Skyrim unique weapons and armor. Skyrim Improving the characteristics of unique items, weapons, food, potions, creatures. Best Bulava Skyrim

There are dozens of different swords that differ in appearance, weight and damage. And looking at all this abundance of weapons can be wondering where to find the strongest sword skyrim. Below will be presented the best swords with the maximum damage. It is worth noting that in the number of damage data swords will not be taken into account high skills possessions and improvements.

Dragon sword (two-handed)

Right dragonfish Sword It is considered the best two-handed weapons in Skyrim (given the DLC). Not even having the skill of possession of this weapon, the dragon sword causes 27 damage. At the beginning of the game, it will not be easy to find such a sword, because to come across in chests or enemies need at least 40 levels. But you can go to another way and try to shoot a dragon sword, for this you need the following:
  1. Three skin strips;
  2. The maximum level of blacksmith;
  3. One ebonite ingot;
  4. The ability to create dragon armor;
  5. Four dragon bones.

After creating a dragon, the sword can be improved on the grinding stone, but for this you will need another dragon bone.

Daederic Sword (two-handed)

Compared to Dragonim, daederic Sword Capacked a little less damage (26), but it has a smaller weight (23). Not considering official DLC, Daederic Sword is considered the most powerful weapon in the game. But it's not easy to find this weapon, because it only appears from 46 levels and it is extremely rare. Basically, the daederic sword can be bought or pick up from the dead legendary dragon. Another option will be a daederic sword, it will take:
  1. Skill of creating daederic armor;
  2. Blacksmithing - 90;
  3. Three skin strips;
  4. One heart of Daedra;
  5. Five eabony ingots.

In addition to this, the sword can be formed on the forge of Atronakhs, for this you must take possession of a Sigil stone, a black stone of the shower, the heart of Daera, the core of the Centurion generator and a two-handed ebonite sword. It is necessary to use this way, only if you have 90 level of witchcraft, because you will have to go through the ritual of the Winterhold College. But but you do not need to own forging business and all associated abilities.

You can improve the daederic sword on a grinding stone using an ebonite ingot.

Sword Miracle (one-handed)

Undoubtedly Sword Mirak It is considered the best of one-handed weapons. An ancient sword, donated by Miracle Hermeus by the sea, causes 17 damage and is able to deprive his enemy of 15 units of power. It is impossible to make this sword, the only way out is to pick it up from the corpse of Mirka after passing the mission "on the top of the apocrif." But the sword Miraka can be improved using the heart of the daedera and the ebonite ingot on the grinding stone.

By summing up

Now you know, where to find the strongest sword skyrim. In addition to the swords presented, several more arms can be noted: the radiance of dawn (13 damage), Nightingale blade (11 damage), bloody braid and stitcher (both of the 14 damage), Dragon-sided bone sword (16 damage), Daederic Sword (15 damage), stagnic and ebonite swords (14 damage).

Role-playing games in most cases are highlighted by an abundance of various weapons, armor and other useful items that you can find or buy. Most often, items are divided not only for purpose, but also in quality (on the made of wood, iron, gold, and so on). Moreover, they can be already worn out or, on the contrary, reinforced. All this, of course, affects what damage can cause a subject, as well as some other functions performed by it. But what really is worth highlighting on the background of everything else, it is artifacts. These items are the most rare and give the most incredible positive effects. Artifacts are found in the game very rarely, many can only be found in a singular place in the whole huge game world. Naturally, in one of the most popular role-playing games of modernity, which is called "Skyrim", there are artifacts. They have the features of which it is worth talking separately. So now you will learn the most interesting about Skyrim's artifacts.


In this game, there is simply an immense number of items that you can find in all corners of a huge gaming Mira. However, Skyrim's artifacts deserve special attention, because they are much stronger, powerful, have an impressive number of additional effects. It is also worth paying attention to what the artifacts in this game have their own unique names, which makes them even more tempting and interesting for players. Naturally, they exist in a single instance, that is, one artifact you can find only one day. So you need to study very carefully the worldIn order not to miss the most powerful items in the game. Of course, you can do without them, as it is enough to have good and high-quality armor and weapons, which can also be attached to additional effects, but still the artifacts "Skyrima" are more than just objects.

The difference of artifacts and enchanted items

Many players who discover in the process of passing any interesting object with special effects immediately ask whether this item is enchanted or is a full artifact. Therefore, everyone needs to learn to distinguish them between themselves. So, the first thing you need to remember is "Skyrima" artifacts cannot be cleaned of enchantment, while other items can be both attaching and deprived of impingement. Naturally, at first glance, it is just not to determine - for this you need a special device, which is called a "soul pentagram". With it, you can make shocks from any items, therefore, by activating the Pentagram, you will be able to view a list of those already available with you. If your find will be displayed in this list, it means that it can be placed in the pentagram, respectively, it will be an ordinary enchanted subject. But if there is no discovery in the list, it says only about one thing - you now have a rare artifact.

Now it's time to move to more special cases. In the game "Skyrim", Daedra artifacts are the most powerful and valuable, so they should pay special attention.

Daederic artifacts

As mentioned earlier, these are the most rare items in the game world. But it is worth noting that the "Skyrim" artifacts of Daedra are considered the most valuable. They look impressive, and also give interesting effects of weapons or armor that you will not be able to get by enchancy. So, it is immediately worth emphasizing that you can get similar artifacts by only one way: performing quests that you will be issued by the Lords Daedra. If you successfully fulfill the quest you get one of the rare items in permanent use. Unfortunately, you will not be able to collect all seventeen dwader artifacts that are in the game. Here it is that there are two quests alternative endingsSo you have to make a choice in favor of one or other artifact. But in any case, the result will be impressive because you can get fifteen items from seventeen. In Skyrim, daederic artifacts are most high, so this is already a wonderful result.

Dragonia Priests

If in Skyrim, daederic artifacts are the most powerful and in demand, the masks of dragon priests are also a very intriguing set of objects that you can find if you are very attentive. They will not be given to the fulfillment of quests - these masks will have to look for themselves in various locations of the extensive world. Effects they give just impressive - Winsung is one of the best masks. First, she has 21 resistance in physical damage, which is already impressive. But its effects are just something incredible. First, you get a 20 percent discount in any store where you are going to buy items, secondly, you have a load capacity for as many twenty units, well, and thirdly, you get the ability to breathe under water. In general, as you can see, these masks really stand in order to spend time on their search. but skyrim game 5 is not limited to such artifacts (only the most famous and powerful kits) were described above. Next, you will learn which artifacts in this game can be in general.


