Fallout 4 can't open easy lock. Video card bug fixes

Many players with square and 21:9 aspect ratio monitors have seen this lock bug. When picking the lock, the hairpin and screwdriver are not displayed, while the lock itself can still be rotated and perform all the usual actions. Many were baffled by this. How to play? How to break open doors and chests in which the desired stimulants, ammunition and drugs are hidden? We also did a test run of Fallout 4 on a square monitor that we found somewhere in the bowels of our warehouse, and what do you think? Also faced the same problem! The castle is not displayed, for the life of me! So many things we just did not try to fix this invisible lock. But after a number of fruitless attempts, we still made this bug disappear when the game does not show the castle.

So, what to do if when breaking locks you can’t see a hairpin and a screwdriver? Here's your solution. And not even one, but two:

First, let's try to fix the problem with handles. For monitors with a non-standard aspect ratio, go to the following address:

"My Documents\My games\Fallout4"

We need a Fallout4Prefs.ini file. We are looking for the following lines:

iSize H=

And after the symbol "=" we set the resolution we need (W - width, H - height). For example like this:

ISize W=2560
iSize H=1080

The problem should be gone.

Now for the square monitors. Here the problem is that at the standard resolution of the game, the picture is too stretched (this, by the way, leads to incorrect display of the interface power armor). We need to force the game to run in widescreen. If your computer is not strong enough for such adventures, you can leave the 720p mode - the game will stretch out, but the interface should remain normal. Through much trial and error, we found that the best resolution for square monitors would be 1280x800. And here's how to achieve it:

  • Go to Nvidia control panel>Display>Adjust desktop size and position
  • There you should probably see something like Do not scale
  • Choose Perform scaling on GPU and tick the box Overriding the scaling mode set for games and applications
  • Ready! You are gorgeous!

If the previous solution is too complicated for you or for some unknown reason does not work. Then you can try to download a special mod from our website. After downloading you will find detailed instructions installation instructions in the ReadMe file. Empirically, we have established that all methods should work equally effectively, so which one to choose is up to you.

We will keep an eye out for new solutions to all new bugs in Fallout 4 and add them to our site promptly. If you encounter any problem, feel free to contact our moderators for advice or leave a topic on the form. Good luck in the Wasteland!

Many players are facing the same problem in Fallout game 4: the lock and hairpin are not visible when breaking. This is a rather unpleasant situation, because if you do not open some doors, then it is impossible to continue the adventure. This little guide will tell you how to fix this error.

How it works?

Before we figure out why the lock and hairpin are not visible in Fallout 4, let's remember how hacking works in the game. Opening the lock for an experienced player has always been an easy task. Especially if you pump the skill "Locksmith". For hacking, you must have at least one master key, which can be found both at merchants and when searching different boxes. Now let's get to the hack itself. The essence of this mini-game is simple - you need to correctly select the position of the master key with the mouse, and use the A and D keys to turn the screwdriver. If everything is done correctly, then the lock starts to scroll. If he does not move and the hairpin begins to tremble, then its position was chosen incorrectly. Move it a little to the left or right until you find the right position. The closer you get to the correct position of the stud, the more the screwdriver will turn. At the same time, remember that with strong pressure, the master key can be broken. So be careful.

Since the whole hacking process must take place before your eyes, it is impossible to open the lock if the lock and the hairpin are not visible. Learn how to fix this issue below.

Game settings

The easiest way is to go to the game configuration. Here you need to fix the screen resolution. The best option would be 1280x800. In this case, it is also necessary to set the aspect ratio to 16 to 9. The quality of the image from this, of course, will deteriorate significantly. But you can complete the hack mission on these settings, and then continue the game at a different resolution.

Known solutions if you can not see the castle in Fallout 4

If changing the resolution in the game did not help, then you can try to fix the problem by changing the configuration settings. To do this, owners of non-standard monitors need to open the My Documents folder. Now go to the My games section and open the Fallout 4 section. Next, find a file here called Fallout4Prefs.ini. Look for these lines here:

  • iSizeW=;
  • iSize H=.

Now you need to enter the desired resolution after the “=” symbol, where W is the monitor width parameters, H is the height. After these steps, the problem in Fallout 4 (the lock and the hairpin are not visible) should disappear.

Video card bug fixes

Further in our review, we will tell you how to get out of this situation for owners of square monitors. In this case, the problem is that the picture is too stretched at the standard screen resolution. In addition, this error is also reflected in the incorrect display of power armor. You will need to make sure that the game runs in widescreen resolution. The best solution would be to set 1280x800.
How to do it? Go to "Control Panel" and find nvidia settings. Now find the file "Display" and in it the folder "Size Adjustment". Most likely, there you will find the entry "Do not scale." Now you need to scale by selecting "format" and put a confirmation in the "Replacement" column. After such actions, the problem (with the fact that the lock and hairpin are not visible in Fallout 4) should be resolved.

