Fallout 4 game Launches RaptR Software Removal Software

Problems with optimization in modern gamesah is the norm. And not because the lazy developers sometimes come across, bad testers or greedy publishers. The fact is that the graphic components and the technical capabilities far moved far. Therefore, it is not surprising that there are problems when entering the game or throws out on the desktop, or it hangs at the time of the game.

2 - another one helpful advice: Choose your own and (if, of course, something works out of it). This advice is written for the reason that some this advice helps while running Steam.

3 - if nothing helped, then try to start the game in window modeAfter setting the settings before starting the game.

4 - If you have nothing helped at all, then we recommend restarting your "iron". After that, you install on the new and install earlier drivers - that is, in September and October. After these frauds, you launch the game, but with reduced settings and window mode.

Flies in the download process in Fallout 4

1 - While there is one only advice in this case. So, first, make sure that you do not, and. If something is turned on - turn off. In any case, you will need to still verify the cache of the game and only after that, try to run again.

Fallout 4 crashes on AMD video card

1 - Again there is one only advice in this case. To overcome this problem, you will have to roll back to an earlier version of the full drivers and make sure that you verified the files that are related to the Steam service.

Increased frame frequency Fallout 4 on a video card from NVIDIA

1 - First you need to put the latest drivers on your "iron". After installation, you must turn off and more. After that, you run the game.

Decision of bug with rooted mouse in Fallout 4

We open a friendly file that is in the game daddy. Next, we find the value and set the value. Now sending to search, where we put the value. Keep, come in the game and check!

Fallout 4 hangs

1 - First of all, make sure that your PC configuration is suitable for the fact that it was indicated by the developers. You can make sure.

2 - If you are the noble owner of the pirate version, then the whole thing in the pirate version, wait for updates, patches.

3 - If you are a noble owner licensed version In Steam, then to start it time to verify the game files, put the latest drivers, restart, of course, your "iron" and make a new installation of the game. Moreover, be careful because you will have to make sure that Steam gives the remaining part of the files to the game.

Remove frame frequency limit in Fallout 4

Sometimes it happens. If you really have a frame limit with V-SYNC, then to begin with the window mode. Next, open in the folder with the game file called "Fallout4Prefs.ini". Find there the "iPresentInterval" line and change the value to "1". Now come to the game and check.

Fallout 4 disk recording error appears

1 - Make sure that there is enough space for the game on your hard disk.

How to run Fallout 4 in custom resolution?

So, you need to set the following values: ,.

After that, the same actions you have to do in the 2nd file "Fallout4Prefs.ini", which is already located in the folder with Steam`

How to improve performance and improve graphics in Fallout 4

Before you go to setting up graphics in, you will first go to the following address :. Now find the file and make it backup. After that, it's time to open the original using a notepad. Attention: Now you will simply specify the value of the characteristics to change them, so in the game. Remember that after you change the settings in this file, the file will be overwritten and all manual settings Abruptly disappear.

Setting the visibility of characters

This option will be responsible for the distance on which you will see characters, monsters, animals and other creatures. Depending on what you have "iron", settings can be either insignificant or medium. In this option, the value is routed from 0 and to 15. 15 is ultra quality from ultra qualities. Enter need to do after the icon. The desired string is called. Act.

Setting effects on characters

This option is so insignificant that it can be put on ultra quality and after that, not even worry. This option will not affect the performance of your game. Here is an example:

1 - UmaxDecals \u003d [Ultra Settings - 1000]

2 - umaxskindecals \u003d [Ultra Settings - 100]

3 - umaxskindecalsperator \u003d [ultra settings - 40]

Setting objects of objects at a distance

In this option, the higher the value will be, the farthers will be drawn on models. In addition, this option will have a huge impact on the performance of your game. Some places can even take up to 50% of the frequency. So with this option, be extremely attentive. In addition, this setting includes a couple of characteristics. You have to have a little experiment that you know what exactly is suitable for your Iron:

1 - FTreeLoaddistance \u003d [Ultra Settings - 75000.0000]

2 - fblockmaximumdistance \u003d [ultra settings - 250000.0000]

3 - fblocklevel2distance \u003d [ultra settings - 110000.0000]

4 - fblocklevel1distance \u003d [ultra settings- 90000.0000]

5 - fblocklevel0distance \u003d [ultra settings - 60000.0000]

Setting light effects

This effect affects the light, which passes through a dense medium, thereby creating analogue of light columns:

1 - GR ON / OFF

2 - GR quality 0/1/2/3

3 - GR Scale [digit]

4 - GR fog 0/1

5 - GR Fog Color R / G / B

6 - GR info

7 - GR 64 [here it is better to leave either 64 or 128, but note that this option lowers the frame rate]

Setting the distance of grass

In this option, you can either reduce the amount of grass or boost. If you are going to downgrade, repel from the very much. Maximum value - 14000 points. Here options:

1 - FgrassStartFadedistance \u003d [Ultra Settings - 7000, Mega-Ultra Settings - 14000]

2 - FgrassmaxStartFadedistance \u003d [Ultra Settings - 7000, Mega-Ultra Settings - 14000]

Setting the distance of things

This option does not affect performance so much, so I recommend putting it to a maximum. The option looks like this:

1 - FLODFADEOUTMULTITEMS \u003d [Ultra Settings - 15]

Setting the distance of objects

This option applies almost to everything that is in the game. So the decline in this option increases productivity, and increase productivity - improves quality. If you want to make a picture of much rich and richer - boldly increase. The option that is responsible for this is this:

1 - FLODFADEOUTMULTOBJECTS \u003d [Ultra Settings - 15]

Particle setting

This option is responsible for a variety of explosions, smoke, lights and more in this spirit. If you hope that putting this option, the picture will look beautiful - you are deeply mistaken. But the downgrade will increase productivity:

1 - ImaxDesired \u003d [Ultra Settings - 750]

Adjusting the distance of the Shadow

This option is responsible for the maximum distance on which the shadows will be displayed in the game. If you are not a happy owner of the top iron, then it is better to set the value to 17,000. In any case, here are the options, experiment:

1 - FShadowDistance \u003d [Ultra Settings - 20000.0000]

2 - fdirshadowdistance \u003d [ultra settings - 20000.0000]

Setting the quality of shadows

1 - IShadowMapResolution \u003d

Water tuning

As you could have noticed - the water is not too beautiful. For that, you can make it so that it does not reduce the frame rate. To do this, set the settings with on. Do not be afraid, and boldly expose all values \u200b\u200bon. Options look like this:

1 - BuseWaterDisplacements \u003d

2 - BuseWaterRefractions \u003d

3 - BuseWaterReflections \u003d

Yesterday, the most expected game of the year was released - Fallout 4. On the first day on Online in Steam, she already broke the record GTA V, and the number of players continues to grow. And this means that more and more gamers are faced with various problems: Bugs, difficulty when starting, departures and so on. In this article you can find the solution of the most common problems with Fallout 4 on computers.

1. In Fallout 4 lags mouse, bug with mouse acceleration

  • Open the file Fallout4Prefs.ini, which is located in C: \\ Users \\ Your_In the user \\ Documents \\ My Games \\ Fallout4
  • Find the iPresentInterVal parameter and change the value to 0 - it will be possible iPresentInterVal \u003d 0
  • Also, the BFORCEIGNORESSMOOTHNESS parameter is to change to 1 - as a result of bForceignoresmootness \u003d 1
  • The Fallout4.ini file also change the iPresentInterVal to 0 - iPresentInterVal \u003d 0
2. Fallout 4 lags, slows down

Make sure you have a fresh video driver from AMD or NVIDIA (depending on the video card). Also confuses the closure of all background applications for liberation random access memory (Suddenly you have launched Skype, torrenting the browser).

