Tiny Toon Adventures Passage. Magic world of prefixes Sega old good computer games. Mansion Montana Max


The player manages the rabbit named Baster Bunny, which is sent to save his girlfriend Babs Bunny, abducted by the evil rich Montana Max. On the way, the player assists the drock of Claim Duck, the Tasmansky Devil Diezzy Davil and Kotten the cannon (Eng. Furball). Also, like a friend, Hamton piglets appear. Other heroes of the series act as enemies: Elmair Duff, Roderick Rat, Jeni Splist and others.



  • A. - Not a fixed jump (on earth), swim up (under water), sailing faster (for a cry under water). For a fee: Plan (in a jump). For gun: climb on the wall (when it fell over the wall). For swimming, planning and climbing on the wall, you must press many times.
  • Turbo A. - Multiple fixed small jump. For swimming, planning and climbing on the wall, it is enough to press and hold one time.
  • B. or TURBO B. - On Earth: for Dizzy - transformation into a whirlwind (use - 2.5 seconds, recharge - 6.5 seconds), for the rest of the run (holding). Underwater: Shot forward by the vortex of air flying along the sinusoid (recharge - 6.5 seconds).
  • Arrow to down - On a flat land: lie on the ground. If the character fled to this, then he will pass a little on the inertia. This can be squeezed into bottlenecks and slip by enemies. On the slope - move down, sweeping enemies (except bosses).


In total, in the game 6 zones, 3 levels in each (except for the mansion; in the levels of levels 3, but they go in a circle):

  • Hills (level for gun, because there are many pits)
  • Ocean (level for chuck)
  • Forest (level for Dizzy Devil, also the level is easy to pass by a kid, because at this level there are many trees, and it is great for this)
  • The city (the level for the gun, however, seems to be some players, it is more convenient to pass, playing for Dizzy)
  • Chia (level for chuck, because he knows how to fly)
  • Mansion Montana Max (the level for Dizzy Devil, which becomes invulnerable when uses a tornado; also the level is easy to pass the kitten

Also, the game contains a secret bonus level, to get to which you can collect the number of carrots, multiple 11, but with an odd factor (that is, 11, 33, 55, 77 and 99). At this level, the player is opposed Duck Vader. and parody of imperial attack aircraft. At the level, you can spend only one life. If the player succeeds in defeating it, he will receive 3 additional lives at once (in the form of a heart with the inscription: "Acme").

  • One hit. He has a kind of heart with wings. It makes it possible once to get damage from enemies, but not lose life. If you take the same bonus without losing the previous one, one life will be added as a reward. If you do not take a bonus on time, he will fly away.
  • Transformation. It has the appearance of a ball with stard of stars. The ability to turn into a selected character (that is, in the cry of DAKA, Dizzy Devil or Furbolla). If you go beyond the level, and then return back, you can again select the transformation and turn into the Basher Bunny.
  • Stop-time. It has the appearance of hours. It is found only once, at the level with flying pumpkins (that is, at the third level of the first zone). This bonus stops the timer and enemies for a while.

The game cannot collect more than 99 carrots. Also cannot be gained more than 9 lives. Initially, the player has 3 lives. Gradually (in the Hamton shop, after the victory over Dank Vader, when taking twice the bonus "one blow" or for 20 thousand points), you can bring the number of lives to 9. Living indicator in the lower left corner shows the stock of lives, and not the amount, so the number zero There is also there (it shows that the stock of lives has been exhausted). When the digit of the zero is indicated (that is, the player uses the last life), it should be remembered that the next blow will be critical (with the exception of the bonus "one blow" and when falling into a pit), after which the player can start playing from the very beginning of this zone with Three lives and a snuffed meter of glasses and carrots.

At the end of the second level of each zone (except for the last two), the Basher Bunny opposes Elmayra Duff, a passionate lover of tinted animals. The player should run away from her until the output opens. If the player does not have time to escape from her, she kisses the hero immediately, even with a "one blow" bonus. In this case, he returns to the beginning of the Bunny Zone with the right to choose a character and with the same number of lives, glasses and carrots, which was before a kiss. Bonus "One Blow" will also be saved.

Carrots at the third level are replaced by acorns.



  • Roderick Rat. Either patrols the terrain or stands on the spot and jumps. When he stands on the spot, it can be knocked down with the usual podcast.
  • Albatross. Hanging over one place, then rising, then dropping.
  • Pitbul Arnold. It occurs once, at the second level. Throws dumbbells, destroyed from two jumps or from one blow to Tornado Dizzy Davil.
  • Flying pumpkins. Meet the dungeon. Easily destroyed, but infinitely appear again in the middle of the level.
  • Ghost. Clear from the player's legs when he comes to a certain place. Invulnerable.

Boss: Nutty scientist named Jean on a skateboard. Trying to knock down the player and throws the anvils. Very predictable.


  • Cancer hermit. Slowly crawls in the sand. Seeing the player, throws his sink in his direction, after which doubles the speed and becomes vulnerable when touched.
  • A fish. Floats backwards. Accelerates if the hero is floating too close.
  • Crab. Crawls along the bottom and walls of the caves. Invulnerable.
  • Jellyfish. Jerks floats under water.
  • Pirate. It goes backwards in ree, sometimes going down below or jumping above. Occasionally throws in the hero Sabli.
  • Roderick Rat with anvil. When the player finds himself in the reach zone, throws an anvil into it. After that, behaves like an ordinary rat.

Boss: Captain Pirates. Jumps on the level behind the player, trying to prick him by the dagger. After receiving damage, jumps over the edge of the screen and drops down the barrel.


  • Owl. Sits quiet until the player approaches. After that, quickly flies on an arc to him.
  • Squirrel. Climbing on the trees, describing the circle behind the circle.
  • Hedgehog. Rolls, curling the ball when the hero is too close (during how rolls, it is only vulnerable for a tornado).
  • Wasp. Small, but fly by flocks and appear from the nests with a relatively close player's position in unlimited quantityWhen their player hunts at the same time less than three.
  • The bats. Appear periodically. Also appear in the Dark Forest from the nest lined in the tree, which blinks, changing its lilac color to red when the player is relatively close to below or on the side.
  • Roderick Rat.
  • A fish.

