Russian folk games for Shrovetide. Moving and fun games and fun for the carnival. Entertainment during Maslenitsa holidays

There are so many Maslenitsa rituals! And the effigy of Winter is burned, and pancakes are baked, and games are played!

And all because in the old days Shrovetide was considered a holiday of remembrance of the dead. So burning Shrovetide is her funeral, and pancakes are a memorial treat. But time passed, and the Russian people, greedy for fun and relaxation, turned the sad holiday into a daring Shrovetide.

But the tradition of baking pancakes remained - round, yellow and hot, like the sun, and horse-drawn sledding and sleigh rides from the icy mountains, fistfights, mother-in-law gatherings were added to it.


Many people think that on the last day of Shrovetide week they burn an effigy of Shrovetide, but no, it is not Shrovetide that is burned, but Winter is seen off!

In the old days, men and women, taking a bundle of scraps from their yard, put them in one heap, from which then the whole village made a doll, dressed it up "in a woman's way" - in bright skirts, sweaters, an elegant headscarf tied, and carried throughout the city in sleighs, welcoming and honoring Madame Shrovetide. And then they burned them at the stake, throwing pancakes into the fire as a memorial meal. The children were told that all the nourishing food burned up in the fire, thereby explaining to them why only lean food is eaten during Great Lent.

Sometimes, instead of a stuffed carnival, they took an elegant girl or brightly painted old woman in a sleigh, and at the end of the holiday they took the sleigh out of the city and dumped the "passenger" into a snowdrift under the general laughter and hooting, thus, as if "burying Maslenitsa".


It is customary to build snow towns on the banks of the river on Shrovetide, fortified with towers, with two gates. Many children come to this town, who are divided into "foot" and "horse". The "on foot" occupy the city, the "horsemen" are preparing to attack. Finally, the "cavalry", at the sign of their commander, rushes to attack and the battle begins. The besieged bravely defend the city against the "cavalry", preventing them from breaking into the fortress gates, beating them off with brooms and brooms. However, the "cavalry" gains the upper hand and triumphantly enters the gates of the town, and then together with the "besieged" destroys the town with merry songs and returns home.


And they also carry around the city to Shrovetide. big ship, decorated with multi-colored flags and mottled with images of fish, animals and birds, stuffed animals and skins of which are hung on its masts. Following the ship, with music and songs, mummers are walking.

In 1722, Peter the Great gave an unprecedented masquerade in Moscow: many ships roamed the capital in a long line of various kinds and of various sizes, fifty sledges harnessed by various animals. The procession was opened by a harlequin riding on a large sleigh drawn by six horses, one after another, and adorned with trinkets. In the other sleigh rode the "Prince-Pope", clothed in a red velvet robe lined with ermine, at his feet sat Bacchus on a barrel. Behind him is a retinue, closed by a jester, who was sitting in a sleigh pulled by four pigs.

The procession of the fleet itself was led by Neptune, sitting in a chariot with a trident in his hands, drawn by two sirens. The "Prince-Caesar" Romodanovsky was also in the procession - he took a seat in a large boat, which was dragged by two live bears. And at the end of this procession there was a huge - an 88-gun ship, built completely on the model of Friedemaker's ship, launched in March 1721 in St. Petersburg. He had three masts and weapons to the last block!

On this ship, carried by six horses, Peter I himself sat in the clothes of a naval captain with naval generals and officers and maneuvered them as if at sea. This ship was followed by the gilded gondola of the Empress, who was dressed as a Dutch peasant woman, and her retinue consisted of court ladies and gentlemen, dressed in Arabic.

The gondola was followed by real participants in the masquerade, known as the "restless monastery". They sat in a wide and long sleigh, made like the head of a dragon, and were dressed up with cranes, wolves, foxes, bears, representing Aesopian fables in their faces. Such a wonderful and vivid masquerade procession through the Tverskaya Gate stretched to the Kremlin with cannon shots, where it ended with a magnificent fireworks display and a feast.

But after the death of Peter the Great, masquerades stopped until the accession of Empress Elizabeth Petrovna, who loved to dress up very much, since a man's outfit was very suitable for her.


During the reign of Empress Elizaveta Petrovna, Pancake week skiing took place in her beloved village of Pokrovskoye, where in winter they arranged permanent rolling mountains, and not only did the empress skate from them, but also the Empress herself, who was "standing on skis." This fun remained in Russia for many, many years, and few people already remembered that skiing from the mountains is not just fun, but an old rite, because it was believed that the one who more times rolled down the mountain had higher flax will be.

The rolling mountains were built with intricate turrets, on which intricate flags were flowing, and along the mountains, instead of a barrier, there were Christmas trees in two rows, and between them - statues of ice and snow.

Remembering his virginity, at the beginning of the twentieth century I.S.Shmelev described skiing from the ice slides: "On Saturday, after the pancakes, we go for a ride in the Zoological Garden, where our mountains are arranged - they are made of wood and are filled with ice: Tall mountains on ponds Flags play brightly over the fresh wooden pavilions on the mountains. Tall "Dilijan" s are crumbling from the mountains with a snarl, rushing along the icy paths, between the banks of snow with Christmas trees stuck in them. Black on the mountains by the people.: Step-by-step carpenter Ivan helps the clerk Pashka to cut and issue tickets that read - "From both ends - once." long tail at the checkout. Shrovetide is fine ...

The high sledges with velvet benches - "Dilijan" - for six people, which have been screwed in from another mountain, are dragged along the knurled chute with ropes. The skaters who have knocked off their feet, stately fellows, leading "Dilijan" from the mountains, standing on skates behind, are cheerful and moderately drunk. The work is strict, do not blink: hold on tightly to the handrails, lead more tightly on the slope, "on the trough".

Lights up the illumination. The echoing mountains roar with emptiness. Rolling with sparklers, sparkling. The tambourines are buzzing, the accordions squeak ... "


Not a single Maslenitsa week in Moscow of the last century was complete without a bear show.

Bear fun was very popular among all segments of the population of cities and towns, villages, and villages.

