Passage A World of Ice and Fire. "Game of Thrones": how the story was reflected in the legendary epic they can revive all living beings

The 7th season of the cult series "The Game of Thrones" turned out to be very informative in terms of what the local forces of evil are white walkers.

In contact with

As it turned out, the walkers combine the features of several fantasy beings at once - both zombies and vampires. But some of their behaviors do not fit into any familiar to our template. But let's go about everything in order.

Who are white walkers (White Walker) and where did they come from

So, for a start, you should deal with those whose white walkers. The first references to this aggressive race are at long-time, 8 thousand years before the events described by the series. Then necromancers managed to capture Westeros Earth, as a result of which the whole generation of the first people and children of the forest was forced to experience the longest winter in history. By uniting, these two races were able to push the walkers to the north, and since then, all the stories were considered the myths about them, and the existence of invincible sorcerers was put, to put it mildly, in doubt.

The complexity of the fight against white walkers is, first of all, in their ability to resurrect the dead (including animals) and turn them into vitchs - a completely controlled zombie soldiers controlled by a specific necromancer. In addition, some representatives of the race (they can be distinguished by the processes in the form of a crown on the head) can produce a ritual after which living human babies become new walkers.

However, even if you cope with the army of the living dead, to kill the white walker, it is still quite difficult - the usual weapon against this race is useless. It is necessary to use only the blades of valoric steel or dragon glass. At the same time, all the vithas resurrected by the killed walker also dying.

1. They can revive all living beings

Readers of the book "Song of Ice and Flame" are already familiar with the zombie bear. But for those who have just watched only the series (Hey, guys, read the books - they are even more interesting!), Meeting with the risen from the local predator turned out to be in a novelty. (Yes, there were also horses of white walkers - but they were clearly created by supernatural strength, and not the walker themselves). Mishka and Spoilers became Wypewood! - Dragon Daeneneris, named Verrion, prove that aliens from behind the wall can put themselves to the service of anyone if he breathes.

2. Fire and flames them are not very harmful

Bear-Wilte, among other things, treated fire - but he died obviously not from burning swords. Yes, a little later, Drogon dawn a lot of Wicks with his flame, but he took his power rather than the fact that he extended the fire. In general, "Spark" (for example, from a torch) from white walkers and their wicks are definitely not separated.

3. Valirya steel works

Yes, how! See how spectacularly white walker scattered into pieces after the silent blow of John Snow!

4. Wicks die after the owner

This rule works in some stories about vampires. According to him, it is enough to destroy the vampire, and his "addresses" also dying. The same law acts in the world of white walkers - when John kills one of them, going after him the walking dead-Wicks instantly scattered in the dust. It is very convenient - in the upcoming battle it will be enough to lay the "team composition" of white walkers, and their foolish will not make themselves waiting. But today it is clear that it will not be easy to do it.

5. They can cause reinforcement by "Radiocommunication"

Captured by the Watch makes a crying cry of a cry. So he informs those who are in the distance "comrades" about its location. Yes, guys, the next time you go to the expedition, grab a good gag with you ...

6. Following them the storm cloud goes?

The neldery army announced its approach with the help of a giant winter storm cloud. What does this mean - they control the weather or just travel along with this natural phenomenon? Or maybe these clouds are needed to survive. Or maybe this is a simple coincidence? Time will tell…

7. They do not know how to swim - but not drown

Of course, human bones do not possess good buoyancy - so there is nothing surprising in the fact that the dead-wicks in one of the episodes of the sixth series are coming together. But they do not need to breathe, so death from a long stay in water also does not threaten. So the "drowned" wicks simply fall on the bottom, and then go to the shore ... on foot. "And what, so it was possible?" (from).

The last series of the 7th season of the Games of Thrones is nominated for the AMMI premium for the best scenario. In this connection, the creators had to publish the scenario of the episode, where the fate of two favorite spectators of the characters was revealed.


Artist of the role of Tormund Christopher Khivewi saw on the shooting area of \u200b\u200bthe eighth season, but the audience still worried that the wild and leader of the brotherhood without banners could not survive the attack of the king of the night on the wall. But the published scenario shed light on the fate of Tormund and Berica.

"Tormund and Berick lead wild steps cut into ice massive arguing staircase. Unlike a black castle, the Eastern Watch has a staircase, not an elevator. They sprinkle themselves and disappear from the view, "said in the script.