Both in Skyrim 5 and in any other role playing, weapons are very important. Therefore, it is necessary to mention exactly which weaker options in the form of artifacts can meet in the world of Skyrim. Naturally, with special properties and unique names can be both the simplest types of weapons, such as the blade, and much more impressive, for example, hammers or secrets. Some artifacts have a variety of side effects, others are bypass one only. But there are the simplest artifacts that do not have additional effects and differ from other items only with the name and appearance. For example, Hyatley's sword does not give you any effects, but the Beach of Dragons is the most powerful sword artifact (naturally, with the exception of daederic), as it has an impressive appearance, as well as ten additional units of damage to all opponents and twenty units of additional damage dragons. Naturally, there may also be non-contact species of weapons, such as sours and bows. Artifacts "Skyrima 5" are very diverse, so you will get a lot of pleasure from both their searches and use.


In the case of such a variety of classes, it is not observed, but here also have its own characteristics. Artifacts "Skyrima 5", as well as conventional items, can be in the sets, each element of which gives its own effects, and the complete set includes also additional features. Many players seek to collect exactly kits, because together the items from one set give more power, and also look at the character much more harmoniously. Of course, in the game there are single armifacts of armor, but they are much higher than those that form kits. A separate advantage of such objects is the constancy of their effects. As you already remember, the decryptions with the artifacts "Skyrima" is not possible, so the power you get will remain with you forever.


How everyone knows everything perfectly, in Skyrima there are not only armor, but also ordinary clothes. Naturally, there are also those objects that relate to artifacts, as they have a unique origin and have impressive effects.

For example, the robe of an archman may be better than any armor, as it makes the use of spells for fifteen percent cheaper, twice as quickly restores the stock of mana, and also gives fifty additional units to the mana punch. Accordingly, you will have to analyze what is better to use: armor or clothing. Naturally, for this you need to know where to find artifacts in Skyrim, because the best subjects It is always more difficult to find.


Of course, it does not work out in the game and without jewelry, which your character can try on. In various locations of the game you can find different artifacts that will be able to increase your characteristics, give you additional abilities and much more. Therefore, it is worth paying attention not only to weapons and armor, but also on jewelry, because they can be artifacts.


Many gamers believe that codes for artifacts in Skyrim differ from the rest and are much more complex. In fact, it is not. You can get artifacts using the same command by which you get the usual objects. Speaking in the "Player.additem" console, you will need to add a unique identification code of the artifact, after which you add the number of items that you plan to get. All the best!

The weapon plays an undoubtedly the main role in Skyrim, and therefore, from the very beginning of the game, you should decide on the type of weapons, if you do not know, it happens:

  • One-handed (swords, short, daggers, axes)
  • Two-handed (secrets, alabards, spears)
  • Rifle (Crossbow, Luke)

In the article where to find the best weapon in Skyrim. We will consider in detail all possible options for receiving exactly the attacking types of weapons (the rifle is excluded, as on our website in the section onions and crossbows, you will find the same article about the arms rifle).

Let us immediately explain that this post is of a purely informative nature, that is, all your statements that are negative will be ignored, since everyone has their own ideals.

We only consider the original (vanilla) types of weapons, all unofficial mods and additions are not taken into account!

Where to find the best weapon in Skyrim - in stages

Beginning of the game

For those who want from the very beginning of their history to "bend" enemies, it is worth thinking about passing scene line For the thieves guild, because at the end of all major quests, you will be equipped Nightingale clinics, Nightingale onion, and nightingale armor, and not a small amount of money. And if you use the whole whole set, then you immediately understand that it is just perfect, as it has impressive spells.

The next exhibit will be sword "Phantom Blade"which can be obtained by killing Ansilvund. His feature is a complete ignoring of the opponent's armor, that is, it does not matter how it is equipped, in heavy or lung armor.

It is also worth mentioning about the topor of Okin and the EDUC sword. With their help, you can easily defeat quite strong enemies.

Medicine pumping

We now move on to more experienced players. Many will like it topor Vutrad Which can be obtained after passing the chain of quests for comrades, as it is in the literal sense of "kill."

After passing the quest for one of the Daedra princes, you will get Razor Merenus. It has a form of dagger, and a 5% chance for the instant murder of the enemy. Especially if you take it into the right hand, and use as an auxiliary, then attacking for example the usual sword, without enchancing, you also have a chance to kill the enemy in one strike.

Peak pumping

After performing a variety of quests, you will really need good weapons. For example, the staff Rosa Sangvina It is excellent for the players who do not pump out the Tree of magic, as he can call the Daedra who will fight on your side.

For those who love hunting dragons, weapons will fit well Beach DragonSince it has an additional bonus in 25 damage around them.

Another proven way is the forging of weapons. The most relatively good basic damage has Daederic I. Dragon weapons . But for their creation you need to ride a blacksmithing case (from 90 to 100).

Video column where and how to take the best weapon in Skyrim

Where to get the best basic weapon

Top 10 of the most powerful weapon (upser review)

The most powerful weapon

As a result, you must say that for everyone you need to select the best weapon separately, and therefore to say which weapon is really the best, say the following.

The best weapon in Skyrim is that weapon that saved you no longer once, or simply choose Daedrick, swing it, entertain and bend the whole multifaceted world! Thank you for your attention, all good mood!

To do on holidays was particularly nothing to do, played in Skyrim.

The furrowing of the gaming world, it was impossible not to philosophize about that "what power, brother". What sent me to search for absolute weapons. Weapons, which makes the battle to a stereo, and the travel of a philosopher serene and safe. :)

Path Maga

The first approach on Skyrim, I performed like a magician. School spells of destruction were my main weapon, and the main motto - "Your weapon is your mind", which is constantly voicing by one of the NPC at school of magic.

Those who want to follow the path of the magician, can only advise you to create a set of items of reducing mana expenses on spells from the school of destruction. It is possible to enchant 4 objects (ring, amulet, helmet and kirace or robe, etc.). With the developed enchantment skill, without additional triggers, each of the enchanted items (on Fortify Destruction) gives a decrease in the cost of spells by 25%, which in sum will be 100%. As a result, shoot with fiery balls and throwing lightning can be completely free. Is it not perfect weapon for the magician?

Warrior path

The path of warrior is more ternist, which makes it more interesting. For myself, I chose a classic - heavy armor and a combination - shield + sword. Other combinations will find their followers, and I will share my own experience.