This folk fun it was mentioned several times in the "home building", condemning it as one of the "demonic lands", "godless deeds." But, in spite of the prohibitions and persecutions, bear fun continued to exist, making merry and delighting peasants and boyars, simple artisans and tsars, adults and children.

With learned bears they walked across Russia from time immemorial, this trade was an ancient, traditional occupation. It is known, for example, that in 1570 Ivan the Terrible, preparing for the wedding with Martha Sobakina, sent a special messenger to Novgorod with the order to deliver buffoons with learned bears to Moscow.

Among the people, the bear was associated with the goblin, with the pagan god Veles, therefore it was believed that he possesses magical healing powers. In the eyes of the peasants, he was stronger than evil spirits and could ward off trouble: if he danced near the house and walked around it, then there would be no fire.

This attitude also affected the nicknames that were awarded to the bear-artist. Everywhere he was called respectfully and playfully: "Mikhailo Potapych" or "Matryona Ivanovna", "venerable Mikhailo Ivanovich Mr. Toptygin".

Trained bears made the audience laugh, depicting how girls paint in front of a mirror, how women bake pancakes.

The eternal companion of Mikhail Potapych was the "butted goat", which was portrayed by a boy dressed in a sack with a goat's head and horns attached to it. A wooden tongue was usually attached to the head, from the flapping of which there was a terrible noise. The "goat" danced around the bear, teasing and pecking with its wooden tongue. The bear was furious, growling, stretched out to its full height and circled around the leader. This meant that he was dancing. After such an awkward dance, the leader gave him a hat in his paws and the bear walked around with it the honest audience, who threw pennies and pennies there.

Often, Toptygin and his leader were treated to vodka, and after this treat, the leader offered the bear to "fight". Such a struggle, however, did not always end happily for the leader.

Thus, the bear comedy consisted of three parts that could go in any sequence: a dance of a bear with a "goat", a performance of a bear to the jokes and jokes of the leader, a fight between a bear and a master or a "goat".

The single combat between a man and a bear, as a demonstration of strength, dexterity of courage, was especially popular. Competitions of this kind were organized not only for the sovereigns, but also for the common people, and both the servants of the tsar's "trapping path" specially taken for this purpose and the "amateur-amateurs" came out to fight the bear.

Because the bear is the main character presentation, all attention was riveted on him. First of all, the figure of the bear was played up. As soon as the animal stood on the paw building, the person involuntarily began to compare it with himself, to correlate it with different types of people. And suddenly it turned out that the plasticity of the bear, its appearance, clumsiness, clubfoot, inarticulate "speech" (roar, grumbling) - all these are features of a narrow-minded, awkward, good-natured, sometimes half-asleep and usually unlucky commoner.


In the old days, the Parsley Comedy was extremely popular on Shrovetide. It happened that several parsley-makers performed at the same time, showing their simple comedy many times a day.

The success of Petrushka in some cases was explained by the topicality and satirical orientation of the scenes, in others the secret of the charm of comedy was seen precisely in its scenic character, in the fact that the forms of play here were uncomplicated, simple and understandable, therefore they were easily perceived by the broad masses of all ages and all levels of development.

Usually, the performance began with laughter or a song heard from behind the screen, and after that Petrushka appeared. He was dressed in a red shirt, plush trousers tucked into smart boots and a cap on his head. Indispensable details of his appearance there was also a hump or even two humps. And a long, humped nose.


Another Shrovetide fun is fistfights, which are a remnant of ancient military fun, for our ancestors fought their enemies "on fists" - as evidenced by the chronicle: in the 23rd century, during the war of Prince of Kiev Mstislav III against Grand Duke Yuri Vsevolodovich, Mstislav, encouraging their Novgorodians and Smolensk to resist the enemy, they let them fight on foot or on horseback. Then the Novgorodians answered: "We do not want to ride on horses, but, following the example of our ancestors, walk on foot and fight with our fists."

There was a time when our boyars, having gathered to have fun, brought fighters from different cities for their amusement. The Kazan, Tula and Kaluga fighters were famous more than others, withstood a strong battle with the Tatars who came to Moscow with caviar and fish, won large bail, and often paid for their courage with their lives.

In the old days there were three types of fist fights.

The best and most interesting was the one-on-one fight.

The battle "Wall to wall" was also practiced, when each "wall" tried to persuade the reserve fighters to take their side, and they were released only when the enemy broke through the wall. Nadezhda the fighter flew with a hat in his teeth, beat piles on both sides, did not touch the lying one, and, breaking through the wall, returned with a crowd of flatterers directly to the tavern.

And least of all, the battle "coupled - dump" was allowed, which usually arose due to the fact that the old people provoked the young with stories and promises to beat. Young people passed from courtyard to courtyard with news, children went out to the seed and were harbingers of the "linkage".


Booths were the center of the festive Maslenitsa square. After all, booths are the main attraction, the most tempting, although not always available entertainment.

Booths are the face of the promenade. By the number, decoration of booths, by the names of their owners, they judged the significance and scope of the festivities.

The word "booth" originally meant a light upper extension to the house. At the beginning of the 19th century, it had the meaning of "temporary, collapsible trade building".

With regard to theatrical performances, this word began to be used only in the second half of the 19th century.

On the stages of light temporary theaters, professional actors, lovers of their number, small officials, artisans, artisans, as well as circus performers performed.

Shrovetide rituals are very unusual and interesting, as they combine the end of the period of winter holiday rituals and the opening of a new, spring period of holidays and rituals, which were supposed to contribute to obtaining a rich harvest. Therefore, Maslenitsa is based on the idea of ​​a meeting-wires, which can be traced in all rituals, whether it be puppet comedies or the preparation of culinary dishes.

Memorial rites

Memorial ceremonies include burning a stuffed animal, baking pancakes and preparing other memorial food. Such, for example, as a fish, which, due to its dumbness, was interpreted in folk culture as one of the hypostases of the souls of the dead. And snow was also considered the embodiment of the souls of the dead, so it was used for fortune-telling, and pancakes for Shrovetide were kneaded in melted snow water.

