Download Standard Radar Settings for COP. Radar CS GO - detailed setting. How to remove the auto-section of weapons in the COP

Friends, hello everyone. On the air team GamebizKlub. We continue to talk about Counter-Strike: Global OffensiveWe write guides and reveal the secrets of the game. Today we will tell about the radar in CS GO, show console teams and explain how to configure it correctly and what to do if there is no radar. At the end of the article, we will open a small secret about the use of a mini-card by professional players.

From this article you will learn:

Why is it needed?

The radar is part of the graphical display system. It is indicated as HUD and looks like small card In the upper left corner of the screen. By default (default state) mini-card active, and you can turn it on and off through the menu or console - how to do it, we will tell below.

The radar displays information about the actions on the battlefield:

  • The location of the player and its allies - is broadcast in real time, the marks move around the map as well as allies are moving.
  • Enemies - as soon as you or your ally notice the enemy, it will appear on the map of all members of the group. After detection, the mark on the map does not disappear and is displayed until the end of the round or death of the enemy.
  • Bomb - if it was thrown or activated. The bomb "falls" if the terrorist who carries it will kill or if he spins it himself. In this case, it will be displayed in red in one place. If another team member takes it, it will stop displaying. When bookmarking on one of the playns, it is displayed in red, and the red circles "diverge" around it.
  • Hostages - in missions where they need to be saved or retain, marked on the map of the letter "H" in the circle. If the hostage is started to save, the mark on the map will move and light halo will appear around it.

Radar is needed to monitor the situation on the map and make decisions depending on how the battle develops.

How to configure through the menu?

The first option is to configure the radar in the CS: GO settings menu. This is the easiest option that can be done even during the match. You need to press the ESC key. At the end of the list "Game / Game Settings" list, find and open the "Radar / Radar Options" section. You can set four settings in it:

  • HUD / RADAR HUD Size size - increase or decrease the size in the range from 0.8 to 1.3. With the maximum size, the radar closes the large area in the upper left corner - it is not very convenient.
  • Rotate HUD / Rotate The Radar - turns the mini-card in the other side where the character is directed. If you enable this option, the card will rotate, and if you turn off - it will be static. We do not recommend activating this setting - you can get confused in objects and even in the current position.
  • Approaching HUD / RADAR MAP Zoom - changes the scale of the object depending on the specified values \u200b\u200bfrom 0.25 to 1.0. It is better to make a minimum scale to see most of the battlefield and important marks.
  • Change shape with the result table / Toggle Shape with Scoreboard - changes the type of object during the call window call with the Tab button. When activated, the form changes with a round-on-one, and when deactivation, it becomes round again.

How to configure through console commands?

The second option is to configure the radar through the CS: GO console. The console can be activated by the "~" key located immediately under the ESC button. If the "~" button does not work, then you need to go to the game menu and select the "Enable Developer Console / Enable Developer Console" item.

With the help of the console, you can adjust the radar as it is configured from about players. We advise you to test the appropriate configuration in battle with bots and save settings into a text file.

  • cL_RADAR_ROTATE - RADAR ROOM, is rotated by default with you (value \u003d 1). The value is not rotated - 0.
  • cL_RADAR_SCALE - Sets the scale, can be prescribed values \u200b\u200bfrom 0.25 to 1. Acceptable range from 0.3 to 0.5.
  • cL_RADAR_ALWAYS_CENERED - Provides the player's figurines in the center of the mini-card. With the value of 0 - you will be displayed in the center, and the Card Center will be displayed when 1 will be displayed.
  • cL_RADAR_ICON_SCALE_MIN - responsible for the size of the icons displayed on the screen (valid parameters are in the range from 0.4 to 1.0).

The command can be enabled / activated or off / deactivated via a value of 1 or 0. Digital designation 1 - enabled, and 0 - disabled. These numbers are entered immediately after the selected console command through the space. At the same time, it is impossible to put any signs inside and after the command, otherwise the format will be broken.

Optimal radar settings. You can enter alternately or a list, then click "ENTER":

  • cL_RADAR_SCALE 0.3.

What if the radar disappears?

Radar can be removed if you enter a special command - Hide Radar or Hideradar. To return it, you need to enter another team - Drooradar or Drawradar. Both commands can be prescribed in the console, while you do not need to add digital values \u200b\u200b1 or 0.

When you download other people's configs, there may be a problem when there is no map in the upper left corner. In this case, you need to open the config, find a string with the Hideradar value and delete it - the mini-card will be displayed. Another option is to enter Drawradar in the console during the game.

Using the console, you can restore the source settings. To do this, register:

  • cL_RADAR_SCALE 0.7.

Let's sum up

In this article, we talked about the functions of the radar, showed console commands and gave optimal values \u200b\u200bfor its configuration. Repeat - first you need to configure a mini-card in battle with bots and save suitable values \u200b\u200bin a text file, and only then go to the game with other people. And now promised Lifehak:

Pro Players use a mini-card to respond to the appearance of the enemy on time and reveal the "blind" zones. It works in competitive mode when four members of the group hold or attack one playline, and the latter tries to reveal the enemy. As soon as one or more enemies are detected - the team sees them and regroups to reflect the attack or organize a counterattack. The principle is simple - if at an important point there is no one of the team and the enemy is not visible on the map in other places, then it is located there.

