Download dandy games shadow of the ninja

Shadow of the Ninja is an iconic action adventure game released on game console NES. By 2029, the whole world has been conquered by the dark demon Garunda. But there were heroes to stop Garunda - they turned out to be two ninja Hayate and Kaede. The game provides cooperative mode passage for 2 players.

cheats, codes, passwords, tips, secrets, walkthrough, reviews, easter eggs, tips, controls Shadow of the Ninja

To select the desired level on the game splash screen, press: A, A, A, A, B, B, B, B, A, B, A, B, A, B, A, B. After that you should hear a signal, then enter these codes:
Level 1-2: button B on remote control 2 Level 1-3: button A on remote control 2
Level 1-4: buttons A and button B on remote 2
Level 2-1: button B on remote 1
Level 2-2: button B on remote 1 and button B on remote 2
Level 2-3: Button B on Remote 1 and Button A on Remote 2
Level 3-1: button B on remote 1 and buttons A + B on remote 2
Level 3-2: Button A on Remote 1
Level 3-3: Button A on Remote 1 and Button B on Remote 2
Level 4-1: Button A on Remote 1 and Button A on Remote 2
Level 4-2: button A on remote 1 and buttons A + B on remote 2
Level 4-3: A + B buttons on the remote 1
Level 5-1: buttons A + B on remote 1 and button B on remote 2
Level 5-2: buttons A + B on remote 1 and button A on remote 2
Holding down the keys of the selected level, then press the START button on 1 remote control

To gain invulnerability, enter the level selection code, then add to the Down combination on the second remote

To select the sound in the game, on the splash screen, press the buttons A, A, A, A, B, B, B, B, A, B, A, B, A, B, A, B. You should hear a signal, then simultaneously press and keep buttons A and B on two remotes. Continue to hold these buttons and press the START button on the 1st remote. To select a sound, press Left, Right on the remote and the A button to hear these sounds.

Start a corporate game for two players, make one player die, then you need to wait for the second player to have only 1 life, press buttons A and B simultaneously and the first character will resurrect with 3 lives

To play online Shadow of the Ninja on NES / Famicom / NES / Dandy / Family Computer - turn on Flash Player in Chrome. Type chrome: // settings / content / flash directly into the address bar and then press the Enter key. In the window that appears, turn off the "Block Flash on sites" option, and then click the "Add" button and enter the address of our site https: // site / into the list of allowed sites. You can now play Shadow of the Ninja online on the NES / Famicom / Dendy / Dandy / Family Computer.

To play online Shadow of the Ninja on NES / Famicom / NES / Dandy / Family Computer in Opera browser, enable Flash Player in Opera, go to Settings - Sites - Flash - select "Allow sites to run Flash".

In 2029, the evil emperor Garuda took over New York, resulting in the death of many people. Two heroes of the game, ninja Hayate (man) and Kaede (woman), try to stop him.

The player or players can choose one of two heroes. Heroes can run, attack, jump, crouch, and hook onto beams. By default, players start with a katana, which can be exchanged for a kusarigama (by picking up the appropriate bonus) and vice versa when picking up a bonus with the image of a sword. Katana attacks at close range and only horizontally. Kusarigama attacks slightly further horizontally, diagonally and vertically, but the attack speed is very slow and cannot hit the target at close range. In some cases, kusarigama is capable of dealing double damage.

If you pick up a weapon that a character already possesses, the power of this weapon will increase. After picking up the katana again for the first time, when attacking, a wave will emanate for a short distance, picking up the second time, the range of the wave will increase significantly. The first re-picking of the kusarigama increases the attack speed, picking up the second time, the attack will emit a wave at a short distance, thereby correcting the problem of attacking at too close a distance. The power of the weapon drops if the player takes too much damage.

Additionally, you can pick up throwing weapons: shuriken (20 pieces) and bombs (5 pieces). The properties of thrown weapons directly depend on the current level of the main weapon. So, the shuriken turns into a fast kunai if the main weapon was raised again once, and acquires the property of partially homing if the main weapon was picked up twice again. Bombs only slightly increase the throw range. Melee weapons are not available when using thrown weapons.