From the text you can assume that the characters are alive at the beginning of the 8th season.

The final of the Games of the Thrones will be large-scale, and the creators plan to limit the place of operation of Westeros. Only for the filming of one combat scene, the creators of the show took 11 weeks. In one of the interviews Sophie Turner, that by the number of deaths of the eighth season is significantly superior to all past seasons taken together.

The eighth season "Games of Thrones" will be held in the first half of 2019, but the exact date is still unknown.

King Lord Eddard Stark sent a small detachment of court knights and Lakers, including his Winterfelle Guards, to make justice over the Grigor Cleigh, who ruined river lands. In the battle of the Shatovsky Brody, the squad was defeated and continued its existence in the form of partisan, hiding in the forests. Brotherhood puts his task to protect the country and the people - in fact, peaceful residents River land suffering from speaking on their lands of "Lviv" -spadnikov Tywin Lannerner, "Volkov" -severlyan Robob Stark and fraternity and dealt deserters from the armies of both sides. The soldiers or robbers who fell into the hands of the brotherhood was judged and hung.

Gradually, the number of fraternity increased by deserters from the warring armies and refugee peasants; Brotherhood helped in the surrounding settlements, it used even the help of some lords and knights. Thanks to the mystical forces of the Priest Toros, Berick Dandarrion has repeatedly resurrected from the dead. When he still died for the last time, he was also replacing the resurrected from the dead "heartless" - Catylin Stark, killed at the Red Wedding. Under her leadership, the Brotherhood was not so much good deeds to protect the people, how much revenge the organizers of the Red Wedding.


However, by the time Lord Lightning and his people approached the troll, the situation has changed. The twenty thousandth army of Lord Tywin Lanner joined the river lands. When the royal detachment crossed his red teeth, he was trapped, squeezed between the river and many times superior to the enemy. When attempting to reverse crossings in the Svitovsky Brody, Lord Dandarrion's squad was attacked by the Grigor Kolyan and his people and crushed. Two thirds of the detachment died, including Lothar Melleri, Gladden Wilde and Reymen Darry. Berik Dondarrion and Toros fled with survivors and disappeared in the forests.

Speaking from the Royal Harbor, we were Winterfella, People of Darry, Black Harbor, Mallori and Wilde Persons. We were knights, squires and ladies, lords and commoners, combined only by one - our goal. We were among the hundred and twenty people to turn your brother with the name of the king. One hundred and twenty brave and honest people led by a fool in a star raincoat. We lost more than eighty people from the fact of our squad, but others raised swords that fell out of their hands. With their help, we continue to fight for Robert and the state. Storm Swords, Arya Vi

Partisan War

Lord Lightning remained elusive and immortal. He wrapped out the south of the trident, then north, moving through the river, where she wishes and strikes the blows suddenly, like zipper from a clear sky. Donadarion killed only soldiers, he did not touch peaceful people. Berick and Toros were engaged with a small detachment and quite ordinary things - for example, sheep was distilled. If Gold fell into the hands of Donarrion, he sent people far to the south, for Mandold, from where they brought grain for the peasants.

Your Lord Lightning is not the only one who knows how to make a loop at the end of the rope. Even talking about him. Lord Berick there, Lord Berick here, Lord Berick everywhere, and when you send people to him, he evaporates, as if the morning dew. River lords help him, you can not doubt. Help leaving brands! Today you hear that he is killed, and tomorrow it turns out that it is impossible to kill him. Sterry sterry, jame v

Additional glory Berica gave the ability to resurrect from the dead: Lord Berika once killed Berton Krakhacholl, then His Amori Lorh hung him, twice killed Grigor, once again Wargo Hoout, he killed Sandor Kligan in a court female, but Toros returned from the world every time Lord Lightning to the life of the "Fire Kiss". This mystical ability of Toros was difficult to explain, before the origin of the fraternity he did not possess. Under the impression of the miracles made by the torosa, the brotherhood in essence appealed to the faith of a red priest, starting to read R "Glora - or, at least, to repeat his prayer at the torosa.

