Maps of the world in different countries. Maps of the world for different countries. World map - what they look in different countries


Remember, in our schools in the geography office hung a world map. Probably, many of you even imagine could not that she may look like something differently, but when I saw it, something broke into my perception.

IN it is very simple: so see the world of Americans. As a friend told me, living in New York, they have such cards in schools. She herself first saw such a map in the language school. When she asked the teacher that with the map, he answered: what's wrong with her?

Probably, they will also be very surprised when they see that in our maps Russia is not cut in half, and the United States is not in the center, as it should be.

Australia map: There are no Antarctica at all!

And here is there. Maybe they go there on the head, how did Alice from the country imagine?

This is a map of South Africa. They also do not like Antarctica, really why do we need white spots on the map, especially when they are so extensive, and they are more than your country?))

This is a Chinese map. The principle is the same as on other maps: your country in the middle of the world!

I will add a post by one interesting statement of the LJ ELLE_812 readers. When she saw these cards, she remembered one interesting conversation:
"When I did not live here, and was on the Outbound seminar of the MCHPA in Paris, we met with ex general secretaries of the Council of Europe Catherine Catherine Lalumiere. That's it from her I learned that in French textbooks, the geographical map looks like in the French textbooks. The center is France, and on the sides - all other countries.
"When I saw in Russia for the first time a map of the world with Russia in the center, and when I saw her sizes in relation to the rest of the countries, I was truly shocked, because we are accustomed to school that Russia, she is there, somewhere on the side, scray (à Côté), with Siberia and snow ... "- I am I tell you Catherine Lalamière from your old notepad showing."

The French world map vision is honestly not very different from Soviet, apparently affects the geographical proximity of countries regarding Australia, South Africa and the same America. But I found one interesting mapTrue, it is a centenary, then, as the French seen at the time the location of the peoples on the planet. Take a look at the territory of Russia, it turns out that we had Russian-Siberians, on the territory of Kazakhstan - Turks (apparently Turkic peoples), on the Islands of Sakhalin and Hokkaido - Aina. Interestingly, they still live on Sakhalin?

However, many of us transfer stereotypes learned through a card to personal attitude to real world. We begin to believe that there are countries that play the world dominant role, are in its center, and there are those that play the role of subordinate, are on its periphery.

As will be seen below, in different countries - Russia, Europe, USA, China, Australia, Chile, South Africa - Maps of the world are very different. It all depends on what the author of the map selects in each of the following three conditions: 1) How to center the map relative to the West and the East; 2) How to center the map regarding the North and South; 3) Which projection method is used.

The vertical axis of the world (centering of the West and the East) passes through Moscow. Both America and Australia are on the periphery of the world. The Pacific Ocean is not perceived as a holistic space.

The vertical axis of the world passes through London. Like for Russian card Here both America and Australia are on the periphery of the world, and the Pacific Ocean is not perceived as a holistic space. In addition, the equator (server centering and south) is shifted to the lower half of the card, which makes Africa, South America and Australia smaller in relation to North America and Eurasia than it really is.

The vertical axis of the world passes through the United States. America turns out to be a "island" washed by the Pacific Ocean from the West and the Atlantic Ocean from the East. As in the European map, the equator is shifted to the lower half of the card, which makes the size of North America and Eurasia much more in relation to the sizes of South America, Africa and Australia, which is in reality. In addition, the perception of Russia, India and China is complicated for the American: these countries are present for the Americans twice? -? In the West and East.

China on his map is on the western shore of the Pacific Ocean. In this ocean, all continents have exit, except Africa and Europe, which turn out to be on the periphery of the world.

There is a general stereotype, which dominates what is above, and the fact that below? -? Is in the subordinate position. Australians not only by holding the vertical axis of the world through their mainland, it is still placed on top of all others, turning the card for 180 degrees. Like the United States, they are the island lying between three oceans: quiet, Indian and South. Antarctica, hiddenly hidden in all other maps begins to play an important role.

South Africa is similar to Australia at the top, and not at the bottom of the card, which makes you perceive it as a country dominating over all others. South Africa turns out to be a peninsula that is inclined between the two oceans: Indian and Atlantic. Pacific and Russia goes to the periphery of the world.

This world map was developed by order of the Military Geographic Institute in order to further introduce into school textbooks. Similar to the Australian map, this is also turned over, thanks to which Chile immediately takes the dominant position in the world. In the center of the map is the Pacific Ocean, and this is directly connected with the voiced policy of modern Chile, who want to become one of the important business centers in the Pacific region. In this regard, Chile is something similar to China. Similarly, Africa and Europe turn out to be on the periphery of the world.

Everyone since childhood in school is studying the world map, which form our idea of \u200b\u200bhow it is arranged. However, flat cards displays the world only conditionally, so our vision is sometimes somewhat distorted. We have an opinion about which countries are in the central part and have a dominant value, and which are closer to the periphery.

