Dishonored death of the outsider blueprints. Miscellaneous. How to rob the black market in Dishonored: Death of the Outsider

Before the start of the mission, an Alien will appear in a dream to Billy and give her an eye and a hand, as well as three supernatural powers. Unlike previous parts, in Death of the Outsider you don't have to worry about saving mana - it will replenish itself. All three skills ("Affinity", "Foresight" and "Move") are available immediately, but they cannot be improved.

Talk to Daud in the next room: you can't just kill the Alien. Fortunately, a knife is kept in Karnak, which once turned a simple guy into an immortal god. Before you steal the relic, you will have to figure out where it is being held and how to get to it, as well as who is at the head of the Eyeless sect that guards the ancient artifact. When you're ready, ride the familiar carriage to Upper Kyria.

Upper Kiria is a large area, which is reflected in the number of bone amulets available in this mission - 18! The first one is on the roof of a tall green building to the right of the locked gate.

Using the "Move", climb to the roof of the crew station, from there - to the gate itself - a lamp post - the roof, where the black amulet will lie.

Beauty salon "Red Camellia" and an underground shop

Your first goal on the level is the Red Camellia beauty salon, which is located to the north (see map) of the square with the green house and to the right of the starting point. The entrance to the institution is closed during the day, so you will have to look for a workaround. Civilians on the streets do not pay attention to the heroine, but the guards will get into a fight at the first opportunity, so be careful.

Use the alley to the right of the front entrance to the salon and sneak past the sleeping wolfhounds (you can use Move for added security). Enter the building from the back door and stun / kill the maid inside to get rid of a potential bystander and at the same time get the key to the main door.

Pick up desecrated amulet from the concierge desk and head to the back room. On the table there is a book of clients of "Red Camellia", in which two leaders of the sectarians are recorded - the local politician Ivan Jacobi and the famous singer Shan Yun. At their residence, Billy will have to head to find out more about the ceremonial knife.

Before leaving Red Camellia, use an unattended tattooing tool in the adjacent room. This will allow unhindered access to the "Spector" club owned by the eyeless, and will save the heroine from having to recognize the knock code to access Shan Yun's mansion.

If you don't want to spoil Billy's face, go to the blue building opposite the salon. Shan Yun's beloved Eloin lives in an apartment on the second floor. The girl, apparently, is very confident in herself, since she did not lock the front door and stands with her back to potential danger, listening to the gramophone.

Sneak up to Eloina from behind and stun her, then read the note "Our secret knock" on the table nearby. You can now enter Shan Yun's house through the front door.

Go outside: the path on the left will lead you to the singer's mansion and the Spektor club, but first we advise you to take a walk in the direction of Jacobi's office. Return to the front door of the Red Camellia, enter the adjacent building and go upstairs to the local dentist's apartment.

Press the button next to the bookcase in one of the rooms to get hold of another amulet... From here you can also go to the roof, where there is an open, coffin-like blue box. Remember this place - it will come in handy for fulfilling one of the contracts.

Go down to the lower level and, going around the building clockwise, move towards the canal until you see a mime and two spectators on the street. Until you have obtained the appropriate contract, you should not pester the performer.

Instead of going down the stairs along the canal, use the Move to climb onto the balcony to the left of the water tank. Walk along the narrow strip of shingles along the side of the building - there will be a large water tank on your left, and below it - desecrated amulet.

A boat is moored next to the fisherman at the bottom of the channel - this is your "exit" from the mission. Jump into the water next to the ship and swim down to the red valve. Use it to open the locked gates nearby (do not forget to periodically float to the surface so as not to suffocate) and take valuable things from the unlocked chest inside.

Return to the fisherman and turn left into the passage to the street where Jacobi's office is located. The territory is patrolled by three guards, so it is best to move here along the lampposts - "Move" to help you.

On the opposite side of the street from Jacobi's office, under the stairs, is the entrance to the black market. Rip contracts from the notice board and talk to the merchant: in addition to the usual assortment for the underground shop, he has whole four amulets(two black and two corrupted), each worth within 400 coins.

If you want to save money, break the warning sign on the floor and use Foresight to sneak into the merchant's store. On the board next to the locked door will be written the code for the lock. Having robbed the black market, you will not be able to purchase improvements as part of this mission.