Boss: Werewolf. Falls on top, runs down a little and jumps into the abyss. The player must have time to apply damage to him. If the ceiling moves to the left, it will fall on the right, and vice versa.


  • Bulldog. It turns out of the window and pops down a plate.
  • Stray cat. Heats from the garbage tank or piles of tires and throws a cans. You can kill it, put on the tank or tires.
  • Roderick Rat.
  • Rubella rat. It appears only at the second level. Suddenly pops up because of the fence and runs towards the player.
  • Canaar Knock. Appears at the third level. Plans from above, going down the sinusoid, sometimes flies upwards.

Boss: Gorilla. To defeat him, you need to destroy monkeys with a jump (monkey tornadoes are also killed, but there will be no platform under the gorilla). As they are destroyed, the platform under the gorilla decreases, after which it falls.


This zone consists of three cheated levels. To leave this zone, you must collect 5 little Gogo Dodo. The passage requires the skill far and accurately jump, and also slide.

  • Running eye.
  • Jumping egg.
  • Giant fountain pen. Jumps from one place to another.
  • Washbasin. Releases low and dangerous soap bubbles.
  • Snake. Grows out of the ground in certain places. Infinitely regenerated. It is found several times per level.

Boss at this level is not.

Mansion Montana Max

This zone consists of one long level, divided into 5 stages.

  • Falling chandelier.
  • Clerk, pasteing on the 2nd floor. Temporarily turns off the light, which also complicates the passage (it is found only at the very beginning of the level).
  • Guards. Knife rushes, which is very unpleasant, since the space for maneuver is limited.
  • Pointed passages that make it difficult to pass through and are able to kill the player even with a "one blow" bonus.
  • Pitbul Arnold. Here he falls from above and carrying the player.
  • Cash gun. He shoots the bag with money when the player is approaching it.

Boss: Montana Max.

Additional level. UFO

If, at the end of the level, the number of carrots at the hero is multiple 11 with an odd factor, that is, 11, 33, 55, 77 or 99, then when switching to the next zone (except for the transition from the fifth zone in the sixth) the character kidnaps UFOs. For the victory over the boss give three lives. Charger is the name of Duck Vader, which means "Duck Vader," who he actually is.


On some pirated cartridges there is a bug: if you press all four directions on the joystick (that is, simultaneously clamp the "left" buttons, "right", "up" and "down" (you can do it, pressing the middle of the D-PAD crossens), That your character ripples forward with stunning speed. It helps to pass the places where high speed is needed, such as a castle with ghosts in the first zone, or wondering from Emmaira at the subsequent stages.

Cover / Scans:

Data / Summary:

Publisher: Konami. Developer: Konami. Genre: 2D Platformer Release date: 1993

Sinopsis / Sinopsis:

One of the best adventure games on the segue, in general, with the characters asma, in particular. Rabbit Baster Bunny goes to search for treasures that Montana Max and Dr. Jean stolen. The evil doctor washed to the same and Bastera girlfriend - Babes Bunny.

Screenshots / Screenshots:

Secrets and passage / Secrets


1. In the game there are many hidden items, including additional life. For these lives, one and the same stage can be held several times.

2. Every fifty carrots give life. Stones falling on the road can be moved. The bell will supply you an extra heart, and large springs will help you get out of deep ravines. The tipped rhombus will make the beans invulnerable.

Meeting Gogo Dodo (output), do not rush to him immediately. Light through it and see if it does not have any additional lives or something more useful.

3. At each stage, you can find the round rainbow icon of Vaculand. Touch it - and get on the secret stage.

4. Go down to a turbid waterfall and run to the left, to a secret room with an extra life. Then go for example. There you will find several carrots and a spring that thumps you, and you will again be upstairs.

5. At step 1-2, there are two outputs. The first exit leading to step 1-3, you will find if you go to the right until you see a small ledge in the air and a black bird that flies nearby. Jump to the ledge, and then down and left to land next to the tunnel. Follow the tunnel to the left and use the platforms to jumble through the peaks. Gogo Dodo is at the end of the tunnel.

The second output leads to step 1-4 and is located at the right edge of the screen near the three mice. Drop the mice from the road and touch Gogo Dodo.

6. At step 1-3, use the springs to give themselves acceleration, and in the flight, assemble carrots hanging in the air. Quickly run through a log bridge, it will fall apart shortly after it is tapped to it. Gogo Dodo is located on the top of the hill to the right. Do not touch it yet. Fall back to the ground and go to the right to collect carrots and raise the bell.

7. At step 1-4, examine the underground labyrinth thoroughly: not only carrots are scattered in it, but also one extra life. You can not find the 1-UP icon, back down to the left and go on the ground until you find the tunnel, which will lead you to it. Gogo stands on top of a hill from the right edge. As in stage 1-3, do not touch it immediately. Go down to the ground and go to the right, past the rats until you see the rainbow icon. Touch it - this is the entrance to the premium stage of Wackiland. At this premium stage you slide down the white ropes and grab the carrot. Hold on the right edge of the screen, there you can find an extra life.

8. At step 1-5, Dr. Splicer appears, which commands Dizzy David with the help of a helmet controlled. Jump onto the head of the splice five times, then the helmet will explode and Dizzy will be released. The best starting area is the highest branch. Wait until Dr. Splicer jumps on the branch, and jump on it.

9. On the first section of the forest (the second stage of the game) there is only one hidden object and great amount Carrots hanging on the trees. Lay the place where two bear walk at the foot of a high rocky wall. Jump on the bears and pick up a tree at the wall itself. Jump on the bird throwing tomatoes, and then - right from that branch, on which the bird was sitting, in a secret tunnel. Go to the right and find the bell.

