Cheerful birthday competitions for children are 11 years old. Interesting entertainment and children's birthday competitions. Who hid there

When a child turns 12 years old, he is already pretty an adult. And therefore he wants funny and happy birthday and funny contests. We offer you contests for children of 12 years, with whom the birthday will be fun and laugh. Contests for the birthday of 12 years will make your child the happiest.

Competition 1 - only with hands.
Children are divided into two teams. At first, one team makes a word and says his one participant in the second team. And he, with the help of hands, without words and sounds, should explain that the participants of the first team were sought for the word. So you can 3-5 words. A team that gave up more words is declared the winner.

Competition 2 - cheerful relay.
Children are divided into pairs. And each couple becomes back to each other. And connected with elbows. On the signal, the pair begin to run, jump or go ahead, not extinguishing the elbows. Having reached the desired mark, for example, the stools they start moving back. Couple that the first came to the place won.

Competition 3 - what word?
For this contest, you need to cook cards with words. But words on cards must be written back in advance. You can also make a few cards with words where all the letters are scattered. The player who guesses the most words and is declared a speaker, that is, the winner.

Competition 4 - Stop, open!
it funny competition. For him, you need colored ribbons, blue, red. Ribbons are put on the floor, the child tie his eyes and disassemble a few steps. You can also twist it several times. And then they offer to walk to these tapes. The one who passes them failed. Wins the one who approaches the closer to the cliff. And so that the children just did not go to the accident, come up with good prizes for the victory. Then they will be afraid to go to the ribbon.

Competition 5 - see, monkeys.
4 banana put on the stool. And four children get up near the dressing squat. At the signal, they are without hands, the hands should be behind the back, only with the help of the mouth and lips clean the bananas and eat them. Who will do it forward, he won.

Competition 6 - Duel.
On the rope hang inflated balloons. For each side of 5-10 pieces. The two children tie their eyes and give to the toothpick. On the team they are suitable for their end of the rope and begin to poke into the balls. Who all the balls burst faster, he won.

Competition 7 - cars.
Need children's cars, better the same. Plus, you need pencils and threads. One end of the thread tie to the pencil and the second to the machine. And on the team, we begin to wind up a pencil thread, thereby attracting the cars to yourself. Who will bring his car forward to the finish, he won.

Competition 8 - who applies to.
Children stand in one row. Leading throws the ball to someone and says: sushi. The child who caught the ball should say the animal that lives on sushi, for example, a bear. If the presenter said the sky, you need to call the bird, for example, a pigeon. Etc.

Your baby has already almost grown, 10-12 years old when children seem to be still small, but it is already difficult to find funny and exciting games that occupy all guests to soon they did not run into the room and did not start playing "their" computer games or tablet.

But that the child's birthday was having fun and remembered his friends, you need to prepare entertainment. These birthday competitions for children will appreciate, both an eight-year-old child and a kid shallow.

And if you have a little more ingenuity, then in children's games you can play on your anniversary or new Year. If you live in the apartment, then you will fit the games and contests for children on the birthday of the house.

Try to cook:

  1. Prizes
  2. candy
  3. chocolates
  4. little toys.

All this is necessary that the entertainment process combines all the kids, and no one missed.

As a rule, in the room it is not particularly walking and you will not play with the ball so that you do not beat the dishes. Therefore, we suggest you choose fun contests for children who do not require large space.


For this game, you will need two easels and markers. The more friends invited your offspring, the better. We divide the kids into two groups, if possible, equally. For example, 4 on 4 or 5 to 5. Let's give a task to draw any drawing, whether it is a boat, rocket, machine, etc. On the signal, the first of each command is started to draw, according to the following signal, transmitted the second, these third, etc. This team will win, which will draw a picture faster.

Backless pictures

  • The guys sit down each other (back to face). Each is placed on the back of a piece of paper attached by scotch. One of the participants in a whisper is said to draw. For example, sun, flower or house.
  • The child begins a pencil to draw a drawing on the back of the neighbor, trying as much as possible and crumpled to crush her back to her back, which he painted there, and tries to repeat the drawing from his neighbor, etc. round. Then the drawings are watching and checked whether everyone understood that it was necessary to draw.