Is there a hidden gold, silver, jewelry? Is there any edible somewhere? Where is Lord Berik Dondarrion? Which of the local helped him? Which way did he leave? How many people were the knights, archers and infantrymen? How are they armed? How many horses do they have? How many wounded? What other enemies saw Selyan? When? How many? Under what banners? Where did they go? Where is gold, silver, jewelry hidden in the village? Where is Lord Berik Dondarrion? How many people were with him? Battle of Kings, Arya Vi

The main refuge for the fraternity was the hollow hill - the cave under the hill, lost in the forest somewhere between a stone septo and a high heart. All those who flowed down to the fraternity, the recruits were dedicated here in the knights - Berick Dondarrion followed the principle "Each knight can devote any other person in the knights," and made knights of all new members of the fraternity without parsing. Even knowing the death of King Robert Barateon, the Brotherhood continued to call himself people King Robert and swear, which protects the country. The members of the fraternity were difficult to call knights in the generally accepted sense of the word - they were poorly armed and went on peasant horses or scrap mules.

The Brotherhood held the courts over the captured Lannisters, but did not burden himself with the establishment of the guilt of concrete people, arguing that each lion is responsible for crimes of all other lions. Sentenced to execution hung on trees; The fraternity retained this practice and after the final death of Berica. Baryna Tart and her satellites stumbled on the whole forest of the dead hung on the trees along the road every one hundred yards - these were former soldiers who participated in a bloody platoon at the saltwall. Each of them, the lishes scored a piece of salt in the mouth. Outside the forest, the brotherhood put the gallows on the road leading through the fields.


Heartless. © Ill. Kai Juan (Zippo514)

When Camelin Stark, Tleniy, was found, was found to resurrect her to life, so Toros refused to resurrect her, so she gave her Berick Dandarrion instead of a kiss of fire and died. The place of chapter was taken by Lady Stark, which he was now called heartless. With the body as ugly, as at the moment when she was found, and dumb, because she cut her throat, she could do without sleep and obsessed one goal - to avenge everyone who betrayed her family at the red wedding. Walking fraternity, or at least part of it, it became unquestioned to obey her. The dedicated supporters of the heartlessly entered Lim Yellow Cloak, Jack-lucky, Harwin, Tom of seven streams and others. At the same time, the rest of the fraternity, including Toros from the world and others, continued the case of Berick Dondarrion, although not challenging the power of heartless. Sir High Hunt, for example, perceived the "old" and "new" brotherhood as two separate gangs associated only by the fact that the heartless de is the mistress of Berick Dondarrion.

When it all started, we were all the people of the king. But the people of the king should have a king, and we did not have it. Once we had brothers, but now our fraternity broke up. To be honest, I do not know, no one we becomes. The only thing I know is our path of the dark. And the fire is unable to open me, which lies at the end of the way. Pir Villagers, Bryren VIII

Rumors at the same time attributed to the Brotherhood and Sandora of the Cligan, in fact dead or sick on a quiet island. Brotherhood still with Lord Berica caught the part of the brave guys, which took from Harrenholl Septon Utop and partly interrupted, partly hanged. Another fragment of the hired detachment under the Rórge team, who replenished with deserters from different armies and other creeping, was horrified on the river lands - they, for example, burned the town of Solevarni. It was Rorge who picked up the famous Sandor Helm of the Kolyan, becoming a source of rumors about the appeal of the PSA into bandits. Nevertheless, the Brotherhood gradually caught the bandits and translated them, and in the hotel at the crossroads, without the participation of Baryna, the tart was dealt with and with the last brilligions.

Nevertheless, the fate of Baryna and her satellites in the hands of the Brotherhood turned out to be not cloudless. Brotherhood, seeing a letter-signed by King Baryna and her sword from Valiya Steel, mapping Paine Pains as a former squire of Tyrion Lanner and High Khanta as one of the people Rendillla Tarli was ready to hang all three. Heartless, having learned Brienna, demanded from that new oath: to kill Jame Lannerner. Briyna refused and ended with hanging (although, apparently, after all, already in the loop, he agreed with the demanding of heartless).

Briyna - exhausted and aged, but alive - appeared in the "Dragon Dance" to raise Jame Lannist Server about the PSE, which holds Sansu Stark in the hostages. Jame went with shaved and disappeared, apparently, hitting the brotherhood without banning.

Members of the Brotherhood

In the floor of the hill:

  • Berick Dandarrion, Lord of the Black Harbor, he is a lord-zipper, constantly declared dead.
    • Toros from the world, red priest, his right hand.