10. Stage 2-2 have two outputs. The first leads to step 2-3: go to the right and stay at the roots of the trees until you find the tunnel that goes into the rocky wall. Jump into the tunnel and go to the right, overcoming peaks and rotating platforms. You must meet Gogo Dodo.

The second output leads to step 2-5. This yield is located at the right edge of the screen for several swing pendulums.

11. At step 2-3, you will get to the place where carrots whispering "secret" are scattered. Take them all and go to the right, to the trees. Relieve the tree that closer to the cliff, and jump onto the bird. Then jump right into the tunnel where the heart is stored. Coming out of the tunnel, jump over the tree branches up until you find yourself on the top of the cliff. Move right to the end of the cliff (there is a tight out of the ground), then fall from the rock. Try to land as much as possible, in the secret tunnel. Go left to pick up an extra life and bell. Continuing the movement to the left, you will fall on the Vaekiland icon.

At the premium stage, go to the right to enter the tunnel and, using platforms, jump to the tunnel to the right. At the end of the tunnel - Gogo Dodo.

12. From step 2-4, only one output is made and there are no additional lives and other useful things. The main thing is to remember the places where you have already visited not to get lost.

13. From the very beginning, at step 2-5, go to the right, jump on the bear, go down from the ledge and go to the left to the secret tunnel. Go left, take the bell, then turn right and drop out of the tunnel. Go to the right, hit the bears and continue to go right until you reach the end of the ledge. Go down from the ledge, fall into the water. Go left, take a few carrots, jump onto a tree that blocks the left. Jump to the left (right in the wall) - and you will find yourself in a tunnel where you can find an extra life.

Further, at this stage there is another tunnel next to two bears under rotating platforms. Jump on one of the platforms, and then - right on the wall. Stay as you can right - and land in the tunnel. Take the heart.

14. At step 2-7, when the splice looks out of some box, jump onto his fish. Coyote throws in you bombs, but they will not harm while you jump from packaging on packaging.

Reaching the wall with peaks, go down and run to the left (the wall will start smoothly). Jump on the frog, then jump down and jump on a bat, then on the wall on the right. Hold on to the right - and land in a secret tunnel. Go to the right, collect carrots. Do not forget to take the marker.

Featuring a diamond, go to the right and down the tunnel until you encounter with the mouse. Jump left and up. Take advantage of the Super Blossom to grab an extra life on the shelf. Then go to the right and up (to heart), then upstairs and left. Run past the boulders to the groove. There you will see one rolling boulder. Wait the moving platform, jump on it and then download on platforms. When you reach the ledge on the right, go to the right and climb through a narrow tunnel. Jump right through a spill. From here you can go to any of two outputs.

The first exit leads to step 3-2: go to the left, fall from the ledge and keep the right side to land near the strange creature. Grab the hearts and jump on the right wall (in it - another secret tunnel). Go to the right - and find Gogo.

The second output leads to step 3-3. Near the waterfall you will see two trails. Go down and right on the waterfall, then continue to go to the right until you find the heart. From this place go to the left and upstairs on the hill, then jump right and up to the ledge. Jump right on the wall. You will find yourself in the secret tunnel. Go to the right to find the bell.

16. At step 3-3, follow the left stream of the waterfall and go to the left to detect a place where full frogs and bats. Go left, jump around the frogs, then jump on the wall on the left to penetrate the secret tunnel. Go left (you will find two hearts and an extra life).

Get out of the tunnel and return to the place where the waterfall is branched. Follow the right jet and go to the right. In the end, you will find yourself on a ledge that immediately starts moving up. Putting the volatile mice, jump from the ledge before he crosses you about the ceiling. Follow the tunnel to the left, to several gray platforms (they need to go down the groove with the boulder inside). Go left, jump into the wall to be in a secret tunnel, which will lead you to the rainbow icon of Vaculand. (At the prize stage, you need to jump right on the springs, avoiding Gogo. There will be several additional lives in the air).

17. At step 3-4, from the very beginning, enjoy the right. Collect all the carrots that utter the word "Tun", then swim right and jump on the ledge. Jump on the crocodile, then go to the right and go to the water. Having done the entire path, descend straight down - and find an extra life.

Slowing through spiny balls, swim up and right. You will see a ledge and several platforms over the water. Jump up platforms. At the top - the bell.

18. At step 3-5, stay at the right edge of the screen. Then the dams of Duck will not be able to hit you. When the hammer is falling to the ground, the stalactites and Dr. Splicer fall on top. Referring from stalactitis, jump on the head of the splineer. To win the fight, you need to make five jumps in a row.

19. From the first part of the fourth stage (volcanic caves) there are two exits. After moving through the puddle of the lava on yellow bricks, go to the left, wake up through a narrow tunnel. Continue to move left to the brick lying in the lava. Jump on it. Brick rushes forward. When he rises into the air, you can jump from it to the left (first output) or right (second yield).

The first exit leads to step 4-2. Jumping on the left ledge, go to the left, wake up a narrow tunnel and continue to go left until you meet Gogo.

The second output will lead to step 4-3. Go to the right and up the hill and then make a super bale to get a heart from the ceiling. Go to the right, jump over breaks, using yellow bricks. By passing the second rode, again to the right and up the hill, then make a super light: the heart hangs under the ceiling. Go right to yellow brick. "Superplacing", get extra life and head to the right to search for Gogo.

20. At step 4-2, you must have time to get on brick platforms before the lava will cover you. You can fall once or two, but not more.

21. Objects hidden on the roof (stage 4-3) can be obtained by performing a super traffic. Go further until you see the platforms rotating over the lava, to the right of which three carrots hang. Collect carrots, jump on the wall on the right - and find yourself in the secret tunnel. Go to the right and touch the wakeland rainbow icon. Leaving the prize stage, go to the left, climb on the platforms, then go to the right and up the hill. Super traffic will make it possible to grab an extra life hidden on the ceiling.

Go to the right and up the following hill, make a super baggage to yellow brick. Jumping to the right and up onto the second brick, make a super light to another life.