Put two stools against each other, backs. They hang jackets with twisted sleeves, and put the rope under chairs (somewhere 2 meters). According to the leader, or words: Fire! Two participants must quickly turn the sleeves and wear a jacket on themselves (buttoning buttons or zipper), to rest on a competitor chair, sit on your chair and stretch the rope.

Table games

Contests for children 2017 are suitable for all ages. A fun contest can be held straight at the table.

What's your name?

Babes are seated at a convenientness, trying to sit in a semicircle. The presenter gives cards with the name of inanimate objects. For example: slap, slate, mop, urine, rag, etc.

Then the presenter begins to ask questions to each participant, the answer should be only what is written in the card. The main rule will ensure that the participant, with whom he speaks the host has not laughed and did not smile all the time as the questions are asked.

For example: What is your name? Merchant! And what do you have on your head? Merchant! And what did you dined today? Awesome! And who is your friend? Merchant! And what are you cleaning your teeth? Awesome! Etc. In this way, it is desirable to not repeat the questions.

On the street

Outdoor Interesting contests for children can be diversified. The school period is very active in children, so it is easier to go out into the street and in the garden.

In summer camp

In the summer camp you can also choose a fairly active type of competitions. The school will begin in the fall, and in the summer kids need to spill their energy in games. You can connect balls, rope, rubberry and a lot more.

Ball fall in target

  • Babies are divided into teams, at a distance (10 m) it is installed subject, bow or bucket. If the kege, then it needs to be knocked down if a bucket, then throw the ball into it. The judge sets the initial view of the throw.
  • If you want to knock down the subject, the ball needs to roll on the ground or kick. If you throw in a bucket, then throw from behind your heads or only one, for example, left to complicate the task. The team wins, who has more points for hitting.

Ball in the ring

This contest is suitable in places where there is a basketball court, the principle is the same as above. Only the ball must be challenged into the ring.

Who quickly

Children take a rope and lined up in a rank, by team on distillations jump to the marked place. Won the one who is faster.

Or put boxes at a distance on opposite sides. One box is empty, the other with toys. Children in turns must carry items from full in an empty box. It turns out shuttle run, and you will win those who have more toys.

Game "Sovice"

In any place there is a circle of "socket of the Sovkushka", one participant is selected, it will be a schuchka, and the rest of the bugs and insects.

The lead gives the team "Day!" All besides the sovice, they begin to run and wave the wings, unexpectedly master announces the "Night!" team, all the bugs must measure, and the Sovice flies out of the nest and seeks those who move if noticed, takes it to the nest. Then day and night repeats, and count the number of caught insects.

Creative contests for children

Creative contests can be inventing or spilling already available, connect the logic or artistic skills of children, add mathematical tasks or riddles.

You can write a well-known poem, but do not add it to the end, and the kids will have to remember and add themselves independently or compose poems according to the specified words. Come up with grammatical tasks or logic maze. Everything is limited to your fantasy.

Birthday competitions for children

Usually, teachers and parents have a lot of time to organize even the most minor children's events. At the same time, problems rarely arise with the selection of mobile contests. The question occurs more often: how to persuade the kids a little sit calmly and how to spend a quiz.

In preparing questions for quiz, you need to consider several important points:

  • Children's age. IN school age Every year matters. What is interesting to seven-year-old kids, eight-year-old may seem boring.
  • Interests. Favorite games, movies, books. This is one of the most important factors in choosing questions.
  • Location.
  • Holiday themes if present. For example, it may be a birthday in pirates, or fabulous fairies. Then the majority of questions should correspond to a given topic.

Rules of organization

In addition to the preparation, the Organization of the Quiz plays an important role. Active children sometimes not so easy to interest intellectual game. There are several tips that will help the organizers to cope with this task:

  1. Around the quiz needs to create an excitement before it starts. You can offer the guys to divide the teams. Let them think over the title, the motto, choose the captain. Answer the team questions can alternately, and for each right answer they will get a token. Who will get more, he will win.

If there are not a lot of children on the holiday, then every child can play for himself. You can spend the quiz directly at the table.

  1. Before the question of children can be offered to choose its subject. That is, all questions will be divided into groups. For example, animals, plants, cartoons, sports and so on. Everything will depend here on the interests of the young company.
  2. Must must be musical accompaniment. In silence will be boring to answer questions. For quiz it is better to choose rhythmic tracks without words.
  3. As a result, absolutely all participants should receive commemorative prizes.

