Balls with water clas. Games with balls filled with water - the best games for hot weather. Yes, having fun

Created for cheerful games Outdoors. Comes warm weather favorable for long games On the street: in the yard, parks, in the country. Why sit in four walls? Have fun with my family or friends! No matter how old you are! Callons (balls) filled with water, you can rush fun and safely, arranging real water battles. Such a game will appeal not only to children, but also adolescents, and even adults. After all, it is so fun: fight friends without injury and bruises and try to get out of the battle of dry.

This game has already become very popular all over the world. Over the past 15 years in the US, they have become the best-selling toy. Bunch O Balloons was awarded prizes, and last year more than 30 million sets were sold in the world! It should not be noted that the cylinders are made of natural rubber and do not harm ecology. With hashtegom #buchoballoons Thousands of users publish their photos and videos. Video reviews of sets and video with how companies arrange a water battle, using Bunch O balloons, dozens of millions of views. Join satisfied buyers around the world!

What is the feature of these water cylinders, and what are they better than ordinary balloons?

Each Bunch O Balloons ball is attached to a special tube and is in a bundle: other ends of the tubes are fastened together into a special tip with a plurality of small holes. Through them, the water will drain along the tubes and get directly into cylinders.

To fill it, it is enough to bring a bunch of cylinders on the tubes to the water source: a hose or crane (in the kit there is even a special adapter). As a result, the balls are filled instantly: as many as 100 per minute! And now imagine how much time would you filled with hundreds of balls, if we used conventional balls? Yes, the whole eternity! During this time, you would lose all the mockery, tired and no longer like to play. After the cylinders were filled with water, it is enough to shake the ligament, and they themselves will disappear. And thanks to a special tightening ring on each ball, they do not even need to be pre-tied, and they are immediately ready for throwing. How much additional time it saved you! Water balls are recommended to be filled until they become a diameter of 10-13 cm, and use no later than within 3 hours after filling. The most desired time: within an hour after filling.

The assortment shows a lot of colors of balls, which means the water battle will also be bright.

A certain number of balls is included in each bundch o balloons set. There is a small one with one bundle of balls: only 30 balls. And also with 3 bundles of balls: only 100 balls. In other sets, in addition to cylinders for throwing, you will find additional accessories.

You can run cylinders, just throwing them with your hand, or using a special starting device you find in.

The launcher is lightweight, has a comfortable handle and a streamlined shape, as a result, starts the balls at 15 meters forward! Beware, opponents!

In, in addition to 140 bowls and 2 adapters for the hose, 2 launchers are represented immediately: blue and green and blue gray color:

And 2 special strong branded Bunch O Balloons bags with wide comfortable handles of blue and green, in which you can fold the ball filled balls, not looking for additional containers:

Make the game even more fun will help with 100 balls. It is made in corporate colors - blue and green - with the addition of elements of orange.

The device can be used as a pump, conveniently and quickly filling the bundle of balls with water:

And what is a water battle without water weapons? Use the device as a water gun, participating in the battle, even if the balls are already run out! A water jet of such weapons beats a distance of 9 meters.

Mighty lovers will definitely like it, which includes 100 funny yellow balls. Minions are the characters of all the famous cartoons "Nasty I", "Nasty I-2", "Mighty" and "Ugly I-3", which soon goes on the screens. Minions are friendly yellow leisurers who are always sailing, they speak on their funny, understandable only to them, languages, are intensifying in trouble and very love bananas. Throw balls on which minions are drawn, very fun! Knowing these characters, we are confident that they would be happy to participate in this.

A total of 4 varieties of balls, with different characters:

The principle of filling balls with water remains unchanged: just move the bond of cylinders on the tubes to the water source, wait until the balls become 10-13 cm in diameter, and shake the bundle slightly.

Water cylinders themselves will disappear. And thanks to the special tightening ring on each ball, they will touch themselves and are already ready for throwing.

Prepare everything for a party: food, drinks, bathing suits! Purchase more different bundch o balloons sets. And, most importantly, call friends.

Yes, the fun will begin!

Capital or water bombs are all the names of the balls filled with water.

In this article we will describe several games with such balls. These games are an excellent way to cool hot summer!

