Online keyboard simulator - CLOSE GAME. Keyboard racing in conso? Who prints the game faster

CLASSOUSES - it is online keyboard Simulator Game For those who want to combine a pleasant with useful, the game in which the site users compete with each other in the speed of the set of the same text fragment.

For competition, you can choose random rivals or players with a specific status. First you get the simplest machine - ZAZ 965. After reaching certain results, the machine changes to the appropriate to your rank. Each typewriter is worth a certain amount of points and is issued only in exchange for a certain rank or level.

Competitive races occur on a schedule at a certain time. Also, players in claw rings can create arrivals on their own.

The "CLABLOW" game provides several modes - "ordinary" (randomly selected quote), "Abrakadabra" (the text is generated randomly), Yandex.Ruxerates (the text is taken from the pages of this service), "error-free" (in this mode it is impossible to assume which - By mistakes), a five-minute marathon, letters, numbers, sprint and the "according to the dictionary", in which the claw ring can create his dictionaries and use them as texts.

Depending on your record speed of the set in the "Normal" mode and in accordance with the "table on ranks", the claw rose assigns you the title from a beginner and an amateur (0 - 199 signs per minute) to superman and cybergone (600 and above signs per minute). There are still taxi drivers (200 - 299 zn / min), pros (300 -39zn / min), riders (400 - 499 zn / min) and maniacs (500 - 59nzn / min). Moreover, statistics show that taxi drivers and amateurs in the game most - more than 70%, at the level of the pro play by 16%, at the level of riders - 5% of participants.

According to the results of the competition, the winners are determined and some parameters of the text passing - time, the speed of the set in signs per minute and the percentage of signs in which errors were allowed.

For discussing the news of the project and other issues on the site there is a forum.

The developers of the Games "Clavogonki", guided by the rating of success and statistics, argue that with their help you can actually increase the print speed by 100 or even 200 characters per minute.

Among the disadvantages, it is possible to note that this service does not teach the text correctly - he

allows you to improve your skills in competitive mode with other users.


2011-10-29 12:16:35 - student

Tell me please why figures on "claw rings" and "solo" are recruited with different fingers? What is more correct to recruit in this case? Who is more convenient, or how?

2011-11-09 19:58:20 - Lukyanov Stanislav

Because there is still a dynamic set. Also, Vladimir Shahyjanyan did not say that there is besides the layout of the crowd in counterweights of the turn of Olge. In general, it is possible at all not to be attached to this static formulation of fingers.

2011-11-09 22:34:35 - passed by

If we are talking about how to recruit 6, right or left index, then someone as convenient.

2012-02-07 12:04:19 - Igorkin Igor Nikolaevich

I have an ergonomics of the moment 4000, the keyboard is divided as if 2 half and there - by default - "6" left index, "7" - right. Regarding the Clavogonok - a democratic site carrying speed. It can be increased by 500-600 characters from scratch (passing the solo of course) for - it was at first a solo! :)

2012-05-05 14:58:49 - Sumbayeva Anastasia Aleksandrovna 2013-03-08 21: 01: 08.459842 - Asenel Aimurza Bolatkyzy

clastic game teaches well print and without errors

2015-08-16 11: 12: 07.975482 - Zhenyazero (CLAGROMER almost year)

It is the clawlong that I owe this speed. The only thing now on the clawogongs in the influx of Gavna (flushed into chat daily, in profiles and create matery dictionaries). But the opinion that has happened to me from the moment of registration - the claw rose, a very useful project, with the help of which anyone can increase the thrill of the set.

Interface Operating system Interface languages First edition condition Website

The main goal is the most fast set of some text submitted to all participants in a few seconds before the start of the game.