The damage of the weapon is determined by its basis, your skill of possession and sharpening. Next details.

The basis of weapons

In the game you find different versions of the same swords (hammers, axes, etc.) differing from which they are made. It is clear that the more expensive material - the better weapons. From lightweight materials for making weapons Best is Glass, from heavy - Daedric. For the manufacture, the appropriate ingredients are needed, the blacksmithing skill itself (for Glass - 70, for Daedric - 90) and blacksmith specialty for forging the desired material. It is clear that the necessary type of weapon can be found in the odds and not soaring for the search for ingredients.


Each use to appoint your weapon improves the skill of possession. Skill grows not very quickly. You will notice, look into the inventory that the ability of the corresponding weapon class will grow with increasing skill. The efficiency of the weapon is to be doubled with the help of appropriate perks. For one-handed - this is the Perk Armsmen, two-handed - Barbarian and for onions - overdraw.


I have never found the game already sharpened weapons. And possessing even the minimum level of blacksmithing, you can sharpen and improve any weapon and armor (for sharpening the enchanted equipment you will need to take the corresponding perk). In addition, a blacksmith specialty for forging a certain material will allow the effect of sharpening the tools and armor from this material.

Those. To create absolute weapons, we need the developed forge of blacks and possession of weapons + row of perks. Go ahead.

Blacksmith Blacksmith Run.

Skiding or producing weapons, you can sharpen it. The same applies to armor. And the higher the effect, the better the skill of the blacksmith.

You will probably find that it is possible to enchant a set of items to improve blacksmithing skill. This is a set of 4 items (ring, amulet, gloves / bracers and armor or the like.). Without additional triggers, with the developed enchantment skill, we obtain in the amount of 100% increase in the abilities of the blacksmith (it is an increase and not a doubling, because all the effects here are folded into a common piggy bank, giving an increase to the basic value). And if you resort to certain tricks (using alchemia when editing), you can reach a total amount to 120%.

An alchemy will be useful - the developed alchemist skill allows you to create truly mighty potions. And the alchemist will help the engineer, which will create a set " young Alchemist"Again, out of 4 objects (ring, amulet, helmet, or the like and gloves or the like), giving from 100 to 120% of the increment to the alchemist skill.

Taketing into a set of "young blacksmith", stacking the necessary ingredients and zaguve the flask with the "elixir of the Blacksmith" we have 30 seconds to sharpen weapons and improve the armor. It is so much the created elixir.

Those. We needed developed involuntary skills and alchemy.


The path of the magician, as can be seen much easier. It is only necessary to develop the enchantment (create a set of "Magic-Halavier" :)) and deepen in the study of the school of destruction magic.

The warrior is not looking for simple ways, we will need - alchemy, enchantion, blacksmithing and the skill of the possession of weapons. Each time creating a set of objects (for alchemist and blacksmith), you should not disengage to drink the "Enclusion of the Engineer". The effect is not big, but everything is plus. And before the final chord - sharpening - drink the elixir of a blacksmith (the effect can be achieved more than 120% with only one elixir).

The last step is the success of the "everyday" set of objects, to improve the ownership of your main weapon. With the developed skill, the engineer will improve 4 items (ring, amulet, boots and gloves) at least 40% each. And on the weapon itself, you can impose the effects of a magical damage (I prefer damage by cold and shock), but it is already like a bonus, hardly compared with the main damage.

As a result, I have (and I confessed a little lazy - alchemy threatened, and I still own one-handed weapon, I still do not own 100) I got such a daederic sword.

I believe that the limit values \u200b\u200bwill be about 500 units. physical damage and about 60 units of total damage magic. For two-handed weapons, physical damage can be obtained even more, because Basic value there above.

Little bocuff? Read Escho!

Comments on "Absolute Weapon in Skyrim (TES 5 Skyrim)"

Many comments in "Absolute weapon in Skyrim (TES 5 Skyrim)"

    Made as a result of a crossbow bumpman improved that ignite 50% of armor - damage at 100 skills of skill and at 4 things that found himself turned out in the region of 650. And this is not the limit because it was still unfinished bone dragon, a light sharpened onions and secrecy. I'm going to the salns Isoa because there is an azidal armor giving a 10% bonus to the confirmation (the only thing that gives the enchantment bonus) with which you can make a set of young alchemist and then the blacksmith is even stronger and, accordingly, sharpened onions and apply stronger chairs to increase the damage from small arms. Arbelt Rights Beats to the area 648 A DRAKONY Bow 638 as it is so well, plus a damage of magic, but I do not think - it is rarely charging the crossbars with the stones of the shower - lazy to climb into the inventory. And do not think that I will nag up with this crossbow. Put the level of complexity legendary and all creatures and the NPS began to bend me and I kill them since 5 shots, and in the dragons and Lurker, it is necessary to release arrows at 20 before the one to rinse and at the same time they quench me from the first time as the usual Mages of NPS - Two blows with zipper and you ashes. So the game balancing is still your weapon. The only wilderness helps the triple damage from secret attacks - on caves and ruins crawling down and all Gasha from afar - secretive attack dying from the first second time. So this is not the limit. Such an arbelt did without any bugs. If you use a bug with a recovery potion that gives an exponential endless increase in all the editors on clothes, be it drinks in a naked state - then I did a bow with a damage "-200 ..." - that is, there was a damage with a minus sign and did not inspire in the window. And the potion did the value of 200,000 and with the effect of increasing the schedule of 123000000 - if you do the potion more - that is, the figure moves for a billion then the game crashes - because such a digit can not be stored in this variable. Yes, and it's not interesting to play - from one blow, you cut down everyone - the only cool thing is probably the gloves and the ring with increasing hand-to-hand damage And everyone to quench the fists))

  1. I didn't want to play for the magician, but I was lazy to improve the perks for war for me, I turned only with a bruise and one / two-hand sticks, the decision was found suddenly.
    In Solstyim, the Castle Karelia has a quest. Enter the mine next to the city of Voronia Rock and listen to him. He will need to get information about his father from the depths of the mines that the Eastern Imperial Company hides. Having passed it, you will come across the ghost drags and other strong undead. Get to your father's corpse. Take him a diary, and the most importantly sword Bloxtar. Using the sword open the gate. Return to the Castle and get 500 gold for the diary. He will not select the sword.
    This sword is delivering only to the 19 base damage, but with a power attack releases flying on a secondary category, damage at 30. And he is unlimited plus from him (although it is not specified in the properties) a very big chance of the forcing strike (when there is a death roller The enemy) -a can fill up Lurker with one power attack if he has 40% HP .. this sword has been enough for me somewhere to level 25. I advise it to beginners, with a 10-15 character pumping level.

