Quest Development: How does everything happen? Educational Quest in English

- Ready original set (idea and its embodiment belongs exclusively site site), consisting of a set of tasks, with which you can organize a team quest in the corporate office with a search for a hidden surprise.

All tasks are fully prepared - you just need to choose from them the most suitable by keywords, print and immediately before the start of the game, decompose according to the well-thought-out search chain.

Ready scenarios for the quest. You can see detailed information by clicking on the picture.

About Complete

  • A wide variety of universal places in the office, where you can hide the riddles and the surprise itself.
  • No search chain, you can launch tasks in any sequence and make any number of steps (maximum 14 stages).
  • Suitable for any corporate holiday.
  • Interesting and variety of tasks based on verbal games and different species ciphers.
  • The kit is suitable for printing on a black and white printer.

Command Quest game

The "Command Quest in the Office" kit provides for a game for two-three teams: Each type of task is made in several options, with different keywords - In order for the teams to have equal chances, and the victory depended on the speed of the reaction and the intelligence of the players. This is also done in order for the organizer of the quest wide selection The most convenient locations in the preparation of the search chains.

Design set

Description of tasks

(in brackets indicate key places where you can hide tips and surprise)

  1. Tip "Switching TV-Gear" ( the envelope,xerox). Interesting and fun task, which will especially like to lovers of the game "Reversals". Example from the tip: Caucasian Chebureks (Ural dumplings).
  2. Tip "Winged phrases from movies" (newspaper, magazine).To find out where to move on, you need to remember phrases from the well-known Soviet films.
  3. Hint "Pseudo-native nonsense" ( book,lamp).Very fascinating task for a sense of humor and figurative thinking. The task shows the famous proverbs and sayings, in which all the words are replaced by scientific (or almost scientific) definitions. As a result, it turned out some pseudo-native nonsense. Example from the tip: The person who used the ethyl alcohol in an amount exceeding a certain dose, prone to inadequate representation of the degree of depth of certain types of large reservoirs (the answer is the drunken sea by knee).
  4. Tip "Fabulous Ads" ( a computer,bedside table).Pleasant cheerful task for the smell. You need to guess which of famous fabulous characters is the author of comic ads. Example from the tip: I offer services for conducting a fiery and pyrotechnic show. An indispensable worker! By inviting me, you will appreciate the saying: "One head is good, and a few - better!" (Answer - snakes Gorynych).
  5. Tip "Proverb in Square" (Door, wall).Difficult task on the speed of thinking: you need to cut 9 squares with letters and fold them into one large square so that you can read the proverb.
  6. Tip "In the world of animals" (mirror, painting, phone).A funny task for a mixture: you need to guess who from representatives of the animal world the most common suggestions as mottos. Example from the tip: "Leopard change his spots!" (camel).
  7. Tip "Family Ties" (battery,printer).It is necessary to restore the confused words denoting the names of various related relationships.
  8. Tip "Encrypted Text" ( cupboard, box).To choose from 4 options encrypted phrase.
  9. Tip "Dance" (windowsill, refrigerator).Interesting dance quiz.
  10. Tip "Edible anagrams" (shelf, curtain). Interesting task with anagramms. Example from the tip: rent + Nick \u003d Nectarine.
  11. Hint "Encrypted phraseologisms" (table chair).Good task for figurative thinking.
  12. Tip "Shared letters" (armchair,cup,flower).Assurance task.
  13. Tip "Encrypted saying" (package, bag).Sunny cipher. It is necessary to find a way to read the famous saying.
  14. Tip "Multiplication Table" (green folder,red folder).Interesting task on logic.

Please note: Tips 1-9 are made on a sheet of format A4, and tips 10-14 - at half a sheet A4.

  • recommendations for the preparation and conduct of the quest + Convenient plate for the preparation of the search chain
  • tasks and answers (every task immediately follows the answer, and for convenience and visibility all the answers are decorated in the same way as the tasks themselves)

Attention! The kit is offered in electronic form - you will need to print everything you need on the printer (sheet format when printing A4).

Set format: tasks and answers - 53 pages, Recommendations - 3 pp. (PDF files)

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How to organize an educational quest: Methodical recommendations, rules for holding a quest scenario for English lesson.

A little bit about yourself: My name is Vadim Suslov, I am a teacher of English and economy, screenwriter, writer, entrepreneur. He worked with children of different ages from 5 to 16 years.

What motivated me to create educational quests?

