KinoMania Pavel Grinev. Gamers with unlimited possibilities. Interesting facts about Pavel Grinev

When mentioning the word "disabled", most people immediately represent a person chained to a wheelchair. Why do they need video games if they can't take care of themselves, you ask. Life found the answer to this and many other issues related to gamers, whose opportunities do not end with your fantasies.

But Reed Kimball is not the only one who is concerned about the adaptation of devices for gamers with disabilities. In the UK, there is a Special Effect organization, the purpose of which is to help people with disabilities to know all charming virtual entertainment. Life talked to her representative.

Our team is modified by controllers so that people with disabilities can play video games and communicate with the world around

In practice, this means that they ask people what they want to play and what their individual capabilities, then compare these facts, modify or create specially designed gaming installations.

We do not produce anything and do not sell, and we do not take a fee for our work.We do it not just for pleasure. By alignment gaming field We combine families and friends and render a deep positive impact on the involvement, confidence and quality of life

In the future, the Organization intends to continue working with people with disabilities, as well as continue research in the field of innovative ways to increase the number of people who will play games. They also cooperate with companies in this industry to make their games more accessible.

One of the bright examples of the company is a girl of Seian. She was born with a terrible diagnosis of cerebral palsy. Like all the girls of her age, it is a disney fan. Battery attracted Disney Infinity game. Any other girl would have received the game as a gift the next day, but even pressing the button or move the poke is an overwhelming test.

Specialists from Special Effect came up with a special control panel for the girl, which allows it to perform all the necessary actions in video games. There are no restrictions for it, it can fully enjoy gaming process Any game. And full to call himself a gamer. Isn't it a miracle?

Carlos Vassez - a phenomenal person and absolutely accurately faithful game fan Mortal Kombat.. When he was ten, the doctors put him a diagnosis - glaucoma. The disease gradually reduces vision, which inevitably leads to full blindness. But even this factor did not stop the player. Having lost sight, Carlos decided to focus on another feeling - hearing. As it turned out, absolutely all sounds of shocks are voiced in the game. He learned them and reached incredible success in the game.

For example, in 2014 he visited EVO 2014 - a tournament in which compete professional players in the fights. And what would you think? Carlos spoke not just worthy, he did not lose a single round in the first two matches. He also has canal on YouTube. where he posts the records of his matches.

No need to think that even the most terrible diagnosis puts a point in a person's life. Each of them overcomes incredible tests and makes feats daily. After all, we will be honest, only in our head restrictions. To understand this, just look at the examples above.

Pavel Grinev (Kinaman) - good example Adequate video brochor (who does not consider himself a video bogger)leading your own popular channel on YouTube.

Paul does not strive to follow the rules of blogging, dictated by YouTube after he has turned from video hosting on a social network, and chapter cheap popularity to the detriment of the quality of content. Unlike the overwhelming majority of other bloggers.

First of all, Paul is a person, which the video format allows you to fully disclose in the creative plan. And, of course, his kinamania is the best show about computer retroigrah, which I have seen. In many ways, even better James Rolfa, whose works he was inspired. Because it tells about our, warm and lamp child in an embrace with the joystick from Dandy.

I invite you to see a small video interview that I took from kinaman for youTube Channel

Hi friends today on We present a new heading, interview with bloggers, and today there will be a teleconference with the city of Rostov, with Pavel Grinev, more famous as Kinaman. We will ask Paul a few questions, and he is in his famous kitchen will answer them.

Anton - Pasha, hello, tell me why did you start blog?

Pavel Grinev: I am not really a blog, I am engaged in video ends, which is not tied to a specific work scheme, as it happens at bloggers. I do not remove the video, I am very rarely writing even on my page in social networks And I do not consider your blog as such.

Anton - Why did you choose the video format, and not a format of some classical blog, text, microblogging?

