Oblivion Knights of nine how to start the quest. Passage of "knights of nine" (Knight of the Nine). Changes in the game world

The plot of this addon starts in Anville. Go to the local chapel, listen to the breakdown voice of the Prophet and talk to him in souls. The chapel is ravaged (if not yet worried, appreciate the scale of desecration), the priests of sadistic killed, and obviously not ordinary vandals. The Prophet sees the signs of the return of the inefficient, ancient king of aileid. And you can only stop him by collecting the ancient relics of the Holy Crusader. How? It is required to make a pilgrimage to the altars of nine. The Prophet will kindly provide us with the Card of Sanctures. Start running through the Imperial Province. The task is simple, the map is accurate. As soon as you complete the pilgrimage, the bad glory will reset, and you will take you to heaven (the beautiful stroke of the screenwriter), where the spirit of Pelinal Whitstroin will speak with the hero. The ancient hero will give a tip to the first element of the Crusader's Armor - a helmet that rests somewhere in the flooded ruins of Vania ...

Vanya is the south of the Imperial City. For funny confidence, grab a couple of potions of water breathing and dive. The dungeon is packed in all kinds of undead, be careful. Do not miss the body of the Amiel knight, where you will find the key from the door leading to the Slem, as well as a diary (very curious) and the ring. As soon as you get the key, the only obstacle to the artifact will remain undead, but you already know how to solve such problems, so? Favoring a helmet, go to the abandoned abbey of nine.

I advise on the way to stock attending potions and get ready for a rather complicated fight. From the skill to perform the current task can be quite difficult. Inspect the abandoned abbey, pay attention to the mosaic on the first floor. Ameal Ring will allow you to open a secret path to the catacombs. Here is Kirase. The problem is that you will have to defeat all the ghostly knights in a series of duels. If you suddenly understand that the onslaught of opponents are too strong, then begin to wear around the tomb, along the way, goes away. Try to finish the next ghost away from the central circle to get extra time for recovery while the defeated opponent returns to his place. Flowing knights, you will finally get kirasu. Talk to ghosts, they will tell where to look for the rest of the relics. Let's start with the shield. In the Black Forest there is Fort Bulvork, where and go.

The fort would not be different from the top ten to him if it were not for the crowd of sorcerers and a pair of puzzles. The first is the pressure plates. Complete them in this order: the first row is the left, the second row is the central, the third row is the right, the last row is left. Getting into prison premises, free the Knight of the Tedlet. And here is the second "puzzle" - a hall with statues. Expand them so that the individuals are sent to the center. Go to the last puzzle. In the middle of the hall there is a chest in which some items that need to be put in the chest at the foot of one of the statues appear. How to understand what kind of chests? Carefully follow the statues, and understand everything. Shield now in reliable hands. The next relic, for which we will go - boots.

Go to the Sanctuary of Kinaret west of the Imperial City. A local priestess will send you to the test grove. There will attack you a big and evil bear. In no case do not touch it! Run with circles, treat, swear, but do not beat the animal. Soon the beast calms down, and the passage to the secret sanctuary will open. And he enjoy the peaceful beauty of this place and presents on peaceful sprigans, take the boots. With them we will be able to get the Zenitar Belav in the Chapel of Leiavin.

Speaking with Karokas Oholin, pray at the tomb of St. Caladas (in the basement), and you will move you to an amazing place. Bulawa right in front of you, but you can go to her only in boots that we have already gotten. Having passed on the flickering road over the abyss ( treaty Guaranteed), take the mace. At the chapel attacked! Raskidavov Aurianians (demarilate the servants) and preventing "Second Anville", go to the church of the corporation with a clean conscience, for the next goal of our journey - gloves.

Gloves are really stored here, but it is impossible to take them. Chat with Kellen, who will be a descendant of Casimir (one of the ghosts of abbey, remember?). Above the guy brings the generic curse, to shoot which you can only take it on yourself. Hmm ... since we are the heirs of the Holy Crusader, then ... pray at the altar of Zenitar, and then talk to Kellen again. The curse is not terrible (simply reduces the rate of recovery of fatigue). Not such a big price for a good deed. By the way, now you can pick up gloves. The armor is almost assembled, only Leggings remained. We guide your feet into the abbey.

Laton-squire will tell the story of how he and Sir Roderick tried to win the sword of the Crusader in Anderpalle. The knight fell by the death of brave, and Laton returned to the abbey with pioneers and wants to revenge. Take the guy from the guy and do not take with you to Anderpall - let him live. Now we collected the Armor of the Crusader, who, not only what is well enchanted, but also grow in the level with the hero! In the basement, where you fought with ghosts, armor can be brought in line with the level by placing it on the "hanger" and taking back. But this is a lyrical retreat, we are waiting for revenge for Sir Roderika. On all pairs fly in Anderpall.

