Rome total war network company. Online game. Medieval II: Total War. Setting up a multiplayer game

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Empire Total war- a game on the steam network.

In this material you will find the answer to the question "how to play Empire Total War on the steam network with a person." All functions, buttons and dropdowns explained. One reading of the article will be enough not to come back to it.

So, if there is licensed game, load steam, we enter Empire total war.

In the main menu of the game Empire: Total War, you must click "Network":

In the Total War window that opens, click the tab "List of battles" and this picture appears to your eyes, which we will explain a little.

What is the most used and significant here in creating an online game through Steam?

Let's start with the rating. There are games rating games, that is, according to the results of which Steam adds or subtracts points and the game stops when any of the players exits / leaves, and off-rating... By checking or unchecking the small boxes, you will notice that the list of servers will decrease or increase.

"Filter"... With this function, we can only select sea ​​battle, or just sieges.

The next, no less important - by clicking on the topmost "circle" on the left, we can sort the games according to availability for you:

Open green lock - games available for entry for everyone (the recruitment of players continues)

Closed green lock - games that collect players who know the password for this game

Red circle - games are already running, not available for joining

Red circle with a password - games are already running, not available for joining

(name of the game)

(important in land battles, because knowing the map, you can try to guess the composition of the enemy's troops and predict its placement)

(number of players typed / number of players in total)

(connection speed: green color- very good, yellow - normal, red - don't go there

(squad size - affects the speed of the game)

(sea battle or land battle)

(hoster's nickname on the steam network)

In order to enter the free game, you must double-click on the name with the left mouse button or, after selecting the game, click at the bottom left "Join"... In addition to this button, there are also the following:

Having selected the appropriate battle (in this case, we have chosen "land"), we find ourselves in the next menu (it differs mainly only in the name of the map):

(1) "Coffers" we can choose the amount of 10,000 or 14,000 for which the troops are bought. Unfortunately, the treasury level cannot be changed to those required by the user.

(2) "Time" determines in what era we will play: early - without scientific discoveries, with undeveloped troops, or late - all scientific discoveries have been researched, all possible units are available.

(3) "Duration of battle" allows you to set a time limit (20, 40 or 60 minutes) for the game or "no limit", until complete victory - the destruction of all enemy troops.

(4) Squad Size allows you to set the number of soldiers in the squad. Using the line infantry as an example:
"Minimum" - 40 people In the detachment;
"Normal" - 80 people;
“Above the norm” - 120 people;
"Maxim" - 160 people.
Usually played on the "Normal" size, because an increase in the number of troops leads to an additional load on the computer and the network and, as a rule, to an increase in the likelihood of disconnection.

(5) "Name of the game"- the name of the game that you come up with yourself is written here - for example, "I'm super cool." But usually here the administrator (hoster) writes the basic rules of the game, for example:
no mortars, no rockets- i.e. no mortars, no missiles. Or to indicate that you only offer the game to clan players - onlyclan.

(6) "Password"- if you are creating a game with a predetermined lineup of players, then set a password so that third-party players do not enter. This is usually done during tournament games or training. Do not forget to tell your partners in this game the password!

(7) "Evaluate the battle"- by checking this box, you will create a rating battle, according to the results of which points will be awarded or deducted. Let me remind you that the rating game is terminated if any of the players leaves it for any reason (logs out on his own, disconnects from Steam, turns off the computer, etc.). Those. in this case, you run the risk of earning a defeat and a decrease in your points, even with an absolute winning situation on the battlefield. Therefore, it is relatively rare to create rating battles for more than 4 people. In unrated battles, the game continues if at least one person is playing. For the people who left (departed), AI immediately joins.
And further. Ranked games start only when the full roster of players is recruited. Those. if you have created a 4-person-4-person game, you cannot start the game by typing 6 people (3vs3). But in non-rated players you can vary the composition of the players. For example, on a map for 8 people, you can play from 1vs1 to 4vs4 (or alternatively 5vs3 and even 5vs1).

(8) "Spectators" allows you to give the opportunity to add observers to the game who are not participating in the game. Typically used to train players or fight referees.

(9) "Battle. Cards and Players"... This field lists the names of the cards available when playing on the steam network, as well as the number of players available for this card.

(10) « Weather» and (11) "Times of Day" are not critical, moreover, in a war you have to be ready for anything, so here, as a rule, nothing is changed. Although snow, for example, greatly complicates visibility and increases the number of misfires for firearms.

