Funny new riddles fun. DANETS: We train non-standard thinking. There are certain rules

Game in this

This game It has long been used by counselors in the organization of children's leisure in summer camps. However, it can be successfully applied by class managers and educators at school, for example, during extinguishing or classroom, as well as to arrange leisure activities during field events.

Dantec (situation) - kind of game in the riddles. On the essence of the game, the name itself says: when guessing, you can ask questions, but the answer to them can only be the words "yes" and "no" (and also "does not matter"). In the most common version, the leading describes a strange "situation", and guessing must, asking clarifying issues, find out the situation of the situation. It is this option that is called the "game in a situation." This game develops logical thinking in children, teaches how to competently formulate questions, drives memory.

In this section, I collected the most interesting cases that were successfully applied in practice.

Denture 1. "Shoe"

Every evening the girl opened a safe, put her shoes there and went to bed. Why?

The girl worked as a stewardess, and in the safe kept documents. In order not to forget them, she put together documents in the safe shuffle from the uniform, in one shoe she will definitely not come out of the house!

Chantec 2. "Restless Evening"

A woman could not sleep for a long time, but here I realized that her husband was dead and lies under the bed. How did she understand it?

She could not sleep because she was waiting for her husband. She often looked at the time, but at one moment the clock was stopped on the wall, and the sound of the clock continued to distinguish the room. Listening, she realized that this is the sound of wristwatches, which is coming from under the bed. Consequently, the husband, whom she waited for so long, lay under the dead under the bed.

Denture 3. "Man in the desert"

In the midst of the desert lies a man without clothes. In his hands, his broken match. How to explain all this?

Campaign friends traveled on hot-air balloon. But suddenly the ball began to lose height rapidly. Then friends decided to reduce the weight, getting rid of all extra. They dropped down the bags, food, but it did not help. Then they decided to remove all the upper clothes and shoes. But it also did not help. They realized that the ball would not stand so many passengers, and decided to pull the lot. The one who extends the shortest match will have to jump down. Our friend is not lucky.

Danque 4. "Mysterious Death"

The man entered the room. Sees an open window, on the floor a lot of glass, a big puddle and dead Mary. What did she die from?

That day was a strong wind. The window opened. Aquarium, who stood on the windowsill flew to the floor and crashed. Mary - Fish.

Danut 5. "Random Meeting"

A man came out of the room, saw a woman and strangled her. He was not planted? What a strange situation?

They are husband and wife. Many years ago, his wife stated her death in such a way that the suspicion fell on her husband (motives can be invented). Husband, hesitated for several years in prison, came out and saw his "deceased" spouse on the street. In anger, he strangled her, because he was serving the punishment.

Danat 6. "Elevator"

A man went on a job every morning at the elevator, and in the evening he was always raised on foot. Why?

The fact is that the man is dwarf. And he lives on the 20th floor. In the elevator, it can only reach the first floor button.

Denture 7. "Birthday"

Jenny celebrated her birthday. And two days later her sister twin celebrates its own. How is it possible?

The fact is, Jenny was born on February 28 a few minutes before midnight. And her sister is already on March 1. It turns out that in the leap year the day of the younger of the twins is 2 days later.

Denture 8. "Testament"

After receiving an envelope with the will from the grandmother, it was so much disappointed, finding inside a check on $ 20, which the envelope and a check in the trash can also thrown out with annoyance. And a week later she found that her housekeeper quit and bought himself a villa.

Agate Christie. Grandma, who left the legacy, was collecting brand all his life, so she pasted a collection of 3 million to the envelope.

Denture 9. "Exam"

Walked exam in the Naval School. Suddenly, neither from this cadet arises from the place, comes up to the professor with the credit book. He, without thinking, puts him five. How is this possible?

Professor was very smart. With the help of Azbuka, Morse, tapping with my fingers, handed over to the students the following message: "The first who decrypts this message, let it fit to me and get his legitimate five"

Denture 10. "Fall from the roof"

On the roof two men started a fight. Below, a large crowd watched what was happening with great interest. Here, one man grabbed the other and threw it down. The man fell from height to asphalt and died. But in his death, he was not accused of a man who threw him from the height, but one of the audience standing at the bottom. How did it happen?

Film studio shot movies. The actors fought on the roof. The role of a falling man played Cascader. He had to fall into the safety net. But the person responsible for security did not make his job properly, and the stuntman crashed. This person responsible for security was accused of rude negligence. "

Denture 11. "Disappointment"

The woman found money and became very disappointed in life. Why?