First, it is the strict framework of the program. We must understand that for 1 year or, for example, for 6 years, the child will not learn English. Give God if he wakes him in 11 years. It is important to understand and accept. Therefore, the main thing is to instill an interest in a child, to motivate it on learning a language.

Secondly, to many children need an individual approach, and educational quests, in this case, serve as an ideal universal tool.

Thirdly, quests help to involve students in the educational process with poor performance.

And, of course, what could be better than children's emotions, genuine and clean? The same long-awaited Fidbec, which is so waiting for every teacher.

The information is absorbed better during the game - it was and there is my motto. Children at the age of 5,6,7 years are not very interested in grammar or rules, they are interested in the teacher and his toolkit.

Synopsis educational quest (on points) or Gaidline for beginners

1. Distribute the children printed quest (sheet with tasks).
2. Explain the rules and procedure for passing, install hard timing.
3. Test in beta test mode Quest on the small group of students.

4. Prevent legend in parts, do not "unload" everything immediately if it is not
Olympiad or Competition.
5. Try to make riddles parallel to ensure that all participants are involved in the process. At the same time, do not forget about the logic of the quest.
6. When creating a quest, come up with a problem and smoothly summarize the players to its solution. If we are talking about primary school, Try to introduce a negative character in the game.
7. Use as many tools as possible when conducting a quest, such as safe, UV flashlight, UV marker, code locks, etc.

Similar quests should not be arranged every day. It is enough to 1-2 per month, first of all, in order to secure the material passed.

Is it difficult to implement such a quest? No, not difficult. For simple quest Enough have this modest set:

  • Sheet of Watman
  • Colored markers or markers
  • Scissors
  • Paper
  • Pens
  • Pinch of fantasy

As my experience shows, the optimal number of participants In one team - from 4 to 5 people.

Topics can be any: Olympiad of the Future or Investigation of the Century.

According to the studies, the most popular quest topics are a prison or robbery. These topics are universal, they are equally like both men and women and at the same time can be adapted for educational quests.

For example, The legend may be as follows: the disciples were locked in the trunk on board the ship "ignorance."

I suggestalready ready script for educational quest. The script was checking in the open world.

Educational quest english language

Introduced scenario:
Players are a group of professional athletes of Olympians from the future. Legend (tells players or prescribed on a sheet with tasks): So the far future has come in the yard of 2166. Many people famous in the 21st ages have undergone significant changes: flying cars, ecology care, vegetarians society and much more. Including both sports, or rather, the Olympic Games, now in athletes are not valued, but knowledge or skills. So, today it came for you that very day, which are looking forward to all athletes from all over the world. It is here and now, you have to show yourself and reveal all your skills and skills. Do not forget that your aim - It is to score as possible points and get into the top rating. As you know, all winners get a prize.

So, your team is ready, time went!

Quest specificity:

  1. Before the quest, all teams distribute special sheets with tasks.
  2. Tasks are a bit, they are all designed for 15-20 minutes.
  3. Players will have to fill out several fields in a sheet with tasks (quest sheet), so it is recommended to provide players with a handle or pencil.
  4. To implement the quest you the following items or props are needed:
    Pencils, handles, sheets with tasks, 2 watman sheets (several), projector and
    Lead - actor (but it is possible without it), timer, recorder with recording, cork
    Stand (both in schools), eye dressings (4 pieces), tennis balls, vessels 4
    Things with filling, whistle and visual start line.
  5. The stimulus system - three teams that have fallen in the top rating receive prizes:
    Porsche brand car, life ticket, a ticket to the Planet England.
  6. For the passage of tasks (obstacles), players receive points.
  7. Players must carefully read the tasks.

Quest progress:

Players take-receive sheets with quests (tasks) and read legend. In the course of reading the legend, players understand that they are players and that some kind of competition awaits them.

After reading the legend, the players will have to fill in the field in the top quest sheet. In the free field "Team:" Players must come up with and enter onenglish languagename of his team.

Team: (for example: Fox, Balls)

Task number 1 (on Watman)

After the players entered the name of the team, they go to watman with a characteristic number one (under the number: one).

What on Watman: In addition to the figures, the players will also see the players on Watman, and under it an encrypted message and a small crossword (5 words).

Decipher Message: pMIZB N. (Heart or letter icon in the heart with a hint on the next task) can only with the help of the "master of the letter" (the letter from which the coding begins), using the cipher of Julia Caesar.

