbow, crutch, the trap is not canceled. Throw the treasure where it is impossible, but you can change one to another. Take treasure not necessarily. If you are on a cage with a treasure, you decided to take it, you need to inform the enemy about it.

The labyrinth should be compiled in such a way that you can visit every cell and get out of the labyrinth without applying a grenade, starting the game from anywhere. You can't build traps: when a player, hitting a pit, comes out of it in a closed space, from which it cannot get out without the use of a grenade. Capan may stand anywhere.
Coming out of the labyrinth, the player can only come in that way out of which came out. However, the option with the possibility of re-entering through any output is also entitled to existence. In this case, you can degrade areas, to get into which you can only through a certain input to the labyrinth, if the starting point is beyond them.

12. Chepukha

And even a stupid game "Chepukha" in first glance carries a deep meaning if you play it with the whole family. Each player gets a sheet of paper and write the answer to the question "Who?" (Winnie Pooh, Hippo Cat, Uncle Vasya, etc.). Then the answer is bended in such a way that it could not be read, and the sheets are transmitted in a circle. The next question is "with whom?" Then follow: "When?", "Where?", What did you do? "," What did it happen? " When all the answers are written, papers unfold and read. "So what is the meaning in all this?" - you ask. If the whole family laughs over the resulting nonsense, if parents and defers are interesting and fun together - is it not the most important, the most important meaning of any family games?

13. War of Viruses

"War of Viruses." Game for two ( you can and more, but preferably an even number of players, otherwise one quickly becomes a victim), on the field 10 * 10 ( again, you can and more, then even more interesting), "Viruses" indicates crosses, circles and other evil spirits (each player has its own color or figure). For the move, three "virus" is exhibited. Begin their reproduction of viruses from opposite angular field cells. It is possible to set the "virus" only next to another "live virus". If there is a "virus" of the enemy, it can be eaten it, building a cage into its color. The opponent can no longer be the opponent in the opponent. Such formations are called "Roots". If the "fortress" touches at least one living virus of his color, then it can be further created from it anywhere to create new "viruses" or there is an opponent. The goal of the game is to complete the destruction of the enemy's living forces. If both parties can hide their live viruses for the fortress from enemy enemy viruses, the game ends against a draw.

"Blinds."Variation of "Warriors of Viruses". Play can from 2 to 6 players, but optimally 4 players. Play on a notebook sheet, each player must have its color. The game begins with the drawing of the "Main Claop" - the cross closed by the frame and the "headquarters" is the environment of the "Main Claop" of 8 crossings in the corners of the sheet. Further, you can make 5 "Khodiks", and not 3 as in the "war of viruses". The game is carried out on the destruction of the "main bedbugs". But the most interesting game in this version is that players who play by default each for themselves have the right to conclude unions and violate and as the situation changes or personal preferences. Often a good "political" intrigue in this option brings more dividends than the combination class of the game. Possible addition: a player built a square of 8 bedbugs, can put in the center of the new "main Claop", and the old one is painted in the color of the player. Such a revolution, allows you to save your army from the defeat, if the enemy closely appeared to the old "main".

"War". Very complex variation of "warriors of viruses". Play can from 2 to 6 players, but optimally 4 players. Play on a notebook sheet, each player must have its color. The game begins from the "generals", which are denoted by the letter G and are located in the corners of the sheet. For each move, the player can set:
4 infantrymen (denoted by letters P);
2 horses that put in the letter as in chess (and denoted by the letter to);
2 tanks that go through one cell (can be diagonally) (denoted by letters T);
1 aircraft that walks through 4 cells horizontally, vertical or diagonal (designated by letters C).
During any course, you can abandon one type of troops and make an extra one extra bed with another species. For example, you can go immediately 3 times with a plane in one move, refusing respectively from all the infantrymen, from all horses and all tanks.
Unlike "War of Viruses", new fighters can be exhibited, only next to the live fighters (or next to the "living" fortress) of the corresponding type, provided that they have a living connection with the general! That is, troops without control are not fighting. Communication can be carried out through another type of troops. Play, of course, on the destruction of the generals.

14. Pyramid

Play two players. They are in turn written as a pyramid word according to the rule of crossword, in addition, repeating the same words is prohibited. Start with a three-letter word, under the word you can write the word of the same length or one letter longer. Under each word, you can only write the word for the same length once once, the next word must necessarily be one letter longer. After the turn of the opponent, the player carefully analyzes the resulting game verbal pyramid and is trying to draw up a word at least from three letters, taking the first letter with an arbitrary level of the pyramid, the second from the next level under it, etc. By one letter from each next level. This word should also be a nominal noun in the initial form and not by the abbreviation (not a reduction in the type of traffic police). A player who finds such a word adds so many points as the letters in this word. Then the next round begins, and so, while any player does not get 12 points. He becomes the winner.

An example of one tour of this game with the words: the 1st player writes the word Luke, the 2nd writes the word MIG under it. The 1st player needs to find a 4-letter word, he writes the word shawl. Both players try to select words from the already used letters, so as not to give a chance to the opponent to win on tour. The 2nd player looks carefully, whether it is impossible to make some word, but it turns out every nonsense like Kish, Lil, Yum, etc. Then the 2nd player writes a 4-letter word awl (and a 5-letter writing):

The 1st player analyzes the pyramid ... He sees the words of the traffic police, Il and South, who, by the condition of this game, are not suitable, and does not notice the words of Kilo! The pyramid appears next level:

The 2nd player sees the word lyrics and spike, then notes the word Kilo ... and suddenly finds a beautiful 5th letter word Lily! It adds 5 points to the score of the 2nd player.

Similar games on paper with the words are developing, attentiveness and ability to combine words.