Woman worked as a librarian. Once she forgot in one of interesting books Major bills used instead of bookmark. A few years later, the woman began to reread the book again and found her money in it. She realized that people completely stopped reading books. "

Hello, dear readers! Congratulations, you just opened a way, how interesting, fun and with the benefit to spend this family evening. Instructions Simple: Quickly read the text below, then call children and adults and solemnly declare: "Today we have a pennants with answers, complex, interesting and most recent!"

How to play?

Danets - a type of mysteries. The master voiced the story (quite realistic or fantastically unguable), pulling up to the time before the time most important details. Film must fully recreate the depicted situation and figure out what led to the voiced finale. Situations are conceived by cunning, sometimes detective, so you have to break your head. Players can ask the leading clarifying questions to which he should answer only three phrases: "Yes", "no" and "does not matter."

For example, the presenter tells the story called "Lottery ticket":

Sergey bought lottery ticket. He turned out to be winning. But the man was not happy for this. Why?

Players put forward assumptions:

Sergey received a win?

He saw too late to win a winning ticket?

Did he gave someone a ticket?

Gave your ticket to a person who doesn't really like him?

Is this a man or a woman?


Maybe this is an unloved boss?

Answer: Sergey presented a lottery ticket to his boss, which was disliked.

BENTKI - amazing game, developing not only logic, but also fantasy. Your loved ones are adults and children - will definitely appreciate the most amazing and unusual answers, and how many emotions, when the correct version is finally revealed!

For warming off, we offer short challenges:

One firm produced knives for cleaning potatoes. Manufacturers have thought to increase sales of their devices and decided: it is necessary that the knives are more likely to disappear in homes, then the hostess will buy new ones. How did they embody their idea?

Answer: The company began to produce knives for cleaning potatoes, painted under the root of the root corner. The devices were merged in color with purification, and they were often thrown away.


One man bought a picture and rather quickly rich. Why?

Answer: The picture was normal. But when a man drove a nail into the wall of his living room to hang the cloth, he discovered a mysterious cavity under the wallpaper. There was a cache laid down by the same owners and full of precious stones.

"Loud noise"

Dima shakes from fear sitting on a chair. Suddenly a loud sound is distributed. The boy jershits and shouting away from the room. What happened?

Answer: Dima came to school without having learned the lesson, and was very afraid to be caused to the blackboard. But there was a call to change, and the saved boy jumped out of class.

"Caught the thief"

Andrei, who lives alone, returned after work home. The apartment was quiet and absolutely dark. Here the owner loudly ordered the Warmer stand still. How did he guess that in the house a criminal?

Answer: Andrei did not see the digits of the electronic alarm on the familiar place in the dark. So, someone deployed them with her body.


On this road there are only dirty people from the legs to the head. Why?

Answer: The road is located in the resort town. Here is a lake, known to therapeutic mud, and not far - a pure pond with ordinary water. After dirting, patients go to wash into a transparent reservoir and always go dirty on the road from one lake to another.

"Caught girl"

At the lesson of Chemistry, Natasha gave a task: to take samples of polluted air in the near industrial city. The teacher handed the schoolgirl with a glass jar with a hermetic lid. Natasha realized that there is clean air in the container. How was she able to release the jar from him to then fill in the breakdown in the city?

Answer: Natasha filled with water with water. Arriving to the city, poured liquid. The liberated vessel instantly filled with air.

And now funny forms:

"In class"

The teacher said the class: "Stand up those who consider themselves stupid!" Everyone sat at the desks, only one boy rose. "Did you really consider yourself stupid?" - teacher poured. "No," the boy shook his head. "Then why did you get up?" - the teacher was surprised. What did he hear?

Answer: The boy politely said: "It seemed uncomfortable to me that you were alone."

"In the bus"

Katya decided to give up his place in the bus entered woman. But she was very embarrassed and refused. Why?

Answer:Little Katya sat on daddy lap.

"Boxing duel"

Mikhail went to the Boxer Ring and the opponent won. But he was not counted victory. Why?

Answer: Mikhail confused the fight and came out to fight with no one partner. Since the regulations were broken, he was not counted victory.

"Mysterious tool"

Man ran out of the house early in the morning to quickly buy an instrument for burying. What happened to him?

Answer: Rubble. Tool - pipette.

"At the doctor"

An angry elderly man came to the doctor for reception. The patient assured a physician that he discharged his defective auditory apparatus, because without him he hears better. Doctor, having listened to the old man, just laughed. Why?

