Twitch forest. The best online games. Twitch LOL Guide, Starter Purchase

Hello friends! My name is Eve and today I will tell you about such a champion as Twitch, the Plague Rat.

Pros and cons of Twitch


  • Invisibility
  • Mass slowdown
  • Good attack speed.
  • Cool passive that gives us pure damage
  • Lovely Ganger
  • Very powerful ult


  • Difficult to master
  • No instant escape
  • Team dependent
  • Small amount of health

Twitch's abilities

Deadly Poison- This is our passive ability, which allows you to poison the enemy with each auto attack and at the same time he will also receive damage. It is important to note here that the damage is not that great, but it ignores the target's defense. Passive is also combined with our third skill.

Ambush- An ability that gives Twitch invisibility with which he can sneak up to the enemy and start shooting. Important: Twitch does not go into infiz instantly, so the guys are more careful, you should not jump into a bunch of enemies, thinking that he will protect you. In addition, if you receive damage at the moment of activating the skill, then you will go into invisibility 3 seconds later. This skill does not last long, so it is usually used to quickly reach the enemy from the nearest cover. The advantage is the increased attack speed. Add to this the effect of surprise and you are guaranteed an easy kill!

Poison bottle- This is a skill that can slow down a group of enemies. The poison that Twitch throws at enemies flies rather slowly, so sometimes it is worth using it preemptively. Also, the poison immediately applies two stacks of passive, which is just wonderful, since you can quickly stack the maximum number of stacks of poisoning.

Infection- Twitch's only nuke. When you auto-sharpen or throw poison at them, an area around Twitch begins to light up. This area shows the range of the skill. If, for example, you want to inflict damage on several poisoned enemies at once, then it is necessary that they are within the given range of the ability. The skill is instant cast and generally has good range. Try to use it on enemies who have the maximum number of passive stacks, that is, 6.

Tra-ta-ta-ta-ta- Twitch's ultimate ability, thanks to which he is able to inflict damage on several targets at once. The action of the ult is quite interesting and, of course, at first, of course, you will need to get used to it. main feature skills are not in the increase in damage, which is very significant, but the fact that Twitch's attacks begin to inflict damage on all enemies on the line of fire. It is worth noting that when our ultimate ability is activated, the range of our ultimate increases significantly. This will serve us well during team battles, the most important thing is that you need to stay as far away from opponents as possible, because we will be the most priority target.

Twitch build

Runes selection:

Choice of talents:


From spells, Jump and Conflagration are perfect for us.

The order of pumping skills:

Selection of artifacts:

For the initial game:

Final Assembly:

In general, standard artifacts for ranged carry are bought for Twitch.

Allies of Twitch

In general, Twitch can stand comfortably with most of the supports. The most important thing is that they react to your attacks in time and really help kill enemies.

Enemies of Twitch

Beware of all those enemies that have massive abilities, they can instantly kill you, who have continuous damage, or those who are able to silence you.

In the first minutes of the game, Twitch should not immediately run to the enemy and try to kill him. Study the enemy well and decide for yourself how you will play next. Start the game with farming and get at least one level of each skill, if there is a strong opponent against you and there are simply no chances for an attack. If your support is determined to play aggressively and is looking for opportunities to attack in every possible way, then be sure to help him in this. But as mentioned above, first of all, you should finish off each minion and farm as well as possible. If opponents play passively, then you can try to get them to level 2 earlier and try to attack. For the bottom line, the difference of one level is very significant, especially when it comes to the first levels. With the help of his infection skill and with the maximum passive stack, Twitch is able to inflict very high damage. To this skill, it is enough to add only slowdown or unexpected appearance from invisibility. In general, together with the support, you can very quickly take the initiative into your own hands and drive the enemy under the tower. If you succeed, then most likely it will be a winning game. If you give Twitch an advantage at the beginning, then later it will simply not be stopped. Even if at the very beginning of the game you did not particularly try to kill the enemy, then at level 4 you should already start trying to kill enemy champions. At this level, Twitch becomes very strong, since he has all the skills and the second level of the Infection skill in his arsenal. Once you get the ultimate, you will be able to kill enemies at a very long distance. The use of the ultimate should always be effective, that is, you must be sure that you will hit at least one target. Ult recharges for a very long time and if you use it just like that, you will quickly lose all your advantage. When activated, Twitch's attack range becomes 850. No carry has such an attack range, so you have every chance to quickly and safely shoot multiple opponents at once.

