Cheats and secrets Stalker: Clear Sky. Walkthrough of the game Stalker Clear Sky All secrets of the game Stalker Clear Sky

After negotiations in which main character will ask Krylov about how you can get into the “Dungeons of Agroprom”, he will explain to you that you can only get there through a large hole that mutants dug and will ask you to do a small favor - flood the Dungeon in order to forever close the way out for snorks and other wickedness . Agree - the reward is not much, not little - 10 thousand RU.

Before going to the dungeon, equip yourself best weapon and armor-piercing cartridges - will come in handy.

Go to the southeast of the location. In a wooded area near the hillside, you will meet a detachment of debtors. Talk to their commander, Sergeant Nalivaiko. He will ask for assistance and help kill a pack of snorks (who will come out 8-10 seconds after the conversation). They will mainly attack debtors. Having a double-barreled shotgun with you, you can disinfect the current situation with aimed shots. If at least Nalivaiko remains alive, he will give you a tip to the “Case in the Dungeons” cache.
Now go underground!

Here are the famous dungeons. You will find yourself in a curved corridor dotted with Zhark anomalies. Follow to its far end, simultaneously shooting snorks crawling out of the crevices. Your goal is to run to the stairs that lead to a higher level. You will find yourself in a small room. Collect the swag laid out in the boxes, reload the clip and step through the doorway leading into a hall with a high ceiling and four settling tanks filled with gurgling Kissel anomalies.
Tinnitus, loss of orientation and a critical level of psi radiation foreshadow the appearance of the controller. Knowing his weak point in his inability to conduct close combat, it is recommended to run to the opposite end of the room, straight towards the mutant and chop him with armor-piercing bullets at close range, or save ammunition by stabbing him to death with a knife.
Move on. You will be taken to the pump control room. Save your game. Turn the valve and get ready for a hundred meters. As soon as the grate rises, accelerate and run forward, then down the spiral staircase and further along the curved corridor. Along the way you will meet a flock of crazed jerboas. Ignoring them, drink an energy drink while running and, having reached the stairs, quickly climb to the top.
After a short scripted scene, it will become clear to you that the dungeon is flooded and the path to the lower levels is inaccessible. The task is completed. All that remains is to get to the surface.
It's not worth flying out headlong. Somehow, the upper level of the research dungeons has been occupied by a group of evil-minded bandits. Pacify the unruly punks.
Now you need to find Strelka's Cache, which contains important information. The layout of the small room has not changed since the time of PM (this is logical). From the found PDA it will become known that it is necessary to move to Lake Yantar.
On the stairs leading to the surface, be extremely careful. This place was chosen by several fire poltergeists. Leaning out of the doorway, pacify these anomalous creatures as well.
Having reached the surface, go to Krylov for a reward.
Continue to Yantar, the transition to which is located in the northwestern corner of the location. [Advice]

Stalker: Clear Sky (S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky) released in 2008, the plot is the prehistory of the beloved Stalker Shadow of Chernobyl (S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl).

The storyline tells the story of a mercenary nicknamed Scar, apparently a guide, who, while leading a group of scientists through the swamps, unexpectedly falls into a strong surge, but fortunately survives. After the story of Lebedev, the commander of the Clear Sky detachment, about the reason for the occurrence of emissions in the zone, he receives the task to urgently kill Strelok, since he has penetrated the territory of the brain burner and the zone, making attempts to destroy him, will soon destroy all life around, otherwise and the whole world.

The latest official version of the game Stalker: Clear Sky 1.5.10 was released on July 6, 2009. It is on the basis of this version that this article was written in order to help gamers make their life easier in the zone.

The game world of Clear Sky consists of 12 locations:

  1. swamps,
  2. Cordon,
  3. Dump,
  4. Research Institute "Agroprom"
  5. Dungeons of the Research Institute "Agroprom",
  6. dark valley
  7. Amber,
  8. Red forest,
  9. Military warehouses,
  10. Limansk,
  11. Abandoned hospital
  12. and, in fact, the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

On the territory of which several groups work diligently, tirelessly, and fight for dominance over the zone:

  • Clear sky,
  • Stalkers-neutrals,
  • Military,
  • Renegades,
  • Bandits,
  • Mercenaries,
  • Freedom,
  • Duty,
  • Scientists,
  • Monolith.

The passage of the Clear Sky Stalker does not cause any particular difficulties for the player, but for more comfortable game we will reveal some of its secrets.