    I will not go into all the subtleties, but I'm afraid that the article wrote noob.
    For example, to enchant the weapon on the damage by cold and electricity to get a small bonus ...
    Author, what are you?!
    Warrior the most tasty is the absorption of the stock of forces and vital energy!
    One side, strong blows Now we fly harsh, with the other health almost flies at all!
    Here he is a real warrior!
    And then "cold / electricity" ... at the beginning of the game would still solve it.

  2. The Elder. Scrolls 5.Skyrim.v + 4 DLC without other mods can be improved even more than it is described. Efficiency of forge business Equipment + Potion (137% increases the effect of a blacksmith). To do this, we need to develop the skills of alchemy + blacksmith + enchantment. For each skill, an individual approach. Simply speaking, you need to increase the effectiveness of the three components (Alchemy's potion + enchantion skill + blacksmithing + Book of Hermeus Morah in Solstyim (date bonus to connecting) + reservation kit Opening full of their set they give another 10% to the confirmation) after being gathering it all We'll have to sweat, rebooting the armor set to create the most efficient potion, after creating a potion, re-enchant armor to alchemy, blacksmithing is not reached maximum effect. The azidal armor kit that gives a bonus can be obtained by Quest in Saltime.

These modes make certain changes in the gameplay of the game. It is desirable to start with them new game First, when your character is still small and weak. They will just give more sensations from the game, especially at the initial stage. It is better to start playing the difficulty "expert" or "master". Fashion are presented in four different ESP files to have the ability to choose to change what you decide. I recommend using all four, as to some extent they will complement each other.

Update: 1.1.
- Added the possibility of improving Wutrad and Cegramore

Fashion Description "Armorweapon & DifferentItems":
It is very strange that unique weapons or armor in the game have mediocre characteristics compared to the usual, and do not constitute any importance. And it turns out that after receiving this unique weapon on any quest, coming to my home it remains only to hang it on the wall for beauty. Therefore, the characteristics of rare items had to increase so that they become truly serious things. But I consciously did not become increasing to raise their values, so that there were no distortion in the game. Otherwise, it would be possible to take any sword, call it for example "Night-Battle Blade", put him at once a thousand units of damage and walk to chop all the heads without tightening at all levels.

Damage to the sword's "radiance of dawn" is increased. Also increased burn fire from 10 to 15 units. To improve this weapon, not only ebonite, but also gold and silver ingot are needed.
Marshmallow onions, dagger "Wheems", onion Auriel, "Curse of the Red Eagle", "Phantom Blade", Dagger Walter, Onion Angi, Ax Pochner, "Wutrad", Sword Klinkov, Superior Crossbow, "Razor Merness", "Wolfderang "Their damage and cost increased.
Onions Forms are no longer a long bow. He has increased physical damage. The magical damage is also changed, replaced by the "skill of the hunter", the same as on the poacher's ax. Due to this, the useless onion of the hunter Forms became a good small arms for hunting initial levels. With it, it is not bad at the beginning of the game to industrial hunting, selling animal skins.
Damage to onion hunting increased.
The sword "Lyuty" is now two-handed, because the Lioness Molle specializes in two-handed weapons.
"Skur of the Savior" and "Tarch Bloodfightness" - increased indicators of their protection.
Silver swords You can create in the blacksmith. Also, their and the heavenly dagger can already be accurate.
For smelting one iron incot Now you need 2 pieces of ore.
Since the armor of associates improves much better than steel armor for its improvement is now not steel, but corundum bars. It is also enlarged and its initial cost.
The same with the weapons of the heavenly forge. To improve this weapon, steel and corundum bars are needed.
Weapons of dawn guards and shields have a bonus attack against vampires, so it is necessary for its improvement not only steel, but also silver bars. Increased their damage and cost.
Instead of steel bolts, silver are now used. The magnitude of their damage is increased to 12 units. Also with bolts of fire, ice and electricity.
The heavy and easy armor guaranteed of dawn, the shield of cruise of dawn, the shield "Spell Destroyer" increased the defense value and their cost.
Magic properties and physical protection for the scholars are increased. Protection against magic raised up to 30 units, the bonus to the reserves of life is raised to 70. Worthrad and the shield of saint can be improved by ebonite ingots.
The duration of the Candle Light Spell is increased to 3 minutes.
The duration of the spiders caused by the etherial staff and spheres is increased from 1 to 7 minutes.
The weight of the dwelling castings, beams and smelting plates, to comparable magnitudes with brankers are changed. The weight of the animal skins is also changed to the correct values \u200b\u200band the cost is increased.
Reduced the weight of flights. Now the firewood can be chopped in large quantities without overload.
Reduced the weight of dragon bones and scales.
The cost, the weight of Cherker's fangs and the mammoth tusk is increased.
The cost of the core generator core is increased. This beautiful thing although there is no practical application, but at the expense of its increased value, it makes no sense to collect these cores not only for beauty, but also for sale.
Magic characteristics are enlarged by the Vial soft key.

Description Fashion "AmuletSaedra":
Raising sanctoes and amulets at the beginning of the game give minor bonuses, which with increasing the character generally reduce to zero. Over time, with a developed enchantment skill, you can create amulets, and you can find in the game that the strength of their properties is significantly superior to the highlights, thereby much reducing their significance. Therefore, the properties of the sanctuations and their amulets were changed, the magnitude of their impact.
Someone at first glance may say that they will give a too strong advantage, especially in the initial levels. But just at the beginning when the character is small and weak, it helps for his survival. Who played on a higher complexity than the "adept" he will understand. In addition, for different characters, you can now choose the amulets and sanctuations for their specialization.

And now about the altars and amulets themselves:
Zenitar amulet - increases load capacity by 75.
Amulet Akatosa - increases magic resistance by 25%.
Dibella amulet - increases eloquence by 25.
Amulet Julianos - Magic is restored 150% faster.
Amulet kineta - increases the stamina supply by 150 units.
Mary amulet - recovery magic spells spend 35% less magic.
Amulet Stretarra - improves armor class by 150.
Aromelet Arkey - Health is restored 150% faster.
The amulet of Talos - reduces the time between screams by 25%.
Amulet Saarthala - spells of all schools magic spend 25% less mana.
Goldura amulet - +75 to an increase in magic, health, endurance.