Answer: The man did not hear one ear, and he wore the device on another, healthy.

And finally: the freshest, solely for you "baked" forms:

"In the train"

The train stopped at the station. A woman entered the car, quickly ran through him and came out upset. Why?

Answer: This lady sold female cosmetics, and in the car they drove some recruits.


He won the races, but became the 45th. Like this?

Answer: Became the 45th US president.


Pasha noticed a white paper knocker attached to a glass of car. But while he, joyful, fled to the car, the piece of paper was taken by a strong wind. Pasha could not catch her and was very upset. Why?

Answer: Pasha - a boy who played the quest with his friends (search for notes with tasks). A note is attached to the glass of the car with an indication where to look for the following message. Since the wind took a note, the boy will not be able to find the following.

What is useful to play in this?

  • Develops logical thinking and fantasy, teaches analyze information fragments and look for non-obvious relations between phenomena and objects.
  • Combines the whole family. The kids may seem complex logical tasks, but the atmosphere of gaming interaction, intense work of the mind, the unrestrained fantasy is useful to people of any age.
  • Does not require complex details. You can play anywhere: at home, on the street, in line, in transport.

Join the whole family in the ranks of the fans of this popular fun!

  • Sets for the game in the case can be bought. Minus - Sooner or later, even the chubby box with logical "nuts" will be clearing.
  • Popular tasks are easy to find on the Internet. True, dedicated fans of the pennants know that the resources of the web are exhaustible.
  • You can think of stories with a trick yourself. Show the children an example, and they will gladly write interesting tasks For each other and for adults.

Share in the comments by your favorite letters, invent new ones, and we will guess them together!

IN lately The child regularly coming from the mathematical school began to bring the so-called case. What is it?

Bestca is a game in a situation or riddles.

From the name you can understand the essence of the game: the presenter tells the unusual, even at first glance, the wonderful situation, and the remaining players with the help of clarifying issues that can only be answered by "Yes", no, should either restore the entire history, or to get to the cause The emergence of the situation. In principle, the lead can also give such answers: "It does not matter," "not correct." Wins the one who guessed what matters.

This game can be attributed to puzzles. A B. english version It sounds like a "puzzle for non-standard thinking." From myself I can say that in terms of cases it is necessary to abandon the formed stereotypes in order to solve the situation. The Bertics game develops non-standard thinking, logic, also teaches to pay attention to the details, correctly formulate questions. Sometimes there are no prompts.

This game can be played anywhere, in any company, no matter the number of people. There was a case when my daughter and I were in a sauna in the pool and she asked us another case, then all those present people with enthusiasm were included in this game. It was fun and children did not sit in such a heat.

An example of a puzzle game - Foundation

The presenter makes the situation:

Man goes on rails. Suddenly he hears the approaching train and starting to meet him from all legs. Why?

Players begin to ask questions:

- Man wanted to die?
- Not
- The man wanted to escape?
- Yes
- He was alone?
- Never mind
- He could get off the rails?
- Not
- He was in the tunnel?
- Yes
- Man ran to the nearest exit from the tunnel.

Denture is solved.

Denette with solutions

Below are a few cunning puzzles - the reports with the answers:

    In a cafe, one guest was called the waiter, and told him that a fly hit his cup with coffee. The worker was not confused, and promised to quickly correct the situation. When picking up a cup, he gone. When the returned waiter brought another cup of coffee, it was a cup of determining the same cup, or the other was impossible. But, the guest, having tried the coffee was indignant, accusing the waiter, the fact that coffee is not renewed.

    Attention, question. How did Guest learned that he was brought to the same cup with coffee?

    Answer. Before you see a flies, a coffee lover put a sugar in a cup.

    As you know, when walking the horse uses at the same time all four legs.

    Attention, question. How could it happen to for the same time the horse passed two legs of 19 kilometers, and the second two legs - 20?

    Answer. The horse walked around the pillars, that is, in a circle.

    Anton spent a few days in the hospital. Although he was healthy, he was incurred from the hospital in his arms.

    Attention, question. Why did Anton have to bear?

    Answer. Anton newborn.

    A man approached the girl and said: "I'm not a father for you, but you are my daughter."

    Attention, question. Who was that?

    Answer. It was a mother's mother.

    One cleaner shoe, called passersby on free shoe cleaning. Those who agreed to his courtesy, eventually paid him all the same.

    Attention, question. Why did they pay for?