How to increase your carry weight in Stalker: Clear Sky

In order to increase the carry weight in Stalker: Clear Sky there is no need to install additional mods on it. This can be done in the game folder. You only need to edit, using notepad, the files ACTOR.LTX located in the GAMEDATA/CONFINGS/CREATURES folder and SYSTEM.LTX located in the GAMEDATA/CONFIGS folder.

To increase the transferable weight in these files, change the following parameters:


  • max_item_mass - maximum carry weight at which Scar can Run (set the value to 5000)
  • max_walk_weight - the maximum weight at which Scar can move (set the value to 6000)


  • max_weight - maximum transferable weight (set the value to 5000)

The values ​​can be set at your discretion. Just be sure to change them in two files at once.

If the GAMEDATA folder is not in the game folder, do not despair. It's just not unpacked. You can unpack it using a special unpacker, which is a little tedious, or download it below and add it to the game folder.

Also in these files you can change the basic parameters of the character such as general health, wound healing speed, jump strength, running speed, tolerance to radiation, explosions, bullet wounds, psi radiation, and so on. Or even the characteristics of the weapon: accuracy, destructive power, clip capacity, etc.

How to add money to Stalker: Clear Sky

As such, there were no cheats for money, like any others, for Clear Sky, so you cannot do without third-party programs such as Artmoney. But there are a few tricks noticed by attentive gamers.

1. For example, in the “Red Forest”, from the forester, you will receive the task of picking up the “Compass” artifact from the banites. After you take it, give it to the Forester after completing the task, and he will give you a rifle. Then immediately exit the dialogue without asking the next question. Next, talk to him again and he will again give you a rifle. And so on as many times as you want. Well, I don’t think it’s worth explaining how to sell.

2. The second bug is in the swamps, at the very beginning of the game. You need to go into minus money, into debt. You have 200 rubles of money, only PM weapons. You exploit it as best you can, spoil it, break it. Then you take it to the local Kulibin and improve it. Then you click “repair” and you have -200 rubles. And buy whatever you want. The money won't run out.

Without selling anything, in order to remain with a negative balance, reach the point where the bandits take absolutely everything from you - this is in a landfill, in the basement, or give it away at the entrance to the location for the roof. And the balance goes strongly into the positive.

Unique weapon in Stalker: Clear Sky

There are plenty of weapons in the zone, all sorts of different ones, for every taste. It makes no sense to describe each barrel separately, so we’ll only talk about unique weapon, which can be obtained either with difficulty or by accident.

  • Personalized PM can be obtained by completing a quest from one of the neutral stalkers at the Landfill;
  • Modified barrel 45 caliber can be taken from the bandit leader nicknamed “Yoga”;
  • Tank machine gun can be found in the hatch of a tank, in the Red Forest location, by accepting the task to search for it;
  • Bandit Chaser 13 can be obtained by completing a quest from one of the bandits;
  • Shotgun "Ripper" given for completing the task of a debtor at Agroprom.

The rest of the weapons do not need description. It is quite simply acquired during the course of the game's plot.

The second part of the series of attention-grabbing shooters “Stalker”. If you have already completed the plot of the first part of the series, then you probably remember that its main character is a stalker named Scar. You can download the game Stalker Clear Sky for free and find out how it turned out this hero in the restricted area. The development of the plot begins in 2011. Scar acts as a guide for a group of scientists and tries to lead them to the center of the forbidden zone.

As a result of the release of energy, the entire expedition dies and Scar himself comes to his senses at the base of the Clear Sky group. Next, a whole chain of exciting events awaits the hero. He will have to solve many mysteries and complete various quests, but the most important task will be the destruction of Strelok. Whether you will be able to complete it or not depends only on you. First you need to download Stalker Clear Sky torrent for free. You won't get bored with this game. There is no doubt about this.

Screenshots of the game S.T.A.L.K.E.R

Video review Stalker Clear Sky

Stalker: Clear Sky (S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Clear Sky) released in 2008, the plot is the prehistory of the beloved Stalker Shadow of Chernobyl (S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl).

The storyline tells the story of a mercenary nicknamed Scar, apparently a guide, who, while leading a group of scientists through the swamps, unexpectedly falls into a strong surge, but fortunately survives. After the story of Lebedev, the commander of the Clear Sky detachment, about the reason for the occurrence of emissions in the zone, he receives the task to urgently kill Strelok, since he has penetrated the territory of the brain burner and the zone, making attempts to destroy him, will soon destroy all life around, otherwise and the whole world.

The latest official version of the game Stalker: Clear Sky 1.5.10 was released on July 6, 2009. It is on the basis of this version that this article was written in order to help gamers make their life easier in the zone.