Principles of the game

CLUGONES Based on the following principles:

  • To start the game, you need to create a check in or choose already created;
  • Before hitting, the participants are proposed for a set of the same text, determined automatically in accordance with the selected arrival mode;
  • Participants simultaneously begin a set of text in a special window, the data on the dialed text is automatically updated after each entered symbol;
  • In case the set is carried out in accurately according to the proposed text, the participant's machine is moving forward and reaches the finish, when the text set is completed. In the event that an error is made, the participant's machine stops until the error is corrected;
  • According to the results of the arrival for each participant who has successfully completed the text set, the average print speed is calculated by dividing the number of characters in the text for the time spent on the set. Speed \u200b\u200bis calculated in signs per minute (ZN / min). In addition, the percentage is determined, which makes mistakenly entered signs in relation to the total number of signs in the text;
  • Based on the speed achieved, each participant is assigned a place. The percentage of errors in location is not taken into account;
  • All participants have equal opportunities for a set of text, incl. Unregistered on the site.


The game uses eight main modes:

  • « Normal"- The main mode in the game, by a speed record in which a player is issued a certain rank. Players are offered a random quote from the book with a volume of approximately 240-280 characters that need to be dial to speed.
  • « Cordless"- The game mode, different from the" usual "fact that in it the player can allow no more than 1 error. After the second error, the participant is disqualified, and cannot continue printing.
  • « Marathon"- The game mode in which the text set goes a fixed time - 5 minutes. The more characters scored during this time, the more final average speed in this mode.
  • « Letters"- The mode in which the text consists of a random sequence of letters. The volume of text in this mode is less than in the usual - from 150 to 200 characters.
  • « Abracadabra"- The mode in which the random text is generated based on the frequency of two-letter combinations of the Russian language. Therefore, this mode is more complicated by the "usual", but the lighter of the "Letters" regime.
  • « Numbers"- The mode drawn up from the combinations of numbers and the decimal point (instead of a point can be used when the comma set) separated by spaces.
  • « Sprint"- Mode, text in which does not change throughout the day. By the nature of the text, it looks like "Normal" mode.
  • « Yandex.Ruxerats"- The mode in which texts are created using the service of connected texts of Yandex.Ruxerats. The difficulty occupy an intermediate position between the modes "ordinary" and "abracadabra".
  • « According to the dictionary"- A mode in which dictionaries are used to create texts. "Dictionary" is a user-generated set of words, phrases or letters that can be used as a task for a set in the game. Each registered participant is the creation of three dictionaries.

Pros and cons of the game

Advantages of the game

Disadvantages of the game

Site statistics Games

As of December 6, 2012, more than 175 thousand participants were registered on the site and more than 20 million texts were completed (according to data from the official website).

The material is restored from my Metalchiken blog.

It is no secret that many people do not want to pass programs like "solo on the keyboard" and they are similar to learn to the blind decade method. It is understandable - too lazy to spend so much time on all these monotonous boring exercises, reading all these mertes and conversations in front of the exercises. Even most of my acquaintances believes that so well and quickly print. However, still there is a solution that will help to hone the skills of fast and high-quality printing and do not die from boredom while learning.

Your attention is provided with a site that will help you to hone the skills of high-speed printing and have fun in a boring evening - the project "Clauding". I call them just "Racing on the keyboard". Fishing of this project is that training and exhausting of high-speed printing occurs through the game, i.e. You need to go to this keyboard simulatorcompete with other participants or participate in single races, earn glasses, rating and, in general, climb the "career" stairs

The design of the site fully corresponds to the theme and required functionality.

In the game there are a huge variety of different modes. The main ones are: normal mode ("Check in" on some random quote from a random book), the dictionary in the dictionary (random words and phrases from the dictionaries created by users. By the way, each user can create its own dictionary), competition (the same as the usual regime, but for the victory over Other give a rating, due to which your level rises). To go and try to play at the claw ringing can anyone.

On the main page you can see 3 buttons: Quick Start, choose a check in and your own game. Quick start - you immediately throws into the race with random rivals in random mode. Choose check-in - shifts on the list of current races. Its game - you can create your own arrival. By the way, the timeout between the races is usually not more than 1 minute and you will not have to miss you, because There are always people on the site and the mass of races.

The site is provided detailed guide To the actions of users in the form of the Wiki section and section "On the game" (where, by the way, you can find interesting general statistics on the site like distribution of speeds, graphics of users' skills, etc.). There you can find information about how it is believed where what is happening, how to play it right and mn. Dr.