Funny quiz

With special pleasure, children participate in quizzes, where funny tasks. These questions with the answers are more suitable for children of 8-9 years.

Question Answer
What is the letter in our country in the first place, and in America on the fourth? Letter R.
What hand is easier to stir sugar in a circle? In which hold the spoon.
How to transfer water in the sieve? Frozen.
When is the cat easier to go home? When the door is open.
What wheel does not spin when driving? Spare.
What to do when you see a green little man? To cross the road.
What month is 28 days? In all.
What happens to the blue pebble if he falls into the sea? Western, drown.
Three cats catch three mice in three minutes. How much does one cat catch one mouse? For three minutes.
What kind of eggs does not bother? Cock.

Such questions will be able to quickly cheer and guests and a birthday room.

Children a little younger, who go to the first class or are just being prepared to go to school (7-8 years) like a cool quiz with the following tasks:

Delicious questions

It happens that guests behave very actively entire holiday. In this case, an excellent solution will be the questions at the meter table. Most likely, they will scatter in children appetite. Such entertainment usually like both adults and children.

It will be necessary to prepare different products and decompose on plates. This should be a mixture of sweet, sharp, salted, sour. The participant will need to guess which product it was given to try to try (the eyes should be tied). Or all actions can be replaced by questions:

Questions about the birthday language

At the birthday of special attention is worthy of the owner of the holiday. Therefore, you can arrange a quiz with questions about the birthday name. Let the guests show how well they know him. Such a game will have to taste older guys (11-12 years old). Tasks may be serious and fun. Here sample questions For quiz:

  1. When was the birthday boy born?
  2. What is his favorite song?
  3. What is your favorite movie?
  4. What does he do in his free time?
  5. What is his sister / brother?
  6. How old is his cat / hamster / turtle?
  7. Where did he spend the past summer?
  8. Can he swim?
  9. What class learns?

Any child will like this attention. And upon completion of the game, you can make a cake with candles and make a desire.

Quiz for all

If the company is multiple. For example, at the holiday there are children and 10 years and 13, then you can choose games that will be interesting to everyone. And adult guests will be able to participate. Offering such entertainment is needed in the middle of the event.

Guess the melody

The game is suitable for the company that has already met, warmed up and having fun time. This quiz will require a lead, computer or music center and a musical selection. Songs are better to choose different genres. Let it be both children's songs from cartoons, and soundtracks from films, and popular melodies. The presenter includes passages of songs, and players must guess the name.

Another quiz option is possible. All guests are divided into two or three teams (depending on their numbers). One word and limited time is given. Each team should come up with as many songs as possible with a given word.


I have long known and all your favorite game is suitable for all ages. And the center of attention may be a birthday party. Rules are:

  1. The host takes each player with one subject (bracelet, pen, tie and the like) and folds into one box (there may be a bag, a hat).
  2. The birthday name gets back to everyone and does not see what is happening.
  3. The presenter takes one thing and asks: "What to do this phanta?"
  4. The chief hero of the celebration comes up with the task, and the participant must fulfill it.

Tasks may be such:

  1. Sneaking a cheerful song.
  2. Tell a funny joke.
  3. Contact 10 times.
  4. Dance ducks small ducklings.
  5. Stroke a cat.
  6. Eat three candies.

The tasks largely depend on the fantasy of the Holiday owner. For each commission, small prizes can be given players.

What? Where? When?

It will be fascinating intellectual quiz. Sophisticated questions, depending on the age of guests, it is better to prepare in advance. The rules are as follows:

  1. The question is given and is given limited time on meditation.
  2. Each team discusses the answer, writes it on paper.
  3. Announces the right answer, guessing the team is assigned a score.

Which teams will eventually type more points, she will be the winner. You can increase the number of points for especially sophisticated questions Or for the rapid writing of the correct answer. The number of rounds may not be limited. And winners should be sure to receive prizes.

When preparing the quiz of the birthday, you can consult with the child, listen to his wishes. He can accurately tell me that it will be interesting to him and his guests, what kind of games they love to play and what questions they would be most interesting.

Video with quiz:

Looking at these videos, you will hand over more questions for children's quiz.

In the course of the holiday, the guys will recognize new varieties of all known sports. In the original interpretation of these sport games Allow to engage in the game of each guest, and the birthday girl can play the role of a judge in competitions as desired.


Creating a festive mood, the development of agility, smelling, thinking.


