Optimizer for the game Stalker Sniper. In-game settings. Simple solution of brakes in Stalker

There are many ways to improve the operation of games on not the lowest computer. Next, we will look at them in order from simple to complex and tell me what to do if S.t.a.l.k.e.r.: Call of Pripyat slows down.

Simple brake solution in Stalker: Call Pripyat

  1. Download and launch world famous CCleaner (Download for a direct link) - this is a program that will clean your computer from unnecessary garbage, with the result that the system will work faster after the first reboot;
  2. Update all drivers in the system using the program Driver Updater. (Download direct link) - It scans your computer and update all drivers to the current version in 5 minutes;
  3. Install the program WinopTimizer. (download direct link) and turn on in it game Modewhich will complete useless background processes during the launch of games and will increase productivity in the game.


Before moving to active actions, you need to make sure that there are at least 10-15 GB of a free space on the hard disk to which the operating system is installed.

This is usually a "C" disk. This minimum stock is necessary to ensure that the system can create temporary storage of s.t.a.l.k.r.r.r.: Call of Pripyat, caches and so on.

And make sure that you have enough space on your hard disk for normal operation of the game.

Disable unnecessary programs

Each program that is launched in OS, occupies a certain percentage. random access memory and loads the processor. Make sure it is easy, just open the task manager using the Ctrl + Alt + Del keyboard combination:

If the computer is not installed in the computer not the most powerful processor, and the RAM is less than 8-16 GB, then before starting S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat needs to turn off unnecessary programs. For example, Skype, Discord, Telegram, Google Chrome and so on.

Disable overlay

We are talking about those programs that can display your interface over the game. Often there are such - Fraps, Steam, Origin, and so on. Even when overlay is hidden, it is processed by a computer, reducing FPS in S.L.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat.

Therefore, all overlays need to be disabled. Almost always can be done in the program settings without the need to remove it. For example, overlay Steam, easy to turn off through the menu:

Update video card drivers, download drivers for STALKER: Call Pripyat

Regardless which the video card is in the system unit, its drivers must be maintained up to date. Therefore, before starting Stalker: Call Pripyat should go to the manufacturer's website and check if new drivers have not come out:

After installing the driver, you should restart the computer to eliminate the possibility of failures. It is also worth considering that for many old video cards, new drivers no longer come out.

For some games, video card manufacturers produce specially optimized drivers. Search those in the news section about s.t.a.l.k.e.r.: Call of Pripyat - We usually write about them. You can also look at the video card manufacturers website.

Change Power Parameters

By default, a balanced power supply mode is installed on the computer, which, and in some laptops, in order to increase the time of operation, and energy savings are completely installed.

It does not give a computer to reveal its potential in Stalker: Call of pripyat completely, so the first thing you need to open the control panel, which can be found by searching. After you need to do the following:

  • Select the "Minor Icons" view mode;
  • Click on "Power Supply";
  • On the screen to find the option "Setting the power scheme", click on it;
  • Click on "Change Additional Power Parameters";
  • In the window that opens, find the drop-down list;
  • In the list choose "High Performance";
  • Click the "Apply" button, then click "OK".

Enable NVIDIA performance mode

After installing the driver for the video card from NVIDIA, you can speed up the operation of S.L.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat using performance mode. It will slightly simplify graphics in the game, but will increase the FPS. Please note that this method is available only if you have a video card with a chip from NVIDIA. Here's how to do it:

  • In the lower right corner of the screen, in the tray, click on the right mouse button on the icon NVIDIA settings»;
  • In the window that opens on the right, select the "3D parameters" tab;
  • Click on the "Adjust image settings with viewing" option;
  • On the right to check the box next to "Custom Settings with Pop:";
  • Move the "slider", which is below, in the extreme left position "Performance";
  • From the bottom to click on the "Apply" button.

Next, you need to run S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat and make sure that everything is displayed correctly. If problems arise, then you need to select "Settings according to a 3D application instead of" Custom Settings ".

Disable Windows effects

If s.t.a.l.k.e.r.: Call of Pripyat does not work in full screen mode, but in the window, including without a frame, then you can increase the FPS if you turn off the Windows effects. For this you need to do the following:

  • Open "conductor";
  • In the window that opens, go to the tab " Visual effects»;
  • Check the box next to the "Provide Best Speed" option.

If necessary, at the last step, you can choose the "Special Effects" option. In this case, you can independently choose which effects to leave, and which are to turn off.

Increase the paging file, if there is not enough RAM for STALKER: Call Pripyat

To compensate for the lack of RAM, you can enlarge the paging file. This will allow the system to store some of the necessary S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat data directly on the hard disk. That's what you need to do:

  • Open "conductor";
  • Right-click to click on this computer (or "my computer");
  • In the context menu, click on "Properties";
  • In the window that opens, click on the "Advanced System Parameters";
  • In the window that opens, go to the "Advanced" tab;
  • In the "Speed" section, click on the "Parameters ..." button;
  • In the window that opens, go to the "Advanced" tab;
  • Remove the checkbox from the "Automatically select the scope file" (if any);
  • Check the checkbox next to the "Specify" option;
  • In text fields "Source Size (MB):" and "Maximum Size (MB):" Specify in megabytes a value equal to half of the RAM.

For example, if the system unit is set to 4 GB in the system unit, that is, 4192 MB, in the field above, you need to enter the number 2048. You can make a paging file more, but no increase will give it.

It should be understood that the paging file is effective only when the system lacks RAM. If the computer has 8-16 GB, then the paging file is practically not used. And when using an SSD disk as a systemic presence of a paging file and can slow down the performance of Stalker: Call of pripyat, so it should not mindlessly set a large value of the paging file.

Even more worsen graphics in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat (Potato mode) - Turn off the smoothing, etc.