Cipher Julia Caesar

Cipher Caesar - This is the form of a substitution cipher, in which each symbol in the open text is replaced with a symbol located at some permanent number of positions to the left or right in the alphabet. For example, in cipher with a shift to the right to 3, and it would be replaced by G, B will become d, and so on.

In order to get a "master letter" and solve encryptedmessage - players must guess the crossword (located on the same sheetwatman).

The crossword consists of five words and absolutely Lineen, i.e. To solve it, you need to consistently enter words, but pictures are used as questions (drawings or something else). Divide each picture as a field in a sea battle game.


Questions / Answers

  1. What do you see in the picture? ANIMALS
  2. 3x1 (Sheep)
  3. 2x5 (PIG)
  4. Animal with a long neck? (Giraffe)
  5. This letter is in the alphabet between the first letter of response to the fourth
    Question and you (you - i)
  6. The players have deciphered the code and received the following message: "Heart" (can be in English Heart F).

Using the decrypted message, players understand what booth you need to go further, and what card should be pulled out from the next table.

For this task, players will receive maximum 5 points. At the discretion of the lead.

Task number 2 (Stand)

The next stand is drawn the heart. On the table near the stand there are 10 cards with various tasks (on the front of each card, players see the letter of the English alphabet). Turning card with letter, Players will detect the task.

  • Speak 5 min by a squeaky voice.
  • After each word to speak the word sir for 10 minutes.

The task to pass the previous task and not guessing on the "coffee grounds", and pull the card from the first time with the desired task.

For the execution of this task, players will receive a maximum of 4 points (at the discretion of the lead).

Task number 3.

Players need to make selfie with leading on his background and lay out in Instagram or other social network with hashtegh (for example) # ScenarioSestclaud, # QuestPlanetingLand

For performing this task players will get a maximum of 4 points (at the discretion of the lead).

Task number 4.

Task dexterity. The task is simple and is carried out (and estimated) the lead: say the phrase and at the same time throw and catch the balls (tennis).

  • "Whether the Weather Be Fine
  • Whether the Weather Be Cold
  • Oro Whether the Weather Be not.
  • We Will Walk Together.
  • Whatever The Weather
  • Whether We Like It or Not. "

After evaluating the leading players receive points from 1 to 5. And make up the word from the letters on the balls (players can get additional points) " courage " - courage.

Task number 5.

All players are waiting for the rear on courage. Players (the whole team) tie their eyes. They need to shove the hand into certain four niches. You choose from: Vase, Bank, Hole, Hat. After that, to fool there (inside) the subject and describe it by English words, and other team members must guess it and fill out free cells in the quest list.

The difficulty and specificity is that in addition to the description, the players will have to shove the hand in different vessels with "fruitful content (In the tactile plan). " An example of filling vessels "vascular": Vessel with insects (toy), vessel with spindle or hair, vessel with rice, vessel with a slug, vessel with Lego or with water.

Descriptive objects (Popular words):

  • asterisk (toy)
  • book or plastic fork
  • ring
  • glasses, stone (flower)

Note: Vessels or boxes are located on the table.

For wow effectAt the time of passing the task for courage, it is worth using local sounds (from the column) from "Horror / Horror films".

Safety: It is advisable to use plastic vessels so that they do not break, and there was no damage from fragments.


Players go to the school board. The result of players is recorded by the lead, after which they leave the quest area.

Congratulations from the lead!

Attachment 1.CONTENTS Quest List (for players)

Players are a group of professional athletes of Olympians.
Legend (tells players or prescribed on a sheet with tasks):
So there came a distant future in the yard of 2166. Many famous in 21
century things have suffered significant changes: flying cars, care about
Ecology, vegetarians society and much more. Including got and got
sport, or rather - the Olympic Games, now in the athletes is not appreciated,
And knowledge or skills. So, today it came for you the very day
which is looking forward to all athletes from all over the world. It is here that I.
Now, you have to show yourself and reveal all your skills and skills. Not
Forget that your goal is to score as points and get into the top
rating. As you know, all the winners are a prize. So, yours
The team is ready, time went!
✔️ You are waiting for an obstacle one.
✔️ Pull out the desired card. You will help you find in decoding unnecessary
✔️ Speak the phrase and at the same time throw and catch the balls.
✔️ Be bold and clever. (4th free fields)
✔️ Final offset. Say four "nutspassed" words.

