Gravity falls games. Gravity falls games online In parallel reality

You've definitely seen the Disney Television Animation cartoon, based on Hirsch's script. By the way, it served as the basis for the creation of an exciting series of Gravity Falls games for boys and girls who love riddles, secrets and mysticism. What, what, and this goodness was always in abundance in the stories of Alex Hirsch. So, if you also don’t mind immersing yourself in the fantasy world and don’t consider yourself a coward, welcome to our new section! It contains the best Gravity Falls browser games that exist.

What will we talk about?

Like the cartoon of the same name, immediately after launching the game, Gravity Falls takes you in the midst of the summer heat to a small town in Oregon, where the Pines brother and sister are sent annually by their parents. They seem to just get rid of them during the summer holidays. And in Gravity Falls lives the twins’ great-uncle, Stan, the owner of the Mystery Shack tourist center.

However, this is now Stan - a respectable bourgeois, well known throughout the area. And in his distant youth, he had the opportunity to visit all sorts of places! Rumor has it that he once even worked for American intelligence. And it seems that Stan knows much more than he tries to show about what is happening in the vicinity of the town. And in Lately strange things happen here: some people disappear without a trace, but others appear, there are places where gravity does not act, temporary holes suddenly open and close. There is probably no place on Earth with a greater concentration of anomalies per square meter than Gravity Falls, and you will encounter all of them while playing the games in this section.

And a series of strange and exciting events begins with the fact that one day in the forest Dipper discovers diary number 3, written by someone's unknown hand. It describes in detail all the oddities of the town.

The Gravity Falls games invite you to help Dipper find the author of the mysterious text, and at the same time figure out what is happening around him. During the research process, the main character will face a lot of dangers; powerful demons from a parallel reality will try to stop him, but the gamer’s task is to help the brave boy overcome all obstacles on the path to the truth.

The good news is that you can play any Gravity Falls game for free for as long as you like. Moreover, this can be done together. Don't forget that Dipper has a sister, Pines, who is just as smart and brave as he is. And almost all toys in this section have the option of simultaneously controlling twins. We recommend using it. It will be especially relevant for boys who adore collective quests, in which there is someone to share emotions with.

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Gravity Falls and its inhabitants

The actions of all games are in one way or another connected with the town of Gravity Falls, located in the state of Oregon. Twins, 12-year-old Dipper and Mabel, come here for their summer holidays. Many people are familiar with this restless couple from the animated series. Those who for some reason are not familiar with the anomalous zone and its inhabitants will be interested in learning some facts from their biography.

  • Dipper is Mabel's charismatic, resilient twin brother. Curious adventurer. Loves exact sciences. From time to time he finds different parts of the diary with spells and descriptions of paranormal phenomena and tries to get to the bottom of the truth.
  • Mabel is Dipper's charming twin sister. She is ready to help her brother in everything, but sometimes she still questions his conclusions. He has his own opinion about many things. Her pet is an adorable pig named Bullet.
  • Uncle Stan is an adventurer by nature. There were many secrets and adventures in his life over 70 years. Has a twin brother named Stanley. The children to whom he is a great-uncle call him uncle or great-uncle. Owns a tourist center with the sonorous name “Shack of Miracles”.
  • Grandpa Ford is Stan's six-fingered twin brother. In his youth he served big hopes. Author of diaries that describe mysterious phenomena near Gravity Falls.
  • Jesus and Wendy are employees of the Mystery Shack. Indigenous residents of the town of Gravity Force.

The Incredible Adventures of Twins

All Gravity Falls games, as well as the animated series, are created in the style of Twin Peaks. Mysterious creatures, incredible, unexplainable events, parallel reality - all this makes the games from this series especially attractive.

There's never a dull moment with twins. Moreover, this concerns not only the 12-year-old couple, but also their glorious grandfathers. In diverse games, they encounter evil spirits of all stripes, move in space, and find themselves in various stories in one way or another connected with mysterious phenomena. Quests, adventure games, and shooting games have simply exciting plots. It is no less interesting in games to help heroes after alterations, or to select clothes for them for secrecy. Puzzles, mahjongs, and coloring books about Gravity Falls and its inhabitants are also not uncommon.