22. A large waterfall of the first part of the fifth stage (waterfall and shipwreck) stores three items that it is worth finding. Jump left at the leaps of the waterfall. You will find there the Vacionland icon, which will miss you on a bonus with springs. Continue the descent on the right edge of the waterfall. Lay the tunnel with an extra life inside. At the foot of the waterfall swim down and left to find another life.

23. At step 5-2, go to the right, go down into the hole, then go to the right and jump into the next hole. Go to the right, push the barrel to the left. With a barrel jerk on the mast. Understanding, jump on the next mast on the left. Continue jumping on masts, clinging upstairs. At the highest mast on the right pick up an additional life.

Go down and jump into the hole. Go left. After waiting, when the peaks are drawn into the floor, go down to the hole and go to the left, then jump from the ledge. Falling, pull to the right to get into the secret tunnel. Go to the right, take a diamond. Having made a super-shift back to the ledge, we wake through a narrow tunnel. Continue to go to the right until you fall from the ledge. Jumping off the buns, go left (behind the bell) and return. Having jumped on the ledger, go left and jump into the top of the top ledger with two knechats. Go to the right and jump up in the hole.

Jump up, bypassing the mast, and go to the right. Having found another hole, descend to it and run to the left to the sprinkling plates. Falling on the next ledge, go to the right. Make a superstructure to the right and up to a damp with a frog. From there, go to the right, follow the ledge to the next hole in the box. It needs to jump.

Go to the right to the next hole, jump into it and go down until you find yourself on the wall. Go to the left. Falling, move left, descend from the ledge, then run left past the collapful ledges and go down, bypassing the peaks. Continue to run to the left until you reach the door with the inscription "IN".

To find the treasure, go to the right. Stand next to the treasure chest and wait for Montana to start throwing octopuses in you (to destroy octopuses, jump on them).

24. In the first part of the underworld (sixth stage), you are driving up and right until you find the protrusion protruding from the water. Then move right, past swinging balls with peaks, and look for Gogo.

25. At step 6-2, look for two cloud platforms. Take advantage of the left to get to the bells, then right to get to the platforms moving to the right. Continue to go to the right until you reach the ledge.

Go down to the ledge if you want to use the first exit (in step 6-3). Go to the right, picking up all the carrots. Go down from the right edge of the ledge. Go left and find a life surrounded by snowmen. Then go to the right until you find Gogo (first jump the Gogo and find an extra life).

If you continue jumping on the cloudy ledge, you will find a Gogo Dodo and a second output, which leads to step 6-4.

26. In step 6-3, use the spring to jump into the gun. She will shoot you into the air, and you will fly past an extra life and bell. When you start falling, take it left to be under a small blue planet in the background. Falling, pick up life. Hold the right side to be under the other blue planet and catch the bell. Note that the gun works only once.

27. At step 6-4, there is another single gun. Reaching the waterfall, go to the right and dive into the waterfall to find a secret tunnel (it leads to the right, you can choose a bell on the way). Or jump the waterfall and inflict through two narrow tunnels. Jump on the hill at the end of the second tunnel and go left and up to the rainbow icon of Vacionland.

28. Jumping at the beginning of step 6-5 is very dangerous. Somewhew without them, you will find life (halfway to the end of the stage).

29. At step 6-6, jump on the ice block, hanging in the air, then on the head of the splice flying on the screen.

30. In the factory (seventh stage), jump into the robot at the very beginning, then jump on my head, from my head - on a moving platform and make a super-blinding up and through the roof in a secret room with an extra life. Taking life, go back, go to the right. Jump up steps, then - on the moving platform. Then up on the steps. Reaching the spring switch, push it on the right to fly through the rift and crash into the slope on the opposite side. Go to the right, by the end of the ledge. Falling with a ledge, hold the left side to avoid peak.

Then run to the left, jump over two springs and jump left again.

31. At step 7-2, jump over the moving platform, then left and up onto a small ledge, and then up and right on the big ledge. Continue to advance upwards, then go to the right until you pursue the robot. Go to the right, descend from the ledge and go on-right to blue presses. Go to the right and jump onto the wall to find yourself in a secret tunnel. Take life, bell and heart, and then go along the right wall. Jumping on the wall, you will find yourself in another tunnel. Go left and tap a rainbow icon.

After passing the prize stage, go to the right, go through the tunnel, past the blue mechanisms, to Gogo.

32. From the very beginning of the stage 7-3 all the time, move the run. Having made a superblock, grab life. Source to the floor and go to the left to the next hole. Make a super light jump, jump on the ledge and run to the left through three screens. Having made the Super Block, we will inlets left (narrow tunnel).

After performing a superpiece through the span, go to the right. Jump to extra life. Let the peaks kill you. Repeat this suicide several times to score more lives.

33. In the next part of the stage, first run all the time to the right, super progress and take life. Go down to the floor and go to the left to the next hole, make a super light through it, then jump on the ledge on the left and run to the left three screens. Having done a super jack, jump right into a narrow tunnel, wake through it and repeat the super light. Go to the door with the inscription "IN".

34. The first half of the 7-4 phase is distillation. You need to slow down several times. First jump over the elme on the left. She will stop and run to the left. Jump over it again and run to the right. It will turn again, but will lose the speed gained. Just do not use this trick too often.

When Montana Max appears with his giant robot, wait until the robot will release three laser beams, make a super burden from the wall and hit the robot on the head - it will collapse to the ground. Run to the other side of the room. Wait until both legs of the robot fly in you, super-join from the wall and hit the robot on your head again. Repeat these actions until you win.


A - call assistant;

B - sliding;

C - jump;

C + "Right" or "Left" in the jump next to the wall - repeated


1. Passwords

Stage Plains




Stage of forest



7. Yeni Evdv DVII DBD DB



Stage Caves and Desert





2. Bonus levels

To get into the bonus level, you need to find the rainbow icon. That's where they are:

In the 1st stage (the lower right corner of the map) directly under the zone of the Red Boss. When you find Gogo in the farthest right end of this area, jump into the ground and go to the right past the rats. There you will find the rainbow icon.