Spy Minigide, author Eshatonaut

When performing quests Varisa, the invasion of targaires occurs. If you choose the characters on the book, then you will arrive with a young ridge with gold swords. If on the TV series, then deaineris with his campaign of impeccable and dotrachetsev.

Tasks from Lord Varis, it is located in the Royal Harbor, in the castle, on the left.

Task number 1 * Messenger *

Purpose: Pick up a secret letter from a varissal spy.

1) Go to the city of Sunny spear.
2) We find a spy, which is depicted in the screenshot.
3) In the dialogue, I choose "- I am a merchant, and I can sell you some very happy dreams!"
4) After that, the spy gives the letter and we return to the royal harbor.


  • +300 silver deer.
  • +5 to relationships with variasis.
Task number 2 * Spy Hunter *
Purpose: Trace spy, the first is depicted in the screenshot:

The location of the second spy:

1) Grab the first spy.
2) Grab the second spy.
3) If in battle they died - the entire range of quests Zaruinen.
4) Return to the royal harbor and report to Varis about the successes.


  • If you bring 1 spy: 1500 silver coins.
  • If you bring 2 spies: 2000 silver coins + book "History of the Great Ospiece Westeros".
  • +5 In relations with Lord Varis.
Task number 3 * Massword knights *

Purpose: Destroy the camp of the Meadow Knights, which is under the twilight share:

1) After the defeat, we return to Lord Varis in the royal harbor.
2) If the camp immediately did not appear - wait a little or kill the fallen knights in the area.
3) Return to the award.


  • Plate Armor Targarey.
  • 1500 silver coins.
  • +5 In the relationship with the varium.
Task number 4 * Search for Braravosians *
Purpose: Low Lord Varis 12 trained Braravosians.

1) Go on a ship in Braravos.
2) In the tavern of the city, we hire all the soldiers who will be there, they will spawn every 2-3 days.
3) Recruit Sellian in the villages.
4) We are looking for and hiring Braaavosian deserters.
5) We liberate the Bravavosi from the captivity.
6) Attacking small and weak detachments of robbers only with Bravavosians so that they are swept away.
7) If there is a castle - will take there future experienced Braravosians there, we give treasurer money in the treasury and ask someone from the staff to train these soldiers.
8) Extreme Method: If it does not work in any way, we declare the war to Bravosu, we captivate the 12 ordered warriors and recruit.
9) Give the soldier Varis.


  • +3300 silver deer.
  • +5 In the relationship with the varium.
Task number 5 * Messenger *

Purpose: Meet with Lord Varis in the Sept Beilora.

Location "Master over whispers":

Task number 6 * Selection in dialogue *

If you choose - "no one deserves a similar relationship, and the least mother and her children",
it will be sent to the village water gardens, which is in Dorn.
We speak with Dupoom Martell (Elaria Sand), we return back to Lord Varis to the royal harbor.
We get a reward and the chain is complete. The invasion will occur.

If you choose - "Her children were born from incest, in order to keep distinctive features Targareynev ",
we get a reward and the chain is completed. The invasion will not happen.

Quest "Old Valiria" can be taken from Nanos of Slint in the location of the tavern of the intersection, which is behind the bridge if you go from Harenholla to Solevarni.
Award for the quest is the castle of Pigigig and the village of Taelon. To perform, after a conversation with the NPS, we go to Volantis, and then we go to the east, then we turn on the coast to the south, there is a "destroyed castle". We restore it and get a personal castle and the village. It is better to have a detachment of good fighters, the island is sisite with pirates and even if you clean it, you will attack 50 soldiers of the slave trade at the most inopportune moment (during the repair of the castle). If you do not at this point belong to some faction, you will be offered to create your kingdom. The life of the NPS, which gave the quest is not important.