The memorial complex of rituals is also associated with the prohibitions on the performance of certain household types of work during this period, and exclusively for women, such as spinning and weaving.

These prohibitions were explained by the fear of harming the souls of dead people who were invisibly present nearby. Especially these prohibitions concerned the evening time, which is why all the evenings on Shrovetide were called saints.

Violation of the ban threatened with troubles and troubles not only for people, but also for livestock.

Shrovetide bonfires are also a memorial ceremony, since they served as a kind of invitation for deceased ancestors to a hearty dinner on the eve of Lent.

That is, the Russian Shrovetide is essentially an analogue of Halloween, because the purpose of both holidays is to "placate" the spirits for the whole year ahead.

Marriage and family rites

Another important complex of Maslenitsa rituals is associated with marriage and family themes, since it was believed that the marriage relationship was supposed to promote the awakening of the earth and the growth of plants, to ensure the future harvest.

The newlyweds were given a "show", put them to the posts at the gate and forced to kiss in full view, and women who were married for the first year were given more difficult trials: for example, they were harnessed instead of horses in a sleigh and forced to roll their friends along with songs and jokes. village.

At Shrovetide, the mother-in-law invited the young to visit "for pancakes" and had to anoint the son-in-law's head with oil, "so that he was affectionate and to his wife the same way."

Another Shrovetide rite is the punishment of unmarried in the form of hanging a shoe: a log was hung on the neck of a single boy or an unmarried girl, which symbolized the missing "half". With this "pair" the Punished had to walk all day until evening and endure endless ridicule.

Agricultural rites

The third set of Maslenitsa ceremonies is an agricultural complex.

All these ceremonies are not associated with cereals, but with fibrous ones - flax and hemp.

Such rituals include skiing down the mountains: it was believed that whoever rolled down the mountain more times or who traveled further would have more flax, so the people said that they were going to ride “on long flax”.

Flax and hemp are plants in one way or another associated with women's labor, therefore, in most cases, Shrovetide was perceived as a women's holiday, and in most rituals women were assigned the main role (sister-in-law's gatherings, mother-in-law's pancakes, etc.).



We rode all week, starting on Thursday, on the last day, on clean Monday, the first week of Lent. We rode from the mountains on ice-floes, on horseback through the village, on the lake. Women rolled their children - so that "long, good flax grows." The festive form of skiing is "race".

Ritual game

One of the ritual games in Maslenitsa is "shelyga" ("crested shelyga"). Ritual atrocities - they dragged a plow around the village, a boat (brought to those who are friends with each other), they dragged harrows onto the roofs of houses.

Burning effigy of winter

Burning Shrovetide - on the last day. "Trash" and firewood for the fire were collected in the village. Participants of the ceremony: children, women, old women. They burned birch barks, straw, brooms, baskets with hay, sheaves, barrels, wheels on the field, often reinforcing them on high stakes, poles, trunks of dry trees (pines).

"CHUCHELO" - a bunch of straw in a shawl tied "like a woman's" and a jacket - was put on the firewood, folded "by the well", and a fire was lit inside. With a previously prepared scarecrow, they mischievous during the week, bringing them under the windows and scaring them, and only then they burned them. Old women came up to the fire and treated them to pancakes; jumped over the fire; long songs, danced around him and sang (there is often a mention of dancing at crossroads). By the fire they shouted: "Farewell, Maslena fidgety!", "Burn, burn, Maslenets, so that it does not go out! Where is the smoke, where is the pancake, where is the oil can!" and said goodbye to each other. The lighting of bonfires could be combined with skating: they erected gates, wrapped them with straw and lit them, and passed through them on horseback.

Horse and rider

The goal is to knock opponents to the ground - at least the top one. A lot depends on the "horse".

Kissing man

The villagers could come to the house of the young and kiss the young. The newlyweds were rolled around the village, but if they received a bad treat for this, they could give the newlyweds a ride not in a sleigh, but on a harrow.


A guy or a girl was tied to a leg - a piece of wood, a branch, a ribbon, etc., and forced to walk with it for a while. To untie the block, the punished were paid off with money or a treat.


Fun for young guys and girls of marriageable age. The main thing is a little more run, higher and farther to fly, and then the hands of your comrades will throw you to the girl, whom you will kiss. After flying over the waves from clasped hands for a couple of tens of meters, the kiss turns out to be especially sensual. The main thing is to slow down in time, otherwise you will fly by.

Good old fashioned fun. The narrow bench and crossed legs make it difficult to hit hard with a tight arm. One of the participants tried to do this, and even with his fist, that it was against the rules, but he felt worse - he became a victim of his own unredeemed inertia and a narrow bench and flew to the ground.

Fight with bags
For a fight with bags, you need to fence off the site. This type of wrestling, where one hand must be kept tightly pressed to the lower back, can be operated with only one hand. Here, the ability to move, to feel the movement of the enemy, to use his inertia becomes more important.

Snow maze
On an ice or snow platform, a diagram of a maze in the form of a square or circle with two exits on opposite sides is preliminarily drawn. First, the inner sectors of the labyrinth are laid out with snow, then, moving from the center to the edges, the walls. They should not be high (up to 1 m) so that it is easy to find someone who is lost in the maze. The width of the passages is 80-100 cm. If there is a lot of snow, you can make a labyrinth by taking out the snow with a shovel and laying it on the sides of the passages. You can not build a labyrinth, but trample intricate moves on the site.

Snow shooting range
In the winter town, you can set up permanent targets for throwing snowballs. It is best if these are wooden shields 1x1 m in size with concentric circles with a diameter of 30.60 and 90 cm drawn on them. Shields can be installed on pillars dug into the ground, hung on a blank wall or on a fence. Probably, it is worth making a special wall of the shooting range, on which you can put targets, their guys will knock them down with snowballs.

snow Hill
The height of the slide can be different, here it is important to have a large space. The angle of the slide should be three to four times its height in length. The width of the platform where the guys are preparing for the descent and the tracks on the roll is at least 1 m, and the width of the sled track is 1.5 m. To make a slide, it is necessary to roll up snowballs during the thaw and put them in a bunch. Then tamp the snow with your feet or a shovel, cut off excess snow and make a barrier or ladder out of it. Pour cold water over the hill, otherwise thawed patches may form. You can also build a more complex slide with turns, intermediate ascents and descents, decorative arches. The difference between the start and finish levels should be 3-5 m.

