Bonanza. Bob Bob sees from afar. Bonanza - "Bonanza - a cheerful game, which teaches the goodness of Bonanza Rules for 2 people

Remember, at one time in VKontakte, games like a farm, where it was necessary to grow all sorts of vegetables, water, fertilize them, collect harvest and get coins for it. The peak of the popularity of such games has long passed, but the farm I remember that you could have been afroat, for example, the nickname from the neighbor. So, Bonanza is something similar, just teaches not to steal, but to give well or mutually benefit.

The essence of the game

In Bonanse, each player becomes a bean farmer and grows card beans. purpose- dial the maximum number of coins, selling the harvest assembled. But the focus is that every player has only 2 beds, and there are many species of beans, they grow at different speeds and not all combine with each other.

Beans on these beds are planted from the deck - every move player opens 2 cards and is obliged to attach them somewhere. Also, the player can annoy cards that he has in his hand. But the complexity is. That the order of cards in hand it can not change. And free fields for landing just two! That is why in the player and becomes a very important negotiation process - cards between players can be changed or giving. You can simply give the beans - on generosity, but it is possible and on the expense of future assistance and support. That is, players like rivals, and partners are everything as in real life. You can even enclose futures: i will give you 5 blue beans now, and you later (when you have and if you get) - 2 coffee beans.

In the game it is important to combine portfolio (which beans grow) and negotiation (exchange beans) strategies.


  • Non-case rules.Easy rules are important for any brake. There are such (for example, Machcin) Games in which the rules need to be studied in a row in a row and it is also advisable to watch the learning video. It is really possible to figure it out for half an hour. Moreover, the game consists only of beans cards (different types) coins cards. And that's all!
  • Strategic planning. The game teaches the use of available resources with maximum efficiency. It is better to quickly close positions, so it should be properly choosing that grow - popular varieties or more valuable but rare. By the way, have never thought that a lot of things have accumulated in our homes that are best used if someone to give them? Here Bonanza hints a little on this - a job than getting something necessary, you need to get rid of the heap of unnecessary.
  • Negotiation skills.Communication between players is the most valuable in this game. The player who intensively participates in commodity is more often wins - gives and changing the cards. At the same time, you can simply give cards to rivals "on the kindness of spiritual" - most likely, this kindness will not be forgotten.
  • You can play with children - Bonanza is already understandable to children from 7 years. In mixed companies - children and adults - will also be very fun, and the game of their excitement will not lose.
  • Compact -since it consists only of cards, then Bonanza can be safely taken in him on the road.

I recommend to play Bonanza both at family ever and in a colleague in a circle, she is fun, intelligence, communication and mutual execution are relevant in it. A slightly reduced the assessment, because every day the same composition play it, probably weakened, since the models of the behavior of rivals are already known.

And for creative cereals with a rich fantasy I advise the board game

Each player puts the beans on its fields, and then trying to sell them with the greatest advantage. The more beans of one variety the player sells, the more gold coins he gets. The goal of the game is to earn as much as possible gold coins, soot, collecting and selling beans. But the complexity is that the beans come not only the desired variety in the hand, and the best way to get rid of unnecessary beans - to change with someone, as a last resort, to give these beans ... It remains only to persuade other players for such a deal!

Components of the game

Cards beans. The game has 11 different varieties of beans. On each map, in addition to the name and images of the beans itself, the total number of all the beans available in the game is indicated. At the bottom of each card, the "Bobometer" is depicted - it allows you to determine how much gold coins player gets, selling the beans of this variety. Numbers under coins show the required number of maps of this type, which must be sold to earn one, two, three or four coins, respectively. Bobbar fields. The area on the table before each player is his bean farm. At the beginning of the game, each on the farm has two fields. On each field, the player can plant beans (cards) of only one variety, but the number of cards is not limited - you can plant so many beans of this variety on the field, as you can get. Players lay out the cards one on top of another.

Preparation for the game

Set the 3rd bean field cards in the box. The most adult player thoroughly mixes the beans cards and distributes five cards "in the dark" to each player is their initial set of cards. Players take a map in hand, definitely keeping the order in which they were distributed. Position the remaining maps face down (gold coin up) in the middle of the table - this is a deck, where the players will learn new cards. Nearby Leave a place for discarded cards ("Reset"). The player to the left of the distribution starts the game.

Game process

The player becomes active and does the following:
  • Sits 1 or 2 beans cards.
  • Opens 2 cards from the deck, and exchanges and gives the beans cards.
  • Sits repelling and obtained as a gift of beans.
  • Takes 3 new beans cards from the deck in hand
  • Squeeze 1 or beans cards

    The active player is obliged to plant the first card in his hand on one of his fields. If the player's fields already planted beans and cards corresponds to one of the varieties of these beans, the player can add this card to them. If there are no such varieties on the fields, he is obliged to put it on one of his free fields. If there are no fields with a suitable variety of beans, no free fields, the player is obliged to assemble and sell all the beans on one of its fields and then plant the map on the released field. The active player can land the next card (which now became the first card in his hand now ) We are the same way as the first. A player cannot plant a third card in this phase of his turn. If an active player has no cards on his hands, he simply misses the move.