If Stalker: Call of Pripyat starts, but slows down, before starting all the procedures, it should be reduced to a minimum via the game settings. If it did not help, you will have to resort to third-party programs to configure the video card:

  • for nvidia video cards;
  • For video cards from AMD.

By downloading the program, run it. In the case of NVIDIA INSPECTOR, you need to run the nvidiaprofileinspector.exe file, and not nvidiainspector.exe. From above, in the "Profiles:" row, you can choose any game that is supported by NVIDIA drivers.

Below are all available settings. There are many of them, but in order to worsen the graphics in the game to the "potato", quite just a few that are in the "Antialiasing" section.

The greatest productivity increase gives the change in these two parameters:

  • Texture Filtering - Lod Bias;
  • Antialiasing - Transparency SuperSampling.

Each of these settings has different meanings. Some of them can make a picture in S.L.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat inconvenient, so you should try different combinations of values \u200b\u200bthat give a more or less tolerable player picture.

In the case of RadeOnMod, everything is similar: you need to find the settings responsible for displaying textures and reduce them until the FPS in the game is high enough.

How to overclock the video card for Stalker: Call Pripyat

All related to "acceleration" is aimed at increasing productivity, but these are quite extensive topics that are difficult in two words. In addition, it is always a rather risky business. If what, we warned you.

To achieve more fps in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat, you can first try to dispersed the video card. The easiest way to do is use the built-in functions of software from the video card manufacturer.

For example, in a set with some video cards from Gigabyte, the Graphics Engine program is supplied, in which there are several ready-made overclocking profiles. This allows you to squeeze out 5-10 additional frames from the video card per second.

If there are no programs from the manufacturer, you can always use a universal solution. This is one of best programs For overclocking, there are many different settings in it.

But here you have to configure everything manually. It should be enhanced first of all the frequency of the video chip ("Core Clock") and the frequency of the video card ("Memory Clock"). Left are the basic values \u200b\u200bof these parameters. On the right, the temperature and increase in voltage are displayed - these characteristics allow you to follow the "health" of the video card.

When increasing frequency, heating the video card increases. If the temperature passes the mark of 85 degrees, then the fan speed should be increased ("Fan Speed"). If the temperature rose up to 100 degrees, then immediately stop overclocking, otherwise the chip can melt. Powerful "overclocking" requires water cooling, so you should not raise frequencies by more than 10%.

Sharp the processor

While "acceleration" of the video card will be performed directly in Windows, in order to improve the operation of the processor and thereby increase the speed of Stalker: Call of Pripyat, you will have to climb into BIOS.

Gamers "acceleration" of the processor usually involves an increase in the processor multiplier (Core Ratio). This can be done far from each processor, but only on where this multiplier is unlocked. Typically, such processors are marked by a special way. For example, Intel uses the labeling "k" and "x". That is, for example, I7-4790 cannot be dispersed with a multiplier, but I7-4790K is quite.

But how to find out the exact name of the processor model? The easiest way to use the program. After running it, you need to open the "CPU" tab and look at the very first line - "NAME". This is the name of the processor. By the way, you can also see from the multiplier itself. In the "Clocks" section, in the Multiplier string. If the processor supports "overclocking", then this multiplier can be changed.

To change the Core Ratio coefficient, you must first get into the BIOS shell. To do this, press a special keyboard shortcut during a computer boot (before Windows screen appears).

The combination may vary depending on the motherboard. Often the BIOS can be called using the "F8" or "DEL" key. On the "BIOS" screen, you need to find a section dedicated to the processor. Here, too, everything is difficult, since the shells have a lot of BIOS. Almost every manufacturer maternal boards uses its own, so without knowledge of English language Find the right place is not so easy.

It is necessary to change the multiplier gradually, increasing it on 2. After each change, you should restart the computer and carefully check the performance and temperature of the processor. If it becomes above 80 degrees during the game, then you must immediately turn off S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat, restart the computer, go to the BIOS and reduce the value of Core Ratio. Otherwise, the processor can burn.

Parameters R1_ * (for DirectX mode 8)

On off. Light from your flashlight. I do not recommend it off, otherwise it will be too scary at night :)

It may be affected by the range of illumination by your flashlight.

Set the number of light sources. Does not greatly affect the quality of graphics and the FPS.

Adjusts the magnitude of the linear interpolation of the lighting of the model. In short, the quality of the graphics of some models, for example, your weapon increases with increasing importance.

Adjusts the main level of detail (LOD), the higher the value, the greater the detailing and visibility of objects at a distance, but due to the easy fall FPS.

Installation is similar to the previous one, but controls the details of some objects on the map. Again, the higher the value, the smaller the FPS.

r1_TF_MIPBIAS [-0.500 - 0.500]
Manages texture clarity at a distance. When decreasing the value of the texture will be clearer, but for it will have to pay a slight drop in the FPS. Increasing the parameter will make texture blurred, but can slightly raise the FPS.

R2_ * parameters (for DirectX mode 9)

This option includes the so-called. pseudo-heading. This is not a real anti-aliasing, but simply squeezes a little image on the screen. If you have a LCD monitor, you can get a similar effect of Nakhalyava, putting the screen resolution slightly less native :) When it turns on, the FPS falls. If you enable this option in DX10 mode, this may lead to the appearance of artifacts.

Regulates the amount of pseudo-alignment. The higher the value, the stronger the blur. The value of 0.300 gives a reasonable magnitude of blur.

This option adjusts the distance on which pseudo-heading. You can choose a convenient value to you, but their increase does not necessarily mean quality growth. For example, the value r2_aa_break 0.000000,1.000000,0.000000 will give clear closed premises and blurred open spaces.

This parameter is needed for a more accurate control of the pseudo-aligning effect. The higher the meaning, the stronger the lubrication.

