Enchant things in minecraft 1.8. Enchanting and chairs in new versions of minecraft. Additional options for overlapping a char on anvil

Conclusion in Minecraft. - this is the process of imposing special properties on items, in order to improve them gaming Qualities. To do this, we use the desire table, which is created by the compound of 4 types of obsidian, 2 diamonds and books.

How to impose a spell in minecraft

To overlay the spell, it is necessary to put the subject to which the spell will be superimposed, on the shock table, after which the spell list appears in the right window that can be applied to the subject. Heroglyphs Instead of titles, the first time will cause bewilderment, but these characters do not bear the semantic load. To understand which spell we will impose, you need to bring the arrow to the appropriate inscription. Consumables for the collection will be the player's experience and ultramarine, depending on the level of the charred.

Almost all spells have a multi-level structure. Spell levels are numbered from 1 to 5 (for example: non-deducibility 1, efficiency 5). The level of maximum enchantment of objects depends only on one criterion: the number of books shelves located at a distance of no more than one block from the table.

Opportunities and options for enchancing enchantment in minecraft are very diverse, while if the number of points of the player's experience is missing, it will be possible to temporarily disable the action of some cabinets by lowing the level of product items.

Alternative ways of overlaying Char on items is to use the appropriate bookkeeping book, anvil, as well as the timing of the subject of the librarian in the village.

The charging mechanism using anvil externally similar to repair, but instead of the resource used for recovery, the conference book is added to the slot. Anvil, in addition, allows you to combine different properties of 2 identical objects in one.

Books of enchantion of minecraft You can also get when trading with residents of the village, find in the chests or extend from the river during fishing.

Unfortunately, not all properties can be combined in one subject. Chairs in minecraft will conflict among themselves if they both belong to one category of additional damage, protection or the same among themselves. In addition, silk touch can not be combined with good luck, and when it receives such an item, it will not give the right effect. An exception is the ease that related to protection is successfully combined with other spells of its group.

The level affects which spells can be obtained. Many spells have several levels. It is also possible to enhance the object for several hours. With an increase in the cost increases the likelihood of obtaining a more valuable entertainment. As a rule, the most expensive point in the menu will give the best combination of char.

Almost the perfect placement of bookshelds around the table of entertainment

The maximum level of experience that can be entered the subject increases when placing the bookcases at a distance of one block from the portion of the portion. After 1.3, the value of the Char is calculated by the formula:

A basic level of (Base) \u003d (1..8 + (b / 2) + 0..b),

Level in the upper slot \u003d max ( base. / 3, 1) level in the middle slot \u003d ( base. × 2) / 3 + 1 level in lower slot \u003d max ( base., b × 2)

where b. - The number of nearby bookcases. No more than 15 cabinets standing at the table level or 1 block are above with a gap from the table in one block (square 5 × 5 with a table in the center), there should be no blocks between the table and cabinets (even snow, torches, etc. n.), Otherwise, the corresponding cabinets will not be used. Thus, if you need to enact something, but the character level is missing, with the help of torches, you can temporarily "turn off" cabinets and reduce the level of the char.

Possible charms

Chairs for armor

Eid. Name Effect Max. level With improvement Remarks
0 Protection
Converts damage from the attack of the near and far fight into the armor damage. IV See the Armor Article Mutually incompatible.
1 Fireproof
Fire Protection.
Protection against fire, lava and fiery balls of cavities. Reduces the player's burning time. IV
3 Explosion resistance
Blast Protection.
Protection against explosions. Reduces the return on explosions. IV
4 Protection from shells
Projectile Protection.
Protection against shells (arrows, fiery balls and tridents of the drowned). IV
2 Weightlessness
Fall protection IV It also works when teleporting the pearl of the edge.
5 Underwater breath
Reduces air loss under water, increases the time between the attacks of the suffocation. III +15 seconds by the time of breathing under water, +1 seconds by time between the attacks of suffocation
6 Submariner
Reliability with water
Aqua affinity
Allows you to destroy blocks under water at normal speed, as on land I.
7 Spikes
Some chance causes damage to the attacking III Increases damage chance Armor wear out faster depending on the transmitted and damage. III level is available only when combining two things / things and books with spikes II.
8 Summer walking
Conqueror Depth
Depth Strider.
Increases the speed of walking under water III The speed increases Mutually incompatible.
9 Ice Tread
Walking on water
Frost Walker
Turns water into the frozen ice, which allows to walk on the surface of the reservoir II. Increases water freezing radius
70 Pochinka
Uses experience to fix the subject in hand or in armor slots. I. One experience unit restores 2 points of the subject's strength. Is a treasure and cannot be obtained on the running time.