On the 10th minute of the game, in a good scenario, Twitch should already break the first tower. Thus, you will open a free path for yourself to the Dragon. If, in addition to the tower, you managed to kill enemies on the bottom lane, then be sure to ask your forester for help and quickly kill the Dragon. A buff from this neutral will give your entire team a good advantage for the rest of the match. In the middle of the game, Twitch is a very good surprise attack champion. Even in a frontal attack due to the ultimate, Twitch can inflict huge total damage in a matter of seconds, while remaining at a safe distance. The most important thing is not to get carried away too much, because you absolutely cannot die. Ideally, if you never die in a fight, and this is quite real. All your attacks should be coordinated with your allies, that is, you should not allow situations when you are running around the map alone and trying to kill someone. Yes, you have invisibility, but if the enemy noticed you earlier, then even this may not save you. See what artifacts your opponents are buying and, most importantly, whether they are buying Vision Ward. Make sure that your support is sure to buy wards and place them near the Dragon. You must constantly monitor the spawn location of this neutral and kill it at the first opportunity. Two or three Dragon kills will give you a very nice bonus that does not disappear even if you die.

In a protracted game, Twitch is one of the best damage dealers. This is due to his ult and good attack speed due to invisibility. Good attack range reduces the risk of death to a minimum. The most important thing is that your allies are collected and move around the map together, choosing the right targets. Twitch is also good in that it is more or less easy for them to play in massive battles, that is, you do not need to somehow mark skills. The most important thing is to hit well with a slowdown, jump out of invisibility and, when the ultimate is on, shoot so that your shots pass through the maximum number of targets. Here is the correct shooting with the ult turned on, this is probably the most difficult thing to master. Be sure to keep monitoring the Dragon and Baron respawn location. Together with your team, you will kill these neutrals very quickly. For example, a buff from the Baron can greatly change the outcome of a battle, since it increases the fighting qualities of all your allies, and with the same number of artifacts, this will play a key role.

Overall, Twitch is a very interesting champion with an interesting set of skills. The style of play for Twitch is somewhat different from other damage dealers, so I can't say that it is easy for them to play. Seemingly simple skills require some experience from the player.

Adk with good damage, escape (in the form of inviz) and even AoE (albeit specific). Let's take a look at his abilities and aitembild.

Deadly Poison (passive)

Twitch's basic attacks poison the target, dealing pure damage every second.
Dealing pure damage passively is quite good, especially on lowlives.

Ambush (Q)

Cost: 40 Mana
Range: for yourself

If within 1.5 sec. Twitch takes no damage, he becomes invisible for 4/5/6/7/8 seconds. While Twitch is invisible, his movement speed is increased by 20%. Breaking invisibility increases Twitch's attack speed by 30/40/50/60/70% for 5 seconds. When a champion hit by Deadly Poison dies, Ambush's cooldown is reset.
Nice attack speed buff and escape.

Poison Bottle (W)

Cost: 50 Mana
Range: 950

Twitch throws a vial of poison, poisoning all enemies in the area with 2 charges of Deadly Poison and reducing their movement speed by 25/30/35/40/45% for 3 seconds.
By throwing stacks of passive, you can significantly increase the damage done and control the enemy.

Contagion (E)

Cost: 50/60/70/80/90 Mana
Range: 1200

All nearby enemies infected with Deadly Poison take 20/35/50/65/80 Physical Damage plus 15/20/25/30/35 (+ 20% Ability Power) (+0) for each Deadly Poison charge.
Excellent damage, will make the enemy be careful when entering trades with us.

Shooting at random (R)

Cost: 100 Mana
Range: for yourself

For 5 sec. Twitch's attack power is increased by 20/30/40, and his attack range is increased by 300.During this skill, the arrows that Twitch releases during basic attacks hit all targets in its path, however, each subsequent target takes 20% less damage than the previous one (but not less than 40% of the original).
Ult increases our damage and allows us to perfectly shoot in a heap during TF.

On the lane, we, like any adc, need to farm and trade with enemies, hiding behind a support. In tf we beat what they give and do not substitute.