Vadim Suslov. I hope my article was useful! You can also order my book "Quest" - you will find all the answers to your questions regarding quests. If there are questions, then write to me by email ( [Email Protected]) Or look for Vkontakte: My website:

Quest is primarily a team entertainment. But what about those whose friends do not share the passion for adventure in the locked room with puzzles? Or maybe you ended up in someone else's city, do not know anyone, but do not want to "lose form"? It turns out that it is possible to go to quests alone. And you can get into the team of absolutely unfamiliar people or even put your own - in interest. Let's figure it out how to do it.

Join the team

If you have a practically unlimited freight inlet, but do not like to organize unfamiliar people to the team, but you want to suck for someone, look at the announcements of the teams who are looking for 1-2 participants in the groups of quest organizers. U " Claustrophobia "And" World of Quests. "In groups" VKontakte ", for example, in relevant topics, there are regular messages like" We are looking for 1 person on a medieval castle on Saturday 28 at 20:45 ". Usually these are teams that suddenly lost one of the participants and do not want to overpay for the game. Time, place, theme - everything is already defined, it remains only to understand whether you can be there, and, most importantly, whether you want.

Collect your team

Are you ready to organize the team yourself and have already decided on the quest? Then write a message in the group yourself. The time is better not to indicate - determine the one that is convenient to everyone when we collect the team. The biggest topic intended for collecting your team at the St. Petersburg " ilocked "But for other cities, the group of" Claustrophobia "is perfect for other cities. We advise you to immediately indicate in the announcement, which specifically quests, or at least what themes you are interested in that later misunderstandings. Besides social networks The company for a campaign to the quest is looking for on the forums. The truth, who wants there is not so much as "VKontakte", but there is a convenient breakdown by regions.

Go to the quest alone

Love quests or just want to try, but do not want to be in the company of unfamiliar people? Then choose games for which you can go alone. The benefit of these is quite a lot - in Moscow alone, about 30 quests, which the organizers officially invite loners. True, it will cost that as much as the team quest, so the entertainment will not be cheap. But the pleasure will be no less, but adrenaline is even more than while playing with friends. Sort quests by the number of players can be.

If the quests that can be held alone, you do not like, or you want to try some particular plot, try to negotiate with the organizer. They often go for concessions, if possible, and in those places where at least two players are required, you will help to cope with the task of the operator, follow the game. In addition, the quest-room can prepare in advance for you, removing or simplifying, if possible, all the riddles intended for commands.

Quest dating

Open game: Such a concept has long existed in the world quest community. The organizer takes the search for the team for himself, and, more precisely, announces the date and time when those who want the loner (of course, before recording) are not familiar with each other, they can come together. In Russia, such a format is not yet distributed, but in Europe such quests are even debugged, so if you are going to vacation, for example, in Amsterdam, and know English well - look in

A live quest is a new, modern, fashionable and terribly popular way to spend time with a narrow company of Odopolchan.

Surely in your city there is a great number of organizers of such fun.

Before signing up on the game, you should find out what kind of quest is in reality.

Game for bold and smart

Initially, the quests were called computer games: teenagers willingly uncontrolled complex puzzles and searched for valuable artifacts in castles and dungeons.

But immersion B. virtual Mir Never been complete, so the gentlemen have moved the game to reality.

It is enough to trust the professional team of the organizers and spend the imagination - and now you are already investigating the murder in the English mansion, you save from the maniac with a chainsaw or fought with zombies.

Entertaining quests help to distract from boring being and routine worries, to turn into a detective, magician, superagent or Morpe, stuck on a sinking vessel.

What are the types of quests

1) Scene (Living) Quest. The most popular option in which you need to take turns to complete all the tasks scheduled for you leading.

2) Mini Quest. The task is given 10-15 minutes. We use the reaction rate, attentiveness and tendency to collective work.

3) Action game or sports Quest . The participants will require coordination and skill, be prepared for physical stress and "push-ups". If you have long wanted to rip off ventilation mineslike a strong nut, you here. Remember the tasks in the TV game "Fort Boyard" - you expect something similar.

4) Performance or Quest playing. The luxurious immersion effect is achieved by the participation of real actors acting on the scenario or improvising on the go. They will smoothly introduce you to fictional world And swallowed in the plot.

5) Escape Quest or "Escape from Room". The game participants offer to find a way to get out of the closed room.

Of course, there are also tips, and riddles. Also behind the mysterious doors can open additional rooms.

6) Unreal Quest (Morpus). All scene intakes occur solely in your head.