Hmm, very interesting place. Simply put, Anderpalle is buried under the ground fort. Wrapping the ruins and finding the body of a poor roderick, prepare for the battle with inland, also known as Sir Berik. Eat the righteous anger and return the dead man in a more suitable condition (rest). And here is the sword. Only here it is cursed. You can clean the relic in Chadinhell. On the spot, ignit the ubiquitous Aurianians. All, we collected all the relics! Return to the abbey where the prophet meets us. We are given the blessing of Talos, which will help defeat Umarila. Now only the last battle remains ... in ruins Garlas Malatar.

Drive knights into battle. Separate Aurianians in such a company are easy and nice. Running into a large hall with a blue sphere on the pedestal, spit on everything and go to her. Having destroyed the ball, you will be face to face with Umaril himself. Having hit the king magician, apply the blessing of Talos. We fight again with Umaril ... in heaven over the imperial city! After spending a final conversation (we knew), you forever relieve Tamriel from the damned king.

Sir Juncan will tell you that the crusader boots are kept towards the sanctuary of kineta. Look for him in the Great Forest to the West of the Imperial City. Talk to the servant of Evita Spring and give your consent to pass the test. She will send you to the grove of tests. Having come there, wait a bit. A huge bear will appear, which will begin to attack you. It is time to remember that kineta is the goddess of nature, and all animals and plants are under its protection. Do not resist the attack of the bear, just go out and treat if necessary. Soon the bear will be deleted, and you will open the entrance to the cave - you passed the test of love for nature. Come in the cave and take boots. By the way, on the one who wears kineta boots, wild animals are not attacked.

Path of Righteous

Sir Ralvas will tell that Zenitar's Bulava is located in the Church of Leiavin, but only the true faith will help take the mace. The next goal is the Church of Zenitar in Leiavin. Speaking with Karokas Oholin, you will learn that once in the village of Leiavin the messenger brought Pelinal Belav, later Saint Kaladas built a church in honor of Zenitar, in which the master and was buried. Those who pray from his tombs is a bulva.
Get down in the crypt and pray at the tomb of the saint, and you will find yourself in a strange place. Ahead is visible to the pedestal - and the abyss between you and they. If you are dressed for kineta boots, a shimmering trail will appear right to Bulaw.

Taking the makeup and coming out of the crypt, you will see that the heads were attacked by the church. Join the battle, protecting residents of the city.

Wisdom of centuries

Sir Henrik will advise to look for a shield in Fort Bulvork, which is located in the Black Forest. This is a dungeon, full traps and puzzles, as well as magicians who hunt behind the shield.

Passing through the tunnels and moving from the room to the room, pay attention to the valves that are somewhere out somewhere, listen to the tile screen in front of the closed gate, read the scrapbooks and prompts. After hitting the Fort Prison and interrupting magicians, in one of the cameras you will find Sir Tedlet, do not forget to free it. He will tell the phrase-riddle: "When you find yourself under the gaze, Julianos will help you," and will be removed to join the Order of Nine.

Following the hall with a large statue of Julianos and four statues of the Guardians, turn the statue face to a circle on the floor using the valves. As a result, the passage will open. In the hall with chests under the statues you have to solve another puzzle: Take from the main chest objects and advancing on the stove in front of the chest, pay attention to what appears before the guards. This item must be put in each chest. When you properly spread items on the chests, the wall will rise. For her - the shield of the Crusader.

Sostarra's mercy

Sir Casimir will talk in the chapel of Standarra Corporal Gloves Crusader slipped from his hands when he was killed in anger. Now your path lies in the church of the corpolation. Gloves are there, but they are not lifted. The priest Arldur advises to talk with the descendant of Sir Casimir Kellen. The poor fellowship has a generic curse. Talking with Arlder, you will learn that the only way Remove the curse is to take it on yourself. Praying at the central altar and confirming the desire to save Kellena, you will be given the ability to "overlay hands."

Apply this spell on Kellena, removing the curse from it. Now you can calmly take gloves.

Sword Crusader

Returning to the Abbey, you will meet Laton - Sir Roderika squire, which you could meet earlier during pilgrimage. Laton will report that Sir Roderick died, trying to find the sword of the Crusader in the Cave of Anderpall, and he himself saved. Laton will give you a leaf of the Crusader.

Laton expands the desire to become a knight and go along with you in search of a relic, you can take it with you.

Head to Cave Anderpall. This is not a simple cave - in the depths of it, the Sirodil Fort is hidden, which is filled with the undead. On the way you will find the body of the unfortunate Sir Roderick. In one of the caves you have to fight with the ghost of Lord Vindel, known as a former member of the Order of the Knights of Nine Sir Berik. By defeating the ghost, take the sword. But he is cursed, because Berick made the Divine relic serve eval. Before taking blade in hand, be sure to sanctify it on the Altar of the Arkery Chapel in Chadinhole. Going to the Chiefhold Temple, you will see that he was also attacked, and your task is to protect the temple. In addition, you will hear that another church was exposed - the Mary Temple in Baville.

After receiving each relic, return to the abbey. In each given return, the number of nine knights will grow, the premises will be transformed.

The ghost of Sir Berika, who is now released from evil, joined other ghosts in Chip Abbey.

