The game the polar bear has come The brown bear is gone. Top ten liter ball games. Germany - Bierkastenrennen

How many games exist, the foundation of which is alcohol and drunken passion of the participants. Here are five crazy drinking funs from around the world.

Pennsylvania, USA - Stump

Stump ( Stump) is a popular game in Pennsylvania. This game is a favorite among students (especially at Pennsylvania State University), despite its roots in German culture and similar to the Hammerschlagen game. It is usually played in the countryside, forests or on farms, or even in the outback, nicknamed Pennsyltucky.

To play, you need a hammer, a tree stump, nails, a beer and stand on your feet. In the middle, put a stump with nails sticking out of it (for each player), which must be driven into the tree completely. However, this must be done with full swing, and before that it is advisable to throw the hammer into the air for a split second. Whenever you miss, you drink. ...

Germany - Bierkastenrennen

Literally translated as "distilling boxes", which fully describes the meaning of the game. It is usually played by the lake or in any open area by large teams. You need to run a set distance (from 5 to 15 km) with a case of beer, which needs to be emptied along the way and whoever brings fewer liters of beer is the winner.

Russia - "Meeting the polar bear"

The game has many variations of the name, but the essence is this: you take a one and a half liter bottle of beer and pass it around in the company - the first one drinks, and the vacated space in the bottle is filled with vodka and so on in a circle while you can still get up from the table. The game has two rounds "The polar bear has come" and "The brown bear has come" - which means pouring beer into the container (already with vodka). However, rarely does anyone make it to this stage. The loser bets the beer to the company.

China - Jiuling

Jiuling is approximately 3,200 years old, making it arguably one of the oldest in the world. Every player needs a glass of alcohol and math skills. Two people extend both arms and show any number of fingers while shouting out a number from 0 to 20 (unequal to the number of fingers extended). The winner is the one who shouted out a number equal to the number of outstretched fingers on the hands of both players. If the guesser is not there, both drink.

Wyoming, USA - Gelande Quaffing

In 1986, the Jackson Hole Air Force, a secret ski club in Wyoming, was weather-trapped - they were waiting out a blizzard, and fate took them to a bar where they came up with such popular game which has now become sporting event... Its meaning is as follows - one of the team must push a mug of beer across the entire table to the other, he catches it, drinks quickly, then they change places at a run and so non-stop while you can stand on your feet.

Irina Papsheva
Outdoor games for the little ones (1.5-3 years old)

Outdoor games for toddlers(1,5 – 3 of the year)


"A mosquito sat under a bush

On a fir tree on a stump

I dangled my legs under a bush. Hid! "

Children - mosquitoes run to the sound of a tambourine. At the end of the sound, they stop. The teacher reads the nursery rhyme. On the first 2 lines, children sit on high chairs. On the 3rd, they swing their legs, and on the 4th, they cover their eyes with their palms. Educator with a toy - a frog in his hands is talking: “Where are the mosquitoes? I'll find them now! " Looking for children finds: "Here they are, they are hiding!" Children run away, the teacher is trying to catch up with them.


“You are a dog, don’t bark, don’t frighten our ducks!

Our white ducks, already timid! " - (repeat 2 p. this line)

The duck children follow, swaying, behind the teacher who recites the text of the poem. Children imitate ducks (hands down and back) At the end of the text runs out "dog", "Barks" and catches up with the scattering children.

Note: When you start practicing the game, take a toy dog ​​or a bibabo dog.


"Tepiks - tepiks, on the water pops,

Clap hands and bare feet. "

Children stand freely and perform movements as shown by the teacher. When reading a nursery rhyme, children shake their hands with both hands, as if hitting water. They stamp on the last line with their feet, stepping from one foot to the other.

"Brown bear"

"Brown bear, brown bear,

Why are you so gloomy?

I didn’t treat myself to the doctor, so I got angry at everything!

