How to put a standard scope in the COP. The setting of the sight in CS: GO is all ways to change. Sights of professional players

So today we will add our autoexec.cfg again. In this lesson, we will deal with their personal sight.

We will not customize the sight through the game interface, but you will configure it through console commands. Let's proceed.

Commands setting in CS: go

How to change the sight?

cL_CROSSHAIRSLYLE - setting up the style of the sight in CS: GO

cL_CROSSHAIRSTYLE 0 - default (dynamic)
CL_CROSSHAIRSTYLE 1 - default (static)
Cl_crosshairstyle 3 - classic (dynamic)
CL_CROSSHAIRSTYLE 4 - Classic (Static)
CL_Crosshairstyle 5 is classic (as in 1.6 expands a bit)

What is the difference between dynamic and static sight?

- The answer is simple. Dynamic sight expands when running, shooting, jumping. Static remains unchanged.

How to change the color of the sight?

cL_CROSSHAIRCOLOR - Color sight in CS: GO


* For example, if you want to get a white sight:


How to make the stroke of the sight?


cL_CROSSHAIR_DRAWOUTLINE 0 - Scope without a stroke
CL_CROSSHAIR_DRAWOUTLINE 1 - Sight with stroke

How to change the thickness of the stroke of the sight?

cL_CROSSHAIR_OUTLINETHICKNESS - stroke thickness trance in CS: GO


How to enable transparency mode sight sight?

cL_CROSSHAIRUSEALPHA - Enables / disables transparency mode sight in CS: GO

cL_CROSSHAIRUSEALPHA 0 - Transparency mode of sight is disabled
CL_CROSSHAIRUSEALPHA 1 - Transparency Mode Included

How to change transparency sight?

cL_CROSSHAIRLPHA - Transparency sight in CS: GO

cL_CROSSHAIARLPHA 0 - Sight is fully transparent (it is not visible at all)
CL_CROSSHAIRPHA 127 - Sight is translucent (transparent by 50%)
CL_CROSSHAIRALPHA 255 - Sight is completely opaque

How to change the size of the sight?

cL_CROSSHAIGSIZE - Size of the sight in CS: GO



How to make a point point?

cL_CROSSHARDOT - Sight point in CS: GO

cL_CROSSHAIRDOT 0 - no dots



How to increase / reduce sight?

cl_crosshairgap - Distance between the lines of the sight in CS: GO




How to change the thickness of the lines of sight?

cL_CROSSHAIKNESS - LINE Thickness sight in CS: GO


How to turn off the sight?

crosshair - Includes / Disables Sight CS: GO (it is useful when moving)

crosshair 0 - Sight not displayed
Crosshair 1 - Sight Display

Teams that no longer work:


I will give an example of my sight:

cl_crosshairsize 4.7.

Cl_crosshairstyle 4.

There is also a very useful thing as a generator sight. There you can customize the sight directly under yourself. As usual I apply what happened at the moment.

We will talk about configuring the game interface elements.

A classic sight in the COP is difficult to call comfortable under each player, as it is quite large in size. Therefore, to set up a sight with a big one to small, just enter the desired console commands.

Usually the size plays a very serious role during the game. Undoubtedly reduce the size of the sight will increase the accuracy of the shooting and the likelihood of entering the target.

  1. The goal is in the field of sight denier;
  2. Simplifies aiming into enemies;
  3. More accurate shooting.

From shortcomings:

  1. Bad visibility sight in some parts of the card;
  2. The problem with the guidance of weapons on the target.

But if for a long time to play with such settings, you can quite get used to what it is in CS GO.

Also, do not forget to explore which, like no one else know the most effective settings of this game interface element.

By the configuration of the sight, sometimes you have to search for information on whether it is recommended to follow the link in which you will have the opportunity to get acquainted with this information. The article is recommended for reading. Information useful.

One of the most important conditions for successful missions in Counter-Strike is the presence of a convenient interface configured individually under the player. If something constantly distracts, the likelihood of successful defeat of the enemy is quite small. In this article we will talk about such a significant element of the interface in the game, like a sight. Consider how it can be configured and change based on its preferences.

How to set up a sight in cs: go

CS: Go developers provided in our disposal 3 methods that can be changed sight:

  1. Directly in the settings of the parameters in the game itself.
  2. Using console commands.
  3. With special cards.

Unfortunately, in the menu of the game itself, the variability of the setting of the sight is very low. Here we can change only the style of the sight and its color. To do this, go to "Settings", choose "Game Settings" and then "Interface Settings".

The most interesting and diverse settings can be done using special commands in the console, which we will look next.