In the 2nd stage (the word "Tiny", laid out by carrots), pass by "Tiny" and go to the right to the end of the rock. Jump from the cliff by clicking in the leap "left" to land in the invisible tunnel. Then roll to the left (take the 1-UP and the bell), once again to the left and jump into the rainbow symbol.

In the 3 stage (where the waterfall) go until you reach the ledge from which the upward movement begins. Jump off the ledge before crashing into the ceiling. Go on the tunnel until you reach the gray platforms. Sick off the platform down, go left and jump right into the wall on the left, closing the entrance to the hidden tunnel. Rainbow icon at the end of the tunnel.

3. For those who play the English version







Forest Levels.






Cave / Desert Levels





Passwords that are displayed on bosses








Users write

Please tell me if there are any codes in this game to increase lives?

Video passing game part 1

Part 2

Part 3.

Rabbit Tini Tun not only lit up on dandy. There are also several games on Sega. We suggest one of them to download. This is the game Tiny Toon Adventures: Buster's Hidden Treasure.

This is a fun arcade with clockwork music, in which you have to go beyond the Tuni Tuna of 7 levels, during which you will be thrown into different parts of the world. Jungle, Mountains, and the like. Your task is to save friends, will like and find treasures stolen by evil jin.

  • Finding three rainbow signs at the first level, complete the right corner of the card, right under the red boss. You will open bonus levels.
  • When you find Gogo, go down to the ground. Go to the right past rats. There you are waiting for a rainbow mark.
  • To get to the secret tunnel at the second stage, find the word TINY made of carrots. Having reached the edge of the cliff, jump from her, holding a cross back. You will get into the secret tunnel. Go left, see life and bell. If you go further, you will find a rainbow mark.
  • The symbol at the third stage can be found if climbing the protrusion at the dividing waterfall. When the protrusion begins to rise, jump from it and go through the tunnel to gray platforms. You get to halfwall with boulder. Go left and jump into the wall where you are waiting for a cache. In his end is a symbol.

Game on Dandy (Dendy) - Delivered rabbit adventures Bagz Bunny.

Funny cartoons in a cheerful adventure - and easy, and interesting.

Bagz Bunny - a cheerful broken rabbit - has a lot of buddies and friends, but his enemies, which, although a little, give him disproportionately big trouble. So there is a bad man Montana. He actually from another opera, then you mean a cartoon, and here it was climbed solely because of natural corruption. So, this Bolya Montana kidnates the baby Babz Bunny, and he still managed to cheekyly declare this bughouse on TV. The brave rabbit, of course, was stripped and rushed into pursuit. Fortunately, in his indignation, he was not alone. Cook Shirley promised rabbit help friends: Duckling Daca, a mouse of a treadmill and even the famous Tasmanian Wolf or, as it is also called, the vortex.

The rabbit will have to defeat six complex levels (on every three sublevel), where everywhere there is a lot of enemies, and deal with multiple undergraduate montans - bosses.

ADVICE By passing Tiny Toon Adveurs (Ting Tun) Games at Dandy:

1. You can choose a partner at the beginning of each level (joystick, button BUT) and in certain moment It will replace the bunny's stud. "Player's replacement" occurs when a bath or any of his partners will protrude the air ball and from there something like the ball with a star. True, the heart can still fall (double life for this sublevel), clock, stopping time, and other interesting items.

2. Do not miss the seeds with the Pilk Pillet (here he took the Highmton alias from modesty). His role is important - he collected by the carrot, he will be happy to exchange for additional life (30 per life).

3. Rooms where you can get an extra life for every 30 carrots or apples, are in the stages 1-2 , 2-2 , 3-2 and 5-1 .

4. In order for the second level to defeat the captain of the hook, you need to, dodge from the barrels, jump on his head three times.

5. In the dungeon try to take hours from aerial ball - While they tick, no one is terrible.

6. In the third level, turn into a tornado - you can pass through the trunks of the trees.

7. To make it easier to go through the boss at the third level (it is a gorilla or some kind of caveman), consider the following: it falls on the island opposite to the direction of rotation of the upper roulette and always runs to the middle of the screen.

8. On the inclined surface, sit down, and, moving down, you can sink your enemies without risk.

9. To move from the fifth level on the sixth, you need to assemble all birds. At the same time, the boss himself lies, without your help.

10. When collecting carrots, keep in mind that if you have nine lives, the tenth will not allow the tenth. But carrots still worth collecting, as nine lives can also be spent, and you perish. But even though carrots will remain for the continuation.

CONTROLin Game Tiny Toon Adveurs (Ting Tun) On Dandy: Dendy:

BUT - jump, confirm the choice of a partner;

IN - shooting (from the third level).

Super tries characters

Wolftwisting in your famous swirl (button IN), just sweeping everyone from the face of the earth. Make sure that he manage to replenish the stock of the energy (it is shown to the ellipsis on the left below).

Mouse knows how to get out of the abuses ( A + "up").

Duckling flies ( A + joystick towards the flight).

Secretsin Game Tiny Toon Adveurs (Ting Tun) On Dandy: Dendy:

1. If you give four times to kiss yourself a girl who only wants, then for the fourth time on the screen, when a card without music appears, press the button SELECT, and an aliens ship will appear.

2. After you have passed the first level, the rabbit begins to jump from the stage traveled to the next one. At this time, press several times. SELECT, And then press the joystick in any direction. Soon the flying saucer will arrive. This is a boss. By killing it, you will move immediately to the last level.

3. If the music does not sound when the card does not sound, do not rush to press Start. Arrive spaceship. It is necessary to kill the boss of the ship, jumping on his head three times. Get three extra lives.

Tiny Toon Adventures - Buster "S Hidden Treasure


All adore the delicious secret of Tuna, and this game, besides, and excellent animation. It's like looking in a row, one by one, seven cartoons with Tuna secret - all stages of the game are noticeably different from each other and accurately exist independently of each other. The game very reminds "Super Mary Bros.": a lot of running, jumps and hidden items.