1, 2, 3, 4, 5! I'm starting to look for honey! "

Children are hares, they run and jump around the playground. A teacher with a toy - a bear or in a bear mask, walks between the children, pronouncing the words of the poem. After the words "I'm starting to look for honey", he growls: "Oo-oo-oo" and begins to catch hares, and hares run away.

"Into the tags"

“Clouds walked across the sky, the red sun caught:

And we will catch up with the sun! And we will catch the red!

The sun ran, red jumped:

And I'm not afraid of clouds! I'll dodge the grays! "

The kids follow the teacher in a flock, the third and fourth lines of the children, the clouds, talk together with the teacher. "Sun" says the final 2 lines, and then runs away from the children. The clouds are catching up with the sun.

"The Fox and the Hares"

“Because of the white snowdrift, the ears stick out long.

Look, fox, try, sly little white rabbits.

You try in vain, you cheat, you won't find their godfather,

Because the hares are cleverly hidden by the grandmother - winter. "

Hares run scatteringly. At the end of the tambourine, everyone squats, tilting their heads, showing their ears. The teacher reads (1 -4 th) lines of the poem. A fox runs out looking for bunnies, saying "Where did they hide, now I will find them" After "Unsuccessful searches", the presenter says (5-8th lines) The fox runs away. The game repeats itself, now the fox can find 2-3 birds with one stone. This game can be taken to the Christmas tree.


“Along the edge of the groove, on the grass sofa

fun in a crowd

Dandelions settled down.

And then the sun came up and rolled a ball.

Looking for the red sun, where are the dandelions? "

Children - dandelions in yellow caps run to the music or the sound of a tambourine. With the end - they run to their places. The teacher says the text, and then goes to look for dandelions, which are hiding, covering their face with their hands.

Educator: Yellow dandelion, I'll pick you off.

A yellow dandelion hid in the grass.

The teacher leaves. The game repeats itself.


"The chicken walked around the senechki

Children - chickens persuaded:

Don't you chickens run around the yard

Do not look for grains by the fence.

The gander is getting close to the fence.

He's going to nibble the chickens. "

Children - chickens follow a flock of a teacher - a chicken. From the 5th line to the end of the text, the chicken speaks, turning to the chickens. At the end of the words - runs out "gander" who is catching up with children.


“On the lawn, barefoot, warmed by the sun,

Summer ran behind the flowery moth.

Bathed in the river, lay on the sand

It got tanned, flew by and disappeared into the distance. "

Children stand in a circle. With the beginning of the words, they jump in one direction, and Summer Jumps in a circle in the opposite direction. On the 6-7th lines, the circle stops. Summer jumps in place, making swinging hand movements "mill" On the last 3 lines, Summer runs out of the circle and sits down for. by any of the children. Children, at the end of the text, are looking for where Summer is hiding. Whoever finds it behind his back goes into the middle, this is a new Summer.

"Who is faster"

“Well, ducks, who will swim faster to the reeds?

The most dexterous for the victory will be given sweets for dinner "

On opposite sides of the site, 2 lines are drawn. One line has 4-5 children (ducks, the other line has reeds. Words children say games not participating in the game. At the end of the words, the ducks begin to cross over to the reeds, imitating swimming movements. The one wins who will come first (not allowed to run)

They play the same way as in an ordinary bottle, but no one kisses (well, unless at the final stage of the game, after the stage "do you respect me?"). Who will the untwisted empty bottle point to, he drinks a dose of vodka... You can have a snack. The "losers" carry the "winners" home.

2. The bear has come (The last hero)

The classic lavender game. Everyone is sitting with glasses. Everyone pours into a glass and places a buck next to it. They drink. The host announces: "The bear has come!" Everyone crawls under the table. The host says: "The bear is gone!" Everyone crawls out from under the table.

Pour again, put in a buck and drink. The presenter again says: "The bear has come!" He takes all the money and leaves. The rest stay to sleep under the table.

3. The brown bear has come! (The very last hero)

Extremely extreme competition. It is not recommended to play together. Champagne is poured into a large basin, participants sit around. Each in turn drinks a glass and refills a glass of cognac into the basin. When the liquid turns brown, they say: "The brown bear has come!"