    Answer. The cunning cleaner really cleaned free. But, only one boot. For cleaning the second it was necessary to pay.

Board game "Functions"

Greetings, dear friends! In this review, I want to tell you about the fascinating and exciting game "Functions". It is also suitable for adults for children, and therefore it is fun to spend time with her any company.

This fascinating board game for the development of logic and interesting pastime.

Now I will try to talk in detail about her rules.

My Overview of the Board Game "Functions"

Principle of the game

"DANTEKI" is logic gameDeveloping deductive thinking. Participants choose one lead, which tells a short story with the mysterious ending. Players should find an answer to the question as defined by the lead.

At the same time there are certain rules:

  • All participants turn to the lead in turn.
  • It is allowed to set only such questions that can be answered alone: \u200b\u200b"Yes," no "or not" matter. " Hence, in fact, the name of the game went.
  • The presenter has no right to suggest anyone from the players.

As an example, you can bring this story:

The man climbed the stairs, and at the same moment realized that his wife died. How could it be?
Participants in turns ask leading questions leading. It is categorically not to ask how old the wife of this man or ask other questions that cannot be answered by "yes" or "no". This is how the guessing process can look:

Player: Woman was old?

Host: It does not matter.

Player: She walked next to him?

Host: No.

Player: She called him at this moment?

Host: No.

Player: Did he saw his wife's body on the stairs?

Host: No.

Player: It was at home?

Host: No.

Player: at work?

Host: No.

Player: in hospital?

Host: Yes.

Player: Woman hurt?

Host: Yes.

Player: did she have an operation at this moment?

Host: No.

Player: She lay in her ward?

Host: Yes.

Player: Her life depended on electricity?

Host: Yes.

Player: It was connected to the apparatus of artificial respiration?

Host: Yes.

Player: When a man walked around the stairs, the light turned off?

Host: Yes!

The riddle is solved! Full answer: In the hospital turned off the light, the man realized that the device that supports his wife's life was disconnected, and she died.

The winner of each round, if more than two people take part in the game, a participant is appointed, who called the correct answer, setting less than all questions. With several sessions of the game in a row, you can conduct an account, assigning bonus glasses for every solid puzzle to the most cut players.

Set of my game

The number of game cards with riddles of varying complexity varies from the publisher and configuration of "BENTOK". Our game set Looks like this:

  • dense compact cardboard box;
  • 40 mysteries with magnificent illustrations and answers on the reverse side;
    Card from dense cardboard with the rules of the game.

Completion of questions does not cause anything superfluous and unnecessary. No gaming fields, unstable chips and other elements that may interfere with this fun on the road or visiting.

Separately, I want to say about the quality of registration cards. As mentioned above, I really liked the illustrations, in exact extent reflecting the situation described in the riddle, but at the same time do not reveal the intrigues. The quality is gorgeous, the cards are in moderate dense, not crushed, do not bend. I also liked the seal - for all the time the inscriptions are not erased, the pictures are still the same as bright and attractive. Well chose the color of the box and each card.

The main advantages of the game in "Functions"

Just one set of game cards will give you and your friends or children many hours of an exciting time! The main advantages of "DANETOK" is:

  • universality. Included there are riddles of varying degrees of complexity, and therefore children can be played for whom you can choose the situation easier, and adults;
  • mobility. Due to the small size of the box, you can take it with you on the nature, on the trip, visit to friends or just for a walk with a child;
  • diversity. In "Bentes", there are many situations forcing seriously moving the brains;
    Development of creative thinking. Sometimes, to obtain a response to a question, you have to put forward the most incredible assumptions;
  • training of logical skills and deductive thinking. Each situation described in the game cards makes it possible to reflect, analyze information obtained from the lead, and compare facts;
  • the ability to play together remotely. For example, the lead writes a riddle to the player by means of an SMS message, and he sends him questions and receive answers to them. Convenient and allows you to pass time alone on the road, but you can only play together together;
  • support for any number of players. If in most tags there is a restriction of up to five to six participants, then in "Bestca" you can play as two (one person as a lead, and the other is solved) and a large company.