Chairs for weapons

Eid. Thing Name Effect Max. level With improvement Remarks
16 Sharp
Additional damage V. + - damage Additional damage is determined randomly with each impact. Mutually incompatible. On the ax, you can only apply using anvil.
17 Heavenly Kara
Additional zombie damage (cadales, zombie-swine and drowns), skeletons (skeletons - driers and winterers), drainters, and phantom. V. + - damage
18 bane of arthropods
The death of insects
Bane of Arthropods.
Additional damage to spiders, cave spiders, scales and scales of the edge. V. + - damage
19 Return
Throws mobs and players II. Stronger swelling This bonus does not fold with the discarded bonus during running.
20 The plot of fire
Fire Aspect
Goes the goal II. Increases the time of burning When murdering the mob instead of raw meat, fried immediately.
21 Prey
Increases production from mobs, increases the chance of falling rare dope III +1 to the upper boundary of a possible drill, +0.5% to the chance of a rare dope, +10% to the chance of falling out of the enchanted rare dope Rare Drop has a default 2% chance of falling out, and 20% chance that from this amount drops the attacked. "Production" can increase the chance of falling out a rare drop to 3.5%, and up to 50% the chance of falling out of the enchanted items from this quantity.
22 Separating blade
Sweeping Edge.
Increases damage on Mobs, standing near III Increases damage in n / (n + 1) + 1 time, where N is the level of entertainment
48 Force
Additional damage V. Increases damage by 25% Increases damage by 25% × (level + 1), that is, by 50% with power I and 150% with force V. The force V allows you to kill almost any mob from one shot (2.5 × 4.5 \u003d 11.25 hearts).
49 Folding
Turning the goal II. Drops increase
50 Burning Arrow
Goes on arrows I. Inflames the released arrows, which sets on the goal when hitting. Burning arrows do not ignite the surrounding items, do not emit light, but can activate TNT.
51 Infinity
Arrows are not spent. But for shooting, at least one arrow is needed. Does not work with enchanted arrows I. It can be useful in the battle against the dragon edge. Adjusted arrows can not be lifted. Incompatible with the smart chairs.
65 Fidelity
Returns the trident after throwing III The trident returns faster
66 Pierce
Deals an additional damage in the near and far battle with water mobs. V. Each level adds 2.5 (× 1/4) additional damage every blow. A group of "aquatic" mobs includes dolphins, guards, ancient guards, fish, spruits, turtles and a player, but not drunk, as they relate to undead.
67 Crash
Enchanted trident when throwing pulls the player III The trident pulls the player further. It works only under water or during the rain, otherwise the trident cannot be attacked.
68 Romanzz
When in essence, lightning will hit it I. It works only during thunderstorms.
? Fast recharge
Quick Charge
Processing the projectile decreases to the level of * 0.25 seconds. Crossbow with the third level of these spell recharges a little faster than onions. III Processing the projectile decreases to the level of * 0.25 seconds.
? Triple shot
When shooting simultaneously, 3 arrows are flying: one flies straight, the other two is at an angle in different directions. I.
? Piercing Strela
The boom can break through the level of + 1 entities (except racks for armor and edge crystals), causing damage to all the affected entities. IV Increasing the number of entities that can cause damage to level + 1.

Tea tools

Eid. Name Effect Max. level With improvement Remarks
32 Efficiency
Faster resource mining V. Increases the rate of production. V Level will lead to the fact that blocks with durability 1 and less (for example, hellish stone and earth) will be produced almost instantly even with stone instruments, at a speed of 1 block in the tact. It acts only on those blocks that the tool can get. Comes with the effect of a rush.
33 Silk touch
Silk Touch
When the block is destroyed (with the help of the correct tool), this unit falls, even if something else should fall out of it (for example, a stone will fall out of the stone, and not a cobblestone). From version 12W50A (1.4.6) on anvil, with the help of the smoked book, the "Shell Touch" spell can be imposed on scissors and make them a web. I. Allows you to produce unavailable blocks, such as ores, myceliums, grass, huge mushrooms, ice and cobwebs. Incompatible with "luck".
34 Strength
With some chance the tool strength will not decrease III The tool will lose a unit of strength with a chance of 100% / (X + 1), where x is the level of entertainment. For example, with "strength III" chance of loss of strength of strength equal to 25% of the initial (100% / (3 + 1) \u003d 25%). That is, the tool strength will increase by about 4 times.
35 Luck
Gives a chance of loss of more resources III I: 33% * 2 (33% more)
II: 25% * 2, 25% * 3 (75% more)
III: 20% * 2, 20% * 3, 20% * 4 (120% more)
Works with non-metallic ores, luminous stone, high grass, wheat (only on seeds), hellish growths and watermelons. Also increases the chance of silica to 100% at the III level. Incompatible with silk touch.
61 Lucky fisherman
Sea luck
Luck of the sea
Increases the chance to catch the treasure. Reduces the chance to catch trash (when fishing) III I: 7.5% chance to catch garbage, 6% chance to catch the treasure.
II: 5% chance to catch trash, 7% chance to catch the treasure.
III: 2.5% chance to catch trash, 8% chance to catch the treasure.
Effects fold.
62 Bait
Increases the chance to catch fish. Reduces the chance to catch garbage or treasure by 1% per level III I: Waiting -5 seconds, chance to catch garbage 9%, treasure 4%.
Ii: Waiting -10 seconds, chance to catch trash 8%, treasure 3%.
III: Waiting -15 second, chance to catch garbage 7%, treasure 2%.