4. Tower

We build a tower from dominoes. We put the plate flat, then two plates vertically, one on top again flat, and so on. That, Whose fault is the tower collapsing, I gotta drink... There are no losers: after thirty minutes, the players together try to put another record vertically and roll to the floor, where they fall asleep.

5. Cowboy Joe

Two stand on opposite sides of the table. The third bangs loudly on the table with his fist. On a signal, vodka is taken on the chest. The winner is the one who is the first to return the empty container back to the table. It is necessary to return loudly and with a crash.

6. Metro

We take a subway map and a bottle of vodka. We choose a route, for example: Tushinskaya - Leninsky Prospekt. We appoint a leader - he will announce the stops. Carefully, the doors are closing - the next station is Polezhaevskaya! Everyone drinks a glass. The next station is Begovaya! Everyone is drinking again. They drink for each transplant separately. Gradually, as they get drunk, people begin to get off the train. The winner, respectively, is the one who gets to the place.

7. Hundred

Beer is poured into a bucket or keg. Athletes with one-hundred-gram glasses sit around and, scooping up, drink once a minute. Ideally, the one who wins who manages to drink at least a hundred glasses.

With good preparation of the participants, the game can go on without losers. You can run to the toilet, but very quickly - you can't get off the drinking schedule, and in exactly a minute all participants must take another 100-gram dose. If you have a cast iron bladder, then this game is for you.

8. Drunken Checkers

There are even quite official competitions for this game. A real board for checkers is used, and instead of checkers - stacks. On one side, red wine is poured into the glasses, and on the other side, white wine. Further, everything is the same as in ordinary checkers. Chopped down an enemy shot - drank it.

For a change, you can play giveaway. Special maniacs can pour cognac and vodka into glasses. In this situation, three games in a row are won only by international masters of sports.

9. Ishsho

A game of the simplest. Three players each take a beer. The first one, running to the toilet, brings more beer for himself and the loser. So they play until the money runs out.

10. Inkwell

The same simple game... A glass is passed in a circle, and everyone pours a little vinyl into it. The one who has a glass full and drinks everything to the bottom. Then the process is repeated.

Educational areas: physical culture, fiction, safety.

Tasks: to teach children to perform actions in accordance with the speech accompaniment of the game; foster friendly relations during the game, the ability to play in a team.

There is a teremok in the field.

He's not low, not high

Let the one play with us

Who lives in the mansion.

Guys, let's all ask together:

Someone who lives in the little house,

Someone who lives in a short one.

Mouse. ( runs out of the house)

I am a little mouse

I'm not a coward at all.

Become a round dance

You are all mice, Vova is a cat.

GAME "Cat and Mice".

The mice are dancing

The cat is dozing on the couch.

Do not make noise more quietly than the mouse,

And don't wake the cat.

Mice. Tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta,

We are not afraid of the cat.

(runs after mice, mice hide in burrows)

GAME "Mousetrap"

(half of the children form a circle, the second half - mice - behind a circle, go around in a circle saying)

Oh, how tired the mice are

Their passion was simply divorced.

Everybody gnawed, everybody ate

They climb everywhere - that's the attack.

Beware, cheats

We will get to you

Let's put the mousetraps

We'll catch everyone at a time.

(they stop, raise their clasped hands, mice run in and run out of the mousetrap. At the signal of the teacher: "Clap!" the children release their hands and squat. Mice that did not have time to run out of the circle are caught).

Educator and children:

Who, who lives in the little house?

Who, who lives in the low?

Bunny (jumps).

There is no place for a bunny to ride

The wolf walks everywhere, the wolf.

He snapped his teeth, snapped.

And we will hide in the bushes

Hide the rabbit and you.

(hiding - squatting and covering with hands)

I'm a shaggy, gray wolf

I know a lot about rabbits

They all jump and jump

Will hit my teeth.

