2 people approached the shore. Two people are suitable for the river. The shore has a boat that can withstand only one. Both people crossed the opposite shore. how

1. Two people are suitable for the river. The shore has a boat that can withstand only one. Both people crossed the opposite shore. How?

2. Sherlock Holmes went on the street. And suddenly he saw a dead woman lying on the ground. He came up, opened her bag and took out the phone. In tel. The book he found her husband's number. He called. He speaks:
- Urgently come here. Your wife died. And after a while the husband comes. He looks at his wife and says:
- Oh, cute what happened to you ???
And then the police come. Sherlock shows a finger on a woman's husband and says:
- Arrest this person. It he killed her. Question: Why did Sherlock think so?

3. Where is such that horse over the horse jumps over?

4. Bank stands on the table. It costs it so that one half is in the air, and the other on the table. What lies in the bank, if she falls after half an hour? And why?

5. A man went to the sea and got into the storm. He was attributed to the island where there were no men, and only girls lived. In the morning he woke up all the ropes at some ritual and found out that he would want to kill. And he asked him the last word. After he said him, the girls made him a boat, gave food, water and sent home. What did he say?

6. This mystery of the 1st grade student decides in 5 minutes, high school students in 15 minutes, a student in 1 hour, the professor will never decide. Riddle: Decipher CATPTSWDDD

7. One train rides from Moscow to St. Petersburg with a delay of 10 minutes, and the other from St. Petersburg to Moscow with a delay of 20 minutes. Which of these trains will be closer to Moscow, when will they meet?

8. It is known that among nine coins there is one fake, which has a weight of less than the rest. How with the help of cup weights for two weighing to determine the fake coin?

9. There are two cords, each of which is burning on the hour, but burns unevenly. How to measure these two cords and matches for 45 minutes?

10. 2 bricks put 2 bricks on the smooth board - one plastics, and the other on the edge. Bricks weigh the same. What brick will slip first, if you tilted the board?

11. Cat - 3 Horse - 5 Rooster - 8 Donkey - 2 Cuckoo - 4 Frog - 3 Dog -?

12. Three criminals met: Bell's member, Dushnik Chernov and Pocket Ryzhov. "It's amazing that one of us has black, the second white, and the third red hair, but the same hair does not match the surname," said the black-haired. "True ...", "Belovznik said. What is the hair color of the pocket?

13. You are standing in front of three switches. For an opaque wall, three light bulbs in the off state. You need to make manipulations with switches, go into the room and determine which light bulb includes which switch.

14. It is a wall of concrete with a height of 3 meters, 20 meters long and 3 tons weighing. How to cook it without having any auxiliary tools and tools?

15. The father with two sons went on a campaign. River met on their way, whose shore was raft. It can withstand on water or father, or two sons. How to cross the other coast of Father and sons?

Do not spy) First, think about yourself!

1. They were on different shores.

2. Because Holmes did not tell him the address.

3. In chess.

5. Let me kill me the most ugly.

7. At the time of the meeting, they will be at the same distance from Moscow.

8.1-E Weighing: 3 and 3 coins. Fake coin in that bunch, which is less weighs. If you are equal, then the fake in the third bunch. 2nd Weighing: 1 and 1 coin are compared from a handful with a smallest weight. If you are equal, then the fake is the remaining coin.

9. It is necessary to set fire to the first cord simultaneously at both of the ends - it is 30 minutes. Simultaneously with the first cord, we set fire to the second cord from one end, and when the first neck cord in 30 minutes, we set on the second cord from the other end - we get the remaining 15 minutes.

10. Bricks will start sliding at the same time. Both bricks are put on the board with the same force, and therefore the same and friction strengths that have to overcome them. The pricing specific forces per square centimeter of the area of \u200b\u200bcontact with bricks with a board, naturally, are not equal. But the total friction forces acting on bricks equal to the product of the propelled friction area on the surface area of \u200b\u200bcontact will be the same.

11. Cat - Meow (3), Horse - and-go (5), Rooster - ka-ka-re-ku (8), Donkey - and (2), ..., Dog - Gav ( 3)

12. Belov is not white because of the last name and not black, as he answered a black-haired. That is, white - redhead. Chernov is not black because of the last name and not redhead, since the redheads we have a member of white. Pocket Ryzhova remained black.

