In the game, pass an electric current. Board game: lightning fast reaction or get electrocuted in Vladivostok. Checking the degree of assimilation of educational material

An unusual way to have fun with your friends. When you win, shock them. The shock level of Shock Lightning Reaction can range from normal (for weaklings) to extreme (for tough guys). Having the best name in the gadget market, Shocking Lightning Reaction is as shockingly fun as it sounds. By the way, this is the perfect way to test your reaction against your friends.

Just gather somewhere (2-4 people are enough), take each joystick and press the button in the middle of the base unit to start. Whatever you do, do not relax, because as soon as the music stops and the light switches from red to green, you must press the button on your joystick as quickly as possible. If you are the fastest of them all, congratulations, you can sit back and enjoy. After all, everyone else, the slow ones, will receive a short, sharp electrical discharge through their sweaty palms.

The shock level of Shocking Lightning Reaction can range from normal discharges (for weaklings) to extreme (for tough guys). It is a great toy for when you have friends nearby and only requires 3xAAA batteries.

A warning:

Produces electrical current. Interference may occur with electrical devices such as pacemakers. Do not use if you suffer from epilepsy or any similar medical condition and is not suitable for pregnant women.

High or low electrical charge
Includes 4 game consoles, connecting wires and base station with suction cups
Can participate from 2 to 4 people
Requires 3 x AAA batteries
Size: 13 x 15cm (W x H)

Repetitive and generalizing on the topic:

" The laws direct current"

Goalsat R about to and: - control the degree of assimilation of knowledgeOhm's laws,Joule-Lenz, parallel and followerconnection of conductors;

the ability to assemble electrical circuits, use the formulas of the studied laws when calculating electrical circuits and analytical problems;

skills in using electrical measuring devices;

Education of motives for learning, a positive attitude to knowledge, conscientious attitude to work;

To develop students' independence of thought (to analyze, synthesize, abstraction of practical skills);

Equipment: projector, ammeter and voltmeterlaboratory (3 pcs each), key 3 pcs, pocket flashlight batteries 3 pcs, a light bulb on a stand 3 pcs, a spiral (2 Ohm)- 3 pcs, equipment stands.

Rock type: Role-playing game " Rescuers ". Lesson type: repeating-generalizing

During the classes.

Stages and times of the lesson

Teacher activities

State activities control

Student activities


    Greets students and wishes for fruitful work.

    Announces the topic and form of the lesson, reveals the goals.

    Introduces the criteria for assessing assignments.

    reminds of the rules of teamwork.

    Represents state control

1. Greet students.

1. Greet the teachers.

2. Listen and reflect on the goals of the upcoming session.

3. Get acquainted with the order of the lesson by the rules of teamwork


1. Announces tasks

2. Determines the time for discussion.

3. Stimulates the learning activities of students.

4. Provides teams with information about the passage of time.

Observed and evaluated

1. Get assignments

2. Team - thinks over the task.

Discuss assignments.

3. Perform tasks.

4 .. Formulates the answers and represents the performed p a bot.

5. After completing the mandatory tasks, do additional ones.

Lesson summary

Provides the word state. Commissions.

After listening to and checking the work of the teams, they call the estimates.

During the classes

    Write the topic on the board, date.

    Mark absent

Write the lesson topic in a notebook. Today we have with you a final lesson on the topic "Laws of direct current"

Introduction .

For 10 hours, we repeated the concept of direct electric current that was previously studied in grade 8 and studied the laws of direct current, talked about sources of consumers of electric current, performed laboratory work on which you assembled electrical circuits with serial and parallel connections, calculated these circuits, and also learned to use electrical measuring devices.

Today we want to see what you have learned, and for this I suggest you play the game "Rescuers".

We will fly to spaceship to another planet unknown to us.

And for this it is necessary to create rescue groups with their own tasks. First of all you need light, heat, ventilation and production.

Any business is first designed constructors, calculated engineers and performed practitioners.

We select a group of state control from senior students of 3 people. and present it to the whole group.

The group is split into three squads



"Ventilation and production."

Each squad includes three teams


    3). Practices.

Each team receives tasks in oral and written form. Team from2-3 people sitting at the shifted tables, on which are sheets with assignments.First, they perform the tasks of the designer, then the engineers and after thatpractice. Tasks are completed on a piece of paper and written on the board.The designers, having completed the tasks, pass it on to the engineers, and those to the practitioners. In their free time from the main task, students perform additionalthe task that is set out in the envelope.The envelope contains cards andinstruction with tasks of varying difficulty.

Any completed task is monitored state control.

When the tasks of the designers and engineers are written on the board, and the practitioners have assembled electrical circuits, we begin to protect.

In turn, each group reads the task and explains the calculations or scheme, the practices show the result.

Supervisors evaluate the work of the whole group. Additional work is handed over and the results are reported in the next lesson.

Practitioner assignments



1 From the available devices, select those specified by the engineers.

    Assemble the electrical circuit according to the scheme developed by the designers.

    Measure the strength of currents and voltages at consumers, compare the obtained values ​​with the calculated ones.

4. After completing the assignment, demonstrate the assembled chain and its operation, and also show that it satisfies the requirements.

"Ventilation and production"

    Assemble a circuit from the available devices according to the diagram drawn up by the designers.

    List the devices that were needed for the assembly.

    Give the measurements of the quantities required to calculate the power of the current.

    Demonstrate the operation of the chain and show that it meets the specified conditions.

    Answer the question: what current will you need a fuse for?

    Demonstrate the operation of the fuse.

Task for engineers.