The disadvantage of this game is only one, but rather essential - the lack of refeplening. After all 40 situations are solved, it becomes nothing to play. But, first, you can take "nonsense" into different companies, and secondly, if you play with breaks, then the answers to some riddles are so forgotten. And finally, thirdly, for lovers of such fun there is a whole line of a variety of issues of "BENTOK", among which:

  • detective. Feel ourselves Commissioner Megre, Niro Wolfe or Poirot, unraveling criminal stories only with the help of "gray cells";
  • comic. There is no place for cold logic and common sense - plug your fantasy and put forward the most incredible events;
  • "Stories from life"

and many many others. Lovers of such intelligent fun can find a set of game situations for any preferences, age and company. Depending on the manufacturer and varieties of "Denetok", the package of the game can vary. In some box you will find 25 or 30 cards, while other companies offer extended sets with a large number of mysteries.

My experience game in "Functions"

This gaming kit I was my first experience in the game in "Functions", and to be honest, I was delighted! This fun makes it not only fun to have fun, but also to practice brains, learn something new about yourself and friends, give the will of your fantasy and creativity. That is why I recommend the game to all readers, but especially those whose work is somehow connected with creativity. You will not believe what inspiration sometimes comes after one or two sessions of the game!

But even if you do not feel about the connoisseurs of verbal puzzles, it is certainly in your environment there is a person who loves to solve all kinds of tasks and reflect on the situations presented. In this case, the box with "Bestcoes" will become an excellent and universal gift for any celebration, be it a professional holiday, birthday or new year.

Buy board game "Bestca" can be on the button below in a proven store without cheating and overpayments. And in this store in the price includes the personification service, that is, the box will be your name or the name of who you want to give this game.

In order to have fun with friends, you can play "BENTKI" - stories with answers. In this article you will find the best riddles and detailed answers to them.

Rules of the game

The game "Danut" with the answers is similar to the breakdown of the riddles. The host reads part of the story, and the task of the participants is to ask questions, find a response or find out the attack of the situation. Questions should assume only the answers "Yes", "No". If the participants went on a false path, the answer is "not essential".


In order to better understand the essence of the game, we give an example. "Functions" with answers, complex and simple, usually suggest some kind of catch.

Question: Pilot jumped out of the aircraft, but did not crash.

- He achieved the earth?

- He jumped with a parachute?

- The plane flew?

- Pilot jumped out of the aircraft standing on the take-off strip?

Short "Functions"

"Denets" with the answers complex may assume a short question and the same short answer, but it will not be easy to guess it.

This man was not known to anyone, but became famous after violated the instructions.

Answer: Icar.

This person did not violate the instructions, but died.

Answer: Stuttering parachutist could not count to three.

The stronger you beat it at the right place, the better it will perform its function.

Answer: nail.

Zoomagazine seller told the buyer that the bird belongs to rarely and repeats everything that heard. After two weeks, the woman returned the bird, because she did not say a word. The seller was not lied.

Answer: Bird is deaf.

Detective "Functions"

Detective "Functions" with answers are a special genre in the game. He is very close to the popular dinner today with the murder and living quest. Players have to reveal a cunning crime.

Murder was committed. The judge studied all the evidence and found the guilty. However, when making a decision, he stated that he could not be imprisoned in an innocent person prison, and made an acquittal decision. Why did he do that?

Answer: A killer was one of the Siamese twins.

Want to play "Functions"? Detective stories with answers may be difficult for beginners.

The man was found shown in his own office. He lay on the table, in one hand was a revolver, next to another lay old voice recorder. The police included the cassette and heard "I don't want to live anymore," and then the sound of a shot. Law enforcement workers immediately understood that it was a murder. Why?

Answer: The cassette was standing at the beginning of the record and kept the sound of a shot, and the deceased could not rewind it.

For the first games will suit "Dentut" with answers about poisoning. The girl came to the party, drank a little punch, went early. Then she found out that all parties who drank Punches were poisoned. Why did the girl stayed alive?

Answer. The ice was poisoned, which was put in Punch. The girl was drinking Punch when the ice had not melted yet, and then gone. They poisoned those who drank him later, after the ice melted.

Very interesting "Danque" with answers to murder outdoors. The man was quietly walking down the street, suddenly suddenly pounced on a woman passing past and strangled it. He visited the police, but he was released. Why?

Answer: The woman was his wife. A few years ago, she stated her death so that accused her husband. He was condemned for the murder, he was already served in prison. And for the same murder can not condemn twice.


"Functions" - detective stories with answers - can rinse at nerves.

Parents forbade a little girl to tear the door of the attic, otherwise she will see what it is forbidden to see her. Once she disobeyed, opened the door and did see what had never seen. What was it?

Answer: The girl saw the living room and the garden outside the windows. She never saw it, because he spent his whole life in the attic.

