Skyrim fashion satellites without limitation. Skyrim mod on unlimited number of satellites

Ultimate Follower Overhaul / New Satellite Features

Fashion version: 1.2h

Requirements: Skyrim is not lower than 1.8; (DLC Dawnguard optional)

Installation: Copy the files to the game folder (if you do not have a Dawnguard, in the launcher you need to disable one of .SP file files, leaving only one, for the original game). Launching the game, call all satellites if you had, and enter in the console playerFollowerCount.Store, exit, and then install the UFO mod. Pre-turn off or remove other modes affecting the actions of satellites. If you simply begin the game again, you do not need to register anything in the console and you do not need to dismiss anyone.

Description: One of the best and unique modes, significantly expanding the scope of your companion in the game. Now they can be for a long time to become real combat comrades, and not just be eternally dying curb.

1. You'll get full access To the inventory of his companions - you can delete and arm them as a soul.
2. You can hire up to 15 satellites at a time, creating your small army
3. Now you can see the statistics of your companion - how he or she is pumped, which skill is more developed, the better they own, from which they are protected, and so on ...
4. Satellites will finally rise at their levels along with your hero - their level will no longer be fixed at the time of the first hiring! If your conjunction has fallen behind the development of you - just take it.
5. Satellites can take on the blade into each hand, and not only in one (or immediately in both) as before.
6. There are no more restrictions on the level of satellites. If earlier, some of them could not be higher than the ceiling at 30 lvl, now, if you scored the 60th, then your companion will fit your skills.
7. Hired companions will receive high-quality female animation when moving.
8. You can get married or marry anyone (any) from your companions (companion).
9. The partners will now get a weapon only in battle, and not every time you bring your blade or prepare the spell.
10. At your request, you can make your companion immortal or mortal. In the dialog you only need to select the appropriate phrase.
11. Your companions will finally learn to use horses for riding, and not just run all the way for your galloping hero. Horses for satellites were added to all urban stables.
12. If you are a city of city, and you have a Huskarla - you can take in satellites of urban guards, giving them their orders.
13. Satellites can be given to relax, then they will be able to restore their health faster, and at the reverse return to the detachment no longer require money.
14. In the new menu of dialogues, you can train your Magic Parliaments - give them the desired spells and ask to learn. There is also an option that will cancel all studied by your satellite spell.
15. Added the ability to adjust "Friendly Fire" - you can cut enemies right through your oppiators, and he will not even tell you words in response - or vice versa, a couple of unsuccessful gets of weapons or magic on your companion will cause that anger and he (she) Discover you for this head.
16. When satellites are in secrecy mode - they will no longer instantly break into the enemies, barely freezing them: now the satellite remains in secrecy until you yourself come out of it, or until the enemies do not notice it.
17. You can command your companion (or a whole squad) right during the battle - for this in "House Warm winds"You need to learn a book with orders that can be used to use as screams:" Wait in place, attack, stop the battle, retreat "- it is very useful if you and your companion, for example, got into the fight that you do not pull - and With the help of screaming commands, you can withdraw the satellite from the battle, before this could not be done and your partner would fight until the death.

These, and many other features you will receive only in the UFO fashion. The mod translated into Russian, and, as they say, is one of the category "Mast Hav". It is almost indispensable for the game, because supplements the gaming capabilities of the partners, attention to which the developers of Skyrima did not pay too much. Satellites, which were previously able to go out, perviously throwing out the crowd, now will fully become your fighting comrades, receiving a more advanced AI in their actions and management capabilities.

This mod is a set of various improvements that allow you to better control your satellites. Everything is implemented as simple as possible and it is clear that even without reading Reeds, the player could easily set up satellites under its preferences.


1. Fully available inventory - Now you can take away vanilla armor from Lydea!

2. Ability to hire up to 15 satellites at the same time.

3. View the satellite parameters - Now you can find out what weapon is best owning your satellite, and what it is better to wear it, and also know its resistance various types damage and basic parameters - health, magic, endurance.

