What can be made from flint in minecraft? Making flint in Minecraft - description and options Where to get flint in minecraft

Today we will talk about how to make flint in Minecraft. We have one of the most popular games in the world. One of the features of the project is that it is allowed to participate in it both alone and with friends. Also on one game server maybe about 500 people. But not everything is as simple as it seems. There may be not very decent players on the servers, from which both you and other characters suffer. Do you have to endure bullying? And why not make your own, for example, dynamite. With him, you can set foot on the warpath.

How to make flint in Minecraft and use it

For example, we made dynamite or a bow. But how do you set fire to explosives or make arrows? To craft these items, you need some strange flint, which we have not seen either in the mine, or on the street, or in hell. It is simply nowhere to be found. Let's try to figure out how to make flint in Minecraft. It's not that hard. And now we will learn about all the intricacies of this process. First, you should remember that you can’t make it yourself, but don’t worry, you can mine it. So your question about how to make flint in Minecraft will be resolved in any case.


So, we take a shovel and go to the mine. The question immediately arises as to why the indicated tool, and not the pickaxe. Because we will break not ore, but gravel. After all, you probably did not pay attention to this nondescript block. And the precious flint is there. With a 10 percent chance, you can get it just by breaking a block of gravel with your hand or a shovel. It is better to use the last tool. It will be faster.

Be careful! Gravel, like sand, is a loose block, that is, it can fall on your head, and after a while you will suffocate. There are other ways to get results. Use a pickaxe with Luck 3 enchantment for a 100% chance to get the long-awaited flint. You can also buy flint from other players for a certain fee or iron with diamonds. IN specialty stores This item is also for sale. There is another option: look for emeralds and go to the village to the inhabitants. There you can profitably exchange them for flint. As you can see, there are many options.


So we sorted out another question about the game "Minecraft" - "how to make flint." It should also be noted that in fashion industrial craft you can get the resource you are looking for by putting gravel in the crusher. There are many other modifications that offer their own options for obtaining flint. Don't be afraid to try everything and choose the best one for you.

Quite often, players need to craft devices in order to deftly set fire to something or blow it up. Usually, a lighter is used for these purposes, it is also a flint and flint. And to craft this item, you have to get silicon. You will not find natural deposits of rock in the game. Therefore, it will have to be mined from gravel.

Looking for silicon
So, to find the right amount of silicon, you should run with patience, a shovel and go to the mine. It is there, having found blocks of gravel, and you can get a unit of silicon from every 10 blocks. In order not to simply transfer the breed for nothing, you should use magic and enchant the shovel with the spell "For good luck" of the third level. In this case, each time the block of gravel is destroyed, a unit of silicon will fall out. Another place where silicon is mined is the underwater world.
In addition, having collected a large amount of gravel, you can easily fold it compactly into blocks with silicon. In order to do this, the player does this - there is a large gravel tower. Having built it to a decent height, he breaks it with an enchanted pickaxe. All silicon blocks are ready.

silicon items

Only a few items are made using silicon in crafting. The first is fire. You need to put in the workbench iron ingot and a unit of silicon. The second is an arrow. To craft which you need to have a stick (1 unit), feather (1 unit), silicon (1 unit).

Crafting an arrow or flint in Minecraft is unimaginable without the use of flint. It is not difficult to get it in the game, but there are some secrets that can be used when “mining”.

Gravel is the only source of flint in Minecraft. Flint has a 1/10 chance to drop when mining (usually with a shovel) gravel. That is, mathematically speaking, the player would need to process a stack of gravel (64 blocks) to get only 6 pieces. flint. Experienced players speed up such a costly method in two ways.

The first is to use a torch to break. The mechanism of the game is such that when falling on a torch, gravel falls out in the form of a block. You can take advantage of this by placing the gravel vertically on the wall without support. Under the influence of gravity, it will fall onto the installed torch below, falling out in the form of a block or flint. This method is gradually becoming a thing of the past, because. gradually stops working with updates.