After setting all the necessary parameters, click "Create" and go to the next tab - "Army Template":

1. the choice of the faction (country) which you will fight;
2. transition from one union (team) to another;
3. money available for recruiting troops;
4. the composition offered by the computer (extra units are removed by clicking on them with the right mouse button);
5. the ability to save the composition you typed or load a previously saved one;
6. adding / decreasing experience lines for the selected units (the maximum number of experience lines is 9, part of the money is removed for each line);
7. completely clear the field of recruitment of troops;
8. chat messages (scrolling available);
9. line of typing in the chat;
10. send an invitation to your friends in this game (for this you need to add players you like to your profile in steam as friends and wait for you to add you back);
11. ready to play icon (the game starts if all players clicked the checkmark).

And one more feature that can be compared in importance to the online game itself. it watching videos battles saved by someone (you or friends). The rollers have small size(~ 200 kb) and are easily transmitted via ICQ, Skype or e-mail (you can look for videos of our clan officers on our forum in the section clan Empire of Slashers - Empire RUBAK, online steam games Empire total war officers can be recognized by the prefix (EOS)).

Replays are stored at:
for XP:
C: \ Documents and Settings \ username \ Application Data \ The Creative Assembly \ Empire \ replays

for Vista:
C: \ Users \ username \ AppData \ Roaming \ The Creative Assembly \ Empire \ replays

This folder is hidden, so you won't find it manually.

Tip: find it through “search, incl. non-indexed files "on your computer and leave a link to this directory somewhere. The downloaded videos must be saved ONLY in this directory and run directly from the game.

A hard fight for you and a sweet victory!
Clan Combat Officer (EOS) Vlatezar

| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Online game

In a multiplayer game, you can fight other people via the Internet or via local network... You can choose from both regular battles and special historical and fair battles.

Setting up a multiplayer game

To start a multiplayer game, select "Network" from the main menu and follow the instructions below:

  • Enter your details, including your name, email address, and GomeSpy password (only required to play online).
  • Decide whether you will be playing over the Internet using the GameSpy service or over a local area network. Selecting one of the items will take you to the conference screen.


This is where players meet and chat before battles. A list is displayed on the screen available games which can be filtered by several categories - you can join any game or create your own.

  • To select a game from the list, click on it. Hovering over its name, you will receive additional information about the conditions and parameters of the selected battle,
  • After selecting a game, click on the "Join" button, and you will be taken to the screen for selecting a team or troops, depending on the type of game (for more details, see the Creating a Game section of this Guide).
  • To sort the list of games by any of the possible categories, click on the heading of the corresponding column of the table.


At the bottom of the conference screen is the player-to-player messaging interface. The list of players is on the right side of the window, sent and received messages on the left. V normal mode your messages will be seen by all conference participants, in private messages mode - only by those you choose yourself.

To apply to a player here or another command, select his name from the list and click on the corresponding icon.

  • Click on this icon if you want to switch to private messaging mode.
  • Clicking on the player's name will add him to your personal list (a special icon will appear next to his name) - now you can communicate with this person privately.
  • Click on this icon if you do not want to receive messages from the selected player.
  • Click on this icon to deny or re-allow the selected player to join your game.
  • Clicking on this icon will enable (or disable) the mode in which only the players of your team can read the messages you send.
  • Enables or disables message filtering.
  • Click on this icon to expand
    (or minimize) the messenger window.

Game creation

The process of creating a new multiplayer game is almost the same as setting up a regular or historical battle (depending on what type of game you are creating). To create an online game, select the "Create" item on the conference screen and decide on the following parameters:

  • Name of the game- enter in this field the name of the game that will be displayed in the conference.
  • Players and password- if you wish, you can specify the maximum number of players and protect the game with a password.
  • Squad size- you can reduce the number of warriors in the squad if some of the players have problems due to insufficient system performance.
  • Regular, historical, or fair battle- the choice of the type of created game.
  • Choice of teams, sides and armies- all this is carried out exactly the same as
    and in individual battles, except that in a collective game you can limit the number of parties.

For those looking for files, the game itself. This article describes detailed instructions on installation, patches, CD-key and so on. Links are given to all files that are required to play Rome total war... If you want to play RTW on the server Game spy or through the program Hamachi- then you should definitely read this article! To start playing online Rome total war you need a "clean" (no mods) game installed. Along with the game on licensed discs comes the program GameSpy arcade, we put it too. It is needed to communicate with the GameSpy server (GS or GS for short). If this program is not available, you can install it separately (download the free BASIC version). Further steps:

1. Install patches. If you have a "clean" version Rome total war- needed patch 1.5 if addon is installed Barbarian invasion- needed patch 1.6(check which version you have on this moment you can go into the game - settings. In the upper right corner there will be numbers 1.0 or 1.5 - this is the version number.) Installing patches of lower versions is not required. Note that patch 1.6 raises RTW to 1.5 and BI to 1.6 at the same time.
Online play is only possible with the same version of you and your opponent. Otherwise, it will be impossible to join the game - the inscription "incompatible versions" will appear. And all online games that have already started will be written in red.