We will max out the rat E:

We will collect the standard adc:

We will use the standard trowel and rune pages:

We hope our guide to Twitch was useful for you, good luck on the rift fields!

For many decades, a state called Zuana dumped all the dirty raw materials that remained after many magical experiments into sewers. One rat lived in them, which fed on waste for a long time and mutated. This goiter is called Twitch. He possesses an unprecedentedly sharp mind and intellect, can apply many magical techniques. This evil champion has already absorbed so many poisons that he himself cannot remember where he came from, he simply kills all the enemies that fall under his arm.

Twitch League of Legends guide, skills description:

Deadly venom

This is a unique passive that gives a bonus to the hero's auto attacks. With their help, Twitch can attack the enemy every second for 6 seconds, automatically inflicting 2 points of damage on him. Maximum number of stacks: 6.

1. Ambush

After activating the skill, after 1.25 seconds the hero enters invisibility and stays in it for 4/5/6/7/8 seconds. If during the activation of the ability the hero received damage, then he will become invisible after 3 seconds. At the same time, Twitch, while in invisibility, moves 20% faster than its original speed. Also, the hero receives a bonus to attack speed, valid for 5 seconds after the end of invisibility, in the amount of: 30% / 40% / 50% / 60% / 70%.
Manacost: 60 units
Cooldown: 16 seconds

2. Debilitating Poison

Twitch selects an area and throws a barrel of poison there, which explodes on impact with the ground and slows all enemies by 25% / 30% / 35% / 40% / 45%. Stun duration: 3 seconds. In the Twitch LOL guide, it's worth noting that this ability adds 2 stacks to the hero's belt.
Manacost: 50 units
Cooldown: 13/12/11/10/9 seconds

3. Expunge

It is worth noting that this skill can only be used after the enemies take damage with the help of the Venom Cask skill, in order to increase it by 20/35/50/65/80 units. At the same time, for each passive stack, the hero receives a bonus in the amount of: 15/20/25/30/35 (+ AR) (+ AD).
Manacost: 70/75/80/85/90 units
Radius: 1200 units
Cooldown: 12/11/10/9/8 seconds

4. Spray and Pray

Eltimeyt of the hero, increasing the radius of his attacks to 300 units for 7 seconds. If, after activating the ability, you start to pierce with an auto attack, then Twitch will shoot bolts, inflicting 20/28/36 units of physical damage. It is worth noting that if the bolt flies through the enemy, and then hooks the second, then the latter will receive 20% less damage. Maximum damage: 40%.
Manacost: 100/125/150 units
Radius: 1200 units
Cooldown: 120/110/100 seconds

League of Legends Twitch Guide, builds:

Option 1


1) Flash- with this spell, the hero will be instantly moved a short distance in the specified direction. When teleporting, all obstacles will be ignored: forests, cliffs, and so on. Cooldown: 265 seconds. Available from level 12.
2) Cleanse- negates the effect of all negative effects from the hero and reduces by 65% ​​the duration of such spells as fear, stun, slowdown, demoralization, and so on. The spell lasts for 3 seconds. Cooldown: 210 seconds. Available from level 2.

Twitch League of Legends guide, skills for pumping:

1, 3, 3, 1, 3, 4, 3, 2, 3, 1, 4, 1, 1, 2, 2, 4, 2, 2.


Offense: Executioner, Sunder, Lethality, Vampirism, Havoc, Weapon Expertise, Deadliness, Demolitionist, Alacrity, Butcher, Brute Force
Defense: Hardiness, Summoner's Resolve.
Utility (support): 0


1) Greater Mark of Desolation - Increases Physical Defense Penetration by 1.66 units.
2) Greater Seal of Evasion
3) Greater Glyph of Warding - Increases magic resistance by 1.34 units.
4) Greater Quintessence of Fortitude - increases health by 26 units.