Finding Ivan Jacobi

Having finished with business on the black market, move to the side of Jacobi's office and go up to the second floor. It turns out that the office door is closed, but the key and the owner are not there - the latter is practicing his oratory skills on the Colibron Plaza to the left of the exit from the building. There is a guard standing next to the stairs leading to the plaza, so make sure you are out of sight after teleporting.

Ivan himself, who trains future speech, standing on the stage, is guarded by several guards, so first of all mark the enemies with the help of "Foresight". Next, you have to decide how exactly you want to get the coveted key:

  • Jacobi, along with the entire retinue, can simply be interrupted - to do it quietly and without harm to the health of opponents is extremely problematic, so we recommend choosing a more peaceful approach.

  • For example, pretend to be a guard with the help of "Similarity" (a guard will approach, examining the posters on the wall near the stairs to the plaza) - in this case, if you decide to steal the key, no one will pay attention to you. Just make sure that Billy has enough magical energy to go, for example, to the tent behind the stage - there on the table you can find black amulet.

  • Another option is to go down to the basement under the stage through the building opposite (teleport to the balcony) or using the stairs to the left of it. Once at the bottom, get rid of the only guard and pick up desecrated amulet in a room with a spotlight and a hole in the wall. Then pull the lever in the room under the stage - Ivan will fall into the hatch under his feet and lose consciousness. Remove the key (and, if you will, face) from his body and get out.

Return to Jacobi's office and unlock the door. On a work table in the back room, you will find one of two vault keys with a ceremonial knife inside, as well as a note about a journalist trying to prove Ivan's guilt in kidnapping and killing people.

You won't have to look for dirt for a long time: move the picture with an owl at the table to find a bottle of blood. Take the material evidence with you and go outside - it's time to drop by a journalist.

On the way to Shan Yun's mansion

To the right of the exit from the house there will be a staircase, next to which there is a balcony fenced with a fence with sharp points. Teleport there using the "Move" to become the owner of the next amulet- it will lie on the table next to the chaise lounge.

Using the "Displacement", climb into the apartment above the stairs. A beautiful view of the square will open from the balcony of these apartments - on the left there will be a passage to Shan Yun's house and the Spektor club, on the right - Dolores Michaels Bank, and between them - the office of the same journalist. To get closer to the office, we recommend using "Similarity" on a nearby worker - the lampposts in the area are too far apart for "Move".

Go up to the second floor and give the bottle to the journalist - in gratitude he will tell you the code for the safe nearby - inside there will be a wallet with money and a silver bar. From the balcony of the office you can move (not without the help of "Move") closer to the bank - you cannot rob it yet, but the contract " Threats at work»There you can do it if you don't mind splashing blood on your hands.

In the foyer of the bank (beware of the guards at the far end of the room), the flighty eyeless will annoy the employee. Mark the racketeer with Foresight and follow her along the right side of the location.

Before reaching the gate to Shan Yun's house, look into the apartment above the pharmacy - inside you will find picture"Lighted Summit" and black amulet(break the cabinet door).

Ultimately, the eyeless woman will lead you to her partner near the Spektor club. To fulfill the contract, you must finish off both.

The target of another "killer" contract is located to the left of the entrance to the square with Shan Yun's house: this is a street mime entertaining two onlookers, which could be seen earlier. Keep up with the performer with conversations (do not be afraid to also take coins from under his nose) until he scares away his own viewers, after which you can already kill him - the contract " Death mime"Completed.

On your way back to the mansion, you will pass a scarecrow shop, which is not as easy as it sounds. Looking inside, stun the hostess and take the key from the basement from her belt. Going down the stairs, clear the trap and free the trapped poor fellow - he will tell you that the taxidermist keeps the key to the pantry with several bloody amber inside next to the corpse on the table.

After looting the stuffed shop, return to the entrance to Shan Yun's mansion. If you have learned the secret knock, you can use the front door, but the maid will not be happy with the stranger. Therefore, either try on Eloina's face, or quickly close the door behind you and strangle the maid.

Shan Yun Mansion and Spector Club

There is nothing really worthwhile on the ground floor of the house, except for amulet in a glass flask to the right of the entrance. The bad news is that the sound of broken glass will attract guards nearby, so you have to deal with them first.