Fixes for the game

If the previous methods did not help you or you do not want to dig into the system for any reason, then special fixes or mods will help fix the problem. But keep in mind that you need to download such content only from trusted sites. Otherwise, your problem is why the lock and hairpin of Fallout 4 are not visible, and fixing it can result in big trouble. This concludes our review on how to fix some hacking issues in the game, and we hope you found our tips useful.

The problem most often occurs on monitors with a non-standard or outdated resolution. In most cases, 4:3 square screens suffer. Unfortunately, Fallout 4 is not designed for such a resolution, which ultimately leads to such a nuisance.

What to do if the lock is not visible when breaking

The first step is to update Fallout 4 to latest version. It is likely that a fix for this problem has already been released by the official developers, and the need for dancing with a tambourine has disappeared. If the problem persists, you will have to refine yourself. What can help in the case when the lockpicking interface is not visible?

Change in settings

Sometimes a banal transition from first person to third and vice versa helps to return the castle. But this is a rare situation. Often the problem lies elsewhere, and such a “face change” will not solve it. Did not help? Then we move on to the next step.

Try to bring the game screen resolution as close as possible to the resolution of the monitor itself. This option helps to return the lock in most cases. For example, if the monitor has a resolution of 1280x1024, then 1280x800 will be the closest. With this value, everything should start and work correctly, displaying the castle as expected, although the FPS will drop a little. A small minus - with a high degree of probability, Fallout 4 will go in windowed mode.

Modifying game files

If the castle is displayed incorrectly, you will have to change the Fallout 4 files. To do this, we need to find the fallout4.ini file. It is located in the Documents folder. Let's say it lies along the following path: Documents - My Games - Fallout4. We find it there and open it with Notepad. You will have to make a few changes to get everything working properly on a square monitor.

After opening the file, press CTRL+F and type . There is a necessary section in the document, under which you need to put three lines with the following content:




Then we find the section in the same way. It contains the line sResourceDataDirsFinal=STRINGS\. To it must be added a comma and the word INTERFACE\. The result should look like this:

sResourceDataDirsFinal=STRINGS\, INTERFACE\

Guides and guides

How it works?

Before we figure out why the lock and hairpin are not visible in Fallout 4, let's remember how hacking works in the game. Opening the lock for an experienced player has always been an easy task. Especially if you pump the skill "Locksmith". For hacking, you must have at least one master key, which can be found both at merchants and when searching different boxes. Now let's get to the hack itself. The essence of this mini-game is simple - you need to correctly select the position of the master key with the mouse, and use the A and D keys to turn the screwdriver. If everything is done correctly, then the lock starts to scroll. If he does not move and the hairpin begins to tremble, then its position was chosen incorrectly. Move it a little to the left or right until you find the right position. The closer you get to the correct position of the stud, the more the screwdriver will turn. At the same time, remember that with strong pressure, the master key can be broken. So be careful.

Since the whole hacking process must take place before your eyes, it is impossible to open the lock if the lock and the hairpin are not visible. Learn how to fix this issue below.

Game settings

The easiest way is to go to the game configuration. Here you need to fix the screen resolution. The best option would be 1280×800. In this case, it is also necessary to set the aspect ratio to 16 to 9. The quality of the image from this, of course, will deteriorate significantly. But you can complete the hack mission on these settings, and then continue the game at a different resolution.

Known solutions if you can not see the castle in Fallout 4

If changing the resolution in the game did not help, then you can try to fix the problem by changing the configuration settings. To do this, owners of non-standard monitors need to open the My Documents folder. Now go to the My games section and open the Fallout 4 section. Next, find a file here called Fallout4Prefs.ini. Look for these lines here:

  • iSizeW=;
  • iSize H=.

Now you need to enter the desired resolution after the “=” symbol, where W is the monitor width parameters, H is the height. After these steps, the problem in Fallout 4 (the lock and the hairpin are not visible) should disappear.

Video card bug fixes

Further in our review, we will tell you how to get out of this situation for owners of square monitors. In this case, the problem is that the picture is too stretched at the standard screen resolution. In addition, this error is also reflected in the incorrect display of power armor. You will need to make sure that the game runs in widescreen resolution. The best solution would be to put 1280x800.

How to do it? Go to "Control Panel" and find Nvidia settings. Now find the file "Display" and in it the folder "Size Adjustment". Most likely, there you will find the entry "Do not scale." Now you need to scale by selecting "format" and put a confirmation in the "Replacement" column. After such actions, the problem (with the fact that the lock and hairpin are not visible in Fallout 4) should be resolved.

Fixes for the game

If the previous methods did not help you or you do not want to dig into the system for any reason, then special fixes or mods will help fix the problem. But keep in mind that you need to download such content only from trusted sites. Otherwise, your problem is why the lock and hairpin of Fallout 4 are not visible, and fixing it can result in big trouble. This concludes our review on how to fix some hacking issues in the game, and we hope you found our tips useful.