4. Now the satellite increases the level with you (in the original the game remembered the level of the satellite at the time of your meeting). Now the level ceases to be static. So that the skills correspond to the current level, you need to ask the satellite to stretch.

5. From now on, satellites can fight with two blades.

6. Now Lydia does not go to the house of warm winds, if you have not bought it.

7. No level restrictions.
8. Now your companions will be more feminine - no male animation!

9. Improving Huskarla duties - Now the Huskarls do the housework.

10. Any of the satellites can be called in the Temple of Mary.

11. Now satellites have a weapon only in battle.

12. You can make any satellite mortal or immortal. Hire it and select a line of dialogue "You know ..." - and then everything is clear.

13. All satellites can ride if they have a horse. Eight horses for satellites were added to the stables at large cities. Added horses can be used for quick movement. Horses from other mods are not supported.

Satellite horses will follow the player's horse

Fastasel riding - When you and your satellites are driven by horses, use the passage, then wait 1 hour (key T). Rits and horses can not move to the room.

If you release satellites, their horses will return to the stables.

When the satellites are riding, they do not interfere in conflicts, but will defend themselves or player.

If you have become a tan, you can hire the guard of Waitran if Huskarl with you.

Cicero and other members Dark Brotherhood Use a few other mechanics than ordinary satellites, so that you still can not move. Perhaps the author implements it in a later version.


1. Compatible with any mods that do not affect quests and dialogues related to satellites.

2. Satellites from mods can get dialogs from. However, satellites unusual races may not be affected.

3. Fashion is compatible with:

Followers Can Relax (Satellite Rest)

Follower Trap Safety (do not come to traps)

SPOUSE CAN LIVE EVERYWHERE (spouse can live anywhere)

4. Fashion that are compatible with UFO if you are after UFO in order download:

All mods that change the appearance of satellites.

Specialized Followers

Essential Followers (Immortal Satellites)

Horse Branding

BETTER FOLLOWERS (Do not use dialogue.esp and delete C01Questscript.pex from the Data / Scripts folder)

Fashion created in NPC Editor

5. Fashion compatible with UFOs when are located above the UFO in order of loading:



6. Not compatible:

Recruit More Blades- SkyhaVenteMpleenhanced

Any mods that change the number of hired satellites.


1. Update the Skyrim version (not lower than 1.5)

2. Use the original game launcher or SKSE

3. Run Skyrim, download the game, dismiss all the satellites, type in the PlayerFollCount console without quotes and, if you give a zolik, save and exit.

4. Disconnect all modes affecting satellites, and remove them.

5. Run, download the savings, saved again, exit.

6. Install the UFO, place UFO.esp to the end of the modo list or use BOSS.

7) Run Skyrim and play your pleasure.


1. If you want to give up the UFO forever.

Dissolve all satellites and move to Riverwood. On the island, talk to the Tina Firefly. Yes, she is a firefly. When you reach the dialogue stage "Everything is ready, get out of the game and delete the UFO files," you can save and remove the plugin.

WHY? Yes, because if you disconnect the mod without a conversation with a tina, all your satellites will be naked. Alas, that's the only way Make the removal of fashion safe for use in the same preservation of other modes that change satellites.

2. Be sure to dismiss all the satellites before talking to tina and remove the mod. Otherwise, very unpleasant errors can happen.

3. If you do not know how to find Tina Firefly:

Open the console and type "Help Tina 4" without quotes,

A line type "Acti: (XXXX)" Tina The Firefly "appears in the console

Dial Player.Placeatme XXXX (XXXX - number from the point above)

Various mods on Skyrim on satellites, as a rule, only expand the choice available companions. At the same time, the system of interaction with partners has a number of shortcomings. Ultimate Follower Overhaul helps to fix it, providing players the opportunity to adjust any companions under their preferences.