    Open two cards from the deck, change and give the beans

    The active player takes two cards from the deck and puts them face up on the table so that all the players can see them. It can save these cards to put them in the next phase, can use them for exchanging with other players or as a gift.

    \\ Ray the game can be called an economic simulator of growing beans, global leggings or even complicated psychological game about beans. The essence is one - "Bonanza" is a very fun game, where you need to plant beans, sell and extend them from other players.

    So what do you need to do with all these beans?

  • You have two legumes.
  • The game has 11 different varieties of beans.
  • On one field, you can grow only one grade beans, so you need to try to put them there as much as possible. If you earn, you will soon be able to buy a third field. \\ R
  • Why plant a lot of beans of one variety?

    On each map of beans there is a special scale - a bobometer - which shows how many coins you get, if you sell a harvest. For example, for one card you can get 1 coin, for three - already four, and for 8 beans - a whole condition. Experienced gardeners and Ogrogornians pick up the best moment for harvesting and sell their beans at the most favorable price.

    Sat, plant and plant once again!

    This is a gardener's motto. The fact is that every move you will have to plant something. Well, if the beans of the selected variety are already growing on your rational - after all, otherwise you will have to push the field with already germinating other grade beans and sell the entire harvest to plant a new sprout.

    But! You have the opportunity to change or give "disagreeable" varieties!

    Every move you can give unnecessary beans or try to communicate them into the necessary. In this case, approximately the same hot bidding begins as in the game "Scent bargaining", only speech is no longer about the bluff, but about the direct calculation of the benefits of each player (taking into account that you do not know what kind of cards). It is possible that having got rid of an unnecessary variety, you will help you all over a couple of coins, and someone will give a whole condition.

    How to win in Bonanze?

    It is just necessary to become the richest gardener to prove that you are best growing beans.

    What can be planted straight out of the box?

  • 154 Maps of different beans - 24 coffee, 22 wax, 20 blue, 18 chili, 16 smelhes, 14 green, 12 soy, 10 black-eyed (yes yes!), 8 red, 6 garden and 4 cocoa bob. Believe me, understanding with everyone, you will be an expert in this area! By the way, all the beans are very funny drawn, which makes the "Bonanza" very beloved children.
  • 7 playing field cards.
  • Very good rules in Russian with illustrations and examples of game situations. \\ R

  • Help from Bobopeedy: In nature, there are many types of beans, they all have extraordinary habits and are not distinguished by a quiet character. The beans get along only in the company of their fellow tribesmen and are ready to devote all their lives to agriculture, selflessly waving the hoe of the groceries of the Bobov Republic. Today on a pink sofa - Bonanza's exchange-sided board game.

    Here he is, Bob - delets, Land Well done! Self-unified burglary in the ground, green from Natuga, the bobofermer creates a cell of the legume society. After all, everybob knows: Bob Bob is not only a friend, comrade and brother, and also delicious healthy food, as the beans eat only a legpuckard and drink only a bean tincture in the evenings. In a word, in a bean world, where we will go today, you will not meet anyone except beans.

    Under the lid of the cardboard box from the company "Lifestyle" there are 154 Bob, 7 legumes and rules of the game in Russian.

    Bean population - 11 types of cards tell us about the diversity of enthusiasm of legumes of the Republicans: one boxes, others are digging in the ground, the third ... never wash, promote the mud style of life and universal love.
    In the bean, the resolution of the legume agricultural committee, each Bob has two modest fields under the sowing. By paying a certain amount of money in the treasury, you can buy a third, additional plot of land. But not more.

    The figure in the picture indicates the number of similar types of beans in the deck, and the bottom of the sale of a certain combination of this type of beans is given below. For example: Coffee Bob is found 24 times, and in the case of the sale of seven cards of this type, you will receive two coins. The green "workers of the village" only 6, and three of these deals are three coins. On the revolving side of the cards drawn finances - they serve for cash operations and are victorious glasses in the game.

    I will sleep bean fields ...

    Set aside the legumes, and all the cards of the beans are mixed and put a stack into the center of the table.

    Each player receives 5 beans cards and has them in his hand in that kind of stacks, in which they were removed from the total stack. Money shape is prohibited!

    A player eating exclusively beans begins the game.

    All actions are performed by a player in strict odds, no one cannot miss.

    First post one (required) or two (optional) beans cards. You can use only the upper (free) card with your hands. It is necessary to post in two columns, while the beans cards in each column must be the same. If you have nowhere to place a map, then you need to either sell (I'll tell you how to do it a little later), or reset one of the stacks and be sure to lay out at least one card with your hands on the table.

    Then remove the two cards with a shared stack and put them open into the center of the table. These cards can be taken immediately if they are both needed. In our case, the Red Bob fit perfectly, put it aside. But blue is clearly superfluous. In this case, you can give this card to any other player, or change the useful one for yourself.