The game world of Clear Sky consists of 12 locations:

  1. swamps,
  2. Cordon,
  3. Dump,
  4. Research Institute "Agroprom"
  5. Dungeons of the Research Institute "Agroprom",
  6. dark valley
  7. Amber,
  8. Red forest,
  9. Military warehouses,
  10. Limansk,
  11. Abandoned hospital
  12. and, in fact, the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

On the territory of which several groups work diligently, tirelessly, and fight for dominance over the zone:

  • Clear sky,
  • Stalkers-neutrals,
  • Military,
  • Renegades,
  • Bandits,
  • Mercenaries,
  • Freedom,
  • Duty,
  • Scientists,
  • Monolith.

The passage of Clear Sky Stalker does not cause any particular difficulties for the player, but for a more comfortable game we will reveal some of its secrets.

How to increase your carry weight in Stalker: Clear Sky

In order to increase the carry weight in Stalker: Clear Sky there is no need to install additional mods on it. This can be done in the game folder. You only need to edit, using notepad, the files ACTOR.LTX located in the GAMEDATA/CONFINGS/CREATURES folder and SYSTEM.LTX located in the GAMEDATA/CONFIGS folder.

To increase the transferable weight in these files, change the following parameters:


  • max_item_mass - maximum carry weight at which Scar can Run (set the value to 5000)
  • max_walk_weight - the maximum weight at which Scar can move (set the value to 6000)


  • max_weight - maximum transferable weight (set the value to 5000)

The values ​​can be set at your discretion. Just be sure to change them in two files at once.

If the GAMEDATA folder is not in the game folder, do not despair. It's just not unpacked. You can unpack it using a special unpacker, which is a little tedious, or download it below and add it to the game folder.

Also in these files you can change the basic parameters of the character such as general health, wound healing speed, jump strength, running speed, tolerance to radiation, explosions, bullet wounds, psi radiation, and so on. Or even the characteristics of the weapon: accuracy, destructive power, clip capacity, etc.

How to add money to Stalker: Clear Sky

As such, there were no cheats for money, like any others, for Clear Sky, so you cannot do without third-party programs such as Artmoney. But there are a few tricks noticed by attentive gamers.

1. For example, in the “Red Forest”, from the forester, you will receive the task of picking up the “Compass” artifact from the banites. After you take it, give it to the Forester after completing the task, and he will give you a rifle. Then immediately exit the dialogue without asking the next question. Next, talk to him again and he will again give you a rifle. And so on as many times as you want. Well, I don’t think it’s worth explaining how to sell.

2. The second bug is in the swamps, at the very beginning of the game. You need to go into minus money, into debt. You have 200 rubles of money, only PM weapons. You exploit it as best you can, spoil it, break it. Then you take it to the local Kulibin and improve it. Then you click “repair” and you have -200 rubles. And buy whatever you want. The money won't run out.

Without selling anything, in order to remain with a negative balance, reach the point where the bandits take absolutely everything from you - this is in a landfill, in the basement, or give it away at the entrance to the location for the roof. And the balance goes strongly into the positive.

Unique weapon in Stalker: Clear Sky

There are plenty of weapons in the zone, all sorts of different ones, for every taste. It makes no sense to describe each barrel separately, so we will only talk about unique weapons that can be obtained either with difficulty or by accident.

  • Personalized PM can be obtained by completing a quest from one of the neutral stalkers at the Landfill;
  • Modified barrel 45 caliber can be taken from the bandit leader nicknamed “Yoga”;
  • Tank machine gun can be found in the hatch of a tank, in the Red Forest location, by accepting the task to search for it;
  • Bandit Chaser 13 can be obtained by completing a quest from one of the bandits;
  • Shotgun "Ripper" given for completing the task of a debtor at Agroprom.

The rest of the weapons do not need description. It is quite simply acquired during the course of the game's plot.

One day a debtor and a Svobodovite are sitting in a bar over a glass of beer... Stalker joke...

Before I start, I would like to make a short introduction. Firstly, regarding the technical part. Always play only with the patch itself latest version. If you have a dual or more core processor and the game is still slow, Google the CPUControl program, run the game, minimize it, run CPUControl and assign the required number of processors to the xrEngine.exe process. Update your drivers.

Secondly. Save often. Not only for fast, but also in a separate slot. This will help. Trust my experience.

Thirdly, and this is the most important thing, this walkthrough is based on the game with the modification Meceniy(Strelok) Solynks v1.0.5. I recommend going through it with this modification, or with its later version (at least, with any other modification, more or less global).

I categorically adjure you against using “naked” original game. Of course, “the taste and color of a bloodsucker is not your friend,” but the taste in this case will be very perverted, in my opinion.