Balloons, large numbers 10 or 11, stretching - Congratulations to the birthday man. Collages from children's photos, posters.

Necessary attributes:

  • Lists of guests and handles;
  • 3 basins of different sizes and walnuts;
  • Paper sheets and tennis ball;
  • Ropes;
  • Map of the world and aircraft with a button;
  • Cup with peanuts, Orange, Junction of the newspaper, a small book, a glass with water, a rope motkin, a photo of a birthday room at any age, a small stack of paper, a small kochan cabbage and sheets with questions;
  • Medals and small prizes for winners.


  • Leading

Event flow

Leading: Guys, hello! Today we will celebrate a great holiday that only happens once ... per year! It's a birthday! Let's greet our birthday!

The birthday name goes to the center. All welcome it.

Leading: Guys, we all binds one main link - this is a birthday party. It is thanks to him that we gathered together today! I wonder if you all know each other? Let's check.

The game is held "Autograph". Children get a list of holiday guests and handle. Their task is to collect signatures of all guests opposite their last name. Who will fulfill the task faster than everyone - wins and gets a small gift.

Leading: Here we all met. And now you can play. Our holiday is dedicated various types Sports. By the end of the evening, you can decide on those that are more attractive for you. Well, just before the sports exercises, it is necessary to warm up.

There is a warm-up game "On the contrary". Participants get up to form a circle. The presenter is a birthday suitable to one of them and calls any part of the body, pointing to any other. For example, says: "This is my mouth," but points to the elbow. The player, in turn, should draw on the contrary: to show on the mouth, and say: "This is my elbow." If the answer is incorrect, the player drops out, and the host goes to the next participant.

Leading:A little softened, now you can proceed to exercise! And the first sport is darts. Tell us what you know about him.

Children answer.

Leading: Well done, you know almost everything. And for sure, many of you are just fond of them. But agree, if so, it will be dishonest to evaluate you as well as those who have never thrown darts! I think it will be better to change the rules of the game and carry out an unusual competition.

The contest "Original Darts" is held. The target is installed in the center of the room. To do this, in a large basin, a basin of medium size is placed, and it is small in it. Walnuts or small balls can be used as shells. Players from a certain distance in turn throw shells in the target. For each hit in a large pelvis, they get 1 points, in the middle - 2, and in a small - 3 points. The more points will give the participant, the greater the likelihood that he will be the winner. At the request of the birthday boy, you can appoint a judge.

Leading: All got into the target. So, we can say that this sport has mastered the "excellent". Now it's time to talk about your favorite game of many boys - football. What do you know about him?

Children answer.

Leading: Do you also like to play football? Unfortunately, the full game does not work here, as the area is not enough, and fragile items in the room is enough. Therefore, we will play a kind of football - ferol. They guessed how we will "kick" the ball? By the way, the attributes for the game - Fair - we will do right now with your own hands.

Participants make paper fans. Then the game "Ferol". Participants are divided into 2 teams. On the table exactly in the middle lies a tennis ball. At the edges of the table, improvised gates are installed - it can be pencils. The task of players - with the help of a fad to score the head of the opponent.

Leading: Well done! Even without a football ball coped very well! And this suggests that it is time to move on to the next sport - rock climbing. Do you know how to climb? On the rocks ever lazy? So today we will not. We will break through the rope.

Cells are being played. At a sufficient distance from each other, 2 stools are installed. Top and bottom through them stretch the ropes, which among themselves are associated with small threads so that square cells are as a result. One of the participants is on one side of the design, the rest - with the opposite. The task of players is to convey the participants in turn on the opposite direction so that they do not hit the floor.

Leading: Just great you climb. I would even venture to go with you on a journey through the mountains, but I am afraid that I myself can not cope with it. You will have to save me or cause rescuers who will strive and their helicopters ... By the way, do you want to travel? Fly on this plane?

Children answer.

Leading: Let's see how developed by your ability to navigate in space.

There is a game "Travel". They will need a world map and small cardboard airplanes with a button. The map shows the take-off point. At a short distance, those who want to take part in the air "races" are lined up. After a few minutes, which are given to the participant to study the location of the take-off point on the map and draw up the flight plan, the eyes tie him. Having reached the card, the player pins the airplane as far as possible from the point of take-off. If the airplane falls into the water - it will crash and leaves the game. The player wins, "fucking" further.