The first one sits in a chair in the room to the right of the entrance and will not cause any problems. Another periodically looks at a friend - gently lure him to you in order to quietly eliminate him. The last guardsman, without moving, stands in the main hall and will not resist the strangulation either.

Having dealt with the guards and taking the amulet, get rid of the servants in the kitchen and get the key to the room with the dumbwaiter. Rise on it to the second floor and grab another amulet... There will be a generator hanging nearby - do not touch it yet. Open the closet door and wait until it comes to investigate one of the three guards on the floor - stun / kill him.

If you can retrieve the audiogram without turning off the power to the electrified floor, you will receive the achievement “ Gloriana's braids»

The rest of the guards are out of your area of ​​interest, and therefore it makes little sense to touch them. One of the two doors leading to the gallery is located to the right of the exit from the closet - there is also a showcase with a valuable audiogram inside, but you cannot step on the floor: it will fry. Unplug the generator in the closet to de-energize the floor and grab the tape.

There is also a staircase in the left wing of this floor that leads to the Spector Club, but if you have tattooed Billy's face, this passage will not be useful to you. After getting the audiogram, return to the dumbwaiter and go up to the third floor. In the room opposite the elevator will lie painting“Impressions of the Abyss. # 3 ".

Shan Yong's bedroom is guarded by two guardsmen. Wait until one of them turns away from his comrade and snuck the last one into the back room where the painting was. By the time you return, the squad will already notice the loss of a fighter. Jump on the remaining guard from above and calm down the famous singer in the next room, at the same time pulling from his belt black amulet... The last one will also hang on the wall as part of this mission. painting- “Impressions of the Abyss. # 2 ".

Steal Shan Yun's face and use the microphone next to the safe for some fun and achievement

To open the safe in Shan Yun's office, you need not a number combination, but a special audiogram - the same one that was in the showcase on the second floor. Insert the card into the audiograph and the safe will open. Inside you will find amulet and, most importantly, the second key from the cell in the bank vault.

Having obtained both keys, you can return to Daud, but you still have two unfulfilled contracts, the goals of which are in the Spektor club - go there. If you don't have a tattoo done in the Red Camellia salon, use the secret entrance on the second floor of the mansion. Otherwise, the heroine will be allowed through the main entrance.

The first target is the bartender of the club from the contract " Kidnapping the bartender»- located in the center of a busy guest area. Take from under his rack desecrated amulet and go up to the second floor, we will deal with the bartender at the end. The upper level is guarded by three witches, two of whom are playing cards.

Look into the room behind the three eyeless people enjoying the blood infusion and stun / kill the cultist inside. Alberto from the contract will be lying next to him. Missing brother". Pull the lever next to his bed - all three eyeless people behind the wall will lose consciousness, and the guard standing next to him will go to check what happened.

Get rid of it quietly, then throw a stun grenade into the room with two witches playing cards - the second floor is clean. Pay attention to the locked cabinet in the room - you will return to it.

Alberto and the bartender must be removed from the club and taken to a specific location. The bartender is surrounded by six other people who, although not against your presence, will not be happy about the disappearance of the source of the booze. So you have to improvise.

Knock out the guard at the entrance and hide his body in the corner next to the door. Next, buy tenacious mines in the underground shop and install them in the passage next to the stairs to the second floor. Next, you need to be as careful as possible to attract the attention of a few (not all) eyeless people in the bar.

To do this, throw a bottle of rat tincture (there are many of them here) at the nearest to the stairs a couple of them - rabid visitors will run headlong towards forced sleep. The remaining guests can be knocked out one by one - use electric charges. When there is no one left in the room, click on the red button under the bar to get hold of a few valuable things.

Next to the bar area, opposite the exit from the club, there is also a locked ticket office, inside which lies black amulet... To get inside, jump onto the counter - the game will allow you to move the latch on the door from this position. Stun / kill the woman inside and collect everything of value, including the contents of the safe, where you will find the key to a locked locker on the second floor.

It remains to deliver both targets to their destination. Alberto must be carried to the hut next to the fisherman by the canal, and the bartender to a kind of coffin on the roof of the building in which the dentist's office is located. Use rooftops, chimneys, and lampposts to avoid drawing too much attention while walking around town with your body on your shoulder.