Quest "We take what is our". Award of 1,500 deer, deterioration of relationships with the fraction of railways.
In the tavern of the city of Arbor, we meet the NPS Rory, who complains about the detachment of railways under the leadership of Captain Dagmer Shcherbatoy and asks retribution. Here in the tavern we find the harsh captain of Dagmer and he appoints disassembly after noon outside the city. We leave for the city and a detachment of 114 gangsters follow us. At first, the captain threatens us and the relationship with it personally and the fraction of railways falls to -14, click leave. The detachment catch up again, give battle. Returning to Rory to the tavern and we get gratitude and ... wow, as much as 1500 silver deer.
If you go out of the city, and the bandits do not follow you. So you need to hold the gap and wait until the time "day" or "afternoon".
The tapered detachment consists of heavy fighters without throwing weapons, so we take a two-handed ax or a shortened plug, bow or crossbow, spear, sit down on the horse and twist around the detachment and pumping everything you need.
(Dagmer can be simply intimidated in the tavern)

Quest "Lannisters always pay their debts." Award book +1 to conviction.
We are going strictly north from the village of Silver Hill through the forest, there at the foot of the mountain will be a hollow hill location (Hollow Hill) - the headquarters of the Brotherhood Apartment without banners. Entering there we find the leader of Berick Dondarion, who gives the task to punish the soldiers of the Lannister who rage in the district and bring the book stolen by them. We leave from the location and begin searching. As a rule, the raids appear near the city of Stone Sept and head towards the castle stone Nora, then returned and run in the triangle stone septa, the city of Lord Harrowue, the Castle of Hornval. So we find bold raids led by their leader talked with him, we get a minus in relations with Western lands and enter the battle. Although the detachment is only 48 soldiers, but the crossbars and cavalry can make a fight unpleasant, therefore it is necessary to prepare in advance. After the victory, we collect a good lie, and we get the book in the inventory the Holy Scripture +1 to the conviction. We return to the Berick Dongarion in the hollow hill, and he gives us this book on joys from massacre over ramps. Also in the floor of the hill you can hire volunteers of fraternity without banners.
With lannisters and Western lands must be negative relationships, otherwise the book will not fall into the inventory and the quest cannot be passed!

1) "Save the city from bandits"- After the start of the game, we are trying to survive in the royal harbor.
2) Dialogue with Lodia EdgarAppears after we cut down, where he asks to tell Robb Stark about events in the capital, if they agree:

  • -10 in relations with Western lands.
  • +2 Stark soldiers in a detachment.
  • The most important thing is to continue the chain of quests.

If we give up - we can not continue to perform quests and the chain will break.

3) "Pointed end" -After consent to the aid, we go to Winterfella when we tell the robb about the events, we will get a reward:

  • +5 In a relationship with Robbo Stark.
  • +1 In relations with the guards of the house of Starks.
4) "Winter Is Coming"- Robb asks to repel the attack of wild on the estate. We are going along the road to the north of Winterfella and to achieve the lake, to the right of us will be a manor, where we kill the wild and immediately we get a reward:
  • +10 fame.
  • +5 to honor.
  • +200 silver coins.
Wounded Wild Luther Bane will inform about white walkers and die, so we go to Robob Stark.
The King of the North is pleased to our success, but puzzled by the message of Wild, sends to Gorel Mormont, who is in the Black Castle, pressing the reward:
  • +1 relationships with robust stark.
  • +600 coins.
  • +2 Fame.
  • +1 Scroll for Jiir Mormt.

5) After we give the scroll of Lord to the Commander Night Watch, we will get:

  • +1 Fame
  • +1 relationships with robust stark
After that, Mormuth will send us to repel the attack of wild at the crap bridge.

6) "Bridges and bones" -The skull bridge is located at the most western part of the wall, we go to it and beat back the attack of wild and we get a reward:

  • +1 Fame
  • +1 Relations with Jiorem Mormont
7) Jiore Mormont is concerned about the situation and sends us to ask for soldiers from Robb Stark, who says he will not be able to help, because the war goes to the south.

8) "Black Support" -We inform Mormont that it did not work out to convince Robb and for the services of the race:

  • +4 Fame
  • +1 relationships with mormont
9)"Earth behind the wall"- Mormon Mitrich is lacking support and sends us with John Snow to find walkers.
We find a detachment from the walker, wicks and giant-wicks. We can kill them, and we can escape - the quest will not affect.
But if you want to kill - it means there is for what, I used the following tactics:
  • In the cities of Tann and the camp, Fang Claus bought obsidian arrows, and in Winterfelle fiery arrows.
  • I sat down at the horse, told my soldiers to retreat and shooting these scapors.
  • +15 Fame
  • +1 In relations with Jiorem Mormont

10) "Reminance in the Castter Castle"- After a week, three John Snow sends a letter to appear to him.
We come and learn that Jiore Mormont betrayed and killed in the castle of the crastler. We agree to go there. You need to have a good detachment of connants, or infantry with shields, because the archers of the night watch can shoot you. After violent over them and return to John, we get:
  • +1 in relationship with John Snow
  • +5 Fame
  • Valirya Steel

From the Valirya Steel in the city of Kvukhor, the Valiy Sword can be seen from the Gunsmith.