1. Inventory of partners is fully open and accessible.

2. The level of satellites is growing, like Dovakin. So that the skills correspond to, ask the companion to practice.

3. The partner features are available: you can find out what martial arts he succeeded, and find out its main parameters.

4. The player can make a companion immortal. This option is available through a character with a character.

5. Thanks to Skyrim satellite fashion, you can ride the horse in the presence of a horse. Eight horses added in different stables specifically for companions. Fast movement works.

The mod does not support horses added by other plugins.

6. Companions take out weapons only in battle mode.

7. Added satellite ability to study spells. You need to give the character of the spells and told you read it. The book does not disappear at the same time, so it can be repeatedly engaged in it repeatedly.

If you do not like how the character applies spells, you can also make it forget them.

8. If the partner is mortal, he can restore health through rest.

9. The settings of the friendly fire: the player chooses how the partners belong to the random damage from Dovakin. Depending on the settings, the characters may not pay attention to random attacks or immediately attack the protagonist.

10. The partners will no longer give a hero in secrecy mode: now they attack only when they are seen by the enemy.

Additionally, the ability to give orders to satellites, without opening the dialogue. The function is implemented in the form of screams. To learn them, you need to read a special book (lies in the house of warm winds).

To cancel the order, you need to repeat the cry.

Available orders

1. Recreation: a partner will deal with his affairs. It will eat, drink, read and perform the usual for NPC action.

2. Wait: The usual wait is not different from the original.

3. Run: gives an order about the overall retreat, if Dovakin Councils collided with too dangerous or numerous opponent.

4. Start the fight: the companion will fold the weapon.

Of course, the main opportunity to give Skyrim mod is a lot of satellites, they have all the listed abilities. Dovakin is now capable of taking a real gang, honeying until fifteen companions at the same time! Even half of this amount, and even riding horses, is able to ask the grandchildren to the Grozny enemy.

Now the players are no longer limited in choosing a partner, and let the enemies tremble.

The mod provides a player with the opportunity to take an unlimited number of companions in satellites and expands and simplifies the management of them.
Everything is implemented clearly using the control panel. Therefore, you can easily configure the partners under your style of play. Just activate the partner and view the menu, and simply adjust the models in the inventory.

- You can attract up to 100 partners immediately.
- Commands to partners are given through the control menu, and not a dialogue (this means that they can command during the battle).
- If you wish, you can turn off the menu and use the dialogs (there is in the mode settings).
- It is possible to view various parameters of satellite statistics (item "Statistics").
- Companions can collect certain objects (plants, ammunition, etc.) If they order them (collect "collect").
- The partners can relax, behave like an ordinary NPC (team "Rest").
- In the "Equipment" section, you can set clothes or a set of armor, which the satellite will be by default (after dismissal) or just a set of armor, which will be put on right away.
- It is possible to train a partner (team "Training"). Raises the level and all satellite stats to the level of the GG.
- You can set a combat partner's combat style: archer, magician, warrior, etc. (team "Fight style").
- There is a spell that can be given orders satellite or satellites at a distance.
- Satellites can use pair weapons.
- Satellite residents can be assigned any place where they are.
- Satellites can be made protected or immortal.
- Any team can be given at once the whole group.
- The designated equipment will remain at the satellites, even after dismissal, expectations and recreation thanks to SKSE.

IN last version Included:
- Teams "Training", "Collection", "Clothing" can be applicable to the entire group of partners.
- The entire menu functional is now available both in the window mode and in the dialogue mode. (Setup is available from the general mode setting)
- Added the book "How to Become a Leader", which serves as a manual to fashion and to start the global mode setting window.
- The ability to enable / disable additions from the mode settings.
- Added addition to the "Significance of a partner". This command can be turned on or off the immortality of the satellite. (Does not override the settings in the game)
- Added addition to "place of residence". The team sets the "spice" of the satellite. That is, after the dismissal, the partner will return to the place that you asked him. To do this, go to the desired interior along with the satellite and select this command.
- Added addition to "Spells". It gives the opportunity to teach the satellite spells that you know (optional). You can erase all spells from the satellite.
- Added addition to "aggressiveness". You can install a partner's actions in battle (aggressive - passive).
- Fixed the disappearance of armor in a partner in the case of the application of the "Training" command
- The partners will now not quarrel among themselves if they accidentally treated each other during the battle.

