Children's pirate treasure map. Finding a treasure for children: working on a scenario. Lighter, rope and pencils

When Gleb was born, my mother bought a dacha. Since then, my main task in the summer, despite the undoubted benefits of clean air, is to appear there as little as possible. And now it must be the same, just now, at the end of the tenth summer, my friend discovered a wonderful way to spend time with her child in a dacha perfectly and usefully. Of course, this is a treasure hunt! In the role of treasure - chocolates.

Round one

Pre-planned and carefully prepared action. The task is to make three ten-year-olds strain their brains at least a little and throw out their energy, having plenty of running around the territory of the site.

How easy it is to hide a treasure / gift / surprise for children at their summer cottage

Preparation: you need internet, sheets of paper, camera, printer, plastic bags. Think in advance in what places you can hide the bags with tasks. It can be anywhere: the bag can be tucked under a stone, hung on some household gizmo, hidden in the leaves in the garden. Stop, although it is better not to hide it in the garden, otherwise you never know, precious crops may suffer, so it's better next to the garden. Take a picture of these places, print it on a printer, preferably in color, mark the location of the bag with the task with a cross and cut each photo like a jigsaw puzzle. Fold in a bag and hide. Come up with a couple more tasks for a change and everything is ready to search for the treasure.

It should be borne in mind that tasks for children should not be very difficult, children get tired and lose interest if something does not work out for a long time. But they shouldn't be completely elementary either. Because then they get upset, which is too easy.

Our game for three decades began with a puzzle about a refrigerator.

Admire, look -
North pole inside!
Snow and ice are sparkling there
Winter itself lives there.
Forever us this winter
Brought from the store.

In the refrigerator lay a bag with a drawn plan of the site, on which a certain place was marked with a cross.

In which, or rather on which, because it was some kind of structure, the next bag hung. It contained a puzzle (a cut photo of the fence) and a note:





By the fence, they found a bag containing the following task:





And you can believe me that even the adults quickly failed to name five of these plants. And the children were able to do this only with a hint. Yes, yes, hints are allowed! Although the question is, should carrots be considered a plant?

At this stage, after the named plants, we ourselves gave the children the following puzzle. He led them to the other end of the site. And again a puzzle ...

I had to return to it and still collect it. Because before that, as soon as one of the children found a piece of paper with a cross (and the cross, as you remember, we indicate the location of the note with the task), he yelled: “AAA! I know this place ”and everyone ran after him in a friendly herd. And then, not immediately guessing the place, they had to return, find the abandoned puzzle pieces and finally assemble it. After a long search, a packet with the last task - encryption was found under the tree.



The decoded message read: find the gazebo. stand facing the entrance. turn left. walk by the steps. find the task.

The difficulty was that it was necessary to read the number from above - “20” instead of the letter “U”. We meant take 20 steps. But before that, no one guessed. Maybe it was necessary to remove the box under this number. May be. But after long hints, throwing, I had to tell and the children did find a treasure near the garden with beets! And they offered to hold for adults ...

Round two

And, indeed, after some time they called us and handed us a crumpled piece of paper on which a black and white fly agaric was drawn. It was definitely a fly agaric, so big, with circles on the hat. Experienced parents took into account the psychology of their children and went to look for just some kind of mushroom. To do this, they dispersed across the site and wandered for a long time in search of mushrooms (there were many of them, but there were no pieces of paper next to them), until they asked at least to indicate the direction of the search. And lo and behold, a mushroom, and a note near it, was found. Moreover, it was the most unremarkable mushroom, before that there were even better mushrooms.

The note had the following task: to name the heroes of 10 modern TV series. It was easier with the heroes than with mimosas, poppies and carrots. And then it turned out that the children forgot to prepare the following note for us. So they just took us to the garage and vaguely said that it was hidden somewhere here. The bottom of the car was thoroughly examined, all the parts of the bicycles were twisted, there were threats, blackmail and affectionate flirting from the mothers, but the children were like flint and did not prompt. Finally, the note showed up ... and it's ingenious, I think, under the wheel of a bicycle. For some reason, it never occurred to us to simply move the bicycles.

The note contained the words: door, tree, grass, well, swing... They had to be found in a crossword puzzle and run to look for the next task in a place that would combine a door, a tree, grass, a well, a swing.

Children, remember, when you arrange something for the parents, try to keep the tasks simpler. Because parents, when something doesn't work out for a long time, they lose interest and get tired.

Finally, indeed, near the door, the well, and somewhere in the distance, standing swing, was found a note with the game of the gallows.