Knights of the Nine - Official Supplement for Oblivion "A. After installation, you need to go to" data files "and activate the Knights.esp plugin. So, we are in the game. At first glance, nothing has changed. But this is not the case. Many innovations We will find During the passage of the new main quest.

To get this task, go to the Church of Anville and come inside. You will see a terrifying spectacle: around the blood, all the ministers are killed, everything is almost destroyed in the church itself. Get out from there. We need to find someone who can tell us about what happened. The central entrance to the church is two guards. Talk to any of them. An attack was made to the church, but the guards do not approve how attacking could pass by them. You will also learn that not everyone was killed. Only one person survived - the Prophet (Prophet). It is necessary to find it. It's not necessary to run away, because It is located directly opposite the central entrance to the church. Talk to him. You will need to find lost relics of the Order.

Drunk in the ranks of the Crusadians, you will need to visit 9 Sanctures. You will receive a map with their locations. Praying the eight gods, you will come vision. You will find yourself in the sky! From there, a beautiful view of Sirodil opens. That's just the clouds hinder. Listen to the history of the Spirit and again will be on the ground.
The sanctuary of the Crusadsev

Now the marker will appear on the map. This is the designation of the ruins of Vanua (and underwater), where we need to go. Burst in potions or an amulet of water breathing. You can jump from the bridge - do not hurt. Find the input and swim. In the ruins you are waiting for the undead. Passing a little, you will go to the sanctuary of the Crusters. Almost in the center is the first relic, which we need. This is a helmet of the Crusters.
Not far from his placeplace you will see the skeleton of Sir Amiel, the crusader of the Order. He also was looking for relics, but, as apparently, not very successful. In his diary, you will read about Kiras Konroztsev. She, judging by the record, is in Western Molelya, in the chapel of the Crusads.
Monastery nine

Pick up an amiel ring and go there. The chapel itself is southeast of Skingrad. Enter the chapel and insert the ring of the Crusader to the center of the polygonal star on the floor. You will see a secret move leading in the training room. From there, go to the basement. At the end of the room you will see the Kiraça we need.
But it's not that simple! Having passed a bit, the 8 ghost kids' ghostly guards are materialized, among which there are Sir Amiel. To get Kiraça, you will have to fight with all the ghosts. And this is not so simple. But by defeating them, you will get access to Kiras. Take it down and talk in turn with each ghost. You will be shown to the rest of the crusaders.
Mercy Standardra

The next relic - gloves are the chapel of Corolla. Having come there, try to raise them. Heavy? We'll have to look for another way. Talk to the priest named Arldur. He will say that there is a single person who can raise them. This is Kellen, resting here, in the chapel. Speaking with him, learn that it is a curse on it, which allows him to raise gloves. Talk to Arlder again. Now you need to pray at the altar. You will get a climb that will need to be imposed on Kellen. It will give it to you, and at the same time and the ability to raise the crusaders gloves. Everything, the quest is made.
Rage of nature

The shoes of the Crusaders are located in the sanctuary of a kinatret in the Great Forest. You need to follow and talk to the priest. To get boots, you must have a test. Go to the grove to the west of the sanctuary and wait. Soon the animal will appear (its type depends on your level) and starts to attack it. Secure, but do not attack it! After a couple of blows, the animal calms down, and a secret movement will be discovered. In the cave you will find boots.
Wisdom of centuries

The shield of the Crusaders is hidden in Fort "Bastion", which is in the northeast of Leiaviine (almost on the border with black). Reaching there, enter inside. In the fort there are many riddles and traps. Activating all sorts of levers, you will finally see the grille, which will be four rows of pressure blocks. Activate the following: 1 row - left block, 2 row - central block, 3 row - right block, 2 row - left block. If you do not get, then go all the blocks yourself, noting that they will not make sounds. Finally, the lattice will rise, but by entering the door, you will face the captive. Free it and get a hint: "When the views of the Guardians will fall on you, Julianos will be favorable." (Approximate translation) is incomprehensible? Next will become clearer. Finally you will find the room with the statue of God and the four statues of the Guardians. On the floor in the center there is a sign. Now you need to somehow take advantage of the hint. Statues are rooted to the wall, and we need to do so that they all look at the circle. Each has a lever. Rotate each until the statues fall into the right position. A secret entrance will open. Having passed a bit, meet the next (and last) riddle. In the center of the room is a staircase, in its center - a box and a push block. Around the staircase eight statues with drawers. Take a thing from the central box and click on the block. An image of the subject will appear above one of the boxes. Throw the object there and repeat the procedure until you remember what image appears above each box. Now take a thing from a central drawer and put it into the appropriate box at the statue that the image of this subject. If you are done correctly, the box froze. Repeat until all boxes will flicker. There will be a passage to the room in which the shield of the Crusader is.
The path of righteous