In the "adventures of secret Tuna" many hidden items. We will tell you about them. You will find where to look for additional life (1-Up) and other less important items at every stage of the game.
You can pass the same stage several times to earn an extra life. There are several stages on which there are two additional life and one stage (in front of the end of the game), where they are already three pieces.
When you get Gogo Dodo, you should not always rush right there. Jumped over it and see if there is no 1 -up behind him or something more useful.
There are three high-secret premium levels - so secret that they are not even mentioned in the manual. Amazing! You can get on these premium levels if you find (and touch) round rainbow icons. We call them Wekilend icons. At each stage there is a similar icon.

Stage 1: Plains

Step 1-1 (1 output):It is necessary to inspect all counted corners at this level - downstairs and upstairs: you have to find all the carrots. You are not limited in time, so do not hurry and be attentive.
Lowering in a turbid waterfall (the sauna will not drown) and run to the left in a secret room with 1 -up, then go to the right and there you will find several carrots and the spring, which thumps you, and you will find yourself upstairs.
Step 1-2 (2 outputs):Output N1 (leads to step 1-3): Go to the right until you see a small ledge in the air and a black bird that flies near Jump on the ledge, and then jump down and left to land next to the tunnel. Follow the tunnel to the left and take advantage of the platforms to jump over the peaks. That dodo is at the end of the tunnel. The output N2 (leads to step 1 -4) is located at the right edge of the screen near the three mice. Throw mice from the road and touchover that Dodo to open a path to step 1 -4.
Stage 1-3 (1 output):Take advantage of the springs to give yourself an acceleration, in the flight, collect carrots that hang in the air, and quickly run across the bridge from the logs, because it breaks out shortly after you touch it.
Gogo Dodo is on top of the hill to the right, but not yet touch him. Fall back to Earth and go to the right to collect more carrots and raise the bell.
Step 1-4 (1 output):Here is a whole labyrinth of underground tunnels. Explore them carefully in search of carrots and other items, and among them 1-up. If you can't find the 1 -up icon, retreat left and then go on the ground until you find the tunnel, which will bring you to him.
As well as at step 1-3, Goto is standing on the top of the hill from the right edge, and as in step 1-3, you should not touch it right away. Go back to the ground and go to the right of the rats by the rats until you see a strange rainbow icon. This is an entrance to a super-secret premium level of Vacuinend. Touch him and will end the gam.
At this premium level, you slide down the white ropes and grab carrots. We advise you to keep the right edge of the screen - there you can find 1 -up. When you finish, you will again find out at step 1-4. Jump up to one year and touch it.
Step 1-5 (1 output):For the first time, Dr. Splicer appears, who commands Dizzy Davie scrap with the help of a helmet controlled at a distance. Jump on the head of Dr. Slicer five times: then the helmet will explode and Dizzy will be released. Dr. Slyuser and Dizzy both move slowly, so dodge from the attack of Dizzy is easy. Then you can jump to the doctor on the head. The best of the starting sites is the highest of the branches. Wait until the dock Slisser jumps on the branch below, and jump on it.

Stage 2: Forest

Step 2-1 (1 output):At this long stage there is only one hidden object and a huge number of carrots hanging on the trees, so take it on them and grab everything.
Looking for a place where two bear walk around the foot of a high rocky wall. Jump on the bears and take a tree at the walls. Jump on the bird throwing tomatoes, then jump to the right, from the branch on which the bird was sitting in a secret tunnel. Go to the right and find the bell.
Stage 2-2 (2 outputs):Output N1 (leads to step 2-3): Go to the right and stay at the roots of trees until you find the entrance to the tunnel, which goes into the rocky wall. Jump into the tunnel and go to the right, overcoming peaks and rotating platforms to meet the annual output N2 (leads to step 2-5): This outlet is located at the right edge of the screen for several swing pendulum. Similar pendulum will meet you at the following stages.
Stage 2-3 (1 output): Without special adventures you will get to the place where the heaps of carrots are scattered, which pronounce the words "secret". Take them all and go to the top to the trees. I pick up that closer to the rock, and jump on the bird, then jump right in the secret tunnel, where the heart is stored. Then go out of the tunnel and jump around the tree branches up until we find the top of the cliff.
Move right to the end of the cliff (where a tin sticks out of the ground), then fall from the cliff and try to land as possible to the left - 8 secret tunnel. Go left to pick up 1 -up and bell, then keep moving left and fall on the Economy icon.
Once at the premium level, go to the entrance to the tunnel and jump (using platforms) to the tunnel on the right. Gogo Dodo is at the end of the tunnel.
Stage 2-4 (1 output): At this complex level there are no additional lives and other useful things. What can you do! The path to Gogo is not very obvious, but, most importantly, remember the places where you have already visited not to get lost and not start staring in place.
Step 2-5 (1 output):From the very beginning, go to the right and jump on the bear, then descend from the ledge and go to the left to the secret tunnel. Go to the left and take the bell, then turned right and fall out of the tunnel. Go to the right and hit the bears, then continue to go right until you reach the end of the ledge. Go off the ledge and fall into the water. You do not touch, do not worry. Go to the left and take some appetizing carrots, then jump onto the tree that blocks the left. Jump to the left right into the wall and find it in a secret tunnel where you can find 1-up.
Next, at this stage there are still some tunnel next to two bears under rotating platforms. Jump on one of the platforms, then jump to the right on the wall and (hold on as right as you) land in the tunnel. Take the heart.
Step 2-6 (1 output):This stage is largely similar to 2-4: very long and boring without any useful things and not melting for you serious danger. Finish it quickly and go to more interesting stages.
Stage 2-7 (1 output): Go on to jump, trying to hold on the largest of the boxes "Asma", and when Dr. Splicer looks out of some box, jump on his head. Caelet Koote will throw bombs in you, but they will not harm you while you jump from packaging on packaging.

