Network marketing game Play. MLM company. Detailed analysis. See MLM Games

For several years have been popular online Games With the output of money. The names of a similar type of earnings are quite a lot. I used to use the abbreviation - MLM game. In this article you will learn About, what is a mlm game, causes of their popularity and why, from my point of view, they should not spend money and time.

Many participants of the Internet earnings come to this sphere. After entering any game with the conclusion of money. There is nothing surprising in this, because they are advertised at every step on the Internet. I did not exception and started my money on the Internet on the Internet with one of these games. I wrote about this in, and it's time to stay on it in more detail.

"MLM Games" - what is it?

MLM Games are investment online projects that operate on the basis of network marketing. That is, it is conventional cash pyramids wrapped in a beautiful shellwhere it seems that you just play, but in fact lose your money (they can also earn money, but about it later).

Such projects work when new investments come in them and new users come. If this does not happen, the project is either closed (the attachments of course not returned to anyone), or it is seriously changed, which also does not bring any benefit to "players".

See MLM Games

You can highlight 3 types of MLM games (possibly them and more, but I met only with these). Then we will talk in detail about each of them and we will understand whether it is possible to earn.

First view - games with points

The principle of operation of such projects lies in semi-deception called "Non-Treaty". Users see colorful advertising on other sites, Youtube bloggers and in many other places of Internet space. They are interested, and they decide to try, make an investment in the project and are waiting for promised wealth. First, everything looks great: money is output, profitability is gradually growing, and the project does not think to close. However, without a catch, it will not be possible to do. When payments are suitable for 60% of the deposit amount (values \u200b\u200bcan be different and usually range between 60-80%), the user understands that there is some payment points for the further output of funds.. Of course, there will be a mention on the site, but in the most invisible places. For the creator of the project, everything is simple wonderful - most users will never bring all invested funds.

Usually there is 2 ways to get payment points: Attach more money to the project (in order to again withdraw only some of them) or invite new users to the project that will invest new funds in the project. Thus, in this type of games can be earned only if you invite new investors to the project.

Potential investors are unlikely to be interested in the project if they immediately tell about payment points. From this we can conclude that in this form of MLM games you can earn, but at the same time can not do without deception (Landing the most important features of the project). Here everyone should make an independent choice whether it needs it.

I began to engage in the Internet earnings after hitting one of these sites, famous game - Golden Birds.

Second view - HYIP project disguised under MLM game

To sort out this type, briefly describe what a HYIP project is.

HYIP (Haip) project - This is one of the use of online earnings when attachments are too quickly returned with additional profit. For example, you are offered to invest 100 rubles and promise after a week to give 200 rubles - this is a HYIP project. In fact, any contribution that brings to the investor more than the bank bid can be attributed to Haip, but this is too simplified explanation.

In this case, the HYIP project is disguised under MLM game to attract a larger number of users. There are no points (Limits earnings from the project), but this is a dubious advantage. Such sites live exactly when new investors come actively and grow profitability. As soon as profitability begins to decline on the site immediately closes payments to squeeze the latest juices from the project, and then the entire site is closed.

Third view - MLM game without the possibility of output

With this type withdraw funds from the project it is impossible initially. There is an illusion of payments, but this main function does not work since the site is created. Such projects are usually done in templates from other, more popular MLM games and are designed for the most inattentive Internet users.

There is initially clear that Earn in case of hitting a similar site impossible. In the Internet Earnings it is always worth being extremely attentive. And try not to miss any details. This will help earn, because there are sad statistics that on the Internet almost everyone is trying to deceive the other to get rich.


Conclusions Everyone has to do for itself. I think that do not waste time with money output. Yes, they can make money on them. However, it is associated with a deception of other users or with unreasonably high risks.

The direction of MLM company is very popular in the High project environment. They always gain great attendance, as a rule, due to interesting and high-yield investment plans. We will describe in more detail what exactly they represent.

MLM company, this is not Highups in the usual understanding. The thing is that, unlike standard Haipov, there are no legends in MLM companies. That is, the administration does not write about what MLM business is engaged in, and what makes it. Instead, only investment plans are indicated, and in some cases it is indicated directly that MLM company is a financial pyramid, and here you can lose all means.