- with other mods that change the number of hired satellites.
- There is an incorrect work of some teams fashion with non-game satellites from other mods.

Pay close attention to the installation, update and removal described in Reedmi.

Requirements: Skyrim,

This mod will add new companions and improve already existing features and dialogues in Skyrim Le. This mod corrects the errors that were in original game and will provide compatibility with mods.

If you are already playing and want to install this mod, then install the version 1.2j.b15, and the version 1.2j.b17 must be used only from the beginning of the game and it is not a fact that this version is working !!! The most stable version 1.2j.b15 !!!

Update: 1.2J.B15 and B17 (from 02/20/2015)
- Fixed such a problem as incorrect, "cored" location of rows in the statistics window, when you ask the companion to show statistics, in the window all rows with the values \u200b\u200bwere mixed and the porridge was obtained, this bug is corrected (thanks for identifying and correcting the error, see the screen below now will be)
- just install this update over previous version 1.2j.b15, version 1.2j.b17 Do not use it, it is still in developing until now

Update: 1-2J.B17 (RC3) Fix
- corrected translation common teams Spells "order running", "order to stop", "Order to rest", "Order to stop the battle" (forgot to translate)

Update: 1-2J.B17 (RC3)
- Fixed "bad" animal behavior, teams from animal companions now have to work properly
- Returned dialogue at the Sculwar about the purchase of a horse
- Fixed the ability to give animals to children from DLC Hearthfires
- Updated the translation of some dialogues where the appeal was on "You", now on "you"
- Added version of Fashion 1.2j.b15, which, according to the author, more reliable, and in version 1-2J.B17 (RC3), everything as in version 1.2j.b15, but with the addition of some experimental capabilities and scripts that may be unstable (try 2 options)
- When upgrading from version 1-2j.b16 (RC2) to version 1-2j.b17 (RC3) or 1.2J.B15, no manipulations with deletion do not need to be done, simply sagging and installing the mod over the previous version.
- Patch for DLC DragonBorn is an optional patch, it rules only levels in some game companions from DLC DragonBorn and all (set as desired)
- Many players after switching to new versions from old version 1-2i in the game there are a lot of PEX scripted files. And do not know what to delete, below, see the screenshot in which all PEX is shown. Files that may be sitting in a folder with the game and need to be removed from the game if you used the earlier version of the Fashion 1-2i (all PEX. Files See Skyrim / Data / Scripts
- To increase the companyon limit to 20, enter the SET 0Flokiifollowermax to 20 command in the console

Update: 1-2J.B16
- UFO 1-2J.B16 version Now only for playing, the new version of the author is already fully stable, with the exception of several smallest details that are essentially not reflected on the game, so the new version has a b16
- updated the entire translation, lines of dialogs, so that the dialogs familiar to you will be different
- Now to the main UFO fashion optional patches for DLC Dawnguard and Hearthfires are not required (only a patch for DLC DRAGONBORN is needed)
- Added a new official patch for DLC DRAGONBORN (those who use the unofficial patch of UFO - DragonBorn Addon.esp, remove it, as it is only for UFO V1.2i, as well as the UFO unofficial patch - Unofficial Serana Patch.esp for searan need)
- Added compatibility with a mod (for versions below 5-0 is not compatible, we have version 5-0 will be today)
- Fixed problems when updating with the previous version of UFO
- Added script to manage followers, dialogs are now working without problems
- increased restriction of hiring followers up to 20 (it was 15), but in MSM menu for some reason it is worth limiting for 15 companions
- increased restriction of hiring animals up to 5
- Added MCM menu with debug options for companions (apply in extreme cases)
- Added in MSM menu Statistics of the hired companion (in MSM you can also view the statistics of the companion)
- Fixed compatibility code with all DLC
- Updated compatibility with fauna, it can now dress better at your order, now everyone is happy !!!
- Fixed code for dialogue "Follow me. I need your help"
- Added compatibility scripts for companions from third-party modes
- PlayerFollowerCount script will now calculate followers and update them on a regular basis.
- Improved detection of active / previous companions
- Fixed a bug with the closure of the dialogue when the companion is dismissal
- Fixed a bug on the attachment of companions if you already have hired companions
- Fixed a bug when your GG goes into secure mode, and your companions start to go home at this time
- Many unnecessary fragments of scripts have been eliminated and the main scripts are reorganized