The participants are tied with eyes, they cannot see and therefore strain the rest of the senses. We will have to actively sniff, mess and listen to unravel the riddles.

The first Esquep-Ruma (literally "Rooms for Escapes") appeared on the advanced East - China, Japan, - back in 2007. In our country, they became widely demanded relatively recently, but the idea of \u200b\u200bgames in reality is gaining momentum.

Who take to the quest?

You can choose friends, relatives or colleagues as colleagues, or to trust the case and set up to the strangers group.

This is a very popular corporate fun: a mysterious adventure helps to take gray weekdays, to show their strengths, raise self-esteem and affect the team in difficult circumstances.

There are no special requirements for the participants of the quest - not a certain level of IQ, no fantastic physical training.

It is enough to have developed logic, be attentive to trifles, be able to work in a team, memorize the details and apply a mixture.

This is an absolutely safe occupation, allowed even to children from 12 years. All the time that you are in a special room, you follow the cameras. Operators control each step and help in difficult situations.

Quest in reality: what to do

Most often, the tasks in the quest have intelligent color and remind the charging for the brains.

These are all sorts of puzzles, tasks for logic and erudition, searches for artifacts, evidence and hooks, investigations into incidents.

Unlocking the complex chain of events along the plot will inevitably lead to the final junction and victory.

The theme of the quest in reality can be a well-known film or a book, then your team will turn into characters of history. Often, the basis for the plot becomes promoted computer games.

There are quests adventures that require endurance and readiness for physical feats.

The main framework is temporary (the deficit of allocated minutes cares you and promotes the splash of adrenaline) and the spatial (traditionally the quest is carried out inside one or more rooms).

The design of the space clearly corresponds to the topic: if the company of adolescents stuck on a submarine, it means that there will be hatches, and metal pipes, from related lighting, and the current "view from the window".

A clearly thought out scenario, entertaining mechanisms, realistic scenery and boutoform props will provide a complete immersion in history.

Used for corporate thymbynding and eunts. We develop and conduct quests in the city or park. In any room, for example - in the office. Or even abroad.

In this article we will tell about:

  • forwards Quests
  • kestov mechanics
  • developing quests - process and project duration
  • how to develop a quest yourself
  • price quest and component cost

Types of quests

Appearing at the beginning of the 80s like direction computer games (For example, "Mystery House" for Computer APLLE II, released in 1980), the quests "spread and breed". Now you will not surprise anyone in this word.

Although it can be said that the quest (if you take the meaning of the Word - the search for something, accompanied by adventures) always existed. Primitive I buried the leg of the mammoth and designated a wand ... Pirates buried the treasures on a desert island. The deceased comrade put the direction on the hill, they made a map, and then this card was still divided into several parts! What is not a quest?

We use the following quest concept - a ledged game, consisting of a set of activity of various orientation (search engines, intellectual, creative, motor, etc.). We will not consider computer quests in which a person interacts with the program. We still engage in live quests.

So, about the types of quests in the method of moving participants:

  • pedestrian Quest - search for locations and study of the territory with hiking (possible use of transport in the city);
  • the bicycle / scooter quest is practically the same, only more pleasant (in the subway with great you will not go down);
  • the automotive quest is partially or completely on cars (the quest locations are removed from each other or requires the speed of movement, is often carried out on weekends or at night).

By territorial criteria:

  • quest indoors (, quest room or Escape Room, Quest in a cafe or restaurant, Cabinet role-playing game);
  • quest in the museum - allocated to a separate point;
  • or historical manor;
  • tourist quest or quest abroad.

For the use of quests are very diverse:

  • educational Quest
  • networking - Pause in the event
  • commanded event
  • acquaintance with the new office, etc.

The concept of "Business Quest" recently appeared, which, sometimes, try to replace the "business game". Most often, the business quest is aimed at manifestation or skills, important for employees. In the course of such an event, an assessment of employees may occur. Special differences between business simulation or business game are not visible - another attempt to give an old fashionable name. By the way, one of our business games - "" - uses the Kesta mechanic: participants explore the territory.

Features Quests

Nevertheless, the main feature of the quest is to recognize the availability of search activities / stages and solutions of "riddles": in the process of the quest, participants decide the intellectual task (anything - a mathematical or logical example, text, visual image). Often it is a two- or three-hodovka: elements fold as a puzzle or provide a resource for the next step.

Or all the steps give a guess / resource for the final part. For example, the opening of the chest, a phone number, etc.