Ice carousel

This ride is very popular with children. A pillar, into the upper end of which a metal rod (for example, scrap) is driven, is dug in the earth or frozen into ice. Its height is 70-80 cm. Then an old (or specially made) wheel is placed on a metal rod. Long poles are screwed to the wheel or nailed with nails, and a sled is tied to them. The path along which the sleigh will roll is cleared of snow and filled with water. For greater stability, the sled can be made wide (60-90 cm) or two sleds can be fastened together. Around the pillar, the snow is sprinkled with ash or sand so that it is not slippery for the guys who will spin the carousel.

Ice pillar
On Shrovetide they put a high pillar, then poured cold water over it, and hung gifts on the icy pillar at different distances from each other. Players must try to climb this pillar, but they slide off it, and the winner is the one who tries harder and harder to overcome obstacles in order to reach the end and get the most expensive prize.

Pole riding
This folk amusement was once widespread in the wooded provinces of Russia. Some other peoples also arranged it. On the slope of a mountain or hillock, sometimes specially looted from snow and tightly rammed, two flat, smoothly planed poles (poles) 15-20 m long are placed under a slope parallel to each other at a distance of about 1 meter. »To each pole one or several more, bringing the length up to 50 meters or more. But the joints must be very strong and smooth so that you do not feel a noticeable ledge or gap when passing with your hand. It turns out, as it were, two smooth rails along which you can slide down the mountain. The poles are repeatedly poured with water so that they are firmly frozen and become slippery. They fill in and roll out the area well, along which those who have moved down the poles will roll. Anyone who wants to ride on poles selects a partner about the same in height and weight. It is advisable that both shoes have heels that help to keep more stable on the pole and not slip off it. Partners stand on poles facing each other, supporting each other with their hands by the shoulders or waist. However, the methods can be very different, just to resist the rapid slide down. Consistency of actions, the ability to maintain balance, ingenuity, courage allow some to ride in the most daring and comic poses. This is a wonderful folk show for a winter holiday. Pole riding is especially fascinating for young people and adolescents.


To make them, you will need bars with a section of 40 by 50 mm and a length of 2-2.5 m. Pads are nailed to the bars at a distance of 30-40 cm from one end - foot rests.
How do you compete on stilts?
1. On the track at a distance of 1.5-2 m from each other, circles with a diameter of 50-60 cm are drawn. The players must walk along the track so that they must step inside each circle and, observing the same condition, return back.
2. Skittles (or towns, or wooden blocks) are placed on a narrow path in different places. Players should walk back and forth on stilts, taking care not to hit or knock over any pins.
3. The distance of 15-20 m should be covered with as few steps as possible. To do this, you need to try to spread your legs wider. It is not so easy to do this on stilts.

Column walkers
These simple devices will replace stilts. To make them, you need a strong rope and pieces of round logs with a diameter of 10-15 cm. The pieces of rope of sufficient length are threaded through the holes drilled in the upper part of the posts. When walking, the ends of the ropes are held in the hands - they help to rearrange the legs with the pillars.
They compete on pillar walkers in the same way as on stilts. By the way, instead of wooden chocks, you can use large cans.

In this competition, you can identify both the winners in push-ups separately with the right or left hand, and the winner in the amount of exercises performed with both hands. It is advisable to at least roughly divide the participants into weight categories before the start of the competition (maybe, for different weight categories, the weights will be of different weights).

Tug of war
Let it be not quite traditional on Shrovetide. Preparation is like a normal tug-of-war, but the teams tackle it with their backs to each other.

Three legs
The players are divided into pairs, each pair has legs tied (the right leg of one with the left leg of the other). A pair on three legs reaches the turn flag and returns to the start line.

Team Relay where pairing is required. One of the pair will have to become a wheelbarrow - a truck with one wheel and two handles. The role of the wheel will be played by the hands, and the handles will be the legs. On command, the player - "wheelbarrow" lies on the ground, focusing on his hands, and the "driver" takes his partner by the legs so that the body of the "wheelbarrow" is parallel to the ground. The "wheelbarrow", moving on its hands, must reach the turning flag and go back, where another "wheelbarrow" is already ready to move.

Russian broom
Comic championship in throwing a broom at a distance. It is more convenient to take a broom without a pole.

Who is faster on the broom
There are skittles in a chain on the court. You need to run on a broomstick with a snake and not knock the pins down. The winner is the one who knocks them down the least.

Broom on the forehead
Now try to wear it on your forehead as long as possible.

Russian beauty
The girls first go in a round dance, showing their costumes. Then they pass with a yoke and full buckets of water, show their stand, gait.

Russian sauna
With a dry sauna broom, “steam” the enemy, who will quickly beat the broom against him.

Concert competitions:

Chastushki (Do you want to defeat your girlfriend, Sing a funny ditty) .;
- Spooners (Try to play on spoons to the accompaniment of an accordion player);
- dance ("Lady", "Tsyganochka", "Yablochko", "Semyonovna").

Auction proverbs about pancakes, Shrovetide: who knows more proverbs.

Shrovetide was and remains the brightest and most cheerful holiday. According to tradition, preparing for Great Lent, the time of abstinence and restriction, both in food and in entertainment, the Russian people, as they say now, "had a full blast" in the Maslenitsa week. Feasts, fun, sleigh rides, ice slides, booths, puppet shows and other amusements marked the welcome of spring, the joy of a new life, goodbye to everything bad.

Downhill skiing even has a symbolic meaning: it was believed that the longer you ride, the better flax will grow. Many entertainments and games on Shrovetide have survived to this day, some, undeservedly forgotten, return again. So, let's remember how they had fun on Shrovetide in Russia.