Stage 3: Deep and Dark Caverns

Stage 3-1 (2 outputs):From the very beginning, go to the left and jump on the frog, then make a super blind and grab the bell.
When you come to the wall with peaks, go down and run quickly: the wall will start smoothly when you run past. Jump on the frog, then descend down and jump on a bat. Jump on the wall on the right and (hold on to the right) land in a secret tunnel. Go to the right, collecting carrots, and do not forget to take a special chaler marker.
Later, after you select a diamond, go to the right and down the tunnel until you encounter with the mouse. Jump left and up and use the super blind, to grab 1-up on the ceiling. Then go to the right and up to the heart, then keep going up and left. Run past the boulders to the groove where you will meet one rolling boulder. Wait a moving platform and jump on it, and then jump further on platforms and get to the ledge right. Go to the right and cavity through a narrow tunnel. Jump right through a spill. From here you can go to any of two outlets. Output N1 (leads to step 3-2): Go to the left and fall from the ledge. Hold on the right side to land near a strange creature. Jump right in a secret tunnel. Grab the heart and jump on the right wall, in which there will be another secret tunnel. Go to the right and find Gogo. Output N2 (leads to step 3-3): You will see two trails near the waterfall. Go down and right on the waterfall, then keep going right until you find the heart. From this place, go to the left, and up the hill, then jump right and up on the ledge. Jump right on the wall and enter the most secret tunnel. Go to the right to find the bell.
Stage 3-3 (1 output): Follow the left stream of the waterfall and go to the left to detect the place where full frogs and bats. Go to the left and jump around the frogs, then jump on the wall on the left to penetrate the secret tunnel. Go to the left and you will find two hearts and 1-up. Get out of the tunnel and go back, where the waterfall is separated. Follow the right jet and go to the right.
In the end, you will find yourself on the ledge, which will immediately start moving up. Jump and Bay Batue Mice, then jump from the ledge before he crushes TV $ I'm about the ceiling. Follow the tunnel to the left until you see several gray platforms. Go down to the platforms on the groove with rolling boulders inside. Go to the left and jump into the wall to be in a secret tunnel. The tunnel will lead you to the Wackiland icon,
At the premium level, you will have to jump right on the springs, avoiding Gogo Dodov in the air will be somewhat prior to lies.
Stage 3-4 (1 output): From the very beginning, swim right and see carrots that utter the word "Tun". Collect them all, then swim right and jump on the ledge. Jump on the crocodile, then go to the right and go into the water. Do all the way, then descend straight down and find 1 -up.
After you swim through the group of barbed bowls, swim up and right and see the ledge and several platforms over the water jump up the platforms and you will find a bell on top.
Stage 3-5 (1 output): Stay at the right edge of the screen and the cry of Duck will not be able to hit you with a hammer. When the hammer of the cry hits the ground, the stalactites fall from above and the doctor of the splice fell on the ground. Unsune from stalactitis and jump on Dr. Sloser's head. As usual to win the fight, you will need to make five jumps in a row.

Stage 4: Volcanic Caves

Step 4-1 (2 outputs):After you are moving through the puddle of the lava on yellow bricks, go to the left and propellets through a narrow tunnel. Keep moving to the left to the brick lying in the lava. Jump on it and wait when the brick will rush forward. When the brick rises into the air, you can jump from it to the left (see output N1) or to the right (see output N2). Output N1 (leads to step 4-2): waiting for the brick to rise into the air, jumped on it, and from it - to the ledge on the left. Go to the left and sink through a narrow tunnel. Continue to go left until you meet Gogo. Output N2 (leads to step 4-3): Go to the right and up the hill, then make a super bale to get the heart on the ceiling. Go to the right and jump through the faults, using yellow bricks when you overcome the second rode, go to the right and up the hill, then make a super admgement to grab another heart hanging under the ceiling. Go right to yellow brick. Make Super Employment to get 1 -up. From here, go to the right to search for Gogo.
Stage 4-2 (1 output):This is a very short stage, but there will be a serious check of your jumper: you must have time to get up to brick platforms before the lava flow will cover you. You can afford to fall once or two, but if you fall out more than two times - you are doomed. Honestly.
Stage 4-3 (1 output):Continue to inspect the roof in search of hidden items (hearts, bells, additional lives) that you can get if you are performed superpieces.
Go further until you see the platforms rotating over the lava, to the right of which three carrots hang. Collect the carrots, then jump on the wall on the right and find yourself in a tinel tunnel. Go to the right and touch the Wackiland icon. To get to the premium level.
When you finish this premium level, go to the left and climb on the platforms, then go to the right and up the hill. Make Super Employment to grasp 1-Up, hidden on the ceiling. Go to the right and up the following hill, then make a super jack to yellow brick. Jump to the right and up onto the second brick, then make a super bale to another 1 -up.
Stage 4-4 (1 output): Overweight! Just five times to jump to Dr. Sloser on the head and victory in your pocket.

Stage 5: Waterfall and shipwreck

Stage 5-1 (1 output):Large waterfall at this stage! Three items that are worth finding. Jump left on the leaps to the top of the waterfall and find the Wackiland icon. (It will lead you to the level with springs.) Continue down the right edge of the waterfall and find the tunnel with 1-UP inside. At the foot of the waterfall float down and left to find another 1 -up.
Stage 5-2 (1 output): Go to the right and descend in the hole, then go to the right and jump on the next hole. Go to the right and pushing the barrel left, then jerk with a barrel on the mast. Survess and jump on the next mast on the left. Continue to jump on masts, climbing up until you get to the top mast on the right and you will not pick up there 1 -up. Go back and jump into the hole.
Go to the left and wait when the peaks are drawn back to the floor. Then descend in the hole and go to the left, and then jump from the ledge. When you fall, pulling to the right to get into a secret tunnel. Go through the tunnel to the right and take a diamond. Make Super Block back up on the ledge and cavity through a narrow tunnel. Continue to go right until you fall from the ledge. Jump from the bun and go to the left behind the bell, then come back. Jump on the ledge, go to the left and jump up, on the top of the top ledger with two knechts. Go to the right and jump up in the hole.
Jump up, by passing the mast, and go to the right until you find another hole. Go to her and run to the left to the sprinkling plates. Fall with them down the next ledge and go to the right. Make a superstructure to the right and up to a damp with a frog. From there, go to the right and follow the ledge until the next hole in the ship. Jump in a hole.
Go to the right to the next hole and jump into it. And then descend down until we find on the wall; Go to the left for her until you fall. Move left and descend from the ledge, then run to the left past the collapful ledges and go down, bypassing the peaks go on to the left until you reach the door with the inscription "IN"
Go to the right to find a treasure. This will cause the attack on you Montana Max. Get up next to the chest, where the treasures are stored, and wait. When Montana breaks through the bottom of the ship and starts to throw octopuses in you. Jump on octopuses to destroy them. For Montana itself, all the same five jumps.

