What is quests - types of quests and rules for their passage. Where to find the best quests "Choose from the room" and how to successfully pass advice on the passage of quests in reality

Today, games like "get out of the room" are at the peak of fashion. Now and then new quests are opening up, and this can not but rejoice. After all, the games of this format help us relax and distract from gray everyday life. But how to get a quest in reality in Moscow competently and so that only positive emotions remain from the game? Let's try to answer this is a relevant question within this material.

Passage of real quests: a little story

In the late 90s - the beginning of "zero", that is, at the dawn of the era of the formation of a quest as a genre of a question about the passage of quests in reality did not arise. The reason is that at that time they existed only in virtual format. Few people guess, but the quests went huge way from ordinary computer Game On the console to games with two-dimensional graphics and further to browser games.

And only after two decades after the appearance, they became an integral part of our real world.

To date, the popularity of quests is exormably large, and hundreds and thousands of participants seek to pass the real quest daily. At the same time, choose a family quest, with an actor or children in Moscow, you can effortlessly with a few clicks with the mouse.

The process of passing real quests traditionally gives pleasure to everyone without exception to team members. But in order for this pleasure to get and bring the game to a logical finale, without having hurting himself and others and without breaking the interior items (yes, and this also happens!), We recommend to follow several uncomplicated rules that we will talk about.

Rules of quest in reality

Traditionally, the duration of the quest in reality is 1 hour. However, in rare cases, the game can reach two hours. It depends on the plot and the complexity of the game, as well as the number of participants. But the restriction on the time of the living quest is always available, while the game passes in the closed space, and the main task of the participants is to pass a series of tests and bring the game to a logical completion. So, how to pass a real quest in Moscow? First of all, do not forget:

- everything you need to pass the game contains inside the quest room;

- breaking interior items and apply physical strength is prohibited;

- phones, lanterns and calculators can not carry with them;

- persons in the state of alcohol intoxication are not allowed to the game;

- Many quests, alas, have a 16+ age limit.

As for the last paragraph, the restriction is dictated by the characteristics of the plot or complexity of mysteries, and therefore be careful when choosing a game to visit the whole family or quest for children. Otherwise, the child will be scary or elementary boring.

Epic adventure in Moscow, which can be performed every week; Traveling through countries (or even time) without going beyond the city; Gambling for the mind - all these quests. If you are new, then we will explain how to get a live quest and why this is a matter of your attention.

- First, forget about the widespread misconceptions about quests.

"These are all children's games," "I will be scared, and in general, I'm a claustophobe, so I will not go", "This is only for very smart" ... everything is wrong! Quests are entertainment that is adjusted under all. Parents with children, grandparents and grandmothers with grandchildren (or without them!) Take part in these games. The main thing is to choose an interesting topic, and today there are many. So, if you have a good physical form, we offer you part in the action game.

- Secondly, the question "How to pass quests in reality?" He deserves only one answer: "Not embarrassed!".

Many of those who first turned out to be alone with this unknown beast, do not know what to grab. Grab about everything, explore the environment! The main thing is to remember: minimum of physical strength, only attention, attention and once again attention. Pockets, drawers, corners, bans with plants, garbage baskets, suspicious holes - everything should be inspected. The work will be found for each participant.

- Third, not "stuck" on one task or the subject found.

Remember that even if the Quest is linear, it can consist of several parallel "tasks". If you are in bewilderment, where to apply the thing found to somehow go through the quest in reality, then press it and focus on something else. By the way, know that some of the items located in the room may not be useful at all (even if there is a provocative).

Do not forget that this is a game, and therefore the passage of the quest in reality in Moscow should bring you pleasure. Think, worry, scare, follow the time, but most importantly - enjoy what is happening! And then the knowledge of how to pass the quest will come by itself. Remember that to your team about how to go through a live quest, previous participants of the game have repeatedly thought about, but they coped with this task, it means that it is forces!

Choosing a quest with an actor, keep in mind that the game of this genre has its own characteristics. One of them is that the organizers tend to bet on emotions. But they should not succumb to 100%, we pass the quest in reality without panic.

Pay attention to closed boxes, doors and code locks. You have to stay alternately during the quest.

Do not waste time and do not think over each individual riddle for more than 5 minutes. However, if you suddenly found yourself in a similar situation, then you should try again, search inside the premises of tips or items that could help you. At worst, you can ask for help to the operator, and he, so be, will throw you a hook. But do not abuse it!

So, we answered the question: how to play a quest in reality, and choose the game suitable for all parameters, online you can on our website in Moscow! By the way, this will help you with reviews prepared by members of our expert team.