And another advice of our edition. On the Internet there are several sites selling cheat for radar. If you use it, then all the players and the position of the bomb will be displayed on the map - it will give a cool advantage, will help organize an ambush or go with an unexpected direction. But we do not recommend using this cheat, because:

  1. If you download it for free, then, most likely, there will be viruses there - you can lose login and passwords from the post and account Steam.
  2. If you buy a cheat for the radar, then you are banned - other players will definitely write a report to the support service. Adminines will analyze your games and block the account.
  3. Using cheats, you will never become about the player. And this is what many seek what. Train your skill, and you will be happy.

Play honestly, train and defeat. In the near future we will tell about others console teamsah and give new lifehaki - be in touch.

Radar is an incredibly important thing, but sometimes there is a need to remove it from the game. He only interferes with some players. Plus, his absence will help you much better develop the rumor in the game to understand the sounds where rivals are. It is also useful for its shutdown when removing the video, for in this case it only interferes. In this article you will find step-by-step instructions Uponcing the radar in the COP. Let's start.

So, to remove the radar in the COP in several ways:

  • Through settings. Go to the menu -\u003e Options -\u003e Interface and get rid of it;
  • Through the console. How to open a console: Go to the settings and turn on the "Display Console". Then see what you have a key and click it. Next there are several console teams that you will fit. First - Hideradar. Just prescribe it and your radar will turn off. To enable it back, you will need a Drawradar team. The second option is to register CL_DRAW_ONLY_DEATHNOTICES 1 and CL_DRAWHUD 1. They will turn off the radar, refunning health, time, etc. If you also need to remove the weapon or turn off the sight, then write more Crosshair 1 and R_DRAWViewModel 1.


How to remove the auto-section of weapons in the COP

By default, the COP is the automatic selection of weapons, which is very uncomfortable. The team will help remove the mating of the weapon:


Just register it in the console and now when selecting your weapon will not immediately get out of you in hand

How to make a big radar in the COP go to see the whole card?

If you play with the standard radar settings, you will not be able to see the entire card. Experienced players constantly hold the radar in sight (of course, not literally, but you understood the idea). This is necessary in order to understand where they are both members of the player's team and opponents (or at least where opponents have recently been).

Opponents are indicated on a radar with red dots. For a few seconds after the opponent's disappearance of the opponent, a red question mark is displayed on the radar.

This is how to enable radar in the COP go - Drawradar
Here's how to turn off the radar in the COP go - Hideradar
CL_RADAR_ICON_SCALE_MIN 0.6 - Size icons on the radar (range: from 0 to 1)
CL_RADAR_SCALE 0.4 - Map Scale (Range: from 0.2 - 1)
CL_RADAR_ALWAYS_CENERED 0 - shift of the center of the radar aside the visibility of the card, 1 - you are the center of the radar
CL_RADAR_ROTATE 1 - Enable Card Rotation, 0 - Disconnection
Cl_HUD_RADAR_SCALE 1 - Radar size (Range: 0.8 to 1.3)
HUD_SCALING 0.95 - interface size (0.95 to 0.5)

drawradar - includes radar

If you again want to disable the radar in the COP, then you will write this command in the console:

hideradar - disables radar

How to set up a radar in the COP, using console commands?

I often used the ability to review the map using the radar.

For example, if I am at the point a, and the members of my team rushed to the point B, and I don't have time to find out this in the chat, it will be clearly visible on the radar. In addition, if someone from your team notes a terrorist with a bomb, then it will be displayed on the radar.

This screenshot shows what we want to achieve:

  • Radar, on which the player is always in the center.
  • The radar on which the entire map is visible.
  • Radar increased size (increased scale).
  • Larger icons. So it will be easier for you to notice the members of your team / enemies (optional).
  • Minikard (generally).

Now let's go to the settings. You will need to make them in your file called Config (may also be called Autoexec). We will consider each order setting in order. So you will know what he answers, and you can configure the radar according to your preferences.

If you just need settings, you can scroll through the page. They are presented at the very end of the article.

First of all, we do not need a radar that will always be centered, because in this case a lot of screen space is lost when the map boundaries near the boundary.

To do this, you need to change the parameter in the corresponding string to "0":


See? Almost half of the space occupies a black area. If the radar does not always be centered, then we will be able to see the large square of the card.

The next thing we need to do is to reduce the scale of the card. So we can see even more.

Set the following parameter value:


Before that, we could not see the entire map. After changing the settings, all the areas of the card are constantly displayed on the radar. It is very convenient when the respauna, when you do not know where the members of your team are located - you can always see them.

Script to increase the size of the radar (zoom script)

We came up with a small script that allows you to increase / reduce the size of the radar, this can be made by simply pressing "+" or "-".