"Ventilation and production"

1. For a circuit drawn up by a group of designers, calculate the current consumption, provided that the voltage of the current source is 4.5 V, and the permissible current is 0.7 A. 2. Calculate what work the current does in the circuit during 1 hour.

3 After completing the task, repeat all calculations on the board next to the diagram.

4. What are the required devices to determine.


    After completing the task, repeat all calculations on the board next to the diagram.


    After completing the assignment, repeat all calculations on the board next to the diagram.

    Name the devices required.

Assignment to constructors.

"Ventilation and production."

    Draw up a draft of the electrical diagram, according to which you can assemble the installation for the operation of the fan and the machine. The unit has two electric motors designed for the voltage of the current source (flashlight battery), provide for simultaneous
    turning both motors on and off.

    After completing the assignment, draw the project (diagram) on the board.


1.For a diagram drawn up by a group of designers, calculate the strength of currents and voltages in individual sections of the circuit. The voltage of the current source is 4.5V, and the resistance of each lamp is 14 ohms.

2. After completing the task, all calculations
repeat on the chalkboard next to the diagram.


1 According to the diagram drawn up by a group of designers, calculate the amount of heat generated by three heaters during 1 hour, if the voltage of the current source is 4.5 V, the resistance of each heater is 2 Ohm.

2. After completing the task, repeat all calculations on the board next to the diagram.

3. Name the required fixtures.

Do this when you are free from the main task.


Choose the sequence of tasks and their number yourself.

Follow all solutions (inscriptions, diagrams, calculations, etc.)

with a pen on a task card or on a blank sheet of paper neatly

and clearly.

At the bottom, write the names of the group members and put all

together an assessment of labor participation (OTU) for each. Wherein

consider the following:

grade "4 m(highest) is put if the person has offered

solution, idea;

grade "3" -if helped in solving;

grade "2"- worked weakly, but showed interest;

grade"1 "-" thought the crow "

After solving, put all cards in an envelope and hand over.

A party game for those who are bored and want to tickle their nerves.
Great entertainment after drinking some strong drinks.
Each player takes a joystick in his hand. The presenter or one of the players starts the game by pressing the main button on the center console, to which the players' joysticks are connected. After that, the console starts blinking red with disturbing music in the best traditions of horror movies.

Music plays for 5-10 seconds, pumping up the atmosphere more and more. And then, suddenly, when the tension reaches its climax - bang! - the music stops and the green light on the console lights up. And now you need to press a button on your joystick as quickly as possible. Whoever pressed last received an electric shock.
If the player's nerves are lost and he presses the button before the green light comes on, he will also receive a shock.
Just don't worry: the galvanic current with which this "beats" original gift, is completely safe for the human body even in the "maximum" mode.
Purchased for their own.
Who cares - welcome under the cut
I first met this game at a corporate party a few years ago.
The hired mass entertainers brought this device to the holiday. And, of course, there were enough people who wanted to check their reaction.

V general game bribed me with her singularity. When I saw it in the vastness of Aliexpress, I did not hesitate to put it in the basket until the next season of sales.

And then came the significant day 11.11, and the purchase took place.

Proof of purchase:

Tracking is of course extremely uninformative. Well, that is - that is

Almost two months have passed, and on January 2, there was a call from the post office. The parcel arrived. To be honest, the delivery speed was upsetting. Another corporate party has passed. New Year met. And the game has just reached the addressee.
Well, what else can you expect from such purchases on the day of the sale? .. Peak trading, you know ...

The package came in a black plastic bag, The game itself lay just in a bag, generously wrapped in a bubble wrap. So nothing was hurt.

The quality of the plastics and workmanship are good.

In the same bag there was a leaflet with instructions.

Below is a compartment for three AAA batteries.

Four sturdy suction cups

On the side there is a wheel for turning on and adjusting power.

We twist, a click is heard. The console turns on. Further twisting adjusts the power of the electric shock.

There is also another switch that changes the game mode.

The first mode shocks the last one who pressed. The second mode shocks everyone who did not have time to press the first one.

A green LED is lit opposite two of the four joysticks. This suggests that the game is in two-player mode.
Next, press the button for selecting the number of players

After each press, the LEDs opposite the other joysticks light up in turn. Thus, you can play from two to four people.
Press the center button and the game has begun

In general, I collect the guinea pigs of my family members and start testing the game. And then it turns out that the loser is not electrocuted. And in general, he never shocks anyone.
Reading the instructions did not help to understand the reason. Pressing all the buttons and spinning the wheel too.
In general, one disorder.
I open the product page, go to reviews, filter by 1 star. There are three entries with a similar sore. The game does not shock.
And no refunds. How can you prove that you are not electrocuted? :)

In general, I was upset and decided to disassemble the game.


I checked the contacts everywhere, the quality of the soldering. I turned on the game and lo and behold - I got an electric shock :)
Collected back, periodically checking the performance.

In the future, there were no more complaints about the work. It’s strange, what was the matter ...

About electric shock power:
At a minimum, a very light tingling sensation. I could not test to the maximum. He pulls his fingers together.
In general, you can adjust to your taste, both for children and for inveterate masochists :)

Unusual and interesting entertainment... But not everyone will like it.
The problem with performance of course made me nervous. There is a chance to get a non-working device and you won't prove anything to anyone.
The price is obviously overpriced. I think it is advisable to buy for those who, by the nature of their work, entertain people at various events. The thing will pay off. I am not one of those, but from time to time I like to have fun with friends and employees at parties. Well, I took off my tea not the last shirt. :)
I am satisfied with the purchase

Thank you for the attention.
All good.

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