Finally, another relic - Zenitar Bulava, is in the chapel of Zenitar in Leiavian. You can only pass the mission if you have the rest of the relics (helmet, kiras, boots and gloves). There you will meet another seeker relics. He also needed Bulaw, but he did not pass the test. Go down to the chapel basement. By interrupting the undead, go to the coffin of St. Calados. Activate it and you teleport in a strange place. You are standing on the platform, the bulva is visible to you, but you can't get to it, because You are separated by a big abyss. You can not leave either, because The exit is on you - to get there is also unrealistic. We will have to get to Bulava. One armor of the Crusaders, and the ghostly path will appear before you and take the mace. Coming out of the basement, you will find that the servant of our worst enemy attacked the church - Umarily. Kill them all and come back to eight guards (in the chapel in the south-east of Skingrad). Having come to the place, Lotan will come to you (remember, we freed it?) Speak with you. From him you will get the leaf of the Crusader.
Dead servant

And finally, the last relic - the sword of the Crusaders - is in the cave of Anderpall. The owner of Lotan, Sir Raverik, fell in battle in this cave. The sword went to the ghost of Lord Vindler. Lotan wants to take revenge on his master. If you want, you can take it with you. Now go to this very cave. She is approximately rolling between the cities of Bruma and Corolla.
Sword Crusader

Come in the cave. At first, you will not meet enemies, but, finding the entrance to the fortress of Anderpalla, the archers will open. In the cper you will meet the undead and rats. Finally, passing to the third cave, you will see the ghost of the inlandler. It should be killed. It fits great, then we are stronger! After killing the ghost, pick up the blade. Yes, this is our goal. But it is imposed on it, from which you can get rid of Arcia in Chadinala in Chapel. Having come to the chapel, you will see that Avroran attacks it (we have already met them). Clean the sword on the altar, and then clean the chapel itself from servants Umarila. Now you can go back to the monastery of nine.
Blessing Talos

This is not even a mission, but a conversation. A prophet came to the monastery and wishes to see you. Come into the chapel and talk to him.

Ceremonies came the most difficult mission. In it you need to destroy myself unmarked, and not only physically, but also spiritually. You will receive a spell "Blessing Talos" (it will be needed). To fulfill the task, I advise you to dress the entire armor of the crusaders, and from the weapon to take either the Zenitar bewa, or the sword of the Crusader. Some knights will go with you. Umaril is in his fortress Garlace Malagar, which is in the north and slightly in the west of Anvil. Reaching there, give orders to soldiers to storm, and run behind them. Kill the Aurians guarding the entrance, and enter. Here and the most interesting thing will begin. By interrupting a few more Aurians, click on the block and follow the open door. Here you will attack 4-6 Auroran. It is difficult to kill them, therefore, before you go to them, it is better to wait for assistants. Finally you will find the room with a blue sphere above. Her guards-Auroran are immortal. If your enemy fell, it does not have lives, it does not mean that he died. After a short period of time, it will crack. Therefore, quickly run past them up, press the block, destroy the sphere and run to the flickering invisible wall. The sphere will explode, and you, enter the door, meet with Umaril himself. Win it hard, but perhaps. Having done this, use the "blessing of Talos" spell and find yourself in the sky. Again fight him. This time it is finished with him. You will start falling, but during the flight you are steleport to the monastery to eight ghosts.

That's all! Umaril was defeated, and you formed our own Order of the Crusaders. On this campaign and ends.

Three millennia ago, at the dawn of the formation of the Alessian Empire, the legendary king-magician of Ailadov Uparil was defeated by his sworn enemy - Holy Crusader Pelinal Whitstark. However, on the deathbed, the hero predicted that Umaril will return to the mortal world, in order to overthrow the gods of Tamriel and thereby revenge for their defeat ...

Trouble begin ... and continue

Early morning in Anville. Nothing foreshadowed as they say ...

My Mother once told me: "Melly, Baby, if it seems to you that things are going too good, do not rush to rejoice. Wait until the gods remember you. " All twenty-eight years of your life, I considered these words with a simple warning - they say, be careful, do not lose vigilance and all the other in the same spirit. But now, standing on the knees in front of the altar in the chapel of the abbey of nine, I begin to think that they were hiding much more than I could imagine ...

Then I just returned from my wanders along the northern provinces of the Empire. Successfully selling trophies in the imperial city, I recalculated the coins in the wallet and decided that it was completely able to afford a little vacation. Where? What a question! Of course, the sea. Pearl of the cities of Syrodial - Anvlin - waited for me. Having spent on the hotel "Tyber Septim" (walk so much!), I went to the road.

The watch at the gate of Anville glanced on the sheath attached to my belly with a dagger and advised to always keep the weapon with him. I smiled at him. Poor fellow. Completely imagined in the service. Well, what could threaten me in the city, where the Ieronimus Lex itself followed the order, recently translated from the capital? That is, in fact, anything, of course, from the thieves to the outbreak of the cholera epidemic, - but, in the end, in vacation, or not?!

Pogrom in Zhmerinka. Rather, in the chapel.