Stage 6: Underground Sea

Step 6-1 (1 output): This small stage is nothing interesting. Know Grey yourself. Greks up and right until you find the protrusion sticking out of the water, then move the right past the swinging balls with the peaks and search for Gogo.
Stage 6-2 (2 outputs): Look for two cloud platforms. Take advantage of that one left to get to the bell, then right to get to the right platforms to the right. Continue to go right until you reach a ledge. Go to the ledge if you want to get to the output of N1. And if not, then continue to jump over the cloudy ledge to Gogo Dodo and the output of N2 (which leads to step 6-4). Output N1 (leads to step 6-3): Go to the ledge and go to the right, picking up all the carrots. Go off the right edge of the ledge, then go to the left and you will find 1 -up. Surrounded by snowmen. Now go to the right until you find Gogo. Jumping Gogo and find 1 -up. Then go back and tap it. Everything.
Stage 6-3 (1 output):Take advantage of the spring to jump into the gun that will shoot you high in the air. You will fly past 1 -up and bell. When you start falling, take it left, so to be under a small blue planet in the background falling down, pick 1 -up. Hold on the right side to be under the other blue plaque and catch the bell. The gun turns only once. So do not miss: another chance will not be introduced to you.
Stage 6-4 (1 output):There is a gun that acts as well as the gun in 6-3.
When you get to the waterfall, you can go to the right and dive into the waterfall to find a secret tunnel. (The tunnel leads to the right and you can choose the bell on the way.) But we advise you to translate the waterfall: Then you will find the Wackiland icon and another cannon.
Go through the waterfall and clash through two narrow tunnels. Jump on the hill at the end of the second tunnel and go to the left and up to the Wackiland icon (this icon will give your access to the premium level. Excellent!)
Step 6-5 (1 output):Jumping at the beginning of this stage is very dangerous if you can do without them, you will find 1-Up somewhere halfway to the end of the stage. Here you can lose some lives.
Stage 6-6 (1 output): Jump on the ice block hanging in the air, then jump on the head of Dr. Splizer flying on the screen. Hampton's vacuum cleaner is very powerful, but it is easy to avoid it.

Stage 7: Factory of Earthworks

Stage 7-1 (1 output):Jumps up on the robot at the very beginning of the stage, and then jump on his head. Jump from his head to the moving platform, then make a super baggage up and through the roof in a secret room where 1-up is stored. Take 1-UP and go back. Go to the right and jump up the steps, then jump on the moving platform. Jump left and up to the next platform, and then jump up on the steps.
When you get the spring switch, push it to the right to fly through a spill. You quit into the scat on the other side of the span. Go right to the very end of the ledge. Fall with a ledge and hold on the left to avoid peaks that are below. Now run left and jump over two springs. If you get on them, they will throw you up and you will fall on the peaks sticking out of the ceiling. Jump left again.
Stage 7-2 (1 output):Jump on the moving platform, then left and up onto a small ledge, and then - up and right on the big ledge. Continue to promote up, then go to the right until the robot (the same. As in the beginning of 7-1) will not haunt you. Go to the right and descend from the ledge, then go to the right to blue presses. Go to the right and jump on the wall to be in a secret tunnel. Collect 1 -up. The bell and heart, and then go along the right wall. Jump on the wall and find yourself in another tunnel.
Go to the right and descend on the ledge, until you reach the following blue mechanisms, then jump left into the wall in order to get to the secret tunnel again. Go to the left and touch the Wackiland icon. (You will be in a premium tunnel.) When you finish with a premium level, go to the right and pass through the tunnel. Pass past blue mechanisms and find Gogo Dodo.
Stage 7-3 (1 output): From the very beginning of the level, moving all the time running; Make Super Employment and Grap 1-Up. Run back to the floor and go to the next hole. Make Super Block, then jump on the ledge on the left and run left through three screens. Make Super Blocks and Polisy Left Through a narrow tunnel. Make a super traffic through the span and go to the right. Jump to 1 -up, and let the peaks kill you. Of course it is not very nice, but repeat this process again and again to score more lives.
When you have enough of them, go to the next part of the stage. From the very beginning, running all the time to the right, make a super jack and take 1-up. Go to the floor and go to the next hole. Make a super jack through the hole, then jump on the ledge on the left and run left three screens. Make Super Block, then jump right into a narrow tunnel. Polisy through it and make a super blind. Come on the door with the inscription "IN", and without any particular difficulties to get to the end of this stage.
Step 7-4: The first half of the stage is running a ride with an elmia. The trick is. What you need to slow down a few times running elmia. First jump over the elme on the left. She will stop and run to the left. Jumping over it again and run right it will turn again, but will lose the speed gained. You should not use this trick too often, otherwise you will be tamed and you will be caught.
After you leave the poor Elmira far behind, Monatan Max will appear with his giant robot. Wait until the robot fits three lasers, then make a super blind from the wall and hit the robot on the head (as you managed to notice, they all have a sore place), and he will collapse to the ground. Run to the other side of the room; The robot will start collecting himself to the right. Wait until both legs of the robot fly in you, and then make a super jack from the wall and again hit the robot on the head. Repeat in the same spirit. When you fulfill this procedure five times, the head will split and appears Max to his own person; After ten blows, the robot will be completely destroyed, and the game is won to you.