Have you ever been in the quest rooms and you have questions? We will try to answer the most frequent of them.

1. What is a quest in reality?

2. What quest to choose for the first time?

We picked up a small list of quests that are suitable for beginners. If the choice caused difficulties or you prefer to communicate with our consultant, then simply call us by phone + 7-900-300-5744 - we will gladly pick up the quest for you.

Be prepared to answer basic questions - about the number of players, gender, age and preferences (quest for object search, technical quest, scary, family or children's quest).

3. How is the game reservation?

You need to choose a convenient date and time for you. Our consultant will check the availability of free game and boots it for you. After that, the quest administrator will contact you to confirm the armor.

As a rule, on weekdays, many of the quests have free time, so you can pass the quest today. The greatest demand for quests is on weekends and holidays, so book games on the day off is better in advance (for 2-4 days).

4. How is the game pay?

Payment of the game is happening directly in the quest before the game. The price is indicated for the entire team of the whole (up to 4 people), on average it is 2000 rubles. on weekdays and 2500 rubles. on the weekend. For the 5th and 6th players (if the room allows you to increase the number of players), as a rule, there is a surcharge in the amount of 300-500 rubles / person.

5. Is it possible to give a game to a friend or a close man for a birthday or another holiday?

Yes of course. You can come to us an office (or order delivery) and acquire a gift certificate for the passage of the quest. The certificate is universal and operates in any of the more than 40 quests of the city. Cost certificate - 2500 rubles.

6. How long does the quest take?

The game itself lasts usually about 60 minutes (there are quests up to 90 minutes). We recommend that you arrive for minutes by 5-10 before the reservoir time so that you can do without a rush to find a quest (as a rule, most quests are in the ground floors), remove the top clothes and listen to the brief brief and prehistory.

7. How many people can play the quest?

Usually a team of 2-4 people is allowed to the room. The optimal composition is 3-4 people. This restriction is associated with a small area of \u200b\u200bthe rooms themselves (more players will be closed) and the number of mysteries calculated just 3-4 people.

Some quests (with a larger area and several locations) allow you to play 5-6 people teams, but in most cases you will have to pay 300-500 rubles for each additional player. You can find a list of such quests on this page.

8. And if we are more than 6 people?

Unfortunately, the Questroom-quests Voronezh is currently not ready to accept the team from more than 6 people. But you have 2 options:

  • Select a quest where 2 or more rooms are available, divided into 2 commands (4 player or 3 and 4 players) and pass different quests At the same time. You can find a list of such quests on the corporate part page;
  • Separate for 2 teams (4 player or 3 and 4 players) and pass the same quest in turn by setting up a small competition with each other.

Quests have comfortable reception, where one team can drink tea or play in board games, while the other team passes the quest.

9. If I am one or us only two?

If the proposed options did not suit you, then you can call us, and our consultant will gladly pick up the quest according to your preferences.

10. What will happen if we do not understand anything and do not know what to do and how to get out of the room?

It happens very rarely. The quest itself is difficult to explain, but it is very easy to understand in place :)

In any case, through the cameras you will look after the administrator of the quest and with difficulty in passing, you can ask him to prompt. If 60 minutes expired, but failed to get - the administrator will release you. You will be able to ask him questions about the quest and find out the gifue or return to the quest so that with the 2nd attempt still overcome it yourself.

11. Can children play for quests?

May and love very much. For children, special quest rooms with simplified tasks and appropriate entourage are developed. Most children's rooms are designed for children aged 7-12 years. Some quests can be held for children from 6 years accompanied by an adult - parent or animator quest-room. .

As for age, the upper bar practically does not exist. Although most players are between the ages of 14 and 35, the quests are very familiar with the more adult generation. So for up to 60 years old can surely make fun of this entertainment, especially since there are historical quests that cause nostalgia among quests, for example, a time machine - back to the USSR.

12. Is it possible to drink tea or celebrate the birthday of a child or an adult player in Quest?

If you came to the game on the birthday of one of the players and want to drink champagne (sturdy drinks are prohibited) or eat a cake (very in demand for children), then in some quests you can rent a room for 1 hour at a price in the area of \u200b\u200b1000-1500 rubles.

13. How to dress to pass the quest? Do I need replaceable shoes?

We recommend to dress in comfortable casual clothes - jeans, sneakers or boots. White or bright is better not to wear. In many quests, you will have to look somewhere, somewhere to lift something to unscrew, so the heel shoes or evening dresses are better to leave at home, changing something more universal.