Change Log:
- Translated Menu Showing Skills and Companion Specifications (It was in English)
- Small adjustment and correction of translation
- Correction in patch for Dawnguard, fixed scripts with seasan dialogs (updated v1.0b)
- Main Mod UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul and Patches for UFO - Heartfire and UFO - AllwaysDrawWeapons have not changed
- Soon the UFO DragonBorn patch will be released (the author works on it)
- In the patch dialog for Dawnguard, you have the ability to hire or dismiss Searan (updated v1.0a)
- Fixed an ESP executable file. (new dialogs were not displayed)
- Added two commands Follow / Expect to add Heartfire (Updated Patch 1.0A)
- After installing the Fashion, the dialogs will not appear, save next to the follower, leave the game, download the game, the dialogues will appear!
- added patch for Heartfire add-on
- Fixed mixing of secrecy and horse riding modes from satellites
- added fix for dialogs, now there is no need to save / download so that the dialogs earn
- Common corrections
- Fixed minor flaws translated from 10/31/2012
- Added fix for the game version
- disappeared errors with dialogues
- No more need to save / upload to get custom dialogs for work

MSM menu (SkyUI):
- After updating the UFO to V1-2J.B15-17 and higher, MSM menu will appear in the game settings for the UFO settings
- In MSM menu there is a couple of debug options (use only in extreme cases)
- In the MSM menu after you hire any companion, a new category for companions will appear, where all of you hired companions will be displayed and the statistics of the skills will be displayed.

Dialogues and opportunities:

You know ... - opens a number of additional dialogue options.
- You are a very important companion / everyone can die ... - Determines whether the partner is immortal or may die
- You should get dressed and better - makes it possible to fully control the companion equipment
- You can relax / went - the ability to leave a companion in the selected place to expect you. During the waiting, he will deal with his affairs and restore health
- In battle, errors happen. Forgive and forget. - make a companion ignore "friendly fire" (random attacks by his player).
- You do not have clothes! - make a companion dress
- Let's talk about magic ... - Causes dialogues relating to magic
- I study this book, you will find a lot of useful in it - make a companion to learn spell from the spell in stock inventory
- Forget everything you know about magic. This is vile art - Clears the book of companion spells
- I need your help / You are fired - teams for hiring and dismissing guards (you need to be a tan of relevant possession and that next to you was hired huscarle of the possession in which you are Tan)
- Sorry, nothing - completes the conversation
- Stay closer to me and avoid battle / You can fight ... - For the selected companion, activates / deactivates the mode in which it will try to run from the battle
- So how good are your abilities? - Displays the skills and statistics of the companion with which you are talking
- You would need to practice - "pumping" companion (lifting level and skills in accordance with the level of the player)

Possibility of hiring up to 20 satellites immediately:
- thanks to new scripts, you can have several satellites at the same time

Horse riding for companions:
- Now your partners will also be able to ride, if there is a suitable horse nearby. In the world of games there are eight horses for companions, which can be found in the stables of major cities.