1. The game must be divided into 2 commands. Each team is issued plastic bucket and water bombs. Teams become at some distance from each other. Each team is threaded by throwing bombing to another team, which should substitute the bucket so that the ball fell there. If you can't catch the ball, it is thrown back, towards the first team. Their task is the same - to catch the ball. The team wins the team that you managed to catch more water bombs and do not burst them.

2. For the game you will need several caps. All participants get into the circle and take one cap. Capital needs chaotic to throw each other. If the participant failed to catch the cap or when he caught her, the ball burst, he comes out of the game. Wins the one who remained the last.

3. All participants must be divided into teams of 2 people. On each team is one towel and an oin ball filled with water. Teams must take a towel for the edges, and put the air ball in the center, so they need to reach a certain goal and return back. Wins the one who managed to do this faster than others. If the ball drops, the team needs to return and start passing the track at first. In order to make the competition more interesting, you can install various obstacles on the way, for example, somewhere you need to go under a stretched rope, somewhere to run into the classics, and somewhere to run a few meters back.

4. To prepare for this game, you need to scatter balls on a certain territory, some of them can be put in a prominent place, and some hide. On one line build buckets of different colors. Each color of the bucket corresponds to the same color of the ball. The participants of the game should find and put the balls of the same colors in the bucket, you can only bring one ball. The presenter should stand next to the place where buckets are installed and record, who has brought any balls. In order to make the game more interesting, you can assign a different number of points received by the participant to each color balls if he found a ball of this color.

5. 2 commands are formed, all participants of each command must stand in one line. The first participants take the cap and put it under the chin. The task is to start passing the cap to the next participant. If the ball falls, the team starts first. When the ball turns out to be at the last participant in the line, he takes his hand from under the chin of the ball and raises it up. That team that it was done first - won.

6. For the game you need to be divided into teams of 2 people. Further, the participants get into two lines opposite each other: each participant in the second line rises opposite the members of his team. Each team is given one ball with water. A participant in the first pair throws the ball to the second participant who should catch it. If he cannot catch the ball or he burst, the couple drops out of the competition. If the ball managed to catch, the couple takes a step back. Now the distance between them is greater and the next time, when they compete them to throw a ball to his partner, it will be more complicated. It should be followed that the distance to which participants take a step is the same, since the step of everyone can be different.

7. Remember the game with chairs and playing music? We offer to play B. similar game, Only instead of chairs there will be water balls. All participants get up in a circle. It is necessary to prepare several balls, one less than the number of people participating in the game. The presenter includes music, participants begin to go around the balls. The presenter should suddenly turn off the music. As soon as the music stops, participants need to take on the ball. To whom he will not get - leaves. The lead removes one ball. And so on. Wins the one who will remain the last

8. Volleyball with balls filled with water - another summer game from balloons. You need one cap, volleyball mesh and 2 towels. 4 people take part in the game: 2 on each side of the grid. The participants of each team should take the edges of the towel, put the cap on him and throw the ball with a towel water so that he flew to the other side of the grid. The task of the second team to catch the ball and throw it on the side of the second team. Each ball, which another team was not able to catch - 1 point in favor of quenching the cap. Wins a team that scored more points. It is possible to increase the number of participants by adding 1 or 2 pairs of participants on each side of the grid.

Summer is the time of epic water battles, in which adults and children are happy to take part. Water bombs are, which allows you to actively spend rest and refreshing in the summer heat.

There is one minus game, which often becomes the end of the game. This is a long preparation. For the manufacture of water bombs, several hours of your precious time can leave. And who wants to wait so much when all friends assembled, standing on the street is the exhausting heat, the soul wants fun, and the body of the coolness.

There is a way out - this is a kit for creating water bugs Bunch O Balloons, which will make the whole 100 bombs in one minute. It is so much that you need to prepare another portion of shells for a funny company. Want to arrange funny competitions with friends or in a family circle? We advise you to buy water bombs.

The set for creating water bombs is a toy that will conquer the hearts of children and adults. After all, it may be better in summer heat than fun and coolness.

The kit is nozzles on the hose, each of which is about 30 balls. The balls are attached to the nozzle with the help of a tube through which water enters the ball.