Winx Pomagazine games favorite animals. Your pet store. What do we have to do

If you also feel about such - do not worry, pet shops will easily solve the problem, giving a meeting not with one or with two, even with either three, but with a much more large number of new four-tailed friends.

It can be said that now all your virtual life will be held in their society. After all, the range of any pet store consists of fish, birds, hamsters, puppies, kittens and heaps of objects for their service. On his numerous shelves there are all: from the milah animals to feed and balls for the game. And you (only imagine!) You can become the main and the only owner of all this wealth. How is the prospect? Like? Then forward! Moreover, small fluffy pets and their future owners will not wait for you to play with them.

What do we have to do?

Given the gentle age of the target audience, the developers have tried to make the gameplay toys about the store as simple as possible and comfortable. Even a three-year kid easily will figure it out. Moreover, for the passage of all levels of the game, my little pet store will only need a mouse. With it, it will be necessary to drive the cursor on the screen, clicking on the characters who want to entrust the execution of any action.

For example, in order to serve the buyer, you must first click on the Figure of the Seller, then by the product on the shelf, which should be filed, and then on the client, waiting at the rack with the cashier. The happy visitor will get the desired one will give the seller money and free the place for the next client. As you can see, everything is very simple.

The only difficulty with which you can face while playing about pet store, and it is relevant for both girls and boys - the sharp lack of time. As the levels pass the range of goods in your small shop, and with it the number of visitors will increase, but the number of minutes allocated to their maintenance will remain unchanged. In order to serve everyone, you will have to dance. The accuracy of movements by the mouse and the complete concentration of attention will help you cope with the task. By the way, the toys of such a plan are perfectly disciplined, learn to act quickly and neatly. You will see, you will certainly like the seller in the zoology store. Lesson is though troublesome, but very interesting.

With the help of the game, small pet stores you will be able to fulfill your cherished dream - not only to make yourself how much pets, but also trade them.

Imagine how many people, especially kids, can you make it possible to make it possible to make our fascinating online entertainment?! Games Little pet store - the embodiment of all children's desires and hopes. With the help of the game Pozänhazin, you can choose and buy yourself any pet pet. Games Little pet store will not leave a single gamer aged 5-15 years. Enjoy a fascinating plot of them latest version And try to independently organize the work of your own small "animal" business.

And do not believe when they say that being the owner and supervisor is easy, it would be what to own and lead. Not at all. It is much easier to obey than to take responsibility, to gain, teach, control and so on. Do not trust? Using the game Little Pomagazine you have a chance to make sure. Try to provide our virtual institution for profitable and uninterrupted work. Cut it? Well done! No - also not scary. The main thing is not to give up and try, try, trying until you become an absolute champion of the game Pozänhazia. Ready? Then we went!


So, the game begins with a cherished call at the store door and the appearance of the first client. Your task is to do everything possible and impossible in order for he to leave the institution with satisfied, having received what he wanted. The desire of buyers is highlighted in the form of pictures in clouds above their heads. As soon as you understand that you need a person, immediately try to fulfill the desire. NOT MEDILE NOT SECOND. After all, the service time of each visitor is limited. If you have to wait too long, it will get angry and leave. And you not only do not earn a penny of money, but in general, you will fly out of the game a small pet store.

Everything gaming actions Performed with the cursor and mouse. Constantly pop-up arrow-tips on the screen will not let you make a mistake and lose precious time. If you are attentive, collected and concentrated, you can easily earn the necessary amount and go to the next level of the game Little pet store.

Where to begin

Of course, from servicing the first visitor. About what animal he wants to buy, you will understand the cloud over his head. The assortment of the store consists of a variety of birds, charming rabbits, dogs and cats. But the rules for them are different. Pernaya is sold in cells and go into the hands of the hosts immediately, as soon as they express them to acquire them. But with the rest more difficult, they are brought to "commodity" before the sale: bathe and dried. And you need to do it quickly, so that the buyer does not bother waiting and he did not leave. The emoticon over the top will tell you the mood of her owner. If he is traditional yellow color - Everything is fine, but if you have flushed - writing disappeared. It is necessary or immediately give the animal or the client will leave without buying, and you will not get profit and depart from the pet shop. So that this does not happen - act quickly and collected. The task is also complicated by the fact that animals periodically need to feed. According to the law of meanness, they begin to want to want at the time of the greatest "rearrangements". What to do? Where to rush first: feed, bathe, hand? You have to learn how to put priorities correctly. By the way, this is the skill and in real life not prevent.