The city seemed to me simultaneously crumbling and exhausted. There were almost no people on the streets, but sometimes I noticed the group of nervously mutable people and elves. I approached one of these group, but I could disassemble only: "Attack on the chapel", "Prophet", "Uparil". What happened here?! Near the chapel gathered a big crowd, over which a shrill rattling voice was broadcast. Without listening, I went to the guard. "I do not advise you to enter the chapel, Madame," he shook his head. "Is that you have very strong nerves." Well, I never complained about my nerves, and therefore, firmly by hand, removing the representative of the authorities, challenged the heavy wooden door ... Curse! I hurriedly picked the hem of dresses, because the floor was literally chopped by blood. Stained glass windows with images of nine broken, some of the small altars are broken, everywhere corpses. Around the main altar, on the floor, the bloods are discharged unfamiliar runes that form the correct circle. From the smell of pulling, I almost did not become bad. I slammed the door and leaned against her. "I warned Madame," the guard would notice mournfully. Having suppressed the desire to send it to Oblivion, I pushed through the crowd to look, who is so ruined. The high white-haired elder in the worn mantle broadcast something about the gods, the end of the world, crusaders, pilgrims and ancient prophecies. Normal nonsense. I interrupted his fiery speech and demanded explanations - preferably distinct and without fanaticism. Umaril returned, he said. Upariil Uterusal, the king-magician of aleidov, defeated at the beginning of time by the hero of Pelinal Whitstark, a companion of St. Alesia. The prophet also reported that the bloody runes mean: "The authorities did not have lowered the authorities of the inextricated gods." Anticipating the next Tirade, I asked if there was a way to stop this dead king. "He can fight with Umaril, who will find out and will bring together the relics of the Holy Crusader together, the one who is worthwhile to wear them is and only he."

Eh, my vacation disappeared ... Interesting, women in the Crusaders accept?

Path pilgrim

Make me, the inhabitants of Anvil!

Curiosity will destroy me like a cat. The prophet ordered a pilgrimage to the roads of nine and issued a card with altars marked on it. "Pray," he said. "And perhaps the gods will speak with you." I thanked the elder, still spent a day on holidays and the next morning, having enhanced in order of the witnessed armor, left the Eastern Gate of Anvil, heading for the sanctuary of Arkery, which, by the way, north of the Tavern "Brina Cross".

From the blooming fields of Anville to the snow-covered Pushos of Bruma, from the exciting spirit of the species of Lake Rumara - in the hot swampy forests Leiaviine, poisoned by the proximity of the Blacktopus. Fortunately, the map of the prophet was distinguished by excellent accuracy, and I almost did not wander. Arcay, Mara, Dibella, Akatosh, Julianos, Kinaret, Talos, Zenitar and Standarr - these names beat in my head, like Nabatu. I lost a bill of days spent on the way, my hair was soaked in the smell of dust, the boots covered the dirt from all seven counties ... nine times I prayed for a blessing, and one by one gods gave it.

An early gray in the morning of the 30th day of the harvest, I bowed knees from the last sanctuary. And it was a strange vision - as if I am ascended over the clouds, and Hero Pelinal himself spoke to me among the resemblance. And he told the Holy Crusader, which could not help me.

Honestly, I wanted to knock him out, nothing that he is a spirit and sort of like a battlefall. But at least the dead hero reported, from where you can start looking for relics, and pointed the path to the tomb, which a long time ago built on the spot of his death. This tomb now lay, hidden by the waters of Lake Rumara, where the top Niben takes his beginning.

And why are all road altars in such a deplorable state?

I ran through the bridge, in indecision stopped and leaned through the parapet. Below, at decent depth, we visited white in the greenery of the ruins in Isleid style. N-yes, and jump is high! And how I do not like to swim in the mail ... But, fortunately, in my plans, it was just a stone to go to the bottom.

Note: There is no need for feverishly to store the potions of water breathing - the ruins are flooded only at the very beginning.

Inside, I did not meet any special surprises. I repeatedly crossed the ghostly greenish draws and dived at the wall pass to the sanctuary of the Crusader. On the floor of one of the halls, I discovered the skeleton scattering from time. The sword was lying around and the scarlet shield of a strange form. Carefully, not to disturb the fragile bones, I searched my terrible find. My efforts were rewarded with an old key, the bizarre work of the ring and is the most valuable - the diary of the deceased researcher Ruins. Sir Amiel, that's how it was called. Once he was the head of the order of the knights of nine. These knights were just responsible for storing the crusader relics. Well, it is necessary ... No,, of course, I guess that it's not the first on this path, but so that the whole order is! .. Turning a diary to the light, I read on brittle pages that the ancient abbey of the Order was in the Western Forest.

"Something uncomfortable came out from there, whether the serpent green, or crocodile ..."

Behind me, in the radiance of a green flame, resting the helmet of the Crusader. Forward, girl! Having recourse the key with a complaintory grid, I ran further. Alas, soon it turned out that a direct passage to the skeleton was littered. I had to wade through the catacombs. Fu, as I hate the undead ... What kind of fat!

I can not believe ... I hold it in my hands! Legendary Hero Hero Pelinal - Winged, with long narrow eye slits. Well, now exactly rather away from here!