13. Enable two switches. After some time, turn off one. Go to the room. One light bulb will be burning from the switch turned on, the second is hot - from the on and off, the third is cold, from untouched

14. The thickness of such a wall will be no more than two centimeters, which allows you to push it with hand

15. Both Sons are first shipped. One sons return back to the Father. Father moves to the opposite shore to his son. Father remains on the shore, and the son is transferred to the original shore behind his brother, after which they are both transferred to the Father.

Help solve! A group of 31 tourists should twist for 7 boats to the opposite shore of the lake. They have triple and five-seater boats. How much

triple and how many five-seater boats need to send all tourists to the opposite shore of the lake. (system of equation decisive by the method of addition)

Five scouts approached the river through which their further path lay. The river was deep, and there was no bridge over it. At the shore stood a boat with sitting

in her two boys. Scouts asked boys to transport them all to the other side. Make a crossing algorithm, if it is known that the boat holds only one soldier or two boys, and the soldier and the boy no longer holds. How many flights can you do this? The flight should be considered the movement of the boat in one direction.
3. Two British, traveling in the Amazon Debries, and their two conductors from the local tribe are required to cross the opposite bank of the river. There is a small inflatable boat at the disposal of travelers, capable of accommodating only two people. The British suspect that their conductors from the tribe of cannibals, and feel safe only when they are together. How to arrange a safe crossing?
4. The river simultaneously approached three merchants and three robber. Everyone had to go to another, the opposite shore. The shore had a boat that could only accommodate two people. The merchants fearfully looked at the robbers, as they knew that during the crossing could have happened. If during the crossing on one or another bank, the number of merchants and robbers will be the same, then the robbers will not touched merchants; If the number of robbers exceeds the number of merchants at least one person, then the robbers will kill merchants. Before merchants stood difficult taskBut she was easily solved - everyone moved to that shore and the victims were not. How were the merchants and robbers manage to cross on the bank and how many flights did the boat made back? The flight should be considered the movement of the boat in one direction.
5. The case was in America. Once it came to the Englishman, Negro and Indian river, each with his wife. Everyone had to go on the other side. At their disposal there was only one boat (and that without rower), capable of accommodating only two. Having agreed with each other, the men decided to proceed with the crossing, as suddenly it turned out that none of his wives would see the boat with a stranger husband or stay on the shore in a male society without her husband. Husbands were thinking about, but still managed to guess how to fulfill the desire of their wives. How did they manage to cross over the river?
6. As a peasant to transport in a boat from one shore to another goat, cabbage, two wolves and a dog, if it is known that the wolf can not be left unattended with a goat and a dog, a dog in the "quarrel" with a goat, and the goat "is not indifferent" to the cabbage ? The boat is only three places, so you can take with you no more than two animals or one animal and cabbage.

Riders drove up to an abandoned ferry crossing through the Klyazma river near Moscow. Parmer can carry no more than 10 centners. Missa one

the rider is 70 kg, and the mass of one horse is 420 kg. Loss can not be left alone. You can smooth out the ferry across the river, one person is enough. There are quite rusting. What is the smallest number of distilts, along with horses can cross the opposite coast of Klyazma? Please solve the task very necessary

Mystery number 1.

Two people are suitable for the river. The shore has a boat that can withstand only one. Both people crossed the opposite shore. How?

Mystery number 2.

Where is it found that the horse through the horse jumps?

Mystery number 3.

Sherlock Holmes went on the street. And suddenly he saw a dead woman lying on the ground. He came up, opened her bag and took out the phone. In tel. The book he found her husband's number. He called. He speaks:

Urgently come here. Your wife died. And after a while the husband comes. He looks at his wife and says:

Oh, honey What happened to you ???

And then the police come. Sherlock shows a finger on a woman's husband and says:

Arrest this person. It he killed her. Question: Why did Sherlock think so?

Mystery number 4.

Bank is standing on the table. It costs it so that one half is in the air, and the other on the table. What lies in the bank, if she falls after half an hour? And why?

Mystery number 5.

A man went to the sea and got into the storm. He was attributed to the island where there were no men, and only girls lived. In the morning he woke up all the ropes at some ritual and found out that he would want to kill. And he asked him the last word. After he said him, the girls made him a boat, gave food, water and sent home. What did he say?

Mystery number 6.