Don't be surprised if you notice a machine gun in the hands of the charming Pukhli. Yes, yes, pigs can shoot too, and this pig can also jump on a trampoline no worse than a professional acrobat, especially if they promise her something tasty for it. In general, Puffy in the Gravity Falls games is often next to the owner in the thick of things. 15-year-old Wendy and 22-year-old Jesus are also not left out. It should be noted that 12-year-old twins are in no way inferior to their elders in intelligence, and sometimes even surpass them.

In a parallel reality

Separately, I would like to mention those Gravity Falls games that take place in a parallel reality. They have common features related to the similarity of the plot. Objects in them can be transformed, taking different forms if necessary. And that is not all. Sometimes the task at hand is incredibly complicated.

You see two characters at once, each of which is in its own reality, but you can only control one. In such a situation, it is very important to calculate every movement, because otherwise there is no way out of pseudo-reality. You can get stuck on pins and drown in the river and fall into the clutches of all sorts of evil spirits. It is always interesting to play such games. Gravity Falls attracts, beckons, calls. There are plenty of offers here for two players too. Each of them is unique in its own way, and together they are imbued with a touch of the unknown and mysterious.

Old man Stanley's diaries hide a lot; you can study them endlessly. At the same time, you even need to read the notes with caution, always remembering that in the vicinity of Gravity Falls you can inadvertently summon some spirits. Although, taking into account the fact that this is just a game that can be stopped at any time or played over again, it’s still worth the risk. This is the only way you can be sure that Gravity Falls is a worthwhile place to spend time.

The Gravity Falls games are a dangerous and unknown world inhabited by otherworldly creatures and mystical phenomena. If you like to tickle your nerves by meeting ghosts, saber-toothed monsters or living zombies, then this category will quickly appeal to you and will take its rightful place in the collection of your favorite online games.

The main characters of the game are restless teenage twins Dipper and Mabel. They are always ready to take part in mysterious investigations, fortunately, the town of Gravity Falls almost entirely consists of anomalous zones. Adventures for every taste await you: intricate quests, exciting races, merciless fights and clever puzzles. By playing Gravity Falls, you will fully hone skills such as accuracy, accuracy, speed of reaction and instant decision-making.

Mini-games of Gravity Falls will appeal to gamers of all ages, from the youngest to teenagers. Kids will be able to enjoy putting together colorful puzzles and finding familiar letters, while older children will enthusiastically fly in the night sky, race along steep dunes and engage in an unequal battle with monsters from the magical forest.

Meet the cool 2D runner “Gravity Guy” - a game for two, three or four players. This super race is named after the hero of the game Gravity Guy - a crazy runner on a hostile planet. He is being persecuted by the world police for inventing a way to violate the laws of gravity. In the meantime, you have the main secret of overcoming gravity: press the button if you are ready to play right now!

Welcome to the game “Gravity Guy”, play online the best space-themed runner. And these are not empty words: in comparison with similar racing platformers “G Switch” and “Sonic Hedgehog”, it is much more complex and interesting. The advantages are obvious: under the same scrolling game conditions, "Gravity Guy" offers the most convenient one-button controls, stunning graphics and always new maze routes.

To play online, select one of the 2 available modes. For one - this is a practice mode for playing with your boyfriend Gravity and the computer stalker. Choose this modification to explore the road and prepare for more difficult levels.

The multiplayer mode is a multiplayer game: you can play with two, three or four players on one computer. Control 1, 2, 3 or 4 people and compete in the agility of the runners.


Rotate gravity by pressing spacebar or left mouse button. There are several important tasks:

  • switch in time, this is especially difficult on stepped platforms;
  • avoid any hiccups along the way in order to bypass the adept of gravity;
  • play with concentration.

If you're too hasty, you'll press the gravity switch early and leave the track, and if you slow down, you'll find yourself in the hands of the law and forced to restart the level.

Visually, the game “Gravity Guy” is also superior to one-dimensional online toys of a similar genre. The design of each level changes and becomes more complex, while remaining interesting and exciting. Initially, the game was launched only on mobile, but fortunately, we have the opportunity to play “Gravity Guy” online in free version for computer.