There is nobody.

I'll hide behind a bush, I'll wait.

Leading. Bunnies are jumping

Dap, Dap, Dap

(children appear)

To the green to the meadow

They pinch the weed, eat

Listen carefully

Isn't there a wolf.

The wolf is coming!

(children run away, the wolf catches them)

GAME "Geese-geese"

Shepherd. Geese, geese!

Geese. Ha ha ha ha!

Shepherd. Do you want to eat?

Geese. Yes! Yes! Yes!

Shepherd. So fly!

Geese. No no no!

Gray wolf, under the mountain

Doesn't let us go home.

Shepherd. So fly how you want

Only take care of your wings.

(The children geese spread their wings (arms to the sides) and fly home. The wolf catches them)

GAME "Hunters and Hares"

(One hunter - the rest of the hares. The hunter walks looking for traces, the house of hares is on the other side. The hunter goes home, the hares jump out of the bushes and jump across the clearing. The presenter says: "Hunter!" The hares run away, the hunter throws balls at them. hit, he is out of the game).

GAME "Homeless Hare"

(A hunter and a homeless hare are chosen, the rest are hares. Everyone gets into his own house, a homeless hare runs away outside the circle, the hunter catches up with him, the hare runs into any house, and the hare from this house becomes homeless, and the hunter now overtakes him.)

Presenter and children.

Who, who lives in the little house?

Who, who lives in the low?

Leading. Nobody responds. Guys, you know the tale, tell me, who should appear now?

Children. Fox.

Leading. Why doesn't the fox come out? Here's what I came up with: let's lure her out - let's start clucking, clucking, crowing, she'll think - the chickens have come and will come out. Just do not forget that you will need to run away from her into the chicken coop very quickly.

Children come up to the house, crow, cluck. The fox runs out and tries to catch the chickens. "Chickens" run away to their houses.

GAME "Sly Fox"

Children are standing in a circle. At the signal of the teacher, the children close their eyes, and the presenter goes around them from the outside of the circle and touches one of the players. Who becomes the leader - the cunning fox. Children open their eyes and ask three times in unison - first quietly, then louder: Sly fox, where are you? After the third time, the selected fox runs out to the middle and says: "I'm here!" Everyone runs away, and the fox catches them.

GAME "We go in a circle"

We walk in circles

We are calling the fox

Don't open your eyes

Presenter and children:

Someone who lives in the little house?

Someone who lives in a short one?

Bear ( appears from behind)

I am a clubfoot bear

I want to live in the little house, but they won't let me. They say that I do not know how to do anything. This is not true! I can sing: oo-oo-oo-oo! Here! And also for a long time I

Wonderful dancer!

Leading. Come on, Mishenka, dance

Let the kids watch

(children clap their hands and sing: "Kalinka-malinka")

The bear dances awkwardly.

GAME "At the Bear in the Forest"

Children on the one hand, on the other - a bear. Children go to the bear:

The bear in the forest

Mushrooms, berries I take

And the bear growls

He is angry with us.

The bear catches up, the children run away.

GAME "Brown Bear"

Children are walking. There is a bear - "uuuu"

Children: Brown bear, brown bear,

Why are you so gloomy?

Bear: I didn’t treat myself to a medic,

So he got angry with everyone!

The children run away, the bear catches them.

GAME "Bear and bees"

Children are divided into two equal teams: one is bees, the other is bears. On one side - a hive, on the other - a meadow, to the side - dens of bears. At the signal, the bees fly out of the hives, collect honey, carry it to the hives. When the bees fly away for honey, the bears climb into the hive and feast on honey.

Host: Bears!

Bees fly to the hives, try to sting the bears, they run away to their dens.

Host: Now let's divide into two teams and play.

1. Don't drop the ball (on 2 sticks).

2. Don't get your feet wet.

3. Crawl through the hoop - raise the stick higher.

4. Who is most likely to reach the flag.

CHORIST "Zateyniki"

GAME "Flies - does not fly".