When you turn on the option, DX8 lighting will be used partially. It seems that the performance should rise, but in fact it can be the opposite ...

This feature regulates the postfilter value of depth of field. But still, it is better to change the values \u200b\u200bof the R2_DOF_ * options discussed below.

This setting controls the distance on which DOF is turned on. This does not apply to a temporary increase in DOF (when reloading weapons), and acts constantly. Reducing the option with value of 600 by default will increase the blurring of the picture.

r2_dof_focus [-10000.000 - 10000.000]
The lower the meaning of this value (by default 1.4), the smaller part of your field of view will be "in focus." It will be especially noticeable when changing the R2_DOF_FAR and R2_DOF_NEAR values.

This option adjusts the overall level of DOF. When installing 0, DOF will not be noticeable at all, and higher numbers increase its level.

r2_DOF_NEAR [-10000.000 - 10000.000]
Blur level of objects approximate to the player (for example, your cannon). Default value -1.25.

r2_DOF_SKY [-10000.000 - 10000.000]
DOF level in relation to the sky. By default, 30, and the higher it, the more blurred sky.

On / off is a more realistic method of lighting "Global Illumination", in which the light can be reflected from the surfaces and illuminate other surfaces. The inclusion of this option has a lot of performance. The option does not work in two modes "Improved Full Dynamic Lighting".

Setting the distance of the Global Illumination.

Setting the depth of shadows.

The option adjusts the Global ILLUMINATION level. Values \u200b\u200bmust be multiple 8.

Regulates the reflective effect of surfaces.

The greater the value of this parameter, glossy surfaces are stronger.

This option includes a reinforced form of Bloom, but does not replace HDR Bloom. When you turn on the picture will be too bright and lubricated, almost does not affect the FPS. You do not need to include this option to use other R2_LS_BLOOM_ * parameters.

Manages blur level of Bloom, the more value, the stronger the illumination from light sources.

Adjusts the brightness of the Bloom, the larger the value, the less brightness of the Bloom, which is used with HDR. As a result, with value 1, the picture will be like on DX8. You can try the value of 0.350 so that Bloom was more beautiful.

r2_LS_DEPTH_BIAS [-0.500 - 0.500]
Regulator range of the type of light sources. Low values \u200b\u200bincrease the depth and boundary of the source, the increase in the parameter can almost completely remove light sources. The default value is optimally.

Similar to the previous installation.

Setting the quality of shadows.

Adjusts lubrication when driving. It looks great with the value of 0.1, and this does not affect the FPS. To activate it, it is not enough to change the parameter in the config file, you need to start the game with the -MBLUR parameter. Open the properties of the game label, and on the way to the running exşder add -mblur through the space. It turns out something like this: "D / SUPERGAMES / STALKER / XR_3DA.EXE" -mblur. The option does not work in two modes "Improved Full Dynamic Lighting".

On off. Parallax Mapping.

This option should manage Parallax Mapping, but no visual changes are observed.

Setting the illumination distance.

Regulates the level of detail (LOD) for the world of the game, the higher the value, the greater the detailing and visibility of objects at a distance, but due to the easy fall FPS.

The option is similar to the previous one, but manages object details.

ON / OFF Sun as light source. If off, trees and houses will not discard the shadows. If the option is enabled, you can play with the R2_SUN_DEPTH_ * parameters

r2_SUN_DEPTH_FAR_BIAS [-0.500 - 0.500]
R2_SUN_DEPTH_NEAR_BIAS [-0.500 - 0.500]

These parameters adjust R2_SUN if it is enabled. This is controlling the level of detailing shadows and the boundary of sunlight and shadow areas. Optimal default values.

Controls the quality of sunlight on the surfaces close to the player.

Controls the quality of sunlight on distant surfaces.

Shadow grass

r2_SUN_LUMSCALE [-1.000 - 3.000]
Determines the brightness of the Sun, with the values \u200b\u200bbelow zero turns off the sun :).

Adjusts the brightness of objects that are lit by the sun.

Adjusts the overall brightness of all items.

r2_TF_MIPBIAS [-0.500 - 0.500]
Determines how much textures will be texture at a distance. When decreasing the value of the texture will be clearer, but for it will have to pay a slight drop in the FPS. Increasing the parameter will make texture blurred, but can slightly raise the FPS. Does not work in DX10 mode.

ON / OFF TONE MAPPING. The inclusion will make HDR better without dropping performance. The following options R2_ToneMap_ * allow it to configure it.

The option indicates the time adaptation time to change the level of lighting.

This installation adjusts Tone Mapping in the dark areas. The higher this installation, the darker HDR.

This installation has the strongest effect on HDR, and if it is raised, the HDR effect will be richer. For example, try the amount of 1.2 to the HDR in S.A.L.K.R. E.E. looked like in 'e.

Experimental option, inclusion of non-stoveed shaders. Most likely, lead to a decrease in performance or artifacts.

On off. Soft particles.

On off. Soft water.

Setting SSAO.

Configuring Blur.

The quality of the sun.

The sun rays strongly affect the FPS. Therefore, they can be turned off, the FPS will rise well, and the quality will fall unsolon.

R3_ * parameters (for DirectX 10 mode)

This feature controls the distance on which the wet surfaces are visible. The default value is 30 than it is higher, the more visible wet surfaces.

This feature controls the distance on which the wet surfaces are visible next to the player. The default value is 10 than it is higher, the smoky surfaces close to the player.

Setting the resolution of wet surfaces. Initially costs 256, if it increases it, the quality of these surfaces will increase, but the FPS will decrease.

On off. Special rendering optimization under DX10. Enable can raise FPS, but call some artifacts, and may not call :)

This is a smoothing control in DX10 mode. To save changes you need to restart the game.

Parameters for all modes

Smoothing setup. To work in the DX10, together with this option you need to enable R3_MSA.