1. Drive riding:

Companions make a quick journey along with a horse and a player (in patch 1.6 the companion makes a quick journey without a horse, the horse arrives to the companion after time waiting - it is working on the elimination of this error).
- Satellites horses follow the player's horse.
- Satellites are not involved in battle until the player is attacked.
- Used twice team to relax will make all the companions hurry.
2. Drink on foot:
- Horses of companions do not move with fast travel
- The companion horse remains in that location in which the companion dismounted
3.U Skulwar in Waitran you can buy:
- [Horse riding] Basic equipment - If the item is placed in the UFO-horse inventory, then it will follow you, and also move behind you with a quick journey. If, with a fast travel, the companion did not move with you, then you will need to wait 1 year. Price: 1000 evils.
- [Horse riding] Martingal - if the item is placed in the UFO-horse inventory, then it will be waiting for you in the place where you dismounted. Price: 200 angry.
- [interaction] Horse - Also you can explore the foundations of horses. In this case, your inventory will add an object [interaction] a horse that allows you to open a horse inventory. Price: 500 angry. If the horse in the inventory is not Martargal, then with the hurry it will return to the native stable

Field teams:

At the Sculwar in Waitran you can buy a book "Field Orders" (50 eloquence and 5000 gold is needed), which will allow you to give commands to companions using added words of strength or the same book can be found at the entrance to the warm wind house:
Stop - all companions in the field of action will receive the "wait here"
Relax - all companions in the field of action will deal with their affairs in anticipation of you
Run - if things are folded badly, then you and your partners can try to escape from the enemy
Stop fighting - companions will stop fighting
- Tip: Teams can be assigned to hotkeys

- Fully exchanged inventory - will allow you to ask those things that the companion will use. Tell the partner "You can dress better.", And then just give it the necessary equipment and take everything that he should not wear or use.
- Displaying the companion parameters - ask your companion to tell about his skills, and you will see all its basic parameters. The same opportunity applies to Huskarlov.
- "Pumping" companions - in the original game level and parameters of your companion are generated at the time of your meeting with it, and then do not change throughout the game. With UFO, you can simply ask the companion to practice, after which its parameters and level will be again calculated on the basis of your character's level.
- The ability to keep the weapon in each hand - if you give your companion two one-handed weapons, then it will be able to use them at the same time.
- Lack of a limit of development - the upper possible level of the level has been removed to all companions.
- The corresponding semi animations - all female companions now have their own animations.
- Advanced AI Huskarlov - Now your huscarlas will more actively interact with the world, doing their affairs.
- The possibility of marriage with all the companions.
- Companions now have a weapon only when you bind into battle.
- Companions can learn spells! Just give them the selected spell volume and ask to explore it.

Requirements for UFO 1.2i:
Skyrim Le or
SKSE 1.06.09 or 1.07.03
DLC Dawnguard - (optional, patch in archive)
DLC Heartfire - optional, patch in archive)
DLC DRAGONBORN - optional ()

Requirements for 1.2J.B15 and 1.2J.B17 (RC3)
Skyrim Le
and higher
DLC Dawnguard - (optional, patch is not needed)
DLC Heartfire - (Optional, Patch is not needed)
DLC DRAGONBORN - (optional, UFO Patch - DLC DragonBorn in the archive, optional)

When updating from v1.2i to v1.2j.b15 and above:
- Save in the game in a new save slot, exit the game
- Before Remove patches - UFO - Dawnguard Addon.eSp, UFO - Heartfire Addon.eSp, UFO - DragonBorn Addon.eSP from the Data folder in the game, as the new version of UFO V1-2J.B15 and above does not need the patch for DragonBorn , moreover, the UFO patch - DragonBorn Addon is already the official (unofficial patch and unofficial patch for seerana are no longer suitable for UFO V1-2J.B15 and higher, they are only for UFO V1-2i)
- Before Delete the UFO file - Ultimate Follower overhaul.seq from the DATA / SEQ folder
- Install new version v1-2j.b15 and above on top of the previous version with the replacement of files and go to the game
- Attention!! In the archive 2 version 1-2jb15 and 1-2jb17, use only version 1-2JB15, since version 1-2JB17 by the author rejected