Sanctuary of Zenitar - prices are more profitable for 35%
Julianos sanctuary - increases the margin of magic to 150.
Akatosha's sanctuary - 35% is better managed with a remote battle weapon.
Arkery sanctuary - increases the supply of life by 150.
The sanctuary of Dibella - increases eloquence by 35.
The sanctuary of kineta - increases the recovery of endurance by 75% faster.
The sanctuary of Mary - recovery magic spell is 30% more efficient.
Sanctuary of Standarra - Increases blocking by a 35% shield more damage.
The sanctuary of Talos - reduces the time between screams by 25%.
Auriel's sanctuary - 50% is better managed with remote battle weapons.

Description Fashion "RenewedMonsters":
The size of centurions, giants, mammoths and reduced by 10-20%, but increased the stock of their lives. I know that gigantomania who grew up on South Korean or japanese gameswho killed monsters the size with a decade-story house will not like it, but let their opinion leave with you and simply do not use this mod. In general, it looks stupid when it can be seen that your character without going with his height is talked even to the belt for example, by picking his sword into his left or right heel, this giant kills. With such a difference in the growth, the logic of the nickname kicks the legs of all the bones to your Dovakin to break should either dragon his tail on the ground to smear it. But the size of the dragons had to leave the same due to the fact that this led to distorting the display of animation during the dragon.
Also, with its large initial sizes, the dwell centurion should be an uncomplicable machine, at least for short-term fighters and archers. Therefore, it was reduced and its size.
But despite the above described, the dwelling spiders were increased and their reserve of life so that they look like a dangerous creature, and not small cockroaches.
Increased reserve of life in skeletons and ordinary drags.
Bear, Sablezubov, Sprigganov, Mammoths and Horkers, frosty spiders increased stock and regeneration of life. So simple, especially at low levels, they are no longer killed.
Wolves are now deprived of the possibility of hitting the stunning that they had before. They can now so easily bite the warrior, especially in heavy armor, - teeth break down. But they have increased the return of life and added small regeneration, so they are no longer so weak puppies as before.
The supply of dragons is increased fivefold. Now you need a little more effort to kill them.

Description Fashion "FoodDrink & Potions":
For some reason, the developers were not completely communicated to the mind effects from food. Food in this game was essentially unnecessary trash and the use of the cauldron at the hearth was also unnecessary.
I decided to change this situation to make sense to prepare myself with food, buy it in taverns and in the market, inspect barrels with food and bags. All this will justify well feel those bonuses, which gives food now, and not just as before, it gave only a few units of recovery to health or endurance.
Food from meat products now increases health regeneration. The greatest effect is available in cooked food, rather than using it in the raw form.
Fried food, different baking can be prepared only using the furnace. Stupidity, when roasted goat ham or similar dishes are prepared in the bowler. In the saucepans, food is booed, but not fry and do not bake.
Food from vegetables and fruits increases mana regeneration.
Alcoholic beverages increase endurance regeneration.
The rate of health regeneration, mana and endurance was specifically enlarged not much so that there is no need to use the potential of recovery. Installed high regeneration only by the scum in order to be an interest in its use.
The scum strongly increases the regeneration of mana and endurance.
Sleepy wood zhivitsa increases the stock of mana, health and endurance.
The power of potions of regeneration mana, health and endurance is increased.
The magnitude of the recovery of potions of mana, health and endurance is enlarged twice.
The duration of the potions of increasing the stock of life, mana and endurance increased from one minute to three.

- Fashion are compatible with other, not affecting changes in the parameters of listed items, food and beverages. In the extreme case, you need these ESP files to post the following on the list of mods to set them a higher priority.


Standard, place ESP files in the DATA game folder and connect in the Lancher.

"in which the author has recently processed the involvement of many unique items Skyrima. But, unfortunately, the author has not been engaged in a mod for a long time, and besides, many small (and not very) jambs also allowed. Therefore, I decided to recycle and supplement this mod, if possible, correcting all the shoals. I hope the author will not be offended, I would ask permission, but it is not visible for a long time, and I do not know how to contact him.

Update 1.6.
- Added blade Bladskal (see description).
- Added white bottle (see Description).
- added sung wind (see description).
- Added Beach Dragons (see description).
- VOLESTRANG: NOCDAUN chance is now 40% for humanoid races, and 30% for the rest of the races. This is done because 40% chance led to too frequent responses on the enemies, which in principle are not blocked, and 30% the chance is too small in the fight against opponents that blocked. Now Nokdown does not work on companions. Removed hiss during the triggering of the Nokdaun.
- Molla Bala Maulava: Now, in order to avoid some misunderstandings, the effect of "absorption of force" works only on hostile purposes.
- Goldura amulet: Increased attributes increased from 30 to 50 units.
- Savior's skin: added new effect: if the medium is a werewolf, then at night there is a 5% chance instantly combat the goal with a shot from the bow.

Update 1.5.
- Added a destruction (see description).
- Added Rosa Sanguine (see description).
- Added spell destructors (see description).
- Added amuleu of Handula (see description).
- Added blade grief (see description).
- VOLESTANG: Speed \u200b\u200breduced (for some reason, it was higher than that of ordinary hammers, which is strange, considering the dimensions and mass; now the speed is slightly lower than that of standard hammers), but the likelihood of stunning is increased. The absorption of forces is now working, only if the enemy has less than half of health. The probability of knockdown is increased from 30% to 40%, but now it will not work if the enemy blocked.
- Merness razor re-converted (see description).
- Diadem scientist: Added a new effect - if you have less than half of health, there are 30% chance to create a spell without the cost of magic.

Update 1.4.
- Added shield of the Isgramore (see Description).
- Added Vutrad (see Description).
- added Vabbagek (simply removed the consumption of charges).
- Change visual effect Poisoning in Mesa Mikka is now such as when poisoning with the Miracle Staff.
- changed the involvement of the sorrow axes: he had previously applied additional 75 units. damage to thefts, animals and hurts, now he will apply 30% more from his current
- re-converted the enchantion of the ghost blade (see description).
- The dwelling mechanisms now ignore the effect of the "Absorption of Power" at the Mlaga Bala Bulava, as he worked on them incorrectly.

Update 1.3.
- added the staff of Magnus (see description).
- Added a ghost blade (see description).
- changed the enchantion of Melhag Bala Mlaga: now, in addition to the absorption of strength and seizure of the shower, there is a 7% chance to suck out the entire reserves of strength or all magic. Added a visual effect of absorption of force so that you can see which opponents are under its action.