Adjusting anisotropic filtering.

Setting the distance on which highly detailed textures are visible. The higher the value, the further they can be seen.

The lifetime of such effects as traces from bullets, blood, etc. Above the value - they will remain longer.

Level of object details. Large values \u200b\u200bcorrespond to better detail.

Level of detailing herbs. Large values \u200b\u200bcorrespond to better detail.

When enabled, all technical statistics will be shown on the screen, incl. Personnel number per second - FPS.

ON / OFF Hardware Acceleration Sound.

Adjusts how many RAM is used to caching sounds to prevent hotels. It is used twice as much memory, that is, if you put 16, 32 MB will be used. It is advisable to put the maximum value (32) to prevent the sound loading during the game.

The option determines the number of simultaneous sound sources, the increase negatively affects the performance at a weak (read-built) sound card. On weak sounds it is better to limit ourselves to the value 24.

Setting the screen resolution, here you can set permission that is not in the game menu.

On / off the shadows from the objects illuminated by lanterns.

By default, when you click forward, the player runs if this option is turned off, it will go step.

The level of detail of remote textures. The lower the value, the better the texture.

Vertical synchronization. I recommend disable it.

Setting the visibility range.

Command line parameters.

There are additional commands that run through the command row of the game. Right click on the shortcut, select properties, then in the row of the path to the object add the command separated by a space. For example, as follows: "C: \\ Program Files \\ Stalker \\ Bin \\ xr_3da.exe" -noprefetch -noshadows.

-Center_screen - centers the game window when the window mode.

-Dsound- Uses the direction of DirectSound instead of Openal.

-Gpu_Nopure. - Switches the full hardware acceleration of the video card to incomplete. On new maps it will not add productivity.

-Gpu_ref.- Switches the video card mode to the default mode

-GPU_SW. - Fully disconnects the hardware acceleration of the video card. Not recommended.

-Load [Your Save] - Loading a specific Save immediately after starting the game.

-ltx- Loads and executes a specific file "filename.ltx" configuration. For example, you can create your own config file instead of user.ltx, and run it with this command.

-Nodistort- Removes the effects of distortion: air from the fire, anomalies. It can help the owners of old video cards.

-Nolog- Turns off the log

-Noprefetch. - Disables Prefetch. The game will be loaded faster, but the game there may be sharp drops of FPS.

-Noshadows.- Turns off the shadows from dynamic light sources (the sun is not counting), the FPS rises.

-Nosound- turns off the whole sound in the game

-Overlay [path to folder] - Specifying the way to another folder with saivami / configs / profiles.

-psp. - includes a view from a third party.

-smap1536, -smap2048, -smap2560, -smap3072, -smap4096- These commands establish the permission of the cards of the shadows. The higher it is, the more beautiful the shade and below the FPS. You can use only one of these commands!

-ss_tga. - Screenshots will be made in format.tga with higher quality.

Many thanks to CentaZ.
Posted on the AXE_OMSK prack

There are many ways to improve the operation of games on not the lowest computer. Next, we will look at them in order from easy-to-challenging and tell me what to do if S.t.a.l.k.e.r.: Shadow of Chernobyl brakes.

Simple solution of brakes in Stalker

  1. Download and launch world famous CCleaner (Download for a direct link) - this is a program that will clean your computer from unnecessary garbage, with the result that the system will work faster after the first reboot;
  2. Update all drivers in the system using the program Driver Updater. (Download direct link) - It scans your computer and update all drivers to the current version in 5 minutes;
  3. Install the program WinopTimizer. (Download for a direct link) and enable game mode in it, which will complete useless background processes during the launch of games and will increase productivity in the game.


Before moving to active actions, you need to make sure that there are at least 10-15 GB of a free space on the hard disk to which the operating system is installed.

This is usually a "C" disk. This minimum reserve is necessary in order for the system to create temporary storage of S.T.A.L.K.K.R.R files without any problems: Shadow of Chernobyl, caches and so on.

And make sure that you have enough space on your hard disk for normal operation of the game.

Disable unnecessary programs

Each program that is running in the OS occupies a certain percentage of RAM and loads the processor. Make sure it is easy, just open the task manager using the Ctrl + Alt + Del keyboard combination:

If the computer is not installed in the computer not the most powerful processor, and the RAM is less than 8-16 GB, before running S.T.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl need to turn off unnecessary programs. For example, Skype, Discord, Telegram, Google Chrome and so on.

Disable overlay

We are talking about those programs that can display your interface over the game. Often there are such - Fraps, Steam, Origin, and so on. Even when overlay is hidden, it is processed by a computer, reducing FPS into stalker.

Therefore, all overlays need to be disabled. Almost always can be done in the program settings without the need to remove it. For example, overlay Steam, easy to turn off through the menu:

Update video card drivers, download drivers for s.t.a.l.k.e.r.: Shadow of Chernobyl

Regardless which the video card is in the system unit, its drivers must be maintained up to date. Therefore, before launching the stalker, go to the manufacturer's website and check whether new drivers have not come out:

After installing the driver, you should restart the computer to eliminate the possibility of failures. It is also worth considering that for many old video cards, new drivers no longer come out.

For some games, video card manufacturers produce specially optimized drivers. Look suitable in the news section about S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl - We usually write about them. You can also look at the video card manufacturers website.

Change Power Parameters

By default, a balanced power supply mode is installed on the computer, which, and in some laptops, in order to increase the time of operation, and energy savings are completely installed.

It does not give a computer to reveal its potential in S.L.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl completely, so the first thing you need to open the control panel, which can be found by searching. After you need to do the following:

  • Select the "Minor Icons" view mode;
  • Click on "Power Supply";
  • On the screen to find the option "Setting the power scheme", click on it;
  • Click on "Change Additional Power Parameters";
  • In the window that opens, find the drop-down list;
  • In the list choose "High Performance";
  • Click the "Apply" button, then click "OK".

