Chess figure diagonally. How to go shaks in chess. Chessmen. Horse

The ability to master the game in chess each new year is manifested in different ways, much depends on the mind warehouse, efforts, desires, but the first steps are the same for all beginner chess players. First of all, the rules for the arrangement of the figures in front of the party are absorbed, the following important point is the study of the principles, how the figures in chess are on the board. They must be learned to everyone who wants to start mastering chess. The rules of movement of figures did not change throughout the long history of the game, are used in all countries.

The possibilities of the king

Despite the fact that the king is the main figure, without which the game cannot continue, the possibilities of this figure are extremely limited. All chess army is obliged to reliably protect him from opponent's encroachments.

In the initial arrangement, the king is located in the center of horizontal 1, if it is white chess, or on a strip of 8 in black figures. It stands on a cell of another color. That is, the black king is located on a white field, white on black. There are no restrictions in the direction of the movement. She may move during the game:

  • forward or backward
  • left or right
  • in all diagonals.

But the length of the king's move is small, is the whole cage. The king has the opportunity to "kill" the enemy, provided that it is on the next field. He should not be in the area of \u200b\u200ba strange figure. If the king does not have the opportunity to leave, hide, the situation is called "Mat", defeat is counted.

Moving the queen

Sometimes this figure is called the Queen, which fully corresponds to her unlimited possibilities. It is not in vain for significance, the queen is equal to 9 pawns, it has an excellent opportunity to move freely throughout the board, if there is no interference. Like the king, the queen has a privilege that allows you to move in all directions. Moreover, the figure is capable of moving on any number of fields, regardless of their color. This is the most powerful, mobile battle member, to sacrifice this figure only in the most extreme case. No queen win the party is very difficult.

Rules of the movement of elephants

Another name of the figure "Officer". This figure, indeed, as an executive warrior can perform difficult tasks, combat the opponent, located on the other side of the board. For elephants, there are several rules:

  • each player at the beginning of the game of 2 elephants;
  • the figures move only in the fields of their colors, on which they are installed before the game;
  • elephant walks in chess only on diagonals for any number of cells;
  • he does not jump through the figures.

If on the diagonal directions available for this officer, there are enemy figures, it can "eat". For this, the "killed enemy" is cleaned, an elephant is installed in its place. According to the scale of values, 1 officer replaces three pawns.

Horse movement

The chess horse has the most complex trajectory, this figure walks along the way in the form of the letter "g". In order to rearrange it, you need to count three cells horizontally or vertical and one cell to the right or left. The color of the fields for the horse does not have a whole figure that stands in three cells from the edge or further, there are eight variants of movements. They are chosen depending on the situation on the board. The advantage of the horse is its ability to jump through any shape, their presence for the horse is not an obstacle. If there is an enemy unit at the end of its trajectory, it is cleaned, it is considered "eaten" (fired).

Moving the rook

Some chess players lovers call this figure of the tour. She is also trying to keep her players, do not sacrifice the figure without a special need. The trust value is its free movement. It is limited to straight lines. But:

  • the color of the fields does not matter;
  • you can move forward and backward, left and right;
  • the number of cells of one move is not limited;
  • it is possible to use castling.

The tour does not jump through the figures if an enemy unit is worth the enemy unit, you can "cut down", to put a root on this cage, to remove the shape.

In some cases, save the king from the mat, the situation improves the situation. To participate in it can, along with the king of only the tour. You can only carry out such an operation if both participants have not yet done a single move in the game. When castling, the king is rearranged into two fields towards the roaster, and it is installed near it on the other side. The simultaneous permutation of two figures in chess is allowed only in castles.

Rules of moves of pawns

Before the game, eight pawns are installed in a row on the second horizontal in front of large figures. For white chess it is a band number 2, for black №7. These figures are considered insignificant, are the soldiers of the army who perform minor tasks, they often sacrifice for more important purposes. However, it is not necessary to diminish their role, in some cases the pawns can reverse the course of the game.

The rules of movement of the pawns are simple, they only go on one cell forward. Feed the opponent's pawn only diagonally, a figure, standing ahead, she cannot eat. There is another exception. During the first time, from the originally built row, the pawn can be moved forward at once into two cells.