3. Fallout 4 crashes on startup, freezes when starting

  • Install the latest NVIDIA or AMD drivers (depending on the video card). By the way, NVIDIA has released special drivers under Fallout.
  • Disconnect VPN and antivirus if you work.
  • Restart the computer. Run the game in the window mode by setting the settings before starting.
  • Reinstall DirectX 11.
4. Not correctly displayed Fallout 4, how to run Fallout 4 on a PC with an old monitor 4: 3

Find the Fallout4Prefs.ini file on the way C: \\ Users \\ your__ser_ user \\ Documents \\ My Games \\ Fallout4
We change the following parameters:
In window mode:
BMaximizewindow \u003d 1.
Borderless \u003d 1.
ISIZE H \u003d XXXX (screen height)
isize w \u003d yyyy (screen width)
In full screen mode:
BMaximizewindow \u003d 0.
Borderless \u003d 0.
BFULL SCREEN \u003d 1< - включает полноэкранный режим!
ISIZE W \u003d Yyyy

5. Fallout 4 flies on the desktop when loading, freezes when loading

  • Check if you are running an antivirus or a program to record disks.
  • Check the cache game for integrity.
6. Fallout 4 flies on the desktop at startup. Error xaudio2_7.dll module
  • In the STEAM library, right-click on Fallout 4 and select "Beta version", then select a new patch.
7. Fallout 4 crashes on AMD video card
  • Try installing earlier video card drivers.
  • Check (verify) Kesh game.
8. Fallout 4 slows down, FPS falls on NVIDIA video cards
  • Update the drivers if not yet updated.
  • Try disable NVIDIA Streamer and GeForce Experience.
9. In Fallout 4 problems with running in 4K UHD resolution
  • Locate the Fallout4Prefs.ini file on the way C: \\ users \\ your__ser_ser \\ Documents \\ My Games \\ Fallout4
  • Replace ISize stiffs in it H \u003d 2160 and ISIZE W \u003d 4096
10. Fallout 4 hangs, hangs
  • Perhaps you have a weak computer for this game or you pirate version.
  • Check the functions of the integrity game (verify the cache) if you have a game in Steam.
  • Try to reinstall the game may not have any files.
  • Update drivers.
11. How to change the FOV review angle in Fallout 4?

XX - FOV value (up to 90)
Find Fallout4.ini on the way C: \\ Users \\ Your_In the user \\ Documents \\ My Games \\ Fallout4
In the section add strings
FDEFAULTWORLDFOV \u003d XX (3 person)
FDEFAULT1StPersonfov \u003d XX (1 person)
Then in the Fallout4_Default.ini file in the Display section
FDEFAULT1StPersonfov \u003d yY.
Also, if you have Steam version, in the SteamApps \\ Common \\ Fallout 4 \\ Fallout4 folder, open Fallout4Prefs.ini and add to the Display section
FDEFAULT1StPersonfov \u003d yY.

12. How to remove frame frequency limit in Fallout 4 or how to disable vertical synchronization

  • Find the Fallout4Prefs.ini file on the way C: \\ Users \\ your__ser_ user \\ Documents \\ My Games \\ Fallout4
  • Exhibit ipresentinterval \u003d 1
To disable vertical sync, set iPresentInterval \u003d 0

Gaming laptop Lenovo Y50
OS: Windows 8.1 x64
processor: Intel Core i7 4710HQ 2.50 GHZ
video card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 860M

I create a topic in the hope that at least someone will help, because my story is full of pain. If briefly, I made it with a poor laptop such that he will not forget for a long time.