Enable NVIDIA performance mode

After installing the driver for the video card from NVIDIA, you can speed up the operation of S.L.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl using performance mode. It will slightly simplify graphics in the game, but will increase the FPS. Please note that this method is available only if you have a video card with a chip from NVIDIA. Here's how to do it:

  • In the lower right corner of the screen, in the tray, right-click on the "NVIDIA settings" icon;
  • In the window that opens on the right, select the "3D parameters" tab;
  • Click on the "Adjust image settings with viewing" option;
  • On the right to check the box next to "Custom Settings with Pop:";
  • Move the "slider", which is below, in the extreme left position "Performance";
  • From the bottom to click on the "Apply" button.

Next, you need to run S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl and make sure that everything is displayed correctly. If problems arise, then you need to select "Settings according to a 3D application instead of" Custom Settings ".

Disable Windows effects

If s.t.a.l.k.e.r.: Shadow of Chernobyl works not in full screen mode, but in the window, including without a frame, then you can enhance the FPS if you turn off the Windows effects. For this you need to do the following:

  • Open "conductor";
  • In the window that opens, go to the "Visual Effects" tab;
  • Check the box next to the "Provide Best Speed" option.

If necessary, at the last step, you can choose the "Special Effects" option. In this case, you can independently choose which effects to leave, and which are to turn off.

Increase the paging file, if there is not enough RAM for s.t.a.l.k.e.r.: Shadow of Chernobyl

To compensate for the lack of RAM, you can enlarge the paging file. This will allow the system to store a part of the necessary stalker data directly on the hard disk. That's what you need to do:

  • Open "conductor";
  • Right-click to click on this computer (or "my computer");
  • In the context menu, click on "Properties";
  • In the window that opens, click on the "Advanced System Parameters";
  • In the window that opens, go to the "Advanced" tab;
  • In the "Speed" section, click on the "Parameters ..." button;
  • In the window that opens, go to the "Advanced" tab;
  • Remove the checkbox from the "Automatically select the scope file" (if any);
  • Check the checkbox next to the "Specify" option;
  • In text fields "Source Size (MB):" and "Maximum Size (MB):" Specify in megabytes a value equal to half of the RAM.

For example, if the system unit is set to 4 GB in the system unit, that is, 4192 MB, in the field above, you need to enter the number 2048. You can make a paging file more, but no increase will give it.

It should be understood that the paging file is effective only when the system lacks RAM. If the computer has 8-16 GB, then the paging file is practically not used. And when using the SSD disk, the performance of the swap file and can slow down the performance of S.L.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl, so it should not mindlessly set the big value of the paging file.

Even more worsen graphics in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl (Potato mode) - Turn off the smoothing, etc.

If the stalker starts, but slowly slows down, then before starting all the procedures, it should be reduced by a schedule to a minimum through the game settings. If it did not help, you will have to resort to third-party programs to configure the video card:

  • for nvidia video cards;
  • For video cards from AMD.

By downloading the program, run it. In the case of NVIDIA INSPECTOR, you need to run the nvidiaprofileinspector.exe file, and not nvidiainspector.exe. From above, in the "Profiles:" row, you can choose any game that is supported by NVIDIA drivers.

Below are all available settings. There are many of them, but in order to worsen the graphics in the game to the "potato", quite just a few that are in the "Antialiasing" section.

The greatest productivity increase gives the change in these two parameters:

  • Texture Filtering - Lod Bias;
  • Antialiasing - Transparency SuperSampling.

Each of these settings has different meanings. Some of them can make a picture in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl inconvenience, so you should try different combinations of values \u200b\u200bthat give a more or less dammatic playing picture.

In the case of RadeOnMod, everything is similar: you need to find the settings responsible for displaying textures and reduce them until the FPS in the game is high enough.

How to overclock the video card for s.t.a.l.k.e.r.: Shadow of Chernobyl

All related to "acceleration" is aimed at increasing productivity, but these are quite extensive topics that are difficult in two words. In addition, it is always a rather risky business. If what, we warned you.

To achieve more fps in S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl, you can first try to overclock the video card. The easiest way to do is use the built-in functions of software from the video card manufacturer.

For example, in a set with some video cards from Gigabyte, the Graphics Engine program is supplied, in which there are several ready-made overclocking profiles. This allows you to squeeze out 5-10 additional frames from the video card per second.

If there are no programs from the manufacturer, you can always use a universal solution. This is one of the best acceleration programs, there are many different settings in it.

But here you have to configure everything manually. It should be enhanced first of all the frequency of the video chip ("Core Clock") and the frequency of the video card ("Memory Clock"). Left are the basic values \u200b\u200bof these parameters. On the right, the temperature and increase in voltage are displayed - these characteristics allow you to follow the "health" of the video card.

When increasing frequency, heating the video card increases. If the temperature passes the mark of 85 degrees, then the fan speed should be increased ("Fan Speed"). If the temperature rose up to 100 degrees, then immediately stop overclocking, otherwise the chip can melt. Powerful "overclocking" requires water cooling, so you should not raise frequencies by more than 10%.

Sharp the processor

While "acceleration" of the video card will be performed directly in Windows, in order to improve the operation of the processor and thereby increase the speed stalker, you will have to climb into BIOS.

Gamers "acceleration" of the processor usually involves an increase in the processor multiplier (Core Ratio). This can be done far from each processor, but only on where this multiplier is unlocked. Typically, such processors are marked by a special way. For example, Intel uses the labeling "k" and "x". That is, for example, I7-4790 cannot be dispersed with a multiplier, but I7-4790K is quite.