Racing on the keyboard have a flexible system of records. There are tables of records per day, week, overall rating, as well as, which is especially interesting, the table of improvement of users' skills, which displays information about how much the average print speed has increased by users who have manifested themselves. In order to get into this table, it is enough just to dial 300 texts in the "Normal" mode

It should also be said about the developed social system of this project. Each user has a profile in which both personal information about the user and information about its racing activity is stored. Also in the clawlocks you can make friends, invite them to contest, communicate in the total chat or chat of arrival. Another profile provides for the opportunity to keep something like the miniBog and is called this "comments". And if you want to boast friends with your success in this keyboard simulator, then on the installation of personal records you provide the ability to put them in the local "Logbook", which is available to other users.

Next, you should mention about such an exotic part of this keyboard simulator, like tuning your car and other manipulations with it. For participation in ordinary races you get glasses that you can spend either to participate in competitions, or on manipulation with your machine (exclusion - tuning). Tuning can be carried out for bonuses, and bonuses, in turn, can only be earned. I think it does not make much sense, but as an element of the game - where without him). Of course there are still various premium-account type chips, bonus regimeBut I will not go into these details - in the end, if you are interested in this game, you can read everything about her in the Wiki section of the project. There you can learn about the various settings, game small chips, etc.

There is a built-in forum where you can get answers to various questions regarding the project, learn its news, and just chat with other participants.

My verdict: the site functionality is simply wonderful, the idea is awesome. Of course, there are similar applications in VKontakte, etc., but they cannot compete with clawbridges in capabilities and originality. Racing on the keyboard will be interesting to those who do not know how to print and want to develop this ability. Those who are still a complete zero in the blind set, I recommend to pass any more specialized keyboard simulator before moving to the claw robes, for example

It happened! Keyboard racing on self electronic registration Applications in the first class this year will be honest. Various software tools for quick filling of shape fields will not work. The reason is one - the developers finally introduced a dynamic system naming field fields, in contrast to the static used in the past years.

For example, that year the typical IMacros script "A (one of the popular browser add-ons used by the parents to quickly fill out all the necessary fields) looked like this:

In the figure, we see that the names of the form fields had clear and permanent names: Children_Lastname, Children_FirstName, RegisterAddress_region, registeraddress_city, registeraddress_street, etc. That is, any little bit of the PC user, there is no need to write here, it was enough to write a script on the test version or during the recording on another city, if the entry started there before, add the right changes to it, substituting the correct data (Content), and run the script at an hour x, waiting for a few seconds for reliability.
As a result, the school had very fast registration statements, up to the hundredths of the first second. In such statements there was not a single error, all the fields were perfectly filled. Everyone was clear how such statements were filled, but it was impossible to do anything, since de jure parents did not violate anything. It is rumored that, for example, some SAMARY SCHOOLS, at their own fear and risk denied the consideration of such applications and annulled them. But this is fraught with complaints of applicants in the prosecutor's office. On the part of the schools there were even attempts to give legality to their actions, speaking relevant requirements and restrictions on their local acts.

This year, already on the test version it can be seen that any method of autofill does not pass. The applicant's data are tightened with the state service (if they are filled), there is autocoping or work of any script and not needed. But the child's data, despite the various tricks, are not substituted and not filled automatically.
The pictures show below that the fields after some time change their name. Please note that this is not the name of the field that the applicant sees, and the internal identifier visible in the page code. This field identifier not only does not carry the semantic load, but periodically also changes from each field. As a result, the script works as long as the field identifactors change.
(Click on the picture to see full size)

And here is the same page, but a few minutes later:
(Click on the picture to see full size)

The names of all fields have changed. The script does not find the right field to substitute the data there.

And this is only a test version for training. It is possible that other "surprises" can be in the real system. So, dear parents, do not waste your time and / or money to try to inform the information system and other parents. This year, there is a reliable barrier before the fields of fields. Care until you have the opportunity. Taking into account tightening the applicant's data from the public service, it is not so much to fill. Personally, I have improved the result from a small training in a short time in a short time with a 1 minute 5 seconds to 45 seconds, and if you still practice, it is quite achievable 30-35 second filling, which will be enough when applying to the first class to any school.

Alexander Zagliapa
System Administrator