"Bastera and broken things"
The quest begins with the fact that in independence from your location a message appears "You saw how the raven falls ..."
Next there are options:
1) Take a crow (quest begins, but you are starting to chase 3 poachers)
2) Do not touch the crow.
We choose the first option, after which I carry a letter to Stannis and in the amount of the quest we receive a reward:

  • +4 Fame
  • +2 to honor
  • +5 to the relationship with stanis
  • Dragonstone stone declares war on Western lands and begins the offensive.
Or carry a letter to Tywin. We get:
  • +1500 deer
  • +2 Fame
  • +6 in relations with him

In fashion there are control events and the plumbing of the plot depending on the decisions taken by the player. For example, a well-known letter of recently to Stannis, if you convey to the true king, there will be a war between dragon stone and western lands or taking a riverran Western lands, launches Freyev's betrayal.

Terms, approximately:

1) 2 weeks after the edge of the land behind the wall - the rebellion in the crastler lock.

2) The 50th day - Western lands declare a war with river lands due to the abduction of Tyrion Lannerner.

3) 70-80th day - Beonon Grazy declares himself as the King of the Iron Islands and begins the war with the north.

4) 90-100th day - Petir Beilish negotiates the Union between the scope and Western lands. Spacious declares war on river lands and north.

5) 100-110th day - Stannis declares war on Western lands.

6) 150th day - a red wedding (Robb dies, but there is an opportunity to save it) Frei and Boltons become leaders or betray.

7) Wild take the wall and the player must receive a letter asking for help.

8) Wild take the black castle and begin invasion to the north. The player receives another letter about it.

9) When Targaryenes (deaineris or Eight) come, after performing the quests of the Varis, - Dorn and space declare war on Western lands.

(For another version, eif they invade targaires, they declare war not Western lands, but to the one who owns the royal harbor. It happens that Stannis has time to capture the throne or player himself).

10) 700+ Day Player receives a letter to the invasion of the king of the night.

Sometimes there is an departure from the city scene even on a powerful PC, this is a fashion bug, disable the scene menu in the camp (options), try not to capture the lorath like the most gluchny.

Authors:furiousdoom, Vasja Nikaragua, Nekto_Alex, Lord_sudbi, JJHummer, Tigodanac, Valua, Tour, Gonf, Modeler, Foxreza, Sir_Daf666, Barbaris, Jame Lannister I have some active visitors to the topic, which are difficult to immediately remember, respond and you will do it)

When the fraternity without banners arrived in a trident, there was a lot of corpses around this place after the recent battles and a red wedding. I do not understand why they showed a particular interest in the body of this woman - how did they recognize it and why Beric decided to resurrect her?

She then unexpectedly became the leader of the Brotherhood and therefore changes his project, from neutrality and protecting small people from raiders (from the South and North), to the search for personal revenge Lady Stonehart (against Lannister and Frey).

So brotherhood without banners , figuratively speaking, became fraternity with a wolf banner (or trout).

    How did they come to Keitlin and recognized her after death for several days in the water?

    Why did they decide to bring her back to life?

    Why is she responsible for the Brotherhood? Does this change the Brotherhood project?


Justin Etir

Harwin, a man from Winterfella, was with the brotherhood when they found the body and recognized her. Here is a quote from chapter 42 AFFC, where Toros explains what happened:

Frei cut her throat from the ear to ear. When we found her by the river, she was three days dead. Harvin begged me to give her a kiss of life, but it was too long. I would not do this, so Lord Berick put his lips to her instead, and the flame of life passed from him to her. And ... she rose. Let the Lord of Light protect us. She rose.

It also explains why she is responsible for this: Lord Berick sacrificed himself to resurrect her.


I think I think that changing the orientation is inexplicable.

Justin Etir

Not clearly. I believe that without the leader, they followed by someone else with sufficient power and the desire to lead; Which was Stoneheart.