Recipes in minecraft 1.10 2 on the leash. Leash in Minecraft: Application and creation. What is useful to know about the leash

This fixture may be needed in many situations, so sooner or later the player thinks where to take it. Therefore, more users can find out how to make a leash in minecraft and use it. By the way, he needed to help solve the simplest tasks: climb on any vertex or tree, tie an animal, etc. This thing has a couple more names in this game - Lasso or rope. Therefore, having heard these words - do not be scared, it is just a common thing. You need to make it yourself. To do this, there must be a thread and mucus.

Using a leash, you can bind or walk away absolutely any animals by pressing the right mouse button on the selected beast. After the player uses the rope, it disappears from the available inventory. Having a large number of leashes, you can simultaneously bind several animals, the main thing is to be the right amount of this item. If necessary, it is available to release the animal: it will take a re-pressing on it, and then the rope can be used again, as it will return to the inventory.

When the rope in the hand, it can be tied to any subject by clicking on it. So you can tie a mob to the fence. Punch at the place where the animal is attached will help let go and lasso falls on the ground. You can remove an unnecessary thing by pressing the PCM on it.

Lasso can be stretched only for one length, unlike the fishing line, which can be pulled at any distance. Holding a rope in hand, it is possible to stretch it for ten blocks, and when it is tied to the fence, then five. This device will most effectively help to lure animals. Catching an animal on a lasso, you can drive it. You need to closely monitor the mob to be distinguished from the crafter to the specified distance. Otherwise, the rope will break and falls to the ground. In case you fall into another measurement, or the animal is killed, the rope is also rushing and falls on the ground.

What is useful to know about the leash?

  • Animals can be swallowed with it.
  • People and volatile mice can not hang.
  • A horse can break the rope in a suspended state and run away.
  • If you fly with suspended animals, it will first fly after you, but after some time will fall To the ground, since the speed of the crafter will not stand.
  • We can break the rope can be arrow released.
  • The animal will go in any direction behind the player, only if it is tied with a leash, but will be able to remove to a certain distance.
  • Lasso will help catch the wild Ocelot and continue to tame him.

How to make a rope in minecraft from the rope?

Using the "Rope" mod, you can make a rope if it does not need it for driving and taming animals in the game. If you need a more dense rope, you can make a rope. For his weaving, you will need three leashes, and in the end it will turn out twelve pieces of rope. You can connect them by clicking on each right mouse button. If the length does not suit you - it turned out to be too big, then delete the unnecessary part by clicking the left mouse button.


This tool will help you to avoid the use of stairs that are harder. Thanks to the rope, you can make narrow layers of the elevator, as it takes up little space. And at the same time it will be spent less strength and time.

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Today we will talk about how to scream leash in minecraft game. This item is incredibly useful, because thanks to him we can create your own livestock farm.


In this section, we describe in detail how to scratch a leash (1. 5. 2. And other versions of the game). Once again we emphasize that this item is useful for homemaking. With it, it is possible to translate animals, bypassing various obstacles and reservoirs.

In order to solve the question of how to scream leashes, we will need the following ingredients: 4 threads and clot mucus. Create data components is impossible, so we go on their search. We produce thread, destroying spiders. We can also do otherwise. We go to one of the searches there and cut it with a sword or scissors. The treasurers also often occur. Go to the extraction of the next ingredient, we destroy small slugs. You can meet them on the swamps. Thus, we get the necessary plug of mucus. Once all the components are with us, we have them accordingly in the crafting window. Fill two cells on the left in the first row horizontally threads. Next use mucus. It is put in the central cell of the second horizontal row. Thread put on the right of the mucus. Go to filling the third horizontal row. We put the thread into the cell on the right. All is ready.


So we figured out how to scream leashes, but you should understand how this item is used with maximum efficiency. First of all, take him in hand. Next, press the right mouse button on the animal (cat, sheep, horse, chicken, wolf, cow, pig) and put on it a leash. This item may break or fall out. This often happens if the character is far from the taught cattle. Similarly, the leash is put on the created snowy and iron goals.


The instruction is suitable for different animals. Thus, we now know how to scream a leash for a horse, but it still needs to be found. It should be noted that we are talking about friendly and very useful creatures. They will be useful for research research, as well as long-distance travel. Horses are more worked out compared to other creatures in the game. Thanks to this, they know how to perform various actions: there is grass, swinging the tail, to become on the sill, expressing discontent. These animals can be found on the plains. This type of territories is one of the most common in the game. Plain is a relatively flat surface on which, however, rare hills with high grass can occur. There are practically no trees here. Sometimes there are ravines, ponds and canyons, so you need to move carefully. The search for horses in such conditions is quite simple. First you need to get around the territory around the perimeter, but if you failed to detect the search animals, we move along the helix, reducing the circles. That's all, now we know how to scratch a leash and where to find the animal to tame it.

Leash in Minecraft will be useful to those players who are engaged in household. With it, it will be possible to translate animals through reservoirs and different obstacles. Therefore, it is worth understanding how to make a leash in minecraft.

Manufacture of leash

To get a leash using the kraft grid, you will need to be stocking ingredients for you:

  • thread four units;
  • bucket mucus one unit.