Update 1.2.
- Added Sword Miraka (see description).
- Changed the conditions for the triggering of knocking from the legs of Volentranga - now it works and on non-stunned opponents, but with a chance of 30% only with power attacks.

So that everything was clear and clearly, I will give a description of the original fashion to each subject, and then the changes that I made.

Rebalance artifacts:
This mod makes artifacts more unique, the main task is to make them more powerful, without leaving the Laura.
So far only some artifacts are touched upon, about the rest defined solutions in strengthening.
Requirements: Skyrim, Dawnguard, Dragonborn
My changes (general):
- Included fixes from Neof. Patcha and Weapons & Armor Fixes ( none nor another required !!!) for all items affected by the mod, in particular, the possibility of enhanced sharpening in the presence of appropriate pepper in the forge, and some others.
- Also improved description when viewing in inventory, now everything corresponds to the actual shocks.
- In addition, now all artifacts do not require recharging shower stones.
- Added absence recipes for improvements for the following items: Wutrad, Shield of Isgramore, Ebonite blade Mefala, Destrupter.
- The objects that do not have a unique model in default (at the moment it is Beach Dragon and Gust), the path to the model is changed, thanks to which those who wish can replace them with unique without the need for digging in ESP. Models lie along the way And they have names for which they can be easily distinguished. Instructions for replacing the model:
1. Find the model to which you want to replace the original. Two models can lie in the folder, one with the prefix like "1stPerson" or "1st", the other without it.
2. Take the one that is 1stPerson, rename it in the name that matches the model of the desired weapons in the folder Data \\ Meshes \\ Rebalance ArteFact, throw out there with replacement.
3. It should be remembered that if your new model has its own textures (Textures folder), they also need to throw them into the Data folder. If you want to install only textures, the desired new model, then see how to determine them.

Bulava Molhag Bala
Absorbs 10% of the enemy for 45 seconds.
Absorbs 25 units. of magic.
If the enemy dies for 3 s, fills the stone
(If you sharpen the mace to the legendary level, it is almost twice as weaker than daederic, which made it only a dust collector in the museum. In early Games The Bulava series absorbed the power of the enemy, and made you stronger relaxing it. Now, when hitting the enemy, his damage drops by 10%, and yours increases, the more enemies hit the above your damage)
My changes:
- removed from the enchantment of the absorption of 25 units. Magic, instead now there is a 7% chance to suck the whole stock of strength or all magic.
- Added the visual effect of "power absorption" so that you can see which opponents are under its action.
- The dwelling mechanisms now ignore the effect of "absorption of force", since he worked on them wrong.
- In order to avoid some misunderstandings, the effect of "absorption of force" works only on hostile purposes.

Razor Merness
Chance instant kill 1.2%
Each blow destroys the armor by 2%.
(After 120 seconds, the armor will be recovered)
My changes:
- The effect of destruction of armor is removed, because it did not work.
- Now the razor increases its effectiveness, if you are in critical condition: when your health is below 50% - it makes 25% more damage and has a 30% chance of a push of the middle force at any blow (the enemy loses balance); Health below 35% - causes 50% more damage and has a 50% chance of a stronger shock; Below 20% is 75% more damage and has a 70% chance of the maximum strong push, which is stunned by the enemy, even if he blocked.

Skura Savior
Increases magic resistance by 60%.
(Also increased protection up to 43)
My changes:
- returned 50% resistance to poisons, the magic resistance dropped to 30% (in Orig. The game was 15%).
- Added a new effect: if the medium is a waswheel, then at night there is a 5% chance instantly combat the goal shot from the bow.

Ebonite blade
Absorbs the essence of the life of your enemies and with a probability of 25% imposes a silence (the goal can not read spells). Heated in the blood of betrayal.
(The time of action of silence depends on the number of your betrayal)
My changes:
- Recycled involvement in accordance with Fix in Neoff. Patch.
- Renamed "Ebonite Blade" in "Ebonite Blade Mefalai", I like it more.
- Added a visual effect of silence, thanks to which you will now know exactly when this effect is imposed on the enemy.
- There is also an optional version of the fashion, where I redo the enchantment in such a way that the blade no longer requires killings of friends to improve. With any number of murders (or without murder), it will absorb 30 units. Health and put silence for 5 seconds.

Surbi ax
Especially deadly against the weakens, animals and animals and beasts.
(Fully fits in the description by Laura)
My changes:
- Added additional damage to the Verbra.
- Increased speed, now it is such as other secrets.
- from version 1.4 instead additional damage at 75 units. inflicts the above opponents by 30% more from its current damage, taking into account skills, perks and arrogance.
Note: If you play an argonian or kajit, then when equipped with an axle in inventory, it will be shown by the bonus. To see the actual current damage, just remove the sorrow ax, and then exit and go to the inventory.

Absorption 50 units. stock of forces.
He knocks on the legs of stunned opponents.
(In the previous games there was paralysis at strike, but I wanted to slightly diversify the enchantment, leaving a common idea)
My changes:
- changed the conditions for the triggering of knocking from the legs - now it works on non-stunned enemy, but with a chance (40% - for humanoids, because they are blocked, 30% - for the rest), only with power attacks, it will not work if The enemy blocked.
- Now Nokdown does not work on companions.
- removed hiss during the triggering of the nocdaun.
- reduced speed (for some reason, it was higher than that of ordinary hammers, which is strange, considering the dimensions and mass; now the speed is slightly lower than that of standard hammers), but the likelihood of stunning is increased.
- The absorption of forces is now working, only if the enemy has less than half of health.

Onion Auriel
Sunny damage is tripled (all - 30 units., Undead - 90 units.) Also now does not require recharging.

The Light of Dawn
Now it causes damage not by fire, but sunlight (all - 20 units., Neody - 50 units.), Also now does not require recharging.

Diadem scientist
- Reflected armor class, now it is 100% hoop.
- All spells consume 7% less magic (in the original by 5%).
- If you have less than half of health, there are 30% chance to create a spell without the cost of magic.
Note: If it works on a concentration spell, then magic will not be consumed until you stop reading it, but it will not be recovered either.

