Download the test of the game world of tanks. World of Tanks test server download. New game models in HD quality


General test of update 9.19 released

General information about the test server:

  • Due to the large number of players on the test server, there is a restriction on the entry of users. All new players wishing to take part in testing the update will be queued and will be able to enter the server as it becomes available.
  • If the user changed the password after 23:59 (Moscow time) on April 28, 2017, authorization on the test server will be available only with the password that was used before the specified time.

Features of Test Server 9.19:

  • Payments to test server are not produced.
  • In this testing, the earnings of experience and credits do not increase.
  • Achievements on the test server will not go to the main server.

We also inform you that during testing of 9.19, scheduled maintenance will be carried out on the test server:

  • The first server is 7:00 (Moscow time) daily. The average duration of the work is 25 minutes.
  • The second server is 8:00 (Moscow time) daily. The average duration of the work is 25 minutes.
  • Note! The test server is subject to the same rules as the main game server, and therefore, penalties for violation of these rules apply in accordance with the User Agreement.
  • The Customer Support Center does not process Shared Test tickets.
  • Reminder: download World client of Tanks, as well as its test versions and updates, are most reliable in a special section on the official game portal. By downloading the game from other sources, you expose your computer to the risk of malware infection. The development team is not responsible for links to game client and updates (as well as for their content) on third-party resources.

Participation in testing 9.19:

  • Download (4 MB).
  • Run the installer, which will download and install the test version of the client 9.19 (7.45 GB for the SD version and an additional 4.85 GB for the HD version). When you start the installer, it will automatically offer to install test client to a separate folder on your computer; you can also specify the installation directory yourself.
  • If you have the previous test version (9.18_test3) installed, then when you start the general test launcher, it will be updated: 372 MB for the SD version and an additional 186 MB for the HD version.
  • Please note: installation to the folder containing the test client files previous versions may entail technical problems.
  • Run the installed test version.
  • Only those players who registered in World of Tanks before 23:59 (MSK) on April 28, 2017 can take part in the test.

Changelog of the first general test 9.19:

  • The "Company battle" mode has been removed from the game.
  • The Combat Brotherhood and Combat Girlfriends skills will work in mixed crews.
  • Added new regime- Ranked battles
  • Combat missions have been reworked:

    As part of the first iteration of reworking combat missions, the visual and functional part of the combat missions and actions window was significantly changed.

    A new item "Combat missions" has appeared in the Hangar, through which you can get to the corresponding screen. Combat missions are conditionally divided into three sections: strategic, tactical, and missions for the selected vehicle.

    Strategic objectives include tasks that will require significant effort (such as marathons).

    Tactical missions include those that can be grouped into specific groups by meaning (for example, daily combat missions, combat training, etc.).

    Each task is displayed as a tile, and they are all conveniently sorted with the highest priority. A detailed description of each task can be seen by expanding the tile. Thanks to the new presentation of tasks in the hangar interface, it will be much easier for you to understand them!

    Various promotions are constantly taking place in the game - in most of them prices for vehicles, equipment, experience transfer and much more are reduced. And now promotions are available from the "Store" menu item. Each promotion is presented as a tile with detailed description the item for which the discount is valid, the size of the discount and other information. All tiles are interactive - by clicking on any of them, you can take advantage of the offer for the promotion directly in the game client.

  • Clan management changes:

    In the new version, the possibilities for managing the clan will expand. Now, without leaving the game client, it will be possible to:

    • distribute gold from the clan treasury;
    • change the positions of clan players;
    • transfer control of the clan;
    • view extended statistics for clan players.
  • Stronghold Improvements 1.6:

    The following medals, which were awarded for activities in the Stronghold prior to version 9.17.1, have been moved to the "Special" category:

    • "Warrior";
    • “For Decisive Battles”;
    • "Conqueror";
    • Fortress Crusher;
    • "Counterstrike".
  • Voice acting changes: Introduced female voice acting for all nations. Instead of the old version of the "national" voice acting in the settings window, you can now select the "command" voice acting. The choice of "command" voice acting makes voice notifications appropriate not only for the nation, but also for the gender of the crew commander of the vehicle chosen by the player. Thus, if the commander of your car is a girl, then the car itself will "speak" in a woman's voice.
  • The following vehicles have been redesigned in HD quality: KV-13, T-44, IS-2, BDR G1B, Renault FT 75 BS, Renault UE 57, Renault FT AC, Alecto, Excelsior, Vickers Mk.E Type B, STA -1, MTLS-1G14
  • Changes in technique:
    • Changes in the German tech tree: Tank added to Supertesters: Tiger 131
    • Changes in the Chinese tech tree: Added tanks to Supertesters - WZ-120-1G FT, WZ-120G FT
    • Changes in the USSR tech tree: Tank added to Supertesters: T-103
    • Changes in the US vehicle tree: M4A3E8 Sherman - Armor of the gun mantlet has been increased. M4A3E8 Fury - Armor on the gun mantlet has been increased. M4A3E2 Sherman Jumbo - Armor of the gun mantlet has been increased.

And finally, about Ranked Battles:

Servers for the update test World games of Tanks 1.5 are dedicated servers where the playability of maps, vehicle characteristics, general updates ordinary players wot... The test server is available only at a certain time, entry is possible only when the developers are ready to check the functionality of the game innovations.

Release date - updates 1.5

Download the general test World of Tanks 1.5.1

As soon as there is a link to download the test client 1.5, it will publish right here! Roughly, you should expect in the late afternoon after 6 pm Moscow time. The release date for Client 1.5 should be expected by April 2019, as indicated in the table below.

How it works?

Let's take a look at what a test server is. Basically, this is a virtual resource where a modified copy of the game is located. The main purpose is to test and check the capabilities of any innovations before including them in the main patch.
The WG developers are the first to gain access to the test domains. Then super-testers are connected to find flaws and bugs. After the correction, additional testing is carried out with the maximum load of the game client.

To do this, a copy of the game is "uploaded" to the backup domain, where anyone can go. After that, the detected flaws are again eliminated, after which changes are made to the main game client.

How do I become a WoT test participant?

Anyone can take part in testing the game. To do this, you need to download the installer with version 1.5. After that, the installer will offer the user to download a test game client. After the download is complete, a new folder WORLD of TANKS is created on the desktop, with a directory of graphics settings specified by the player.

Key features

There are two basic rules for test participants:

  1. Members receive: 20,000 game gold, 100,000,000 credits and Free XP each.
  2. Experience earned on the test server, game currency and the purchased equipment is not transferred to the main client.

Test target for patch 1.5.1

Players will have to test the following innovations:

  • Changes for the LBZ tank: Object 279 early;
  • HD converted 3 maps:
    "Empire's Border"
  • Map changes and edits: Ruinberg, Overlord, Redshire, Sandy river and Paris;

Update 9.20.1 is getting closer to official release and we start new series common tests... Participate in testing and evaluate the changes that the developers worked on in recent times... Here's what's available on the shared test server:

  • Rebalancing of Tier X light tanks, as well as British and US vehicles.
  • Reworked personal combat missions with a new interface and mechanics to complete them faster.
  • An additional reward for high efficiency in battle - new ways to get Bonds.

The changes can be found in detail in recent publications:

How to get on the general test?

Booms and medals

From 9.20.1, winning medals in the Epic Achievements and Battle Hero categories, the player will receive additional bonuses. Please note: Bonds will not be awarded for cumulative medals. The number of bonds is not final and may change.

Improvements for the grand battle

The following changes have been made to the "General Battle" battle type:

  1. The message about victory or defeat in a battle has been changed.
    Added the new kind messages about winning or losing a battle to make it easier for players to understand when and why the battle ended. The message has separate animations for win, lose and draw. Additional text shows why the fight ended. When the battle ends after capturing the base, the capture progress bar goes into a "locked" state shortly before the message appears to indicate that the total will not change.
    This innovation has been applied to all random and ranked battles, as well as to the general battle.
  2. Updated tooltips for rewards, which describe the various conditions for obtaining. In a standard, oncoming engagement and assault, the conditions are the same, but in general battle the requirements are higher.
  3. Improved combat interface (HUD) in general battles.
    The transparency of the background of the panels with the list of players has been reduced to make the information easier to read on a light background (sky, water, etc.).
    V top panel added border markers to improve perception.