Spixing and smoothing, I emerged from the water. Evening came, and the sunset sun turned the surface of the lake into the flow of molten gold. A whistle is suspected of the horse, I bounced in the saddle and rowed on the ring road to the west.

I will never forget that for the first time I saw the light gray walls of an old abbey, - its clear slender lines, an elegant tower of the chapel. Time and Western forest tried in vain to absorb it. Even the driveway has been preserved quite well. Inside, however, confused. In a niche on the floor, a mysterious symbol was laid out - an eight-pointed star with Alami rhombuses crowned with rays. And what is it for the hole? Well, well-ka ... so there is. Sir Amiel's ring came up perfectly. Let's see what door it opens this "key" ... ah! The star suddenly sat down down the steps leading ... Well, now we will see where.

Nine in the still incomplete composition.

Basement. Training mannequins, extinct mountain ... yeah, door! It was crypt for her. Ahead, I saw what came here, - Kirace Crusader. However, it was worth it to get out of the middle of the crypt, as a niche with Kiraza, a bluish mist, and was surrounded by ghosts. That was, as I realized, the Knights of the Order, and they were not going to give relics without a fight! One after the other they went ahead and exposed the blades against me. Hmm, eight hefty coolers against one fragile girl? Well, okay, not very fragile. Anyway, somehow not in the knight. Yes, and the opponents are serious, without a well-supplied block, do not approach. In the end, Sir Amiel himself had an honor to grasp me. But he soon collapsed on the stone floor. What did not expect beautiful sirs? In my family, girls are brought up on a par with boys. You, of course, I knights, well, after all, I am a sword from three years to the gun.

Magic fog dymerk, and Kirase (although Ragchuga rather) the Crusader gently elevated my camp. I did several training attacks. Almost does not constrain movements. Well, it is necessary, and it seems like a man was done ... artifact, one word!

Let's see, however, that we have to tell the deceased sires ... Sir Casimir said that the Crusader's gloves are currently being in the chapel of Standarra in a corporal, and where, where he had fallen from the hands of the owner, when he hit him the beggar. He added something else about curse, but I did not hear. Sir Ralvas said that Zenitar's mace I will find in the chapel of Leiaviine, if my faith will be strong enough. Quite foggy, of course, but better than nothing. Behind the shield of the Crusader Sir Henrik sent me to Fort Bulvork, that in the south-east of Syrodial, at the border with blacks. Finally, Sir Junkan told what could lead me to Pelinal boots. True, he did not say anything concrete, only advised to find ministers of kineta in the sanctuary on the edge of the Great Forest. H-yes, pretty will have to run ...

Looking for lost relics

Well, with kineta, perhaps, and let's start.

This is important: in principle, you can look for the relics in any order, but the test of kinage should be held before you go to Leiaviin.

Bridge over the abyss.

Oh, and I suffered with this sanctuary, half of the Great Forest proceeded, but found - west of the Isleid ruins of the fanakacekul, which is on the very shore of Lake Rumar. Speaking with priestess named Evita Grevy, I found out that kineta should experience me before giving boots, but the essence of the test - why didn't it surprise me? - She, Evit, is unknown. "Fear and respect the nature in all its manifestations," the priestess rushes and pointed out the west. - There is a grove of tests. Stay, the child is mine, and the blessing of kinaret will be with you. "

First, the grove seemed to me empty, but after a minute because of the boulder, a hefty came out. brown bear. I pale and reached for a sword, but I remembered the warning of the Evita. Is this, what kind of animals are invited to respect?! Oh-her ... The Bear seems to consider the girl who frozen in front of him a suitable snack and attacked. Curse, these landscapes can reborn me in half! I called for help my scarce knowledge at the recovery school. And when this ... Forest's infection has almost achieved his own, a huge boulder on the side of me smoothly went to the ground, opening the entrance to the cave.

As beautiful ... Never seen the trees grow right inside the grotto. On the altar, the goal of my path was towers ... Rather, the first of the goals. Smiling nervously watching Spriggan's carefully, I grabbed the boots. Where now? The closest was the corporal. Well, gloves so gloves.

I saw you ... at the distance of the arrows!

For the sake of interest, I tried to raise them, but with the same success it was possible to try to push this chapel with the foundation. I looked around in search of a local clergyman. Incredibly, the courteous elf represented by Arlder, willingly told me about some Kellena, the descendant of Sir Casimir and the carrier of his curse. Again some kind of nasty ... but there is nothing to do. Asking permission, I went to see this Kellena. He was a terrible spectacle. Perhaps even urban beggars looked less depleted and pitiful. From the conversation with him, I did not recognize anything new, but Kellelen again sent me to Arlder. I wonder if I am that, the girl is blissing? The elf tried to turn away from the answer, however, I left it to the wall. If a woman wants something ... especially a woman warriper ... ha! Finally, the Arlder admitted that the only way to remove the cellena from Kellena is to take it on himself, but personally he is unable to do it. Panting, simply speaking. Well, it can be understood.