Fights by the rules

Some of the games were related to competitions. Men demonstrated their strength and valiant prowess in comic battles, for example, with sacks. They passed on a specially fenced area. Moreover, it was possible to fight with only one hand, and the other, according to the rules, was tightly pressed against the lower back. The winner was the one who knew how to predict the enemy's movements and dodge blows, but he himself could strike in time.

As a lightweight version, the bags can be replaced with regular pillows. But if a log was allocated to the players as a platform, then the battle ended much faster: it was enough to knock the enemy to the ground with a pillow.

If in battles with sacks they fought one on one, then in fist fights they most often went, as they say, "wall to wall." Residents of different streets, different villages fought among themselves. Moreover, the battles took place in 3 stages in accordance with the age of the participants. The boys were the first to go into battle, then the boys. And the adult men were finishing the battle. The rules were also negotiated in advance. The goal of the battle is not to inflict injury, but to drive the enemy out of his field. Moreover, it was forbidden to beat a lying or even crouched enemy, as well as grabbing by clothes. They say fistfights were a very popular Shrovetide fun, and not only Shrovetide.

Snowballs and snow fortresses

Seeing off the winter, which still did not want to give up its rights to spring, they used all its charms. Well, when else, if not in winter, you can play snowballs ?! There were many options. firstly, they identified the most accurate one, knocking down the set targets, and secondly, they were divided into teams and simply “fired” at each other with snow shells. The third and most serious method in terms of preparation is the storming of the snow fortress. Of course, for this it was necessary to build such a fortress in advance, with all the necessary loopholes and shields. But such a game contributed to the education of real warriors.

As you know, in the Middle Ages in Russia, many cities had to defend themselves from the raids of enemies, and fighting skills, accuracy, dexterity, even strategy and tactics, worked out in such comic battles, were very useful in real battles.

However, competitions for strength and endurance could not be so belligerent. Tug-of-war was very popular - here you can measure your strength and develop a team spirit.

Until now, one of the most popular Shrovetide fun is the pillar with prizes. Here, everyone fought for himself and showed his skill. To climb the high pole was even more difficult, they poured water over it, and since winter had not yet receded, by the time of the competition it was covered with ice. Therefore, such fun was often called the "ice pillar".

These days, not only men were amused, showing their strength. Cheerful and active games on Shrovetide were intended for young people, accompanied by songs and sentences. Here are the most famous ones.


For this game, couples lined up in a column and raised their clasped hands upward, forming the so-called gate. The last couple passes through the gate and stands at the beginning of the column, followed by another couple, and so on, until the song ends:

Burn, burn clearly
In order not to go out!
Look at the sky
The birds are flying
The bells are ringing:
Ding-dong, ding-dong,
Run out quickly!

At this moment, the first couple disengages their hands and runs back from different sides of the column to join hands again. To prevent this, having caught one of the players, the "burning" one should, who during the song stood with his back to the column at a distance of 5 - 6 steps. All other players cheer him up by chanting:

One, two, do not crow,
Run like fire!

If the "burning" man managed to catch one of the pair, he himself stands in the column instead of him, and the caught player drives.


Here the players stand in a circle with their faces. The driver, also known as "dawn", walks around the circle with a ribbon so that the players do not see him. In doing so, he or she says:

Red maiden,
I walked across the field
I dropped the keys
The keys are golden
The ribbons are blue
Entwined rings -
I went to fetch water!

At the last words, "Zarya" puts the tape on the shoulder of any player, who must take it and immediately run around the circle and take its place. "Zarya" runs towards him and also seeks to occupy empty place... The one who failed to do this becomes the driver, that is, "dawn" and the game continues.


For this game you need to prepare inventory: sticks 20-30 cm long according to the number of participants.

The players say in unison:

How many hours
It remains until the evening
Until the winter?

On the last words, the participants put the stick on the finger or on the palm as agreed. The selected leader counts to ten and shows the movements that the participants must repeat without dropping the stick. The winner is the one who holds out the longest.

Bell ringer

Dance game, fun. Players stand in a circle and dance in place. Hint

Dili-don, dili-don,
Guess where the ringing comes from.

the driver goes around the circle, stopping at the word "ringing" in front of one of the players. This is followed by a kind of ritual: you need to clap your hands three times and bow. The player responds in kind, and then stands behind the driver. Everything is repeated until the group of the driver is 5 - 7 people. To the clapping of those standing in the circle, she begins to dance. As soon as the clapping stops, the dancers look for a mate, but only in the group of the driver. A good reaction is very important here. The one left without a pair starts all over again.

All Shrovetide festivities were crowned with the most important and spectacular event - the burning of a scarecrow on the largest fire. In it, together with the scarecrow, they burned a lot of unnecessary things, saying goodbye to evil and showing their readiness to meet a new one. Among other things, one could warm up by the fire after numerous street fun, but one could continue them: jumping over the fire, round dances, skating through burning gates, dancing - all this became a worthy end to the cheerful and hospitable Pancake Week.

Games and fun for Shrovetide.

Shrovetide - Old Russian folk holiday... From time immemorial, it is the most cheerful and riotous, because it lasted a whole week. This is a holiday of seeing off winter and welcoming spring. During the holiday, funny competitions, contests, games were organized.

1. The game " Boyars, and we have come to you »

Boys and girls stand in two lines opposite each other. The boys walk towards the girls and sing, then the boys retreat, the girls walk towards them and sing.

The first team goes forward with the words:-Boyars, and we have come to you!

And it returns to its original place:-Dear ones, we have come to you!

Another repeats this maneuver with the words:- Boyars, why did they come? Dear ones, why did they come?

Dialogue begins:- Boyars, we need a bride. Dear ones, we need a bride.-Boyars, and what is sweet to you? Dear, and what is sweet to you?The first team confers and chooses someone:-Boyars, this is sweet to us (they point to the chosen one).Dear ones, this is lovely.The selected player turns in a circle and now walks and stands in the chain, looking the other way.