    "But who is to whom the blue bob, brave, brave, well done is crushing?!"

    "Boba - smelly for such a brave cowboy?! Well, oh well, we will also fit the stinks ..."

    The exchange is made exclusively by mutual agreement of both parties, and the opposite side can offer any card with a hand without observing the oddity. If no one is interested in exchanging, you can simply give an unnecessary card by offering players to take it " completely free, that is, for nothing". But it's a newly voluntary thing - everyone can refuse, so your marketing abilities can be very useful.

    Next, the active player can exchange or give any cards with the hand, following the rules listed above. The most important thing is: all the cards exchanged and donated in this phase do not go to the players in the hand, but they are laid out open, separately from the rest!

    "You also do not need this fading bob? In this case, it's ready to take it with your great joy!".

    Active (and only an active) player can receive any beans cards as a gift from other players. But remember - all received maps are placed separately from the rest, since they all need to fall on your fields in the next phase of your course.

    After exchanges and donations, postponed cards must be placed on the field. Add the same beans to previously placed by forming columns. It is necessary to land all the cards pending in the current round - you can not pick them up in your hand or just reset!

    If the necessary combination is gathered on the field, the player can sell the collected sets by receiving money. At the same time, the required number of cards turns over "coin" up and is credited to the asset by the player. The rest of the beans are not taken into account and go into reset. In our example, each of the stack brings one coin.

    In addition to the fact that "coins" serve winning glasses, you can buy an extra field once for the game. From now on, his owner can land not two, but three columns of beans.

    In conclusion of his turn, an active player shoots three cards with a common stack and has them at the end of a number of cards of his hand without changing odds. After that, the next player becomes "active", and a new bean round begins.

    The discarded cards are mixed and form a new stack. As soon as the cards end in the overall deck three times, the end of the game comes: all players are last sold (if possible) their beans from fields, and then count their capital. A player who has accumulated more than all gold coins becomes the winner and goes into the kitchen to prepare bean soup.

    Collecting the bag of beans.

    The game on the miscalculation of combinations and communication between opponents: you need to calculate the cards that will be the first in the chain to the beginning of your next progress, competently exchange or give unnecessary beans, not forgetting that they must be immediately postponed. On this, by the way, opponents can play, deliberately refusing favorable cards so that the active player does not complete the profitable combination.

    Consider cards - the number of identical beans is indicated in the picture. If most of the deck came out of the deck, then this is a dead cargo that will only hurt you, without allowing you to collect money from the field. Try to exchange and give - if you have in your hand "on the approach" unnecessary cards to you, that is, a chance to get rid of them, having sacing the opponent. Remember that with your gifts you can bring the opponent to victory, so carefully follow its fields.

    Investigate in the third field without thinking - you will always have a reserve, which is not a pity to lose, growing a rich harvest on two other fields. Chances to collect a long chain without additional space are very small, three victorious points, too, "on the road are not lying", but the field is simply necessary for more profitable business.

    The gameplay proceeds very fun, especially when an active player is trying to "mark" unnecessary cards, and all opponents refuse them, smiling and realizing that they spoil their opponent's all plans. True, after a minute, they themselves fall into a similar position, and then "they will not remember" ...

    A card game in which you can play with opponents of any level of preparation, with very affordable rules and informative cards - after the first party you will not need reference sheets and other literature. To Bonanze released several additions whose reviews I will do in the very near future.

    Bonanza is a cheerful and fast card game from the famous designer Utens Rozenberg.

    In a simple card game, players will be able to try out themselves as farmers planting legumes. Only instead of tractors and shovel in future agricultural magnates in the hands of the card, with which the participants try to fill two or three fields of the beans of the same type. The more beans you land, the better, but it will not be so simple, because there are several types of cultures on the market, each of which has its price. A characteristic feature of the game is that participants cannot change the positions of cards scored in hand. At the beginning of the course, each participant must land his first card on the field and cannot avoid it, although it can add more. Therefore, trading exchange and the ability to negotiate with other players becomes an important part of the game. Exchange beans, fight for rare and expensive varieties, and remember that only one species can grow on each field. Bonanza - a game for those who know when the time comes to collect a harvest!

    Expansion K. basic gamewhich will add special legumes in Bonans, new types of cultures and orders cards. Bean buildings provide special bonuses for different species Beans, and orders will help you earn more, correctly placing landing on your territory. Together with this cowboy addition, Bonanza will not only become more fun, but also much more stricter!

    Suitable to those who, the original Bonanza seems too peaceful. This time the beans go to the path of the war! Players still need to bargain, plant and sell their legumes, but now they will lead glorious legumes to the victory and seizure of the whole country! Military actions turn on special maps of the terrain, each of which gives its advantage: increases the volume of harvest, allows you to build a fortress or gives its owner a real gun. Ammunition serve beans from original GameAnd only you decide, put them in the ground or send to the enemy. Fight for your place under the sun! Bonanza: Bonaparte can only be used from the original Bonanza.

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