I stopped in thought near the altar. Maybe everything is not so scary? Although if you remember how the unfortunate Kellen looks like ... I shuddered. I looked at the gloves lying surrounded by candles. And, since the goat death! I went to my knees and raised the prayer to Standard, after which I returned to the unlucky young man and took his hands into my own. Oh, liviony me to disappear! .. It seemed that I took the whole severity of the sky on the shoulders. Congratulations, Mellant, you once again found a large migraine on my head ... The boyfriend, hesitate, happily got out of happiness and frightened hare in the chapel, having worked out the space with joyful screams.

Sir Berik, let your sword!

Herldur stared his eyes when I slept with the slightest efforts, and murmured something about what should rethink his destination. Well, yes, not every day in your eyes is happening a miracle.

Now my way was lying in Leiavin. The most sortical county of Syrodial met me suffocating heat in half with a torrential rain. No, in the armor here it is strongly impossible to exist! He dug in the hotel and changing, I went to the chapel of Zenitar. Immediately at the entrance, a certain type named Karodus O Oholin was attacked and sipped a hail of the questions about the relics of the Crusader. I got off from an annoying ex-soldier, but first found out that I should pray at the tomb of St. Caladas and then maybe I will see where Bulava is. In search additional information I turned to the local priest. H-yes, far from him to the honey-kind Arldura ... well, and Ham! With it difficult to keep himself from spitting in his brazen dance physiognomy, I snorted and went down to the basement.

Prayer moved me to an unknown and very strange place. Most of all it was like the ruins of the fort, hung in emptiness. Darkness was a little overclocked only clubs of a ghostly-luminous fog yes the stars, similar to the faded fireflies ... Or maybe not the stars, the devil will discern them. Ahead, feet in a hundred approximately, Bulava shone. "Let your faith lead you," Sir Ralvas sounded in my head. Is it good enough for me to believe that this believes bridge under my legs? ..

Well, a decent girl without a dagger even in church is better not to go ...

Looking at, I took a step in the abyss ...

I woke up in the chapel, at the tomb of St. Caladas. Bulava with me, of course, was not. Yes, I have not felt such a fool for a long time. And here the thought came to my long-suffering head. Not in vain I am so much Taldychili about the close connection between Zenitar and Kinaret! So, maybe the key or, or rather, the bridge to Bulawe all this time lay in my backpack?

I resolutely pereobulsya. Steel boots were very original combined with a silk dress, but this time the shreds of whitish fog formed unreliable, but still a path. I took the mace, moved to the tomb, packed the curious rat lunned under the legs and left the basement.

To immediately find yourself in the thick of the battle! Some ... people are not people? .. In golden armor attacked the chapel. The freshly acquired Bulava, however, was vividly cooled their fervor. When the raiders were finished, Carodus Oholin, impressed by my military talents, expressed the desire to do under my beginning. Well, if this warhead certainly needs someone to command ... I sent him to Abbey. At the same time, let the order of the order, or something.

Last place remained. Fort Bulvork. He also had to look for. From Leiavina to North to Blanken Marsha, and there in the east almost to the border with blacks. Upon arrival I found that I had competitors. Unknown logies tried to prevent me in Fort. Will there be the earth to them in Posh ... however, what am I? Let it be better to presid them as it should!

In my opinion, I have already seen it somewhere ...

In Fort, I found a note, where it was said that the shield is undoubtedly here. Already good. Also, there was a mysterious advice to pay attention to the candles along the walls when I go through the gate to the lower levels. In the room with a note, I turned first lever. The second was found in the upper pass, leaving the hall with a lifting bridge. Sitting along the bridge, I stopped in front of four rows of pressure plates. What is there in the note about the candlelight? Left, medium, right, left ... is! The grille rose!

On the way, prison cameras fell to me, and one of them was not empty. Gloomy Redgard, called Sir Tedret, in gratitude for liberation decided to join me. Let him, I do not feel sorry. Finally, he said the following: "When the eyes of all the guards are watching you, Julianos gives you his blessing." I have no idea what is the meaning here, but we will understand the way. Forward!

After long wandering, I found himself in a huge hall with the next lifting bridges. The control lever was immediately, I turned it and was already going to stand on the bridge, but something made me lift my head. Well, so eat! Darts fell on top of the city. Implementing the moment, I stumbled into the second bridge. Above him were the same traps. UV. Passed.

Another hall. Well, the huge same fort! Four statues, more precisely - five, but only four are equipped with handles, with which they can be rotated. The eyes of the Guardians, Hmm ... and here is the appropriate elevation where you can get up. I'll start these ... Guardians. Let it look. I have nothing to hide.

Knight on a white horse. Illustration.

The flame in the roar flashed alay and went out. A secret door opened in the wall. The next catacombs ... so that they were empty, tired. And hall. Statues are already eight, and all shy turned away to the wall. Before each - some box. The staircase of two spans, and in the middle of her hefty stone chest. Curiosity - this is not a vice, right? So so ... what's there? Yeah, a Cup of some rodgar.