Improvements for the "Training Ground" mode


  • Disabled irrelevant options in the context menus of the vehicle upgrade windows, research tree, and vehicle carousel.
  • Balanced rewards (credits and experience) for victories and defeats during the passage training ground.
  • The accrual of rewards for completing the training ground is now displayed in the notification center.
  • Added a notification to players that they will not receive a reward when replaying the training ground.
  • The crew recruitment window has become more informative.


  • Fixed a bug where some interface elements in color blind mode were displayed incorrectly.
  • Fixed errors that occurred when saving and restoring settings (vehicle panel and scopes), when the player entered the training ground and exited this mode.
  • Fixed rendering of some game tips (unmasking when shooting, the need to return to the capture circle).
  • Fixed a rare error of incorrect display of the "Skip training" button.
  • The results of battles in the mode have been removed from the notification center.
  • Fixed display of the EULA license window when restarting the game client.
  • The description of vehicle characteristics in the loading screens of the training ground is now correct.
  • Fixed a bug due to which the music tracks of the battle, Hangar and the final video of the training ground overlapped each other.
  • Added descriptions of rewards to the victory screen.
  • Fixed bugs in the behavior of bots.
  • Fixed errors in displaying map borders.

New game models in HD quality


We switched to new version Wwise 2017.1.1, which will expand the scope for further audio enhancements.