In the Config or Autoexec file, specify the following:

// Radar scaling
bind "kp_plus" "incrementvar cl_radar_scale 0.25 1.0 0.05";
bind "KP_MINUS" "IncrementVar Cl_Radar_scale 0.25 1.0 -0.05";

With a decrease in the size of the radar, some details can not be noticed. To compensate for this inconvenience, we can increase the scale of the radar.

To do this, use the command:


As you can notice, the scale has increased. I calculated that 1.15 is an optimal ratio that allows you to distinguish between parts without any problems, but the image of the radar, it does not take up a lot of space on the screen. You can experiment with other values.

This step is optional, but I used it. It increases the size of the icons displayed on the radar, which can also be useful.


The final settings of the radar in the COP

Now we can evaluate the changed settings of the radar on which the entire map is constantly visible. Compare them with standard parameters:

It turned out very cool.

The only disadvantage of new settings is the low detail of the card, but with an increase in the size of the radar, the part becomes easier to distinguish. However, if you know a card well, it will not greatly complicate your life.

Optimized radar settings (initial installations)

CL_RADAR_SCALE "0.3" ("0.7")
CL_HUD_RADAR_SCALE "1.15" ("1")

Two parameters remained unchanged:


I did not know how to configure or optimize the radar in CS GO? In this thread, we just do the consideration of the radar settings in CS Global Offensive

What do we need for this? Everything is done very simply, and no additional software download us will need, everything you need is:

Enable console

If you have any problems with opening the console, then follow the following instructions:
one . Run CS: go
2. Settings → Game Settings
3. Enable Developer Console → Yes
four . Settings → Keylight / Mouse
five . Scroll to the bottom and see "Open Console" turns on on "` "- you can install any one.
That's it!

Radar setup

The first thing I would advise you is to create a game with bots so that they cannot kill you and already in the game to practice the radar setting. Let's start:

To enable Radar must register in the console team drawradar. ;
In order to hide Radar Used Console Team hideradar. ;

This command is responsible for the radar size on your screen.


On right:

Minimum: "0.8" // Maximum: "1.3"

The player is always in the center of Radar. At first glance, it may seem like a special difference and no, but plus is obvious - when you are in the corner of the map - you have a greater overview of the locality on the radar than if you were in the center of the Radar.


On right:

Two variables or 0 or 1 are available for selection.

This command changes the size of various icons on your radar.


On right:

Minimum: "0.4" // Maximum: "1.0"

The inclusion and disabling of the rotation of the radar. Those. If it is turned off, the card on the radar will always be in the same position.


On right:

You can set either 0 or 1

Change the scale of the map displayed on the radar.


On right:

Minimum: "0.25" // Maximum: "1.0"

This command includes and also disables the display of the bomas icon when you carry it, or when you do not have it.


On right:

You can choose variables 0 or 1

Standard Radar Settings in CS GO:



In order to make a small radius of the action on their own, use the following scheme. To create it, use a standard voltage stabilizer, infrared, microcontroller of the appropriate type, quartz resonator for 4 or 8 megahertz, switch, thirty-contact connector, 5 triggers of the appropriate type, batch board, tools for performing work with wires, solder, Wire 30 AWG, 36 indicators soldering iron.

You can purchase all these devices at special points of sale of radio engineering. You also need skills to work with microcontrollers. In the absence of yours, you simply will not be able to read the scheme.

Create a radar chip using the drawing on the link above. After that, follow the device assembly. Pick up the appropriate case drill 36 holes in it for indicators. After the radar is ready, skip each of its wire through the hole in the housing wall. Connect the infrared sensor and power supply to this device, place the antenna and go to the program part.

Perform the servo system in the form of interrupts and timers. Generate a 50 hertz signal, followed by the LED display device. These indicators are adjustable using triggers. Configure the update of this data system and subsequent output using an infrared sensor.

Use also a converter to determine the voltage. More detailed scheme of action of such devices is illuminated in special literature. Test your device, in case of faults, try to replace the components of the board.

Practice shows that in Counter-Strike, as a rule, it wins not one who better shoots, but one who is more correct and cunning behaves on the field. Obviously, it is almost impossible to carry out a more or less serious tactical maneuver without a radar that gives the minimum idea of \u200b\u200bthe battlefield.


Check the settings. The presence of the radar is primarily determined by the corresponding check mark "Options" -\u003e "Interface", which you can set at any time of the game.

Use the console. Open the main settings window and the check mark opposite the "Activate Console" item. Go to the game (better in solitary, so that you are not distracted) and press the Kilda keyboard key (~). The command line that appears serves to enter internal commands: In your case, you will need Drawradar and Hideradar - actually turning on and off the radar. In addition, the CL_RADARTYPE # command is useful, where # is 0 or 1 - the transparency mode for minicards is turned on or off.

If the radar does not work after entering the console commands - download the HUD.TXT file from the Internet to the Counter-Strike game. Obviously, your instance was damaged or accidentally replaced by poor-quality. Place the new file in the game folder / CSTRIKE.