Bonuses are picked up from boxes. In addition to weapons, you can also find a flask (partially restoring health), find a hidden scroll that increases the strength of the current primary weapon to the maximum. The scroll is hidden in empty places, which can be calculated by attacking empty air (a characteristic sound will be heard). Also, the player can use ninpo, the use of which spends half of his health. You must hold down the hit button for about 6 seconds. After releasing the attack button, the character summons lightning. Deals very strong damage within the screen. After use, almost all ordinary opponents die, bosses receive serious damage. Ninpo also attacks the boxes and places where the scrolls are hidden, thereby revealing their location.

The game can be played alone or together. The choice of the character is purely aesthetic, because both characters have no advantages or disadvantages over each other. In two-player mode, 5 credits are divided between both players and in case of losing all 5 credits, the game will have to start from the very first level.

There are 5 levels in the game, some of which are divided into sublevels. At the end of each level, a boss or intermediate boss fight takes place. After the player defeats the boss, health is replenished depending on the player's distance from the exploding boss (the further, the less). The amount of health is saved when you move to the next level.

Seriously I say - I just could not pass by a toy with such a cool name - it sounds very pretentious, doesn't it? But as we already know, the name does not always correspond to the filling, which means that the game may turn out to be bad. But fortunately, the thing turned out to be good, even very good. Unexpected, and surprises are always more pleasant. Well, let's now take a closer look at this game. Go!

2029 year. Emperor Garuda has taken over the city of New York and has already killed a bunch of people. But he will not stop there, his thirst for blood has not died out. But there are 2 ninja - Hayate and Kaede who want and can end this nightmare. Will you be able to help them?

It becomes immediately clear that there is a choice between the characters. And then immediately the first surprise - there are both male and female sex. Cool? Sure! Now your girls can also play this toy, moreover, as they say, without changing sex.

The variety of enemies is amazing. Well, there are not as many of them as you imagined, but still more than in most other games of this genre.

From the weapon you will have a katana (this is a sword), a kusirigama (this is something new, I have never heard of this before, a blade on a chain, and, of course, stars and bombs. A complete set, I will say. Extensive and interesting.

The graphic design is simple, but I really liked it. Although everything was simple, nevertheless, it was of high quality. And this, too, you must agree is important. Animation, characters, background, etc. are great. Bravo, developers. There would be more such responsible people.

I was also very pleased with the musical arrangement - the music is interesting and varied. You play and you get high, honestly.

The very presence of the plot, dynamics and eye-catching graphics makes this toy very cool, so don't miss your chance to slash in Shadow of the Ninja - you won't regret it!

Level selection, sound test and invincibility - select the number of players, then press A, A, A, A, B, B, B, B, A, B, A, B, A, B, A, B. If you entered correctly code, you will hear a beep. Now hold the following (below) buttons on each joystick and press the Start button on joystick 1 to start at the selected level or to activate the sound test:
B on joystick 2 - 1-2
A on joystick 2 - 1-3
A + B on joystick 2 - 1-4
B on joystick 1 - 2-1
B on joystick 1, B on joystick 2 - 2 - 2
B on joystick 1, A on joystick 2 - 2-3
B on joystick 1, A + B on joystick 2 - 3-1
A on joystick 1 - 3-2
A on joystick 1, B on joystick 2 - 3-3
A on joystick 1, A on joystick 2 - 4-1
A on joystick 1, A + B on joystick 2 - 4-2
A + B on joystick 1 - 4-3
A + B on joystick 1, B on joystick 2 - 5-1
A + B on joystick 1, A on joystick 2 - 5-2
A + B on joystick 1, A + B on joystick 2 - access to the sound test
Invincibility - enter the level selection code, but at the same time, press the Down button on joystick 2 to start with the right level, invincible.

SZSNIIVG - endless sequels
PEEVZAIE - 9 sequels
PEEVZAIA - 1st continuation
GZVXSKSO - do not lose energy from enemy attacks
AAVPGIGA - Don't waste energy when falling
APOEOGGA - the character gets maximum energy when finding a potion
PAOEOGGA - the character gets less energy when finding a potion
AZUAOGGO - character gets 40 throwing stars when finding a bonus
GPKAVGIA - the character gets 20 bombs when finding a bonus