Not related to the previous feature, but important for corporate events - time. Nevertheless, it is worth recognizing that most quests are held for team education and collaborative recreation. We recommend to conduct quests lasting not more than 4 hours. This is due to the group dynamics and physical capabilities of the participants - not everyone, for example, will be ready to continue to solve problems or walk around the city more than 3.5 hours.

In Quest, there must be a replacing activity, different formats and the level of complexity that makes the participants take efforts. Otherwise, the quest ceases to be itself - the participants are bored, mechanically performing repeating tasks. Therefore, when developing a quest, we create a stage matrix and a specific task for a specific group or an event.

Kestov mechanics

When developing quests, the main two mechanics are used:

  • chain - tasks / steps come sequentially (automatically or through game engineers) and without performing one stage there is no possibility to move to the following - more often used if it is necessary to withstand the temporary regulation;
  • assault ("Storming") - all tasks immediately, the command defines the order on their own - used, for example, if several commands pass the same locations, and they must be "diluted" at the start.

Quest can be controlled:

  • booklet / card;
  • SMS, phone, messengers;
  • engine on the site;
  • links to the Internet;
  • QR codes;
  • lead, playback and "agents" in the quest.

Quests Quest

Also, the mechanics is to use different types of tasks that may be in the quest:

  • "Find" - caches (envelopes, codes, artifacts, etc.);
  • "Learn" - information (company, colleagues, etc.);
  • "Make" - command activity;
  • "Solve" - \u200b\u200blogical, mathematical and textual tasks.

For example, we write a UV marker message by hieroglyphs, and the team, having received at one of the previous steps of the UV flashlight, should read and decipher it. Two types of tasks are obtained at once: search and intelligent two-hodovka.

Quest Development: How does everything happen?

Developing a quest used for a corporate event, we start with the collection of needs - yet the consulting "Zakvask" is not anywhere. It is important to understand the tasks and limitations of the event. It is one thing - to design a quest on a corporate party in a restaurant, another thing to reflect the features of corporate culture.

So, the first is for what the quest. Determining the purpose of the event and criteria that everything succeeded.

The second point is the number of participants / teams. It is desirable that there are no more than 7-8 participants in the team. This is not a training group whose dynamics is heated by the coach and / or psychologist. All participants should include "Application", no one should fall out of the process.

The third point is the territory of holding, temporary restrictions. For specific conditions, the composition and character of the stages is selected or developed.

After all this, the quest is taking place - tasks are built in the necessary sequence (if this is a chain quest) or the matrix of individual tasks for each team (as in most of our office quests). A schedule is drawn up, according to which the gaps can track the dynamics of the quest. Some quartes can be tested.

Development of a new quest takes from 2 to 4 weeks. There were projects when we had to develop a quest for 3 days. It was a quest abroad - we were "threw" in the city 3 days before the event. But we have already drove with some kind of terrain.

How to develop a quest yourself?

Yes, we do not deny such an opportunity. Why don't you try to develop a quest yourself? For example, bring colleagues to a new office.

For this you need, as we have already written, come up with several diverse stages / tasks. For example, the first will be the receipt of email email with a request to assemble all participants in a certain place - this can already be done in the form of a riddle. In this place, the participants discover the envelope with the rus, indicating the name of the metro station, on which the agent will meet them. This agent needs to tell the password, and he will call the coordinates of the business center. Further thinking? If difficult, then right now you can order the development of the quest for your event.

Ready quests from "Laboratory of Business Games"

As mentioned above, we spend almost the entire range of quests that can be used for corporate events:

  • city Quests are a wonderful quest "Moscow" (or "Boulevard") and compact "Zamoskvorechye";
  • quests in the Usors "Kuskovo", "Tsaritsyno", "Kuzminki";
  • office quests adapted to events and premises;
  • a business game that includes an element of the quest - the study of the territory.

Quest price: Development and conduct

First on the price of the price of the quest for the corporate event. It consists of the cost of developing or using the idea, as well as administrative costs. The second component is the necessary adaptation for the number of groups / participants, duration. The third part is the work of the leading and playbacks at the event. And the fourth is the cost of entrance tickets (for example, in the museum), if there are.

The latter - payment of the transfer, if the quest is not held in Moscow.

So, the cost of the quest per participant may vary within 900-2000 rubles. As a rule, the more participants, the less cost per person is obtained.

If the quest is developed with "0", then we can talk about the approximate cost of such a development - from 15,000 rubles.

We are ready to develop and hold your quest.