2. Song - game "Maroma my Maromushka"

All children stand in a circle. “Maroma,” the role played by the girl, stands in the center. Children follow each other in a circle and sing.


My Maroma, Maromushka,
Curly head.
Maromushka has jelly and pancakes,
The hostess has hot pies.

The children stop.

Children: Are you healthy, Maroma?

Maroma: Hello!

Children: What are you doing?

Maroma : I am spinning a bundle!

Everyone walks in circles and sings.


My Maroma, Maromushka,
Curly head.
Maromushka has jelly and pancakes,
The hostess has hot pies.

The children stop.

Children: Are you healthy, Maroma?

Maroma: Hello!

Children: What are you doing?

Maroma: I'm winding the balls.

Everyone walks in circles and sings.


My Maroma, Maromushka,
Curly head.
Maromushka has jelly and pancakes,
The hostess has hot pies.

The children stop.

Children: Are you healthy, Maroma?

Maroma: Hello!

Children: What are you doing?

Maroma: I'm knitting!

Everyone walks in circles and sings.


My Maroma, Maromushka,
Curly head.
Maromushka has jelly and pancakes,
The hostess has hot pies.

The children stop.

Children: Are you healthy, Maroma?

Maroma: Hello!

Children: What are you doing?

Maroma: I'm crying! I pricked my finger!

Everyone walks in circles and sings.


My Maroma, Maromushka,
Curly head.
Maromushka has jelly and pancakes,
The hostess has hot pies.

The children stop.

Children: Are you healthy, Maroma?

Maroma: Hello!

Children: What are you doing?

Maroma: I'm catching you!

After the words: "I'm catching you!" “Maroma” catches the children, trying to “hurt” them, they scatter. The children she is caught, must "pay off", telling on the theme "Spring", nursery rhyme, counting rhyme, saying, make a riddle.

3. The game "We are going for a walk"

Children stand in a circle, Dunyasha is in the center

Dunyasha: Repeat the words after us, and then show yourself:Boots and hat, fur coat and glovesWhere do we wear when we go for a walk?Children (clapping) We are going for a walk,They dressed quickly and quickly.After these words, Dunyasha names one of the items of clothing (hat, fur coat, sweater, gloves, felt boots) while showing where to put it on; At the same time, she confuses the children, showing them incorrectly. The pace of the game is gradually accelerating.

4. Game - fortune telling

And, come on, boots, appear
Dance, frolic!
To make it more fun
Okay, my friend, do not regret it!

Children take turns throwing a pair of boots, at whom the socks of the boots will indicate, that pair dances.

5.Action "Running in bast shoes"

Spring is not far off, it's time to change boots on bast shoes

(large bast shoes are taken out).

Children are divided into two teams. Participants take turns putting on bast shoes on their boots and run the distance, passing the bast shoes to the next player.

6 . The attraction "Braid the braids of Maslenitsa".

Come out, don't yawn
Braid the braids of the Oiler!

Children weave braids from ribbons attached to a stuffed doll: who is faster.

7 . Relay "Pancakes".

Each participant puts a “pancake” on the frying pan and runs with it to the tray, puts it on the tray, returns to the team, passes the frying pan to the next participant.

8. Relay "The most accurate".

Who throws a "pancake" on the tray and does not miss. Children who miss out are eliminated from the competition, and those who have missed the game continue to play until one winner is revealed.

9. The game " Cat and mouse »

Before starting the game, you need to choose two drivers: a cat and a mouse. The rest of the players stand in a circle, approximately at a distance of one step from each other, and join hands, forming a gate between themselves. The cat stands behind the circle, the mouse is in the circle. The cat tries to enter the circle and catch the mouse.The players try not to let the cat inside the circle. If the cat manages to get into the circle, the players immediately open the gate and release the mouse. And they try not to let the cat out of the circle.The game ends with the victory of the cat and, accordingly, the defeat of the mouse.

10. The game "Centipede"

Leading - Spring.

The guys stand one after another, holding on to the waist in front of the one standing. Spring directs the actions of the "centipede": first, simply move in a straight line, then move forward, jumping on one leg, overcome previously created obstacles. Players should not destroy it while moving.

11. Power fun.

Competition 1. Get a prize.

Participants - two people. A carpet measuring 2 by 3 meters, you need to put it on the floor On command, the participants begin to crawl on the floor. Whoever crawls first and the prize wins.

Competition 2 ... Standard competition to pull the rope.

Competition 3. Pushing (popularly fistfight, "fists")

Teams line up face to face, on top of each other. The distance between them is about 40-50 cm. When a signal is given, they rest against each other with their hands. The winner is the one who pushes the opponent back behind a certain line.

12. Bake pancakes relay.

Children take paper with pancake circles drawn and tear it off along the line to make a pancake. Whoever gets the most accurate pancake won.

13. Game "Samovarschiki"

Each team has a samovar on the table. At the signal from the leader, the first player takes the samovar, runs across the second table, runs around it, returns, gives the samovar to the next participant. The relay continues. The last member of the team leaves the samovar on the table and returns to the team. The fastest samovars win.

14. Game "Fill the samovar with water"

At the signal from the presenter, the first participant runs to the samovar, removes the lid from it, takes a spoon from the table, returns, passes the spoon to the next participant. The second player runs to the samovar, "pours water" (takes a ball (this is water) from the bucket with a spoon and puts it in the samovar), returns to the team, passes the spoon to the next participant. The relay continues. The last one runs the player starting the relay. He shifts from the bucket last ball into the samovar, covers the samovar with a lid, puts a teapot with tea leaves on top.

15 an invitation to the table

Each team has a Russian sundress and headscarf. At the signal from the presenter, the first participant puts on a sundress and a kerchief, runs to the table with a treat, gets up behind him, turns to face the team, spreads his arms to the sides and bows (an invitation to the table), returns to the start, takes off a sundress and a kerchief, passes them on to the next to the player. The winner is the team whose members are more artistic and finish the relay first.