But in different countries of the world's maps are presented in different ways. Each creator of geographic maps itself chooses how to center it relative to parts of the world and which of the projection methods to apply. Consider the maps of the world that are used in different countries.


In Russia, on geographic map The axis of the world is centered relative to the West and the East and runs through Moscow. It turns out that Australia, North and South America are on the periphery, and the Pacific Ocean is not regarded for a single space.


On the map of Europe, the world axis crosses, therefore. With America, also shown on the periphery, and the Pacific Ocean does not look holistic. The equator is shifted to the lower half of the card, because of which Africa, and it seems much less compared to North America and Eurasia.


Here the axis of the world is already through the United States, and it turns out that America looks like a "islands", which in the West is washed by the Pacific Ocean, and in the East Atlantic. Like European maps, the equator here is also located in the lower half of the card and visually increases the dimensions of Eurasia and North America. In addition, the Americans becomes more difficult to perceive Russia, China and India, as they are divided into two halves: one - in the West, the other is in the east.


In Chinese variations, their country on the map is located on the West Bank of the Pacific Ocean. It turns out that this ocean is amuses all the continents with the exception of Eurasia and Africa, they are derived to the periphery of the world.


On the Australian World Map, the vertical axis is carried out through Australia, so it turns out to be in the center, and the card turns 180 degrees. Like, the mainland becomes an island located between the Indian, quiet and southern oceans. Antarctic, which is placed on all other cards at the bottom, here it begins to play a more important role, since it turns out to be top.

South Africa

Also, from the bottom of the card, it is shifted to the upper, creating the visibility of its dominant position with respect to other countries. Here, South Africa is depicted as a peninsula, washed by the Atlantic and Indian Oceans. Russia and the Pacific are derived to the periphery of the world.


Chileans their map also turned over and brought themselves to dominant positions. Thus, the Pacific Ocean is depicted in the center of the map and gives a good opportunity to Chilean politics to bring the country among the most important business centers of the Pacific region. Europe and Africa on this world map also go to the periphery.

Maps of the world, which we are shown in school, no little, form our idea of \u200b\u200bhow the world is arranged. After all, it seems to us that there are countries in the center of the card play a dominant role in the world, and those who are on the perpolecies play the role of subordinate.

That would not be bad if we did not forget that the flat map is just a conditional and distorted display of the round world. And at different points globe Absolutely different look at the illustration of the location of countries on the globe.

Let's deal with!


The vertical axis of the world passes through the capital of the country. The Pacific Ocean in this version of the card turns out to be divided into two parts. Both America and Australia are on the edge of the world.


The vertical axis of the world (centering of the West and the East) passes through London. As in the previous version, both America and Australia are on the periphery, and the Pacific Ocean is not perceived as a holistic space.

Equator (centering of the North and South) is slightly shifted into the lower half of the card, and therefore Africa, South America and Australia look disproportionately small in relation to North America and Eurasia.


In this embodiment, the US card has a central role. America turns out to be a "island" washed by the Pacific Ocean from the West and the Atlantic Ocean from the East. Here the vertical axis of the world passes through the United States.

The size of North America and Eurasia is much large in relation to South America, Africa and Australia, which is in reality. The perception of Russia, India and China is difficult, since these countries are fragmented by 2 parts: they are present in the West and in the East.


China on its map is located on the western shore of the Pacific Ocean, which wash all the continents. But Africa and Europe turn out to be on the periphery of the world.


Australians, as well as representatives of other countries, conduct a vertical axis of the world through their mainland. But besides, they also put it on top of all others, turning the card for 180 degrees. Like the United States, they are the island lying between three oceans: quiet, Indian and South. An important role is started to play Antarctic, hidden at the bottom in all other maps.

South Africa

Similar to Australia, South Africa is at the top, which makes you perceive it as a dominant country. South Africa turns out to be a peninsula washed by the Indian and Atlantic Oceans. On the periphery of the map turns out to be Russia and the Pacific region.

Below is the most common map of the world, a normal person from the CIS other than the other and imagine that the world map can be different.

But it was not there. The Americans see the world map completely differently, according to the incomprehensible for us. And our card is not at all perceived by the Americans.

Our card is familiar.

Also our card is familiar.

But the usual American map. Such hangs in US schools. It is to such a map that Americans and another card are accustomed to themselves who cannot imagine. For us, this is a blow below the belt - how it can be divided into 2 parts for 2 parts - namely, it is selected from childhood all the Americans (for them our version of the card does not fit in the head.

Australians so generally see the world map is completely strange.

The Chinese are also seen in their own way.

That's it. So the world through the eyes of different nations looks and perceived in different ways.

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