All chess pieces perform two important tasks. They protect the king, preventing "Pat" and "Mat", try to bring down as many opponents as possible.

The pawn has another important goal - she needs to reach the opposite edge of the board. It is extremely difficult to make it, since she has a lot of chances on the way to be "eaten." In addition, this figure is often sacrificed to protect more important units. However, if such a task is possible to perform, the wonderful transformation occurs with the pawn, it can become any other figure, the desired player at the moment. In most cases, it is safely transformed into a powerful queen. But this is not necessary, the player can make a choice in favor of a horse, tours or an elephant, if he needs these figures for victory.

If you decide to learn how to play chess, first things should be dealt with the name of chess figures. This will significantly speed up and simplifies the process of further training. Chess game is one of the oldest, she has been many centuries. Its development was continuous: Initially, people played grains, then the balls from clay, and only to middle eyelids on the board there were those figures that are familiar to us.

Today, during the game of chess, each player uses six species of figures. They differ in color: one white shapes, and the second is black. At the same time, the "army" and one, and another player consists of 16 figures. We will look at more than a little further. Each figure has its own place on the board and a certain trajectory of movement, a way or ways to move during the game. So let's deal with the name of the figures in chess by pictures and photos.

1. (King) is the main figure on the "battlefield", around which the game is built. After all, the end of the game comes exactly when the king of the opponent is being blocked. Despite its status, the king is quite limited in movements, it can move only on one cell in any direction. But at the same time he has an advantage - the possibility of castling. This term means a joint running with the rook, during which the king goes to a safer place.

2. (Queen) is the most active, strong and second figure in the game during the game. Its capabilities in the path trajectories are most diverse. The queen can walk both up and down on the board and left and right, as well as on white, and in black diagonals. The queen - a hard figure in terms of an enemy, because it has great opportunities to protect the king and almost at any time can be in the right place. The queen is usually almost the same as the king, but slightly lower and often with a small ball on the top.

3. (Rook) - This figure is moving only vertically or horizontally and is limited by obstacles. At the start, the player has two cruise, which are placed around the edges of the field. Sometimes lovers call them "tours", but experienced players "cuts" the rumor.

4. (Bishop) - also a steam figure, is considered easy, it usually looks like a low turret with a pointed droplet. This form can remind the monk clothing - so it is. The figure appeared precisely because of the fact that the Catholic priests were fond of chess and brought something to her.

5. (Knight) - usually looks like an appropriate animal. His feature is an unusual movement manner, namely the letter "g" in any direction. The horse is easily jumping through obstacles (rival figures) and at the beginning of the game stands next to the rook.

6. (Pawn) is a chess soldier who first robs into battle, opens the game. Everyone has 8 pawns. They go most simply - in one cell and only forward, although they can jump over the cell as the first turn - and the enemy figures are removed only by defrost. Pawns play an important role, they defend other figures, and reaching the opposite edge of the board can be returned instead of themselves any feet of the figure and the Queen, and Rudew and a horse. The exception here is only the king.

Many newbies are worried about various questions about how the figures go are the basis of all movements and moves. It is from this that the training begins. It is worth staying on them in more detail.

In total, there are 6 pawn, swear (or round), an elephant (it is also called an officer), horse, queen (otherwise queen) and the king. All of them go differently. There are also its subtleties in movements depending on the gaming situation. So, let's talk about each separately.


How do they go from the second row? Pawns are the most numerous (their 8 pieces), but also the weakest characters. They can only go ahead and only on one cage. Go back to them is already impossible. Buck these figures is somewhat different - shifting diagonally. The only case when the pawn can jump on 2 cells ahead - this is at the very beginning of the battle, making your first move.

On the other hand, the pawn, which reached the opposite edge of the board, can turn into any other shape. Most often, chess players stop the choice on the Ferses because of its versatility, but if the game situation needs, "ordinary" can become an officer, and a rook, and a horse.