Direct the attention that such ingredients can not be screaming. So, the thread can be mined after the defeat of spiders. It can be obtained by another method to cut with scissors or a clinic network that can be found in abandoned mines. Often the thread is found in the treasurers. As for the plug of mucus, it can be obtained after the lesion of small slugs. They can be interpreted in large quantities.

Having obtained the desired ingredients for a leash, place them in the craft grid in such a macar:

  • The 1st row horizontally two threads in the cells on the left;
  • The 2nd row horizontally in the central cell is the mucus, and the thread is on the right;
  • 3rd row horizontally thread in the cell on the right.

Having made a leash, it is fundamentally correct to use it. At first, the player must take it in his hand. Then right-click on the animal (pig, cattle, wolf, chicken, horse, sheep, cat, etc.), to which you need to wear a leash. Direct the attention that the leash can fall out either break. This may occur in this case if you are very far away from the associated cattle.

By the way, in exactly the same way the eyeliner is worn out of steel and snowy golems.

More information about this game you find in the Minecraft section.

Rope, Lasso or Leash, appeared in MK in one update with horses as a tool for monitoring most mobs.
For the crafting of Lasso, four threads are needed and one mucus ball. In the crafting grid, there are objects in this order: in the first row in the left cell and in the center of the thread, in the second in the left cell thread, in the middle of the mucus, in the third row to the right thread. There are two leashes at once.

Lasso is used to control animals and tie them to the fence. This is the most efficient way to drive animals, in contrast to such methods as lining their food or intimidation by attacks. Most monsters can be led on a leash, except for some exceptions (bats, residents). The leash will be spent when used and release hands, so you can take the second leash and the story is another creature.

Most mobs can be conducted using a leash: they will follow you while you lead them. However, remember that Lasso can break if the distance between the player and animals will increase greatly (more than ten blocks will be), then the animal will be able to leave, and Lasso will fall to the ground next to Mob. It also falls when you become releasing the creatures from the fence or free.

Thus, the leash can be used repeatedly. One leash is alternately you can translate many animals.

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To scream Lasso (the rope with a leash is also here) in Minecraft, you need to stock up four threads and one ball of mucus. About what it is and how to find these items, we will talk a little later. For a start, we will tell about why it is still necessary to make Lasso's "minecraft" and what its advantages.

Is it necessary in the farm?

Surely every player would like to have in my site in Minecraft a couple of animals. And if this couple will increase to the whole farm, followed by watching and keeping always at hand - how to control them? To help users came an interesting patch that added to game process Not only funny horses, but also a special lasso, allowing you to keep any animal next to you.

Now you can forget about constant manipulations with food and intimidating actions in order to lure your favorite lamb. With the help of Lasso, you can tie an animal to the fence or translate it from one place to another. In addition to innocuous mobs, there can be a few monsters on the leash, the truth is, except for bats. Before making a lasso from the rope, you should remember one useful thing - you can immediately drop several mobs at once. Naturally, using several leashes, and not one.

An animal caught on hooks will be submolded to follow the player. If you move away, ten blocks, then the leash will simply break in half and will remain on the ground, while the free mob will hurry to hide out of sight. Positive side In this situation, the fact that the same lasso is suitable for repeated use.

Now let's talk about how to make Lasso Cowboy. With our guide, it is really possible. We have already mentioned the necessary ingredients that will be needed for crafting: thread and mucus. If the first can be easily made yourself, then to find the second, you have to try a little.

Where to take a mucus?

This material can be extracted from special mobs - slugs. Their habitat is deep caves (lower than a forty-level) and open canyons. Large individuals give themselves characteristic splitting sounds for which they are easy to find them. After the game has been updated to version 1.4.2, the slugs began to appear in the districts of the swamps at night. It is worth being careful when hunting on these mobs - "Giants" make a serious damage, and before death they are able to share for several smaller individuals. Slug-kids are completely harmless and easy to kill with just one blow. The only thing that is feared is - because of them the player may be in the lava.

One mob can throw from zero to two units of mucus. Using this material, you can create not only the rope - you can still scream sticky piston and lava cream. A good solution will be the construction of a farm on the place where the most lodges appear.

After you managed to get mucus and thread, you should put them on a special workbench. Upon completion of the crafting, the required subject will appear in two units. Following this simple instruction, you can create a lasso at any time.

A little about practical application

If with the question of how to make Lasso, we have already figured out, then it is time to look at how this subject can be used in practice. It is necessary to take it in the hand, and then click the right mouse button on any animal, which is located near. Thus, Lasso will control the mob. If you need to bind it to something, then you just need to click on the fence (taking into account if it is already built). The distance to the leash should be equal to five blocks, and if the leash in the hands is ten blocks. Recall that Lasso can break in the event that the animal will lag behind.

The use of such a leash can be useful in many cases, for example, when it is necessary to translate the mob through the river. If the animal cares in the water, it can be easily saved, just pulling the end of the rope.

Users have the opportunity to keep a tied animal next to them and simultaneously perform a number of other actions: fighting monsters, collect resources or break blocks. Lasso captures almost all the inhabitants of the cubic world "minecraft", except for other residents, horses that appeared using console teams, and bats. As for the portals, when moving through them, the leash is simply broken.