Vehicle changes

  • Changed the name of the second tower from Centurion Action X * to Centurion 32-pdr.
  • Added OQF 32-pdr Gun Mk. II with an ammunition capacity of 50 units. into the Centurion 32-pdr tower. The projectile speed of the new top gun is 878/1098/878 m / s, the projectile speed of the old top gun is 1020/1275/1020 m / s. The basic performance characteristics of the weapon are as follows:
    • elevation angle 18 degrees;
    • declination angle -10 degrees;
    • spread of 0.34 m per 100 m;
    • reload time 6.5 s;
    • aiming time 2.3 s.
    • damage 280 HP;
    • penetration 220 mm.
    • damage 280 HP;
    • penetration 252 mm.
    • damage 370 HP;
    • penetration 47 mm.
  • Removed OQF 20-pdr Gun Type A Barrel with 60 ammo. from the Centurion Action X tower *.
  • Removed OQF 20-pdr Gun Type B Barrel with 60 ammo. from the Centurion Action X tower *.
  • Changed the load capacity of the FV221A suspension from 63,000 to 64,000 kg.
  • Dispersion during movement of the FV221 suspension increased by 12%.
  • Dispersion during movement of the FV221A suspension increased by 14%.
  • Dispersion on hull traverse of the FV221 suspension increased by 12%.
  • Dispersion on hull traverse of the FV221A suspension increased by 14%.
  • Dispersion for the OQF 17-pdr Gun Mk. VII on traverse of the Centurion 32-pdr turret increased by 25%.
  • Turret traverse speed Centurion Mk. II gun from 30 to 26 deg / s
  • Traverse speed of the Centurion 32-pdr turret changed from 36 to 30 deg / s
  • Elevation angle of the OQF 17-pdr Gun Mk. VII in the Centurion Mk. II gun from 15 degrees to 18 degrees
  • Depression angle of the OQF 17-pdr Gun Mk. VII in the Centurion Mk. II gun from -8 to -10 degrees
  • Changed the name of the first turret from Centurion Action X ** to Conqueror Mk. II.
  • Changed the name of the second tower from the Conqueror Mk. II on the Conqueror Mk. II ABP.
  • Added OQF 32-pdr Gun Mk. II with an ammunition capacity of 50 units. into the tower of the Conqueror Mk. II. The basic performance characteristics of the weapon are as follows:
    • elevation angle 15 degrees;
    • declination angle -7 degrees;
    • spread of 0.33 m per 100 m;
    • reload time 5.9 s;
    • aiming time 2.1 s.
  • Added OQF 32-pdr Gun Mk. II with an ammunition capacity of 50 units. into the tower of the Conqueror Mk. II ABP. The basic performance characteristics of the weapon are as follows:
    • elevation angle 15 degrees;
    • declination angle -7 degrees;
    • spread of 0.33 m per 100 m;
    • reload time 5.9 s;
    • aiming time 2.1 s.
  • Added the APCBC Mk. 3 for the OQF 32-pdr Gun Mk. II. The performance characteristics of the projectile are as follows:
    • damage 280 HP;
    • penetration 220 mm;
    • speed 878 m / s.
  • Added the APDS Mk. 3 for the OQF 32-pdr Gun Mk. II. The performance characteristics of the projectile are as follows:
    • damage 280 HP;
    • penetration 252 mm;
    • speed 1098 m / s.
  • Added the HE Mk. 3 for the OQF 32-pdr Gun Mk. II. The performance characteristics of the projectile are as follows:
    • damage 370 HP;
    • penetration 47 mm;
    • speed 878 m / s.
  • Removed OQF 20-pdr Gun Type A Barrel with 65 ammo. from the Centurion Action X tower *.
  • Removed OQF 20-pdr Gun Type B Barrel with 65 ammo. from the Centurion Action X tower *.
  • Removed OQF 20-pdr Gun Type A Barrel with 65 ammo. from the tower of the Conqueror Mk. II.
  • Removed OQF 20-pdr Gun Type B Barrel with 65 ammo. from the tower of the Conqueror Mk. II.
  • Removed the AP Mk. 1 for OQF 20-pdr Gun Type A Barrel.
  • Removed the APC Mk. 2 for the OQF 20-pdr Gun Type A Barrel.
  • Removed the HE Mk. 3 for the OQF 20-pdr Gun Type A Barrel.
  • Removed the AP Mk. 1 for OQF 20-pdr Gun Type B Barrel.
  • Removed the APC Mk. 2 for the OQF 20-pdr Gun Type B Barrel.
  • Removed the HE Mk. 3 for the OQF 20-pdr Gun Type B Barrel.
  • Suspension capacity of the Conqueror Mk. I changed from 65,004 to 65,504 kg
  • Reload time of 120 mm Gun L1A1 for the Conqueror Mk. II ABP turret from 10.5 s to 11.3 s
  • The traverse speed of the Conqueror Mk. II gun from 36 to 30 deg / s
  • The traverse speed of the Conqueror Mk. II ABP changed from 34 to 32 deg / s
  • Increased armor of the turret and hull.
  • Increased tower armor.
  • Increased tower armor.
  • Added OQF 32-pdr AT Gun Mk. II with an ammunition capacity of 30 units. into the Avenger tower. The basic performance characteristics of the weapon are as follows:
    • elevation angle 20 degrees;
    • declination angle -10 degrees;
    • horizontal guidance angles -60 and 60 degrees;
    • spread of 0.35 m per 100 m;
    • reload time 7.8 s;
    • aiming time 2 s.
  • Added the APCBC Mk. 3 for the OQF 32-pdr AT Gun Mk. II. The performance characteristics of the projectile are as follows:
    • damage 280 HP;
    • penetration 220 mm;
    • speed 878 m / s.
  • Added the APDS Mk. 3 for the OQF 32-pdr AT Gun Mk. II. The performance characteristics of the projectile are as follows:
    • damage 280 HP;
    • penetration 252 mm;
    • speed 1098 m / s.
  • Added the HE Mk. 3 for the OQF 32-pdr AT Gun Mk. II. The performance characteristics of the projectile are as follows:
    • damage 370 HP;
    • penetration 47 mm;
    • speed 878 m / s.
  • Changed the traverse speed of the Challenger turret from 14 to 16 deg / s.
  • Traverse speed of the Avenger turret changed from 16 to 18 deg / s.
  • Increased tower armor.
  • Rolls-Royce Meteorite 202B engine power changed from 510 to 650 hp with.
  • Changed the depression angle of the OQF 20-pdr AT Gun Type A Barrel from -5 degrees to -9 degrees
  • Changed the depression angle of the OQF 20-pdr AT Gun Type B Barrel from -5 degrees to -9 degrees
  • Depression angle of 105 mm AT Gun L7 changed from -5 to -10 degrees
  • Added B.L. 5.5-in. AT Gun with an ammunition capacity of 30 units. into the FV4004 Conway tower. The basic performance characteristics of the weapon are as follows:
    • elevation angle 10 degrees;
    • declination angle -10 degrees;
    • horizontal guidance angles -90 and 90 degrees;
    • spread of 0.38 m per 100 m;
    • reload time 14.4 s;
    • aiming time 2.4 s.
  • Added the AP Mk. 1 for B.L. 5.5-in. AT Gun. The performance characteristics of the projectile are as follows:
    • damage 600 HP;
    • penetration 260 mm;
    • speed 850 m / s.
  • Added the HE Mk. 1T for B.L. 5.5-in. AT Gun. The performance characteristics of the projectile are as follows:
    • damage 770 HP;
    • penetration 70 mm;
    • speed 850 m / s.
  • Added the HESH Mk. 1 for B.L. 5.5-in. AT Gun. The performance characteristics of the projectile are as follows:
    • damage 770 HP;
    • penetration 200 mm;
    • speed 850 m / s.
  • Traverse speed of the FV4004 Conway turret changed from 16 to 18 deg / s.
  • Depression angle of 120 mm AT Gun L1A1 for FV4004 Conway turret changed from -5 degrees to -10 degrees
  • Added Rolls-Royce Griffon engine. Basic performance characteristics of the engine are as follows:
    • power 950 hp with.;
    • fire chance 20%.
  • Removed Rolls-Royce Meteor Mk. IVB.
  • Dispersion on turret traverse of the FV4005 Stage II gun 183 mm L4 decreased by 12%.
  • Traverse speed of the FV4005 Stage II turret changed from 12 to 16 deg / s.
  • Depression angle of the 183 mm L4 gun for the FV4005 Stage II turret changed from -5 degrees to -10 degrees
  • The traverse angles of the 183 mm L4 gun in the FV4005 Stage II turret changed from 45 to 90 degrees in both directions.
  • Changed the ammo rack capacity of the 183 mm L4 gun for the FV4005 Stage II turret from 12 to 20 shells
  • Maximum forward speed changed from 35 to 50 km / h
  • Maximum reverse speed changed from 12 to 15 km / h
  • Increased tower armor.