Let's go to the first row. How do the figures in chess hidden behind the pawns? The tour walks in a straight line, both horizontally and vertically. The number of cells that it can step over is unlimited. It is also capable of stopping anywhere. Movement back is not prohibited. But the rook cannot jump over other figures. She beats along the way: goes in a straight line, destroys the opponent and takes his place. All this is not deviating from their line of movement.

There is a special move - castling. It can only take part in the king and a tour. If one of them or both have already moved along the field, the circling cannot take place. The essence of this movement is that the king is shifted by 2 cells to the tour, and she is rearranged for the king. This is the only case when 2 shapes are involved within one move.


We continue to study chess. How do the figures go, who were heard even far from the game? The movement of the horse is similar to the letter "g". It jumps over 2 cells and falls on the third, perpendicular to the previous movement. A step can be made both vertically and horizontally. Rotate the horse is also capable of any side. Therefore, this figure standing in the center of the field has 8 options for movement. As a result, the stroke of the horse always turns out to be on the opposite field.

Another advantage of the horse - he can jump over other figures, including enemy, without eating them. Without the consequences, he attacks the queen, a fine or an elephant, since they go very differently and will not be able to overtake the cunning. To beat, the horse should take the place of the attachable figure. Otherwise, he just jumps over it.

an officer

How do the figures in chess, if these are elephants? On diagonals. Each player has a "white" and "black" elephant. This name is given due to the initial color of the field on which the figure stands. It is impossible to change it. The officer cannot jump over other figures. Otherwise, its movement is not limited: in any diagonal direction for some kind of cells. To eat an enemy figure standing on the path of the officer, you need to put it in her place.


The most maneuverable and powerful figure. He walks the same as an elephant and switches, combined. That is, vertically, horizontally and diagonal on any number of cells and in all directions. He has only one limit: you can not jump through the shapes. In case of danger, the queen may hide in any direction. If necessary, to attack from any point of the board. Queen is the strongest weapon in the hands of the chess player.


The most important and requires constant protection figure. She completed the study of the question of how the figures in chess go. The king almost does not have the opportunity to hide, since it can move only on 1 cell. Of course, it can walk in any direction: diagonally, vertical or horizontal. But it is also fairly easy to control it, subject to significant removal. The king eats enemy figures as well as walks, moving on 1 cell. That's all that you can say about how the shaks are walking.

It is with the king that the end of the game is connected. He put a mat. This means that the most important figure is under the blow, and hide it nowhere: the opponents around the opponents. His pieces for which you can hide, there is also no nearby. If such a position is created, the party ends. And the one who put the mat is considered to be a loser.

Shah is this provision when the king is under the blow, but he can leave or take to sleep. It is also possible that the threatening figure can be eaten. The king can not be left under blow. How do chess figures go in this case? All the actions of the player must be directed to the protection of the king.

Pat is a very interesting situation in the game. In this case, the king himself is not under blow, he was not announced, she was not announced, but he has nowhere to walk: all other cells are controlled by enemy figures. In this case, it also can't come to the rescue. Patches are counted for a draw, the party ends.

That's all with regard to the main element when playing chess. How the figures go, it is known, you can start a party.

IN chess party 6 species of figures are involved - king, queen, rook, horse, elephant, pawn. At the disposal of each player at the beginning of the party 16 figures: the king, queen, two rooks, two elephants, two horses, eight pawns. Total on the board 32 shapes.
The initial position of the figures looks like this:


Pawn, the only figure that goes only forward, can not walk back. Nominal pawn cost 1 point.

In the initial position (white - on the 2nd horizontal, black - on the 7th) player can move the pawn on one or two cells forward. After the first running, the pawn can only move forward on one field in one move. Beats enemy's feet can be hit on one field forward diagonally to the right and left. The pawn hits the figures in one rule, but goes differently. This is its difference from other figures.

This is a project for beginners approved by our readers in which you or your child will be able to improve the skill of the game, fulfill a chess discharge, in a short time grow to a winner of regional tournaments. In teachers - Wizard FIDE, online training.

Two connected with a pawn interesting rules in chess. The essence of the first rule is as follows. (8th for the white and 1st for black) and turns into any shape, except for the king. Such a transformation is one move, and the next move goes to the enemy.