Pavel Grinene: In fact, I did not choose him, it all started with my first film, who took off in 2011, the film was full-length and did not provide for any format of blogging, I was simply inspired by the works of James Rolf, and wanted to do in the same vein, But what is familiar to all of us, those who grew up in the 90s, on the topic of video games, nostalgia, and everything else. After the film, numerous requests appeared to make the second part, because they liked it to the people, and I chose some format for myself; Since I had ideas about how you can continue this topic, I chose the format of the TV shows Dandy Chronikals, and as part of this program I continued to engage in video emission. Then new programs appeared, new ideas, a new spleyshow appeared in the kitchen, there was a dandy memorial, but I do not consider it all for myself a video blog. I do not step up to stick to the rules that dictate YouTube or another similar platform, for me the Internet is a way to convey, the way to tell the audience about something interesting.

Anton - Tell me, what do you like your personal blog on YouTube?

Pavel Grinev: First of all, it gives me new friends, because by youtube, and thanks to the fact that I began to engage in this activity, I met many interesting and different people, creative, talented, which are engaged in the same thing. And thanks to this, I met people in many cities of the country and people began to come to me with whom we fully communicate in reality.

Anton - how to make a blog earlier?

Pavel Grinev: It is difficult to call it earnings, but some kind of income is still nice. Because for example, three years ago, I did not suspect that making the transmissions that you like and simply laying on the Internet it could bring some income, especially in amateur terms.

Anton - and also, an important question for me, how do you feel your own popularity, as a person, as a blogger, as a leader of opinions,? Does this affect decision making for example in personal life?

Pavel Grinev: I don't notice popularity as such and I do not feel any feelings related to this. In the Internet, you can answer this question, for example, with time, I began to notice for myself that when there were subscribers on my channel on YouTube and I wrote comments to the video that I liked the other author, put like, I began to notice that with My canal began to run people and say that "Kinaman looked like it is cool." And I thought that in fact it's not correct that if I felt it means it is cool, it's just my opinion and I began to restrict myself in this regard, because for example, I would not want to leave a comment on the channel dedicated to the fact that In general, it is not related to the sphere of my creativity and with the sphere of my channel, I would not want to have people there and said "about Nifiga to yourself what's going on, KinaMan like this video format."

IN real life Nothing changed and I hope nothing will change.

There is still such a party that over time and with how my programs began to watch more and more people, I began to come a lot of suggestions to meet in reality, that is, somewhere in Rostov, someone comes, says Kinaman meet beer drink, in dandy play, you are very interesting person etc. And this is what I try to avoid, because I am a humble person, I can't make myself on the fore, send an air kisses, say hello to everyone. My circle is very narrow in real life, I'm not so many friends, but many of them close friends, and with them I feel comfortable, and I would not want to meet unfamiliar people who just know me and want to communicate with me. Maybe if there was some opportunity to meet how to call a meeting with fans where you could answer questions about something about something ..., but to meet with specific people that I write, no it happens very rarely, and in I am very modest. But I learned about myself, it was when people learned me on the Internet, before that, I didn't know about such a feature, and probably growing popularity, if you can call it, I opened my eyes on it.

Anton - Tell me how much time did you have prepared on the film? And how much time do you have to prepare one of your transfer?

Pavel Grinev: I took the first film for five and a half months, all other programs produced I shot from a month to three. Now I am busy with the film, which will be more widely extensive than my first film "Curse of a gray elephant" and work on it takes almost a year and I think it will take as much as much. I am writing a script about half, I begin to shoot, I start learning how it turns out, I look at what is missing that I can add to the remaining half of the script, I make adjustments that for ourselves it is from the footage on the first half.

Member name: Pavel Grinev

Age (birthday): 31.03.1988

City: Rostov-on-Don, Russia

Growth and weight: 186 cm

Channel direction:letply, movie reviews

Number of subscribers:from 145,000

Found inaccuracy?Let's fix the questionnaire

With this article read:

His happy childhood was held in the city of Rostov-on-Don. Pasha grew in full family, parents loved him very much.