Twitch LOL Guide, Starter Purchase:

1) Doran's Blade - increases the value of physical damage by 10 units, and health - by 80. The hero's attack will restore 5 units of health with each hit.
2) Boots of Mobility - increases the speed of movement by 45. If the hero applies this item and does not participate in the battle for 5 seconds, then his speed will increase to 105. Collected from Boots of Speed.
3) Executioner "s Calling - increases the chance of a critical strike by 15% and a physical attack by 25 units. When an item is used on an enemy, its health regeneration is reduced by 50% and lasts for 1.5 seconds. Collected from: Executioner" s Calling + Long Sword.
4) B. F. Sword - increases physical damage by 45.
5) Infinity Edge - increases physical damage by 70 units, and the chance of a critical hit by 25%. The damage from physical attacks of the hero will also increase, which instead of 200 units will inflict 250. Collected from: Pickaxe + B. F. Sword + Cloack of Agility.
6) Recurve Bow - increases attack speed by 30%.
7) Madred's Bloodrazor - increases the level of physical protection by 25 points, the attack speed increases by 40%, and physical damage - by 40. Each attack deals additional magic damage to the enemy, which is equal to 4% of his maximum health. Has a 15% critical hit chance against monsters and minions at 500. Collected from: Madred's Razors + Pickaxe + Recuve Bow.
8) Catalyst the Protector - increases health by 200 units and mana by 300. At the moment when the hero switches to new level, then the artifact will generate 150 units of health and 200 mana for 8 seconds. Collected from: Ruby Crystal + Sapphire Crystal.
9) Banshee's Veil - increases health by 300, mana by 300, magic resistance - by 45. It has a unique passive action, with the help of which it blocks one of the skills that are directed at the hero by the enemies. from its combat skills, it will take effect, only it will not damage it Cooldown 25 seconds Collected from: Catalyst the Protector + Negatron Cloak.
10) B. F. Sword - read the description above.
11) The Black Cleaver - increases the health level by 250 units, the physical damage of the hero - by 55 units. Reduces the cooldown of all hero skills by 10%. Passively increases physical penetration by 10. With a physical attack, it will reduce the enemy's physical defense by 6.25% for 4 seconds. Maximum number of stacks: 4 pcs. Collected from: Ruby Crystal + The Brutalizer.
12) Zeal - increases attack speed by 18% and critical hit chance by 10%. Movement speed is increased by 5 units. Collected from: Dagger + Brawler "s Gloves.
13) Phantom Dancer - increases attack speed by 50% and critical hit chance by 30%. The movement speed is increased by 5 units. The hero will ignore collisions with enemy units. Collected from: Dagger + Zeal + Cloack of Agility.


This hero is very dangerous and interesting. If the enemy team allows the hero to finish off at least one of their champion, then they will immediately lose. The fact is that Twitch has not only a high-speed attack, but also a high level of damage. The hero can sneak up to opponents and shoot them for a long time.

Now, in the Twitch League of Legends guide, we will look at the pros of the character. The first one is entering invisibility using the Ambush skill. Also, this ability increases the attack speed after the hero leaves inviz. Do not forget that the duration of the bonus to attack speed directly depends on how long the hero was invisible. In other words, if Twitch entered invisibility and immediately launched an attack, then the effect of the ability will last for several seconds.

Also, special attention should be paid to the abilities Expunge and Debilitating Poison. The fact is that you need to shoot as many times as possible and hit the enemy in order to stack a passive on him, which will constantly inflict damage. But the hero's ultimate increases the firing range and deals damage to enemies. Also, with the help of this main skill, the hero can shoot at all opponents and shoot at once for a couple.

In the continuation of the League of Legends Twitch guide, it must be said that the hero is very difficult to control. You will have to quickly learn how to gank opponents on other lanes. If you choose a different tactic, namely: you stand in the chosen position and do not go into ganks, you will not be able to properly pump the character, and by the end of the game the enemies will easily deal with him.

It is worth noting that Twitch has a big advantage over opponents until they think of buying and placing wards. Then it will become much easier for them to calculate the hero who is in invisibility. Twitch's health is also small, in principle, like all damage dealers. Therefore, beware of the focus of opponents. Do not ask for trouble and do not start the fight yourself. Try not to be the first in the battle to prevent opponents from constantly attacking you.

In the Twitch League of Legends guide, a few words need to be said about the standard runes. Let me remind you that for damage dealers it is penetrating physical armor, increasing maximum level hp and evasion from attacks. When pumping skills, the main emphasis should be on increasing damage, and not on defense.