But how to find out the exact name of the processor model? The easiest way to use the program. After running it, you need to open the "CPU" tab and look at the very first line - "NAME". This is the name of the processor. By the way, you can also see from the multiplier itself. In the "Clocks" section, in the Multiplier string. If the processor supports "overclocking", then this multiplier can be changed.

To change the Core Ratio coefficient, you must first get into the BIOS shell. To do this, press a special keyboard shortcut during a computer boot (before Windows screen appears).

The combination may vary depending on the motherboard. Often the BIOS can be called using the "F8" or "DEL" key. On the "BIOS" screen, you need to find a section dedicated to the processor. Here, too, everything is difficult, since the shells have a lot of BIOS. Almost every manufacturer maternally uses its own, so without knowing the English language to find the right place is not so easy.

It is necessary to change the multiplier gradually, increasing it on 2. After each change, you should restart the computer and carefully check the performance and temperature of the processor. If it becomes above 80 degrees during the game, then you need to turn off S.T.A.L.K.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl, restart the computer, go to the BIOS and reduce the value of Core Ratio. Otherwise, the processor can burn.

tips for optimization stalker Call Pripyat and got the best answer

Answer from mafiizic [Guru]
Parameters R1_ * (for DirectX 8) R1_DLIGHTS ON. / Off. Light from your flashlight. I do not recommend it off, and then at night it will be too scary. 🙂 R1_DLIGHTS_CLIP is possible, it affects the range of illumination by your flashlight. R1_GLOWS_PER_FRAME Set the number of light sources. Does not greatly affect the quality of graphics and the FPS. R1_LMODEL_LERP Adjusts the magnitude of the linear interpolation of the lighting of the model. In short, the quality of the graphics of some models, for example, your weapon increases with increasing importance. R1_SSA_Lod_A adjusts the main level of detail (LOD), the higher the value, the greater the detailing and visibility of objects at a distance, but due to the easy fall FPS. R1_SSA_Lod_B Installation is similar to the previous one, but manages the details of some objects on the map. Again, the higher the value, the smaller the FPS. R1_TF_MIPBIAS [-0.500 - 0.500] manages texture clarity at a distance. When decreasing the value of the texture will be clearer, but for it will have to pay a slight drop in the FPS. Increasing the parameter will make texture blurred, but can slightly raise the FPS. The parameters R2_ * (for the DirectX 9) mode R2_aa, this option includes T.N. pseudo-heading. This is not a real anti-aliasing, but simply squeezes a little image on the screen. If you have a LCD monitor, you can get a similar effect of Nakhalyava, putting the screen resolution slightly smaller than the native 🙂 when it turns on the FPS slightly. If you enable this option in DX10 mode, this may lead to the appearance of artifacts. R2_AA_KERNEL regulates the amount of pseudo-heading. The higher the value, the stronger the blur. The value of 0.300 gives a reasonable magnitude of blur. R2_AA_BREAK This option adjusts the distance on which pseudo-heading is valid. You can choose a convenient value to you, but their increase does not necessarily mean quality growth. For example, the value of r2_aa_break 0.000000,1.000000,0.000000 will give clear closed rooms and blurred open spaces. R2_AA_WEIGHT This parameter is needed for a more accurate control of the pseudo-aligning effect. The higher the meaning, the stronger the lubrication. R2_allow_R1_Lights When you turn on the option, DX8 lighting will be used partially. It seems that the performance should be climbing, but in fact it can be the opposite ... R2_DOF This feature regulates the postflower of the depth of field. But still, it is better to change the values \u200b\u200bof the R2_DOF_ * options considered. R2_DOF_FAR This setting controls the distance on which DOF is turned on. This does not apply to a temporary increase in DOF (when reloading weapons), and acts constantly. Reducing the option with value of 600 by default will increase the blurring of the picture. r2_dof_focus [-10000.000 - 10000.000] The lower the value of this value (by default 1.4), the smaller part of your field of view will be "in focus". It will be especially noticeable when changing the R2_DOF_FAR and R2_DOF_NEAR values. R2_DOF_KERNEL This option adjusts the overall level of DOF. When installing 0, DOF will not be noticeable at all, and higher numbers increase its level. R2_DOF_NEAR [-10000.000 - 10000.000] The level of blur of the objects approximate to the player (for example, your cannon). Default value -1.25. R2_DOF_SKY [-10000.000 - 10000.000] The level of the DOF is applied to the sky. By default, 30, and the higher it, the more blurred sky. R2_GI ON / OFF A more realistic Lighting method "Global Illumination", in which the light may be reflected from the surfaces and illuminate other surfaces. The inclusion of this option has a lot of performance. The option does not work in two modes "Improved Full Dynamic Lighting".

Currently, the game "Stalker" does not require the presence of a player's top-configuration of the computer, as it was before. Computer iron in its development went far ahead. It is now difficult to find a computer with memory less than 2 GB and a processor with a number of nuclei less than two. It is so much that this wonderful game requires. Stalker goes well even on modern integrated video cards. For example, APU from AMD (in which the central processor is aligned with several video drives) is well pulling the "Stalker - Call of Pripyat" in the middle settings of the graphics in the resolution of 720p. That is, a discrete video card is not even required for a relatively comfortable game!

But not all users even have such computers. Many are trying to run "Stalker" on the "calculator" - a computer 10 or 15 years ago. Also, a large number of Stalkermen play on laptops, which weigly have a weak processor and are not equipped with a discrete video card.

To solve the question of a comfortable game on weak computers, we wrote this article. Through the settings of the game it is quite possible to increase the average FPS in our favorite game, and using other tricks you can even run the game on such a gland, on which even theoretically "stalker" could not be launched.

First of all, we will deal with the settings of the game that help us significantly increase the FPS (number of frames per second) without a noticeable reduction in the quality of the picture.