Features of the game Little Pet shop

Pleasant surprise: toys have a fully Russified menu, which makes it understandable to the smallest details. Moreover, all the actions of your character are accompanied by arrows-prompts or pictures. Who among the animals hung out, whom he wants to buy a customer, as far as it is annoyed .... Answers to these and other similar questions in the process of the game of the pet shop you will get instantly. It greatly facilitates the passage of the most difficult moments. And their every new level will become more and more. But we are confident: if you try, you can adequately cope with them with everyone. Good luck!

Do you know that the famous wizards of Winx Club madly love animals. They even discovered their own animal store, where they sell their people looking for homemade pets to be friends and care for them. In this flash game for the girls game Winx Pomagazine, you will have to visit the seller of animals in the wizard's institution. Get ready for the fact that the work will be interesting and tense, since this store enjoys great popularity among residents of the city.

The Winx Club Section Games offer you to be interested in spending your free time in the company with cute animals, enjoy their society and get a charge of positive emotions for a whole day forward. On our site you do not need to register to play, and we will not require a penny for playing with you. The site wish you a pleasant pastime for the passage of our entertainment!

Tips for passing:

Click on the button with the PLAY inscription to go to the first level of the game, then click on Start to start the first working day. Now your task will be customer service. Try to provide them with ordered animals and other related objects, such as feed for them or vitamins. As soon as you earn some money, you can click on the Shop button to purchase a few more animals and other related products.

According to Blyus, the world of fauna is not like that it seems to be in fact: each type of beasts is inherent in their vividly pronounced character and unique abilities. Little girl who questioned the centuries-old labor of scientists in the field of psychology, is in no hurry to rewrite the Darwin Encyclopedia natural selectionAnd on the contrary, keeps your gift away from prying eyes and long languages. This happiness did not have time to fall on her head, so here it also moves her father together with the whole family to the apartment, which is located above, accurate under the small pet store.

Despite his size, this shoproom is known for what it imagined, it seems that all animals from all over the world. Noah, the ark of today's days can boast such characters as, for example, Skuns named Pepper, Great Satir and skillful sharp, no day can live, so as not to jerk over their friends. In a huge pinch, the muzzle and tailings lives the zoe, a fashionable breeding dog, which, even by the way, is the leader of the musical group. Wanting to become famous, Zone does not stop before; Be sure that the obsessive mania leave their parents without a single penny will not cause this fifa feeling of guilt. The magician-illusionist, Mongoose Sunil, an amateur to arrange all kinds of light-standing - this Hudini of the XXI century breed of Cunich without problems will be able to hide the elephant in the dishwasher, jump into the water with knitted hands and legs or go through the meter width of the wall. Great amount A variety of creatures were rallied along with a common goal - to prevent a large store to displace small pet shops, a house and refuge from business, a small island of hope, hiding them from such an insensible and unprincipled thing as market relations.

Whether heroes will be able to win their right to place under the sun, whether they will be driven by the oppression of competitors and raids of the brokerage office - you will learn about it if you visit on the page onlineGuru. A brief business course on the management of private property about "A" to "I". We will teach you to all: since your sellers should be dressed in order to attract potential customers (see the Game Game Games), and ending with the tax, kneading and preparing the delicious cake of the breathtaking taste.

There is something for girls that dream dreams to become a business woman, but not even guessing that such a nervous and restless profession can knock out of the rut of even the strongest world of this and MiG to repeal all the desire to implement their fantasies. You, beautiful half mankind, we offer to experience our nerves, harden them like steel, learn not to panic, always and in any condition to stay with a cold head and in a sober mind, having experienced thematic arcades to the dexterity in which you will try not to drop the chick from heaven, do not give Die the rabbit from hunger, and the reptiles of the groove not leave his jaw on the swimming pool chalkboard. All games are available online. Any game can be downloaded to the computer and play it on the screen of your desktop, absolutely free.