The word "apples" was solved in a minute and everyone rushed to study the area in the area of ​​apple trees. Where the three-part complex note was found. On one it was written: look for something round, on the second a house without windows was drawn, on the third there was a keyhole and a question mark. And I will not torment you with the details of the search, I will immediately say what all this meant, and you will understand that “the West is the West. East is East ”. They will never understand each other.

Something round - it was a ball, it turned out to be the very object we were looking for. We had to understand this from the drawing with the lock. Because it meant that the riddle had been solved, the code had been cracked, the secret had been revealed. The house, by the way, symbolized the greenhouse.

As they say, no comment.

And what do you think, restless children again demanded from us one more game ...

Third round

“Please, please, we don’t need any gifts,” these destroyers of parental peace whined. "We would just have tasks, but only more difficult !!!"

Aha, now! Exhausted by the long search for something round, the parent's organism could only get on the Internet and find several riddles on household and garden topics.

So how to quickly prepare a treasure hunt in 5 minutes? You will need: internet, paper and a pen.

We tensed and identified several places and objects in the house and in the area where the note could be hidden. These were: a stove, an apple, a swing, and a beet. All these objects, except for the stove, have already appeared in previous tasks. But there was no longer enough strength for more.

Riddle about the stove:

There is a brick hut
Sometimes it is cold, sometimes it is hot.

The riddle about the apple was hidden in the stove. We vindictively recalled the ball and the bicycle and slipped the note under the apple on the porch. And then for a long time we watched with pleasure as the children carefully examine the apple trees.

Round, ruddy,
I grow on a branch;
Adults love me
And little kids.

Under the apple lay the puzzle about the swing.

) card and print it. This is what the original map file looks like.

I do not recommend printing the map in A4 format, but printing it a little larger (at least one and a half A4 sheets), then each part of the map will be large enough. Here is such a map I got (one and a half A4 sheets)

As you can see, the map is filled with different places such as "Storm Island" or "Dead Man's Cove", it also contains icons of guns, rum, jolly roger flag, anchor, black mark, cross, steering wheel and chest. This is done in the same way so that in the quest you can refer to the map and you will need to find out, for example, "the number of guns in the Fort of Hope" or "find out the number of chests in Mount Flint."

The middle of the map is empty, this is done so that in this middle, if you want, you can sketch a plan of the area or apartment with a designated place where the gift is hidden. In our case, this place will be empty.

This is how the card began to look after I slightly burned it around the edges. Be careful not to get carried away and do not burn a hole in the map, like mine :) But since there are no vital places on the map in this place, I left it and did not begin to redo the map.

First, I drew a plan of our apartment on the map, but then I abandoned the idea of ​​using it in the quest, but I left the plan just in case, it did not interfere with the quest.

This is how the map looks after dividing it into several parts. It is important that on the first part of the map there is a complete (not cut) island of the damned, tk. we will need to see it in the second task. Unfortunately, I touched it a little, but the icons did not suffer much and their full number can be easily determined.

Now we will give the map an ancient look and make it very old. To do this, we will soak our map in tea and dry it.

Soak our map.

After about 2 hours, I pulled out the parts of the map and put them on sheets for drying.

This is what we end up with

Vintage pirate map easy to create with your own hands. Children from the age of four will be able to help you in making it. And children 7-8 years old or older can draw it on their own. Such a drawing can become an element of the design of a children's room, serve as an accessory for a children's thematic day birth or playing pirates or searching for treasure. Children like these "old" things, especially boys. By the way, the method of "aging" paper can be useful in many other cases. For example, on such paper you can write a greeting card or make a vintage album.
How to make an old pirate map with your own hands
Take thick Whatman paper, moisten it with water using a cosmetic cotton pad. Then we take ground coffee and put it on paper. Can be lightly smudged with your hand to evenly cover the entire sheet. We get just such a "beauty". Even the smallest children will take part in this creative process with pleasure!
Let's wait for the coffee to dry and shake it off the paper. The most impatient can use a hairdryer to dry. Repeat the same on the other side of the paper. We get such a sheet.
We "aged" the paper and got the basis for an old pirate map.
You can also age the paper with tea. To do this, you need to brew strong tea, wait until it cools down, crumple the paper and place it in a vessel with tea for 20-30 minutes. Then take out the paper, dry it and smooth it with an iron.
To make it clear that our pirate map is really old, we will cut the edges of the map unevenly with scissors. This work can also be entrusted to the little ones - perhaps they will get even more picturesque than yours!
To add flavor, the edges of the card can be burned on a candle. This is an optional procedure. And, of course, only adults should do it!
So, with our own hands we have created a "parchment" for an old pirate map. Now you need to fill it with content. Let's draw a sketch, then transfer it to the map with a simple pencil. The most convenient way to glaze the picture is to put it on the window in the light and circle the lines. Draw thin and precise lines, as it is not recommended to use an eraser on our "parchment"!
You can trace the drawing with felt-tip pens in brown, orange, red shades.
Our map lacks only the wax seal. Best suited for imitation of such a print is self-rejecting polymer clay (terracotta color). If there is no clay, then, of course, you can take ordinary plasticine. But such a seal will be fragile. To extend the lifespan of your plasticine print, cover it with a thin layer of nail polish.
Take clay or plasticine, roll up two balls and flatten them into cakes. Put a rope on one cake, stick the second on top. Let's press. Now let's take some embossed decoration (or wine cork) and attach it to our seal so that an imprint remains.
Another option is to make a print from paper and cardboard. Cut out two print parts from red cardboard (or cardboard and paper) and glue them together with a rope in the middle. Any drawings and inscriptions can be applied to paper "printing".
Our old do-it-yourself pirate map is ready! You can start the game. Happy sailing!