This riddle of a 1st grade student decides in 5 minutes, a high school student in 15 minutes, a student in 1 hour, the professor will never decide. Riddle: Decipher CATPTSWDDD

Mystery number 7.

One train rides from Moscow to St. Petersburg with a delay of 10 minutes, and the other from St. Petersburg to Moscow with a delay of 20 minutes. Which of these trains will be closer to Moscow, when will they meet?

Mystery number 8.

It is known that among the nine coins there is one fake, which has a weight of less than the rest. How with the help of cup weights for two weighing to determine the fake coin?

Mystery number 9.

There are two cords, each of which burns on the hour, but burns unevenly. How to measure these two cords and matches for 45 minutes?

Mystery number 10.

2 bricks put 2 bricks on the smooth board - one plastics, and the other on the edge. Bricks weigh the same. What brick will slip first, if you tilted the board?

Mystery number 11.

Cat - 3 Horse - 5 Rooster - 8 Donkey - 2 Cuckoo - 4 Frog - 3 Dog -?

Mystery number 12.

Three criminal meets: Bell's member, Dushnik Chernov and Pocket Ryzhov. "It's amazing that one of us has black, the second white, and the third red hair, but the same hair does not match the surname," said the black-haired. "True ...", "Belovznik said. What is the hair color of the pocket?

Mystery number 13.

You are standing in front of three switches. For an opaque wall, three light bulbs in the off state. You need to make manipulations with switches, go into the room and determine which light bulb includes which switch.

Mystery number 14.

There is a wall of concrete with a height of 3 meters, a length of 20 meters and weighing 3 tons. How to cook it without having any auxiliary tools and tools?

Riddle №15

Father with two sons went hiking. River met on their way, whose shore was raft. It can withstand on water or father, or two sons. How to cross the other coast of Father and sons?


1. They were on different shores.

2. In chess.

3. Because Holmes did not tell him the address.

5. Let me kill me the most ugly.

7. At the time of the meeting, they will be at the same distance from Moscow.

8. 1st Weighing: 3 and 3 coins. Fake coin in that bunch, which is less weighs. If you are equal, then the fake in the third bunch. 2nd Weighing: 1 and 1 coin are compared from a handful with a smallest weight. If you are equal, then the fake is the remaining coin.

9. It is necessary to set fire to the first cord simultaneously at both of the ends - it is 30 minutes. Simultaneously with the first cord, we set fire to the second cord from one end, and when the first neck cord in 30 minutes, we set on the second cord from the other end - we get the remaining 15 minutes.

10. Bricks will start sliding at the same time. Both bricks are put on the board with the same force, and therefore the same and friction strengths that have to overcome them. The pricing specific forces per square centimeter of the area of \u200b\u200bcontact with bricks with a board, naturally, are not equal. But the total friction forces acting on bricks equal to the product of the propelled friction area on the surface area of \u200b\u200bcontact will be the same.

11. Cat - Meow (3), Horse - and-go (5), Rooster - ka-ka-re-ku (8), Donkey - and (2), ..., Dog - Gav ( 3)

12. Belov is not white because of the last name and not black, as he answered a black-haired. That is, white - redhead. Chernov is not black because of the last name and not redhead, since the redheads we have a member of white. Pocket Ryzhova remained black.

13. Enable two switches. After some time, turn off one. Go to the room. One light bulb will be burning from the switch turned on, the second is hot - from the on and off, the third is cold, from untouched

14. The thickness of such a wall will be no more than two centimeters, which allows you to push it with hand

15. Both Sons are first shipped. One sons return back to the Father. Father moves to the opposite shore to his son. Father remains on the shore, and the son is transferred to the original shore behind his brother, after which they are both transferred to the Father.

15 merry mystery With trick!

1. Two people are suitable for the river. The shore has a boat that can withstand only one. Both people crossed the opposite shore. How?

2. Where is such that horse jumps over the horse?

3. Sherlock Holmes went down the street. And suddenly he saw a dead woman lying on the ground. He came up, opened her bag and took out the phone. In tel. The book he found her husband's number. He called. He speaks:
- Urgently come here. Your wife died. And after a while the husband comes. He looks at his wife and says:
- Oh, cute what happened to you ???
And then the police come. Sherlock shows a finger on a woman's husband and says:
- Arrest this person. It he killed her. Question: Why did Sherlock think so?