2. On the disc box you will find CD-key for Game Rome total war... This is a set of numbers and letters, 6 blocks of 4 numbers each, separated by a dash, for example 1234-abcd-5678-qwer-q1w2-hr76. You need to enter these numbers in the game, in the menu Network Play - Change CD-key.
Have pirated versions There will be 100% problems with multiplayer. Because there is no unique CD-key, and you will be kicked out by the GameSpy server if someone tries to log in with the same CD-key as yours. The game turns into a "swing" when you, re-joining the server, throw out your opponent, and then he you. After all, the CD-key you found on the warez sites will be used by more than one dozen people. So save your nerves. If you lost the game box or somehow lost the cherished letter-numbers, you just have to ask on the forums kind people, who have already played enough in Rome and will agree to help you. This is rare, but it does happen. Or the game will have to be bought again. There is no need to reinstall anything - the CD-key is suitable for any version of the game.

3. Patch 1.5 for a "clean" version of Rome Total War or patch 1.6 for version with addon Barbarion Invasion.
Online play is only possible with the same versions (patches) for you and your opponent. Otherwise, it will be impossible to join the game - the inscription "incompatible versions" will appear. You can find patches in our file directory (section "File directory" on the main page of the site).

4. Possible difficulties
If you doubt that your CD-key contains the number 0 or the letter O, then this is exactly the number 0, since the letter O is not used to avoid confusion. In some cases, after entering a new CD-key, it is necessary to restart the game (if after an attempt to enter the server, the message “unable to enter the system” appears).

5. Unfortunately official server GameSpy does not work very stable and various glitches often occur when it is impossible to enter the game or the created game is not visible.

6. The game between two remote computers is also possible using the program Hamachi.
Hamachi- a program for playing on the network, bypassing the official GameSpy server.
Allows you to create a virtual local area network via the Internet, and neither installed firewalls nor routers will interfere with this.
The created virtual network will support almost all the capabilities of a regular local network, including file sharing (in this case, a local network must be configured on the machines) and network games.
In particular, it allows you to play a network game directly with other computers, as if they were connected in a LAN. That is, there is no need for registrations and CD-keys.
You can read more about playing with Hamachi in a separate article.
Attention! Installed program Hamachi makes it impossible to play online on the Game Spy server. It does not need to be uninstalled, but simply disable the hamachi network in the network devices of the computer. If you do not, then when playing on Game Spy you will get a "No response from host" error when you try to join the game.

All files that will be needed when playing Rome Total War can be downloaded in our file directory.

Join clans, gain experience. After all, playing on a network is very different from playing with a computer. The person on the other side of the screen is more emotional, interesting, and most importantly, he is unpredictable!

Good luck with your battles!

Often, when playing Rome Total War, there is a desire to play it along with your comrades. However, for most novice gamers, the game is the network causes difficulties. Therefore, to conduct network battles, you must have several programs and a certain theoretical base.

You will need

  • - GameSpy Arcade;
  • - a copy of Rome Total War;
  • - Hamachi.


To play by the network in Rome Total War, you need to install original game... Along with it on the disk must be the GameSpy arcade program, which must also be installed. This utility is designed to connect to the GameSpy server (if this utility is not available, you can download its free version). Check your game version before playing online. To do this, go to its settings and look at the numerical value - 1.0 or 1.5.

After that, install patches on the game (if the version of Rome Total War is installed - patch 1.5, if the Barbarian Invasion add-on - patch 1.6). Download them, make sure you and your opponent have the same version. Otherwise, it will be impossible to play. Find the Rome Total War Multiplayer CD Key on the disc box. This is a set of numbers and letters that you need to enter in the game by going to the menu "Play by the network"Or" Change GameSpy CD Key. " Do not lose this key under any circumstances, otherwise the game will have to be bought again.

Since the official game server GameSpy does not always work stably, it makes sense for a network game to use the Hamachi program, which will create a virtual local area network between your computer and your opponent's computer. After installing it, create a new network to which your opponent in the game will connect. After that, in Rome Total War, go into local multiplayer mode and start the battle.