The game often has nasty bugs. And the situation when in Fallout 4 the lock is not visible at the opening is not uncommon. Often it is found on square monitors. But it can appear on any PC. What to do in this case and how to solve the problem by returning the lock?

Why the castle may not be visible in Fallout 4

The problem most often occurs on monitors with a non-standard or outdated resolution. In most cases, 4:3 square screens suffer. Unfortunately, Fallout 4 is not designed for such a resolution, which ultimately leads to such a nuisance.

What to do if the lock is not visible when breaking

The first step is to update Fallout 4 to the latest version. It is likely that a fix for this problem has already been released by the official developers, and the need for dancing with a tambourine has disappeared. If the problem persists, you will have to refine yourself. What can help in the case when the lockpicking interface is not visible?

Change in settings

Sometimes a banal transition from first person to third and vice versa helps to return the castle. But this is a rare situation. Often the problem lies elsewhere, and such a “face change” will not solve it. Did not help? Then we move on to the next step.

Try to bring the game screen resolution as close as possible to the resolution of the monitor itself. This option helps to return the lock in most cases. For example, if the monitor has a resolution of 1280x1024, then 1280x800 will be the closest. With this value, everything should start and work correctly, displaying the castle as expected, although the FPS will drop a little. A small minus - with a high degree of probability, Fallout 4 will go in windowed mode.

Modifying game files

If the castle is displayed incorrectly, you will have to change the Fallout 4 files. To do this, we need to find the fallout4.ini file. It is located in the Documents folder. Let's say it lies along the following path: Documents - My Games - Fallout4. We find it there and open it with Notepad. You will have to make a few changes to get everything working properly on a square monitor.

After opening the file, press CTRL+F and type . There is a necessary section in the document, under which you need to put three lines with the following content:




Then we find the section in the same way. It contains the line sResourceDataDirsFinal=STRINGS\. To it must be added a comma and the word INTERFACE\. The result should be like this.

Many players are faced with one problem in the game Fallout 4: the lock and hairpin are not visible when breaking. This is a rather unpleasant situation, because if you do not open some doors, then it is impossible to continue the adventure. This little guide will tell you how to fix this error.

How it works?

Before we figure out why the lock and hairpin are not visible in Fallout 4, let's remember how hacking works in the game. Opening the lock for an experienced player has always been an easy task. Especially if you pump the skill "Locksmith". For hacking, you must have at least one master key, which can be found both at merchants and when searching different boxes. Now let's get to the hack itself. The essence of this mini-game is simple - you need to correctly select the position of the master key with the mouse, and use the A and D keys to turn the screwdriver. If everything is done correctly, then the lock starts to scroll. If he does not move and the hairpin begins to tremble, then its position was chosen incorrectly. Move it a little to the left or right until you find the right position. The closer you get to the correct position of the stud, the more the screwdriver will turn. At the same time, remember that with strong pressure, the master key can be broken. So be careful.

Since the whole hacking process must take place before your eyes, it is impossible to open the lock if the lock and the hairpin are not visible. Learn how to fix this issue below.

Game settings

The easiest way is to go to the game configuration. Here you need to fix the screen resolution. The best option would be 1280x800. In this case, it is also necessary to set the aspect ratio to 16 to 9. The quality of the image from this, of course, will deteriorate significantly. But you can complete the hack mission on these settings, and then continue the game at a different resolution.

Known solutions if you can not see the castle in Fallout 4

If changing the resolution in the game did not help, then you can try to fix the problem by changing the configuration settings. To do this, owners of non-standard monitors need to open the My Documents folder. Now go to the My games section and open the Fallout 4 section. Next, find a file here called Fallout4Prefs.ini. Look for these lines here:

  • iSizeW=;
  • iSize H=.

Now you need to enter the desired resolution after the “=” symbol, where W is the monitor width parameters, H is the height. After these steps, the problem in Fallout 4 (the lock and the hairpin are not visible) should disappear.

Video card bug fixes

Further in our review, we will tell you how to get out of this situation for owners of square monitors. In this case, the problem is that the picture is too stretched at the standard screen resolution. In addition, this error is also reflected in the incorrect display. You will need to make sure that the game starts in widescreen resolution. The best solution would be to set 1280x800.

How to do it? Go to "Control Panel" and find Nvidia settings. Now find the file "Display" and in it the folder "Size Adjustment". Most likely, there you will find the entry "Do not scale." Now you need to scale by selecting "format" and put a confirmation in the "Replacement" column. After such actions, the problem (with the fact that the lock and hairpin are not visible in Fallout 4) should be resolved.

Fixes for the game

If the previous methods did not help you or you do not want to dig into the system for any reason, then special fixes or mods will help fix the problem. But keep in mind that you need to download such content only from trusted sites. Otherwise, your problem is why the lock and hairpin of Fallout 4 are not visible, and fixing it can result in big trouble. This concludes our review on how to fix some hacking issues in the game, and we hope you found our tips useful.