From school times, Grinevo surprised everyone around with his talents - the boy independently mastered the guitar, later he admitted that he did not even know not a good literacy. "Somehow it happened," a young man smiles.

He always dreamed of creating his own rock band. The love of rooted in Paul after he heard the songs of Viktor Tsoi and the Movie Group. By the way, His pseudonym - "Kinaman" Grinene also obliges a popular rock band.

When creating your own account on Yandex, Nick "Kinoman" was busy, and for the sake of a joke Pasha replaced one letter. Viktor Tsoi remains a cumier of a young man to this day. When creating your own way, the leader (also known to the pseudonym Paul) was guided by the appearance of the singer.

Hairstyle, narrow cheeks, large chin is very similar to the features of the face of Tsoi. Even subscribers actively discuss the similarity of Paul with a young rock performer.

In childhood, the boy was very inquisitive, had many hobbiescomputer games, selection of songs on the guitar, bicycles.

He did not stand out among other children - walked with friends, played football (by the way, always stood on the gate).

However, from the small years, Pasha began to manifest the form of scoliosis. There were complications in relations with peers, the guy switched to home learning.

Now he is very thin, in addition, Grinevas told his fans, which has violations in bone-muscular development, often visits neuropathologists.

In 2005, Paul ends 11 school classes (information about this varies, contradictory facts are given), after which the future is thinking about the future. Deciding to become a programmer entering RCSBut after studying there less than a year, he understands that he chose the wrong way.

Then the young man decides to suspend learning for an indefinite time. However, computers are not thrown - the worldwide network opens up new horizons.

In 2011, Kinaman releases a short film "Curse of Gray Elephant" dedicated to the oldest console "Dandy".

Having enlisted with the support of new subscribers and good statistics of views, Grinevo is strongly moving further in this direction. It produces its own style, a new unusual format is the life of the younger-disabled young man.

Opinions on Paul's activities are very different "Someone likes his content, someone considers a video of a young man strange and even frozen." Unfortunately, in connection with the health violations, the Mimica Pasha is not distinguished by a variety.

In any case, today Grinev is an unsolving face of the Russian Yutiuba - the audience of his subscribers exceeds 140 thousand people, and he has a bunch of fans who appreciate his work.

Interesting Facts About Pavel Grinev:

  • A young man suffers from partial violations of memory and muscular development;
  • Is the creator of the popular movie "One Day Childhood";
  • Favorite films Greeneva - ForrestGamp, "Needle" with Viktor Tsoem in the lead role, "crew";
  • Idea inspirer Pasha - James Rolf.

For more than three years ago, March 27, 2011, Youtube appeared a film by anyone who is not the famous Rostov guy Pavel Greenyov called "Curse of Gray Ilank". It was dedicated to him, it would seem that the forgotten 8-bit console "Dandy". Why do people watch it? It turned out to be. During the time who passed since the first viewing, Paul "Kinaman" Grinyov became, perhaps, the most authoritative retriblogger, and his project "Kinamania" collects a millionth audience. It is not surprising that this amateur of Oldclah got to us in the heading "Three Questions for Celebrity."

- How many people write to you in a personal, in the post office and so on? And how often do they manage to answer?

- On average, about 15-20 people per day, although it happens in different ways. Most often it happens through "VKontakte", and half just express an opinion about my project, so there is no particular need to answer. Those who ask to answer, answer if possible, but not often, since I can not regularly view all messages, and they are gradually "leaving" down.

- Do you consider yourself a blogger?

- Why should I remember childhood?

"Because in childhood most people had a lot of good and that would never be more." It must be remembered because much of this has carried real joy, which under the pressure of adult life simply disappears. If you manage to keep this children's part in yourself, you never seek to rejoice at the present life. In addition, the feeling of suggestion, which is characteristic of modern realities, will also not be excavated, if at least sometimes look at the world with children's eyes.

Watch the curse of a gray miscarriage:

Alexey Borovenkov