Leading: Well, some sports you have mastered. I think that the rest will be on the shoulder. It is only important to remember that in any contest it is important to put the right goal: do not win, and something to achieve! So I suggest you now not to win, but to achieve a better value.

The Lottery Competition is held. On the table there is a cup with peanut, orange, a newspaper scrappy, a small book, a glass with water, a rope motkin, a photo of a birthday one at any age, a small stack of paper, a small cabbage kochan.

Everyone receives a pencil and a list with questions to which the answers must give, without touching the subjects:

  • How many peanuts in the cup?
  • How many seeds in orange?
  • How many words are written on a piece of newspapers on both sides?
  • How many pages in the book?
  • How much water in a glass (in ml)?
  • What is the length of the rope?
  • How old is the birthday name in the photo?
  • How many papers in a stack?
  • What is the weight of Kochana cabbage?

Win the one who will give more accurate answers to all questions.

Leading: Of course, it is difficult to win, but you can. But to achieve higher results compared to your previous previously managed. But now let's see how virtuoso you own a sword. Answer the question: what is the most acute weapon you know?

Children express their opinions.

Leading: Guys, buttered weapons are a word! What do you think, why?

Children speak.

Leading: The word may wander that this wound will not heal for a very long time. Therefore, with this weapon you need to contact very carefully. Do you know how to do it? Then check how well you speak them!

The game "Secret Words" is held. All participants receive a pencil and 5 sheets of paper. On each leaf, they write down various words. Then the leaves turn over. After that, the players take turns ask any participant's question, trying to make any secret word from the list when responding. If the word was pronounced, then the paper, ya it was recorded, turns over to all seen. The one who turns all his pieces is faster than everyone.

Leading: Well done boys. Credit even with the most difficult task! I think the athletes to you. Congratulations on the successful passage of all tests!

Well, who in childhood did not like his own birthday? That day, when all the closest and relatives and relatives are going, friends come, they give a bunch of gifts, cut the delicious cake. These are the most fun and bright memories of childhood, and so that they are still brighter, parents need to work out a script for a children's holiday, competition for birthday. The main thing is not easy to meet guests and sit at the table, but also entertain them, giving a child and his friends the opportunity to rally even more, have fun at full and remember this day as the best in life. But what contests are needed for baby birthday? We will offer you many options, and you are sure to consider the age of defensions when choosing, and choose the maximum interesting games For all those present.

Contests for children 3-6 years

Mind games

The intellectual contests at the table are good because they help save parents a house from a disorder and destruction, which threatened to him accelerated preschoolers. Of course, children will not be able to pass through for a long time, but for a while they will be "neutralized", at the same time, and watching their games will help parents to learn something new about their child.

The most simple birthday contests for children can be represented by riddles that can be selected for any age:

"Guess I see"

An adult is verbally describes the subject, and the children should understand what it is about and finding this subject in the room.

An adult or child depicts something or someone, and the rest of the children should understand that or who it is.

"What disappeared?"

On the floor, sofa or stool, you need to decompose several items to which children should look for a while, after which they should turn away, and the adult cleans one of the items. After that, the children again look at the "exposition" and must remember that it disappeared from here.

Fabuline quiz

The fabulous quiz is also among the interesting competitions for a children's birthday. Here you need to come up with a series of questions on famous children's poems, cartoons and fairy tales, and for the right answers to provide prizes - toys, chocolate medals, etc.

Board games

Mini contests for children can be represented by love board gamesBehind who loves to spend their leisure the whole family. Although in our time they are ousted by tablets and cartoons, but on children's holiday It is quite possible to find the place:


Especially interesting "ferroings", where every player has a chip, which he walks on gaming field on the number of steps that throws out playing bone. These games are good for companies, children of different ages can participate in them. Besides, in modern games The chips are made unusual, and manufacturers accompany the games with fascinating tasks.


Now there are exciting and colorful decorated games for children of any age. They can be played in "Mix", Dobbl, Dublla, Memori and many other games - everything you can find on the Internet.

"Guess what you eat"

This delicious game It is suitable for any age. Children are asked to close their eyes and determine something edible to taste that adult will put them in open mouths. This is a very funny contest, since it turns out that it is not so simple to determine the dish, without seeing it.

Outdoor games


The game is a kind of classic hide and seekers. An adult hides in a room any toy, and the task of children is to find it, following the tips from the words "cold" and "hot."