4. Bank stands on the table. It costs it so that one half is in the air, and the other on the table. What lies in the bank, if she falls after half an hour? And why?

5. A man went to the sea and got into the storm. He was attributed to the island where there were no men, and only girls lived. In the morning he woke up all the ropes at some ritual and found out that he would want to kill. And he asked him the last word. After he said him, the girls made him a boat, gave food, water and sent home. What did he say?

6. This mystery of the 1st grade student decides in 5 minutes, high school students in 15 minutes, a student in 1 hour, the professor will never decide. Riddle: Decipher CATPTSWDD.

7. One train rides from Moscow to St. Petersburg with a delay of 10 minutes, and the other from St. Petersburg to Moscow with a delay of 20 minutes. Which of these trains will be closer to Moscow, when will they meet?

8. It is known that among nine coins there is one fake, which has a weight of less than the rest. How with the help of cup weights for two weighing to determine the fake coin?

9. There are two cords, each of which is burning on the hour, but burns unevenly. How to measure these two cords and matches for 45 minutes?

10. 2 bricks put 2 bricks on the smooth board - one plastics, and the other on the edge. Bricks weigh the same. What brick will slip first, if you tilted the board?

11. Cat - 3, Horse - 5, Rooster - 8, Donkey - 2, Cuckoo - 4 Frog - 3, Dog -?

12. Three criminals met: Bell's member, Dushnik Chernov and Pocket Ryzhov. "It's amazing that one of us has black, the second white, and the third red hair, but the same hair does not match the surname," said the black-haired. "True ...", "Belov's bear said. What is the hair color of the pocket?

13. You are standing in front of three switches. For an opaque wall, three light bulbs in the off state. You need to make manipulations with switches, go into the room and determine which light bulb includes which switch.

14. It is a wall of concrete with a height of 3 meters, 20 meters long and 3 tons weighing. How to cook it without having any auxiliary tools and tools?

15. The father with two sons went on a campaign. River met on their way, whose shore was raft. It can withstand on water or father, or two sons. How to cross the other coast of Father and sons?

Do not spy. First, think about yourself!

1. They were on different shores.

2. In chess.

3. Because Holmes did not tell him the address.

5. Let me kill me the most ugly.

7. At the time of the meeting, they will be at the same distance from Moscow.

8.1-E Weighing: 3 and 3 coins. Fake coin in that bunch, which is less weighs. If you are equal, then the fake in the third bunch. 2nd Weighing: 1 and 1 coin are compared from a handful with a smallest weight. If you are equal, then the fake is the remaining coin.

9. It is necessary to set fire to the first cord simultaneously at both of the ends - it is 30 minutes. Simultaneously with the first cord, we set fire to the second cord from one end, and when the first neck cord in 30 minutes, we set on the second cord from the other end - we get the remaining 15 minutes.

10. Bricks will start sliding at the same time. Both bricks are put on the board with the same force, and therefore the same and friction strengths that have to overcome them. The pricing specific forces per square centimeter of the area of \u200b\u200bcontact with bricks with a board, naturally, are not equal. But the total friction forces acting on bricks equal to the product of the propelled friction area on the surface area of \u200b\u200bcontact will be the same.

11. Cat - Meow (3), horse - and-go (5), cock - ka-ka-re-ku (8), donkey - and (2), dog - Gav (3).

12. Belov is not white because of the last name and not black, as he answered a black-haired. That is, white - redhead. Chernov is not black because of the last name and not redhead, since the redheads we have a member of white. Pocket Ryzhova remained black.

13. Enable two switches. After some time, turn off one. Go to the room. One light bulb will be burning from the switch turned on, the second is hot - from the on and off, the third is cold, from untouched.
14. The thickness of such a wall will be no more than two centimeters, which allows you to push it with hand.

15. Both Sons are first shipped. One sons return back to the Father. Father moves to the opposite shore to his son. Father remains on the shore, and the son is transferred to the original shore behind his brother, after which they are both transferred to the Father.

Factrum Publishes a selection of fascinating tasks for realness.

1. Two people are suitable for the river. The shore has a boat that can withstand only one. Both people crossed the opposite shore. How?