16. Peddlers

Guests! Don't yawn!
Who wants what - choose!
Here are noble toys,
Foldable yes okay!
They are famous everywhere
You will like them too!
I brought in honor of the holiday
Miscellaneous treats:
Gingerbread, candy, bagels
For the beautifull of our public.

Children guess riddles about spring, receive tokens, buy sweets and toys with them.

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This development presents the scenario of the holiday. The children were invited to participate in the Entertainment Fair (in winter fun) and burn the effigy so that Winter would give way to Spring.

Purpose of the event: introduction to the celebration of Russian folk holidays.

Objectives of the event:

  1. to acquaint students with the customs and traditions of celebrating Maslenitsa;
  2. broaden the general outlook of students;
  3. develop dexterity, quickness, coordination of movements, logical thinking;
  4. create a festive atmosphere for students;
  5. foster friendly relations, respect for the way of life, way of life, customs of ancestors.

Forms of organization of activities: theatrical performance, competition games.

Event progress

Funny music sounds, buffoons run out.

1st buffoon: Everything! Everything! Everything! On holiday! We meet Shrovetide, we see off the winter, we call the spring!

2nd buffoon:

Hey gay guys
Listen to me!
I'll tell you a secret
And you are farther all over the world,
What we have here today
For fun - expanse:
There will be music and singing
Dancing, playing, having fun
Very interesting,
Just wonderful!
Today the law is simple:
"Sing and dance, dance and sing!"
Forgive all the mistakes today
But not a lack of a smile!

1st buffoon: Come knead your bones! Today Maslenitsa invites you to visit!

2nd buffoon:

To us, here! Get ready, people!
Today something interesting awaits you!
Games, fun, fun and laughter,
The holiday is enough for all of us.

All gathered in a big round dance.

Leading: Hello dear guests, long-awaited! We have today - Take a walk! The fourth day of the Great Shrovetide! Pancake week! Pancake week! Wide carnival!

1st buffoon: We will see off the winter and meet the spring, sing merry Russian songs and play games.

2nd buffoon: Look who's coming to us! It's Zimushka herself who is marching to us.

Music for winter.

Winter. Hello people! Aren't you tired of the long winter? Maybe you need to add some more frost, a lot of snow?

Buffoons (together). We do not need such joy, we are frozen to the bones, the tooth does not fall on the tooth, we cannot wait for warm days. Maybe you will make way for Spring?

Winter. I'll see and think. If you make me laugh, amuse, maybe, and give way to Spring.

Leading: Do you guys want Spring to come? Let's try to laugh, to amuse Winter?

1st buffoon: Winter does not want to go away like that, wants to be amused!

2nd buffoon: Are you ready to take part in the winter fun?

1st buffoon: Then, we open our Entertainment Fair.

Leading: In order to take part in the Fair, each class must obtain an “Entertainment Ticket” and follow the indicated route. Having finished all the tasks, we are going here with you. And we will find out if we were able to please Zima?

1st buffoon: We begin!


Entertainment fair

  1. Shooting gallery of Santa Claus. What is winter without snowballing? In the fresh frosty air, there is no better gambling fun, warming. Set up targets for throwing snowballs on the court. The simplest option is wooden boards measuring 1 x 1 m with several circles drawn on them with a diameter of 30, 60 and 90 cm (you can make them in the form of a stuffed carnival or Snowmen, or just stick images of thick cardboard on the board or draw on the boards). Shields can be dug into the ground on poles, hung on a wall or on a fence. If there is no way to make targets, they can simply be drawn on a blank wall of a house or a fence. The most accurate wins.
  2. Competition - relay race "Plant potatoes". The first member of each team has a bucket with 6 "potatoes". At the signal from the leader, the first participant runs to the drawn line and lays out one potato at a time in the "holes" dug in the snow and painted with paint. Having finished the work, the first participant returns to the team and hands the bucket to the second participant. The second participant collects the potatoes and hands the bucket of potatoes to the third participant. The third one "plants" potatoes, etc.)
  3. "Cock-fights". Draw a narrow "path" in the snow. Participants are invited to knock down the opponent with a pillow. The one who goes beyond the line is the one who lost.
  4. Bowling. Objective: to knock down the pins. Team classification: who will hit the most. Each is given one try.
  5. Chastooshkas about Shrovetide, winter
  6. Throwing panicles. This competition is wonderful. fresh air, fun and simple: this is the championship in throwing a broom at a distance. For such fun, you need to take a few panicles without a shaft. What a winter without a janitor with a broom clearing the snow? We are holding a competition for the title of Honorary Janitor. The winner is the one who throws the whisk farthest or knocks down the snow figurine.
  7. Riddles (about Shrovetide holidays)
    From the little window to the little window - a golden spindle. (Sunray)
    He came from heaven, left to earth. (Rain)
    The red rocker hung over the river. (Rainbow)
    Without language, but speaks. Without legs, but running. (Stream)
    Old grandfather, he is a hundred years old, paved the bridge. Came red, scattered the entire bridge. (Frost and spring.)
    What is not sown in the spring will be born? (Grass)
    Small, green, the whole field covered. (Spring meadow.)
    Mother in spring - in a colored dress, mother in winter - in a white cloak. (Field)
    The brothers began to get out of the cradle. They fell to the ground - they turned green. (Germinating grain.)
    In summer he walks without a road near trees and oaks, and in winter he sleeps in a den, hiding his nose from the frost. (Bear)
  8. You can also play the game "Sparrows and Crows"(if the riddles are quickly guessed). Game rules: players are divided into two teams - "sparrow" and "raven". The presenter says: "Sparrows!", The members of this team catch the "crow". Suddenly, the presenter says "Crows!", And everything happens the other way around, the "crows" catch the "sparrows". The game is dynamic, you don't need to drag it out, the main goal is to get warm, to get a boost of vivacity.
  9. Panicle racing. A long strip is drawn in the snow - a track, plastic bottles are placed along it with a snake, the participants (you can seat the whole family) sit astride long brooms and run to the finish line.

Note: if the brooms are difficult to find, replace them with brooms or snow shovels.


1st buffoon:

Hey people! Get ready for a round dance.
Well we started the holiday.