"Magic tunnel"

For this game, you will need a children's tunnel, but it may well replace a small table or a chair, under which a child can crawl. His task is not easy to climb into the tunnel, and get out of there in a new guise, depicting someone: an animal or a fabulous character. Other children must guess who this is such a get out of the magic tunnel. The one who corrects guides himself goes to the magic tunnel.

Games with a ball

Contests for children's birthday 4 years include old good fun, which combined tasks for erudition, intelligence, fun and moving elements. So, in the game "Edible-Inedible", the leader seats children in a row and in turn throws every child the ball, uttering the word. If the word means an edible item, then the ball needs to be caught, and if the invad, then push the hands back. In another version, children get up in a circle, and the presenter throws the ball to one of them and asks to call color, fruit, vegetable or flower. Children need to simultaneously catch the ball and remember the appropriate subject.

Scene-role games

Children love most when contests for children's birthday 6 years scene-role games. In order for the company to enjoy children, it can be offered to temporarily become bravemen, overcoming obstacles to hostile tribes and performing funny dancing. You can reincarnate in bold knights, beautiful princesses or firewood dragons, in the characters of fairy tales or cartoons - the choice here is not limited. Of course, such contests are made with their own hands, so parents will have to try, creating costumes and attributes. In addition, they can also participate together with children in entertainment, having released from themselves for a short time hiding in the depths of the child's soul.

Contests for children 4-12 years

It is most convenient to think over competitions on children's Dn. Birth in case all the children present at the celebration will be one age. However, not only the peers, but also relatives with their children, sisters and brothers are often invited, especially for the birthday of preschoolers, but also relatives with their children, sisters and brothers - then at the celebration, a variety of children's age can be represented. This happens because the child himself still lacks his peer friends, so the relatives of all ages come instead, who know the birthday girl with young nails and be happy to congratulate him. In this case, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe birthday competitions for children will simply require a little big effort from parents, but in the end, the children themselves will find ways to start better interact, besides, such contact between them will bring the younger invaluable experience in collate to the team.


A couple of players participate in this game, each of which is tied around the belt of the rope so that a small "tailing" falls at the back. The task of players is to first catch the opponent for the tail and do not give it to do the same. This funny competition is good for trorgy music. The game trains reaction and agility.

Want to see even more fun and interesting contests? Then go and read another article about children's contests.

"Collective Art"

To carry out this game, children need to be divided into 2 teams. The first members of each team on the top of their sheets draw a head and neck, while the rest of the participants do not see what exactly is drawn. Then the master wraps the top of the sheet, covering the image, and only the lower part of the neck remains prominently. After that, the second player suits the sheet, which continues the drawing. Then the master wraps this part of the sheet, leaving only the bottom of the drawing line. So gradually the drawing is growing down, and the hand is applied to it. All team members are applied. At the end, the master unfolds both sheets and everyone is surprised to consider the resulting image. Such contests for children at the birthday of 6 years are greatly developed fantasy.

"Art Relay"

This game, developing creative imagination and thinking, the ability to work in a team, interesting, but calm. Children are divided into two teams, in front of which they put a task to draw any animal or another subject for a certain time. At the same time, for one approach, each participant can carry out one line (straight, oval, circle, etc.). In the end, the team wins, the drawing of which will be more reminiscent of the intended object.

"Candy on rod"

To the fishing line instead of a fishing hook, you need to bind candy for a candy. With the help of a fishing rod, it is necessary to bring to the mouth, without the help of the hands to deploy it and eat it. Wins the child who will cope with this faster. This game develops dexterity and coordination.

"Volleyball with balloon"

Thanks to this fascinating game Children develop dexterity, reaction, coordination of movements. Children need to be divided into two teams, put the chairs at a distance of 1 meter from each other, to send all players to them. The rope, stretched between chairs, in the middle of the floor is denoted by a grid that shares the commands. Then the peculiar volleyball begins, in which you need to move the ball over the rope, and the players are forbidden to take the ball in the hands (you can only push with his palms) and get up from the chairs. If the ball falls on the floor at half the opponent, the team gets the point. The game can be continued to 15 points.