Additional options for overlapping a char on anvil

  • Any effect conflicts with me. Thus, it is impossible to get a tool with several copies of one effect.
  • All spells of protection conflict with each other (although the ease is implemented as defense, it does not obey this rule).
  • All spells of increased damage conflict with each other.
  • Shelkovoy touch and good luck conflict with each other. In fact, even if you get a pick-up with this combination with the help of modifications or inventory editors, it will not give the effect of "endless resources" - good luck will not work on a pickaxe with silk tapping and during diamond mining, red, etc. Rud Just fall out blocks in normal quantity.
  • CHARS Infinity and repairing onions conflict with each other.

Reference schemes

The dependence of possible charms from the level on diamond instruments from 1.3.1 to 1.8.

The above tables contain technical values \u200b\u200bfrom the game code and low-rotations in practice.

(English) There is a probability calculator, reference tables, a description of the mechanism of entertainment and some other data.


Spells are randomly compiled. From the list are selected from three to four words, which are connected by forming the name of the spell. The names are random and do not depend on the selected object, level or recruitment of the spell. Thus, the spell is a cosmetic part that does not play any role in the mechanics and is not saved along with the subject, but only displayed in the magic table window.

their elder scrolls. klaatu berata niktu xyzzy bless curse light darkness fire air earth water hot dry cold wet ignite snuff embiggen twist shorten stretch fiddle destroy imbue galvanize enchant free limited range of towards inside sphere cube self other ball mental physical grow shrink demon elemental spirit animal creature beast humanoid undead Fresh Stale

Spells are recorded on a standard galactic alphabet, which is a simple substiturial cipher in the Commander Keen Games series. If you want to quickly decipher spells, replace alternate.png V.Minecraft \\ Versions \\ game version\game version.jar \\ font on Default.png. Cipher key:

Other ways of smoking)

Protection Protection. 0 0 Fireproof Fire_Protection. 1 1 Weightlessness Feather_Falling. 2 2 Explosion resistance Blast_Protection. 3 3 Protection from shells Projectile_Protection. 4 4 Spikes Thorns. 7 5 Breath Respiration 5 6 Depth step depth_strider 8 7 Relationship with water (submariner) Aqua_Affinity 6 8 Sharp Sharpness 16 9 Heavenly Kara SMITE 17 10 bane of arthropods Bane_OF_Arthropods. 18 11 Reference knockback 19 12 The plot of fire Fire_aspect. 20 13 Mrajust (mining) Looting. 21 14 Efficiency Efficiency 32 15 Silk touch Silk_Touch. 33 16 Vanishing_curse Java Edition. Diamonds!- Minecraft: Story / Enchant_Item


Beta version Java Edition

Enchantment - imposition of special properties on weapons, tools or armor using the descriptive table. With version 1.8, lazuli is required to enchant. Exploring is spent on the involvement and lazuli, while more powerful spells require a greater level of experience and more Lazarita.

To enchant the item, place it in the cell in the conclusion desk interface (PCM on the table for opening). After placing the item on the right there will appear three random options, with costs in the levels of experience specified by the right to the right. The player can choose any of them if he has enough experience to enchant maximum level It takes 3 lazurites, when the maximum level of 30 LVL takes only 3 LVL for enchancing.

You can enjoy any elements of armor, swords, onions, pickles, axes, shovels, hoes, scissors, shields, elite, lighters, fishing rods. Some items are entertained only with the help of anvil.

The level affects which spells can be obtained. Many spells have several levels. It is also possible to enchant the subject of several hours. With an increase in the cost increases the likelihood of obtaining more valuable enchantment. As a rule, the most expensive point in the menu will give the best combination of char.

Enchanted books and the same items can be combined on anvil, to get the highest level of enchantment and combining multiple spells into one subject.

And now about new chars, in newest versions There were completely new spells, how to get them and where to put it now.

Icewater - turns water into a frozen ice, which allows you to walk along the surface of the reservoir (feel God's: Angelic. Ice with time melts, so it's not worth standing in one place if you don't want to plunge into the water.
Enchantment level: Iceshop I, ice-frequency II.
You can catch or buy a librarian from a resident.

Curse of loss - The subject with this Charger will self-esteem at the death of the player, it is impossible to throw it out, this happens only in the event of a player's death.

Curse of non-displays - This spell on the subject will not allow you to throw it out or remove it from the slot, falls out of the player only in the event of his death.

You can catch or buy a librarian from a resident, just enchant on the table.

These are all new spells added by versions 1.9 - 1.11, in 1.12 new entries did not add.

Well, I would not have been a needle if it did not show you interesting ways of designing the desktop desires, perhaps it will help someone.