Added a car for testing by supertesters:

  • Kanonenjagdpanzer 105.
  • Decreased dispersion during movement of the Rheinmetall Panzerwagen suspension by 22%.
  • Decreased dispersion on hull traverse of the Rheinmetall Panzerwagen suspension by 22%.
  • Dispersion on turret traverse for 105 mm Kanone decreased by 17%.
  • Reload time for 105 mm Kanone changed from 10 s to 9 s
  • Aiming time of the 105 mm Kanone gun changed from 1.9 s to 1.6 s
  • Projectile Damage Exp. APDS gun 105 mm Kanone gun from 360 to 320
  • Projectile Damage Exp. HE gun for the 105 mm Kanone gun from 440 to 420
  • Projectile Damage Exp. HEAT for the 105 mm Kanone gun from 360 to 320
  • The ammo rack capacity was increased from 30 to 35 shells.

Instructions for downloading the test version of WoT

Download the World of Tanks test - this is exactly the problem faced by many players who do not really want to delve into the details, but want to try everything as soon as possible. To download a test World of Tanks, just go to the official website in the appropriate section, and after performing some simple operations, get a test client of the game on your computer. But sometimes it happens that when trying to download the test client there was an error, or the server stopped responding. What to do in such a situation? Fortunately, there is a solution to the problem, and it has several ways, in this article we will try to disassemble all possible ways that will help you enjoy the test client.