Of the additional spells, it is better to choose Flash to make Twitch more mobile and run away from enemies at the right moment, continuing to attack them from a long distance. The second spell can be used at your choice: Exhaust or Cleance. After you have accumulated a sufficient amount of gold needed to buy arts, hurry up to spend it on speed boots. So Twitch will be able to move between lanes much faster and not leave the opponents a single chance.

After that, it is better to buy those items that will be aimed at increasing the damage done. Yes, from the Ambush skill of the hero it is already increased, but the mid and last game will not interfere with items that will increase it even more. Also in the Twitch LOL guide I can advise you to buy Banshee's Veil, which will undoubtedly come in handy if there are excellent mages on the enemy team who systematically try to take you out of the game. Otherwise, all items can be bought as for standard range damage dealers.

As mentioned above, playing for Twitch is difficult. You need to constantly monitor all the lanes and move between them in order to remove a couple of enemy champions. You should not get too carried away with stealing frags from all allies, because in the mid game, this can get into the focus of enemies, and your team simply will not save you.

Deadly venom- passive allows you to poison the enemy with each auto attack and he will receive pure damage. It is worth noting here that the damage seems insignificant, but it ignores the target's defense and, moreover, the charges stack up to 6 times. Passive is also combined with the Contaminate skill, allowing a significant increase in damage.

Ambush- with the help of this skill, Twitch can stealthily get close to the enemy and start attacking. Twitch is not instantly disguised and the enemy can calmly see the activation of the skill, so the ability is often used in the bushes. Using the skill near the enemy is also bad for the reason that disguise when taking damage will take as much as 4.5 seconds. By League of Legends standards, this is a very long time. Although the skill lasts long enough, it is imperative to remember that disguise is not invisibility. That is, being in disguise, you need to maintain a certain distance to the enemy so that he does not reveal you. The advantage of this skill is that immediately after leaving disguise, Twitch's attack speed noticeably increases. Combined with the surprise effect, this gives a very good advantage over the enemy. In conclusion, I would like to point out the fact that while in disguise, Twitch receives a bonus to movement speed and this bonus can be tripled if you maintain the correct distance to the enemy and not reveal yourself.

Venom cask- an excellent skill that allows you to slow down a group of enemies at once. The poison that Twitch throws does not fly quickly, so sometimes it is worth using it on the enemy's turn. Also, the poison immediately imposes a passive charge, which is also positive side skills. To receive you need to maximum effect from the skill, you need to try to install a poisonous cloud in such a way that the enemies remain in it for at least a couple of seconds. In this case, you can impose additional charges of passive on opponents and then do good damage with the help of Contaminate.

Contaminate- in fact, this is the only Twitch skill that deals good one-time damage. When you attack enemies with an auto attack or throw poison at them, an area around Twitch begins to light up. This area shows the range of the skill. If, for example, you want to inflict damage on several poisoned enemies at once, then you need to make sure that all enemies fall into this area. The skill is instant cast and generally has a good hitting radius. Of course, it is best to use it on enemies on which the maximum number of stacks of poison hangs, that is 6. There is no point in using the ability immediately or with a small amount of poison charges on enemies, since in this case the damage will be small and ultimately you can quickly run out of mana.

Spray and Pray- thanks to the ultimate, Twitch is able to inflict damage on several targets at once. The action of the ult is quite unusual and at first, of course, you will need to get used to it. The main feature of the skill is not even damage, but the fact that Twitch's attacks begin to inflict damage on all enemies on the line of fire. That is, if you shoot at one target and there are still enemies on the way, then they will all take damage, but a little less. Also, when the ultimate is activated, Twitch's attack range is significantly increased. This helps a lot during team battles, when you can turn on the ult and shoot enemies from a safe distance. During the use of the ultimate, it is necessary to constantly move (between shots) and control the area of ​​effect of each shot. If you do everything right and, for example, use the ultimate in combination with the speed bonus from Ambush, then you can shoot a group of enemies in a matter of seconds, who will not even have time to react.

Spell selection:

Instead of healing, Barrier or Cleanse spells can be used, but this is already a very situational choice and in most cases you can safely take healing.