Installation (Safe):

Run the game, break up with all the companions, run the GETGLOBALVALUE PLAYERFOLOCOUNT command in the console and, if you appear 0, then save and exit the game.
- Run your plug-ins manage and disconnect all the plugins affecting the mechanics of interaction with companions or their limit (Increaser Limit, Mullti Followers, TCG and other).
- Make sure that your Data / Scripts folder has old PEX files from UFO (especially DialogFollowSerscript.pex, HirelingQuest.pex, FollowRelias.pex)
- Run the game, save to a new save slot, exit.
- Install the UFO, run the game, download the last created saved game (from paragraph 4)

ESP order. UFO in the launcher for 1.2i:

UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul.esp

- UFO - Dawnguard Addon.esp
- UFO - Heartfire Addon.esp
- UFO - DragonBorn Addon.esp

ESP order. UFO in the launcher for 1.2j.b15 and above:
- UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul.esp
- UFO - allwaysdrawweapons.esp (this optional file in order if you want companions to have a weapon with you)
- UFO - Dragonborn Addon.esp (optional, optionally, the new version works and without a patch)

- If you do not like new system UFO, in which the companions take the weapon only in battle, then use the file: "UFO - allwaysdrawweapons.esp", with him your partner will always get a weapon at the same time with you, even in peaceful locations. "UFO - allwaysdrawWeapons.esp" must be downloaded after the main UFO file

For DLC:
- If you have a DawnGuard, then install the file from the add. Folders (only for UFO V1-2I, for V1-2J.B15 and not needed above)
- If you have Heartfire, then install files from add. Folders (only for UFO V1-2I, for V1-2J.B15 and not needed above)
- If you have DRAGONBORN, then install files from the additional folder (only for UFO V1-2J.B15 and higher, for UFO V1-2I)

Full removal:
The main step (only if you no longer want to use the UFO): Before removing the Fashion you need to go to Riverwood. On one of the islets in the river, talk to the service NPC named "Firefly Tina". Yes, this is a firefly. You must get a message "Finish! Now you can remove the UFO". -- What for? - This is the only way me to ensure compatibility with other mods affecting the mechanics of the work of companions.
Also before removal it is necessary to part with all current companions
On a note!!! Firefly Tina flies over the hemp near the water mill in Riverwood (on the right side of the water mill at the end of the island)

1. Dialogues from UFO work incorrectly or work not immediately. AREACTION: Save and download created saving (fixed in version 1.2i)
2. If you hire some companion from DLC second, you may have to ask him to join three times. The situation and dismissal
3. If you want to hire Seraran along with other companions, then hire it first, but remove the last
4. If you can not find a service NPC, then do the following:
- Use console team: Help Tina 4
- As a result, you will receive a string "Acti: (XXXX)" Firefly Tina "
- Run the command: Player.Placeatme XXXX (XXXX are numbers from the previous item)
5. The dialogs with companions from third-party modes are correctly displayed and operated, the UFO - Ultimate Follower Overhaul.esp file in the launcher in the launcher, in front of all modes per companions
6. After the update, I disappeared a dialogue of training companions magic
- Answer: Before upgrading the UFO, be sure to talk with your companions and tell them them so that they forget all spells, then dismiss Ihi after that you can update the mod

Residual pex. Files requiring removal:
- Many players after switching to new versions from the old version 1-2i in the game there are many PEX scripted files. And do not know what to delete, below, see the screenshot in which all PEX is shown. Files that may be sitting in a folder with the game and need to be removed from the game if you used the earlier version of the Fashion 1-2i (All PEX. Files See Skyrim / Data / Scripts)