To download the World of Tanks test from other resources, you must remember a simple rule that says that all files that you want to download and install on your computer must be posted on reliable sources, which in turn are confirmed by the developers themselves. Such sources include large fan resources for the game, as well as groups and sites of top clans that have been in the project for a very long time and have a positive reputation.

Various torrents, left-hand sites and other other sources can be dangerous both for your computer and for your account. In most cases, everything laid out there software and the game client may contain malware that can damage the system or transfer your account information to third parties. Therefore, you can download from such resources only at your own peril and risk.

Testing on third-party resources

So what is the advantage of third-party resources that legally and honestly distribute the test client of the game? To be honest, there is a lot of positive in them. When downloading, they never interrupt connections, they rarely fail, they immediately upload full version test client without the need to update it and, accordingly, they have a much higher data transfer rate than on the official website. You can find out a detailed list of fan resources that you can trust on the official website in the Fan Zone section.

Thus, you got acquainted with the ability to download a test game even if the connection with the main server is broken. It is also worth noting that sometimes the required file is uploaded on the fan resources of the game much earlier than the developers officially upload it. So now the priorities of the sources are visible to the naked eye, now you can determine exactly where you will receive the necessary content from.

According to rumors, today, July 10, a test server of version 0.9.2 of the game will be open. So far, there has been no announcement on the official website, but now you can download the test client from the official website. Here is the link: Download Update 0.9.2 Test

What to expect from the patch and what you should pay attention to when playing on the test:

Changing the parameters of French tanks:

AMX 50 B:
- The aiming time of the 120 mm SA46 gun for the AMX 50 B turret has been changed from 3 sec. up to 2.5 sec.

Changing the parameters of German tanks:

Aufklärungspanzer Panther:
- Reload time of the 7,5 / 5,5 cm Waffe 0725 gun for the VK 28.01 Ausf turret. C changed from 4 sec. up to 3.4 sec.

- Aiming time of the 9 cm Bordkanone gun for the Indien-Panzer turret changed from 2.9 sec. up to 2.7 sec.
- The reload time of the 9 cm Bordkanone gun for the Indien-Panzer turret has been changed from 7.5 sec. up to 7.2 sec.

Leopard 1:
- The reload time of the 10.5 cm Bordkanone L7A3 gun for the Leopard 1 turret has been changed from 9 sec. up to 8.7 sec.

Leopard Prototyp A:
- The reload time of the 10,5 cm L7A1 gun for the Leopard Prototyp A2 turret has been changed from 14 sec. up to 13 sec.
- Aiming time of the 9 cm Bordkanone gun for the Leopard Prototyp A2 turret changed from 2.9 sec. up to 2.5 sec.
- The reload time of the 10,5 cm L7A1 gun for the Porsche Standardpanzer turret has been changed from 12 sec. up to 11.1 sec.

Rhm.-Borsig Waffenträger:
- The reload time of the 12,8 cm Kanone 44 L / 55 gun for the Rhm.-Borsig Waffenträger turret has been changed from 10.9 sec. up to 11.5 sec.

StuG III Ausf. G:
- Loading capacity of the StuG III Ausf suspension. F changed from 19800 kg up to 22940 kg.
- Loading capacity of the StuG III Ausf suspension. G changed from 22400 kg up to 25690 kg.
- Hull weight changed from 12000 kg to 15140 kg (clarification needed)

Waffenträger auf E 100:
-The dispersion of the gun from the movement of the suspension Waffenträger auf E 100 increased by 25%
- Dispersion on hull traverse of the Waffenträger auf E 100 suspension increased by 25%
- The reload time of the 12,8 cm Kanone L / 61 gun for the Waffenträger auf E 100 turret has been changed from 60 sec. up to 52 sec. (here apparently they forgot to indicate that 1 more shell was removed from the drum, approx.joke_jo)