2nd buffoon: Interestingly, Zimushka was respected?

Winter: You have amused me. Maybe I think to stay for me. You are good with me. There are so many good games in winter. Why should I leave?

Leading: Yes, Winter is good for us! But I want the sun to warm us with its warmth.

Winter: Then one more task for you. Cope, I will concede. You need to pull out Spring. On the one hand, my team, on the other, my rivals.

Leading: Yes, in the old days on Shrovetide one of the fun was tug-of-war, let's and we will follow the tradition.

1st buffoon. Who is the stronger of the guys, come out, don't be shy! We quickly take up the rope, the one who pulls will be glad. He will become the strongest and get the present.

The rope can be pulled both individually and by teams.

The main thing is that the strengths of the participants are approximately the same. This should be followed by adult assistants to the presenter.

Buffoons can help the participants of the competition, or they can "fool around", pretending to help.

Winter. I see that the buffoons spent the winter in vain, did not play snowballs, did not move down the mountain. Probably, I will still be with you, I will treat you with snow and frost, I will not let the spring go.

Leading. Wait, Winter, let's ask the guys how they spent the winter. Guys, has there always been enough snow for skiing?

Children (chorus). Yes!

Leading. Did you always slide down the slides quickly?

Children (chorus). Yes!

Leading. Zimushka! Thank you for the snowball, for the snow slides, for the skating rink and the fast track.

1st buffoon. Now give way to Spring-Red. She's not far off.

2nd buffoon. Maslenitsa will help us in this.

Winter. And where is your assistant?

Leading. To do this, you need to get up in a round dance and sing a song together.

1st buffoon. Only she would be more likely to come, cheerful, perky, riotous, and not meek.

2nd buffoon. Hey guys sing a song with you "____"

Children sing and Shrovetide appears.

Leading. Shrovetide lasted seven days.

1st buffoon. The first day - "Meeting", we have already met Maslenitsa. Moving on to the second day.

2nd buffoon. The second day is "3-game". Guys with girls from the hill ride, try to get to know each other.

1st buffoon. Winter lasts a long, long time, and Shrovetide runs fast. The third day is announced - "Gourmet".

2nd buffoon. And what do they enjoy on Shrovetide?

Children (chorus). Pancakes!

1st buffoon. Thursday is the most oily day - "Razgul".

2nd buffoon. Day 5 - "Mother-in-law's evening". On a visit to the sons-in-law, mother-in-law complained about pancakes.

1st buffoon. The sixth day - "Sister-wife's gatherings".

2nd buffoon. On these days, family tea parties were held with the presentation of gifts.

Leading. Shrovetide ended with Forgiveness Sunday. Everyone asked for forgiveness from each other, and then they burned an effigy of Maslenitsa and finally said goodbye to Winter.

Winter(which all this time was watching the events). Or maybe you will change your mind yet? Why do you need this Spring, it’s fun with me, snowy, frosty, fresh!

1st buffoon. No, Zimushka, your time has passed.

2nd buffoon. Sovereign Maslenitsa, we boasted of you, ate pancakes, had fun! Your hour has come, leave us !!!

Leading. Well, guys, it's time to see off the Winter - to burn the Pancake Week! Let's say to her in chorus the words that the Slavs uttered a long time ago.

Children(chorus). Shrovetide-deceiver, brought to the post - she ran away! Shrovetide, go back to New Year show yourself! Burn, burn clearly, so as not to go out !!!

We burn the scarecrow, and Winter leaves.

Music. Spring exit.

Spring. Hello guys, teachers, dear guests. Zima told me that you can sing and dance, play different games. You have amused Winter, so she made way for me and gave way.

Buffoons. Farewell winter! Long live Spring!


As for the farewell to winter, pancakes flew from the oven,
Wow, clowns, don’t skimp, share a butter pancake!
And we will sing the song "Pancakes" for you with the guys

The song "Pancakes".

Leading. Thank you for your attention, for your active efforts, for fun, jokes, laughter. And the reward will be for everyone! We invite you to pancakes, to a samovar.

Shrovetide at all times has been the time of the vernal equinox, the time when all nature comes to life and wakes up. The rituals and traditions associated with Maslenitsa originate in the pre-Christian period. The ceremonial side of this celebration includes the shades of the culture of the ancestors, it also correlates with the transitional period of nature, when everything comes to life and carries the function of stimulating fertility. This is due to the fact that Maslenitsa always preceded the beginning of field work. Also, Shrovetide week precedes the beginning of Lent, during which believers do not consume dairy products. And on Shrovetide it is allowed, hence the name. Folk festivities on Maslenitsa, the burning of an effigy symbolizing winter, visiting parties, all kinds of fun, fortune-telling, and, well, where without Maslenitsa have become a special tradition.

Burning annoying winter

Now, like many years ago, a scarecrow remains one of the main symbols of Maslenitsa. It personifies winter, which is time to go home by this time and give way to spring. Usually men, women and children from the whole village collected straw in one place, and then made a doll out of it, dressed it in women's clothes, but brighter. They tied a scarf on the head of the stuffed animal, put on a skirt, a jacket, and took it in a sleigh all over the village. Then they burned it, throwing it into the fire and pancakes. Around the bonfire, the kids danced and danced in round dances. This glorious rite has survived to this day and attracts residents of both small villages and large cities to participate.

Games and contests

The ice pillar is a competition held on Shrovetide. For him, some tall pillar with cold water and gifts are hung at a sufficient distance from the ground. To get them, you need to climb onto this post and not slide off it. The strongest and most persistent always win.

Another popular pastime is throwing felt boots. Of course, it's best to do it outdoors. The essence of the game is simple: you need to throw the felt boot as far and accurately as possible.

Children love this Golden Gates game. For her, two of the players (these may be adults) stand in the center, holding hands and lifting them up so that a gate is obtained. The kids become a "train" one after another and go through the gate. At some point, the gates "close", that is, adults give up and catch one of the children. The one who is caught also becomes the gate and the "locomotive" decreases. The game is on until the gate catches everyone.