Hourly MLM companies

First of all, they differ in the type of payments. There are MLM businesses that pay funds every hour (hourly). They are very popular, as it is very nice to receive money on your wallet with a frequency 24 times a day. In addition to this, hourly payments reduce the load on the MLM company, because the amounts that go for payments are small and constitute a small percentage of the initial contribution.

In addition to the capacities, there are MLM companies that accrue funds once a day (2 days, 5 days, etc.). There are two possible types of payments. The first - with the inclusion of the body of the contribution to payments, and the second - when the initial deposit is returned at the end of the investment period. The first view is more suitable for investors, because the risk of loss of all means is reduced. A member of MLM business receives uniform amounts from his deposit every day, and can output them.

Even if the admin closes MLM business, some money will be returned to the investor. When paying a deposit at the end of the investment period, the Khaip member can not get anything at all, because at the time of paying the body the administrator can simply close MLM business.

Popular view of MLM company - queues

Their essence lies in the fact that the participant made a contribution receives payment immediately after someone has made a new contribution. All payments are made in turn (who previously invested, the first in line). You can earn in such MLM companies only if you enter one of the first. After the queue is to grow, payments on deposits, instead of several hours, can hang month.

This fact will only pound new depositors, and the queue will get completely. Therefore, today admins use this type of MLM business more and less.

Another type of MLM business are double

Here everything is simple - you invest a certain amount, and get two times more. The main chip of these MLM companies is that the amount doubles for a very fast period, from an hour to two days. If you competently enter into such a MLM business, you can earn a fairly good money, but the risk of losing funds, naturally, is incommensurable higher than in conventional Hips, where the amount can double 2-3 months.

"Eternal motors" in MLM businesses

They simply cannot collapse theoretically (depends only on the good faith of admins). These are a different kind of matrix, and referral chains. You can earn here only if you actively invite the business of new participants in MLM, and they will in turn will invite others. Thus, your chain will grow, and you will earn money from your structure constantly, but only if there is a constant influx of new people. The income will fall only when this influx stops, but also the system, as a rule, warns all participants that for earnings in this MLM company, it is necessary to invite new people.

So we disassemble the main species of MLM companies. To participate in them or not - to solve only you, but if you still decide, choose this type of project that is better suitable for your character and financial capabilities. We wish you success in investing.

I sit in the big room on the last row. I came here on the announcement - "We invite you to work." Hall is full of people and almost all of them know each other. Music sounds, they smile each other. They are easy and fun. Some of them go on stage and tell about how they are interested in working. The whole hall applauds.

I did not expect this. All this is too similar to the game. I am ready to leave, but here a person is suitable for me. He says: "I guess that you are now feeling. Let me tell you more about our company. "

So or almost it began for many familiarity with network marketing. Business, often leaving a feeling of a frivolous, business in which the ability to play is more important than others, seemingly more important abilities. What is one of the main secrets of this business - the secret of the game?

"Case time - fun hour"

"Not joking with important things."

"You need to be serious to succeed"

These and similar ideas were filled out our life since childhood. A business and the game It turned out to be in the opposite parts of our soul and began to be perceived mutually exclusive. The game was considered as something harmful, preventing success in the case, which should not be eliminated at all, then limit and control - from here "Fun hour".

By installing the organization, discipline and controlling in work, society until recently noticed the price that it pays for it. In fact, when a game goes out of work, a number of very important things disappear with it, namely:

1. Energy.

2. Creativity.

3. Meaning.

This is because only through the game a person gets access to the depths of his consciousness, to layers, filled with strength and creative energy, to the layers that makes the meaning of his activities. Become too much "serious" - and will deprive it for a long time, if not forever.

I am sitting in the big room on the last row. I came here because I like it here. I did just the first steps and something happened. It is still difficult for me to smile and applaud, although every time I hear the applause, I want to be on the stage itself. It seems to me strange that the most successful people in this hall look the most fun and frivolous. I am in good faith trying to understand the secret of their success.