The son at school was given interesting task- make a treasure map. Now I will tell you how we did it and what we got.

To make our map look like an ancient one, we decided to age the paper. Here's how to do it. You need to brew strong tea, about 4-5 teaspoons per half liter jar. Cover and let sit until cool.

Then wrinkle the A4 sheet, making a lump. Put it in a jar with tea leaves for 20 - 30 minutes, then fish it out and carefully spread it out on a tray. Let the paper dry and iron with an iron.

Then I cut off the edges of the leaf to create a torn edge effect.

Well, they also burned it over a candle. A little - a little smoked. It turned out very believable.

Then they drew a map with a simple pencil, and then painted it with a brown pencil.

After that we made a pirate seal.

To do this, take brown plasticine, textured bottle cork, string, transparent nail polish. From plasticine you need to form a pancake and "stick" a rope into it, squeeze a drawing on the plasticine with a cork.

Then cover our seal with varnish and let it dry well.

The result is a real old pirate treasure map.

I recently found a website on the Internet DrQuest.rf, where they offer a very interesting scenario for a birthday or a party for children on the theme of pirates and treasure hunt. This is an exciting quest for children with riddles and puzzles. The pirate map is divided into parts, and in order to find each part, you need to complete a specific task. Children get acquainted with Morse code, sea knots, types of ships, etc. Look - very interesting. Here's a link ... And Jack Sparrow himself gives the tasks to the guys :)! Sample video:

In modern culture, no canonical image of a pirate is complete without such an attribute as a treasure map. It is thanks to their wealth that pirates have received a fair share of their popularity. A free sea wolf, who has been in the very hell and has borrowed hundreds or thousands of gold coins, secretly hiding them on one of the islands of the archipelago, simply cannot but arouse interest... And it doesn't matter that most of these stories about treasures are just a myth, because even a well-thought-out invention presented on the pages of a book can win the hearts of many readers, Stevenson, one of the first to mention a treasure map in his work, is a vivid example of this.

Place marked with a cross on maps

Pirate maps with a cross marked where the treasure is buried is one of the most famous pirate attributes, but it is a complete fiction, the invention of which would be indebted to Robert Louis Stevenson and his. His stepson, Lloyd Osborne, wrote: “Armed with paints, I painted the island that I had painted before. Stevenson walked in as I was finishing, and with genuine interest and love for everything I did, he leaned over my shoulder. Soon he was already working on the individual details of the map and giving them names. I will never forget the excitement that gripped me when the skeleton of the Skeletons, the Spyglass hill appeared on it, and the delight that squeezed my heart when three red crosses were inscribed one after another! But I experienced even greater delight when he wrote “Treasure Island” in the upper right corner. What a fairy tale it will be! " - I exclaimed. " Over the next three days, Stevenson wrote the first chapters of this work, which became a classic of the pirate novel.

Pirate Treasure Chests

The treasure chest present in all pirate novels is just a tribute to the legends.... Yes, the pirates came across jewelry, but mostly the loot was much more prosaic. Pirates usually took away what they could eat, drink, or sell quickly. Among other treasures valued by pirates were good clothes, spices, cotton bales, corned beef, weapons, ropes, slaves. All this, of course, could not be hidden in a chest and buried in reserve.