Sword Mirak
- increased radius of action, because he had an animation of elongation during strikes, but really the range was like a regular sword. Now you can attack opponents from the distance, do not submit them to yourself.
- Also involving the absorption of the reserve of forces is replaced by the damage of poison in the amount of 10 units. in sec. For 10 seconds, and until the enemy poisoned, it moves slowly.
- no longer requires recharging.
- All variants of Mike Mika are modified. All options I have in the characteristics in the direction of the strongest option (I will not rule the system of level items since I learned about it).
Note: "Extension" works only if the sword is equipped in right Hand, and if you equip the miracle sword into your right hand, then any weapon in your left hand will also increase the range. I can't do anything about it.

Staff Magnus
- absorbs 30 units of magic and 20 units of health per second.
- sucks 20% of the magical abilities of the target for 60 seconds. What does this mean: your spells for 60 seconds will be more stronger for 60 seconds (if damage / duration is not fixed) and will consume 20% less magic. The effect will be folded if you act alternately on several opponents.
- Does not consume charges.

Phantom blade
If the goal is less than half of health, there is a 50% chance to ignore the enemy block (will be applied to 80% more damage, which will block the protection of the block) or to break through it with the usual (non-power) impact.

Just removed the consumption of charges.

Shield Isgramore
Outside the block, health and reserves are restored by 50% faster. If the enemy is an elf, then you get 20% less damage from its attacks, and if Nord is 20% more.

Deals 30% more damage elves, and Nordam is 30% less.
The damage bonus is now working on vampire elfs, as well as on Falmers from DLC and Orcs (which are also elves).
Note: If you play an elf or nord, then when equipped with Wouthed in inventory, it will be shown to be illuminated by increasing / decreasing depending on your race. To see the actual current damage, just remove the Worthrade, and then remove the cursor over it.

Absorbs 50 units. Health, stock and magic, but seriously weakens the power of the owner while is in his hands.
What does this mean - while the destroyer is in your hands (that is, when you learned it from the sheath), your health, the stock of strength and magic is reduced by 50 units. and 70% are reduced slowly, and your speed is reduced by 30%.
Note: If, after attaching into the sheath / removal of the destroyer, your speed has not returned to the previous value - just start the sprint, and the speed is normalized.
A little lyrics (just my fantasy)
It is unknown, where there was a destruction of these 200 years, and what happened to him, but his spells suffered a metamorphosis - he was no longer fatal in his hands without a ghostly guard. Nevertheless, it is still very dangerous - the total owner's tone is greatly declining, which makes it much more vulnerable, but this is more compensated by stretching the huge amount of energy of any type of any opponent, followed by its owner. You can only guess the reasons for such changes ...

Rosa Sangvina
Calls upon a random dahedron for 180 seconds.
List of Daehedra: Any Atron, Dormra-Warrior (Combat Hammer and Bow), Dormora-Mag, seeker, Lurker.
The Daedra's rose-called ones depend on your level - from 10 to 50 (only health is increasing, only the warrior is growing and damage due to improving skills), and cause greater damage than the basic originals.
Lurker and Dormora-Warrior, in view of the greatest strength, are called twice as much as the rest.
At the expense of charges - in this case I decided to make an exception. The charges are still spent, but their volume is increased 10 times.

Spell Destroyer
When blocking creates an overlap that protects against almost any spells. Your weapon is 50% more damage if the goal is reading spells during a strike (while charging and the caste itself).

Amulet Halder
Your health, magic and reserves are increased by 50 units. There are 20% chance to avoid damage from weapons or spells.
The idea is not mine, but taken from the module of amulets of unique entries, and is slightly changed.

Blade burning
In battle there are 25% chance to ignore the opponent's armor, outside the battle is always ignored. There is some chance to disarm the enemy by a power attack.

Blade Bladskal
In case of a power attack, there is a wave of energy that causes damage, which depends on your two-handed weapon skill (below the 25th level of skill - 30 units, from 25 to 49th - 60 units., From 50s to 74th - 90 units, from 75th to 99th - 120 units, per 100th and higher (yes, with some mods you can ride further) - 150 units).
Also, energy leaves now have a 30% probability of stunning the enemy.
Consumes 2.5 times more forces for power attacks than in the original (the blade is fueled by the owner to create an energy tax).

White bottle
- Option "I want to be stronger in battle": the stock of the forces rises by 50 units., The blocking skill rises by 30, operates 300 s.
- Option "I want to apply more damage in battle": any weapon causes 30% more damage, 180 s is valid.
- Option "I want to develop my magic skills": Magic rises by 50 units., Magic regeneration rises by 75%, 300 p.
- Option "I would like to get a healing power": Restores 300 units. Health increases health regeneration by 50% for 45 p.
- Option "I want to better hide in the shadows": Stealth rises by 30, any weapon, except for the daggers, causes more damage with hidden attacks. The 180 s is valid.
Explanation: to basic The factor of secretive attacks is added 1. That is, for example, one-handed weapon is in default, x3 damage, under the potion will be x4. After purchasing the pen "Stroke in the back" damage will be x6, under the potion X8, because in the pepper the damage is multiplied by 2 times, and the game, apparently, first adds 1 to the base multiplier X3, and only then multiplies it on the onions. Similar.
- Option "I want to better resist magic": the stronger you are injured, the lower the damage from the spontaneous spells, 180 s.
Explanation: While your health is above half, you get 25% less damage from spontaneous spells, if lower than half, then 50% less damage, and if 25% falls below, then 75% less damage.

- Boots plaffing knock down opponents from the likelihood of 50%, but only if you have more than half the stock of the forces.
- The discarding force is reduced.
- Removed green glow and hiss when the discarding is triggered.
- Removed constant stunning of opponents with any blows.
- The speed of the strikes is slightly increased.
- the path to the model is changed ( see "General Changes" at the top).

Beach Dragon
- causes 30% more damage to dragons. If the dragon has less than half of health, that is, 5% chance to finish it with one blow.
- Level options in Har-kakh.
- the path to the model is changed ( see "General Changes" at the top).

Rebalance of masks of dragon priests:
Wrapping masks of dragon priests is not particularly powerful, although in Laura they gave an unprecedented force. Here the main task was to make them useful depending on the situation.
Requirements: Skyrim, DragonBorn.
My changes (general):
- fixed all the shoals found, reworkned some of the shocks. In addition, created a version of fashion for and Open Dragon Priest Masks (the last patch was and in original fashionBut there were shoals and flaws of the Open Dragon Priest Masks himself).
- In addition, I made a version of fashion, where all masks are heavy armor, light armor Or clothing, it is for the original game and Improved Closefaced Helmets. In the Open Dragon Priest Masks version, all masks are clothing, as they occupy a separate slot, and they can be worn with any helmets / hoods, and if they have armor class, they can interrupt the work of armor perks for good equipment and a complete set. In addition, in the version for Open Dragon Priest Masks, the masks will not be displayed on argonians, however, the enchantion will still work.
- Also in all variants of fashion included masks from DragonBorn, except for Miracle mask. Enchantments are not affected, but now they can be both hard and light Armor. or clothing. In addition, in the version for Open Dragon Priest Masks, they now also occupy a separate slot and have the same models like the other masks in Open Dragon Priest Masks. There are all 3 options (ordinary, more closed, and more closed for kajitov), \u200b\u200bmasks have their own texture, according to the color corresponding originals. On the dragon priests, they are now displayed as the original masks, but with their texture (otherwise I could not do).