The second way is to enchant a shovel (the tool with which gravel is mined the fastest) for Luck III. With this enchantment, gravel will drop 100% of the time. Then not only will you not need to re-collect it to check it, but you can get by with one shovel in your inventory. The durability of a diamond shovel of 1562 units will allow you to get up to 10-15 stacks of flint.

After studying this article, you will understand how to make flint in Minecraft - a mineral, the hardness of which served as what they began to call a persistent and strong-willed person. In the game, however, this is not the most popular resource, it is not used at every step, it is not thought about hourly. But sometimes they can't do without it. Especially if the distance in battle matters, because you can craft an arrow from flint, which is indispensable in long-range combat in Minecraft.

Remember this subject and when you need to make a fire. You could guess about such an application, because in life it can be found in lighters. And at one time it was so popular that for many centuries it crowned the antediluvian life hack charts. So, despite the modest list of uses, this modesty is deceptive - no, no, and you will need flint in Minecraft, and if you don’t know how to make it, then you start to reproach yourself for your carelessness and rustle the Internet pages. Therefore, one, this one, rustle in advance in order to approach the current moment fully armed.

How to get flint in Minecraft

To make flint, you must first find gravel in Minecraft. The material we need falls out of it. True, with a probability of only ten percent. That is, having dug up a dozen blocks, we will get one block of flint. Not thick, but, on the other hand, crafters often accumulate unnecessary gravel. Rationality lies in the fact that it is not in vain lying around in Minecraft, but, being shoveled, confirms the statistics of flint loss. Gravel can be found in natural pits, underground and water. Sometimes it comes across in hell. Like sand, it is a loose material, which allows you to use almost all tools. However, a shovel is most suitable in Minecraft, as the rate of destruction increases.

Speaking about tools, it is necessary to say about the possibility of "score" on a ten percent probability. If you want everything one hundred percent, use the third level of the Luck spell in Minecraft, enchant it handy tool. With such a magical tool, you will definitely achieve flint loss.

How to make flint items

Above we said that you can craft in Minecraft using this material. Now let's describe the crafting process in more detail.

To make an arrow in Minecraft, you will need a feather, a stick and, of course, flint

To get a steel flint in Minecraft, in addition to flint, you need an iron ingot.

Note also that when a mineral falls out of the gravel, the gravel cannot be reused. That is, the endless extraction of flint, based on statistics, will not work. And one more thing: if gravel falls on rails in Minecraft, it breaks automatically, but flint never falls out.

By the way, we recommend playing Minecraft in English - difficulty gameplay will not increase much, but pull up your knowledge of the main language in the world. Other games to help you learn while playing English language- Online

Type- crafting ingredient

Where to look- everywhere

Transparency- No

glow- No

Foldability– yes, 64 stacked

Description and features

So, what can be done from flint in minecraft? It is needed to craft the following common items:

  • Arrows
  • Lighter

So, to make arrows, you will also need a stick and a chicken feather. A set of stick, chicken feather and flint can make 4 arrows. But if you have a bow enchanted for infinity, then one arrow is enough for you.

Craft arrows

To craft a lighter, you will need flint and an ingot of iron.

In addition, flint is also involved in many complex mechanisms in minecraft.

Getting flint in minecraft is quite simple - it drops out when a block of gravel is destroyed, moreover, the block can be destroyed both with a pickaxe and with your hand. But the best and fastest way is with a shovel. For ten blocks of gravel, one will definitely fall off with flint, so if you need a lot of flint, you can simply destroy the blocks, then set them up again and destroy them again, and so on until you get the amount of flint you need.

craft lighters

You can find gravel blocks everywhere, they are quite common in minecraft: they can be mountains, or just valleys, where gravel piles are located right on the surfaces, just like gravel is in caves, under water, in general, everywhere.

Here you only need patience, and then the flint in minecraft will definitely be in your hands!