Long Story (if this section seems too long and boring you, still do not pass by, because below there are useful tips):

I have a powerful gaming laptop Lenovo Y50. Characteristics correspond to the recommended for the game, so when the game does not start, for me it was a shock.
What exactly I did wrong. When starting Launcher program I gave me a message that now will determine the characteristics of my laptop and select the graphics parameters recommended for it. But I have a cool gaming laptop! Therefore, I, spitting on the default, low quality, before the launch of the game put everything on an ultra da maximum. The game started, but not on the whole screen and also incessantly blinked: then the normal isoching the video key, then the black screen.
Having tried all possible combinations of graphic settings, I finally put the game in the window mode, and everything worked again.
I hate window mode. In addition, the game has flown several times, and, most likely, because of a well-known error with the termination of the work of the drivers.
I began to torment video drivers. I have NVIDIA GeForce GTX 860M. After reading somewhere on the forums, that in some case it is possible and you need to delete these drivers, and delete, setting a special program that will capture everything, go to secure mode, run the program, reboot, go back to safe mode, turn three times Around yourself, make sure that NVIDIA files on the computer are not in principle and only then to start installing drivers re-on. Either so simply can not be done, or I personally went wrong with me, but after this framing I did not launch any game - that in the style of what beyond.
I skated the system because it was the last way out. After a rollback, something did something fucking, but it has little attitude to the topic (about it at the very bottom).
By the way, I wanted to request a return money from Steam, but I was answered that the refund is carried out only if there was less than 2 hours in the game, and the return requested nothing more than 2 weeks after the purchase. And it does not matter that 4 hours allegedly talked were held in the launcher ...

What ideally needs to be done before finding problems:
- Update drivers for the video card (download from the official website of the supplier).
- Make sure you have the latest version of DirectX.
- After installation and until the first start, check the integrity of the cache.
- try to start the game for the first time, nothing touching graphic settings. If it does not work for the whole screen, it can earn in the window mode (I have with the frames).
- If everything is fine and consistently working in an original form, it is worth remembering / write down the installed graphics parameters, after which it can be started to raise them in the hope that rolling.

What can be done in case of problems:
- A certain patch of 1.1.30 Beta came out, which fixes problems with Xaudio. I have no such problem, I do not know, I have not tried.
- If you are going to rape your computer, be sure to create a system recovery point. Consider that you thus saved.
- If you have already raped your computer to such an extent that you do not know where to seek help, then it is possible to make the system rollback to a pre-created recovery point. Even if you are rarely reinsured, the system regularly does this for you and periodically creates recovery points yourself. By the way, the work of the antivirus can seriously loyal to roll back - personally I had to delete my Avast and after the rollback to return it.
- reboot of the computer, which rarely helps (your CEP);
- re-loading Fallout 4, which is also unlikely to give;
- An interesting way: run the game in a small resolution in the window mode without frame, and then, without leaving the game, exactly the same permission to put on the computer display itself. Helped.
- try to start the game not through Steam, but directly from the installation folder: a) on behalf of the administrator; b) In the correction mode with compatibility issues.

What should not do:
- Before the first starting game, change the default graphic parameters of the game.
- Use the services of the NVIDIA GeForce Experince program to optimize the graphic parameters of the game. It is after performing this action that I stopped running at all (then the launcher did not go).
- download from anywhere "such as working official patches"I think no one wants to catch an extra virus on the computer. Such" patches "on the first day of work Fallout 4 was a lot.
- Delete the pre-installed video card drivers to reinstall them then. In my case, this led to the fact that I did not launch any game, because I could not correctly reinstall these drivers even after long-term shamanic dances, chants and torments with a branded "clean" installation from NVIDIA.
- Hurry to return the system to factory settings. Yes, on the forums, one guy with tears wrote that he was forced to do this because of sudden problems with the video card, but until you find and do not try all possible ways to solve problems, do not create anything unnecessary hassle. No need to make System Reset, however.
- worry.

12 hours. 12 o'clock I promised to solve all the problems that created the same. 12 o'clock, Karl!