Teams for sight

All commands that change the parameters of the sight are launched from the console. Therefore, for a start, you need to include this console. We go to the "Settings", "Parameters" and set the value "Yes" in front of the "Enable Developer Console" item. Now you can go directly to the configuration of the sight.


For the style of the sight answer the team cl_crosshairstyle And these styles are only five:

  • cL_CROSSHAIRSTYLE 0.- dynamic standard sight,
  • cl_crosshairstyle 1 - Static Standard,

    cl_crosshairstyle 2 - Classic,

    cl_crosshairstyle 3 - Dynamic classic,

    cl_crosshairstyle 4 - Static classic.

These names, most likely, little say newcomers, so experiment yourself and select the most convenient style for you. The only one can noted that professional players do not recommend the sights of styles 0, 1 and 2, as they periodically interfere with the aiming in motion. According to such players as Scream and s1mple., For a single shooting, the most convenient style 3, and for firing sprays - option 4.


You can change the color using the command cL_CROSSHAIRCOLOR X.where X changes in the range from 0 to 4 and is one of five colors, respectively: red, green, yellow, blue, blue.

Parameter cL_CROSSHAIRCOLOR.5 it will mean any other color, configure which you can, speaking commands:




These commands reflect the figures of red, green and blue in the RGB color model in the values \u200b\u200bfrom 0 to 255. For example, if we need a white sight, the commands will look like this:





You can only add that different cards It will be advisable to use different colors, so that the sight is not merged with the surrounding background.

The size

This is one of the most important parameters, since the scope should be quite large in order for it to be visible and, at the same time, should not distract your attention. The team answers the team cL_CROSSHAIRSIZE X.. Respectively, x and is an indicator of the size that can be prescribed as a solid (for example - cL_CROSSHARSIZE.4 ) and fractional ( cL_CROSSHARSIZE.6.5 ).


To turn on the stroke on the sight you need to register console team cL_CROSSHAIR_DRAWOUTLINE 1.. In this case, a thin black edging appears around the sight. To turn off this function, score the command cL_CROSSHAIR_DRAWOUTLINE0 .

Dot in the center of the sight

Although professional gamers recommend not to use this parameter, as it can prevent the sight of exactly the head, perhaps for someone, the point in the center will be important. You can enable this option using a command. cL_CROSSHARDOT 1.. Similarly, the team cL_CROSSHARDOT0 disables the point.


Most players This parameter is not used because the transparent sight is heavier to see, however, it may be useful to you and this feature. Regulated by the transparency of the team cL_CROSSHAIRLPHA X.. Range X is from 0 to 255. Those. The value of 0 makes the sight completely invisible, the value is 255 - opaque, and, for example, cL_CROSSHAIRLPHA.127 make a translucent sight.

In addition, there is a command that can enable and disable the possibility of transparency mode. Those. with a prescribed team cL_CROSSHAIRUSEALPHA. 0 Transparency will not turn out even the previous team. Respectively, cL_CROSSHAIRUSEALPHA. 1 It turns on this option again.

Line width

The width is formed by the team cL_CROSSHAIRTHI.fromkness X.. The higher the meaning of x, the thicker will be the sight. However, when cL_CROSSHAIRTHI.fromkness2 , the scope already looks sufficiently massive. But, again, this is a matter of personal preference.

Distance between Plancami

Another major parameter. If the planks are diluted too far from each other, the sighting shooting at a large distance will be difficult. And on the middle distance it will be hard to hit the enemy in the head, if the distance between the planks is too small. This distance is defined by the command cL_CROSSHAIRGAP X..

Sight in the form of the letter "T"

This is an option in which the upper bar of the sight is cleaned. Enable this option can be commanded cL_CROSSHAIR_T 1.. Turns off the command cL_CROSSHAIR_T.0 .

Hide scope

Team cL_CROSHAIR 0. Fully removes the display of the sight. Accordingly, to turn on the sight, you need to use the command cl_croshair.1 . If for any reason you suddenly disappeared the sight, it is recommended to start checking the value of this command.

There are some more teams used by professional players that allow you to customize transparency sight in the jump, change the distance between the planks when running, etc. You can easily find them easily on the Internet.

How to change the sight with special cards

Another way to change the settings of the sight is to use the Crashz 'Crosshair Generator card from the Valve workshop. The card is created in order to achieve the desired results without using the console commands. In order to go to the card, you need:

  1. Run Steam and go to the workshop.
  2. In the search for the workshop, drive Crashz 'Crosshair, click on the icon with the lens and add to yourself.
  3. Run CS: GO and choose a game with bots.
  4. Switch "Standard" to "from the workshop" at the top of the window.
  5. Select Crashz 'Crosshair card.
  6. Accept and run in normal mode.