As in the previous part of the series, Dishonored: Death of the Outsider has black markets where you can buy or steal a lot of useful things. However, these shops are well hidden and often closed with an ingenious lock. For this reason, we decided to write a guide on how to find and get inside the black markets in this game.

Mission 2

You can find the first black market during the second mission. You will receive an additional task related to visiting this place. This way you can not only find the location of the desired store, but also gain access to new Contracts.

Follow the marker and get to the black market. Then go inside - there you will see a wooden sign located near the board with Contracts. Destroy it to access the air vent. Use your Foresight ability and go through the ventilation as you continue deeper into the black market building.

As soon as you get out of the ventilation, go to the nearest door, to open which you need to enter the correct combination. The code is written on the wall near the door. Here it looked like this: 398, but it is possible for each player it is generated randomly. Once inside, take everything that is not bolted to the floor, and then quickly leave.

Mission 4

Unlike the black market from the second mission, you don't need to search for any code to access this store, but it will still be more difficult to get into it. Head towards the black market, but instead of going to the ground floor room, look up. You will see several pipes leading to a balcony with an open window.

Once in the room on the upper floor, you will need to use the Foresight skill to get through the ventilation hole near the rats - it is located next to the locked door leading to the black market. After going through the ventilation, select the Offset point in the place where the good view to the main window. Then jump back and go down to the lower floor, going to the main entrance to the store. Inside, use the Displacement Point to teleport through the window. Now you can rob trade shop, kill the seller and take the key.

In Dishonored: Death of the Outsider, just like in Dishonored 2, you can rob the black market... However, getting inside the shops is usually some kind of problem, which is why there is this guide... Begin.

In the process of passing Missions 2: On the Ink Trail, you will be given a secondary task, which is just related to the placement of the black market. This will help you locate the trading store, as well as gain access to new contracts.

Once inside the black market, look for a wooden sign. It will be located near the contract board. Destroy it and you will have a passage to the ventilation. Now use your ability " Foresight"(Foresight in the English version) and continue along the ventilation.

When the ventilation journey is over, go to the nearest door with a combination lock. The code is written on the wall near this door. When you get inside, take everything and get out.

Mission 3

You don't have to search for a code to get into this black market store, but it will still be more difficult to get into it. Move towards the black market, but do not go into the room itself, but look up. You will see pipes that lead to an open balcony.

When you get to the room on the top floor, use the skill again " Foresight"to go through the ventilation (located next to the closed door leading to the black market). When the ventilation is through, select an offset point where the main window is clearly visible. Jump down and get down. Go to the main entrance to the store. use the left point to teleport through the window You can now carry out the robbery of the black market.

Amulets are important for the character, when you wear them, you get different bonuses to your abilities. Unlike Dishonored 1 and 2, Dishonored game: Death of the Outsider there are no runes to upgrade your abilities, so only bone artifacts remain. The guide will help you find all the locations of the amulets.

Amulets can be found or created using the “Create Amulet” option to endow the character with various bonuses, for example, to restore more health / mana, the target is strangled faster, and a slight increase in the amount of health. Bone amulets can be normal, improved, or Black, which give more serious bonuses, and corrupted. Corrupted amulets have a strong positive effect, but also have a negative effect. They greatly expand the capabilities of the player, but they must be selected wisely.

Mission 1. The last battle, places where to find amulets

There are 6 amulets to be found in the mission.

1 Amulet

After disarming the first group of guards, look up over the train tracks to the balcony in the residence and use the pipes in the upper left to enter the house. Inside, look to the right to find your first Amulet.

2 Amulet

In the Albarka bathhouse in the fight club room, look for the doorway leading to the locker rooms and look along the ceiling to find an open hole and climb through it into the first floor boiler room. Here, there is another Amulet that can be found on a nearby table.

3 Amulet

On the balcony floor above the fight club in Albarka Bath, find a makeshift bar. Behind the counter, next to the washbasin, there is a sideboard, in a locked drawer that you can open there is a Black Amulet.

4 Amulet

Return to the balcony above the fight club and enter the first door on the right. In this small generator room you will find another Black Amulet in a vice.

5 Amulet

Find the leader of the Eyeless in the far upper room, Jeanette Lee, and when you deal with her, do not forget to loot her body - you will find the corrupted amulet.