Immediately make a reservation, which means weak, secondary and strong impact on productivity:

  1. Weak effect on productivity - 1-3 FPS.
  2. Average effect on performance - 5-7 FPS.
  3. A strong effect on productivity - 10 and more FPS.

Settings graphics in the game "Stalker - Call Pripyat" (also applies to two other games series):

  1. Visibility range. Average effect on performance.
  2. Details of objects. There is practically no effect on performance. The difference may be noticeable on old video cards.
  3. Texture quality. There is an impact on performance, if little video memory and "iron" supports only DX8.
  4. Filtering textures. There is practically no effect on performance.
  5. Smoothing (choice 2x-4x-8x). Strong effect on performance. Better to set at a minimum.
  6. Smoothing (strip slider). It does not affect performance.
  7. The density of grass. Impact on performance by exponential. Turn off.
  8. Herb distance. Average effect on performance.
  9. Grass height. Impact on performance below average. Low and average values \u200b\u200bon performance almost will not affect, and high - they will affect noticeably.
  10. Shadow from the sun. Strong effect on performance. It is better to turn off.
  11. Shadow grass. Impact on performance below average.
  12. Lighting range. Impact on performance below average.
  13. Quality of shadows. Average effect on performance.
  14. NPC light light. For modern maps There is no effect on performance.
  15. Detailed relief. For modern cards there is no effect on performance.
  16. Steep Parallax. For modern cards there is no effect on performance.
  17. The quality of the sun. Impact on performance below average.
  18. Sun rays. Average effect on performance.
  19. Intensity of shine. There is no effect on performance.
  20. SSAO mode. Average effect on performance. For AMD, HDAO is recommended for NVIDIA - HBAO.
  21. Quality SSAO. Average effect on performance.
  22. Soft water. There is no effect on performance.
  23. Soft particles. It is recommended to disable. Artifacts graphics may occur.
  24. Depth of field. There is no effect on performance.
  25. Bulk light. There is no effect on performance.
  26. Wetting of planes. Weak effect on performance.
  27. Vertical synchronization. Impact on productivity depends on the old age of the video card.
  28. Frequency 60 Hz. There is no effect on performance.

Below are posting information for those who like to dig in configuration file User.LTX. This file is in the "My Documents" folder in the directories of the saved games for Windows 7 and the newer. The parameters are listed for the game "Stalker - Clear sky"Although most of the parameters are quite suitable for two other series of the game. All edits do notepad. After fixes in the User.LTX file, it is not recommended to change the settings in the game itself - departures are possible. Just in case, save the user.ltx file in a safe place if the game cannot start due to the error of the file of the file, you can easily be replaced with the original file.

The options affecting the schedule goes with the prests R1_, R2_ or R3_. On R1_, options for the DX8 game mode (static lighting), R2_ - DX9 (dynamic lighting) and R3_ - DX10 (improved full dynamic lighting) begins. That is, if you play with dynamic lighting, and change the options R1_ *, then this will not give any effect in the game.

Parameters R1_ * (for DirectX mode 8)



It may be affected by the range of illumination by your flashlight.


Set the number of light sources. Does not greatly affect the quality of graphics and the FPS.


Adjusts the magnitude of the linear interpolation of the lighting of the model. In short, the quality of the graphics of some models, for example, your weapon increases with increasing importance.


Adjusts the main level of detail (LOD), the higher the value, the greater the detailing and visibility of objects at a distance, but due to the easy fall FPS.


Installation is similar to the previous one, but controls the details of some objects on the map. Again, the higher the value, the smaller the FPS.

r1_TF_MIPBIAS [-0.500 - 0.500]

Manages texture clarity at a distance. When decreasing the value of the texture will be clearer, but for it will have to pay a slight drop in the FPS. Increasing the parameter will make texture blurred, but can slightly raise the FPS.

R2_ * parameters (for DirectX mode 9)

This option includes the so-called. pseudo-heading. This is not a real anti-aliasing, but simply squeezes a little image on the screen. If you have a LCD monitor, you can get a similar effect of Nakhalyava, putting the screen resolution slightly smaller than the native 🙂 when it turns on the FPS slightly. If you enable this option in DX10 mode, this may lead to the appearance of artifacts.


Regulates the amount of pseudo-alignment. The higher the value, the stronger the blur. The value of 0.300 gives a reasonable magnitude of blur.


This option adjusts the distance on which pseudo-heading. You can choose a convenient value to you, but their increase does not necessarily mean quality growth. For example, the value of r2_aa_break 0.000000,1.000000,0.000000 will give clear closed rooms and blurred open spaces.


This parameter is needed for a more accurate control of the pseudo-aligning effect. The higher the meaning, the stronger the lubrication.


When you turn on the option, DX8 lighting will be used partially. It seems that the performance should rise, but in fact it can be the opposite ...


This feature regulates the postfilter value of depth of field. But still, it is better to change the values \u200b\u200bof the R2_DOF_ * options discussed below.


This setting controls the distance on which DOF is turned on. This does not apply to a temporary increase in DOF (when reloading weapons), and acts constantly. Reducing the option with value of 600 by default will increase the blurring of the picture.

r2_dof_focus [-10000.000 - 10000.000]

The lower the meaning of this value (by default 1.4), the smaller part of your field of view will be "in focus." It will be especially noticeable when changing the R2_DOF_FAR and R2_DOF_NEAR values.


This option adjusts the overall level of DOF. When installing 0, DOF will not be noticeable at all, and higher numbers increase its level.

r2_DOF_NEAR [-10000.000 - 10000.000]

Blur level of objects approximate to the player (for example, your cannon). Default value -1.25.

r2_DOF_SKY [-10000.000 - 10000.000]

DOF level in relation to the sky. By default, 30, and the higher it, the more blurred sky.