Next, everything is simple. You are on the map and before you panel with different parameters of the sight. Choose any favorite property and simply shoot it. Thus, form appearance His sighting. In the same room can be practiced, experience your sight on the bots.

An interesting "bun" from the developers is the panel with the sights of famous players. You can approach the command stand, choose the right player and click "Fire". As a result, you will have the settings of this player. If after that you need to change any of the parameters, go back to the properties panels.

Thus, the options for individual setting a lot of escaped. Choose the most convenient for you, create your sight and improve game skills!

Glad to see you. Play at Counter-Strike: Global Offensive With Comfort This is an important part of the game. One of the factors is that we most see the entire game in the center is our sight. Many professional gamers set it up for themselves and do it not just like that. All modifications will pass through the console, as this is a more flexible way today. If for some reasons you do not know how to enable the console in the game, I recommend to read this. If you do not want to read a lot, I advise you to watch a video clip, which is at the very bottom.

All target settings begin with the team: cl_crosshair.You will notice this again.

The game has a team that is responsible for style Fart: cl_crosshairstyleX, where x is - the desired style. The value of the command from 0 to 4.

Now let's choose the color of the sight, with whom we will play through the entire game. To change the color, the team obeys us: cL_CROSSHAIRCOLOR. She has five digits:

  • 1 - green
  • 2 - yellow
  • 3 - blue
  • 4 - blue
  • 5 - your color
You do not want to run with standard flowers? You can set your own, for this you will need several variables: CL_CROSSHAIRCOLOR_R, CL_CROSSHAIRCOLOR_G and CL_CROSSHAIRCOLOR_B The value of each command from 0 to 255. The color is selected via RGB. You can find any site that generates colors in RGB. An example of pink sight: cl_crosshaircolor 5; CL_CROSSHAIRCOLOR_R 252; CL_CROSSHAIRCOLOR_G 15; CL_CROSSHAIRCOLOR_B 192.

Sight with a point in the middle

Many people do not like that in the middle awarded empty space, you can fill it with a point, to do this insert into the console: cL_CROSSHARDOT0 - turns off the point, 1 - turns on.

Stroke tar

If you are poorly visible to the outline of the risks of the sight, you can perform a stroke: cL_CROSSHAIR_DRAWOUTLINE - 0 without stroke, 1 - with a stroke. To the addition to the main team, there is still concomitant: cL_CROSSHAIR_OutLinethicknessfrom 0 to 3, it sets the thickness.


Do you want to make an invisible sight? The host of the barin use the team: cL_CROSSHAIRLPHA. 0 If you are not a wild pervert, it is worth putting a value of 255 - this is the maximum figure at which the sight will be visible clearly on any texture.

The size of the sight in CS: GO

The size of the sight has no boundaries, so you can increase it to the entire screen or betray it a more convenient size for firing. To do this, you will need a team: cL_CROSSHARSIZE. from 0 to infinity. It is not necessary to specify great importance, unless you train a grenade spreader, where you need to understand the flight trajectory and from where to start throwing.

Distance between lines

When you first start the game, the distance between the lines is too large and is not comfortable in the enemy. To avoid this problem, use the command: cl_crosshairgap. For example, I installed myself: -4 .

Lines thickness

Thick it is good, especially if it is a sight, because it is better visible. Okay, jokes for 300 to the side. Team: cL_CROSSHAIKNESS. Set the numbers any, but only positive, example is shown below on the image.


If it happened, so that you went into the game or installed the CFG and you do not appear the sight, write the following in the console: crosshair. 0 - Sight is not displayed, 1 - becomes visible.

Map to configure sight

If you do not want to prescribe each variable to manual, in the workshop in the style there is a map called: Crashz'crosshair. On the map, there is everything we described above. To download, you need:
  • Open Steam, Community\u003e Workshop;
  • In the search to drive the name of the game and after the name of the map;
  • We go to CS: GO;
  • Click to play with bots and go to the Workshop tab and launch our added card;

Sight point

Many believe that kill the enemy in the head when the sight is a certain point - easier. Perhaps these people and right. If you also want to do, then you need to register the following variables: cl_crosshair_drawoutline "1"; cl_crosshairgap "100000000"; Cl_crosshairsize "3"; cl_crosshairthickness "1.65"; cl_crosshairalpha "255"; CL_CROSSHARDOT "1"; Cl_crosshairstyle "5"; CL_CROSSHAIRCOLOR "5" For the assimilation of information, I advise you to view a video that is slightly higher. That's all, we completed the setting of the sight for the COP. If you have questions, feel free to write in the comment, we will help everyone. Do not forget to keep the site in bookmarks. Share a link with friends and write what parameters you have chosen for yourself.