Having informing how to spend the child's birthday at home, competitions are useful to select such that developing communication skills, smelting and fantasy in children, as the next contest "Nesmeyana". One of the children is chosen as a princess is unmeaspered and sitting on the chair before the rest of the gentleman. The rest of the children must try to make "princess", and it cannot be concerned. The one who will succeed, itself becomes the next inconspicuous.


Before starting the game with children, a certain topic is selected (holiday, animals, furniture, etc.), after which the leading object comes with the selected topic. Players must guess what was chosen using clarifying issues to which the driving can only answer "yes" and "no". The first who gave the conceived, it becomes leading. With this game, children train communication skills, develop thinking.

"Hold the ball"

Birthday competitions at home often require a large space, but not this. Two pairs of players take part here. Every couple you need to put in a circle formed by a hoop or painted on the floor around. Each pair is issued by aerial balloon. Their task is to try to keep the ball in the air as long as possible, blowing on him, but not touching his hands so that it does not fly beyond their circle. Winning a couple who will be able to keep his ball longer. With this game, the reaction, dexterity, coordination, breathing apparatus are trained.

"Zhmurki Eskimo"

Among the children are chosen by the leading mittens in the hands and tie their eyes. After that, in turn, the children are suitable for him, whom he must learn to the touch. If he succeeds, the identified child becomes leading, and if it is wrong, it makes attempts with the following players. With the help of such a competition, children develop memory and spatial imagination.


Active and cheerful competitions for a children's birthday can train attentiveness, and the best game will be the game "Forkka". Children need to be divided into two equal commands and choose the lead. The chairs are put in a row, which is sitting on the first team, and the chair is put on the contrary, near which the presenter gets up. Participants in the second team stand behind the back of the players sitting on the chairs. The presenter looks like seating players and someone winks. A player who wink should quickly move to the chair near the lead, and the challenge of the player standing behind him becomes it in time to grab it in order to prevent escape. If the escape turns out to be successful, then this player itself becomes the lead.

"Broken phone"

Via cheerful games "Spoiled Phone" Children are imperceptibly honing attentiveness and hearing. Leading with a whisper pronounces the first player to the ear phrase or the word, after which he turns to the neighbor and in the same way transmits him heard. So on the chain, the message reaches the last player who says out loud to what he heard, and the master loudly pronounces what he handed over himself. After that, the presenter goes to the end of the chain, and the first player becomes the lead.


Children adore funny contests where you can practice thinking, logic and attentiveness. All children need to be built in a circle, holding hands. Then the leading turns away to the side, and the children begin to leather as you like in each other, but not by releasing hands. After that, driven, also not blurred hands, should unravel this tangle.

"We compose a fairy tale for a birthday room"

The presenter opens a book or magazine on the first page and blindly pushing his finger into a random word. The first storyter need to come up with a phrase in which this word will participate. Similarly, you get the words to all other participants in the game. You can even come up with one thing, but a few sentences. As a result, a funny story will be born in the game, it will only be written on a beautifully decorated paper and give the birthday name. Similar games are developing fantasy and thinking, vocabulary replenish.

"Three, thirteen, thirty"

Before the game, the presenter explains to children, what number indicates a particular action, for example, 3 - hands on the belt, 13 - hands up, 30 - hands forward. Then children are built into the ranks at arm, stretching to the sides. Next, the lead calls in randomly armed numbers, and children must perform the corresponding movements. Gradually, the pace of the lead is accelerated. The one who moved and fulfilled another movement rises beside the lead and the wrong movements tries to knock the rest of the players. At the end of the game, the player remains the most attentive and provable to provocative. Such contests for guests for the birthday of the child train the reaction and attentiveness.


Each player receives a sequence number and gets into a circle. Then they all begin to rhythmically clap, alternating two cotton in palmies with two knees. One of the players in the cotton in your hands is repeated twice your own number, and with cotton knees - the number of another player. He whose number sounded, with the next cotton in his hands, calls his number already, and with cotton knees the next player. The one who will betray from this rhythm will forget his number or will call the room that has already released from the game, drops out of the game. The winners are recognized by the last two player remaining in the circle. This fun trains the reaction, memory and attentiveness.

"Promotion of Liberation"

The dynamic game "Promotion of Liberation" contributes to the development of coordination, attentiveness, hearing, reactions at the leading player, and the remaining players - reactions and dexterities. Participants of the game are sitting on the chairs set in the circle. In the center of the circle, the "captive" with knitted hands and legs and the "guard", who has blindfolded eyes. The task of "liberators" is to unleash the prisoner, and the guard - prevent them. As soon as he touches someone from the liberators, he drops out of the game and removes outside the circle. The one who succeeds without being caught, freeing the "prisoner", turns into a "guard".