14. We are delayed for 5-10 minutes. Should we call and worry?

Punctuality is politeness of kings. Nevertheless, there are situations when, due to the circumstances, you are a little delayed. 5-10 minutes of the role will not play (especially if there is no other game after you), but if you delay 15 or more minutes - we recommend calling and warning the administrator.

Restrictions on the passage of quest.

In addition to age limitations (there are quests with a limitation of 18+) and a limit on the number of players, there is also a "classic" ban - in Quests can not be played in a state of alcoholic or drug intoxication. The administrator will not allow you to play in this state. In addition to the fact that you will not receive pleasure from the game, the game can become dangerous for your health.

Have a good game!

Have questions? Call + 7-900-300-5744. We will be happy to answer you!

Weekend on the nose and nowhere to go? Any day off - the ability to have a great time. This knows everyone. And perfectly spend time with friends - just the mandatory goal of everyone who plans the weekend outside the house and in the active key.

What to do on the weekend?

Many options for what you can do - and most often the basis of each activity is the game. Gaming activity, especially in a team with people who know well, not only the way to relax and leave the sermost of everyday life. Sometimes it is also a way to pump some knowledge and even develop any parties to your personality. Pleasant with a fellow in the atmosphere of chase, detective, scientific experiment, anything, and most importantly in the company of friends, all this quest. And now we will tell you how to pass quests on perfectly and how to become the best in passing this type of games. If I wonder, read on.

How to get a quest? Asked? We answer!

  • First, never forget that you are in the game. Any circumstances in which you will get are modeled. Any outcome of the game will be in your favor, because the passage in any case will teach something and just strengthen the team spirit. Therefore, do not worry too much, but just have fun and enjoy.
  • An important point in understanding how to pass quests is attention to detail. Always pay attention to each room centimeter with a task, as well as on any replica of the lead or any features of the text in the prompts.
  • And now the reverse side of care to every detail. Do not confuse yourself! Try any find to apply about the task, and if it does not work, do not lose time and look for new hooks!
  • If you are not playing with friends, try to act at the same time with other participants. In order to understand how to get a quest, it is important to know what is the principle of "together to the goal", and not "to one goal".
  • Remember task solutions. Because they never repeat, and try to repeat what has already happened, not worth it. The organizers always seek to diversify the game, so you need to understand: "Always new, always undelivered" is almost the motto of each quest. Look for new ways.
  • Pay attention to how the level of the quest is selected. It is desirable to follow the gradations of complexity. That is, if the team has little experience, the profi level is better to postpone the next time. Newbies or specialists are the choice for you, but the complexity is how to get a quest at the level of the specialist in general without experience, there is also available.
  • Teams are formed from several people of no accident. Separate and decide the tasks in parallel, so save a lot of time and you will faster to goal.
  • How to get the quest, not complicating, from the very first right? Be sure to remember that the main thing in Quest most often - the search for illogical. Try to place everything in our places, and it will bring it to a randering.
  • Do not use force. The risk to break something in the room with the task is always there, and you will not want to pay for breakdowns, probably no one. Therefore, do not complicate if the key is not inserted into the lock, set aside and look for, for example, the picture frame with the form in which this key can be inserted. Be careful.

Organizational matters

And now a couple of tips on how to properly organize a visit before passing the quest one or with friends:

  • The game needs to be booked in advance: by phone, on the site of the organizer or through the operator. Also be sure to confirm the reservation: without confirmation you can deploy already on the spot, be careful and do not come.
  • Be sure to come on time! All knowledge about how to pass the quest may be unnecessary if you are late. Standard quest time - 60 minutes, because come in ten and fifteen minutes before the start, to have time to ask the necessary questions and pass the top clothes in the wardrobe if it is.


  • Persons in a state of narcotic or alcoholic intoxication are not allowed to participate in the game, so the bab visit is better to postpone. In any case, pay for damaged property is not the best end of the evening, so try to comply with this rule.
  • And even specify about health restrictions. Some quests, for example, horror quests, are better not to visit people with diseases of cardiovascular or nervous systems. Pay attention to this when choosing a game.
  • And of course, attentiveness, attentiveness and once again attentiveness. Listen to the operators before the game start, remember important moments.


All said is relevant for online quests. Attentiveness, reaction, teamwork "And soon you yourself will be able to tell how to pass a trollface quest, for example.

And most importantly, enjoy all what is happening! After all, the quest is not a complicated mandatory task, but entertainment and exercise of intelligence. We wish you a good game, and let luck will be on your side!

We hope that the article was interesting for you and you managed to find an answer to the question of interest.