Waffenträger auf Pz. IV:
- Reload time of the 12,8 cm Kanone L / 61 gun for the Waffenträger auf Pz. IV für 12.8 cm changed from 10.9 sec. up to 11.6 sec.
- Reload time of the 12,8 cm Kanone 44 L / 55 gun for the Waffenträger auf Pz. IV für 12.8 cm changed from 10 sec. up to 10.6 sec.
- Reload time of the 15 cm Pak L / 29.5 gun for the Waffenträger auf Pz. IV für 15 cm changed from 16 sec. up to 17 sec.
- Reload time of the 15 cm Pak L / 38 gun for the Waffenträger auf Pz. IV für 15 cm changed from 16 sec. up to 17 sec.

Changing the parameters of Japanese tanks:

Type 97 Te-Ke:
- Repair cost reduced by 5%

Changing the parameters of British tanks:

FV215b (183):
- Armor penetration of the HESH Mk. 1 gun 183 mm L4 changed from 275 mm to 230 mm

- The reload time of the 105 mm Royal Ordnance L7A1 gun for the FV4202 turret has been changed from 9.3 sec. up to 8.6 sec.

Changing the parameters of American tanks:

M46 Patton:
- The dispersion of the gun on the move suspension M46T80E1 reduced by 7%
- Dispersion on hull traverse of the M46T80E1 suspension decreased by 7%
- The dispersion of the gun on the move suspension M46T81 reduced by 8%
- Dispersion on hull traverse of the M46T81 suspension decreased by 8%
- The dispersion of the gun 105 mm Gun T5E1M2 when turning the turret decreased by 14%

- The dispersion of the gun 105 mm Gun T5E1M2 when turning the turret is reduced by 17%
- The dispersion of the gun 105 mm Gun T5E1M2 changed from 0.42 m to 0.4 m

Changing the parameters of Soviet tanks:

Object 263:
- The reload time of the 130 mm C-70A gun for the Object 263 turret has been changed from 11 sec. up to 10.7 sec.

- The reload time of the 100 mm LB-1S gun for the SU-100M1 turret has been changed from 6.9 sec. up to 5.9 sec.

- The reload time of the 100 mm D-54S gun for the Turret_1_SU-101 turret has been changed from 7.1 sec. up to 6.7 sec.

- The reload time of the 100 mm D-54S gun for the SU-122/54 turret has been changed from 6.8 sec. up to 6.5 sec.
- The dispersion of the gun 100 mm D-54S changed from 0.36 m to 0.35 m
- The reload time of the 122 mm М62-С2 gun for the SU-122/54 turret has been changed from 10 sec. up to 9.2 sec.
* The dispersion of the 122 mm M62-C2 gun changed from 0.36 m to 0.35 m

- The reload time of the 100 mm LB-1 gun for the T-44-100 turret has been changed from 8.6 sec. up to 8.1 sec.

Other changes:

Introduced a new regime for clans "Strongholds".
Improvements and corrections have been made to the following maps: Sacred Valley, Cliff, Sandy River, Hidden Village, Erlenberg, El Halluf, Aerodrome, Komarin.
Added reworked map "Prokhorovka"
Reworked the effect of a blizzard on the map "Kharkov".
Removed the ability to launch a tank into the sky when interacting with some buildings on the Pearl River map.
Removed the flickering of the windows of the monastery on the map of the Monastery and the windows of the building of the Gosprom on the map of Kharkiv.
Reworked collision models of window openings of some buildings on the Kharkiv map. Now they are shooting.
The collision model of the bridge arches on the Windstorm map has been refined.
The green / red line in the art sight has been improved. Now, if the tank has blocked the planned trajectory of the projectile, the line will turn red.
Fixed freezing of auto-sight position in replays.
Fixed twitching of tanks if they are deployed on inclined surfaces.
Added 6 new medals to the "Team Battles" mode
Changed the display of HD tank models. Now only the player's tank is shown in HD quality.
Balanced fixes for many tanks