On / off is a more realistic method of lighting "Global Illumination", in which the light can be reflected from the surfaces and illuminate other surfaces. The inclusion of this option has a lot of performance. The option does not work in two modes "Improved Full Dynamic Lighting".


Setting the distance of the Global Illumination.


Setting the depth of shadows.


The option adjusts the Global ILLUMINATION level. Values \u200b\u200bmust be multiple 8.


Regulates the reflective effect of surfaces.


The greater the value of this parameter, glossy surfaces are stronger.


This option includes a reinforced form of Bloom, but does not replace HDR Bloom. When you turn on the picture will be too bright and lubricated, almost does not affect the FPS. You do not need to include this option to use other R2_LS_BLOOM_ * parameters.


Manages blur level of Bloom, the more value, the stronger the illumination from light sources.


Adjusts the brightness of the Bloom, the larger the value, the less brightness of the Bloom, which is used with HDR. As a result, with value 1, the picture will be like on DX8. You can try the value of 0.350 so that Bloom was more beautiful.

r2_LS_DEPTH_BIAS [-0.500 - 0.500]

Regulator range of the type of light sources. Low values \u200b\u200bincrease the depth and boundary of the source, the increase in the parameter can almost completely remove light sources. The default value is optimally.


Similar to the previous installation.


Setting the quality of shadows.


Adjusts lubrication when driving. It looks great with the value of 0.1, and this does not affect the FPS. To activate it, it is not enough to change the parameter in the config file, you need to start the game with the -MBLUR parameter. Open the properties of the game label, and on the way to the running exşder add -mblur through the space. It turns out something like this: "D / SUPERGAMES / STALKER / XR_3DA.EXE" -mblur. The option does not work in two modes "Improved Full Dynamic Lighting".


On off. Parallax Mapping.


This option should manage Parallax Mapping, but no visual changes are observed.


Setting the illumination distance.


Regulates the level of detail (LOD) for the world of the game, the higher the value, the greater the detailing and visibility of objects at a distance, but due to the easy fall FPS.


The option is similar to the previous one, but manages object details.

ON / OFF Sun as light source. If off, trees and houses will not discard the shadows. If the option is enabled, you can play with the R2_SUN_DEPTH_ * parameters

r2_SUN_DEPTH_FAR_BIAS [-0.500 - 0.500]


r2_SUN_DEPTH_NEAR_BIAS [-0.500 - 0.500]


These parameters adjust R2_SUN if it is enabled. This is controlling the level of detailing shadows and the boundary of sunlight and shadow areas. Optimal default values.


Controls the quality of sunlight on the surfaces close to the player.


Controls the quality of sunlight on distant surfaces.


Shadow grass

r2_SUN_LUMSCALE [-1.000 - 3.000]

Determines the brightness of the Sun, with the values \u200b\u200bbelow zero turns off the sun :).


Adjusts the brightness of objects that are lit by the sun.


Adjusts the overall brightness of all items.

r2_TF_MIPBIAS [-0.500 - 0.500]

Determines how much textures will be texture at a distance. When decreasing the value of the texture will be clearer, but for it will have to pay a slight drop in the FPS. Increasing the parameter will make texture blurred, but can slightly raise the FPS. Does not work in DX10 mode.


ON / OFF TONE MAPPING. The inclusion will make HDR better without dropping performance. The following options R2_ToneMap_ * allow it to configure it.


The option indicates the time adaptation time to change the level of lighting.


This installation adjusts Tone Mapping in the dark areas. The higher this installation, the darker HDR.


This installation has the strongest effect on HDR, and if it is raised, the HDR effect will be richer. For example, try 1.2 to HDR in S.A.L.K.E.R., as in Oblivion.


Experimental option, inclusion of non-stoveed shaders. Most likely, lead to a decrease in performance or artifacts.


On off. Soft particles.


On off. Soft water.


Setting SSAO.


Configuring Blur.


The quality of the sun.


The sun rays strongly affect the FPS. Therefore, they can be turned off, the FPS will rise well, and the quality will fall unsolon.

R3_ * parameters (for DirectX 10 mode)


This feature controls the distance on which the wet surfaces are visible. The default value is 30 than it is higher, the more visible wet surfaces.


This feature controls the distance on which the wet surfaces are visible next to the player. The default value is 10 than it is higher, the smoky surfaces close to the player.


Setting the resolution of wet surfaces. Initially costs 256, if it increases it, the quality of these surfaces will increase, but the FPS will decrease.


On off. Special rendering optimization under DX10. Switching on can raise FPS, but call some artifacts, and may not cause 🙂


This is a smoothing control in DX10 mode. To save changes you need to restart the game.

Parameters for all modes


Smoothing setup. To work in the DX10, together with this option you need to enable R3_MSA.


Adjusting anisotropic filtering.


Setting the distance on which highly detailed textures are visible. The higher the value, the further they can be seen.


The lifetime of such effects as traces from bullets, blood, etc. Above the value - they will remain longer.


Level of object details. Large values \u200b\u200bcorrespond to better detail.


Level of detailing herbs. Large values \u200b\u200bcorrespond to better detail.


When enabled, all technical statistics will be shown on the screen, incl. Personnel number per second - FPS.


ON / OFF Hardware Acceleration Sound.


Adjusts how many RAM is used to caching sounds to prevent hotels. It is used twice as much memory, that is, if you put 16, 32 MB will be used. It is advisable to put the maximum value (32) to prevent the sound loading during the game.


The option determines the number of simultaneous sound sources, the increase negatively affects performance with a weak (read-built) sound card. On weak sounds it is better to limit ourselves to the value 24.

Setting the screen resolution, here you can set permission that is not in the game menu.


On / off the shadows from the objects illuminated by lanterns.


By default, when you click forward, the player runs if this option is turned off, it will go step.