When network marketing came to Russia for the first time, he caused a dual reaction. One sideHe attracted a feeling of the game, lightness, relaxed, friendly communication between people, the ability to work freely and creatively. On the other hand, the same was alarming, falling under the sight of solid public stereotypes of incompatibility of business and games. "A serious person will not deal with this", "business of home owners", "it's all that is lucky" - here are frequent first (and not only the first) reactions to familiarity with network marketing.

But gradually the ice distrust melted, and it became noticeable that it was those companies and organizations that fully use the potential of the game in their work, and receive an advantage in the market. They make it easier to attract new distributors, faster and better are trained, and fixed firmly. Gaming factors are particularly important in conditions of increasing competition in the network marketing market, when an emotional atmosphere in the company and the quality of training of distributors network is coming to the fore.

I sit in the big hall among my friends.For a short time that I come here, much has changed in my life. I feel more confident and at the same time easier. I still do not consider myself a leader, but I have already invited many of many to this room. I am pleased to come up with something new in your work. I noticed that I was easier to communicate with people. Work and game no longer seem to me so incompatible.

Let's now see how yourself network companies Use the principles of the game and how you can in practice apply and strengthen these principles in your work.

Firstly , one look at the product lines of successful companies forces the heart of any adult "child" (and we all in the depths of the soul remain children). Someone beautiful jars and bottles resemble a designer or cubes in which they played in childhood, another - a collection of brands or badges. Naturally, all this happens on a deep, unconscious level, but nevertheless rarely who remain indifferent and many will immediately want to start playing.

Practical Council No. 1 . Talking about the product line of your company, be sure show All (or almost all) line. It is also important that each person on the presentation would hold several products in his hands.

Secondly , Marketing plan, lazy to the words like "Rubic Director", "Diamond Executive", "Five-Star President", causes the desire to be the best player as much natural for each person, the desire to play and win.

Practical Council No. 2 . Representing the marketing plan of your company, make an emphasis not only on the possibilities of earnings, but also on progress on the stairs of the titles and ranks, emphasizing the availability of such promotion. Thus, you will involve huge energy of natural ambition.

Thirdly , The entire system of training for successful companies and organizations is built on the game, ease and creation of the newly part-in-friendly sense of support and care, the atmosphere of the team and family.

All this makes network marketing so attractive for millions of people, games gamewhich is so fascinating to play, and in which everyone won.

I stand on the stage in front of the big room. It is easy and easy to talk about my path in network marketing. I love this business. He brought me independence and success, joy and confidence. I am pleased to hear applause. They awaken in me the desire to achieve even more. I am very glad that I did not leave here at that first time.

How else can you use the principles of the game in working with your organization?

Practical Council No. 3 . Involving a new person in his organization, remember that he wants to play and at the same time fears play. Giving him the opportunity to reveal in the game and cause, be careful - do not replay. Pick for each of your game.

Practical Council No. 4 . Use only those elements of the game that you yourself make pleasure. The game cannot be faked - it immediately becomes noticeable.

Practical Council No. 5 . Learn to play others, especially from leaders, but do not copy blindly - it should be yours the game. In particular, do not copy the games that Americans use - we are still different.

Practical Council No. 6 . Talking about business, spending schools and presentations, use metaphors and images. Each important point you want to emphasize, illustrate images and practical examples.

Practical Council No. 7 . In the system of training its network, use only original color literature of the company, magazines, books and video tapes good quality. Do not make copies and do not use poor quality materials - it kills the game.

Practical Council No. 8 . In the system of encouraging members of its network, be sure to introduce contests and lotteries with fun and unexpected prizes.

Practical Council No. 9 . Applaud and learn all applaud. Applause awaken the depth energy of the person.

Practical Council No. 10 . Create members of your network atmosphere of the team and family and learn them to do the same. Celebrate birthdays, rest and travel with your team.

I descend in the hall from the stage. On the last row I see a man with frightened eyes. He looks like me as I came here for the first time. I am easy to understand it. I come to him and say: "I guess what you feel now. Let me tell you more about our company. Welcome to the game of games.”