Two players draw 7-10? Tanks? Or? Rolls?, each on its half of the double notebook (better not in the cell, but in a ruler or empty A4). Preparinging the army, players begin to fire each other as follows: the shot is drawn on its half of the field, then the sheet is folded exactly in the middle, and the shot, visible notes, is noted in the second half of the field. If he touched the tank, he fell down (second? Singing? Fatally), and if it got exactly in it, the tank is immediately destroyed.
Each successful shot gives the right to the next one; In some versions of the game, it is impossible to shoot the next shots in the same tank.
After pre-shooting, the game is very quickly moving into the stage? Blitz-Crag?, Or rather, rapid junction. Naturally, one who first shot the opponent's army.

16. Broken

A simple tactical game, the essence of which in the positional struggle for the space. On the 8x8 field (i.e., the size of a chessboard), players one after another drawing small lines, which overlap 2 of any cells in a row: i.e. For example, player 1 holds a vertical line that occupies E2 and E3.
Player 2 does the same, but his line cannot cross or touch with already existing? Barriers?. As the field is filling out, there is less and less free space, and at the end you need a sober calculation to finish the game. A player who can no longer put his feature, because Everything is already fallen, loses.

A simple and pretty cheerful game built on the same principles as the parade of coins, but completely different.
On a small field (this can a square or a rectangle of arbitrary size, is not particularly important) the players are set up about 15-20 points in a variety of places, although more or less evenly.
Then the first player draws a rim round, but an arbitrary shape that passes at least 1 point. The maximum in the classic version is unlimited, although I would recommend to give a maximum of 4 points in the rim.
The next player draws his rim, the only limitation? He cannot intersect with already drawn. The rims can draw inside the rims, or, on the contrary, surround the existing, most importantly, so as not to cross. After a while there is quite a few space, and the one who draws the last bezel loses.
The variation of this game is the rule to draw rims, covering only 1 or 2 points, no more.

Loses the one who destroys the last zero.

19. Dots and squares

The author of this game, a popularizer of mathematics and sciences Martin Garner, considered her ? Pearl logic games?. Without dividing his opinions, however, it is quite possible to call the game one of the best tactical games that are interesting at any age.
Game field? Rows of points from 3x3, up to 9x9. It is better to start with a small field, and feeling the taste, build size. The rules are very simple: the players connect two points of the line, and when the player can close the square, it puts his sign into it (for example, the first letter of his name).
The closure square, the player gets the right to an additional move, until it puts the line that does not closer. At the end of the game, it is counted who closed more squares, and the winner is determined.
With apparent simplicity, the game represents a good space for the combinatorial game, especially on the fields 5x5 and more. The essence of winning tactics? Make a field with half-closed designs, donate, carried it is necessary, several squares in favor of the opponent, and then, when to put almost nowhere to force him to make a disadvantage (not closing)? And after you close most of the squares of one series.

The simplest verbal game, on the principle of nolikov crossbars, only with letters.
On the 3x3 field (then try both other sizes), two players put on one of any letter, and wins the one who by the end of the party (when all the fields are filled) will work out to be diagonally, vertical or horizontal more well-known words from 3 letters.
The game is useful for children who learn to write. For adults there is no pretty small competitive value in it, but players with humor will be waiting for a lot of fun. For children, you can play an option? Who will create the word, and not whom words will be more.

21. Racing

A more complex and long game, built on the same principle as other paper coordination games: the movement of the handle standing vertically, on the sheet of light click.
On the sheet (single or double) draws racing Route (RACE), in the form of two bends, uneven circles, repeating the outlines of each other, a width of 2-3-4 cells (depends on the number of participants). Then in an arbitrary location of the received rings, the start / finish line is conducted with which racing cars start.
Short neat strokes, riders move along the ring, overcoming bends and special obstacles, flying into a cuvette, again leaving the field, and as a result, one of them comes to the finish line first, and reaps the laurels.
Each time the rider line concerns the border of the track or crosses it, the cross is put in the place of intersection, and the racer misses the next move, turning his car to continue the check-in. There are such intersections for each machine in stock 5 pcs. (5 points of life), and the sixth collision becomes fatal.
In addition, on the track can be any other obstacles? For example, zones of increased danger: flew into such a zone, the machine gets more damage, and loses two points of life. Or special obstacles that appear from the edges, and make the passage narrowed, gooby, on the contrary, stand in the middle, and make cars squeeze into
It is also possible to enter the Touch Points of the point, or rather small mugs in which the machine must be hit by driving by (i.e., through which the line must be necessary). The figure shows all the listed complications of the track at once, and it can be seen that the race is still far from completion.
You can invent and enter your own rules, new obstacles, and if there are 4 and more participants, you can even arrange a racing series by making several tracks, and in the intervals between them allowing the players to purchase equipment, the amount of glasses depending on the place. For example, buy additional lifesty glasses or attacking spikes, and shoot 1 point of life from a car that you overtake.

22. Golf

Players start from two points next to each other at the bottom of the double leaf standing vertically (see drawing).
Each playing the handle of his color, and the task of everyone? For the minimum number of shots (lines from the handle, moving along the sheet), start the ball in the well. The well is at the opposite end of the field, i.e. top of the sheet. And a person with good coordination was required to maximize 4-5 beats to drive the line in the hole.
But in advanced versions of the golf, the path to it is not so simple, because from long straight lines protect the hills that perform the role of buffer and not allowing the player. If you get into the hill, the enemy performs the kickback. Bul over a line of violating in any direction, and one is forced to continue his series of blows from the place where this line came. Or, perhaps, 1 or 2 unnecessary strokes are attributed to the highway.

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