2. Where is it found that the horse through the horse jumps?

3. Sherlock Holmes went down the street. And suddenly he saw a dead woman lying on the ground. He came up, opened her bag and took out the phone. In the phone book, he found her husband's number and called. He speaks:
- Urgently come here. Your wife died.
After some time, the husband comes, looks at his wife and says:
- Oh, honey, what happened to you ???
Then the police come. Sherlock shows a finger on a woman's husband and says:
- Arrest this person. He killed his wife!
Question: Why did Sherlock think so?

4. Bank is standing on the table. It costs it so that one half is in the air, and the other on the table. What lies in the bank, if she falls after half an hour? And why?

5. A man went to the sea and got into the storm. He was attributed to the island where there were no men, and only girls lived. In the morning he woke up all the ropes at some ritual and found out that he would want to kill.
The man asked the last word.
After he said him, the girls made him a boat, gave food, water and sent home. What did he say?

6. This riddle of a 1st grade student decides in 5 minutes, a high school student in 15 minutes, a student in 1 hour, the professor will never decide.
Riddle: Decipher CATPTSWDD.

7. One train rides from Moscow to St. Petersburg with a delay of 10 minutes, and the other - from St. Petersburg to Moscow with a delay of 20 minutes. Which of these trains will be closer to Moscow, when will they meet?

8. It is known that among the nine coins there is one fake, the weight of which is less than the rest. How with the help of cup weights for two weighing to determine the fake coin?

9. There are two cords, each of which burns on the hour, but burns unevenly. How to measure these two cords and matches exactly 45 minutes?

10. 2 bricks put 2 bricks on the smooth board - one plastics, and the other on the edge. Bricks weigh the same. What brick will slip first, if you tilted the board?

11. Cat - 3, horse - 5, rooster - 8, donkey - 2, cuckoo - 4 frog - 3, dog -?

12. Three criminal meets: Bell's member, Dushnik Chernov and Pocket Ryzhov. "It's amazing that one of us has black, the second white, and the third red hair, but the same hair does not match the surname," said the black-haired. "True ..." - answered Belaz's member. What is the hair color of the pocket?

13. You are standing in front of three switches. For an opaque wall, three light bulbs in the off state. You need to make manipulations with switches, go into the room and determine which light bulb includes each switch. How do you do it?

14. There is a wall of concrete with a height of 3 meters, a length of 20 meters and weighing 3 tons. How to cook it, not having any auxiliary means and tools?

15. Father with two sons went hiking. River met on their way, whose shore was raft. It can withstand on water or father, or two sons. How to cross on the other side and father and sons?


  1. They were on different shores.
  2. In chess.
  3. Because Holmes did not tell him the address.
  4. "Let me kill me the most ugly"
  5. 1, 2, 3, 4…
  6. At the time of the meeting, they will be at the same distance from Moscow.
  7. 1st Weighing: 3 and 3 coins. Fake coin in that bunch, which is less weighs. If you are equal, then the fake in the third bunch. 2nd Weighing: 1 and 1 coin are compared from a handful with a smallest weight. If you are equal, then the fake is the remaining coin.
  8. It is necessary to set fire to the first cord at the same time from both ends - it is 30 minutes. Simultaneously with the first cord, we set fire to the second cord from one end, and when the first neck cord in 30 minutes, we set on the second cord from the other end - we get the remaining 15 minutes.
  9. Bricks will start sliding at the same time. Both bricks are put on the board with the same force, and therefore the same and friction strengths that have to overcome them. The pricing specific forces per square centimeter of the area of \u200b\u200bcontact with bricks with a board, naturally, are not equal. But the total friction forces acting on bricks equal to the product of the propelled friction area on the surface area of \u200b\u200bcontact will be the same.
  10. Cat - Meow (3), horse - and-go (5), rooster - ka-ka-re-ku (8), donkey - and (2), dog - Gav (3).
  11. Belov is not white because of the last name and not black, as he replied to the black-haired. That is, white - redhead. Chernov is not black because of the last name and not redhead, since the redheads we have a member of white. Pocket Ryzhova remained black.
  12. Enable two switches. After some time, turn off one. Go to the room. One light bulb will be burning from the switch turned on, the second is hot - from the on and off, the third is cold, from untouched.
  13. The thickness of such a wall will be no more than two centimeters, which allows you to push it with hand.
  14. Initially both sons are shipped. One sons return back to the Father. Father moves to the opposite shore to his son. Father remains on the shore, and the son is transferred to the original shore behind his brother, after which they are both transferred to the Father.