The man woke up, lit a match and died of a heart break. What is so frightened?

Answer: a man was sitting in prison and made up a shoot plan. It was easier to escape, hiding in a coffin with the deceased. He paid a person who was engaged in a funeral so that he would help escape the prisoner. The plan was as follows: When someone dies, the prisoner will break at night to the coffin, hide in it next to the deceased and they bury it into the ground. And the tutor will come and dips it. Having learned that the funeral will soon be in prison, prisonered under the cover of the night hidden in the coffin and fell asleep. He woke up underground. He lit a match and saw the face of the dead man. It was a man who was supposed to spread it.

The man found a casket in the attic, looked at her and died of fright. What scared him?

Answer: A man found a casket in his wife's cache, in which 4 glass eyes were fixed. Under each of them, the name and date of death were recorded. All these men were former husbands of his newly made spouse and died shortly after the wedding. The man also had an artificial eye.

Mysterious "Functions"

A man got up at night to drink water. He turned off everywhere light and went to bed. In the morning he got up, looked out of the window and shouted. After that, committed suicide. Why?

Answer: The man worked as a caretaker. In mistake, he turned off the light on the lighthouse at night, because of which several ships crashed about reefs. In the morning he saw that she had done.

Man was driving by train from Switzerland. If he was in a non-smoking car, he would die. Explain the situation.

Answer: Man drove after a complex operation in front of his eyes. When the train went to the tunnel, he thought that she was blind, and was going to shoot. He had already taken out the revolver when I saw a light of cigarettes.

Note in the newspaper: "Tragic death in the mountains." The photo shows a married couple, the article brings condolences to the spouse of the victim. A person came to the police, said some data, her husband was accused of murder. Who was this man and what did he say?

Answer. The tourist agent came to the police and said that the husband bought two tickets to the mountains and only one opposite.

Anonymous called the police and said that they should ask how John C. When the outfit came to him home, he discovered the owner's corpse with grave injuries, but the apartment was in order, the trace of hacking was not discovered. What happened to John K. and who called the police?

Answer: The driver of the truck knocked down at night, according to the documents I learned his address and took the home. After which I called the police.

"Functions" on logic

The "Danut" with the answers can be enough enough, but most often the riddles are logical.

Man walked along an unfamiliar road. At the crossroad, he discovered that the pillar with the signs fell. He put him in place and went on the desired road. How did he manage to understand how to install pointers correctly?

Answer: Man knew what city he came out. Accordingly, by installing a pillar so that the desired pointer show on its city, he gave the right position and everything else.

The inspector came to check school. He noticed that when the teacher asked the question class, then all the students raised her hand, no matter how difficult he was. The teacher chose new students every time, and they all gave the right answers. The inspector understood that there was some kind of trick. What?

Answer: Teacher said that when he asks a question, then the hand should be lifted. But those who know the answer to the question raise the left hand, and who does not know - right.

Do you like "Functions" with answers, funny stories? This mystery is one of the best. Exam in a military school. One of the students took a ticket and began to prepare for the answer, but after a few minutes it comes to the teacher, not a word, not saying, gives it a donkey and leaves an excellent evaluation exam. What is the reason for this act?

Answer: Alphabet's Exam Morse. The teacher pounded the handle on the table and gave a message that anyone could come now and get an assessment.

A very punctual man who suffers deafness, strictly adhered to the schedule. Every morning he came out of the house at 7:45 to go on a small half-hour walk. At the same time, he crossed the railway tracks. The first train on them was only at 9:00. But one day, deaf was shot down by train during his walk. What changed?

Answer: This night time was translated into summer. The man did not translate his clock, left the house an hour later and crossed the move from 8:00 am at 9:00.

Funny "Functions"

"Funny" with answers ridiculous usually do not assume killings or some scary storiesThey can be played with children.

In the house for three days the light is burning all day. Why?

Answer: The wife was in the departure for a long time, and the husband twisted the counter for electricity before her return, it was at the evenings at home.

During the day, the whole salt was repaid in the city. The cadets of the local Military Academy are to blame. Why?

Answer: The cadets got the task to remove the snow. They decided to do it with salt, went to the store and bought 10 buckets each. The pensioners saw that the military was in stock with salt and staged a panic among the population.

The man was just in rage, when he found that without a hearing aid hears better than with him. He went to complain to his doctor, who prescribed the device, but the Medic, hearing the patient, came to an even greater rage. Why?

Answer: The patient wore hearing apparatus on a healthy ear.