The latest problem that almost killed my computer and at the same time, jumped up after rolling back the system. 5-10 minutes after turning on the laptop worked well, quickly, then he began to slow down, slowed down and finally stopped responding to any actions. There is 1.5-2 minutes between the click of the right mouse button and highlighting the menu. Task dispatcher simply depended, had to restart the computer.
After 5 reboots and several hours of dancing with the tambourines, I discovered a problem by looking at the task manager: for some reason the Java processes have multiplied, without stopping, and loaded the computer to such an extent that he just freezed! Remove java.

If you encountered the fact that Fallout 4 slows down, flies, Fallout 4 does not start, Fallout 4 is not installed, controls in Fallout 4, there is no sound, pop up errors, do not work in Fallout 4 - do not work savings - we offer you the most common ways to solve the data Problems.

First - check whether the characteristics of your PC meet the minimum system requirements:

  • OS: Windows 7/8/10 (64-bit)
  • Processor: Intel Core i5-2300 2.8 GHz / AMD Phenom II x4 945 3.0 GHz
  • Video: NVIDIA GTX 550 Ti 2 GB / AMD Radeon HD 7870 2 GB
  • Memory: 8 GB
  • HDD: 30 GB of Free Place

Be sure to update the video card drivers and the other

Before remembering the most bad words and express them towards developers, do not forget to go to the official website of the manufacturer of your video card and download the latest drivers. Often, specially optimized drivers are being prepared for the release of games. You can also try to set a later version of the drivers if the problem is not solved by installing the current version.

It is important to remember that only the final versions of video cards should be downloaded - try not to use beta, as they can have a large number of not found and not corrected errors.

Do not forget that the stable operation of the games often requires installation latest version DirectX, which can always be downloaded from the official site Microsoft.

Fallout 4 does not start

Many of the launching problems happen because of the incorrect installation. Check if there were no errors during installation, try removing the game and start the installer again, after turning off the antivirus - the files often need to work for the game are deleted. It is also important to remember that on the way to the folder with installed playing There should be no signs of Cyrillic - use for the names of the directories only the letters of the latice and numbers.

It does not prevent Check if there is enough space on the HDD to install. You can try to start the game on behalf of the administrator in compatibility mode with different versions of Windows.

Fallout 4 slows down. Low FPS. Lags. Friezes. Freezes

The first is to install fresh drivers on the video card, from this FPS in the game can significantly climb. Also check the computer load in the Task Manager (opens by pressing Ctrl + Shift + Escape). If you see before running the game, that some kind of process consumes too much resources - turn off its program or simply complete this process from the task manager.

Next, go to the graphics settings in the game. First of all, turn off the smoothing and try to reduce the settings that are responsible for post-processing. Many of them consume many resources and their disconnection will significantly increase productivity, not strongly affecting the quality of the picture.

Fallout 4 crashes on the desktop

If Fallout 4 often flies on a working slot, try to start solving the problem with reducing the quality of graphics. It is possible that your computer simply lacks performance and the game cannot work correctly. It is also worth checking updates - most modern games have a system automatic installation New patches. Check if this option is turned off in the settings.

Black screen in Fallout 4

Most often, the problem with the black screen is a problem with a graphics processor. Check if your video card satisfies minimum requirements And put the latest version of drivers. Sometimes the black screen is a consequence of insufficient CPU performance.

If everything is fine with iron, and it satisfies the minimum requirements - try switching to another window (Alt + Tab), and then return to the game window.

Fallout 4 is not installed. Hung up installation

First of all, check if you have enough HDD to install. Remember that the installation program is required to work correctly, the stated space is required, plus 1-2 gigabytes of free space on the system disk. In general, remember the rule - at a system disk should always be at least 2 gigabytes of free space for temporary files. Otherwise, both games and programs can not work correctly or altogether refuse to start.

Installation problems may also occur due to lack of an Internet connection or unstable operation. Also, do not forget to pause the operation of the antivirus during the installation time of the game - sometimes it interferes with the correct copying of the files or deletes them by mistake, counting with viruses.