The second rule is taking on the aisle. At its progress, the pawn can beat the enemy's pawn if she switched.

In fig. 3 White pawn made a move on two fields ahead. A black pawn can beat white and become a broken field, and not on the field where the white pawn has become, as it happens with ordinary takes. Performing on the aisle is possible only at the next time, through the course this right is lost.


The horse goes through an unusual trajectory, resembling the letter "G" - moves on 2 cells ahead and one cell to the side. Of all the figures, only a horse can jump over their own and other people's figures. The horse can attack any sign of the enemy, being in an inaccessibility for them. When hitting the horse occupies a shot down figure. The nominal value of the horse 3 points. Located in the center of the board, it has 8 affordable moves, and in the angular field - only two.

IN real life "Make a horse's move" - \u200b\u200bit means to perform some kind of unusual or cunning step.


Elephant is a strong, long-range figure. The nominal value of the elephant is 3 points, and it is about equal to the horse. This comparison is somewhat conditional, since in an open position an elephant can be a stronger horse, and in a closed - a horse is often stronger than an elephant. The horse and elephant are in chess to "light figures".

Elephant walks and strikes off in all directions diagonally on any number of cells, as shown in the figure. An elephant, which walks through white cells, is called white, and in black - incense.


Rye, like the queen, are considered a heavy figure. Its nominal value is 5 points. And beats vertical and horizontally to any number of cells.

Specific move in the chess game - casting. The casting is correctly performed so - the king moves on 2 cells to the roaster and the flare is rearranged for the king. Rocking can be made subject to the following conditions:

  • the king and the rook with which the casting occurs, before that, they did not make moves in the game;
  • horizontally between the king and the roof there are no other figures;
  • the king is not under the blow of the opponent's figure;
  • the field through which the king and the field is moving to which it becomes not under the blows of the opponent.

Long casting is performed towards the queen flank, short - in the side of the royal.

It is impossible to rearrange the root. In chess, there is a rule: took - go. If you first move the flare to the king, the enemy has the right to demand the progress completed, and the casting will not take place. Cocking is the only course in chess when one move is performed by two figures.


Queen is the strongest figure in chess, with a nominal value of 10 points. The queen walks in all directions vertically, horizontally and diagonally on any number of cell cells. Queen is an important figure. It is strong and mobile, effective in attacking and protection. Queen must be protected from the blows of the opponent's figures. The loss of the queen or the exchange of it on a figure of a smaller dignity leaves little chance of victory.

Equiform Queen can be exchanged for the queen, two rooks or three light enemy figures. There are cases when the experienced chess player specially gives the queen to achieve a certain goal in the party. This is called "Victim". Beginner lovers need to remember that the queen must be stored and used as the strongest figure.


The king is the main figure in chess and has no nominal value. The party is played when the king dies - get mat. The king can not be kept under the fighting of the opponent. He needs constant protection. Like the queen, the king goes and strikes the vertical, horizontally and diagonally, but only one cell in any direction. Located in the middle of the board, the king holds under the blow of 8 fields.

At the end of the party, when the shapes on the board remain an order of magnitude less, the power of the king becomes equal to about the strength of the light shape.

Shah is such a position when the king is under the blow of the opponent's figure. The king is impossible. It is necessary to go to another field, protect yourself, to protect yourself or simply beat the enemy's figure, which announced Shah.

In fig. 10 White King can get away from Shah, an elephant can cover the king, the queen can beat black fine.

The party ends when the king gets mat. This means that the king is under blow (shaha) and go to him nowhere - free fields are under the blows of the opponent.

Curious situation in the game - Pat. The king is not under Shah, but nowhere to go to him - all the free fields are under the blows of the opponent's figures. Other figures also do not have moves.

In this case, the party ends in a draw.

According to the accepted system of counting for the victory, there are 1 points, for a draw of 0.5 points, for defeat 0.

Some figures have a double name. Before the revolution, an elephant was called an officer, a lady - a tour, Queen - Queen. Among the chess players, these names are not distributed, sometimes lovers use them.