As soon as I got on the push plate next to the chest, one of the statues brightly lit up and the illusion of the hammer arose before her. I put the cup in the chest in front of the statue. The chest immediately empty, but nothing has changed. But in the big chest appeared Helmet Rodgar. I wonder who he was, this Rodor? Now, when you press the button, another statue was highlighted, and the huge ruby \u200b\u200bflashed in front of it. Yeah, it seems, I begin to understand the local system ...

This is important: things appear in a large chest in random order, but the corresponding statues always alone and the same. The order from left to right if to turn face to the door, the following: Stone Varla, helmet, cup, sword, book, hammer, skull, jewel.

And again flashed and went out a brazier, a secret door opened again. And so I already hold in my hands covered by the scroll of the shield of the crusader. Maybe I sleep? But no, in my eyes and my efforts really come to life ancient legends ... It's time to go back to the abbey and tell the ghosts about their successes.

What are you, honey, look a spark, low head tilting ...

Ancient buildings were no longer empty. For the first time in three hundred years in the abbey there were inhabitants - those who wish to join the revived Order of Nine. Many I knew - Evita, Arldur, Carodus, Sir Tedrett, - and saw someone for the first time. In the main building I was found Laton, a squire of some sir Roderika, who, like me, went along the path of the pilgrim and was looking for sacred relics. Laton gave me a leaf of the Crusader and said that his master was killed in a fight with the ghost of the last of the ancient knights - the renegade of Sir Berika Vindel. I did not have anything, except to go to the Cave of Anderpall and try to pull the desecrated sword from the traitor's paw.

Laton and I got to the desired cave already at dusk, and immediately the hungry cougar attacked us. I critically looked like a young squire, with a violent cry of an attacker's unfortunate cat, and told him to wait outside. Once he took place, but in order can not be lucky. Sorry guy, I'm better to go.

As for the cave Anderpalle and hidden in her depths of the fort ... I already said that I hate the undead? One of the doors on me fell a bunch of stones. I barely managed to jump. I also discovered the tomb of Lord Vindel, and near, at the glanced wooden wicket, and his own. Maybe during his lifetime, he was a great warrior, but death on his skills affected the deployment.

Platoon! Listen to my team! On the ENF-U-RM!

So, the sword was with me, but it was necessary to re-consecrate him in the chapel of Arkery in Chanderale. It may seem the easiest of all that I had to do, but it was not there. For the chapel they attacked the servants of Umarila! Fortunately, I appeared just in time. They even inscription around the altar did not have time to finish. Oh, something I get too cynical ...

Upon returning to the abbey, I was informed that the prophet had recently arrived, who at the moment he reads the sermon in the chapel. I wonder ... Maybe he will finally say how to finish with Umaril?

So I knew that there was some trick! Umaril was hiding in the ruins Garlas Malatar, not far from Anvil, but it was not enough to kill his body. It should be destroyed and the Spirit so that he could not be revived in Oblivion. I sighed and asked the elder to continue. If he now demanded to shake both the moon from the sky, I would, the right of the word, was not surprised! But it turned out that everything is somewhat easier. The Prophet gave me the blessing of Talos, who, according to him, should be allowed to follow the spirit of Spirit and deal with him ... now already forever.

It's time. My knights have already set off in Garlas Malatar. Soon, one way or another everything will be over.

The ancient Isleid city in the sunset rays seemed a jewel in a sparkling frame. That's just this jewel taled in itself the branch of poison ... We entered. Zlatoliki Daera - minions Uparila - dozens materialized directly from the air. But could it stop us?

Oh, Ummaril, how are you ... Deli!

In the end, we broke into an extensive pane. In the middle of him on the elevation, a huge sphere was resting, emitted purple shine. The outlet of the hall overlap the fluid magic curtain. Daedra poured on us already in some incredible quantities, and, moreover, they stopped dying! Killed after some time got up, as before, full forces and hate to us. By providing associates with the right to deal with the enemy, I literally flew through the packer through the stairs to the damned sphere. I was sure that it was she supported the veil!

The explosion shook the city to the ground, but the path was now free. Then I was already alone, without keeping anything about the fate of my friends. And so I found my face to face with Umaril. He came across something in ancient language - not the spell, not that crime. In any case, I would soon begin to swear in his place. Having dares from enemy spells, I rushed like a fox with a proposed tail, but finally the king magician fell, fought by the Waughty Zenitar. I called on Talos and again found himself over the clouds ... Damned Umaril was here as here with his spells! In the lumens between the clouds below, at a huge height, he looked around the pain of the spire of the White Gold Tower. It turns out, I'm over the imperial city?! Okay, think about it after, but for now ... get, the canal! ..

I came to myself in the crypt of abbey. Nine Knights surrounded me - Nintero, because Sir Berik Vindel, whose ghost was destroyed by me at the Anderpall cave, joined his comrades. My mission ended. The knights talked to me for goodbye, having started to finish the revival of the ordinary glory of the Order, and disappeared. I hope there in mystical etherios, they will finally acquire peace.

As for me, I decided to still make a vacation - no one would argue that I deserve it? Only this time I will go, I, perhaps, in Leiavin - from sin away!