The order of pumping skills:

The order of pumping skills in Twitch is very simple. At the beginning of the game, you should immediately max out the Contaminate ability, as this is our main weapon in the first half of the game. In the future, the skill is also used, of course, but it will be especially useful at the beginning. Be sure to immediately pump the rest of the skills to one, that is, disguise and a poisonous cloud. Secondly, in the vast majority of cases, the Ambush masking is maxed out. The fact is that increasing the level of the ability increases the bonus to attack speed when leaving stealth, and this is much more important than the stronger slow from Venom Cask. Ult is pumped as far as possible.

2 8 10 12 13
4 14 15 17 18
1 3 5 7 9
6 11 16


Selection of artifacts:

When you initially purchase for Twitch, it is best to buy a classic sword and health cans:

When you first return to the base, it is advisable to have a sufficient amount of gold with you to buy Berserker "s Greaves and BF Sword. In the future, BF Sword is improved in Infinity Edge. In addition to these two items, be sure to point out one more key artifact, namely Runaan" s Hurricane. In the remaining 3 inventory slots, items should already be bought depending on the situation. Most often, 2 artifacts are taken to increase the combat potential and 1 for defense (maybe a hybrid item for damage and protection). The selection of artifacts is quite large and there are plenty to choose from: Statikk Shiv, Phantom Dancer, The Bloodthirster, Lord Dominik's Regards, Mercurial Scimitar, The Black Cleaver, Duskblade of Draktharr Blade of the Ruined King, Maw of Malmortius and Guardian Angel.

As an example, several target assemblies for Twitch will be indicated below.

Option 1:

Option 2:



  • A challenging champion to master.
  • No instant escape skills.
  • Dependent on the actions of your team.
  • There are no hard control skills.
  • A small supply of health.

Let's take a look at a few supports that Twitch will be very comfortable with on the lane. It is important to understand that Twitch is somewhat passive in the first minutes of the game and it is not so easy for him to realize his potential. Of course, getting out of disguise with good control of an ally can play a decisive role, but this approach can not always bring results. If, for example, we consider the usual standing on the lane with a small change in health, then in this case it is best for Twitch to stand with some supports that have normal damage and are able to harass the enemy well. Examples include support mages: Zyra, Brand, Morgana, or Karma. Among the support tanks, the most interesting will be: Thresh, Leona, Blitzcrank and Alistar. Worst of all, Twitch is in lane with the classic supports (which heal or apply shields). Examples include Sona, Soraka, and Lulu. Let me remind you that in Twitch's arsenal there are no tough control skills and it is desirable that this deficiency be compensated for by the support.

Earlier, we mentioned that Twitch is not the best initial phase of the game on the lane. Simply put, the champion can be inferior in damage and aggression to some other heroes. Notable representatives of strong champions at the beginning of the game are: Draven, Caitlyn, Jinx, Miss Fortune, Vayne, Lucian and Kalista. Of course, you can play against such enemies, but Twitch will be under constant pressure and receive damage. Separately, I would like to highlight the hero Caitlyn. The fact is that Caitlin has a very good attack range, exceeding the range of Twitch and she will use this. If at the same time Caitlin will constantly occupy the nearest bushes, then standing on the line will turn into a real nightmare. Of course there are other heroes who can take advantage of the attack range, such as Tristana or Kog "Maw, but by playing, you will see that Caitlin is the most dangerous of all.

In the first minutes of the game, Twitch should not immediately run to the enemy and try to kill him. Study your opponent well and decide for yourself how you will play next. Start the game with farming and get at least one level of each skill, if there is a strong opponent against you and there are simply no chances for an attack. Although Twitch is already pumped at the first level with the Contaminate skill, there will most likely not be an opportunity to properly implement the poison, and it is certainly not worth spending mana in order, for example, to inflict damage with 1-2 charges of poison. If your support is determined to play aggressively and is looking for opportunities to attack in every possible way, then be sure to help him in this. But as mentioned above, first of all, you should finish off each minion and farm as well as possible. If opponents play passively, then you can try to get them to level 2 earlier and try to attack. For the bottom line, the difference of one level is very significant, especially when it comes to the first levels. With the help of his Contaminate skill and with the maximum passive stack, Twitch is able to inflict very high damage. To this skill, it is enough to add only the slowdown or unexpected appearance from disguise. In general, together with the support, you can very quickly take the initiative into your own hands and drive the enemy under the tower. If you succeed, then most likely it will be a winning game. If you give Twitch an advantage at the beginning, then later it will simply not be stopped. Even if at the very beginning of the game you did not particularly try to kill the enemy, then at level 4 you should already start trying to kill enemy champions. At this level, Twitch becomes very strong, since he has all the abilities and the second level of the Contaminate skill in his arsenal. Once you get the ultimate, you will be able to kill enemies at a very long distance. The use of the ultimate should always be effective, that is, you must be sure that you will hit at least one target. Ult does not recharge quickly and if you use it just like that, you will quickly lose all your advantage. When activated, Twitch's attack range becomes 850. No carry has such an attack range, so you have every chance to quickly and safely shoot multiple opponents at once.