Mask Crossis
Hacking skills, archery and alchemy are increased by 20%.
When you do not move, in stealth mode, you are invisible.
(If you interacted during invisibility with the object or attacked, the spell will fall and in order to work again, it is necessary to sit down and again sit down.)
My changes: Replaced an increase in alchemy to improve secure, also corrected the description of the effects for the proper display in active effects.
Note: I do not know, intentionally or by chance, but the author did so that the invisibility is removed, only if you move running, and if the step is not disappeared. Left, as it is, I like it so much.

Mask Volsunga
Prices are 20% more profitable, carrying capacity is increased by 20, the carrier can breathe under water and finds more gold.
My changes: Increased the increase in load capacity up to 50, the effect "you find more than gold" replaced to increase eloquence by 20, as it was not sure if this effect works at all, and the benefit of it is dubious.

Mask Schirina
+50 to magic, destruction and recovery spells spend 20% less magic. The smaller you have health, the more you have magic and endurance.
My changes: No change, everything works fine.

Mask Hvnaraka
Immunity to disease and poisons.
Water source of your strength, immersed in it, increases the regeneration of characteristics 10 times.
(Essentially was one of the most useless things, so at least in some places can be useful)
My changes: The author randomly instead of "increasing the regeneration of magic" set "Increasing Magic". Corrected.

Mask Otara
In battle you will enhance the languages \u200b\u200bof ice, flames and lightning, inflicting the damage surrounding. When blocking, they disappear and increases the resistance of fire, cold and electricity by 30%.
My changes: Raised the damage from the raincoat, now he makes a total of 21 units. in sec. Replaced the effects of resistance of fire, cold and electricity to the resistance of magic, for me one effect better three. Specified the description of the effects for the correct display in active effects.

Mask Morozhey
Magic is reduced by 100% faster, the time between shouts is reduced by 20%, with a low level of health by 50%.
(Most likely, its strengthening I remake, if you think about it, I can be realized that I can implement.)
My changes: The author in the event did everything right, but did not take into account that in the original this mask uses the other succession, because of which the edits made them were not involved. Corrected.

Mask Ragota
Increases the stock of forces by 150 units when you are attacked, the time can slow down.
(By default, the mask had an enchantment identical to ordinary enchanted subjects, +70 stock, unfairly)
My changes: The author almost everything correctly did, somehow did something on something, which is why the effect of time slowing down during attacks did not work. Corrected. Specified the description of the effects for the correct display in active effects.

Mask Vokuna
Spells of witchcraft schools, illusions, changes are increased by 20%. You can call the Lord Dormora forever while wearing a helmet.
(Lord's power depends on your level)
My changes: The author for some reason added the condition, because of which the increase in witchcraft skills, illusions and changes did not work when the character moves. Corrected. Specified the description of the effects for the correct display in active effects.

I don't want to correct the rebalance of the amulets, I don't use it.

Download order:
In the presence of modes affecting the enchantment / characteristics of the same items that this in the fashion, this mod must be lower in the download list.

1. If you have some kind of clothing items affected by this mod, go to the game, remove them, save. You need to do the same if you have been installed "Unique Enchantments" and before removing the Fashion.
Attention!!!From version 1.4 and above also need to be removed in the inventory weapons affected by the mod!
2. If you want to install the rebalances of artifacts, select one of the two versions in the Rebalance folder of artifacts, and set the Data folder to the Skyrima root folder.
3. If you want to install Dragon Priests Wash Rebalans, then: Select one of the folders ("for original models", "for Fashion" or "for the Open Dragon Priest Masks") according to your mods.
4. If in paragraph 3 you chose one of the first two options - select which armor should be a mask - heavy, easy or clothing.
5. If you select a version for "For the Open Dragon Priest Masks" version 3, select the option according to what option Open Dragon Priest Masks you have installed, and install the DATA folder to the Skyrima root folder with the file replacement when Request.
Note: This option Fashion will replace the orig. ESP Fashion Open Dragon Priest Masks if it has already been installed and activated in the launcher, repeated activation is not required. If you have been installed module of masks from "Unique Conferences" - disable and remove it.
Note: If you want to change the version for Open Dragon Priest Masks to another (for orig. Mix or for Improved Closefaced Helmets), then you will need to delete all version files for Open Dragon Priest Masks.
6. Activate ESP installed in the launcher., Recycling, enchancing, artifacts

If a mod archive is downloaded with an inappropriate version, make a cache cleaning in the browser and inform the administration. If the archive is not unpackled, empty, gives errors, then update your archiver to the latest version ..

In Skyrime, you can really find that different from other items, their textures, damage, conception, speed, and so on. The list that is presented below will not enter. Here are several rare artifacts Which you can find in the original Skyrim:

1. Sword coolerwhich is located in the house of Frey Mercer, behind the showcase that you need to hack. The sword has a glass sword texture, however, has a different color and a unique effect that damage is cold and paralyzes the enemy.

2. Sword Beach Dragon located in heavenly Harbor, lies on the table, near the chest. This is a sword of blades, which makes dragons the main damage of the sword + 20 units of damage.

3. Archmaging robe You can get, performing a chain of Quests of the College Winterhold. Clothing gives a carrier 100% recovery of magic, +50 units of magic and 15% is spent less mana when using spells.

4. White bottle - A unique subject that is issued as a quest reward, which is taken from the old Alchemist of Nurelion, which in Windhelm. White bottle gradually restores its contents, that is, if pouring the potion of health restoration and drink, then after a while the potion will be restored.

5. Dagger Krapivnik - The only dagger that can break through the bark of the Great Tree is used to perform the task.

6. Dagger " Blade burning»You can get by performing a chain of the tasks of the dark fraternity. At the end you need to kill Astrid with this blade. He has a wearing a shock that steals health.