Fallout 4 do not work saving

By analogy with the past solution, check the availability of an HDD space - both on where the game is installed and on the system disk. Often saving files are stored in the document folder, which is located separately from the game itself.

Fallout 4 does not work management

Sometimes control in the game does not work due to the simultaneous connection of multiple input devices. Try turning off the gamepad or, if for some reason you have two keyboards or mouse, leave only one pair of devices. If the gamepad does not work for you, remember - officially support only controllers defined as Xbox joysticks. If your controller is determined differently - try using programs that emulate Xbox joysticks (for example, X360CE).

Sound does not work in Fallout 4

Check if the sound works in other programs. After that, check whether the sound is not turned off in the settings of the game itself and whether the sound reproduction device is selected to which your speakers or headset are connected. Next, during the operation of the game, open the mixer and check if the sound is turned off there.

If you use external sound card - Check for new drivers on the manufacturer's website.

Fallout 4.over time, speaks from many old habits. You can sincerely want to go through the game without a single fight and defeat the conditional Frank Horrigan in the verbal crossbow, but here it is unlikely to succeed (unless, of course, some nice clever will not find a tricky way to deceive scripts). You can on the old habit of staring above the raider's corpse, choosing that you can come in handy, "but almost everything goes here. This Fallout makes a lot of not entirely as we are accustomed - and at the same time its main strength and the main disadvantage.

That's what you need to know to stop afraid and start playing in Fallout 4. So, as it will be most convenient.

Do not hope to solve all the problems of the world.

At the beginning of the game, I invested ten units into intelligence and charm, hoping that this would allow me to not kill anyone. And it was a mistake, of course. But not because in games from Bethesda, the heroes without combat skills always kill especially cruelly - actually it is true, but not here, and because in the end I still turned into a combat machine. Just used to achieve the goal in other ways.

For example, almost the most valuable skills in the charm branch are those that allow the enemies to lunch to their side. They work not at all and not always, but they do not require any effort at all. You just guide the weapon on the raider, and he (perhaps!) Rises his hands and moves to your side, in fact, becoming another partner. Not too believable, but it is convenient to arrange on the battlefield of the Baba of Essential.

Power armor - selection of weak

One of the skills in the intellect branch is a nuclear physicist (Nuclear Physicist) - not only enhances the energy weapons, but also greatly reduces energy consumption power armor, almost eliminating you from problems with the search batteries. The only thing that should be worried about you, are metal reserves for the repair of the broken parts of the Armor.

In addition, the power armor with the move raises your strength to 11, in fact solving problems with a lifting capacity of a weak character. Moral is simple: if you play the skinny clever and experience problems with survival, wear armor. It negates the main trouble of your character.

It is important to remember two things. First, in the power armor you can not swim - only me-e-it is constantly staring along the bottom. Secondly, while you are in the armor, you do not have the positive properties of other clothes. That is, if you are dressed in a suit that boosts charm, before conversation it is worth removing armor.

Take the skills to grow

Another reason why dozens in charm and intelligence were not the best idea - the possibility of the task to raise the parameters by other means.

First, it gives scattered bubbles-voltbow scattered around the world, one by each of the parameters of S.P.E.C.I.A.L. If you have 10 skill units, the corresponding Pups will increase their number to 11 (otherwise it is impossible to raise the parameter above 10). But if, say, you need a dozen in good luck only for the sake of the last skill in the appropriate branch, it makes sense to start with the nine and then compensate for the last one by the soupe.

A different parameters can be tightened with clothing and any chemistry. They will not allow you to improve the skills tied to these parameters, but if, say, you need to make the last jerk to the merchant with a crowded bag, then take a bottle of vodka (+1 to strength, -1 to intellect) a perfect version. Just beware of dependency. It is easy to cure with a doctor, but before it should be reached.