Active contests for the birthday of the child are able to develop liberty, dexterity, coordination of movements. In the game "Hunting" names of the participants of the game are recorded on cards, which are then shuffled and distributed to players. For music, the player dances and at the same time imperceptibly peeps, what a name is written on the card that has given him. At the time when the music feels, the hunter must catch the prey, whose name is written on his card. But he also hunts his prey. As a result, the real chaos begins! After that, the cards are going, they are taped again, they are distributed and the game continues.

"Waves in a circle"

Make a circle from tightly standing alone to another chairs, the number of which should correspond to the number of players. Driving is located in the center of the circle, and the remaining players sit on the chairs. As a result, one chair remains free. The leading tends to sit on a free chair, but players must prevent him with their movements to do it. If driving will manage to sit on a free chair, then the player who bothered his player himself becomes leading. Players move on the teams of the "right" (clockwise on one chair), "left", or chaos (participants are changing rapidly in places, and the leading seeks to take any free place). The player, who, the chair, becomes water, becomes free to the chaos command. Children train the reaction in the game, dexterity, care.

"Siamese twins"

All children need to be divided into two teams in which there will be several pairs. Couples become sideways to each other and embrace the shoulders with one hand. As a result, each "Siamese twin" has one right and one left hand. This creation you need to reach a plate with sweets, deploy candy and eat it, feeding both heads. That couple wins, which will quickly manage with all the candies. Options for "Siamese twins" - make an envelope from paper, tie on shoe boots. This game strengthens the skills of collaboration.

"Fisherman and Goldfish"

The participants of this game are built into the circle, and in his center the lead turns a rope and a rope with a node at the end. The end of the rope should sweep under the legs of the players, and they should jump on time in order not to touch it. The one whom the rope will fall, for a while leaves the game. The game goes until the only participant remains, which becomes the winner. It develops dexterity, coordination, endurance and attentiveness.

"Copy of the monument"

With this game, developing attentiveness in children, they gradually get rid of shyness. Among children need to choose two. One will be a "copywriter", it is removed from the room and tie the eyes. The second will be an "monument", at this point he must take an interesting posture in which and to frozen. Next, the "blind copying", which should determine the "monument" pose to the touch and take exactly the same.

"Spoiled fax"

In this game, children sit down at each other, so that every next look in the back of the previous one. The first and last players are obtained by paper and sheet of paper. The last player on paper draws a simple figure, and then it reproduces it, spending his finger on the back in front of the sitting player. He, in turn, draws a finger on the back of the predecessor what he felt his back. Sitting first player tolerate his feelings on paper, after which the initial and final drawing is compared. With this game, the memory is trained, motor skills, attentiveness.


Paul is divided with a ribbon or rope, on both sides of which two players stand in the initial position - on one leg, face to each other, with hands, folded in the castle behind the back. Everyone should strive to go through the border to the side of the enemy, without touching the floor of the second foot and not extinguishing the hands. At the same time, an enemy cannot be allowed to their territory. You can read only with breasts or shoulder. The one who violates these rules is considered to be a loser. The game develops strength and coordination.


The players need to be satisfied close to each other, putting the left hand on the right knee of the neighbor on the left, and the right - on the left knee of the opposite neighbor. If the circle is not closed, then the extreme players are put on their knee. The game should quickly clap your kneel, without disturbing a certain sequence. If someone slapped not to the beat or even raised his hand, he hides this hand. Winners can be a few or only one. For the game is more interesting, you need to maintain its high pace. It is trained by the reaction, motility of hands, coordination, attentiveness.


Players get up with each other and put on the belt ahead of the standing hand player, forming a "caterpillar". The first becomes head of this caterpillar, and the last - tail. Then the music sounds, and the caterpillar begins to crawl forward, the head will make different dance passes with any parts of the body, and the rest should try to repeat these movements. Charter, "Head" turns around to the next player, strokes him on the head, after which it becomes in the tail of the caterpillar. Refromps, coordination, care are trained here.

What contests did you like most and what you memories? Perhaps you spent other children's fun contests - be sure to write about them in the comments!