On the 10th minute of the game, in a good scenario, Twitch should already break the first tower. Thus, you will open a free path for yourself to the Dragon. If, in addition to the tower, you managed to kill enemies on the bottom lane, then be sure to ask your forester for help and quickly kill the Dragon. A buff from this neutral will give your entire team a good advantage for the rest of the match. In the middle of the game, Twitch is a very good surprise attack champion. Even in a frontal attack due to the ultimate, Twitch can inflict huge total damage in a matter of seconds, while remaining at a safe distance. The most important thing is not to get carried away too much, because you absolutely cannot die. Ideally, if you never die in a fight, and this is quite real. All your attacks must be coordinated with allies, that is, you do not need to allow situations when you are running around the map alone and trying to kill someone. Yes, you have a disguise, but if the enemy noticed you earlier, then even that will not save you. Look at what artifacts your opponents are buying and react to it with reciprocal items. Make sure that your support is sure to buy wards and place them near the Dragon. You must constantly monitor the spawn location of this neutral and kill it at the first opportunity. Two or three Dragon kills will give you a very nice bonus that does not disappear even if you die.

In a protracted game, Twitch is one of the best damage dealers. This is due to his ult and good attack speed due to getting out of disguise. Good attack range reduces the risk of death to a minimum. The most important thing is that your allies are collected and move around the map together, choosing the right targets. Twitch is also good in that it is more or less easy for them to play in massive battles, that is, you do not need to somehow be tagged with skills. The most important thing is to hit well with a slowdown, jump out of disguise and, when the ultimate is on, shoot so that your shots pass through the maximum number of targets. Here's the correct shooting with the ult turned on, this is probably the most difficult thing to master. Remember that in Twitch's arsenal there are no escape skills and in any team battle you need to very competently find a position to attack. Consider all the skills of the enemy, especially those with the help of which enemy champions can quickly close the distance and control you. Ideally, during the battle, Twitch constantly attacks, but at the same time moves slowly. That is, between each attack you need to take a step in the right direction. This skill is, in principle, important for any carry hero, but in the case of Twitch, it should be learned right away. Be sure to keep monitoring the Dragon and Baron respawn location. Together with your team, you will kill these neutrals very quickly. For example, a buff from the Baron can greatly change the outcome of a battle, since it increases the combat potential of all your allies, and with the same number of artifacts, this will play a key role.

Overall, Twitch is a very interesting champion with an interesting set of skills. The style of play for Twitch is somewhat different from other damage dealers, so I can't say that it is easy for them to play. From the outside, it may seem that all the skills of the hero are very simple, but this simplicity is deceiving and the champion will certainly require some experience from you in the game.


25.01.2016 - Changed the main assembly of artifacts, distribution of talents and runes. Fixed some bugs and shortcomings.

League of Legends (LoL) - computer game genre MOBA, developed by the American company Riot Games for Windows and Mac OS X. Game process League of Legends is a 20-40 minute game where 2 teams of players control champions with unique sets of skills and try to destroy the enemy base "Nexus", located behind several lines of defense. Each player develops his champion, gaining levels, new spells, skills and acquiring various items.

League of Legends doesn't let you rest.

The game is a very popular e-sports discipline and in 2012 became the most popular PC game in North America and Europe, and in 2014 already exceeded 67 million unique users. Regularly represented in the "Championship Series" and "World Championship" competitions in North America, Europe, China, Korea, Asia. V different years prize fund world championships in the game ranged from $ 1 million (2013) to $ 2.3 million (2014 - 2015), which were watched by at least 31 million online viewers.

There is a trailer for the game League of Legends!

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