If you want to hack the door or terminal, but there are no necessary skills, ask for help from companions - Kate and Nika Valentine respectively. Well, last: after you get out of the shelter-111, in what remains from the sean room, find the book you're s.p.e.c.i.a.l., which will give you another point of parameters. It was lucky that it was preserved after two hundred years!

Do not forget to shoot from shelter

It may be fun to play so, but not in all situations of opponents are ready to file themselves on a saucer.

Easy to miss out of mind that in Fallout 4. You can shoot from the shelter, as NPC do. To do this, come close to the wall and clamp the button responsible for aiming. The hero is visible from the shelter, and you can relatively calmly visit the goal. Of course, it is often easier to go out in the field, pump yourself with a "screw" and, alternating V.A.t.s. and real time, It is beautifully disassembled, but there are moments when it is better not to risk.

Collect everything

Seriously. There are no suitable objects here. First you will miss the glue for modifications. Then - bolts, wiring, ceramics, glass ... In general, collect everything that will be touched if you want to improve equipment. And you probably want, because it is almost the most interesting mechanics here. At least in terms of creating objects " Witcher 3."I. Dragon Age.: Inquisition there is something to learn from Fallout 4..

So, the resources for modifications and construction are taken, first of all, from scattered around the world, which used to be no application before: from any plates, spoons, bones, laboratory tools and other nonsenses. All rubbing can be reset to the workbench by pressing one button, so the problem of a scored backpack in Fallout 4. It is not so acute as before.

Remove the benefit of crafts and settlements

On the same reddit there are many interesting settlements, which players spent tens of hours. But if you want to just earn, beauty does not matter.

Perk "Local Leader" (Local Leader, 6 units of charm) is critical if you want not just to build settlements, but also to benefit from them. On the second rank of skill you allow you to erect shopping shops, valuable not so much the opportunity to buy something or sell as a constant influx of money. On financial problems can be forgotten.

By and large, using craft peppers and produced in settlements, you can get enough to all that you may need. From the rich seedlings of Toshka, for example, the chemist will produce mountains necessary for improving glue weapons, and from excess water resources You can always replenish your stocks. Everything is good that the settlement produces, develops in the workshop menu, from where it can be taken away.

Well, by itself, when you master the new site for the settlement, the first thing to be done is to clean it from the ruins, the cores of cars, broken furniture, logs and other things. It is strange to see how the shelter from shelter takes the territory more efficiently than the entire population of empty for two hundred years, but, in any case, many steel, wood and other basic resources are mined from such garbage.

Choose one gun (but do not forget about the spare)

It happens that the artifact weapon (this revolver, for example, fills the enemies) is much stronger than the gun that you have dragged the whole game with you. But if you do not know how to use it, it often makes sense to keep loyalty to the old trunk.

Practice shows: You can go through the game with any weapon if you support it in good condition. Of course, from rusty homemade pistols of joy much less than from artifact bumps and plasma rifles (even if you pinch all possible bulls to the self-alone), but they will help the case, if focused on something one and develop the right perk, raising damage specifically From this type of weapon.

But remember: the cartridges are early or later end, especially if you shoot queues. It is useful to have a spare gun under another caliber or just be ready to go to trophy weapons. To go, let's say, with a laser gun on a synth - not the worst idea, because with each of them you will pick up more batteries than spend.

Look for and experiment

Bethesda games have always been and will be about experiments. Experiments with parameters, with situations, with modifications, in the end. Would be Skyrim. So popular, if you do not stupid videos in which NPC put on the head bucket, and the bears flew into space? Would, of course. But not so much.

Each Bethesda game is a huge "sandbox" with a simple set of rules, which, as practice shows, does not necessarily follow exactly. Impact where they do not ask, do what is not necessary. These rules are not so difficult to get around, find a loophole in them, which will make the game turn inside out, and then invent some tricky way out of the situation.

There is always something in this.